OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 29, 1885, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-06-29/ed-1/seq-8/

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do to it Jl Inccrf LumberYard
For bargains In lumber sash doors
shlnglua etc
Worth Grocor
forgot It
Ho means business
Just ltccclvttl
A full lino of ladles pebble goat and
kid shoes No 2 to 7 I and E width
custom mado ami warranted at 00 a
pair at I O Bennetts
Turo Powder
Tho lngredionta that enter Into tho
composition of Silver Loaf Bak
ing Powder aro guaranteed chem
ically pure and to this la attributed its
unprecedented popularity wherovor It
ha been introduced
For Sitlo
The Grand View hotel for salo at a
bargain Apply at tho hotel north
oast corner publlo square Fort Worth
Llnuo Tuning and Repairing
Haying now regularly In my employ
an expert workman I am prepared to
do lovorythluR In the abovo Hue
promptly Balisfactlon guaranteed
Max Eisuh
For oratiKos and lemons at tho Fort
Co a and dont you
Ecrr Oraugo anil Lemon
Guaranteed sound whou Bhlppcil from
the Fort Worth Grocer Co a
Fig llann
Bttllwells famous uncativnsscd
hams at Turner it McUlurea
OcnW lowcut shoes 4M the best style and valuo ever offered Ik the West for tho money
The shoe wearing public will slw y find In o r superb stock nu unrivaled assortment
shws In tho retail market All
of tu ma pipular nuts nnl sibsuntul wearing
the nobby styles of the sea jon in tints ant ladloV Hue footwear In sock at all times and
offered at sttrarlUepr en
JS j Jo V J9Lj7i
Liquid Hitnil
Try a sample half dosn Liquid
Dread tho moat wholesome and nutri
tious beverage yet ollercd to tho publlo
For salo by Turner it McClurc
For 2 2
I will send prepaid to any address In
the United Hiatus a liny box of Iloudy
Lcderor Jt Co h celebntted Faultless
clgaro Tho beBt cigar for the money
In tho United Btates Add res Morris
Ofgar Store 100 Main fctreot Fort
The Latest Novelties in
stationery at Dashwood Oeeche
drugstore 311 Main street
Tlio Celebrated IVoiia
Btonewaro of all kinds and In any
quantities at tho Fort Worth Grocer
Co a
SeTcntjFlvo liollnw
lu gootls aud money given away July
1 at Morris cigar storo ItHJ Malu
street one door north of llokwlck
Worthy of mention cau be found In onr ihoo department
we oflVr thli wtek holeti linn ft OntclMi good from the very
at clote bargain prlcer to clc e the lines
15 pairs childrens kid button hoes llnlhei In firstclass tvle 75celsewhere 1J else
567 palr chlldrens French kid prlnShcel button shoes band made worth 200 our price
this week 180
shoei we reproduce all the isteststyle of the finer
Mens ihoe ln our 2V line mens
SrVde arranYed wild leather and eood wear the bct for the money In the land
inodenromon wanting a shoe psi slnir extra good wearlnz qualities should e our
I llii in ilplop lf buttoni tuls and cojgre elglilsiyles represented
ITakcs Co
OKTX > 351ELrrl L33L3E3DEL
lrnmpt attention to all orders
No lot lluiitmi mid 404 Main turrets
Night entrance on Third street
Office of Publication Second St Betwoen
Houston nmi Tluookmorton tutored at
the Fort Worth Postoflico as secondclass
mall matter
Weather lloport
Tho following Is a rcoord ot tho weather
yesterday in kept by Mr J A Cravens
7 A M 7H 1 1 M
8 7 2
10 n i
11 70 A
U M 71
Mean I mj
T >
Weather lteuort
Tho cottonbelt weathor report of
Texas showing tho maximum and
minimum temperature also tho rain
fall for tho pasttwontyfour hours is
as follows
I 710 I 15
Fruit Boxes Fruit lloxes
In any quantity at tho Fort Worth
Grocer Co a
Hook oiren Away
Bend your name aud address for our
Illustrated catalogue a book of over
130 pages Menken Duos
Memphis Teuu
Fig Hams
Stlllwells famous iincauvaesed pig
hams at Turner A McOlures
A WoHEstnbUshod Buslnosa
WlthBtook of 18000 In dry goods
Wllltrado for wild lands or a well
located rauoh or sell on easy terms
with good security Address
Jl G J Amis
HftU Autonlo
Caro Ban Antonio Dally Express
Frcsen SodaWater
Ujiniiw bohadat tho mammoth fount
jfK M WolU fiO Houston street
Mr Wells has added au loeshavor fof
cooling purposoa and Is now prepared
to cool you otriu lluo style
8 < > bore Its In the sultry summer days
W e hesr the sodalouutaln fls
Aud tbe man who draws the beitof oonrte
Its he who vels tho bis
Old Irish Potatoes
Flno and sound at tho Fort Worth
Grocor Cos
llass ami Tin Fruit
Cans at W P Lewis Broa
sia s ii i i i e
Pig Hams
8tlllwells famous uueanvasseu
hams at Turner McOlures
T 1E > JSHkEIOJiHC DPxojsi < 3oxit
Fort Worth Gas Light Company
OJiico 511 Houston Street Fort Worth Texas
Co3se jcl L OQ l T r
IDBili X > 3E13Pu3LltaaMCDE3JSrT
8ole Agents for the
Last night was n poor night for
Kemember the hop at Godwins hall
The lire alarm yesterday was only a
hook and ladder call
The finance committee of the ex
Conlederato reunion meeta this after
Tho police aro tnakibg cases ngainst
those who fall to clean up their
Considering tho mud quite a num
ber of people attended the pavilion
A negro woman was arrested late
last night and jailed for robbing Hank
Tho Third warders were entertained
last night or ralhor this mornlug by
the midnight wartlors
An olllcer was sent for to go to the
residence of Mr Pardtie ou the corner
of Fifth aud Elm streets to kill a mad
dog late last evening
In the society columns of an ex
change from Virginia tho name of
Mrs NJFlUhughFort WortuTex
appears among tho late arrivals at the
liockbridgo alum springs
Charley Bush of Houston working
on tho Gulf Colorado Santa Fo had
a lit In front of Pickwick hotel yester
day afternoon The oillcor took him
to tho city hall and will try to Hud
some way to take caro of him until
his rlonils cobll bo communicated
1 w
Downed With a ilnss
Yesterday morning between 12 aud
1 oclock ouo Joo Walch became in
volved In a row with another party
whoso uame wo did not learn lu Gal
loways saloon on lower Main street
aud proceeded to down him with a
bcor glass aud then skipped out OUl
cers Tucker and Collins were soon
upon tho scone and at onco took the
trail of Mr Walch He was finally
located at Bradleys saloon oa
Fourteenth and Houston streets but
so persistently did tho bartender one
Lovl lCempor swoar that tho tunu
Walch was not there they finally went
away but finding further ovldonco
that ho was lu tho house they returned
aud demauded tho man for whom they
searched aud who was a friend of
Kempers and ho still Insisted that
Walch was not thero Knowing how
ever that he was there the officers
mado a very determined ellort aud
found tho prisoner Kemporstlll refus
ing to give him up and taking hold of
Walch to provent the officers from ar
resting him Walch was taken to tho
Tho most popular clgarottea at tho
popular prlco aro Opera Pulls
Asked to IteslBTJ
VicKiiulta Miss June 2S It is
understood that all the clerks in the
employ of tho VJcliBburg Meridian
and tho VIoksburg Shrevoport Pa
cific railways have been asked to re
sign to tako eltect July i
tho date John Gaulr tho new general
managor goes Into office It la also
stated that tho office of tho Queen
Orescent road in New Orleaus will be
removed to Clublnuatl
Sliisjs t
An End to IionoScraplng
Edward Shepherd of HarrHburg
111 Bim Having received so much
benefit from Electno Bitters I feel It
my duty to let suflerlug humanity
know it Havo had a runninir soroon
my leg for eight years my doctors
told mo I would have to have tho bono
aoreped or log amputated I used In
stead three bottles of Electrlo Bitters
aud eovon boxes of Bucklcua Arnica
Salve and my leg Is now sound and
Eleotrlo Bitters are sold at fifty cents
a bottle aud Bucklens Arnica Salve
at SM centa por box by H V WlUiama
Advice to Mothers
Miw WtHaowaHooTiiijMj Brncv should
always lie used for children tcelhlnc It
° PVei lllcmd wJ n > t m aTlaya
LV n c ui7y wlnd o0 nlstue best
medy for diarrhoea c a Lottie
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Best Brands
PonnHylvttnlti ntlirncito Hard Colli
In Egs nd Nut sites also Standard Brands of
At fayorable prices which will be shipped to any point In North Texas In quantities to suit
iul aattsfaetlon guaranteed TKKMS CASH
Dan Prltchard leavea today
vialt to his old homo in Georgia
or a
Marshal Rea left laat night or the
West where ho will Join hla family
and return to this city
Messrs Harpold Bros Implement
dealers of Hlllaboro were In the city
on a Hying trip yesterday
MIm Abble Keasey returned to the
city Saturday night after a two
months vialt to relatives In Indiana
and Iowa
Edgar Rye correspondent of The
Gazette at Albany was In the city
yesterday on his way home from a
brief visit to the North
Miss Eflle Jennings leaves this
morning for Kenton Ohio when she
will remain some time Miss Eflle
will be sadly mieaed by many ad
miring friends
Through members of tho Fort Worth
Rifles wo learn that three of tho mili
tary companies that attended the
Lampasas drill and encampment of
laat week have signified their Inten
tion to come to the Fort vn tho occa
sion of tho reunion of exConfederates
iu August next
These companies are the Cleburne
Lieht Guards Alvarado Guards and
Bittery Crawfoul f f Dallas
Come along gentlemen we will be
glad to see you
Horribly Hammered
Vesterday morning about 130
oclock while Olllcer Fulford of tho
South side was patrollng near tho in
tersection of Broadway and Main
streets two men who were passing
told him of a man whom they had
seen early in tho night lying in the
weeds near the Christian church In a
horrlblo bloody condition They
further said thoy had looked for but
failed to find an olllcer and therefore
thought the police know nothing of
tho occurrence
The olllcer came at once up town
and falling in with a Gazette re
porter repaired to tho scene A dili
gent search through tho high weeds
in the yard surrounding the church
as also of the street lu front and at the
sldo failed to reveal auy man Deter
mined to Investigate however our re
porter accompanied by the olllcer
went to tho roaldonco of Mr Jas
Adams who lives immediately In the
rear of the church building Unon
awakening Mr Adams said he had
heard nothing of such an occurrence
but finally remombered having heard
the children speak of seeing a man in
that condition but he did uot know
what had becotno of lilm
Olllcer Fulford and our reporter
were then Joined by Ofilcers MoDou
ald and Cliollar the First and Second
ward night force and a geutlemau
living directly opposite tho church
was aroused for the purpo o of obtain
ing some information as to the man
seen in tho weeds near tho church
Tho nntlro family were aroused by tho
very excited manner of tho gentle
man who finally came out and said
that all ho know was having noticed
Mr Orriak and another party taking
man oil who seemed to be badly
beaten up and bloody
Mr Orrlck was visited and Bald that
he aud another man had taken an ap
paroutly drunk and terribly beateuup
man to his home whom tho gentle
man who assisted him kuew He had
while Bitting with his family on the
porch noticed tho strange actions of a
mau who passed north In front of the
ohuroh for probnbly two blocks and
returned and leaned ovor tho fence at
tho church that the man would
Btagger around and fall every
few feet aud lu fact seemed perfectly
crazy On the way to tho mans homo
they had tried to learn something as
to the causes of his condition but to
no avail for ho did not speak or seem
to know anything until his houao was
reached when ho seemed to realizo
where ho was and told them to open
tho window Mr Orrlck then loft
him In charge of tho gentleman who
had assisted who was a frleud of the
mau With this information as also the
location of the house the party has
tened to tho residence described
which proved to bo near the
ravine aud Just below the old planing
mill alto Ho wasjlbuud there alone
and upou entering aud making a light
a moat horrlblo sight presented Itself
His face aud head were awfully
bruised bloody and swollen aud ho
presented a most pitiable appearauce
The officer however Identified him
as Jim Hamilton an engineer lately
in tho employ of tho ico company Ho
could give no reasonable accouut of
the trouble so the party proceeded to
Houston Btreotwhere a mau was found
who knew Hamilton and had seen
him tho evening before about
0 oclock enter tho saloon at
000 Houston street and had
afterward heard a row lu there but
did uot seo him any more
Thus eudeth tho llrft chapter of
what was thought to be aMlratclasa
sensation The persistency with
which the ofllcera followed this case
up waa moat commendable Wo hope
to see this caso thoroughly investi
Cigarette smokers prefer Opera Pulls
because they do not stick to tho lips
Fresli Imported Cigars
at Morris cigar Btore 408 Main street
one door north o Plckwlok hotol
If Vou Want a Homo or Land
In oue of the finest agricultural coun
ties in the state Wilbarger
own lot in either of tho two most rap
Idly growiui towns in tho Northwest
Vernon and Harrold or any h
i5ftUn relall vo t ° tbe country its
landa towns otc to writo to T
Wiudaor Itoblnsou dealer In land and
T ixi ho ° and roa l lands fu
IntoreU ° D Unionnd Bma
A Ion of boor
Malarias hero
A call from tramp and bummer i >
A hoap of fruit
And cramps to boot
Aro harbingers of sumpior
Bo Is the appearance oMIghtwolcht clothing a slan of a hc b 11
the clothes tho more prcfornble they are nt this time of th C Iblkt
twice before that y er
marked once or we carry a good line of ea > w W
and in consequence we wont hnve to say it hero Bee OurnM lhllMt r >
low tho average and ns the goods aro of tho best matoriat and ink M >
no reason why we should not count you lu as one of our customs H
Thin Underw
Is marled and extenilve Favor us by an Inspection of
onr stock aM
more ofn favor than that Our goods sell themselves
s mfc
Corner Houaton and Fourth Streets
Wholcsalo Scalers and Importers of
Agents for < C
Schlitzs Champagne and Anthony Knitas Botiljju
404 Houston Street
Cincinnati Office ISOBecond Btreet
or Sovenih and Houston Streets
dp Town 509 Houston
Night Bell at the Door
o t mrortii a
Doaler In
General Office Forb Worth Tex
Branch Office Harrold Tex
Jacob Mauthe general manager
When you want to buy lumber you
will consult your interest by buying
from tho Babluo River Lutnbor Co s
wholesale yards This company is
furnishing the lumber 228250feet for
the building to be used by tho cotton
mills Temporary office at Pickwick
Lime Lime Lime
Round Rock aud Austin Limeworks
manufactures white lime of tho vory
best quality Orders solicited For
prices etc adoress
Martin Walsh
Round Rock Tex Proprietors
1 < or sale by G W Gillespie Agent
Fort Worth
Fort Worth and Denver Oity Stago
Four1 horse Concord coaches leavo
Harrold dally on arrival of trains from
tort Worth for Vernon from Vernon
every Monday Wednesday and Fri
day on arrival of stage from Harrold
for CurtlB Ranch Clarendon Fort El
ott aud Mobeetle connecting with
lines for all points in the Panhandle
Faro reasonable Round trips at re
duced rates
J W Ouk Manager
Harrold Tex
315 H ° U t ° r2 gtpeet
evis Rrot ers Qo
U ° ° t and gl2oe Fopt VMfy
Doors BlindsSash and Moulding Lime Cement nndlwt
Down T < Hml5 til h
Wo aio now oirerlng a lino of lit might summer wear that cannot b lurpwul
and iiuallly lu the state
Cassimeres Alpacas Seersuckers aiid
In piece or suits of tho most fashionable shades
Houston Street Port Worth
Telephone Orders promptly attended to T
C J ritnuui A Co
Contractors for cement walks and ce
menting buildings Office 500 Main
Bishop W X Nindo of the Metho
diatEplscopal ohurch will spend nost
Tuesday in our city aud preach ou
Tuesday night at the Ninth street
Methodist church This will bo a
fine opportunity to hear this dis
tinguished preacher
1M Otto
Tho popular Houston street tailor has
moved his business to tho comer of
tiocond and Main streets whero ho Is
better prepared than ever to serve his
old friondsand customers and tako or
ders for tho latest styles In gents
suits All orders entrusted to him
will receive prompt aud careful atten
tion Call and see Ki
For Salo
A reaidenco in desirable portion of
tho city new house north and east
front of five rooms good cistern
corner lot 100x100 half of which is
covered with splendid coat of Uorniuda
grass also plenty of young shade
trees Prico 4000 terms onehalf
cash balance on long time Address
J C M Gazette office
Stato EncampmentEnarjfciil
otsQreat ProparatioiaEJ
ThoBtato eucampment
meuces hore the 22dint
31 60g
or c
x Sic
< > 5C
t cl
at r
tck ff
27th is tho allatsorbiDW o i
times Greatly reduced r W r
given by the roads and ti Jo 1
preparing to give the bet J
moAt possible Tbefnto
and dellehtfallyW
nor Main and Fifth streets1 IVf
rooms diM g
having epea
tho favorite With fo ll JUL
ture superior bedding
tion unexcelled
ratoof2perdaytheiS U
furnishes tWluxurloaiodBW
sure which is Ha luck
samole h JrfBV
13 I
Try a
Bread the most wfc j
clous bev erago yet fWJJil
For sale by TurnerMtCB jg
Go to Dasliwocd 0jj
For pure drugs i 1SS
careful preparing of pWW
DftlIrlUPB < sls
Of blackberries Wj
Worth Grocer Co
Tho Answer WMJJT
Whytheunpre j
of Sliver Loaf b kH
been frequently S Ki to
answer la found In the y
that ev y
H Brown
Mtnioftllv pure
UquldBtW l c
sample fj T
Try a
yetotur i a
clous beverage
For sale by Turner W J
Yonr orders to W A rfi
No 202 Main
re r S
cash haUnce one
sired Appjg
the corner of MMn
la the flnert
This 8Utoaudhastheb mll
a j 1

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