i he
Pontaae JrtpaUt by the jyUithrrt
OflO Year l 0 MI One Ye r It M
Hit Months 5 00 Hlx Months 73
Three Months WI Tbiee Months to
dhuybkbo nrcA RltlKlta
for wM > k i5 cents
UemMtantt by Draft poiloM meney order
Cbnnpomlene U tollrtted upon ail newt tub
frmnitt InormntUn o ntnli ontl nn hnp
penfnjrf o general interett toltrlted and uill be
property eampenmtttl
AUtommimkatloni Mnvltd or jnMlcalUm
< nat be Aomp in < < rJ by the writert nam and
iilrutnot for publication but at an evidence
farldt itrtttna tn Tine C1asbtt on butt
iih perioiuil to themtehet uill pleate inotoe
ttampor rtfty
All U
be addrttltd to Tile UAZJCTTr > br
Worth Teat
letfri rrlatlmi to bwrintti nj any kind
Lct the Kadloils monopolize tlie
liloody Mhlrt Walihoss statesman
ship must go
Iivk hundred thousand acres mnro
ndiM to the barbedwire pastures of
the millionaires The lease Isw iriuat
Tits enlargement of the big pasluies
la the West will be funny to the Ie > o
uionopoliats Nero fiddled while Roite
Thk New York appointment con
firm the growing Impression that thn
president of the United States spells
his name Cleveland
Tub determination of Mr Glad
stone to remain In politics makes a
Idberal victory at the coming elections
In England very probable
TliB now postal law which wont
iutocflect Wednesday enables letter
writers t add a half ounce more of
nrineunHu at tho same old price
AN hviiN symmetrical development
of Texm for Texas may bo found with
deep water ut Aransas Habluo or
Valasco as well as at Galveston
Uviiimi > loaslng this summer
means unlimited fencecutting next
full Like causes produco like ellects
This Is t prediction not u t hi eat
It wiii never do to my again there
Is nothing In a namuslnce Miss Bwoot
the penslou agent at Chicago has
hluted the whole Democratic admluls
Tmitu aro some people who can de
tect no inhuiiiiitilly In making a con
vict earn his own living but unfor
tunately not nnough of them aro sent
to the legislature
Hknatoh Lou an want Republican
nlHceholdera removed moro rapidly
In this respect tho Illinois Honutur Ih
lu accord for tho llrst time with sev
eral million Democrats
HirmrAitY Wiutniv has revoked
tho order requiring naval olllcers to
leave their families at homo The gov
eriiiueut Is evidently determined to
put down Illrtlng among thu marines
AiiVKUTiaiJMi NTB may go and ad
vertisements may scarce and scarcer
grow but that wharfrate ad lu
the Galveston Knd Htlcketh us a
brother Wonder If It is to bo dupli
cated next fall lu tho Dallas Ind
OhaNimkk says that the Dolphin Is
fully up to tho plans and Bpoclllcu
tloui1 mid that John Roach Isnt to
blame at nil This Is very kind to Mr
Koaeh but it leaves tho world still In
doubt aB to whether tho Into secretary
was an ass or a knave
York ran for president and got to ho
Unlto1 BtnttH district attorney Ills
Is hardly a parallel caso to thai ot tho
rising young statesman In North
Texas who wont to tho last legislature
on a IUnlliUuy for constable
UiaiiT Hon Hin y Houakp Mo
ivnkiv earl of Carnarvon the now
lordlleutuntiut of Ireland mid J Ar
mory Ivnox of Ttxus Blftlugs are as
much alike as a pair ot African twins
It Is not stated however that Mo
lyiuux owes his promotion to this no
Hio Hiau wrote Geu Middletou
Hint such of his troops us were not de
voured by his braves would bo Jlu
Uliod by tho bulldogs and mosquito
ami the latter immediately stopped the
pursuit Tho general has evidently
HHiu military service agalutt tho In
dians hi Texas
Ii it wasnt for tho libel law of
Texts tho people of tho state might
now bo Informed how public servants
make n private trust of high
place That libel law was framed to
protect corrupt ofllclals If Tm Qa
yimr had tho money to spare tho
tale would bo told
Tm one hundred new oittlo com
panies which were chartered In Juno
will each want from 50000 to tOOOOO
acres of land frctn tho state By the
time they getthrough leuslug the no
tual settler will be restricted to scraps
of itectlons too stony to produce grass
but Rood enough to grow babies ac
cording to tho preaont article ot state
manshlp that control Poor old
Evkiiy acre of land leased Is one
acre gone from eettlemontwas thever
dlctof a distinguished member of the
administration several months ago
On that bails nearly one million acres
will be taken away from settlement
this month Are the people of Texas
ready to see onethird of its richest
territory seized from the grasp of the
advancing settler and converted Into
Tm man Pyera who was legally
Hogged hi Maryland the other day
for whipping his wife was heard to
say This la hard treatment for a
white man The beating ho gae
his wife was very hard treatment for
a whllo woman There is a depth of
depravity In the beating of a woman
by her husband that no civilized pen
ally can reach jNd penalty can de
gradeaman guilty of such a crime
And as Ibgglng will be more likely
than anything else to prevent the
crime Hogging ought to be made the
penalty for wifebeating
Thk GAZirrrrs hatred fir Waco Is
only excelled by its yearning alfec
tiou for Dallas and Pfouts Waco
Thats unkind and untrue Tub
Oazmttk has no cause to hate Waco
but much cause to admlro and like
Waco Even If we hated the Ex
aminer which we do not the Ex
atnlner Is not Waco We Hko Waco
and we like tho Kxamlner but that Is
no reason why wo should advocate
every Waco man for an olllce To ad
vocate the claims cf every Dillas and
every Waco man would require all the
newspaper space In Texas
Deop Water for Texas
Tho growing demand for deep water
on the const of Texas Is one that mer
its the serious practical consideration
not only of tho people but of tho rep
resentatives of the people In the na
tional congress There must be some
c uso for tho doloy in this matter
there must bo some reason for the
comparative neglect of a stuto like
Toxsh whllo territories with less need
of harbor Improvements have received
the liberal care of tho government
Tm GacttkIs forced to bellovo that
tho cause of this neglect by which
property values and muterlal Intorests
in all sections of tho state havo been
retarded lu a pei verted fcentlmental
ity on the part of maty people
and downright Bolllshncsa on
tho part of many others Tho
marvelous growth of Texas the
tremendous Increase hi Its annual pro
duction and tho welfaro of each sec
tion of thoetivlo dtimind a considera
tion of this question uninlluenced by
nshriveled localism Tho tlmo hnB
como to take a commoiisduc practi
cal buBlnefHlIko view of the question
of deep water for Texas far tho wol
fiiro of the people demands such
consideration of tho quostlon
Indeed truo sentiment that
patriotic sentiment which fa
vors an even symmetrical develop
ment of the stato so far us deep water
may promoto It demands this uiisolf
Ish vlov of It Tho Hurlvelod local
ism that would pervert nml that has
lu tho past perverted all the sentiment
of Texas to tho uses of local selfish
iittH must now glvo way to a broador
moro patrlotlo view and illort cum
not any particular sencoast town
demands deep water ami tho ellort
should hereafter be to secure deep
wateror TttctR uml not for anyone
coast town which may or may not
coutlnuo to do business at the old
Btand as It may bo ablo to paralyze
the energies of Texas by the appeals
ofselllshness to sentiment
What are the claim of any nuo
town on tho canst lis compared with
tho welfaro ot a state which now uiiin
bors 2000000 poopbiV Railroads will
bo only tco glad aud too
prompt to seek deep water but
years cf waiting uilord amplo
proof that deep water cnuuot does
not seek railroads Else there would
bo deep water at Houston which Is
tho greatest railroad center in Texia
Let us look at this question seufibly
patriotically sentlmoutally and wmk
for Texas Let a turvoy determine
whore deep water Is most feasi
ble cheapest and most certain
and permanent and thou to
soourodoep water at tha place let the
reoplo and tho peoples repioionti
lives bend all their euorgies What Is
thorc unpatriotic unfair In this
course Who will tnd fault with It
savo thoso who aro actuated by a
shriveled localism that has stood
for years between tho poople of Texas
and their Intorosts ami deep water on
tho coast
Oougressmen and Patronage
As between a prosldeut who claims
tho right clearly given him by tho
constitution to cxerclso his own discre
tion in nomination with the avowed
purposo shown by his acts to be sin
cere to cxetclso that discretion in the
Interest of a pure safe tllcleut and
just administration and a body of
congressmen who claim the privilege
uowhero recognled In them by the
constitution and tho laws to dictate
nominations to tho president iu ordor
to advance their personal aud partisan
ends there Is no question on which
side tho overwhelming preponderance
of public opinion will be round It
will not only be on Iho side of the
president but It will know how to
mako itself foil
The above from some unknown ex
change is In direct Hue with the
tendency of public sympathy The
privileges of congressmen to dictate
nominations is one of tho chief ob
stacles to that civilservice reform
which is demanded by tho best Inter
ests of the country A congressman
as any other citizen no more no lees
has the right to rccommond but be
yond that the privilege has grown
up to be a source of corruption nod
a menace to the country If Presi
dent Cleveland shall do no more thau
to emphasize tho publis desire for
olvllservlco reform and abridgo the
privileges of congressmen who are
chosen to make laws and not to 1111 the
public ofllces with their henchmen
lie will do that which will mark an
epoch In the political history of the
country and endear tils administration
to every sincere patriot
Excuso Us
Flalonla Argus
An exchange has an article on cur
ing Llmberger cheese at homo Wo
dont want It cured at our home
Works for Fort Worth
Illnoco WarVindicator
Fort Worth has a s t of live enter
prising citizens but Tiik Qaltiude
serve much credit for what it has done
lor that city It Is trueTjikGavktte
Is for free grass and wo guess It Is for
free trade and free drinks Anyhow
GAZtm you aro doing a greut deal
for Fort Worth and tho business men
of Mint city should give you a 1 pat
Fort Worth and tho Odette
V n AUlyno Knlcrprlie
Fort Worth Is one of the liveliest
cities In Texas The Fore Worth UA
iriTi had n grentdcal to do with mak
ill it whut It IsTlio merchants and peo
pleseemed to appreciate IMGAfTftKs
efforts and intluonce and gave it h
good support what It justly deserved
and Tjim Gaktti not to bo outdone
has made Fort Worth the best adver
tised city or town In the state Upward
and onward is its watchword
Works for the West
Midland Kl ikcrtllaln
DurluK our short experience with
tho newspapers of Texas wo have not
noticed u moro staunch friend of West
Texas than the Fort Worth Gazhstk
It elves full reports of all that is done
to develop the Weat is au uutirlug
advocate of the Interests of the actual
eottlerand In overy way Is battHng
to overiimo tho ignorance and preju
dice thut exists respecting tho staked
plain It is a good paper to tie to
County AUinnco Sleeting
Tarrant County alliance will con
vene atGrupovluo July 171S86 It is
hoped that each suballiance will be
orompt In sending their delegates
bearing the proper credential Jt 1
requested that as many member not
representatives be In attendance as
possible Tho houso will be cUllod to
order promptly at JO u m by Tresl
dont DwIgRlns J M Human
County Secrotaiy
Inrorniatlon Wanted
Orapcluo Telopliont
Mr S A llowlln of Burke county
N C arrived in Grapevine several
months slueo lu search of his brother
T J Bowlin who camo to this part
of Texas about ulne years ago but so
far Mr Bowlin has hoard uothlug of
his brothers whereabouts Mr T J
Bowlin Is about thirty years old has
blue eyes red sandy hair llvo foot
olcht Inches In height and
years ago In either thin Dallas or I
Denton county but his brother has t
boon ho far unable to tlud out who ho
married or In which of the throo
counties he married In Any In
formation as to his whereabouts will
bo thankfully received by Mr S A
Bowlin or thh paper Our exchanges
will please copy
Partial to Fort Worth
Kuriioy UegUlor
Mr J G Williams representing
the W A Hullmun Implement com
pany of Fort Worth has been with
us for several days in tho interest of
his houso This house has not b on
ropreseutcd lu the territory east of
Dallas to a groat extent but from the
amount of sales that Mr Williams
has made wo think there will be
lively competition In the future
between tho leading companies of
Fort Worth and Dallas Our
hay men are itcllned to ho a little par
tial to Fort Worth any how as she
spends several thousand dollars with
us annually for hay while Dallas buys
toarcely any Already Mr Williams
has sold three cars of balling ties
whloh la a largo item for a place of
this size Wo can say that Mr Wil
liams Is au elegant geutlemau nud
ropreaonta n llrstclass house and the
Register wishes him success In his new
totrltory as this Is his llrst trip
among us
Reversed and Itemamlctl
Maridull Herald
Tho Fort Worth GAETT of theSot i
contains the synopsis of decisions lu
setfen state cases roudereil by the court
of appeals six of whloh wore reversed
and remanded and only one afllrmed
It Is a fearful commentary upon the
administration of the criminal law of
the statu when every session of the
court of lust resort is marked by such
wholesale leversals Either the
court must be lamentably deficient
lu ability or a Urge number
of the district Judges and
district attorneys of the state are Ig
norant of the plftiuest principles of
law or crossly negligent and ought
to be addressed out of cfllbe
when wo consider the great cast of
tticso trials tbe number of criminals
turned loose annually upon society
the most of them upon mere techni
calities aud the demoralizing ell ect of
such reversals It Is strauge that such
a condition or attain elicits so little
commentary It would be reasonably
supposed that the enlightened portion
of the bar and the leading Jour
nals of the state would lnsti
lute a rigid Investigation ns to the
causes of these innumerable reversals
and propose a remedy for a condition
t f things that renders tho administra
tion of the criminal law lu TeXaa a
travesty upon Justice as understood
by plain honwt Intelligent men
Hut tho bar aud press are silent The
leading journals of the state are dil
igent in collecting aud publishing
these decisions hut have nothing to
say In regard to them or to the ques
tions they involve which so deeply
concern the people
In tho decisions to which we spe
cially allude In this article tho court of
appeals arraigns not only the district
judges and district attorneys but the
legislature In ono caso It says
The record fails to show that appel
lant who was alono on tho trial over
pleaded to the charge or that a plea of
noteullty wa enterqd for him With
out tho plea there was no Issue to try
Heo authorities everywhere This
court suggested to the last the
Nineteenth leghlaturo the Adop
tion of amendments to the
code of procedure which would
fcovo reversal In a great majority of
such cases but that body doubtless in
tho interest of the public welfare
concluded it was better to lot tho law
remain as It Is We have no option In
the matter Iteveraed and remanded
In tho other cases the district courts
are charged by tho court of appeals
with ignorance or thencgloct of plain
We repeat there ought to be a
remedy for this state of atldirs and
thero will be if the leading journal
of tho state will do their duty
As Reflcttod by tho Newspapers of
tho State
It will tuko a larger man than Ire
laud to 111 Maxeys placa I Alvarado
Gov Ireland wants to go to tho
senato Wo think his claims are good
to go home Bowie C09sTlmbers
Tho AVaco Examiner is grooming
Gov Ireland for the seuato Instead of
Mr Maxey A very hard Job wo
opine Hlllsboro Mirror
The Fort Worth Oakttj has
cessful for a placo on tire ticket but
not tho llvat Bowlo OrosTimbers
Tho talk about a third party in the
Held In Texas at the neit election i
all bosh Thero will be two parties
only the Democratic and tho Prohibi
tion The Republican party such as
It was went to pieces In Its great feat
of attempting to ridi two horses at
once Wash Jones uud Gov Norton
I Han Aatonlo Light
In a letter to tho Galveston News
Judge Itiacan oxplalns what he did
say about the president and his cabt
net It Is about what exSenator
Terrellhrielly stated thoogh the judg3
covers It np In a multitude of words
which suggest the Frenchmans say
ing thut the object of language Is to
conceal thought Wnoo Day
Mr Foster or Limestone county ton
thu stump In favor of prohibition dur
ing tho recent contest In that county
and now tho Hempstead Ledger asits
him If he htx quit Democracy for
prohibition If tno Ledger Intends
counting cut of tho Dumocrutio riuks
all mon who favor and work for pro
hibition it will 11 nd a very startilni
decreaeo In tho 135 OCRmajority the G
O P gave Cleveland last year i Jiow
ett Messenger
If anybody thinksBarnett Gllii Is
out of Texas politico somebody Is mis
taken GIbbs is allweman uud aman
of tbe people and In as certain of polit
ical promotion ashe lives Tfilt may
not be tho time forfllbbs but his tlmo
Is coming and at so very distant day
If ho concludes to make the race next
year for his prcmant place no man In
Texas can beat him and tifte then he
weighed nm wum his
150 pounds He married about eight i Meridian BlacK
political Jutuni
Private Sviln will utvloubtodly
make tho race for govoru r and wo
bellovo that be and Rosa will be the
chief candidates Wo must admit it
looks badly for Swain If Ross can
gather to hlna all the hrevtted heme
In Texas aad leave Swain with tb
privates the latter wont poll ten
votes Tbb country is too overflow
ing with captains colonels m j irs et
til for a private to have iiuicli show
Dallas Timei
Aud now the Galveston News Is
writing articles In oppoiltlon to the
fundamental principle of Democracy
tho right of the majority of tho peo
ple to ruleon tho prohibition ques
tion of course Itu all right In every
thing else The News was never
overburdened with Democracy any
way and Its tirade against the Demo
cratio doctrine of the people running
their own government In their own
way will not tend to disabuse the pub
lie mind of the Idea that It Is run for
the purpose of gathering In theul
mighty dollar regardless of every
other consideration LlmestouoNew
Aud so tlieNoAa ha coucludod to
make Barney Glbb3 governor aud
Beth Shepherd senator This ought
to mako both ends of tho News pres
eut and prospective solid at their re
spective retting places Would not
still another branch at Austin with
Terrell down In tic books for some
thing fatstrougthon thocombiuatlouV
Branches also at Fort Worth Wacj
HoiiBton and San Antonio with a fa
vorlto candidato Judiciously located at
each point might tend to tm even anrt
symmetrical political development of
the Mate But are there enough rich
men to o nrouud that Is rich men
with political ambition and u corre
8pondlugpn handedness I8an Au
tonlo Express
Nover lire Up
Ifyniarosuflerlng with low or de
pressed Bplrlts loss of appetite ueu
oral debility disordered blood weak
constitution headache or any disease
0fft bilious nature by all means pro
And cure tt bottle of Electric Bitters You
will be surprised to see the rapid Im
provement that will follow you will
be Inspired with new llfr strength
and activity will return pain and
misery will coaso and heuceforth you
will rejolco In the praise of Electric
IUi Rt cents a bottle by
H W Williams A Co
a0rk RUU DRravln8 atHow
arilTuH a
A Movement on Post to Organize a
Stato Bankers Association
Hpcdnl lo the tlaettc
Lamiaha Tkx July 6 Tho
bankeraof tho state ars Invited and
many have nccopted tJio lnvflatlon
to meet lu this rity on tiro 23d Inst for
the purpose of organizing a Btate asso
ciation It isproposed th t the meet
ing will hold two or three days ond
that overy banker In tho st te attend
this being tho fltat ottempt to organ
ize this Important branch of our great
commercial interests
Tho various committees appointed
to perfect tho holding < f the stato fire
mens totirnahleut in this diy are
hard at work and think that tho de
partment will bo represented b about
1500 active members The time tor
holding tho tournament will be about
the lath of August
A WouldBe TralnWrotker Captnred
A Horse Stslen
Hpcclnl to theOazelte
TEMP3E Tex July 5 Detective
A N Woody and Constable Chinn
who left here last evening for Moody
iu search of Jolin Morria the alleged
tralnwretker captured their man
near Moody last night after some re
sistance mid brought him hero thla
morning The proof uoinst him la
sald to bo very strong H will have
a preliminary trial before Justice
Lowry on Tuesday next
It P Blgham rodo a good hor o Into
the city last night ani hitched at a
rack on Twelfth street ACter a short
time Mr Ulghum went after IiIb horse
and tho animal was gone Parties
who knew the horao saw au unknown
initti ride him oil in a western direc
tion A tllllKent Bearch has beon
undo but to h oclock this evening
no trace of tho man or horsehud been
Jrcat Discover jv
Mr Win Thomas of Xewton Iowa
says My wife has been soriously uf
worned Gen Poss several times to put i ected with u cough for twentylive
a bridle on his organ If the geuornl I v eHra od this spring mors severely
will heed this ndvluo and iiuinule than ever befoie She had twed many
his organ about throe months bef > re remedies without relief and being
the state convention he may bo hucI urRe t0 try Dr Finns New Dlscov
ery did so with the most gratifying re
sults The first bottle relieved her
very much and the second bottlo has
absolutely oured her She has not had
so good health for thirty years
Trial bottles free at 11 W Wllfiams
Co a drug store Lirge size 1
A Stockman Jll > lig
Special to tb Gazette
Himsisoki > Tiy July rx Mr W
A Jackson president of the Central
Stock Association of Texas left Chi
cago for Louisiana Mo onthe 21th of
Juno and lias not been heard from
since H family and friends are
V6ry uneasy aboit him They have
sent telerjpams to Chicago St Louis
aud Loulolanu Mo but as yet have
heard nothing of Ills whereabouts
Cigaiotte smokers prefer Opera Pufls
because they do not stick to the lips
AdvertUemmtt under IMt hood tuitt beJZtn
terled at tho me q five centt ft line each inter
lion rrvu inrxtt to Vie line Ho advcrtitemenl
inserted for It it than ttvcilyjlue erntt JPairt <
uHlh trtiom v have no nmntny > aecounl mutt pay
in aJiiiw
WAKrKl riic T5xAS HCHOOt
mtnoy can place 100 llrstelms m lo
teaoliom In publlu kchooW twtween Kopi 1
nut Nov l ToHChor Roltyour uiimen on ibe
hoolcioaily Texas BclioM agency UJU Main
tfiot Dallas Tex
VV tnat 1 Morrlom No lilO Houston
strcotonn gilnd razoiascissors knlvusand
all kinds ol edged tools etc Sltlalictlon
ikeop r Iteferfncsrt
IT umu as bookkesprr
Address A T OaaWe oilier
clerk by a man of tno yearsox Deri
enre Good rofeaenees furnished
J L Owen Handera Tex
keeper Thoroughly
clerk or fcoohkeeper
ficient In nceounu knowledio or shott
hand salary moderate Adfijtss jr Uol
larnb Uand4n Tcx
> V mau to travel tbrou i fcntral ietas
A tine oDonlnx lor the rlghl man Addrew
statlrij business experience quallUcatloi
etc W MliJeti olUcn
5Ji to St huul of stock cnttla 1art
casli and part one and two rears time at iu
percent laporalltedie lion Allatohor
KOOflia ron IlKNT
S 1 ae < oni1 street Rontb Bide
between Taylor nd Lamar oamo
v a nso y room nnfHnlshed
yl fat Sl onThrockmorton betwowu
H a o n
S i Vd flri eel Koferencc re
quired Jlrs
Alex I Walker
JL with water conveniences corner Klev
enUi aud Throckmorton ntreets Apply ou
rooms with or withoiu sale or rental or
oneset of larnituru Apply ut onco to W K
Tynei POO Jennings avenue
rour rooms hslhroom pantry screens
tnroiishout the bouse good water supplj
Apply at Hid Monroe street
ran 8aibtive btook
bought and sold un Mmmlsllou and lit
eral advances made on conslgnmenU We
have on hand 1000
head of sieer cattle ft
bead Hock cattle 1001 head nf riiSi T
uu iiciion
rami lands and
iiood rl
paying and Investment or idT to Va
Money loaned jori capitalist at
esana bt curlly Uavti Boa
Koit Worth
P cnitlsa ready iHb ° Wj
To 8weetw < iur TxT H
rent fora term tf n W
lory hnck hotel ioiiS J
ami klhlisn attached i I
erection Z
eupuncr by the6lh il j iii
tal thlrtytwo tcdroow n
room iuxAOan tini h
tar room ench xo rfi
rlly Immedlolely upon ii
iirmiHis i iron
Vy lulled confectionery
rnr ornttuchodall Uola
Willi n uplondld nlahi t
one of Hit main r ninr > ofVf
The stand n one of ih i
Wanted to oil at 5
lots for me cheap f W
0 h 1 ° for or tZ J V
once ftr
ttreetii Kort Worth tbS aCM Jl
cln H barbur shop 4 1 UK
WUU to return to Italy i 5f >
Ply to Moolrauue 1
Uron No i j
roil 8A MlH RL JWltt gin
Foil HAIK 10l > T 5ji > W
wishes tub Uakkit iu inr3v
and the publl j ikW v
ICOCOrooua vines for saleahii tfSSHl
varletlM knoiu to i0 SitSnlfV
this climate To partlen the wlihl r0
he Mill BlveVrJciBi
yluyanl i >
those plantlnir for homo wiJnY
not bo uuderoldhy anyon UkiAf
clota contrncia tot rah delliiry =
ber wlthlu his ItroltK and oytiSliI
him you Imvo Uib dvaniaBeofv2l f
youwnntund when V
you wbuii
ran go to his vineyard and oe tbJN
up and can BlaiilitheinoutthViT
you so ocslro and i
Runrantcn overy vino by to abut Isl
CowtH 1
> Jewtler nyggS
rorcwrly with
ran now be round at Max tUe irSaOKX
11 o or watches clocks and UijRlSffl
wulch ropixlrlnir a specialty Oriillll
J lopropilttor keep JiBg < Sl
for slock on Usnd nod sell ua cbJW
other dealer In tbn city VtinStrZ
any of the
part town OrdMiW
solicited Corntr Thlrteenm an
JLUmorly by
bashwoods oroar
movctl Into tho
poitorilco bloc Kii =
a 1 m oy ° Wis
lianlershaveroDttoxothcfiiM Kit 8TIU K12 fSFttf
uu aasoclatlon One or tholrDthdE1
is that thoy will mralsnTncxvLW
man who owes on of the aiHdaaJ lin
water since I onruary H ltw wSsS ilu
paitt desiring wuter pnjs biekieraoves i
one of tho association wlif nirolnhaioness 1
flowing water eighty gallouih ble s
uuaolt as ralnwawrwhlte lilFiMnirand i
nealu and sodnthe beat batUtiunenta
the state It may be used as it HKBolmont
drank hot while bathing Hlngtottsdiw Oi
flvs tickets Jl Btaxwv A MJuuaurtuTbltl
North on corner PtUt without
WAKNINnTO JNFlltNOEMia owiDElM illy n 1
nent rerrdoreU at the last wtmeftf J nnV
otatsivurtnt Hon AntonioInaniSSrniSi
plalntut in tho ma of the aUmiSP1 7 m
compunytlioowner there of the lisr
Vateui concrete pavomtnt rliilirl So
° 1
losUlloslioulaben warnlDsto yu
i8 11 11 wa rcottWi
hned fallyT
up stairs corner First and MilniU
Tho Xtnr MlHfiwlierr
J urney J law Colorado Tex
esp Wmmbu
AIAMO ciiurr Co VIntSJ
Thlscautoo mine on totah riin lJ
ilay term ofibo circuit court of t 2i KJ
Mate In nud for the irfsl W
Tohs at HnnAutonlo and tncreujoA > ri
inotlou or on snld dayoiadepulo uJn9ii H
by couiutlifor tbe plalntllt tbe rot
order Hint Uio tnld caa eb na llll 8 J11
herebydlsmlsjied as agalnw t deW Tj ° 2
Ueorge DuHnlK Georgtf Klelndloutl513 W
118baw nnd tbo deIcndaaV M G F
his aguiits attorneys scrv nt > andUHt V
menou and Iho same nrobereby pm Alt CHI i
cnJolnodiHtul reMralnedifcoinillrfCtJ sy
ulreclly making or causing to be miJri r
or ciiuliiffto bo useu In any nuKrj fc
concreloaavementa op other arufc yv
lalnlnnoromboilylnc ur In anjKtioritra
terfelllnu the Invention of John JKbm
ger ns tb same Is tcl fu th and < JfrjHS > > U
ro ltsulute letter patent no Miamjk
ol Mild bchlllllnger and as the Jfjiiltiiirs
scribed < n the bill of ooroplalatof
anu Iwreln aud irora lnfrlrglti
vlolnungtho Haul leu r pattUVtylli
lacfu uso or salo jf 1 tio ssld cownr
mnutattH ufore < alil ami ranlcurjljJSMX
maltlny or miinuaoirarlngor caulmPO
mtdt > r manufuciuroJconcrete T fSc 3
from marking oil lato b ocks o > tflhjjfnp
Indenting the hiirfara of said coaerft 1111111
lnatita wnether uaUer the gul fOTifv
orrjat practical uUil y fcorn <
14AW OAims > y > a
Mamtonvii of l ort WortS Sj
JosEiii o TKitnKi1 Jit Arm
ntLaw Offic in the Ttrrdlft
Finch n WrncysntlaTlMWJBJ5
over Twombi A Hou Will pr rt IEHffiSe
tbe BUtounu Federal cojrts lWuQK1
tentton glvcn lo collentlona
Fort Worth 1exaH OlDM S = r
onaf biVk i
Nat corner Hcond i STSc
streeu rf
and ouunolors n
orth national banb
nt hivt Kk r > i
Mala itwiXO
Worth Texn IVi
gg st
A OtfllKHNnl SUl
K1NUK Fred Qulckensledl Sn7o
torny uttorncysai law laudn TS i
acmcy ollectfoiis and con riBLHM
llolted Del Wo VnJI Vcrdo tooxXaqfiL
law PianoTox Wlllgiv lJJIan > i
tlon tnbuslncsalnfcuyof the oom ofaHfl
sla °
1 = °
and Inncl ajent cWkavHlaJft i
aalneaviUoTox Will prtWUgUte
premo and federal conrti O U >
11 A1TUKMKV AJf jnor
npUT xas RPVScic
and collectlWfelANI
given to adjustment
and to all commercial bnslnesi j
1 It DIT7XKR PHlpitS 8P
X surgeon aooplai a o 0J Movwht
far Ortiea In Terrells bulldlo cVSi7
Telephnn No S5 H Htl
nitiaa j it eitAWFpBtryiRx
IlrlggiACrawforUManuW Jlil
postonico Fort worth Tex JUmJL I
f d to disea ea of tho eve arthr ° ili
Offloeonrt residence Third itrwjwtyu
llusk opposite tha open houss OB g
ea o mP
9 to 10 o m aio to 4 p m J
= eolifit
Sl 2 < wl i
JU and notary public V t evEa
ial attention given to comtnsrciM v
kr KDCtealfl fcUK ilM > CO