OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, July 12, 1885, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-07-12/ed-1/seq-5/

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Sloal events
> cun akibuUslvo
th ejakfRSWledga
uail1 Thai Pistol Case
Jk = I 0 Wood Returns
rfjri Koboery Tho Benbrook
fesThe Ex Confederate
Rennion j
l jJkeCArll o Iiidlnn School
ap ClfktfJiempIo who haa been ut
Ijvsdfefitho educational depart
mjt tlie Indian Training school
trifle Pa since 1878 arrived ln
mlsThursday night to spend her
flftUwlth her sister Mrs J 8
Style Bho brought with her two
SHijnetii wlioare returning to their
uhomee la tho Indian Territory
i reut LVwaB W Wichita Falls
tho Comnuchoaud
school has had 500
Ug the eohool year Just
ly aro takeu for llvo years
M the unuagoirient alius
an farms and In fatnilloa
rebrought Into contact
f racflftal civilized life All the
lUjint eliaulcal arts aro taught
iil tWwhlle tho girls aro trained
he duties of housokoeplng To
< f he work of civilizing the moro
ot < e the HtudeutH aro not allowed
of their native languago but
t KjrtBagllsh speaking
it B mple Rtatea that notwlth
muIK these Indluns representing
kei lrty mvo < English
MtSJjot0 learn they are as susceptl
u education aud make as coin
uuLeprqjree8 as an equal number
d e hlWfen Ah mechanics they
tatlvtj and excel assuch These
and as a gen
tho receipt of a
itn r ime ipbotograph of the entire
tttthebandfeoftho i
lonll < r i
young lady
Rearing of the coso of tlio stato
m W 8Jrt Urockmau recently
aneel V steollng a pistol and
r bedto serve a term of two years
° Bt penitentiary camo up In the
jcourtyesiorday on nn amended
mmt tli the allldavlts attached
ullfr setting forth that the pistol
ret i file in the caso was tho letent
araiiB of which defendant Is accused
ttcrllngand Is worth from one to
decojidoiiura thereby making it a
fiatoeanor instead of a felony
ii ftty Attorney Bowlln argued
tin W did not believe the pistol now
any ijhanda of tho court the samo
eyofi > t Brockmuu stole but under
of itjronmitfliices would not Inter
fho 0 uleatlonsto tho motion for
ackoferia ruo collrt granted tho
t1a vsnd the defendant was re
iii pau his own recognizance
Iteturucd AH Klglit
< 1 da B ago Mr H OV Wood
llfy 0f Woodbury Term but
resident of Fort Worth kfi for
i ftyhomfito unswer to tho chargo
r i > tier that was pending against
Lrtny thftt a tato He returned Friday
L ud will go back to Woodbury
i uctoberfnt which time his trial
oHVrho appended artlclo we
r fpm the Cannon Courlerof Wood
u jta refererioaio his departure from
e uorihand thoeubtiequeut devel
j 11 a in hit cato It Is an extract
jjjclettor written to the paper from
lnwlnent oltl n of thit place
0f uoiBUBY July 0 H O Wood
A imthtXroward was ollered by
0 wits fiKkllliiiR Davis In Cutinon
i in outwitted Detective Johnson
rat Worth Tox and returned to
t ury yesterday and gavo bond
iPP8ranco at tho next term of
J itfJilnal court I wrlto you that
I uo n may be uotilled so that ho
tit his wlldgoosecuusolnTexas
Vood Wood came throuch
lira ij0 lagt Krldav Ho was ac
0 4lo4 byCant M W MclCnlght
he j of Waxahachle Tex
actuw formerly attorneygeneral
i vwa district II O Wood
v ne largeand luiluontlal relatlon
lshm Cann n Warron DoKalb and
rewfd countloH He is u nephew of
NatlOifforace Overall of Dekalb a
II b rpf > Dr r J Wood of Bedford a
n of latlve f Col K J Wood of
jsdiHpvllonnd also a nophdw of
worthiVf BSSBtoites of Alexandria
jjoia oodsXhavq held every oilleo
inbrlcB ° Vcounty and Ben Wood is
ent insteeiof tho county I have
MntL > so much about his family as
ddI Wi haabeon said about hlin lu
th 15 Porfl cently H O Wood Is
umltwandr the trial will demon
Uouiwlktl or he was Justifiable In
ind FrfjUrreiUU for Itobbsry
TkinlghUbout 1U30 octook W R
PJI letor of tho Grand Con
the corner of Main and
JtHiMniado complaint to tho
the W t gtene J H Chasey who
th flnJBjbIs employ for some days
bbedjblra of ffl and leaving
iitfStJ saloon open had hied
IvitiP VJFJ unknown Oillccr
3l A <
I west with Mr Ban
io the boardinghouse of
aiser pa West Weatherford
rI od proceeding to tho room des
y tho Proprietor of the house
lhetCB inti the man wanted and took
In TO theboo e He proteste < l his
iFceof any crime and admitted
Bad taken six dollars from the
while lu charge of
ill Cfjhwise but tuat tho
pure Jltwak JuBtly due him and
st i U4ml a ticket in the drawer
i K < ike amount taken aud sun
aJlrlgbt He aUo proved by
uori that since coming
paid liH board amount
raid 1 liS was found on his
papers taken from his
1 him to be a good hon
lo man
b JJ TJiTBenbrook Picnic
d D oolcfa a quiet little station on
r uw A PftcIHc railroad about
SuH west of this city but the
oinefo < that vlcinlty are noted for
Iftfiggltelity as well aUhelriirlft
th i y Thoalapleanuounce
ment that there would bo a Sunday
school picnic at Benbrook yesterday
was sufllclent to bring out a very huge
crowd about 100 of whom wore from
tho Fort
The plooo selected for tho plonlo was
in a beautiful and plctureeqtio little
grove one that It Is not hard to lmagluo
was fore ordained for Just such occa
alone Goods seats were la abundance
and two booths had been erected
whero various kinds of refreshments
were sold
Hon A J Chambora Itibt Wear
Eq and Rev It M Tin
non niado able add rem h dur
ljg tho day Tho farmer
spoke on tho financial condition of the
country aud ths latter two made clo
lueiltand stirring BundoyBChoM ad
ureases An organ wai on the ground
And fair haudB aud sweet voices ren
dered Bomo very delightful imisio
Tho whole allalr was rounded oilby
a eclect hop given at another place in
tho neighborhood last ovonlug whou
all who llko to trip tho light
fantastic Indulgod to their hearts
coutont Thoro was no ellBturbanco of
any kind to mar the pleasures qf tho
day and as tho dinner was most
bounteous all left with many fond
reminiscences of a wollspont day
Thm Gazkttk reporter Is under
etornal obligations to Aire 8 B Ham
ilton for substantial favor
Tho Kx > L1oufodorato iteutilon
Tho commltteo of arrangements of
tho comintt reunion met yesterday af
ternoon and dispatched business with
rapidity Cunlrman Joo Henderson
apjoutod all necessary subcommit
tecs and early next week very much
of the work will be under headway
riccrctary 8 1 Cunningham has
charge as chairman of tho music aud
printing committees A superintend
ent was eolooiod who wllltako charge
of the grounds tomorrow Mr P A
Hhttman and Henry Holloway were
also appointed ks chalrmeu of commit
tees ou building materluls touts
privileges cto The busy work of the
committee prevented our Hocurlug a
full roport but oarly next woek the
secretary h s premised to give us a
full account of tho rapid progress be
ing mado by llnauco arrangement
and other committees Tho work is
going forward now with that vim aud
eneriry for which our citizens are
noted A grand nice ess Is meureil
and ample preparations will be per
fected to make tho thousand that will
be lu attendance comfortable and the
occasion oueof pleasure
Tho I O 0 P Stmt allatlon
John Collier D D G M wiw hero
Friday ovenfug and Installed tho fol
lowing olllccrs for the ensuing term or
tho 10 O F lodge Xo231nt that
time J J Mlllor N G J B Boyd
V Gj J W Blaoknmu Sforotarj H
S Brollps treasurer L X Coopor
W W It Woodson conductor C
C McAually II 8 to X G JamcB
Matlaox Ij ri to X G D D G M
Collier delivered a very able and feel
ing address to tlu lodge
For tlio Koserinlc
Tout WouiiiTbk Jny II Is85
To the Editor or tlio Cluzotte
Tho majority of tho people northeast
of this city dally patrouia your line
of streot railway and we would respect
fully urno your wisdom to Its utter
most extent In building an Intersect
ing lino to tho grounds of tho rotinlou
By so doing It seems to us that it will
bo highly appreciated aud patronised
and ton largo extent bonolltyour own
pockets Oni oithi Many
Maus Ingratitude
Yesterday afternoon about 0 oclock
as a Gazette rorortor was restlug
himself In a comfortaWo chair in front
of tholPlckwick hotel ho heard an old
gentleman apparently llftyelght or
sixty years of age relato a very sad
nnd distressing story Tho reporters
attention was llrst attracted to the old
gciitloman when he heard him repeat
an old but true adage Mans Inhu
manity toman makes countless then
satuU mourn His story as related to
the reporter was as follows
My iibiuo Is James Forrester I have
resided lu the state for nearly forty
years My prcsout homo Is at 8m
Antonio where I have relatives In
very comfortttblo clrcumsUnces On
my way to Fort Worth I met a gen
tleman I mean a man on tho
train who represented hlmsolf to mo
as being the sou of a well known mer
chant of Fort Worth Ho said ho
had not a cent with hi in and If ho did
not negotiate a loan of 8 tho con
ductor would put him on Tho mtn
ner of his address Impressed mo very
much He certainly appeared to bo u
gentleman and in distress I of
course took him tone an honest man
and loaned him tho money to pay the
conductor whether he did or not 1 do
not know as ho left IiIh seat in a iow
moments after ho said to got a drink
of water In giving him tho money I
was compelled to show my pooket
baok la about ten minutes ho re
turned to the scat and
wo commouced conversing upon
topics of general interest
He was well polled especially Upon
tne administrations of Grant Fluid ly
I dczjd away and fell asleep I
dont think I slept ver ten minutes
and when I awoke my friend was
gone I did not suspicion anything
until an hour or so after I had missed
him The newsboy on the train
passed my seat and I asked him If he
had peaches for sale ho ad heLa I
and passed mo the basket to help my
telf which I did I poked my hand
down my pocket to get my purse to
pay him but the boon was gone I
It st about forty dollars only but It was
all I had wltn me I went ail over
tho train but could not see my friend
he had gotton oh at some station
Xow dont you think lhat was base
lugraltude remarked tho uufortu
uate Texan as he left the reporter
The Pickwick
Strangers visiting tho city will find
tho abovenamed popular resort first
class lu every respect This hotel Is
centrally located has all the modern
Improvements and sets a most excel
lent table Polite and courteous at
tention Is guaranteed to every guest
Cigarette sine zer u prefer Opera Pulls
becauso they do not stick to the lips
Onr Leading Business lion Express Their
Views in Refdronoe to tho Import
The Sentiment as ObUinod by Tho Ua
zettes Reporter Decidedly Oppcasd
to the Measure
In view of tho fact that tho county
commissioner oourt will on tomor
row paw upon tho petition of several
of our citizens praying that an election
be ordered to test tho looaloptlon
question at tho polls and tho great In
terest that Is being manifested by our
cltUsns a re reieiitaUvj of Tine
GAZtrTjt called upon esvera of our
leading business men yesterday for tho
purposo ol ascertaining ibelr vlowi
upon th allabiorblug quoUloti
With fow exceptions tho
gentlomon appeared to bj
very enthusiastic over the quostlour
From tho stato at on ts published below
It wlllba seen that a groat majority of
our unit prominent busluoss men op
pose the movement aud will do their
utmost to defeat it at tho polls oh elec
tion day
Tnecommlslotiorj will In all proba
bility order an election which thoy
are required by law to do within thir
ty days from tho tiling of tho petition
The llrst gentlemm cilled upon was
Col W M Harrison president of tho
ri atO Xatloual bank lu response
to the question asked by
tho reporter Col Harrison Bald It
Is a question that I care notto dlsousr
especially through tho puDlio prinii
I have rny private views ou tlib sli > <
joot aud wIUibo oxpross them at the
proper plawtho polls Iapprohonu
Iiowevefi local option willbedefeated
In this county
The next genleman scon was Mr
Joseph H Brown tho merohaut prince
of Xorth Texas Mr Brown grooted
tho reporter lu his usual courteous
manner and seemed to manlfett a
greut Interest in tho ponding issue
SaldMr Brown lam emphatically
opposed to local opttou I do not
want any of It lu mine I am
Btrlctly a temperate mau but
cannot eco Mhat good can oonto
from sunt meufureH T npprohoud
our merchants lu the city will op
pose It as they should
W M Kimpson traveling audltorof
tile Texas lielflo railroad I am
opposed to local option but f ivor high
Mr B F Murphy proprietor of the
gents furnishing establishment under
Ilckwlck hotel I am heartily In
favor of a high llo neo aud opposed to
locil option or prohibition
Mr J X Manuel of tho Fort Worth
China Co am opposed to local
option tco h and too nail It would
bortgreat detriment to Fort Worth If
the movement tuccooda
Mr John Lanelr nnnagor of Gin
ocohlos Union Depot hotel I am
emphatically opposed to local option
It would work a great injury to the
commercial InlertHts of our city wore
it adopted by our cltlouH
Mr Fakes tho young member of
the llrm of W T Fakoj Co furni
ture dealern I do not caro to oxpross
my opinionbut think our citizens will
defeat tho localoption question at tho
Mr Taylor of Taylor Barr dry
goods merchant I am In favor of
local oplon and prohibition I think
whou the question comus lo a tost It
will bo aocened by tho masies
Mr Max JC eer muslaand stalouery
dcnlei I am strictly a temperate
man but opposed to local option or
any other compulsory law
Uapl M B Iityd iircsMont of tho
FlrBt National banl < f yi speak the
sentiments of this bank when I say we
aro opposed to local option I think
it very uswiso aud shall do ull I can
todcfeatho meusuro
Capt Martin of MartinBrown Co
wholesale drygoods merchants I
will glvo you my vlows in a very fow
words I am directly aud emphatic
ally oppostd to local op lou whether
It applies to stato county proolint or
Mr P M Willing trcasuror of tho
drygoods establishment of B C Kv
tins company I am opposed to local
option and think my views ou the
subject oinclde with Mr Uvans who
Is now In Xow York
Mu K M VanZiudt president of
tho JTort Worth National hank
When the reporter called at the bank
he was Informed hat MaJ Vauindt
was at his residence Accordingly
his views were received by tho emis
sary a la telephone Th ouly In
fonrnlon that Mr Vanmdt was
willing to irlvo was that ho favored
Mr Plnkard of Ilukard Jojos
furniture dealer Iliad rather not
express my opinion
Mr A M Brlttou president of the
City National bank I am oppessd
to localoptton think It tho worst
thing that oould happen to Fort
Mr K B Harrold cashier of tho
First National bank I am uncom
promisingly opposed to lootl option
and bono it will be defeated
Mr Kennedy of the Pickwick hotel
I am oppoied to local option I have
not taken u drink of Intoxicating liq
uors for twelve years but cannot see
what good oiuld be accomplished by
prohibition or local option
Bsveral other cltlzms of importance
were seen by the reporter aud the pre
vailing sentiment seemed to be de
oldodly against the movement
Tlio commltteo of invitation of the
Confederate reunion failed to meet
yesterday evening It is important
that this committee should meet aud
perform the dutlea assigned It Tho
committee Is called to meet again
tomorrow evening at A oclock at the
First National bank at which time It
is hoped there will be a full attend
ance B B PADopfK
irnii i i
In the City
MaJ A J Wheat ley of Tennessee
was the center of attraction on Second
aud Main street last night He re
counted some most remarkablo experi
ences thinks we havp tho best townln
tileentire Hcmihwwt traveled 1I0
miles to get here wblchf distance be
made m a most Inorcdlby abort space
of time is Intimately acquainted with
qulto a number of our beat cltlzenr
Paving known them from childhood
Tho malor proposes remaining In
our city some tlnio and during his
atay hero will favor our pcoplo with a
publlo recount of his vast cxpcrleucc
Hotel ArrlTRlg
Llndell hotoi 8 V Looinls
N C J J Langfurd Huron Kau A Ij
Petermau Thompklnavlllc Ky A J
Baldock Aransas A J Bradley Har
rold 8 8 Dirllng Harrold Kt C
Mooro Now Mexico Kdward High
Temple L L Btoln Palestine Mrs
Blgfried atd iiilo Tarrant couutv
Holt P Bcott F E Warren Florida
Glmconlos hotel H A lie wis Har
rold JosMKoborteon Meridian O C
Gibson Mini Kate BlmiuonJ 0 C
Douglas aud family Morgan Geo
WiriM Ciok
oltyj and
8on Ojean W V W L Ganson Mar
shall Mra W Domoy Mrs h Wells
Waooj Mrs Collins Miss Nannie Col
lins Tex 0 H Burnett Ayrshire
Bootland Ramuel Ken Ban Autunlo
C Austin Bhernmn H B MqQorklu
and wife CaUertr John R PulllAm
Victoria JasptrX Hancy Weather
fOrdAC Alexiiuuor Marshall H A
Noroby Clsoo Miss Slaud Crowdus
Bromnnd W Kellogg X > V Dempaoy
city ffin P 8 nlth rttXioui
Mansion hotel K J Anderson Bt
Inuls AM Walker Houston II L
Mvers BX Loulfj Jasper N Hanev
Wcatherford J A WoaVer city J H
Kdwards Dillas G It Shannon Cad
do Peak James MoKco Wcatherford
I 1 B Williams Galvo ton B Ij Leon
ard Htrawn AD GooJenough Henri
otta F O Brown Lauupaaw G JB
Ochiltree and wife Henrietta James
D Cates R M CoIIuib D A Holmes
Deoatm B H Bromley Colorado Cltjj
W A Aboy LoDgvlow Ed Fieefonl
Giliidvllie 13 1 Shannon Caddo
Peak A Ij Conneli Dillas
Hotel Ptckwlnkt Jas M Itaberlsou
Meridian AC Potrl Chloigo Volney
Ityau Parh B C Cirtnr Bpcarllsh
Dak D T Garretson Kansas City
D Bowon Kanea City Boyd liw
log Jhattauooga Tenn Joo Copo
land Paris F M Davis Dallas W
Jacobs K M Btono W B Harris W A
Fowlkos J It Baker B M Johnson
Tennessee W 13 Webster Ban Fran
olsco Morgan Jones oily Bturr B
Jinf s Ualvestnu Jo W Gordon
Dallas A N Spencer Kg nisi
H A Crayuroft Bt Louie D C Malloy
Palostlno D T Bomar Henrietta W
H Baxter N Y Wm A Orr Bt
Louis Win Bcroglue X Y L B
Bartlett Bt Louts W H Uossell LIU
tie Rock Wm Garland Albuquerque
W M J no T Montgomery N ir
Tom Wood Sherman T J Darrngh
Llttlo Itick W 0 Brluck It L Buss
Denton J Washor city Jas W Evans
Bonham H L Derrlugtou Memphis
A A Burok Houston Post E Willi
berger Chicago Judge W B Pleiu
one Henrietta
Lltpild Bread
Its superior morlt becomes moro and
moro apparent and appreciated as It
passes Into general ubo It Is tho Mu
lshed prodiK t ripened by time of the
highest practically educated skill ex
tracted from tho finest selected mate
rials within tho reach of purchase aud
the unanimous verdict awarded It by
modlcal men and the puhllo has been
and Is Excelsior Bead tho follow
ing brief but forcible evidence Of its
worth from one of the highest medical
Among tho various preparations1
with malt as tho buf la I do not knnw
any which exceodsln houoilelal ellVut
David Nicholsons Pure jMult Ex
tract and whloh has given equal tat
traction to my patients
Its nutritive aollou upon tho sick
may be readily demonstrated by their
Increasing weight under its use
The agreeable aud pulatablo form
or this preparation renders It particu
larly valuable to iufaut invalids and
nursing women
Louis IUunit M 1
M It 0 8 Engl
Professor of Surgery Consulting
Burgeon to the City Hospital etc
St Louis July f 18SI
The demandof enlightened people
Is always for tlib purest and best
K P Prnxuky
Wholesale Aent Fort Worth Tex
Fort Worth Sells Them
If any evidence was necde l to prove
that Fort Worth woud ere long be
come tho agricultural Implement head
quartors for half of Texas we coud
furnish It Already our dealers han
dle moro goods of this cluts than aie
Bold by auy two cities In the state
and tho trade is comparatively In Itn
Infancy Fort Worth Is located In the
heart of tho finest agricultural reglouof
tlto Boutin oit and to tho Northwest
stretches a territory equal In urea to
two or more states that is being rapid
ly filled with people
While yesterday wns not an unusual
day with J B Mitchell < t Co a OA
zkttk representative took he tremble
to note tlio following goods lying in
front of their Immense wholesale
house tagged aud ready for shipment
Three portablo hay presses to Gon
zales two hay rakos und two mowers
to Aledo one horsepower uud
threahor to Denton two hay rakes
and one cane mill and evuporatOr to
Alexander one smut machine one
euno mill and one mower to Bowie
besides beltlug shafting pulleys rake
teeth etc Mr J B Mitchell stated
to the writer that Immense quantltleft
of heavy co3dn wore sold by the
house that were shipped direct from
the factory t > their plaoe of destina
tion without slopping at Fort Woith
Bald lie I have Just told Mcsru
Eites < fc Nlrklrk of Swney a complete
steam gin outfit which of course will
not be unloaded at this place
How is tho Implement trade this
It Is astonishing considering tho
hard times aud only understood by
those who are acquainted with tho
territory tributary to the city and the
rapidity with which It la being de
veloped An Eastern man would
think wo were badly overstocked and
yet we are receiving goods in carload
lots every six or eight days Call
some afternoon when Vou are not In
suoh a hurry und I will give you
some cold facta In reference to the
trade that will open your eyes
Bvbbtnet Hart BobblBet liars
Halfcanopy frames halfcanopy
frames at Plnkard Joyces
nnd nee hem
Cal II
goods and flno shoes with It Ingram
it Co sell silks Irets goods hosiery
and shoes at oorreot prices and every
body goes there to make their pur
Tho Oharnplon Shootlat of tho Stato
OhallvfCgcd Raco at Caddo
Diinisov Tkx July 11 J D
Yocoiu tho present stato champion
shoot 1st hua been chultoilgcd by h
mau slgnlug himself Hi to shoot a
match of 100 glass balls for oOO a nldo
the match to talto plaqoln this city in
August Tho challenger will inako
hliUBelf knovvn when trie challenge Is
accepted It is not known Whether
Yocstuwlll adcept but it lb thought
that ho will
Tho test for tho water la ntlll pro
gressing with very aatlfaotory results
Tho raco at Caddo today between
Crazy Jane owned lu Patls Tex
nuil Nellie Bedford Ovyntd by Floyd
of Carthago Mo was won by Crazy
Jane by thirteen feet In 000 yards
> > >
Tho Oapltol Complications Llkoly to
bs Bottled This We ok
Hritmtlotiio oattttc
Austin Te July Il Col Abnor
TAyldr Is oxpootcdhoreBOnie time next
week and tho probabilities ato that
the eapltol complications will bo set
tled ere the wcok has passed Specu
lation is still rlpo as to what tho gov
ernor will do assuming that tho syn
dicate accepts the how conlraot but
ho has said nothing to Indicate that
lw had ohtused his view of tho mat
ter as given to a UakotTi roportor tho
evening Indiaua stone was adopted
towlt that ho had no prerogative
to do otherwise than to caucedo to tho
wishes of a majority of tho board
Chartorod The BuhemlanSlavonle
Benevolent association of Fayette
county Ohjeot to unite fraternally
the BohomlunBlavonlo population be
tween the ages nf twenty and forty
tho Young Mens Real Estate and In
vest mout company of Austin
Stciotary Dickinson of the eapltol
board received a telegram today stat
ing that the Houston Light Guard
would arrive In Houston Bundsy
Jlepresentlng a committee of cltlxeiis
ho has telegraphed Capt Scurry that
Austin la prepailng a grand reception
for his company to be given when tlio
heated season is over
A T Casholl recently sentonond In
twelve montliH in the Travis county
Jail fur tho theft of some law boolts
was pardonod by tlio governor and re
leased today it is claimed that
Casholl at the time of the crime was
laboring under a lit of temporary In
sanity superinduced by the use of
Intoxicants He was formerly pub
Usher of the Kyle NutShell and was
a gallant Confederate soldier
Straw hats of every description low
down ut Maloue Waller itCo s
No Joke
But a solid fast The host sodawater
with ebaved Ice at Wells tiptown
drug Btore
SapKngo Cheese
At tho Fort Worth Grocer Co s
Oreat Bargains This Wwk
Fans rilkiimhrclho hnslerygloveH
ribbons lures mitts notions and line
fthocs at erst Come early and secure
bargains IniiuamACo
i I 1 1
Elegant Parlor Nulls
Exquisite In stylo and Mulsh Prices
reasonable Goods sold on tho Install
ment plan PiNKAUi 4 JovtM
tnner Hour Mixed Pickles
In bulk at tho Fort Worth Grocer
Co s
Ktmoval Notice
Joo W Simmons has removed his
stock of household goods stovea uud
< ueouawaro to the corner oi Fifth and
Houston streein Call and see him at
his new place of business
Diamond Kings Plus
Bets and pearl goods of beautiful do
elgus suitable for brides und wedding
presents atTnllys
At cost at Ellis Kelluerv
Paket k Co
Come to the front this week with a
row und handsomo lino of bed room
suits which wll bo sold low down for
cash or on tlto Installment plan
Dont full to see them
Fancy Sweet Mixed Pickles
Tn bulk at tho Fort Worth Grocer
Bobblnet Bars
and halfcanopy frames at Plnkard A
Joyces Thesu aro the boas Try one
Mosquito nettings at Ingram
Co s
Folding Lounge
Largo assortment now designs and
at lowest prices either for cash or on
the Installment plan ut Fakes Co s
AtcostatUlllsA KolluerB
For Watches Chains
And novelties In the Jewelry line go to
Howard Tullysi
Mosquito Bars and Frames
at Plnkard Joyces The halfcan
opy Is the boss
Market Baskets
of all the fancy styles at the Fort
Worth Grocer Cos
i B > f
For Mingle litis
Malone Waller Co have a nice
lot of mosquito bars for lngie beeU
which they offer cheap
The Beautiful SljrersrAra
AtTully i I BomethlDg to be admired
Nowi the tlmeto Ket bargain Call
and fee goods
Ouutueroo Mniinr wltb Oleggod Wuccb
in Mexico Pending tho Finanoint
Tho Pali Mill Oatetto Srilolts Additions
to Its Revelations of the Him of
a Gnat Olty
tn tlto MlUt ArWltiAuctut Crl l
Ortv ok Mitjc < i July 11 Tho
Mexican Financier this afternoon
says The banks continue to dis
count commercial paper with cautlou
audcoulluo their tru nsaotIoiU to cuu
toniurs of whom they are euro
In commercial circles credit Is
given with circumspection and the
disposition of tho bufeliHHs men Id o
curtail operations till tlio crisis is
past That it 1 lmpodslulo speedily
to resume the ptymsnt of subsidies
to the subvention corporations Is
apparent on theiitoat superficial study
of tho llnanelal situation The govern
ment must llrst of all maintain Itself
Publlo order must be fustalncd if any
investments herenrb to bo of any
value and lu this light tho railroad and
other subvcntloiied Interests must
look at the mat ten It would seem to
to lo a good opoottutilty for railway
companies to t llot a cohipromlie with
the govorument thereby obtalultlg ah
extension of the period for the com
pletion of their lines ntlll under
construction and an adjustment of tho
points which lite yet under discumlon
By meeting the government In a spir
it of friendliness tho rcprcccutatlvcH
of the railroads might do much
toward mitigating the aspirates
of the somewhat strained situation
It lu IiniKirtutit for Mexloo that the
railroad Bystetn already planned and
tinder survey or construction
should bo built us soou
a poiilbl With this net
work of railroads touching every Im
portant point In the couutiy tho nu
merical Btrenuth Of the army could
easily bo roduood and the treasury
corresppndlugly relieved
ltullwny Joiifntnloiit r rlrll il
City ok Micxico July il Thegov
ernment has declared two railway con
uesslpiiH forfeited The concessions
woro grunted In May ISSd to thoiep
ro > iontatlvtHof the Central it South
western Railway company of
Xow Mexico reprtBunted by
W G Franklin and Edward
P Meauoy for the oonutructlnn of a
railroad from Ktcntocas to Froutora
del Nortv with a branch to Topolo
Imnipo The company was to build
iHM kilometers every two years
and also to deposit 23000 forftlt
money Neither condition having
been compiled with the oouceeslon Is
declared void
Tho other forfeited concession wra
thatof CunlT fe1 ra OrthoTamau
Upas International railway The count
wasto build IXM kilometers every
two years and not having done so 1 e
Iobou his ooniHwtlou aud fid000 cf foi
fell money deposited lu this city
The Imprisoned editors and
students will be tried by tho
federal Judgd as tho oIIciihp laajfttlnK
tliu national government The pris
oners are in the Berlin penitentiary
on the outskirts of the city and have
been visited by inauy friends
Tho govoriiment Inn rofunod
to listen lo the trieuds
of the accused The ttials will exolto
great Interest and the remit will be
loclked for nuxlotisly The govern
ment will not back down but Is deter
mined to punish tho oU endors on the
ground that they tried to excltu u rev
Tho financial situation remains un
changed aud the general feeling In
buslneiH circles Is that tho crisis has
ptHied without disorder
Tlio I
emicAT inurAiN
HllflluH Cliuvlt Krvtliillmi Uiilln
Lpndqv July JI Tho 1aI Mali
Guzelte In a leading editorial this
morning on tho subject df its rovela
Wo ure going on undeterred liy tho
wall of the Right Hon Mr Jlenilucli
and the much mote nyrloun meuuecs
of personal violence by the
more frankly brutal conspirators
of silence It Isonly natural that the
latter should seek tp alienee our un
welcome voice by the simple and
effective metlioJ of the bludgeon and
The edilpral o7neltide by appeal
ing to the pulpits to hfKak out to
morrow mm ask the qhurohgoera to
send tho GiunHei postul curds
detailing the opinion of the
rcsulU of the Gazettes work
and promises to publish these verdicts
next Monday afternoon Tho paper
also aska prostitutes or others notsesH
Ing Information relating to the sub
Joct of the revelations to scud state
ments containing what they know to
tho Gazette pronilsiug to treat all such
Tli New LnnlIlxiitrnntit AVrlcolilfd
Duiiun July 11 A deputation of
prominent citizen of Belfast today
waited upon Earl Carnarvon the new
lieutenant at the castle and presented
him with an address of welcome In
replying to the address tho earl said
he honed to be able lu a short time to
visit Belfast
Tho vice chaucellqr today rendered
a decision to the ellct that tho corpo
rotbni of Dublin could uot change the
nameofSackvllle street so long as tho
residents of the street opposed such
The Ilnjral Tr M > iir l laAliuin
PAitiff July ll Gen de Courcey
telegraphs from Hue iat thoFreJiich
relnfproemonte have arrived They
met bands of marauders on the
way More treasure has been dltcov
er ed In the imperial palace Treasuro
to theatuountof 2000000has already
been found Thuyel holds the king of
Anam prlnoner The klhgB mother
and uncle > H ther < yal prlucea and
i iriandatlnswho iHd t tho approach of
tho French havo ninnlfoBtcd n deslro
to return to Hue
A llnmnr Tint Kl Mnliill I Dead
Oaiiio July llGeu Braotymbur
tolegrnplin from Fatraoh that n letter
rccolvetl there yosterday BtateH El
iMnhdl is dead Tho letter was writ
ten by a inorchaut nt llnnduk on July
B and says that since tho prophets
death hlB followers havo fallen to
llirhtlng among IhomsclveR
A refugee Egyptian eoldler who ar
rived from Ffltmeh today Gen
Braokenburg nsserla that ho sow nil
Arab on tho > 1st or July nt Abtidom
who told him that ElMahdi vfaBdeiid
Bills will ho Biiumltted lo tho next
German relchstoir to subsidize German
fishurlca on the high seas aud also the
Baltlo aud North sea ship canal
Discouraging roiwrhi aro recelveel of
tho prngrcsH or German colonization
nn tho CamerooiiB In Upper Guinea
Afrloa Therenro contlnueel qunrrelH
between thonatives and thooflloors
aud tho columshi nro suffering greatly
from fever
It In ussrrled that M Grevy wll not
run for tho presidency of Franco
iqjaliu AC d Freyclnet Is re Jiu
mchtlcdhu a cftudldato
Joo Ootton Winn tlio Groat Wcfltem
Handicap Hauds Down
oiiiuAio jiaokh
fiucAeio July 11 Thoro was an
other very tteifttteultttioo at Wash
ington park today tho closing of tho
meeting thoro boltig hot less than
10000 peoplo precont when tho bell
tapped for the HrHtraoo
Ktrst race alxfurlong luvda for nil
ages First hfcatHotbox won by n iioho
I tom Bay Rebel She was a uetitc in
front Noonday thlreli Tlnm 1 17j
Second boat liotbox won by n
length from Bay ltthel who beat Ad
venturer by a uoso for tho second
place Time 1181
Paris mutuulH paid 1 25 and 21H
Hiuond raoo one nillofor twoyear
old penalties and allowances Cuban
Juten led until well ill tho home
stretch whim Jim Grey camo away
and won handily by n length with B
G Biuce Mfcouil a nose in front of
Clrono third Time 1J7
Third race ouo aud onequarter
mllo for twovearoldii penalties und
allowances Estello led for the llwt
threequarters when Thlstlofame on
and won Ipmds down by a lotigtlf
aud a half Time 2111
Fourth race tnu grpat Western
handicap for nil nges ouo mllo uud
onehnlf Joo Cittoh went away with
the track when tho Hug fell aud wan
never headed from the start tn
the finish winning h two lomth
from Matlueo who beat Bllpnway by
aiioso for the second place Time
Filth race mllo heats for all ngiw
Ilrst heat llazOrsH won easily by
half a leiigth Lemon second Fal
coner third Tlmo 1131
Second In ut Hazora won by n homo
from Oneida with Falooner a fair
third rime 11 IJ
11AHK llllt
i hMrtJUlyit
8 LiLis
ewT rlt
cluiiNtii Athl Ufte l8iVj T
i Lu ih Mu July il
i V
0 fiumklyu
LouiBvnm KvM Jnly 11LouIh
Vllle Ij Biltlmore
OintiAtio Jjij July 11 Uhloigo
1 Providence 0
Oijiiioit Mioir July 11 Dutrolt
C Philadelphia 1
3ainiviiii Tux July 11
County court concluded with the civil
docket yesterdty evening uud re
Hiimed the probate btislness teiduy
The criminal dooket will ho taken up
next Monday Then are 123 criminal
cases on tho docket of whloh a lurge
number aro against saloon men for
selling liquor to minors and violation
of the Sunday law
Ann Foreman u colored woman
attempted to commit Btiloldo last night
by taking morphine Ann could uot
endure the uhargo of a violation of tho
marriage covenant preferred by her
husband hence her attempt ut self
destruction This Is tho third time
Ann has attempted to tuUo her life
Tho wife nf riellotor W O Davis IS
lying dangeroulv III ut his home ou
Denton street It is thought Bho can
not llVdunlil morning
Shooting Affray in Itiiniiels County
CorrenpontUnca of tlm JaastU
RUNNELS Tux July 1 A rumor
has Just come to tho oars of your cor
respondent that a shooting tillray oc
curred yesterday near Content In the
northeastern part of this county In
which three or four men were shot
One cf the parlies Implicated wan uli
old man by tho name of Benrgont
and another his soninlaw named
Will Lemons It 1m eupposed that tho
trouble grtw out of hortoitcullng as
eoveral horses were stolen In that
neighborhood u few nlghtu ago since
which tlmo blood has been nt fever
heat bet wee u several of tho citizens
On the Trail or the Lto Bojh
hcuclsl to tho Jdtttle
Pirriiliouo Titx July 11 By u
cornier Just arrlvedrfrom tho Indian
Territory it Is learned that Jaok Dun
can tho Dallas detective uud pcuso
aro In hot pursuit of tho Leo boyp
who killed the Roll brothers a short
time ago ut the Ijee ranch lu the Ter
ritory It Is learned from good au
thority thut Duncan Is lu the neigh
borhood of tile Lee boys parties
having soon both Duncan aud the Leo
boys the name day Both parties are
well armed und a fight Is looked for
evory day
parasols at cost at Ingram in
< Where Did the Merwx to i
Why of course they took it to In
gram Co a and bought their dry

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