Or i v
Mi r
fPf ri
IT t
Til 10 fATTIIMlltV > ttntlioru Huso Indians to maki
1 II Ij ull I Uliflliil
twlMf their lands for gnulng pur
r iwso or whether the approval of jmicIi
Tin CitiUK Tnnla iVtll Illlltou I lie H by Hi president or wcrotnr of
V J Ih Inlirlor Hotil < l imiki tinill InwftiliiiicJ
IrMcIirftforiinJxIcnilin f laluI wIipHht Itu presidents lepiirl
TAllmcToJllj incut has the iltithorllv to louse
for hiuh purposes uny part of
i i Indian reservations I submit
f > mH r VV7 CVAM r i Hint Ihe power of he department to
Ailwr e On Moil ItrciinlliiK Hie
Cnltln Ieii e <
IltAVlMI TO lltOVIlt
Speitlnl to hi diuctU
WvsiunOtoV Aug a The cuttle
lords tiro here In force headed toy Col
II I Hunter of Mt bonis and iteconipi
tiled toy llitIr attorneys
eiiielid that no sale of lauds li anv i
Indian tribes or uatlonH ifcbnt tov the
of the Interior dcpartnient to milhorleinthorliIhe Seneea nation of New York
Ihe ludlnns to IiiiHtheir lands for ni kV l tlm
luis Lun lmstransmledto eeeary fiLH ffl K
exists umier me iuw
j i i
power The questions refened the alorney 7 10 tM V i l ff l
f r
tfciKnil were whether theni was any law
Uv I TVT T W l
and dlccllon of he T V
Imiliil States tumbled of the clmige of violating the
tlrtUtrtil thai Iverv micIi piucliue law in siaillng olf the In
orfullljnilulit glftor censlou I i ot liilngdlaniipols poslolllce Ills chief offense
Hvilfth seutlon of the net of fune 110 1SI1I I time uj war
chapter 1VK II ltinjt il lo Hitch as eiimttute
Ihimauy rmllnn luitlou or ttlhe o In
dints and the provision of the
net of KM just lelerrul to has
hiyii reproduced In Mrllon ailti It s
now In f6rce The lastnamed Section
dietary that no purchase grant lease or
oilier conveyances of IuiiiIh or anv title or
etaltu thereto from any Indian uallon or
nihil of Indian tOtall he f0f any validity
In law or equity unless Ihe muiic be niad o
to trcuty or constitution
Thisftmutory provision is vet general
aitthorlrc Midi lease lo lie niiiilc ami of
j the president or morolury lo upprouor
lititke same If II exists at all rests upon
i oiiio law and therefore be derived from
either treaty or itatnlorj provision I
am not aware of any treaty provision up
jpllcable to the particular reservations In
ipi < tlon that conveys such powers The
Kevlscd statutes contain provisions rog
I he elalrn that hinting contracts or agreements
H Ih not kSsMufor them lo remove lliclr
bonis of 1000000 cattle within the time
proscribed bv the preslilonl They say
they will liae to drHe laOO miles to tin
that the will foree of
nil the fndlniis and prescribing how
they shall toe eveented or approved
section aI0I lint the e provisions do
not Ineliide conlruets of the eharauter
described In section at 111 hereinbefore
north and need a v
MM men mid 0000 horos The will I Xm lit
i lie oeeii conterreil hy statute
il i i the pirsldcnt i < >
r v libor the piesldeiil or secretary or other
olllcur of Iho government lo aiithorle or
< j vmANirsDM lsioN approve the leases hold toy the Indian
Wiiummox Aug a AllniiiVylen tribes ami Ihe ab enee of stiihpoivr
to hom tbo scrdaiy of r ifrX tttX Kl
terlor referred the question ol Ihe power f l > b 187 chapter yo to
lions wllhoiil tho niilhoilty of Mime law
empowering thu Interior depirlment to
1 1
anthorle t7c IndlniM to filler Into n eon >
n with any parties for Ihe leasing of Sm
Ihe Indhm IiuIh for gnulng puriOMs r n
1 n
also whether the president or the Interior m
lepiutmeui ban to rnaku
mi authority u ctiiimi n in ivxmiincion
lease lor gmzliiK purposes of any part of il
w IM M s w J Iw
tiny Indian leservatlon or whether ap
proval by the prwddenl or Morotary of f ttlf ilealers from Kiiimis and the
the Interior would render any sueh hii es he veiijyj resirvatloii hae arihed Jn
iiiihIuU the Indians with otjier parlks Va efiplcurliig
law ill amrvilld > i fp ll iKidlilealloiioftlherisIilenl s
I he tpiistions y tes Ihe nlioruey eii mir lWII rifMj f entile
cial ate propounded with lelerenee to from tlic Indhm lands Thev will pie
eermlii Indian ruhuruitloiis naiiiel i Mul iheliMuUs to the preshfeiilniid the
II mt tin herokee lands lu Ihe Indian mrrelniy of Ihe luteilor this week
Territory west of the nlnl llli degree
ol wet longitude eveept siieh pints j i > iiotti io i hir vri r I
Ileieof ahave heretofore been appioprto < SHvs Cm Mo ng a M ivor
alul for mid convened to frlem I I toes
Of Indians Moole eMnvor Ilulleiie and IrMorrl
Neeoml the Chcyeniii and raiahoe I Mumford lepresentlng Ihe eltlens
leurvHllons In the llldliinTeiiilorv leomiiiltlee In behalf of the elensioii of
Our gov eminent his ever ihlmed the for smnlhtti h rhevenne and r
riKtiliim from an early period Is allied nnw < t Ml Uir V h1iIii iii
polloy has been to legulale audllIihl They will toe Joined at Waueis
ciMiiiol nlenatlou or oilier ll iMir toy Senator Coekrell
position liy the tiidlnn nations I
or tribes of their lands Tills pollevwa
originally adopted luvlewol their pieu
liar eliiiacler and habits which lender
them liieapablu of hiistululiig any othei
lelattou with the whites than one of de
ieiideni < and privilege There was no I
other way of dealing with them than ot
keeping them heparate Miboidlnale and
dependent with guardhiu care Known
aioiiml ih m for their protection
In lfj7tl the congress confederation toy
proelamniliii forbade all persons front
making settlements on the lands luhatoll
Hhle or claimed toy the Indian wllhln the
limit or jurisdiction of any particular j
Claim for the Loss of lYrsuiint
ItI Kurlugllii Civil Mms
111 lnilliihii IU rMliniilT slnnil Ililr
l In i < iillli > il llii lli HNiliii il
llll > VIll llll
tali and from plirclialig or lecelvlngl clal lo the icllc
any gift or cession of null lauds or Wviiimikin Aug a Iioiii whal can
isltiluis vvtthout the express author
Inilnliis or iiny nntou or tillie of Indian s vvvitcivnis nivivin
within the Cnlted Slides shall lie I
valid msimJ ON AUg At the his ss
to at person or
or toMny suite whether giving Ihe rlghl IM KI suMil was panseil whleli
of preemption to hncli lands or not piovlded for the allowance of eliilui of
le s the same kIiiiII he made and duly c oillcerK and soidlers fr losses of ier
cutedat Mime public Heat under tin miiihI properlyin ihe government Iserv
aulhoiltyot the I nlted Mates 11 ovri r Ik iuh
A Itullar provisioni was again leletP vvlth the Indians The clalinanls
In section eight of the act ol Match 1 thiougli who e effoiN the bill
I7i vvliteh by Its tfiuts Included nnj vviih c pasMd luve presented
puichaseor grant f hinds or ot any acgumenls to u accounting yillccis
III e orelalm lliereto fioni liny Indhius or of tboteaHutv In vflileh thev Tiold that
nation or tillio of ludlaus within Ihe tba terms war and hostilitiestooth
iioundH of tho United Sfajes I icfer to the Indlnu scivlee ilheiv being
I he e provlxloits vvciVIUllher oslcinded i no comma between llie word war and
b section twelve of the act of May in or ami thai tho claims for losses dm
Iiiijj m > its to einlimce anv puicbase lug ihe civil war liiust lie allowed This
gmut ICiisu or other convoyanee of laudsthe troaMiiy otllclals sav would cost
otof tltltMir claim thereto
any n government an enonuous
As t ins uMciided II viiJt reenaled by sum unnv than could well be
llie net of March 1 Kli i chapter Hi and esiimikd A ease Involving a clvltii for
tlsob the act ot March aO
of personal ptopeity during the
lhtia chapter Kisses
section 12
In he aliovq legislation the provision
iippllid to imirlMHWi grunts leases etc
front Individual Indians uh well as torn
Into war was Mitoinltteil tp Third Auditor
Williams who returned the claim with u
decision disallowing the Tnyincnt hold
Ing that the iiet does not aittltorle com
peiisattoii foT any losses sttHljilned In
tiiis aiv ini vitiiiivr io in m
ottjAMit >
WvsinMnox Aug a Sowrotary Whit
no has appointed a hoaul of olllcots
cotnjtosed oPCoiumumler It Uv Mclilhi
and t yciilcuftiiuConinmtulir Hltailes 1
Wain and Vlefti II Il 1tucklnghani
Vnltod hlales navy lo convene at tint
navy dopaitmeiit on the lith lum for
the pmposo of considering and reporllng
upon tho generaUystem ot the admliils
and eumprehenslve Its openitlon does ration of tho business of Ihoilopiitinent
not depend upon tin nature or extent ot
the lltlo to the land which tho tithe or na Ciioiiii is ItivMi
lion in hold Whether such lltlo be In W vsiiimuin Aug S lulled Stalin
fe simple or right for ocoinmncy Consul Masoti ctblos the Mate depart
m r nvi1 I at city
1 Pined nccistry or Important Jircomu
lion vvlth the subject under consideration
li Inquire Into tho particular right or title A itK1 K siM
lo the tibovcmnitloncd reservallous f m tti K v Aug a The Com
bold by Indian tribe or nations merclal bank ot Suffolk litis suspended
consent of the government of the Cnlted
Slates Tbo lease of land for graying
llmitUAuiilnwl Hit lui Iiiinlin
ViCKsiiiJftto AjjsN ua tu meet
s any other or for general purposes ami < > oloied eltlrous t bold In the
Ihe duration of tho term Is Immaterial sUpervIsoCs dlstVIot of Ihu Var
um who enters with cattle or other rt > l nnty last nlgh tho following was
llm stock upon the Indian tosenntlotisl1bP < l
iimler that description made In Iolallon lesolvcd that tho threats that all
ot the statute Is mi Intruder and mav bo nado by Mime white meu of ihK district
removed therefrom as such uotvvlth llnt rinsed genqnit dissatisfaction
standing Ids treaty with tho consent of miong tilt colored people of this district
the tribe Such consent ma exonipl lilm lm w iiw not protected liy land
from the penult Imposed tov see att i It I mrs terchauts of this counlv
S for taking his stock there but Ucau I J will bo bound to go tosome
nol validate the lease or confer upon him other eotiuly
any legal right whatever to remain
upon tho land and to this extent
nnd no further was the mission ludgo
Itiewor In the Cnlted Sfatos vs Hunter
It Ihmutsov Chairman
W II Svimi Secretary
Irvll futrs VVIII < lrr t lot niil
ai fed rop US > Rilr hands m nHM uoertxini cko
lint thipioseutllifjulry In subsiatici viiorloinoiiado to von on ho Hh ami 3th
wljelhor thoilctarnnout of Iho Interior Come and help it s
I tiftoiii il Imtii I1rt IaRr
tlagitlotis acts that mnrkidtlte recoii truc DALLAS
tic hi period a lid the outrages that clnnic
teried nnd rendered odious tin ndiiiliil
trillion of cxtiov Davis mid the mtii If Tr Dallas llrowns llciit HieT arkiinii
not all of them tmver ed their respective
illslrlclK lo orgaltUe neuroes Itko dumb
thegiierilor bus us lllllikimsIoii lofear Irlvcn cattle to mill at the Chicago
opp < isllIoiiaHiiiiylMdv oitthe wide earth e iiiMilloii Whatever may be thought I
he frankly confesses that he never enjoys f K thrUel ut roperlv construed
a race half mi well as vvlien he has only 1 filtltlullv carried out s ono ttolltg I
himself io lioal and what It Unuderlts present ndmhils
Ir Douglass of llllt nginled as the uv ffmn
ling senator from that district Tito Wlttl are tfie facts
doctor has the reputation of being oue of
the most clearbeaded nimi In the stale
and his advent lit the senate would largely
contribute to advance the standing of
thit bodv
Ills niitholltatlvely stnled that tin
company tocairy malls for Central
Vineilean and Soiltbcrn
alleged by and others bo tho pollc i American noils
v excepting those for Jfexlco and Cost
of the Washington uliiiliilstiatlon and Hica fiom which couiitilos tho I icitlc
Ihe couise pursued by u coilalit portion i urelves a subsidy Tho refusal was
altitude in which It places volt and tlii s < l semi mi iment lt > tke Itioinill ito njc llti
who Indorse vour sentiments lHu Iujwtr Xiwwer
Vou stint out vvlth Ihe asittmpilou thai t > o rr Miionil
lite admlnlstrailoii In IN appointments The iontptvs tll f knowing the
to like must o essentially noupaitl onlcntsol the bagsdeclined
to receive
salt thn 110 HW hiivlng > ei I them us baggage T idess 1 o vvetose 1
Ids iMinrim t tlto
chTkod and tho passage f
act lannot eonsls enlly Inqulm wbellieragent pahl to each
point of moaiMiiton
an applicant Is a Democrat or Itepubllcait
kill must look alone lo his quallilcntlons
ami illness for llK lti
the place To enforoo
this viewyou give quotations flto S NM l A > AH tbo
act in question which you semn to was ietns1 lor the South and
rnlimi Kill Con
111 rvw v Oxi AugaTheeonvlotion
I sl In lit lie
Hoys In it fiiimr ill Hull fort
WurtliltfH Aliroml
IrrnrliliiB li > Kniplj llcm lies 1 ItrBiilar
M litli1 > Siiniliisi lii > i > l Ciinicrl nt
II Clirlsllnii rimrili
svillivril IN 1111 in
civ ll erv leu coinnilshioii Is composed of I l t n jBtv
two pronounecd llepnbllcuis and one T Aug aA liolv calm
wlshvwash unreliable sncallcd Demo1
crat nppolntedb n Itepnbllcan president bus brooded over Dallasall day and a
everybody Is too iiitieh Interested in the
Ills they have lo fly to others they know
not of We violate no coiilhlence how
ever ill the statement that common opin
ion puts down tho burly senator from tin
stale would most assuredly mean aneaily
retirement from politics A governor
who has linclv toiCii Inaugurated would
stand a pour show hi tbo senatorial con
test ami till he could hope lor would be a
MCml term After that oblivion and
the grave loveruors come go and are
quickly forgotten all they have to cling
to Is a title that serves rather as a pain
fill reminder of present depreciation than
past greatness In bis present pos < m
Mr I en gin commands a national icptita
lion If bo weic chosen senator thai
might better It tout to ciolmngc a life
all their Indor iinents ot aspirants of tho sermons fell upon the
It is well lor Tin < > viirr lo
and take the soundings of Its coitf
e It
rnrreqimnliiiei nf Ihe ii7etlv
have been men of their own class The cars of empty benches
olliees embraced under the elvll crvlco iivsi nvu
act number about llftecn thousand out of V Sinidav giuno of halt Is almost Mire
hundred thousand Yel the to bring on ruin here and the members
one design it
o > runUg n ai untliUJiluMtlu n < n c < itc of s Is plainlv peaeptlhle to extend It i of the Dallas Drowns wire rather blue
lov Ireland for the I nlted Mates sella our > tliiT olHeo outside of thCseim toib when the molslmo began
L V ii in the classlilcatloti ot offensive pirtl lo pour down Hut an lnvostlKii
seitttor Uousloii ol llexar Is reported Mew a DetiKHral wlthotitspokeii lion after Ihe riln ceased showed
21 trS rr tsi = ax rua
continues as it toegan letvvecu Swain
r llwrkw Alll0rlw hHoiy
mil Itoss Vour correspondent Is Vvllllu
to Mtiture the predlcllon now that either
one or the other will toe chosen unless
the ileal ol the canvass should develop a
daik horse a contingency not likely lo
The belief Is growing here thai Mr
lteagiin Instead of plnni
governim lull hi
ship IP Is dllllcitlt L
son why Mr Iteagan shoitlddeslrc the
governorship man like him lu llm
yotitbof a vigorous old age Is hardly
ready lo round off Ids istlltlcal citcer
and an election as chief magistrate of Ihe
would toe postponed The grounds were
not In good condition and the game was
rather tedious The score was Dallas
a TcMirkttna I The clubs will play
again tomoirow
SrSllWsriHHH I OMKltl
The regular monthly hiinihivschool
Is plain that It ranges Itself directly with concert took place at the Commerce street
the miigwlimps pseudo Democrats ami Cbtlsthiii cliuicb this afternoon A good
ltcpuhlluans who are solicitous to lelaln crowd was present and enjoyed u good
their places It ranges Itself sdo by programme well carried out
side wltlt the itflvestoii News that men IKjtsowi
iimllilili fur
tlons vvllli exultation the appointment of
I ieollectorof theportof Chaileslon of i
suggcsi ie
MMl s JUsIntH
urged by the mercbanis of Charleston In
opposition to the recommendation of
en Waile Hampton and theetitlri South
Cinollna congressional delegation It
ten Dahney HiMiiurv of Vliglnla K
here tho guest ot Col Alford lie will
attend the reunion at Iort Worth
i Kelffcr of Kort Woith autographed
at tho traml Windsor
II II W i Lewis of Kort Worth
arc In the city It Is said they lontent
plices Itself with that pi > or III favoring plate opening up it largo shoe house here
the Wtcutloii of Republicans In otllce if II Mayer Oalveston D W Harnett
competent ami Ihete Is no piescnl com Colorado Oily and lames Orr Terrell
plaint of offensive partisanship regard nie at the Iraml Windsor
lessof their anUccdcuts Till 0vlril j
niiiy contend that Mr Cleveland stands i
on this phiiform If bo does It may rest nill llhll AMI ItOIS
assured that bis course will be repudiated
tov the I rue Democracv ol Kiiiifimin Cuimij
Ihe e liy Noitb and South NKId l ttm linrviio
ami Ids iidmliilstiatlon piovea failure Kvii Mvs Tt Aug a Crops of
Hill 1 am not prepared lo believe that he tilt Kinds are splendid The corn ciop Is
will much longer give room for such stts
H omis tup rmmli il l tl l < 5
plclons hut thai he will faithfully mid
bonesll carry out the ineasiircs of r wheat and ontsue splendid wheat aver
Timescontrolled by Ids btotlierliilawon
ien Maey Is an Incident which Is going
or what It Is worth but is not needed to
establish the laet ot his caudhlic It
can be tolled on tbillolm Ireland will go
hofoio a Texas legislature tor tbo second
time as il senaloilul aspirant In 87
An Intimate friend of Senator laev
slnles tint ho will not sininibla hir n ie
electlon tout thai If bis return Is doslted
liy the pievttllliig sentiment ot thl 1 people
be wlllllllowlili iiaint to go be fllFe the
Twentieth legislature
IhHiHiiitN lti 1iiiitlet >
In Ihe ISitllurnf lliOdHrrltii
I thank you very kliull for the
spue allowed me In your col
umns in a otlllcisin on what Is
grander rank and tile never escd In ItoCkw vi r Tr Aug Tbewcatbor
p urTZ tn UdW r s civ not
divide and illslniegiale It have fnUed It needed badly and caily notion Is begin
stands lotlav as it did veins ago an itu U fH some Threshing s progtess
ptegiialilo plialnux llkc lbo famous guard K fh wl Wheat and oats are turning
ulWntoiloo against which Napoleon in I > nt llnely wheat from twenty to thirl
vain hurled his battailous toiiheN and oats about sovoutlive
A Dimikiivi i bushels
tiik mail itirisin
Ill s m Cmniiliie liettteeii Im le sum
mill tin Im lite Mull imiii
SVN riiVMIsld M Ah The
dlllleitli between the IaelllcMall and the
Washington postal uutlioiitlv ciiliulnited
yistenliy In the absolute lofitsal of tho i
tlllllllillli Ioinil
IiiNVMTiA Aug Ilitnani was
surprised today by ttilte a ietro hlng
shower Ciops vveie never hotter In
Callahan coitntv
Husk Cliiml
> ieill lo Ihe relic
Ovrttinv Ti Aug a The crops In
this soctlon of the count aio linmonso
Hilu Is needed Koine farmois com
plain ol rust in cotton Iodder pulling
has eomiiionccd
llrnlti CimiiiI
Did you slop to rollect up
Oifer your cnllro mull to the niiiitun
special lo tlio inette
j Ionstioito Tia Aug a The weath
er hero still continues drv and hot The
I horinonietor today legistered 10S In the
Clllj CiioiIj
SjlOclll 10 lllPil < cttL
Hisiivii Trx Aug a The wealber
Is still dry with cool winds from the
11iitiin < iiinl >
spcilid to lie iuvtto
1uoi 1oint Tix Aug a A
makes this point cloar It fWs mo Central Anelcan poits by the 1aclllc L
that Ifjou examine Ihe very quotatlopsj all steamer CoHnia vostcrdavwas named Moore living a few miles east of
whlchyon adduOo thoy will nol boar vou overland to Xew Vork ami Kevv lt s prostrntuil vvlth heat a few
out In vour construction of thoiu Cor whence U will bedlstrlbuted tolls vailous tl1 vs L > ll111 cngagcl about a thresh
tain lts tho
ltepubllcatis did not s Uii
dorstand tlioni As an ovhlcitco of It tin
law has been In operation tor two yens
and dining tbit period the cotiiitiy has
yet lo loam of a single Detiiocrit
or and Hod in a few honrs
ltefresiling showors haviipassed within
a short distance of this locality noith and
Vegetation hero Is nffir severe
ly for rain The cotton
to consider the claims of aspirants jnm manifested
selecting those persons lu hiirnionv with
his administration mid Its pledge of ie i i i ity < > r virictnti
form In net Is this uot vtMx IltiivPii muv Iv Ail
ground of Illness
tho president a
boated term was broken this
I by a heavy in which bsttl
hour Will the rain fell considerable
Plt bal though as the stones vveie small It
fully one
oiuployos of 1H predecessor thvy lin people of the South and tbo North
fully Instructeil and trained In
their re
specllvo positions
I confess that I buve never been placed VIltH
In possession of tbo ilvllMrvlco law
and cannot thorofon dlson u merits slwl
but passages have boon from It by
ho ii7vlie
Tix Any
given by1 Hmiiii a i t Jiit
th pros > which aiv regttntoil hy those j agent for tho lVv c t m
tho most ellglm minds of tile S ibis pilec I fi la fi u J
ry as unjust and unconstitutional icaSf
botm d train on f aleee C
this feature of the Xor a
case Is Irrelevant iind few lavs
foreign to this dlscitsslnii for the reason
that the federal unices In lVxas to which
1 itlnTtHliiitoullon are not controlled
us I uiilorsland hy this llul suppose I l
thoy were is there u fotlerair r Mal rt loll Chariest
oillccr In the statu not stiblst to removal I AUrU
shower this ovoulng not enough
bovyovcr toiloanygood Halt Is badlv
lv K m lllu to suffer
i l K ° n f tand
tho r
prjco holds up well
Aivoiiii Tr Aug a Wo are still
having hoi dry weather Tho crops arc
noelliig rain badly
IliriiUie louiil
Hi sh Tix Aug
wiWIIw hottest of Ihc
as an offenslv o l < inf Can < I
i Tin ti v or rortaidlua Va tIm P l H to H Lawt in
ui bono that Is nol subject lofcoiislsted of iv M vxvtv
removal under that nut Tin Owriik a iall r JirtinMiii < IV AiW a The grain
senator Coke and other planters vvhos
Wfrr nm
spring comiucnw
siruciionotani u i J
nl great cum Mv
ISowiiTl vug s v
preclable cffift on vegetation
enipliMllcally the hoUc iV
verlIally hot aumwer H
feeling the hoit h Ilw
sensibly ttoau at
y thnc W
tliermoiiieterslood m ul
I orll hi
rain lam MiMilitg ml
night I i
lu ma
lomilerllle A gojTil <
lntb l7
lance u for
almiu tialticKvll le wM
n on ttocrrfori
to lesj ir
Lexcessive cmii
beef cattle
toill ih JS
road to Uarrohl ycsleri S
three It ouch car w renKV
only wonder Nthat grMtcrwH
tallied considering tlmu
and the
heat so great The
has not to <
any alS
fercdptothAiriV X4 <
but Is beginning
now tofW
Injured In a Llly Ittct t
hick of nilii niHi ui
the needed ujolstenhi iLi
will be considerably dmft
SHell 10 ttieltuwlle
Dviivs Tlv g a V
ntlu begun to fall about a oM
slight sprinkling
of hall
mUhj u
nude the 1r dicldedlv
vlgoritlng However it Z w
Wong enough to fay the hi t 2
wet the ground enough o Uwl
lolltl11 IliUHlj 1
sipectal lit lint uettc
Ciisiiciims Tin ik <
here slightly this alternoon
Hiilcr post In thecros timh
Il was most needed MJ
Wvsiiivs Augii
West iulf states ietiernllvfjr
with the
exception of hi rtutMiv
the will be local rains ar
neaily stationary leiiiperalun
Welltliir lleport
The cotton belt weather
m i
Texas showing tlto niaxhiiiiut stSk
mum tointioratuiv also the nlnuj
tbo past
twcutfour hniini h
1 leurue
Dall if
Son Vnlnnlii
Ail1 111
Sour Iike
too w
Men Hi i j y
illlSAT llltlrll >
liiiiiliin litis iioltier Scinilil
IIX1HN Aug aThl lalM M
sensation in londou Is causedbjlii
iiouilloincnt that Lord Chief fe
Colorhlgc is about lo hurry an Am
whom he tlrst met op
steamer nl vvlticb lie nil
fronitho rnljiel States Hircc ycarsi
ami ulio llnoatencd lo bilu nnact
breach if proqiNe If lie did not at
her Society Is very much agltaltfc
lite approaching event 11 < MA
soiis ituiglier arc saU tftU
angr j
Till IllItem llrohl
M until Aug The revbcil tW
returns lor csterlay shoh tlii >
were Ht i nevv cases tliroaifionl V
and Una deaths
v iiii iothi niuiit
TltllShl IS Aug rltl cOHspQMHtr
political quarrel nh Austrian nf
Italian army ofllccr fought a dud S
suhuib of this city today lkU
was mortally wounded
Wllil Irenlis nf tin I Imiii 1
the liaio
tho sugar
walls and
TnitllMO OXl Vltgil 1 i
of the most destructive lire tlntb
taken place in Toronto cotmiiciiw K
laisin this morning In tl Wf
building erected by lite Toronto
Itctlnory company on the fclk
A strong xvlnd hlowlug f
tbo east can led chunks of
along the Hsplanado ignltlug wn
biilldliigs as farwestas llvcofWH
lu a Miorl time ii tlii a
left of
MilokeSt >
i uui
buildings of Soulier llvans 1W
sollas and Ibbolson all boil
Itelns i Co and Wcl h i l ° < rb
nicichmts Came Martintf
makeis and other buiW
In a blae and unle
changes the whole south W
Ksihnade will have loMiccuinl
arc II Ing ami lodging on the r
largo warehouses on Front ji
ton stioots ami fetirsaroctitcrUHnl
several of them mav take ftrc t
Tho tire brigade Is and > WJ
ing nianfullv but Its effortswt9
loss The streets are fK
sands of people The h tfu lLt
nlons Three schooners arc
the waters edge
Tbo llto Is over lclf a tatlf w
fnper Trlr1 liy j
Iaper niiulo In U5l xmn < lLl
lned tov a gentleman wh ° M JsfH
In the most perfect condition SJ
iblo and of a pearly whlto wktoj
looking through II Js Mcn V j
tocaiitlful LjM
for Us rlcamcMi
Tho can
paper Is as white as jL
and has a surface such as H n JJ
Tho question Is wlU amoWJ
paper stand tho test of an W d
with equal resullsr The kln v > Ljl
not ovv lug to tho presence ot
lime In the modern article 1
The most popular igaivltc
lar price tire Open Tuffs