iCK >
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ttl y kj
pnttjj nctU
hsf r >
ii v
uatis or stnsuimiiu >
70 jffy uriisniinnim
fVyftw JrriHtld bit the JutiUilirm
IMfij Weekly
One Year 0M >
MsMoalh ft ou
Thruo Month 1U
One Year
I Mk Months
1 line Month
DhttiKtiKvii rtitmniis
1rr Wtfk
Hates ill AiliirtMiiR IlirnlOicil mi
lljrrci ilCA 1
J > iM
l M71V >
i rlitloo
titnltlmiett bu rfrnrt > ojM rc mawff onrr w
j rtyfrteretl Itlitr at rfc n oiffi f
CotitfjmtntenceU tolltfted im W > <
1tvnilit Information of rrtnlt nml > id baaixn
or poieml inlerett tvllrUtit nml uill W
OTtft onjirnMn
Iff ivMtouiitcattons Inttmlfil or puhllmthu
mutt he tircominntrrt by llm m Ittr name nml ml
lire ml for publtcalhil but nn nn ttMentt < >
Im tin Kttttnn la Tin KztTN on biulntm
ytrwnal tv thonulett uillpltne Inclotr tlnmaror
MlltlltrA rtltiltna to biiilnru orttnyUml rhonld
iwilrtitrtt toTmniwi rr irt Worth lr
Tin iiuimi iomimm
ATiinnvv mokmm irsr m
HHh thou nrt mid unto dusl tliim
shall return The nations dnul passes
irfimntyitiilhlRlit lodaj
n A K imt for HouMon One by one
Ifvjvjjjo rlps depart She no lunger Is a
Iut ln I tx
IWWtV telegraph cdllur In tin country
Mia l iirsoual grievance since Hi Malull
fulnml assigned his successor wlih lite
ufrspeifjablo numer
i iiiytcpubllcuii pnilj has proved LiU
JvjH In counting majorities but
liBil1FXmt revelations li I clear
s ajjiii dfiiiit InilliiiiM
liiiiii l
Kirnionon uio o1Ih ot lobucuoulKulii
nmoii tlti > ouiiK Afr tut jcwipml jkii
p Ufiimn N lilntsolf nu Inveterate tiMrof
tbovcid wo liiforlin win mhi nuctll In
4 IIh iim > uinonj tho old
A 11 > ion ulilsKy tlriu Iiuh just Hhlppiil
n otttjio of rum to Afrlcii whlili imis too
Hi to bo bold In this Iounlry Wu nro
viiltlii liupitliiuly for hoini Mn stuliii
sfstts uofrrophllo to donouiuii IliN inSpo
hltlon on thu poor colorod mini
r i
tnuMio mlsvtt 8t 000 In oni dicuIiij
foru Onnit inouuiiunt Suw Ymk met
rosohed mid icnt out olnuilats uhklnp
woiitrlbiillonn Tluits the dlffcroiioi bo
v t icn Ibi ritht nml West You mljilit
JJijV > notlcul this dlstluotlou bitwoon
UTH lms cnlerprlM Itiplliil to
litir imtcrirlMH n clltnalc mid Ulii
Willliri Unit noiii fcl bin hlu 1m > > no
Pg1tj i > nltc quwus 1
KiniWrtMiix are nil biwy now liiiillliifr
Jui1 sera to Ilmlr roiHlHnuiil
fHtl5liii < lnro tliostnho oxpcot notlilui
> furtliuy smiiiI bo ilNiipiioIntvtl
Anpot < ui IJiinic dunks tliil be hiik
lillio roiitilou for unj polHluiil purpose
AVflllb 1Jiiiiiiik iih qu rr > lli 4lifKihl
< ll lfr Wlntt ore wp lint Uitl
i i
1Niit would It do for tlui lidmliiltim
Uilti to tiKiIn O ihiKtouoii Us hiiminor
ji itiitf tour Thorn 1 no nvord ot >
i lWbliiit en > r lmlii Iuiijshi u iUl
Wm dons not Uio > octatoil pio
tiVolhfiinnioof tin iiulhiirol the letlur
Ti Ircihliiil Cluvulnmiy The piishlenl
id no Miiiipiinotiont nboiit xlpitn bU
Uf ii 11 ply
IVMMihCiilpvd Ihi llidliiH hiltln ImN
on CJuuiowalh tookluUm jtclciitlllc
M t TlmtV thu illffiToiiPo bitwciii
MlhuK lppI nml IVmis mjJii but Hie
nisinls must po
J OiMiV thT IViiiuli novltMt l
5 < now iih rouii Do lii It imli Hit i oil
jiiino it Miuy Juno Hlubbh unit lu > U of
JmtWi orlshi At sKlv i > nt > of nuo sbo
> tfuliuut to bo niirk
llt Jjv tli > vn W gotnu lo dilUiT u
1jill o utul Port Worth
VA HOrtn Cmioiiva ucjjro eoui iVKiilti > n
1 ilmkntook to oxtormlniilp tlu > Hms In tlmlr
< ituiuh by natnrutiiiK ntniw Axttli turpon
iliuiundliurnliiIt under tlic Hour Dm
vtpuruniiit vis bl hl > micoosHlul but
thnvw1l not repent It whim I bey et
tliUriiow clnirch built on the fpol when
hft offl onu stood
Tuif GreenUio papers > > liowoMil u ey
iIoi of wnr poetry upon heir lsliorn tit
lln > rtiilblou Hie Cleburne Chronicle
tomej oit pilntod In red Ink pilnUn
U nlttoiJi literally The pre Te s
know liow lo welcome bei hOldlerii
Ioctr and red Ink tire the ti ue sljns I
ImNorlhetn prcusi bis uexer boon
nble to express Its iteleMuttoii of the
br taUty of Southern eommuulltin whero
ijiM 4yHs ll > lSIost Is an ItttlluUon Pel
i iftuta3tarylaiu1 which punish Avtfe
< j4ia by publicly > hlpplnji thorn havn
n JbeiHi hfclit up ai examples of ferocity
liiisjieiikablo A chnnst of Henllinonl Is
ukservablo Mhen the lhlladolphtu Iress
efln quote approvingly and thus comment
Upon an article In Ihe rhlludelphli
tiiil cr In favor of hippingi
Our very hober mid conservative eon
luiuporary tho Iedjjcr would like lo wo
Ike uiau who deliberately snnishod through
itrect lasl week whipped Inlo home appro
llitlon of his malicious mlycutrl It ls
< lertrthat line imprisonment and lunging
Ionstltuto a too limited inngo of punish
nu nt tot lit all classes of offense There
are ti few crimeH of i particularly mean
cruel or nuiUclou character that nothing
btit the whlppliigpost can ileal wlib nffiv
j ttt > jinxtutum nt rolorm > nv sviimi too
far the other way in Philadelphia Ixii
Uvim would like to ma tho whliiplug
post for won who bcattliQJrwlvoM but Is
not prepared to go MivldnjJMi of the Ihll
iit1cilA paper ami ikuiiind lorporeal
piinlslimeut for he man who smashes a
glass window
UKonuu acMii i > oisvr
Under this caption iln > Waco liaj
qiMlusffi oni Tim luurir mid coiniiieiils
WoiHi while each shows a large
case vCh c a city where the
aisy7 xit sjrrrKMivr v
Awillet in the hi louls Ibpiiblleau
discussing the siibjietol leasing lauds In
the Indian Tcnltoiy froui Ihe view ot ad
vantage lo the Indians uses these ilgnres
and this logic
Ilie Chimme lea ei til IJ nenl per aeri
dm hunched nml lxv aero of lirnl llm urill i
n ir > home funii for a settlor til IJ evutu per
neru vteiilil yicM an aniiiiiil rexenur of fiW
tlnoluuiitrril and fU tens of I mil loir
rlnmiMt liy a sillier al tlW i > er in to wouldhrlnx
fiiiO lliln turmd over nml put out ui Intent j
for the hull mt nt 1 per i luI the anilniiit of mi1
mull lulcrivl iatd lit the joviriiiiieiil In the
liiillnns would > leld In Ihe Indlnii fill
annually or In oilier Mords Ihe
felllertinuld piy Kiel licemie4Ti > u more on I
ever iitinrterfeetlon thnii Ihe eililcini n iai
lloslile lolhe nhiltli of llmcoiiiilr > Mould I
lead to the hliuc point
iOHMlTlliii Oh TUK S01tOLA
rw cKvsrs
Uiredoatmvn of town lulialillnuni returiH
lit Mhnolthlliltiii Hi hlatuaathiirlllenire
liHTednbiun and have ukid tor an eilaua
lion Ui l your the Iomii tilumed cwo n liol
nilleaite KvIdeally thero l a swindle iiIkiiii
the mailer omOMhere Jhit brutherln I ivv
llnl heller let Krinlle alone torn while and turn
Itsiittilitlnn lo reiortluir Ijirvdoblrllo They
net m lo i once In triplets or i hr Ililiuine
Koit Woitli a clt admitted loluveit
populiillim of j iono bus reynned itsehol
iisllc populilkm of Oi > it Austin reports
JllOS ecliool children mid Austin does
not claim over H iOOO population Denl
listlc population
The scholastic census Is a fraud Can
any one of cane mind Mtpposo that fort
Worth with i3000 InhibUanls con
tains hut iiiO more school children
than Knredo whose untilc popula
tion docs not exceed 4100 In the Unit
chlUrcn are but onetwelfilt ot the gross
population while hi the other II Is nlmosl
omilnlf Such a disproportion t eI
dencuofihe lncoireotncss of hehcbol
astic enumeration In both towns
tiii azittk kort woimr tksas sati kdav aigist 8
that cll > to 5lUiir > of the public hchool
unit while Iort Worllis aooo get but
Myiai If there am as many hcliool
children In this city as In Austin tlnj
nrodeiirlvid of almost CM < by their
niiliibcrc not being rorrctlly reporlid
If the existing school law cannot secure
belter reoiills It tdiould be repealed as
II IA ktl ns posxlble TliC vliool ehlblreii of
one part ol the slate urn as mm h untitled
to the full beuellts ot the publle ihooI
money as bonof auolher part anil when
they are deprived ol that equal propor
leAltlcom the fort Worlli
lliorgn lirk of VV iicst ln > a grant tmin
rtimlaulio think lml In bun nn Iipimi fnlrl
Ireatrit In tho piul nhil dial he nnlil nmkii
fine ot the inoct lirllllniit lllocney Wncr i Hie
flnti lms ever liml
the Ita ha never hail enl > illhlinl < >
lark nlmiit tills tmilter hut we liui lnc ho
uoiilil li in llkCly In lirriiil tl > iiiinliinlluii tor
llirnltnrix ircitornti > fil tn fIliihetts would
a nomlniitloii fur JliMlioet Ihc iicnieiit Austin
Inline lurk Iiuh hcuu ntleriut Kouiral at
rcvuii JucIrio llic luurtir iiprnl nml tin
a law prnrttre vrorllt nnyvvlieriTmnifSdiKitii
Jcom Iter nnmim llevtoiihl lie vrr > tonll > h tu
even llilnknf lircninlnirnlliiriic Kiiicrnlnirnln
Weill wh should not fudge Chirk ac
cept the atoriifgfiutratslilpt ami wbv
should not Judge liobetls be mide
justice of the peace at Austin In either
case we believe the would adorn those
positions and we are very sine the olllees
would not dlsuraee ilieiu So man how
ever great Is bnllltled bj accepting
humble positions In tbt publle servile
when called there for the public good
It is he little mall that belittles the
lohn Qulne iliius atlei a long mt
xIte In the highest ilepnlinents ol state
ami alter loiiudlug off his larccrln the
presidential olllcc did not dlsilalu in he
made a justice of the peace In hi native
town ami he inulu a notably uood one
Nobod his thought II lowcrul blin In
public esteem to at cept a mlnoi olliee
To bcjuire we are not going to foiev
ImlgeClaik to uccept a iioinluatlon as
uttoine vgeutral fur thuie tan be loiind
others to accept the place with verv llltle
perdiiitlon nevertheless If a stiong de
ininil weie inidr uiioii tint gentleman we
doubt II he would hesltale to iieeule to
Ihe call
longs to tlicin
Written fur Ihellnelte ami Unlleateil In
V llenlnl
Lot lvnii Kv Aug 7 The
patch ent out this moinlm fmiu
l onfeilrratu Iti union of HlV
lleirje Hie einhoii rnitr
Hear > it from nhorc lo liore
Tolllnx lielln tint neer hi fore
spoke luillonV jfrlef so ileepf
Mark e the HrleDmfed
U henldo liUjrraie thoy InCil t
sinrrid vtterniiS vvliofirebtinlr v > oal
foiiylit vvllhlliii deftiH1
llcnr o nol Hid oilier ha
I hoar iio fought tho Mile la gray
that this la a ntillontOii
TlialoVr drnnt tho syiuh iloe iveep
siirel liml In llenvin fair
n er hat k to southern > n > er
lilac and nniyire lirolhers lure
llnili liiril riinoret llm Imyurenlh Iron hli
And vicars the oleiim rf < re r In It ilcil
llinlilcin of grlut biifelgliid the uleiirii the
ilftuh r
Hero lion at reil
Ill noble feeling lo no > eiI rnnlhicd
la every iiherceni Irehd all mankind
liodx inoiild neer eaI man morn reilned
than lirml tailed huinn lorest
live Ihe toveil ones sloilUK < lullle Meld
I orr < itlen all Hie ei l Me kneel
In jirujer villi true union eiil
k Iod tohlow hW re1
I lie fnrue of grief tlitm elils the hroken i Imlii
Ilio hliieiind jrra liiforroMnre hrolher once
Oiircjiiinlry thenforevir vvujilorlfy II none
lit lienorlnp IOjether the 1 iilon i hlnftiins
11 vv 111
VV Idle the lit Ids viero roiiiulnirmer
lire ilhlntnew moMiiha nml ihnor
Well think of her in Uoitr vioul
Whote In Ih ind tin ith are eierj d n
W Idle as ulilie < liner mic el ik lm
nd ill from ihIiuSoodiiv I
I Ice VV I ullori s
Niw Viuii Aug r Tin falluics
thriiiclinul the country dm im the last
seven ilijs nuinbei for the I lilted Mates
If Canada lb tola ISO eompirid
with tho tolal of am last wetk ami al
the week plev lolls
The only i luaietle which ilouottlik
lo the lips tire Ipem 1liffs
A Mi leoilo sliimor
Imuvs vidlis Ink Aug The
town of Salem III tills stntK was
by a uteleoile shower yesterday Mete
nlle hloills fill iiiiijing In hlo hum an
egs to halt bllslielsatideaitieilovvu liotauil
Mcmulng Some very large ones ennie
crashing through the roof of the lltliniate
nddidafarinof iwaeres Morlhfroiii Woaa Iiijin lug several I ravi lei slluhtlv
liOeiKi nu Intllmi territory has n population lmd two latally line of the latter Is II
ot iitiont 7iiw lnilliii male nml fiMiiile ailiills Monlgoiiu ry of Ionlsv llle Ky seveinl
imdihlhlren livingtooiioh imnereof laud dwelllims weie more or less liijuieil
IIMuoooiu ics Mould he taken up loilmj in
niiiMmruf tiilusolil to m nit re al Sl il m
Here prittliiilnir Hie miniof nniinoiioii Mlilih at
llveporevul periiiinum Mould jlehlnminimal
reveiiui of IS MKi M Id the ludhn a revenue
nmoaiitluKiuiniMlh In Htoatmuuioro ilnin the
reulat pildbi theiattlemen upon ihelial ot
IhoCheieiine len e
I arlher In tvunt enm lhi e JMiiXm tw
aire farux wuulit hue mIIU Ihe tmvim mill
ellks Iho would ereate n Livable iiiluiiloii of
yiWOeiiOOO I an i intjolulnx llm ludtnn Ier
rlmry hut tweat live yearn a dnte ha a lav
nhlo valuation nt 2I7U7U1IV llm ihe v
nmlooi worth of eiltle now In the lerrllnrv do
not pii a leal of tavallon to n > Mule or li r
rltor Whlih thou lo Ihe moid valuahle lo
the country and Ihe limit lintultolholnillniiv
the bullock hnrou or Die vmorlcim faniierV
The same conclusions deduced fioiiiu
like eouiho of leiisoiilng lei been the
logic of Tin ivyiMiii and other papers
111 this state opposed lo the lease law
The slight difference Isthit this writer
uses a lease rate of one and a hall cents
pel acre while literate In this Male is sK
cents The di duct Ions though Im vllnbly
Inliinll Itilleiicl
Mi iiii l iiourot New lileni la
wiltes i hiivoason who ha been slek
for two veins lie bus been nllcmlOd b
our leiullno plivslelan but all to no pin
pose This morning he had hi uutl
spell of coimhlug and was mi gieillv
puitrated In consequence thai death
seemed Imminent We hut In the house a
bottle of Dii Wm II vii V IIvijwi inn
nn 11 mi purchased by mj husband
who uotlceivourailVi illeinent We ad
uilnlstuitil It ami he vva Intantlv u
dlunupolls repotting amekotte storm at
tsalein last Ihuihiliiy In which stones tell
ranging luslu fiotn an egg lo halt hiili
els Is a pine Mulhattonlsiii II Mont
goincry of Louisville who i reported as
fatally Injured Is now In Tenne ee He
Is n lileiul of Joe Mulliatlon and the hit
ler h is iloubtless liupoed upon the Aso
cl itcd pies correspondent for the ake of
a questionable Joke upon Ids u oclite
son has WO and Waco kU4 neither umHr 2L
which pretend lo the population of Iort I At
ill lu
Mom Women lllitiTliooi Mi n
least three men or the average
jury are bound to disaareo with the lest
Just to show that theyve got mind of
theli ovvnt but there Is no dligreement
nuiouir woiiieu as lo the inerlth of Dr
Pierces inufe rrirrjifioii Tbey
me all iiuaiilmouslu iironounelui it the
best remedy In the world tor all thoe
ebronlo dleases weakuesse and com
pldnlH pieilllar to their e It tians
tonus the pale haguaiil dlplilled wo
man into one ot spnkllmi health ami
the tinging laugh turiiniclgiissupieiiie
lithe happy household
Irlh potatoes in barrel and aek at
wholesale and retail al the Toil Woiib
no time since111 Ilrovvu begun
thu miuulactureatid sale or Silver I out
baking powder has the deiuaud In en so
great as at prcheiu
Irish potatoes In b irrcls and s ick nt
nholivsaloaud retail at Ihe Jort Worth
irocer Ios
If your grocer dont kicp Silver loif
baking powder ak him to get a trial
school lftv ° > d then jou get a trial package
kggs obj
eggs eggs
i Cos
i egg
nt the
eggs eggs ogg
Iort Worth irocer
The populailly ot Silver loaf baking
puvvder ha8loidlly and nipldly Increased
Ihe people of 1ort Worth have a smV fclncp thn mst package was glvui the pub
sliintlal Inlorett In an accurate eiiumer1 Ho
atlon of her cehool populutlon The
school fund is lBrllutd in preprtlon g tlFiorr r irffir
to tb e nimibcr ot children to tv
be educated The pre rata
Ihlsjisirls V5S0 This Mini goes lo I Muniim
every Mhool child mid every Mich child j 1 T1 3
omitted from the cniineratloi mtacc u Sl1 SSSTw ywr Mift
the Mhool money to be distributedfcii Ol rlhvivveriaronovviivdUmleefexmiiiito
Viitins n Oil Mvlioolifilldren entitle
iUiriiultlHoivoldnlldiiiyerol nUdluthe
W <
< iW
a awi ti
lis InI rre ent mid ruliirclla llutlnm
itnl lln lni Vlen
Hie rapidity of Iort WorthV gnivvth
has never been equaled In the West by
any illy that Ins lived to reach
twenty thousand Inhabitant Itsgrovvth
M > fir has simply bicn unprecedented
Ten yeiirsugo Port Worth had ltn < than
700nhabltiitit but In three years from
that tliim It had as many thousands and
the listcensus inktn ten months ago
showed a population of VSt il which IH
since Increased to nearly or quite 25000
Sales of merchandise In this city last
year amounted to more Uiau leu ami
a half million dollns nml the city Is yet
In Its Infancy Iort Worth will In a
short time Income be grandest railroad
center In Texas Situ itcd at the crossing
ot the two iiulu trunk lines of the state
it 1m also the terminus tifthe dull Colo
rado S Santa IV from fialvcstou and the
fort Worth Denver running one hun
dred and forty miles Into the I uili nidle
of Northwest Texas Work will soon
begin on the Iort Worth New Orleans
road the completion ot which will
give us an outlet to the South
east and betore many moons have waxed
ami waned dirt will be thrown on the
Iort Worth S llrovvjiwood to the Sjouth
weM Iort Worth ls not the pampered
lielrof natural advantages but the legit
imate result of thu enteiprising liberality
mid determined pluck of the people
In this connection II would not be In
approprl lie to mention a tew ot the busi
ness institutions Ih il tite pnt and paicel
of the city and the business men who
have contributed lo Its past mid present
siiieess and whose names are a guarantee
of Its future prospotlly Tor want of
space we can give but few ami thee we
offer a spirlmcim only Others ate
equally worthy of special mention foi all
work aone man wlien the Inltrcstof
Iort Woilh are Involved
In lor A Dun
Nothing can ilt Icrinlne the coinnicicial
stability and wealth of u city mon than
the rapidly Increasing prosperity of Its
nicichiiits lu no city in tills tale hi
thls fact bteu mi clearly demonstrated as
In Iort Woith Our fair city which only
a few years ago eineigi tl fio in I lie chrya
lls state of a village and Is now nuking
inpUl strides to become a imttopoll
controls the entire tiulc of Hie lint
countiy mound it These thouglils oe
cmud to us while piylng a vllt of in
spulion through the palatial stoic of
Tayloi X llirr and while walking clear
Ihiough fioiu Houston to Main street
saw the propiletois and salenun busllv
piepirlugfor their tU00000 sale which
I now lu piogiiss We weie In
foiniid thit this I in no
seue a ilcaraiue sab of old
good but the result of ptiieliaes at
loreed ales In ibe New Yoik ninkets
mid although wo confess to be not m >
well posfcu on the value of diy goods as
nu printers Inkthe conviction wasfoieed
upqu us liml to rpiuio lower > ilies upon
some goods they would have almost to be
given away The question was natuially
put In us bow can you do It ami do you
make money by II Ceilaluly we do We
will explain our system vve buy and ell
for spot ash one eents voith of goods
never leaves our More till Its easluiptlva
lenl Is in the drawer wi keep no books
and so dtspensc with a hngi otllee cxpen
dltiue Thete Is not an Importer
or manufacturer In the diy
goods market but whit Is
aware ot our ability lopiv cash no neu
ter how huge the puichii and so om
resident buyei lu New nik Is ouu of the
111st notlilui ot storks that mut be
turned Inlo cash Ibis season lms been
one iiiipreccdentid In the eoimueiclil
history of our countiy Credit was so
doiibttul except to cash buyeis that
goods weie held by the owners Now
I he must ell We an there with the
cash and gel them almost at our own
pilee We Intend lo divide prollts with
puiehasers mid intend to give nenlv one
dollar for ilftv cent and Mill make a
small prolll You in i v give till away If
you like we want our motive and sys
tem to be well ventilated lood day
I heir adveitlsemeiit appears on llrst page
It will payyon to read It
Vn Ifcl It C rvans oniineneeil thu
s ile of dry goods at this placeaiid durln
the two ears that followidbtbl therouii
datlon forvvhat has sitae giovvnlo buoue
or the most extensive drygood establish
mentis in the state In the spilng of 177
It C I vaiw was succeeded bv rvans v
Martin and in the whiter of thsa apt
Mmtln retired and the business was
merged Into a joint slock company With
each ot these cb mges the btislmss
iccelved a new Impetus mid
as many of the stockholders In the
new compiny aie employees trained
under the management of the old Mini
and fainllllir with the rcqulivinentsof the
western trade a yet greater measure ot
success is rendered doubly sure and their
future Indeed one of piouiisf
The now occupy u threeton build
ing on the comer o I Irst stiet t hunting
ilfty feet on Houston add running tluungh
the entile block to Main
1roin top to bottom and from stem to
tern their house Is lltenillv picked with
goods and theii rapidly Increasing trade
gives evidence licit a yet more oininodl
ous building will soon become
a necessity Hie present ar
rangement of their retail depntiuent on
the llrsHloor
shows syMematlc iniuage
incut mid the division of the salesroom
intocetloii greatly facilitates the work
and renders misunderstanding Hlul con
fusion on the part ot cnstomeis almost
Impossible Thisdcurtinent Is divided
Into seven sections or complete stores
comprising twenty separate departments
and each department muter the personal
siiperv Islon ot a competent manager All
these k Urn ivcdvo Instruction from
Iho general manager of tho retail
business ml by thts airaiigeinent
the entire machinery so to speak of the
Immense liiiMuesis Is made to move with
clockwork preclsion and regulailty
The advantages thtiy possess enable
them to give prices tint defy competition
and their hctuml aniitul clearance salus of
seasonable goods are perhaps more large
ly atleudetl than those of auv other house
In the state They adv ertlse the tact that
In hue pric tlity fan ami they have
never yet broken a promise to the public
I his week and for the next
thirty day h they aro hm
ami will give bargains hercloforc un
bean ot In the history ot the city Their
clearance sates for the mmou bne
opened ami Ihoy are giving prices that
A >
wake the lethargetlo from llieirhluuiber
Ilx oiifcderatcs and cvfcdcrals with or
without IhClr families are requesleil to
make headquarters with the II V Kvinik
Co during the present week and to4cnrry
home for future reference u copy of Tin
7i n containing their double milium
3trs I > llroHii
if the many millinery establishment lu
the city we only mention the llajirof
raslilon This popular emporium for
I idles dresses mill gelleraloutllttliig has
lost none of Its well earned reputation
but on the contraiylu maintained steady
grow lb despite the hard times and
scarcity of money during the past ten
months Ity means of liberal adv erlllng
ilitclass goods and fair dealing Mrs
Jlrovvn has acquired an honorable distinc
tion among the dealers lu inllliueiy ami
ladies apparel of which any woman might
justly feel proud Her stock embraces
eveiy thing that lonhl be propel 1 classed
under the bead of millinery and dress
goods mid for viiilety and quality cannot
be surpassed west ot St Jonls
The distinction which she ehjoys has
been fairly earned by close nttmttou to
business superior hklll faultless taste
mid stiict punctuality lu fulfilling all her
engagements This house Is one of
which It is our pleasure to boast as it
slaniNti living monument to the business
ability perseverance mid energy of a
Woman and he ladles of Ioit Worth
and North Texas nre lo be congratulated
that they can piocuic al their door as It
were a vvaldrobe equal lu quality Myle
tit amllliilsh to Ihe llnci sent out by thu
more pretentions establishments of East
ern elllert
loi ph II Jtrowii
The wholesale grocery house ofI If
llrovvn is periiaps the mo t widely known
of any In the Southwest and there is
none that is more desxrvcdly jiopu
lar In IS7a lie began business lu
a sin ill way at Ids place and in
stead ot keeping pace with the advanc
ing steps ot the city he with oth
eis led II lu lis onvvatd mirchot pio
giess Thiougholit the teitltoiy tribu
tary to Iort Worth which In area
amounts to moie than half a ihucn states
the name of lliowii has become a syu
onym for enterpilslng liberality and to
the public spirit of Mr lliovvn more per
haps than that of any other man is Iort
Woithtndebledfor llsprcent prospeilty
and the brighter prospect of a more glori
ous future
Some Idea of lid Immense trade can be
gathered fiom the fiet that the Indian
Tcnltoiy the 1auhaudlo Southwest ami
West Texas and New Mcxno me
vvolked by Ids traveling silesmeii nml
that his sdes In loiind iiumbeis for 18S >
will leach L 7oO000 Thtee yem ago
he commenced the manufacture of Silver
loaf biking powder cooking exlitels
and candles and Inco tint time thl
branch ot hi business has giovvu to such
immelise pioportlons Hi it It hcctmi uic
essny to ciihnge bis manufactiirliig es
tabllshiiicnl and theeoutract was ncent
ly let for a building 100 by 200 feet foi
iniiutitacturlug alone
r 1 Iemli ri
In eveiy city of 50000 or more inh ibt
talits can In found a house which handles
hlgligiade goods i < xeluscl a house
that meets the deuiind for home and
foreign table delicacies ngaidless of
cost a house hat eaters for the trade of
those who can afford to live a house
th il seleelH Its goods without reference
lo any thing but quality and In its catch
for the purest and best Is not coullued to
young city like Port Woith and Temple
Place Is hole to May
II VV U Illinois V Co
Thl thm succeeded l M lliuiiswlg
two yen ago and by Increasing their
slock and pushing sdes the business has
giovvn to be the largest ding establish
ment In IhoMiito Thiougholit the wide
scope ot tenitory tilbutaiv to tho cllv
iiivcling representatives have lutrodurc d
the house mid establish a businessic
latlnnshlp with responsible dealers which
thai resulted In un open otder trade that
wpuhl do credit to the more pretentious
houses of older elites The piejudh e lu
f ivor of st louls and New Oilcans that
once existed in the minds of
retail dealeis has been gradually
giving away as they were in ide lo uallre
more fully the advantageof Ioit Worth
aa drug in uket lu the nutter of freight
rates mid prompt shipments with prices
as low as can iho given on smallonlurs
by the largest establishments Past
II W Williams Co carry a large
stock ot pioprletaory medicines ding
gists hiindiies fancy goods hlinvv cases
cigars smoking tobacco etc and not
withstanding their business has nlreadv
assumed Immense propoitlons tliev aie
still building for the future I aeh mem
ber of the linn Is a practical druggist and
superior to any Imported or domestic
article In tho market Its merlin Is such
that It lsnMiminer its well an ti AVlntcr
beverage A call at their elegant ding
Store will convince the public of our
Pnliloifili llro
This linn occupies a twostory building
fronting Ilfty feet on Houston street and
running back one hundred feet with a
Mdeciilraiicu on 1lrst street Their
salesroom Is on the llrst floor and Is lit
erally packed with a line of clothing
gents ftirnlshtiig goods hats shoes
tinnks and xallses which for style qual
ity and tlnlsh cannot bo surpassed lu the
slate This one among the oldest ilnni of
the city and also one of the most pros
perous Their biHiicss has grown with
the grewtb of the city since the day their
opening sates were made and while much
ot their success Is attributable to the
personal popularity of the Individual
members of the firm they have caught
ami held tho Immense trade of the
west by giving IIIstclass goods at bot
tom llgtirci mid have built up u reputa
tion that can be titllled as capital In the
years to come
They have Conducted a meiehant tailor
ing establishment in connection with
their business with such satisfactory re
sults for the past few yeais that It has
been found nicessary to Increase their
facilities to enable them lo meet the de
mands of the tiude With this puipose
in view they have arranged for the em
ployment ol about thirty addition il
talmrs and will convert their second
floor Into a minufactuilng department
Their house Is being rapidly put In order
for the change and the manufacture of
clothing will begin about the loth or20th
of this month
i VV Il ll
Ihe house of I W Iletls Is known us
the oneprice cash clothing house of the
city He deals lu clothing and gents
furnishing goods exilusliely and a suit
never leaves the house until the money
has Hist gone Into the till Ills stock is
bright new and clean bought at bed
roik pi Ices for cash with a llbeiil dis
count off and lu dealing with the publle
ho siys he Is prepared to pay as much
fora dollar as anv clothing man In the
i Moiii
iiother clothing house vvoithy of spe
cial mention is tbtt of i Morils whose
stock Is Immense and embraces some as
flue goods as wero ever shown In the city
This house Is mi outtitter for men and
boys only and by watching the iniuket
closely and taking udvantagts of t fie
quent changes they are lonstnitly sup
idled with bargains which they nffer al
prices that aie temptingly low Vrmnge
niciits me being made lo double their
stoek the coining season
lloMlllll lllll
The jeweliy house of Howard Tally Is
one of the most substantial business In
stitutions of the city Ileglnnliig seven
years ago the ale of watches clocks
diamonds jeweliy and Mlvoiware Ids
business has giovvn with marvelous ii
piillly His lock is iloubtle the laiget
In the late and hi schctlon of dla
noiul line watche chains ami ling
cnniiot lie Miipised In the South
Mr Tully I a pijetlcnl jeweler and
wis specially trained foi the business lu
one of the largest jeweliy
establishments j tM l ast
Ile east his lot with the people of Ioit
Woi Hi while the < Ity was yet wealing
bibs and has kept pice with Its iiptil
growth tovvmil cointuoreiil supremacy
neni high ami I Mok of h ifnes
reallzlng the MbUitUh tin
leaehof an enterpilslng house wlthsuf1 c
ilclent cipltnl to meet the
of the trade they
their undivided tl
this with the
placed them on the vantage
s ° t0 > Kluii them advantagch
taiced Kcw h0Usc sl ly clrcuiu
ihey pay particular attention
1 r a r ofl11 Pounding of phyhlclaiis
prescriptions and their success In this
dcpartiiient Is eminently satltactory
TV I Ort h and tlielr patrons
rtiey have aUo
just Introduced a new
heverugu gotten up by thorn ami called
f slr Vl0 wn > c I without
doubt tl tiuoM drink ever placed before
m public it contains no alcohol und Is
i t4
ibeniiioiv lltulls of a Ingle continent Sonie Idea of the Immensity of his Mock
Port Worth Ins In the Temple Place i gathered fiom the fact that Ids
neb an eslabllhtnent whose sue stock of diamonds alone oidlmirlly
less is a high compliment amounts to more than 930000 Of course
to the cultivated taste f dm lug certain seasons his stotk mils
lis patrons Mr lVndeiv Is einluentlv niich above this for JVirt Worth ells
titled by his luilne ulucatlon anil eailV I mle diamonds and Hue watches doubt
training for the uuuiigf mi nt of a hoits c le s than any other two cities In
of this eliaiieiei Ills stock I elided slate With the exception ofmall loth
with great cue and none but highgrade tie ha sold but few goods at wholesale
goods are given shell loom or used lu d recently and he is jut beginning to
tilling orders lu the Ininngeineiit of realize the possibilities of the future In
Temple Place fancy groceiv he is dluetlon There N no point in the
tiigtorthe future and file iiimcloti ddc belter milled for a whole tie jovvel
giovv Ih of hi btislnes attests the appu r v establishment than Pent Worth and
elation of the publle It would be illlll l few if any men better Milled for
cull tn Unci lu ihe South a more vailed business U K safe lo predict a grand
orextenslve slock ot strictly highgrade I future for the populai hoiiso of Ilowaid
fancy guiceiks but uxpeiteme shows Tully mid none are moie deseivlng of
thfft such a biisbie will pay In awealthv
It I till klllirr
The reliable saddlery and harness
house of It P Taikabery enjovs per
haps a moie enviable reputation than
any other similar establishment west of
St louls They came In with the
pioneers and haieVude highgrade goods
a specialty since the day their louts
were Hi st thrown open to the public
The management of the house has had
Its hand on the publle pulsu from the
beginning and with every Indication of a
chnige the deniaud was met with the
latest and best In nil lines till the
saddlery house of Tuckabury became the
most widely known among stockmen ot
any in the Southwest Plvc veals ago
they adopted as tlielr tiade maik a Dur
ham bull and throughout Texas ICana
Colorado New Mexico and the tcnitoiles
their trade mark ean he found wherever
the prairie Mcer Is chased bv the festive
They me now putting up Coloiado and
thevenue saddles using onlv the best
grade of California leather and
luvi fahly tinned the heads of
loxis stockmen with their new saddle
Taekaberys Wild West Up tier
ln Ur0Ul W In tlUr
S01S lCtli WW1 nn
nt Vml W ortlt and none but lluegralned I nml where these twonnilrt
ceaicut timber l
used and on each 1 lorn a
stamped the guarantee of the iiem Their w s se ami Wjfl
directed effort
s Immense and em1 ti d of one thing andlfL >
fou heavyweight is ncrmlttcd wllhgooill
lijiw to meet them
Jntf could be F9
Serving of success 5
Cii eyAjSM
Jort Worth impi <
twentythc uJousZtiS
more than one vvlmfcJSS
whose HislncsKrctuM
lulfa dozen travcli Sm
teultory to the H
yet promises known to outstrip In the htT fc U l
Kiitllrlent capital to iuihL W
iieilH of their iwSe 15
business where a
llshed and Introduce tL J
lerrllirvasfaMusltwM l
nu libcraiiy m
characterized then x
the public has madecucl
a regular mtronanil ha ffll
rl1 o carrlt0jW
entire Snuihiu
tensive stock of Ilqont J
or one that contains M
goods The gentlemeu Sfc
linn were specially IralniHl R
ness and arc both
ordinary pluck ami tSS Sf
lihineiise territory
Worth Is Iculopc d tlicvrn 1
meH successfullyhe cowt
> > l > li 3lnrrM
hrrequ ememw hianrSS he ttlMlt i T S S
me giving the busiiiesh al C V1 ou f = r and tobacco bn v
time and attention and Stfcu Prices thatike mm1 lm Mate of hwd T
cigars and pine iimm iilrT3
and tnedlciiial purposes ytfjL
has been made to push IiKfcT
yet It has shown a steafl JjT
Inniroveineiit since Pie ilipvrt
sales weie in ide Orders forS
either domestic rfurckiflLK
lohn n Xjily >
Thee geiitlunien are 1 3
cessos of the old anl n
tohusou Vnibler Ji Youbi
liiueh the same policies as tlKS
enied the old tlrm nm bcpHrW
new the freh blood Inlcctrjt
business will give linciv Uimt
cot yet greater proSTdif
lloth geiiilciiiin sfif
lilted by education ami cx ieija i
woik before theiu ami Ihrirltijt
qiialntances with the rcqulmotS
Western trade places tlinuiW
meet all demands on short notloS
Their stock h is been UrrrfiK
mid piepaiiitlons are belomaij
Ihe business with the opcnl p
lug hcasoti lire isinire
that aie
In tore
rocer ft
diy good niercliiiit arcopoatla
wan dealer and JoliiwiifilTi
moving in the dlncllon tliaffrTc
piospeious fntiiie P
lexns Ilie stock locinii
This Is one of the ohWfafc
city mid was foryiarithoonB
the Southwest devoted tuthtte
live stock on the range andthrfc
pctltors have come into tinM
years it has lost liouc ot lu
among stoekuien and Is eoubjigjj
adveitisliig mediiun for H ttr
traife ev er yet offered tiaueti
Stock louiual Is
an tIshtpage
iiiiiii paisr devoted to thijfif
cattle horsiS sheep K M
live stock on the range ubjp
a ja
as u bell anilhetiavtrrai
both buslnchs circle sMtJ
Iltberallty and fairness that years roll over his ±
and <
hasehaiaeteiled them in their dealing Cnpem A llro lis
with the publle N hiving its There umU
room whidi In turn again was too small
and two years ago found them In the ele
gant twostory stone building on the cor
ner of rotirth and Houston streets
About this time thee be > aii the manu
facture of plain stick mid fancy candles
on a larger scale and traveling men wero
put iiiwn the road to Introduce tlielr
goods which met with universal f ivor
md notwl hsiauding tho Mrlngenry of
the tinios their biisiiuvsc hm shown that
it vva in the hinds of men who under
therefore nonlnoxlcallng It b far stoodtu requlremeu
s of the trade ami
always polite
iider what clrcuiaffi
no in
lohn vi rrl < V
This issue of Tin OvtlTlV
incomplete without a iwolJofi
sterling genllein in whobuliH
ago cast Ids lot aiiionc tuIp to
city hi future homeami U w
the cigar and tobacco Hin
Morrl is a stranger tn a Wte1
menus a stranger lo tliiiov s1
well and favorably Known tolH
lug public throughout thMi5
every rail load olllelnl ami fnifW
great Mate ol Texas TUi > pohtri
and cultured gentleintnM iw
falling health had to elm PM
on the railroad ami on lie
last April openid up a < lu
sh cigar and tow
nt IOi Alain strcei
ninth Pickwick hfttrf
that the Port offered Ixtifitt
forhliii In this line of W
other point on theHmoffltr
Pacille railroad belli X
with thoin till hencebUtJlWw
Morils was in the enipk 1
Pacille Itailroad comwny S
yen hiving entered im
biakeman working hb dt
and pasenger conductor IM
mister In
satisfaction and iisatw
foieed him to niika a dutfJ
tlemaus long conncctiw J
seivlce has
given lita i J
person audf I J
over other y
who are In compctlttori
imilerUnds j
buslnchs enlerprWns t M
knows tiie value of prl 1 C
tstliat his iiunageinirit M1
cessfui n
is one of
fact In human httory
° l < l llty more descrv lug of special mention In iter his door ja > m
this coniicctloii than that of Canera S I oIl liKk > iiiJ
tho way
of trail
necessary for them to enlarge their More Jous < lcJcrS in 1 a
has iKWJJi j
that you K
mill little boy or Mirrtjf t
they will point 7 rf
in the city IriurV
means xWt bejM H
Main street onodoorjr
hotel during your
thu biht tlveccnjrJgffl