A t
ex1ra <
e ttonfieit N tnr l Frnlt FUrom
tinllla I mon Orntute Ahnnnil Koie etc I ton
flvDriwOoll atcljrmi0nitDrallyiwtho nilt Tc
Gil Colorado u Santa re
lliillj Iralua lltiuiMii
DFo 2rt Wortla
Clijlmriio Sitittttm Medn
unittnii Cniiiernn
BS KeiKO Onlim ihlOI
HKSWkWii hi VVIehllii UU
Wi KvAvoWHIilla Piillv
Sffl Arrlo ni n orili
ifi fKIlosi
imr lomiil
iiti itiitmi
tlco ot tnotUolni ami uhemlHiij
Vllliino nliliull
hiiuorrvll Ilrciiluiiii Ilelltllle
HiwmiiiiTir lliiiiouiii
nml inlvialoii
To and from Europe at Lowest Rates
jiovKJiiiNror naiNs
cav Port Wurtli 8 inn in
Arrho lloimton 10 It p in
Arrhtlliihi lnii It ixiii in
J < envn Onlteniiiii hiu in
linvo llelintunolno Jl As is tiliiiiiu
AtrlMilorl Worth W Win in
tot fiirlliiT liifuriiititldii nililrii n
ot iti Miniiii c ii ru i <
ti intnM lirr I lilnii lltket A l
H Mtofiini 1iirl Wutlli
jS l5iiiii Oili < l
IViMhk 1iieii May ID 1HV
Wii r
B i No cm < iuii >
mf mi wi iiiiiij
No ki7 oiiiij e
Nonot daily
> i > ii iilnll >
So m ilnUj
No 111 dull
riW > V 8i80via
JfJgL lroiiin
iUfMH 111
No IU lull
Nulftl tally ln dnllm
No Sjlilll via Hallux
Norlli mtilxl
u l
> fitaii
i 13 it in
eKCiiH Mm 7 Ulli
n M p hi
H M ji ill
yuur wolii it v oisi iifci i
MV1 II in
Sj Hoihu Wmi
B NiOitiiiiiv j y mi ii in
BS i V iV iliiltlmMumiuiliiItiMHOO 1 > m
lAfa mMsoii iiivisN
8lilp 111
7 Ml II 111
I Ul p in
a ii in
H t > t in
KTOivliit RiM
7 W it m
An he
1 15 pm
rrl >
K Hlllijlil
iX > it in
ivr > i4 oi nmt mn lilwcmi m Uhii nml
lm < i lit their laboratory 1iof
Nii tui mul tta lictrteen ldrt nrlli nml Sen
OrtennK >
So iQH nml M7 lulwemi Tint nii mul
N < i Inl i VA nml IM run willI triilim
tinoii lt from im Autoiiio to HI lmii
Km iMnmllil run On l lln I
Not v mul I Ketneou I ml World Ilim tun
mul SitUfMlon 111iisi
y Ililm Ylcltut fint I
iuooiioi mil
tn mul nflr Koiittinlicr 21 1 1 piiMviiKerl
V < ndHwlll
7 111 ii in i
I ID p in
illRU > in
Siic > rilit niliilK
I > lh > lllltln lill filter Mini me lee
ttleiiiimlliii nl KhhI IiIikiotiiI
A Hy Urn linn ol HukIich llros mnuufne
J 1 utlttHE cluiulmts ol ImlliiM Tex This en
tarprlhtiiit Hon have for the Inst live jears
Imutt eiiKHlteil In the innuumeture of Ink
> ItiJ powders nlluH elder vlueunv ele
Jlr K V lliifjlioni who proslilcN ocr
f < fi Wtolr jnliotittory has for the Inst fotty
lit the nlid
V yoAtii hctiu mijtrtited Mudy iirae
fltmitmMit tttiuiultottirlnx the various tir
Deles ulioudy mentioned hno found it
tiCCOWtrv to comlmt eeesslu fciuieiitu
Houy MUotUer ilnotts ncctous or uleo
iolliililcUImVo over Mood In the wu >
of HUocuHnSully liiaiiurncturliiK w
vlncjnr I I our
Snitlliofu ullliUMu The oxpcrhneiiK
jiUo rVMiUi1 INcoxei
> of All iijjcut i > Uh completely olAlnles
ttlili Ulllciilty ThN iiKimt W tlio cMiiict
ortlwhuik otn treo IihIIkciious to the
Hiitu of few OurryiuK their exteil
STATU NJ1MS Imliu his sweetheart to lcitvc lier home ln > t of it mother nml live children lulna
wlillc she vvui Iiiihv with tlii ocriipuilon probably In destitute circumstances pro
< l Mnie ltii > Mi ii j jut hor soul loved toillln maklng und jceedmj to Invostljruteaiid upon arrival at
< iWlnltj fin Tinfin He > with liltn lint lie wns luit by mi iitiKrv the lioui e found llie fnots not overstntfds >
> iiiiiinnui mid paiKi nml In Hie fracas utilclinndiiirtlier Hint liorIm < ilmndH lmittre
vvvyahk mi
j count scores one more vhtory
for Itxiiil
1 In tlicJitittlCto uomf estcrdiy 1 A
Kills vV1is lonvhlcd nml lined B8 for
j violating Ibo Utial oiitnu Inn K It
Hrhrjfs nml v A Kills then pleaded
I guilty In two rum ruch mid I Jlnum
tardier In our nml compromised liy
jmyJmr Si In ouch case mul njtroelnjt not
tOHCllany mom hour aLall In eno
Mliij do Hie county will prosionie I he
rcmitliillig cases out of IlKiurljtlliiil lilhc
teen fouiidJiy County Altgriwy Temple
orrt > ondi ricoof llio l > l llo
Nvvvsoi t Tuv Ant The Hrsl hale
of eotlon nut brought In yosterdii hy
I Jiomns tould colored It weighed < 0t
TiOX A M I pounds and niim iurehitcd Jiy I V
Chllixkl at III Ots
The wealher Is Very dry mid warm mid
i cotton Is xheddluj liailly In coiipetpiiiicc
i The ieople are tiovliit more faora
j hie u the walerworkN uioxeuuut mid as
Hie offitr has been nmde to i quip and de
liver to the city n jtood plant for lOitOO
It lHthoit ht Ihecoiiuell will aeeejit the
iiiki > viv
Xmawta ami Montt < Milcr Ha omcrtrtlf 1 rrc i inln o of Ifiu Onctic
MfKlNMA Tii Ail II Oil
mn6uoii TKMCKTS
And HflKijngii OfusMit l nil IViliiU llilitlinl l > y
llulliirsiii i
Tfio jfiiirmier Uiiulo it e
lurk In iuIxohIoii
idle a
niimherof our people nenl o or today
Iohc tin1 bights of the Imt mid take In
tlio reunion Anions llm uumlier K
fol 1 It Mow repieMiiinthc and
ehuiiiplon leiistlaw man of this neck Of
the woods
A petition has htiii llleiluiid we will
imc mi ilcctlon on the localoption quute
Hon In this count Ilotli hlilen aie a
read lilalmlui Hie lclorj
It < While has iiialltled as unnllnn
of Jhoiuns T T MetIeace who a few
To lntllen Wlihliur I Urlnit ITKnil to UiIh i laH ulnce was adjudged mi hilbltuill
imtrj diuiiknnl Mr While at onen took jiiik
i session of Hie llneplatilui mill huloiiitlni
toMr Alednire
spriinl id die mollo
j I < MI hsTL Atifi 7 Ielleihhue
i leached our city fioiu other polnlN u
lleelllifton the llrelileun toiiririinclit to
I lie held hero from the 17th to Lfid liiMmit
linking If it is a imiuejiiinkttiu scheme
liibelmlf of the eiiterpilHe mid out ell
eilH we will si Hint It Is n teneroiiK
offer to the lltenien of the Mate ami Mich
lxlloiN iiNuiiy faoiMin with their pres
mico Our cli pioposeffto lyiiinn
In pi 1es nml to donnle Ihe fund for Hint
pin pom ami iloiw milnsk visitors or lire
men to eoiitrlblile aeent toward Ihe en
li rpilse
The tlirUlmlelphlims me holdlnj mi
uiiniml iiieetluK In our oily which Is well
attended and quite InleniHtllis
liAUIi I IHs
CirriwHiiiili > nritottlivilikrettv
lhiiul V Ti Vui Monday
iiioiiiIiikii shitp licider imiiied Maiiuel
lodnywas found dead In Ids oatnii on
I Dislsiiincli In the noithein piuilon of
i this county Suspicion was fastened on
smother Movlcin mimed lloiiotto who
had tied us belli his mtudeier
Deputy Shcilff Kehnwii leainlun of his
wheiriiboillH tolloweil Ids tinll lillo
Mexico and Ihe iniirtleter was tiiiestnl nt
Moialu small MiaIciiii town The Me
cim tiulhoi Itley jiiw o the ilepuij Mirrlff nil
the assistance the could In makliiL Hie
at rest which Is somewhul at wiilanec
with llielr usiiil mode ol pioccdurc In
enhOH of this lintiiie The ptlsoncr whs
biiiiittlil to 1ledris eKt llH ami lodged In
Jnll awnlllmt eMindliloii papers
tuiiiapiinitiuico nt llin > h > tte
tinwioiili Tl Alltf tt Theie Is
some Interest umnlfeMcd tiow In icjtnrd
toTuloVurioM of into hue lliiclmnnu
oamu here olnlinlii to he the slicrlfl of
Hunt ciuiuly when In lenlil ho lmd no
lepilaiilhorll tottriiNl Tsttej nmlehnrnes
me piefeuvdnnnlusihim It mi bmety
hnrd on him If uiralnucd for nssumliii
Miieh authoilty
U Meredith was bonded as iiosliiuMcr
here today linlii > t lecelMd the appoint
ment nIiicc JlulnneyK bond has been re
jected by thopostninsterjtenerul nt Wnsh
IiiKtou Theie 1ms been u ultontr opposl
to Dulnney l > the 1iolilbltloiiNls
17 Calhoun MJio lins ior innii cnrt > been ho Nuinlcil Meivdlth uml lliey haxe mu
rt teiiohyrlifoliemlKtry iiIm Mr 1 ItJcpMeeded Ihiomjli the Iniliienee ol lion It
Wntrlrk n rrtluiiio of clumilsiry In tlmiQ Mill
lTiIvoh lty ot llillndclplila These en
wnii vits incii
lirrn > iiiili > iii o nt tliu miHtliv
Wll I UMK tNllTl Attif 8 lids
niornlni Mr 1 H tarr of Coiuniiohe
necldcuHy shot hliuself tiilllelliijiMneisil
wounds with common blrdshol The
niunle ot the kuu was within two cot of
his hiiul w lien llseleirged ami nothing
hut u eiy thick while hut utlor the true
lowboy pntlern snud the nnfortunnlc
omti minis life s u Is while one
shot Is rlKht In the center of his fore
incuts still fuVthur tlu lme ascitnliicd bond with Mwcrnl raiiKlnt
that thin tuuno extract as completely con S not fnlnllj wounded
tvols Urn only ivmiiliilnjj fermruintlon
httowit to the ntttt ami hMchcos m
Jllood fermentation vlMi Is the cause of
fevers n well tin of theuuiatlsm This I
titfeiit the luuo oombliicd with the e
Uitcts of glnKerand lemon thereb reui
ilmillK tt u mo < t olllcaclous us well us tic I
0 ntliiuimv c >
ilose round
lljilitfutjiiiipiilatalilobeeraKe It Is nut i svnihikki
only Otic of the best tonics hi Its effectcVrri uK iieorilioliiictif
but tho unc oHt offcontnll prvveiils ty svv lKtoTu Mia a
At the time it p
ohouinliiiltil foer same
Is Miro oDro for iheumntUm Dr
Hushe Kstmotof Lemon mid OliiKcr Is
r init m til wise of two doxen bottlos iml
iou bo fouint at nil llrstclns druu and
KnHery ttit
This Immediate section U Mtfferlim for
ratn but ood ruins have fallen closn In
The new town of tioldthwullo jm been
laid off niiklni n very ptetty hlto of
uboni two hundred ncres loa will be
put on snle hoou pwlKibl about theSUlh
mull tire
ocourrcd Inst nlitlit at the residency of
Mr A Doiittlity oeejtslomMl by a boy
diHipplii n Ulobe Imitein on the lloor
Tho ilimes wore extlujtulslied wlili little
l little Iniutiito
ThonMvis a Ih tmte chince for a io
uilkhiimleimuni i lunntlc elopement of one of th lesoeiul
i < t r tmiiit
fllti ii m f S SO M J I 1 iv nt in MmtlMMiuas mKcl with a
V w iiK ivv Hill sixinlsh perhaps fair jlaimhter
I J ui t i rU ox i of the same rtuv but It was spoiled by
To hotels liomlln lioU > i iistaurantH
i theitwkwurnessoniuwoultllw lletiedlct
In ii most ridiculous lie
nmlpHvnU families H W uesire uood Kea uw oonsent of In senorltn tint the
rolls bonicthliiK choice use oiii fuor mw parents were ohdumte mul tltu
Jonf u Jt fa tho only l luklnu pow lovers had tKud on Suuday nl hl when
r der to hii Inl kunMl In plneo of jwln to church to
heur nmsH should rvjwlr with her hur
Mto inu iihiiik j to the hous of the tuflclstmtc and lmw >
As t1W i aidALif
L vi
cii tii > d thru new two ur thrcu pistol maker lmd abandoned lili famll wlsi
shots fired Tlie Io r It doilslm from re left In tatters anil want
the sheriff ui complaints ior assault with hardly tiisessiiry tondd that the eltlrens
Inieiil to murder and iilduetlon are filed j promptly made op the money neccssarr
ai aliHlhlm to relievo their lucesslUc and will
The weather In lieeu exeosslvol hoi i properly cure for them In future
luit our ulnht are cool and liul oritliiK Our railroad aucnt old thlrtvflve
We are wnnlliiK ralu A food many are i tickets to Koft Worth estetlH and
preparing forthelr second crop Hfiy the day pr < cedthj The town look
comparatively deserted
triiiM i
firrwioniiuei > f llielinclii1
AliMst Tivs August
I Ihe t > CorrMpoiiijenouflhe Iantte
nmliintlon ol the tenchers ilteinllne the
Ilruckiier Alrn Sercj Mrs Crhilcr uml
llrsK Ti
if U > il < < nrillti
Alljf ilio
Kujuc nml ut i the characters ol The
Social tllnss took the stnue for two
bonis nml llllceu inluules splendid
itmslcby thooicliestni wns lven Tho
ucelpls were ir A inutlnee will be
Iveu Sittiinhi nt Vtild p in
hevenil ol the tinniKeis left IimIiv
i iir > iiiiibiiSMif ilinti in tie
Kmi Tin All A line bed of
Kruy innihle sevurul lei t Hiiouuh wns
nncoiinleied In Hie iittenlun well venter
dii id n deplh of liB bet
The earold meeeolt receiitlv jmr
ehiHeil b Messjs Cnmpbell X Co
of llillns fiuiu Mi Deslla lliinton of
this place wns shlpiisl to tho ownmsto
diy Ihe colt Uu miijjnltlcenl eienluie
a half Slser to tbe celebmled rueehore
fii 1 vle
euiolf to I
now sa that 01lino could not touch her
A fashionable coiiveisnllon pirly oc
curred ut lie lesldenee of Mr il W
llubbnid lust nluhi nl which the cllle of
Kvle weiefu full iitlemlniiee The ulTalr
was kIvcu In honor of Miss lUlle Mooic
the tiilenied daughter of lud e 1 W
Mali fo
Misses Minnie Collins uml Illleu lltlstow I iiilVi
rcmleied some eiccllent solo duets nml SiTtiil to the tiuniiic
qunrtets to it lnre uml apprcclattte mm ti in rin ii > I
audience Mrs Jluckiers rcudllloi of 7
When the I tines lleiilu to Knll would s uyxls tMy ir lllln
hnc done credit to a piofesslouil of W 0 Amhiixni oslcrday he was
It Is rejiorlUHhattheTexiiNlentntl has placed under n bond of J SOO ulileh he
resmried work on the roundhouent WaL f fuilo I
t clo up III late IhN ncifa
mil Springs nml us soon n Ihilshcd will
commence crectlmr one at Albnii prepar
atory to tnnnlm llnou h pa < se nuer nml
frclulit ruins
Shiiukclford count Is fnsl bcenmlni a
furmliiKcounly There hie luen about
stv selfblndm nnd mowing machines
sohl heie Ibis season to ny noildn
uboni plows puiwil7irs uml iitlief un
County uttorney Smith prosecuted mid
Cnpt J I Jlbsou of this place deeiided
Tho pay ear came in this mcnlm
mukliiK phiil the hcarls of the nillioidi
iomiviiv j
C rre Hiinli nre f Die linnlle
loMlvtlwTi All I Ktul Ili1
inornluK the eii lne or a IiuIkIiI coiiiIiikI
cast run oer uu ox which on attcmptlm
Io tuilk u trestle this side of iladewatei I
nciir Ollrues switch hud lurtl ilh
iipuiHllon iissoclallon wis called to order fallen thioujdi The unjilno came om i
eslerdn nl a oclock Some biislness Jail ilfjlit but a hiltdocncars weio badly
was transacted uml last nl ht our worthy u ddaylna o il passeimcr at the
> 1 I junction uiilll noon when It was kipt
loiiniyJinlKc MIUhlliniinilelluredu eonpuin by Xo I pavsen cr some time
welcome nihil ess Todaj business rela louder
live to the ussocliitlon wus Itnllsuuled
Areport cniiie up jesteidny evenliu of i ii Hittroitn
Dr Iv Ilemlllcks death llxllij ol ht or iirretpoiidniieeartlindnretle
ten miles south of Husk I Wt niiitioiin fix Attj ii The
id siK Iom < i uh h
n r T rum
orre uiilimu of the public enteitnlliuielil lhooerclsoseon
ItirsK Tr Am < The whole bod sMed of hon n citations and Lyimiis
of IhedelejnlesoftlieStuloCooporatlon I 1xrrtHlM i jiio lir n
aKoelalloi vllted the penlleiillnry ves N r w tivvr
tenlny nt J p in In Wilsons buajIcs nleh cuine out wns highly enlertaliied
etc The irocsson wits bended by theThe school showed lis uppKclutloii o
Woolani cliuphilii of Husk Mrs Warren b prcsintliu hcrwllh an
llciitlur Iho renialucd theie two or ilcjiant silver find stand worth 2
tlnei hours Miss losle foster of Weutherfoid the
Tin Keatest dlsplnj of eneifi and teacher In ji > miiistles rerched a sIIm r
luleiil ever wllnessed In Husk Is In tin lewd casket worth 810 MIsh Mnttlc
work uml pro icss of the Ilncllnu lllir Warren of 1orl Worth the music In
niy society having now u ci hundsome Istructor rccelvid a silver eatd receiver
hall ju t coiupleled nml llttid up foi worth8 Atone was inlsed to puicliec
opeias Inst nljjht Hie tinllllm temper a copy of Miltons lnradlso Lost
nneedraiuaenlllled The Social ilass Illuslrated b > Doic to ptcsent to
or Victims of the llottle wns exhibited 1iof A 1 llobblns of foil Worth who
bv Its mimbeis lmJujr liitfc house nnd l i icmlcied valuable services as Mi
Kieul success Tbo membeis of the pluv i Wunens tlrsl as innf butiis the book
deseive eiedlt foi Ihelr splendid acthifj could not be hud lust night it will besent
AI7tU the lours wcie opened uml nt to him Theie were claht ccilllleutes Is
Sitll the ciirinln rose nnd uu address tyi sited four of them weto Hist kikIi
V II iiilnn was ilellvoieds hen u din and four second miule The school was
pioiiouneed b those who visited the dif
ferent not nml Institutes In the shite to
huve been the best most thorough uml
Sseinatlc The eltens wcie smtllletl
al the success ot the lntltiile uml Hie
leaeliers espiessed a deslic that Wcuiher
find hntilil have the notmnlschool ntruln
ami all initio In clvlm the praise to Airs
Wuiron Most of the teachers left to
1 A VIlit
Hitclnl l Hi nxitU
TWIOII Tt All 7 Due of the
jircitlesl coiiilnKratlons Hint we have hid
for some time ocoiiired on Wcdncsdav
niornliif At 1 S0 oclock it in n volume
ol smoke wns seen IsHiiliucfioin W Jl
Tliorpes fiiiniture sloie uml iinniedl
itelvthc alnrni was sounded The lire
nnd Is piolnbl Hie llnest men piomptlj lespouded and msu ell
> e found luthestiile
The ens were on hum t
picMiit owueis pub I3U0 for her mul
to assist the pillnnt
bovs In red Tlie stoicbiilldlm belli
of fiiune the tire spieud rnpliUv espeel
all after the doors h id been broken In
Spniks ivcre Hjluj in eveiy direction
The uet hulltllnc wns the eaipenterl
shop ot W Williams but ltiekllv
the ciirpuiteis tools wen saved
The tleiy element continued to travel
v Mtrsr5rwirk y 7T f Twyr
Moore d ran vvlmlsvlsiHoVa J
Halo zxxxcZ Aiion
Factory Prices Duplicated
Bargains in SecondHanfl Instruments
Send tor Samples of Spring styles
Artists Materials
V V i tin Mas the next to suffer
i i i
Viiuiiilierot Kjldtes uie nuklui ur However previous to the tlmnes leach
u Xno n l l l l I 1 > I UiK tin liutlitlnn ull Ihe stock bugles > t Mnili s MIU o
th r v 1bVZp o ir i j r xisfc isrfet
sU VK K > 1 s W WIlllms bulldl 400o in
cnptnin has just t been ontan sitrnuee
will 1 > Kll > The fomploii S AriuslroilL biilldlm
Mlppers Ihe i i
briK club of Ihe
county n SSOOOi liistirnnce uo
inatelipiuetomoirovv w It Thurpe stock
1 he hit shipping continues without nny ia500t InsiirnncdS HOO
lib ileiucnl seveiiil curloads IwivIuk bete D Moodysstore bullilln
iK Shurpc 91JOO liisiiniuce ijlOOO
nrtK Ut UM ° > < ltolils fhelnsnrunce adjuster Is
bid i wllh 1
n seven case ol lend
polsonlm nt live todav
iwlni TL 1 > UUkl fres1 > I S ts for cotlou thromlioiU
piiiitid room
the country wciv ucver better and we
of furniture j
1 occupied by
S Cf0 m J 5 l < Klmll Imw at le i threequatuis ot n
SIMAMU < iml > 0s l of Walter bah to the
ncie should Ihe
I Ipps and ot hoi luoiuuesof hd
> imr cleik luvor us vvltlu 1 11 e o v
Wviaiib < W ell and
partly In lfnvs for pi ice our crop at one bahTo the acre
county awouo cu > h I rorn looks well with an nverase leid of
nttvv u forljtlvo to skty bushels to the acre
Muvliil tn tinMmiic Oov Tolin Ireland Secrctnr Haines
opeiilnioriiioii of the tinl
down Ti Mil iHinfnl acel
vestonNows wenheie this week tikliiLi
dentoeeuired In our lowiiu Him in the ilsh from the old Au tlS
since Mi nml Mis Oliver were nt trouni Tho party look Its departure
leniptlnu to patch n chicken and 1i1r I r < > yi > piovious to leaving the
Oliver Was on tho opposite
> side of s T rsrSS
the house from her husband lu a stooping f enturpTtstuj llttVe ci tv
position lookltij for Ihe fowl Ihe latter Tho misting at the
llspllst church
suelnsr It but not his wife llnvw n lnnie llml t0 ll lm M > laH u hl
sired rook whteh struck hern stunultiirVmo wuKht to tho bench
blow on tho middle of tho fonluvuP ° < sar selllni here at twcnl
knocklns her senseless nnd mmctlii i > u > lnl wllh a fair market
pish of an iiieh or moic loii nnd hnlf
Inch wide Mrs Oliver has been Olllle limKIns rniti Mli
sick snee the nceldeiit us a result of thoj The best snlve lu tho Svotld for onLs
severe shock but heriitteiillnphslclin Ises sotms uleeu salt rheum fever
Dr W II I user states toda ttiut he I > > 0ll > o er chappcU blinds elilllilnliui
thinks his patient will be lullv nnovirtd r > i > l all skin eruptions and posl
In a few days Jlvd uurus piles or no jwy requlrud It
Vesterdny afternoon n couple or vonnirl l Kiwtwte t to tlve peifeet sallsfaetlon
men troin Newport orn sportluK turn of lJr m < my refunded lrlcc 3S cents peri
mind nt least their minds turned Hint Kn f < r sale by H W Williams t c
wuy istcnltV niniiscdlhentselves foraiii
hour or so by hiving awniul promisou iltMururiiruiihm
ousllke and one or the two shooting I urnmulsi both iillroad nnd omniiuN i
oft that metillk aecompnntmeiit Inmle lly Morri clptr store one door not Hi piek
callcit a eutter several times uiwwisWlok hold nml ut lohn Morris elcnn
the depotthe bulls ruiialujj uucomfortntil tmid No 10 on the grounds
close to some uf tbe occti > nnts The clt i < n
authorities not exactly upprorln of the litmi Wnst vim
iiiid ili Houston JSir < MM
I otI Wovili Toxav
To Toe Oiven Away fc > y
lX L M VU l l 1 A
1PH fl
< > TC > s
Slioot IMCusic
send i i cents for 1MltIS 0 Sltxj
coiililiiliiC 1K piB ot t hole vwiljrfij
clruineiiliil miule
Will imiUll toj w
and Portable
Threshers Colli Gins ai Ptem Flour Cora ni Feerl Mills aai M Hs
Mill Miieliiiiory Belting Shafting Pulleys
Gtxxxo IVEills etxxc 22vapoiators 1
u iWt unrttttne our m wrlte mi m
to apinmr nnd uppolomuInters hen Uie troublous msUon In the housc idy
utnor vvlU Uuvt more leisure tiino to TlKcun nil be obvln ed by 3S i
preside over the itseptlau ceremonies I
Silver liwl 1 U llrowu tiunran it
Due of our clllinw hearlo h s nru putltv Mi gtfa aud UlWeue
Queciisware Croelcory and
sSaoonrt um JIotis < 0i
txeets lcol Worlh 1 >