OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, August 09, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-08-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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fl V
f > jwsLC > i i
s i > j
ft T
Ix v
vvuunhri kvkuy pay
UAnM f > MllsrllllTION
7 ufc s thsni limits
< i i j 1rtpntil ha Ilm VnUhhtn
OiiOeitr 111 no
MX Month fl on
J lirutt Moulin j y >
One Year
Mx Vlnnlli
Ultii lloiilh
CI IllimiiS
Jttilex r ViIuhIIok InniMiiil < > n > ill >
UeMlltntitrtbiKlrnftiMHtoffire mmira infer or
in rtfiltlmtt htlrr nl rltt nftrt
< > tr > < tiqmteiHttls leltcltol umiii nil niiM tuh
ViidfW luforiiuitfrii a r trtnli nml item lmni < ii
enroll Inlfnit lullftlnl mnl fill O
ItojirrlU t OMfitnuilnl
ill eimiMitiilrnttnut Inttmltil for pulillrntlmi
M l nrntmpoultil lii tlw vrlUrt him nml ml
trrtt imt fur imliUciitUiH but nt tin ttl < ltnrr if
l < ljiiltli
Inrtltl Kllltnff In Till itITri Imilnnu
JTnonnl o tltenurier n i > r s Inrliut ttumnjiir
till Itllrrt rtlntlng In huHiittt vf nun Hint rhniiht
IfaililttiKil tiiTliiiltttv I trl llnrlh Trt
tiii Myirrru com pan v
S tvt
Tkvah him plcniy of mince uplcd lauds
JMM lhey should liii kept for tho itettltil
Wilier nml not Hit bullloiiulros
JilttXVUo Mill have llnMieil her Irani
iiiitlitliiiuiit before New iork Kelt Iut
fJnjJKlli > ohoiiios fulily miller vinv
WaIVUIUN l > MinilOSell III lit Willi
till Jiimiiv nml without pi loo Init Slin
Uliiifn acts his H OO it iliii furhls sen loos
< v flltOv lllt fI rn ls lriil ul
Mj ii HlliiK tin for Carson Newman In
i friilo the oblivion he no rlclilv inirlld
VV u
l VCilirum
iiiiiii Iut koiik i Uiiropn
Xit ftuy aooouii ortIi of uiliuliiiit Iliiy
mlorii llN iiHhmiiI com
Villl M oM llio lmllliiiiols hi < I >
> > linn hirn ito < iiUi < < l of nny U
WlUloil uf llii > civil icnlrc iiilrn Seine
one for Mr Ilcmlrlik
TiiuriimllH Unit Mr Ilculnnd nml
7iv lUimlileliM liuvc iiiiiriileil me Mlmply
jlillmiloilH Iliiy lioili miilcifiliiiul lioiv
til niUiid in ilulr own IiihImimm
Im fiH nioinliH of ihe DeniDcrulIu
iiilmlliMiiiHoii Iiiih fullj ili < Mlopeil Ihe
jjmit ilmt timlln from the public cilli
X t H hetili ii iiiohI u hxiiI IiiiIiiMi >
AhiiKTuMN In etilelilly fiillllnx Illn
i ifAk1 K Juf vl hlluynciwy lx lluil llio ciipliol will
ils kuuuVoU from WuHhlnttlouio Hie Went lit
40ilin flilille ilUe Ioiir MtilU Is UMrii
Tin best mij lo uep cool ilmlnx Hu >
lientcil Icim N loiillow the intml to He
iloriiiiinl The lullfihcilltor ciiiiclil on
to llili tiled miiiio lime m o unit Ihe hcljjhl
of ihi tlHriiioiniini luif no ienor > for
iitrn im
IliiilillliN III Coiii lire eoiwhleied Ihe
propei ly of the liioilicr n > lntl
WJiiii ii < oilnoml hiich a ciiMnm would
liuc been li Hull AiKiiiimik iiihiiw hose
ivlle iidid lilni her nffiollon with four
Jit ii lilitlt
Jons H Wish In di > crlbcd iih ii louml
NiiioothfiiiKil iimn wlih a dimple on hW
lilt eliln Iiml would InHie eiisy of miij
jlrl mid u IiuihIi lluil Is peifcclly Irre
mImUIiIo Tltln H H heforeeleclliin pie
tun lin < i > ur
ll Mil eilllliol coillllbute wind Mill
would Hiid lii wliit > on cun In the innil
jiioniinimil fiiml < lnr worlhy ixiliuln
livftH Mr lliifchlll will leeclvc mid
xforwind till hums htiKc or hinnll lrt
Iomis hcheiiu fiom
s Oiiin wniuiin wiiiiiolhe noyiinniciit
io inoMile for puie hlnhtonod mid lr
hums willow 1 It mciiin odd lluil miy
Vv leehil iiipcnl lumld he liutilu for it
SJllM Willi llllH lulin llio UoVilllllKUt
ijfuclf or the lonl know how 1oii
VMOSn nil the uobtc VMiMioroco nl
k llm reunion TniUUiMii wih not iihle
wlti tUoipiof ditn ihe U > nut one to
ground who wus In fnorol cIomiIIii a
Willi to oillee Milely lieoilU he irn il
wjirlioHe 1 Thoy wniit nome tiemoii
utVnlloii of IIIiich n < Htnlcfliiinn
ltitii WoiHim was In lomlonu >
innhi cspn tly in iilieml Hie tinuil
mnm iliil cnlec In Weslmliinter Abbey
ll < 4 wiole lo it member of tiiceommitlcot
1 iin kii1 tw Dm opptiitnuli of
jinjfull the lust ttilnile of icipcct lo one
of the areuUst sohllors ol our lime
Hvm tosr ooiuphiliii tlml nmn of tile
luetropollltiu impeit heml their IiumIhiII
ud lioiiio nice ivpoileiN to write hint up
ini fflioiildnt kick The iimmiHliij cdl
tor I supposed to know bcitwlnno lo use
Jiln litlciil Ho semis hi icllclout repor
tor to nil Ihe bml phtce In ouler Hint
llielr grent mum Influence may not be
> 1 K
Tiiiiini Ini1 lccouily been it timUltiK In
< > rtii f oiilniKCs on > lrls of tender
vcar lit London In u ln lo diiy W
ilsiicinit w io convicted nt Liverpool
jiml otherijasiS nrc repmtoil vNcwIicru
Tho Jitorwn Is nttrlhtttcd to the mtlnenco
< if IhO 1ttll 3t ll Citlielle 1 tveellt c
jioMire Tim liimtto oontcml that
then H InorciiKC hut Hull cases of
Hitman nro dimply brought Into Bivitter
iiWi in
iC0T iwnan tts he iidmli Imily Mib
tribes UltlitOlf wiltcs to Urn pre s Unit
In thy n < > lidl K VlrKluhi conieit John S
Wl u rciircMtits eurvthlnjj that Is
ti HH < ni nullomtliimlimiK silve Sluco
tlliSVHlOWIlW colonel WHS ChllMtl out o it
fveryfliliiK rcpry icnllntf llio Dcinoenille
piiriy the opponlto of tlml wlilcli In iiioil
era nml prourceMvc
lililOHM XliHiUUt AT iiomj
JIicIcxii iiwkn Kiiiemlly iipprmo Hie
niiicniliiieiil to tlio I iijiIMi law m
I mi Die ii c of consent iiiiioii
Icnmk i from llilrkin In hlxtccn
> enM Till Kitiienil tipproxnl N
nil lililluillon of Imllef lluil j lrN of llilr
leini un > loo joiiiik lo voiihciiI to llielr <
liaMiiiellt Willi n full Knowledge of Ilh
eoimeqlieiiocj We lire ftilrtrlf l In ice
Nlieli a ilenniiiil for tile prolcutlon of Ull
Kllili yoniiK Klli lillc no oIee U mlioil
for lefonn hoii itt homo The Teviig hn
plncii he n p of coihphi nl ten jenif
threojeiirtt jomi er than thut ulileh li
iihllllieil to lie III Hliuhlliil loo joiiiij
While ne nrc pn lni mi inncli ntleiitlon
U > the correct Ion of iiIiiimn In foiel n
IiiiiiIh iiml IheproleeCoiiof feiimloliliic
uonlil It not he ii uooil lilen to iik for ml
lllloinil imnls for onr oun iris nmiliist
llhvrtliiNni nml lcc7
Thu IntciiHoii of the Miimiii ioiui
plcktu machine accounts of which lllleil
the juipers a jcar n o was looked upon
h cOtlonplalilcrs a a miIiiIIoii of the
> cail > icrurihiK ptohlem of etllii pick
ers for their cotloii Ureal thlnjtn were
iloiiilMd of II II was to pcrfoim Hie
woik of 111 ii or l cNpett cottouplckers
Nothing wa m eilcil lo make It iiuiily fur
woik hut Ihe nltcralloii of u cam here
and there Ihe adjustment of Miiueihlui
cIk a little olllnu up ami IIIIiik down or
Mime part lo icduuc frlcilou and tlun ll
Mould be ready for Jl uilMon
That was uioie lliiiu a warauo but Hie
adjiisimeiil ol pencrM pails In uot et
llliKlft So far the lillory Of the maehlne
lin liccn one of illHconriijjcincut ami
duliy The iuoiiiImsI relief bus not
coiuu to tin collou phintcrs mid Ihcy me
bcitliinliiK to look upon Miimiii1 collou
pIvkltiK machliiCj as a posslhh ilwd of
KiiiliMiiotor In lis ilhirihciiof pioiiilxe
and IoiifHpatlon of peifoiinniice 11
The collou cioji of Tcmis Is cspcclcd
lo be one of the InrjjcM In yield tliil ha
ever been mixed In the slate Where
only iitauual labor can he depended upon
to wive this collou fl I plain thai thcie
miiMhcn lat e mlilllluu to Hid iihiiiiI
iiiiiiiher of picker oru loxs ol miiuh of
he cnip Collou In Hie boll need
piompl ntiinllon II will not nwali Hie
pleasuiiiiif the owner or necessitl de
lay In picking A hhorl siipplj of labor
ul the pioper time meaiiMi loss of thou
sands of bnlo of collou In li > u nml
tell of IhollKiimls 111 money
The offer oti Tccus inllioid to trims
pint Mevleans lo Hie sinin u u sli In
muIii ttin cotton Hint iuiil without
soimioulslih help be lo > t will not tiieei
luiincdlale acceptance The Mexican
ithenp laborer but be Is not u piolltahlc
one Like the liullau he I continually
uvcisi to honest woik ami It I doubtful
If the Toxil cotlonplnillcr would be
Hindi belter off with a Held full of Hicm
Thoy inn dllllcull to iiijiiiikc luipallcul of
coniiol Imhilcul mid npi us mil to quit at
Hid moment of icutest need lit llio Held
Theepeiliiienl of ImpoitliiK Mich labor
I not ljkili lo be K id bill H will be
elosuly Wnicheil and ll icMilt imted I
the future
One thliitf Is pretty cetlain native
Anieilwiii labor white and black inusi
be looked lo for Kiillieilntt Ihe collou now
In thu ileld Ilobably with Ihe cheap Int
mjKriiul rules lo this state help could be
had mnoim Hie armies of Idle woikmen In
the North who me thtowii out of em
ployment 11 si i Ikes mid the elosltiK down
of mills if wo me lo liy an experiment
this promises beticriesuKs ihnii the Ini
pollution of Mexicans An mKoiil e
menl In Ihe Noithoin papers kIvIiik In
formillou thai theie Is a demand for la
bor In Hui Smithmii coltonilelds at pmd
wnaes would ptolMhl be pioduelUcof
mutual pioilt to our plnittei mid > onh
The mot populiifcitcititilcsnt tbo popu
lar pilec am Uperu Iliff
V Haul Kllli1 lij hiudliiMx
Near YounsMlIle NV a larjio hawk
wooped down upon a ponlity jmd and
Milling it hell Hew to Ihe top of a Uelul
boilim lice The hen miiiio a meal out
crj and before ihe hawk could kill It a
swallow made a licit at the hawk nml
pecked uml won led II mi Hint li released
the hen and attempted to lly away The
hen llultercil to Ihe Kiimnd uml inn back
to Ihupoulli jiuiL The swallow kept
up It attack on the htwk nml It was
soon jolnctl b other swallows The com
iiKcous Utile hliils sutrounded the hawk
and annulled ll llcrcely until the hljj tn
dtopticd lit the jjrouud The fanner on
whoso ground the contljot look plteo hur
lied to the spot The wallows hail llio
hawk on ho Hrouml and weie picklnu It
mercllcssl They wetc omtUlicnjaiscd
In Ihe attack that the fanner walked
Wllhln three feet of thcin bcfoie lhe > tils
covered him nml llew nway The fanner
nicked up the hawk Ilollt of llcwlutd
been pecktd out and It was so badly butt
In other witvs thai lit tiled In n few mlii
Stimhtv IsiilwtiVMibiisydnv alhirner1
lliilmprlse and llloodcil Mock stable
lliounh yon may mduiv a team for the
tivcninj If jou telci boiie him us m > oii a
von icad this notice
H L Turner keeps 110110 hut the ilncst
vehicles nnd best horses
lintel Ilikwltk
The Hotel Ilekwlek I winning auldon
opinion from tho tntvcllna putillo
Kvcrvthlna that can contribute to thu
comrurt of aucel Is provlttcil itud nuth
Ina Is overlooked or fortiotteu The table
I tit ull time lUnpllcd with ihe very best
the market affords uml anutteutlvccorp
of assistants miuhlc thu timnuKcmciit 10
meet fully tho io < ulrtuumtsof the public
Tim house Is well ventilated nml Is
tMi Ml tA hDUt ll > y lH1 0lHhicilntps U best muniucr liotel In tho
< i Uiwthiit JlT Jlo iomi to lmiialiiolstiito
jt v
Vx S h
Mllllkcn uml llcSiiillh Inillclcl for
Murder In Ihe IIrs I
1 lliillnx llr or > Vuinl rmltr lrr < l Ini
I < lnr < eiij IMilliiii nl Iulille
S < InI Mi > irll > l < ii < li > iil
S > ieliil lo Inlluilli
WillillllltlolIK TlA Alia The
umnd Jury ret in neii bill ol Indictment
lutocoirt today nunliiM fmiies 11 Mllll
kcn and Tied lieSiullb for murder In he
ll iilurci for kllllnalame Leo on Ihe
ISIIiof lime In lids oily Mr OcKmlth
has lipplled lor it writ of Impon corpus
fiiilp lleckh mi will lve him u Illurine
iicxj Moudav llcHiiillh was iidiiilltcd
to ball on his ciiiiiliilut trial but wu
aricstcil today mid commliti < l to jail
William Nelpinau who rcprcsenls the
Dallas breweri cilliic lo Wciilhcifonl
mid aot on a will last nlylil
Ills friends took him to IheCurxon S
Lewis bouse but as Hie hold was full a
lady Mm Waller verj kindly cave lilni
tho use of her room lie was put lo bed
hut aot out and on comlna back found it
olil iIni on the wiishstnml which hcitp
pioprlalcil lo himself Tho rlna wa
foiinil on him ibis morulna ami hr wits
nrrosteil mid jiuvt bond for Ids appear
mire In court next Thuisiluv
lrof S A Morrow lulu of leiituek >
ha been elccicd Mipciiiitcnilcnl ol the
Wcalherfonl Knuleil sehoolv wllh his
wlfitnsasslhtiinl Thej nrtWhWhly reo
omliiendid I1
1 coitltin ins
11 turiirin oun I i 7
I n Hie IMItiriiflliiHiiuellii
Ileitxc iiIIiim me litirtrreel ll nit lHte wblili
inviirriil In lin inliiliuiK or I III li li 11 In
ilii V uiMiiki ii lili li HmmikIi
iVlltlinf iiiiij ilu IiiJiiMIii iiiniii nil l huclil
enlieiu In iillinlliiKtii Hr s II Mini nf Ilcn
Hint kciiIIiiiiiiii In iiiiiilliiiiiil im u fiirimr ur
Kion < liiKrnlnf liiiiirin lit Tctui < i < ii nml
ill line time Imrii Hie Mile uf Miilleiil IHrecliir
nf llimiltiil > nml IiiIiik ii umiliisl nlil uinlli
mini II nuiirstii me In uuiilit mil h nu >
iinw tllle lllllllil fur llllll III lla lull lili
kniitvlHKiix lie nml nil iiilnr nlil < > Ciinfcilir
Hies Lmiii llml Hun uii iiiiIi mi miilltiil
iiIIImt ullli Hie lllle nf surKiiii liiiiirul nml
llml Mils liiirne fur llnKrealtr imri of Hie wnr
li Hr siiimiil I Vlonri wlini ullli t iiik ut
lllllllllllllll In
lx Vss im i inn o I V I f
1 Wlililtii lull IiiiiuiiI
Willi OiuIiIiik
SHI 11ll ll III
Wniliiv Ti X ux
niiihtei A I Accrs of this place imis mis
peiuled fiom olllce tills iiioruliiu by Calif
C Sinllh postoillec Inspeclor for
Vorth rtvyiiTtti Wtiitbnrford Mm
nines anil thu Dallas Herald for jiutillort
tjoi ami tifftt we fixtiiul lo them our
thanks for past favors
WUc County
Ms S0llllll SlIWVOX
Mis MvitvtfIlium
Tit mi nt County
Miss 1ivMi K i < nois
Alts Lfilv 1 lllxiis
Iurkur County
V lllllllllttM
i <
tllllt IIIIIttllES
II KNuill fi rKlle lilil iirter llrf
Hllti ilcislx tlml jlold fiat Klorv
lor ill nl III Iliite i III loiidir Iiml
llmli the linnIf lluil urlljd llmlr iorjr
lint wlillxtwe wciii fur Iifiiiintuit
11 tiH tuiiiM nf nur Umm
Flint IHIiik Ihto Mlioii iin ln linn
In loin IiIhk Id WoliiKiiir
Ilu In lllii lliiriMtliCnHlie eii mi floM l
llkitit lienuiu timer lu < eiin
W lioo UkIiI liuriiso exliiiii > ii < l l
Mill < liKniilly 11 liiiim
tint villi ho ilrlnkx rt > il t In IIkIiI
Hint iiiiiie rem Hui iippiriliim
Viol I xlriiiitlliciitil Unix for Ho isiuilnt
ln Iiiiik lo Kiiiliir rniinil Ihe mini
o h t im nmi wlilUt ui mil
iiini unnls of comfort 1111111
Viol lill lilni lluil no Into nml i > rn >
loriiiirililifliiln nml our frliml
lin Irllnile noir nf iiKllciil i > nr
Well itlie looiir Ituliert be
Voiuviliiyl ioirll > liiKWe lintil more b or
I unfils llilifliiln of Ih free
Thiiiisiiudsof Inexperienced liotiekecp
cis owe their hitcccs 11 bieiiilinikers in
the sliperlor uicills of Silver l6af baklna
pou tier
This linn siieeccilcd L M llruiisvila
two miiis nun mid by iiiicislua heir
slock ami pushing 11 Ins Hu > biisbu s has
Hi nun to bo the luriret dun esiabll h
luent In the state ThroiioJintil the wide
scope of Icirllory tributary lo Hie city
Iravelbii tcpieseulalhc have Inliodlicetl
the hoiiMiiiul established 11 IiiisIiicn re
litloiishlp wllh U > poiislbc ilnilir > which
hiNrisiilteil In an opclHinler ttadc Hull
would do ctcdlt lo thu mole pieteullolls
houses of older cities The prejudice In
favor of St Louis mid Now tiileans II111
once existed In llio iiihuls of
letall dealers bus been miiilutllv
ulvIlia itvvii us ibey were niiiile lo icalle
j uioie fulli Ihe advautnaes of Tint Woilh
as a Una inaikel In the mailer of fielaht
iaies mid pioiuiil shipments with prices
as low as can bo alien on smiillordcrs
bj thu Imacst eslabllshniuuls rn l
II W William x Co entry a Initio
stock of iroiilctnoiy iiieillclnes dma
Tcmis chinaed wllh unlawfully opeulna a suiulilcs fancy aooils show euse
Ihe letlet of olhei Chmaes had been
bliiuaht piovloitslj uiiiiiust Mr Acer
Which 11 wus believed It would bo snlll
ulenl for his teinontl Koerul wetc up
pljlna for the appointment In bis sti > in
apt Smith mailed decoy leltots 011
thi tiulli Jllsl befmc reiiililna Hds place
III Ihe pieseiice ol wllliesscs Nesleitliy
which wcio lodiv iccclvcd hv the pniy
lo whom sent wllh Hie seal mutilated
Cupl Sinllh claims thai Ihcv weie
opened hi litis oillee Mr Inlin Me
Ctmlev has been placed In chiiae of Hie
olllcebj the sinclle iluilna Hie lilll
Mr Accrs bus uol vol been miesled but
will be us soon us u 1 nlted Mutes niur
hIiiiI arrives Miiuv however lliluk Mr
Acer Innocent mid Hint ll Is mi utleiupt
lo thiow lilin out of oilier
Ailoplcil li Hui Vli mliiisnr llio Vlilllbil
mil Normal Institute
W 1 vimmono I ix Viik
I ii Ihe lilllnrof Ihillaxlti
lie ll isiihili I Thut wo icooyulo
III onr woitby pilnclpnl Mrs Ld V
Win ion 11 lonelier of eminent ability
nml one who Is deeply Interested In t i
welfmo uml udvmicciuf nt ol Ihe schools
Ihe tcncheis mid the ehllilicn of Toxus
2 Thut It ls thu wish desire uml pot
tlonof every leacher of this soiuloihil
district In hi Hon ll M linker thai
she bo reappointed us piluclpul tiuothcr
vcar since wo desllo lo iclulli her as nil
liistiuelor anldc and friend for Ihe next
uninier lioiinal Hell futther lesolxed
llml she has our llteloua thaliks for Ihe
llileicst uiaulfestetl In each uml all of us
as teachers and pupils Sim has our
wishes for her every success mid our
piuvors for hcnlihaiul stieuath to sus
tain her In her chosen work
ll That vvoUcuutiUo In V 1 Itobbtus
n man eminently tilled for < ho work In
which he Is enanacd He has oiirslncoio
ihiinks forlhecal nudeneta > wllh wlilcli
he bus labored 1I111 Ina the totm Ho hits
our cninest wishes for his fiitutc suecess
nml sure ndvuncemeiit In his ptofessiuu
Wo vvoiiltl nlso trnll the iilteullon of
siipt ll M Iktkeriohls line merit
1 That wo extend our cor
dial thanks to MHs losle
Iosler uml Miss Multle Wanenfor tho
inaniicr In which they have conducted the
duties asslauetl ihoittt neither do we for
act to thank them for Iholr patience
S That wo iciueinber with amtltudo
Mis Morrow nml Mr spmalerwhohivc
both rendered vnlmible assistance Wo
commend thein lo the people of Texas as
worthy teachers Wo as a body of
teacher tild them welcome to our pro
fession mid trust their linos mav fall In
pleasant places
I Whereas tho clllens of Wouther
foul have conn United so luraolv lo our
comforts ami havo been Interested In our
welfare ivo lender ihein our llmnks
w Milna them their schools and their city
the greatest prosperity
7 That wc tender our thank to the
city and county olllclals who have shown
us much kindness
8 Thai we especially rceoanlM Mayor
lliibtcrnnd Col Shannon ns ttuo men
who are iloeplj Interested tu Hiocduca
tlonul cause nml tluo we hcnMiv vteml
to thciuuml U the enilro hoinlot trus
tec our most sincere ihiinKs for their tin
tlrlna vffori for our success and enloj
U That It Is Hit wish mid prawrot
the toucher titlundlna toSuperliUcndcnt
linker that Woathorford bo the place se
lected for tho holdluaof tho noxt summer
iioimal lusiliuic for this tllsirlct
10 Thittvvn tlcnoiinco the pondnct of
those clalmlna to bo teachers who volun
tnrlly uml purposely absent them
selves from these normal Institutes
nml from othor like teachers inectlnan
thereby falllnu to secure tor ihctnsclves
their pupils mid tho people at lnrao the
Kivalcct absolute good
U That copies of thoso resolution ho
iseiiltc fiupcrliiUtidcnt lUkor thu tort
If M
ciauis sniokliia tobacco etc mid uol
wllhsiniiillna their business has alniuly
assiinieil Immense piopoillous iluy nrc
sitll bulldlna for tho dilute ruch mem
ber of the llrm Is it prnollcul diuaalsl uml
11 business man or blah ultulumcut and
leullJua the possibilities lbit nrc III
touch of nn ciilciprlslua house wllliMit
llclenl capital to imet the acquirements
of iho liiule the uie aMna he business
tlicit undivided time and alteutlou ami
this with ho llbcralll v unit fullness that
liis cliuruelcrlcd them In their tlcallna
wllh Iho public Is luvlita Its lealllmale
If vour In end Is mil lllst to the iiueeits
taste Use Silver Loaf biklua powder
sporllna iiiniii
At no Him In Iho hlsloiv uf I uit Wuilli
hiiN such it lurac nml vmleil slock of amis
plslols eulleiy tlsldua lucklc bisi > bi
aoods miiuiuiilllou rolbir skates walk
Ina cuiies mid spot Una and faucv aoods ol
eveiy dcsctlpHon been dlsphijed In Ibis
iit > us nt ptescnl exhibit d ut VinleisuuN
ami stoie A visit to his ostubllshmeut
will convince miy one thai be cuies the
latacsl slock of this kind west of te Mis
sissippi liver Munuliieturer1 ami I nst
em pilccs duplicated wllh ficlahlsaildcd
1ilce lists tuiillctl upon application mid
all mccoidlally Invited locnllwhcn vlsli
lua Itut Worth
Housekeeper who htvo been dlsap
poluied lit bicailiiiuklna shouhl tiv it
sample box of Silver loil blklna powder
1 im rmkii ciitiij
You can buy a pockciknlfo from 10c lo
Sill at Andersons ami sioiouud liuvuiluo
piltents to sell cl from
ll Is poor econoni v to bnv eiicnp food
and n aiealer mistake Is iniile bv those
who use mi Infmlor brand of buklns pow
der because It Is sold for loss money
Silver Loaf baklua powder Is bv no moans
11 funovptioed mtlule jet It Ischcinlciillv
pure and cannot be classed wllh the lufe
tlorarade of btklna powders wllh which
Iho 11111k t has boon lloodcd
Katfs caas caas caa caas 1 aa >
caas caas ut the Tort Worth 1nicer
II Is mil to ln > vviiuilered nl lliit inoi Vmer
leanx tire ilpiptle svvallnwlni liti cold
ilr 11k till 11 hut summer ditv does llie mli hlef
VVIiv then not mid leu drop of AnKostm i
Hitlers llievvorli1remivviudU > nnitfiitil e
tlnvor and thus avoid all dnukvr of eoMIn llie
Kaas cgas eags t > si > eaas oaas
caas cags at ilm rori woilh Urocer
IV s
tf vour arocer dont keep Silver Loaf
bnklua Iowdcr ask him to act u trial
cu < e mid then jou act u trial luokntie
IorTliIrt linjxtliitj
Holts will sell jou clothlna at cost at 3fii
mux liisTAMi run iiiumciui
Iort Worlli tmtl llfimr j MnB nr >
roitrluiiMj Ciincortl coaches leave liar
nild dally imorrlv ul of mans from Iort
Worth foronions from Vernon oery
Monday Wednesday and Friday on nrrl
ltound trips nt reduced rates
J V Ottit ilnnaair
at our olllce
llarrold Te
h Jlit
JitrrrtltmiiUvnittr IHt kttiit fill U Uttrttd
nt the rnlr f firt rnitt n llnr tilth tnttrtlmi vtrn
minh lii Ikr lit iitlrtrlltmriil iiiurttil f r
Iftl tUa trriilff Jlrr emit Inrttrt trill uhmnirt
hnrc mi vhviilnp nmitint ii f niltnnrt
iiits < Ts7i
rnreil m 11 illneiKO lint nx ft
crlioiorbaOKc < > rtllxKrACf IirfIninmurl tlio
only mini In Hi world llml hn ccr tunil t Kit
ojIviinMi illiiiiv lie will lie tit llie llinlill
liolil font feu week Dont full l > > > u iureil
LjnilXII WVN I ilJ A < tioT lnd > lliiinitiKli
n lyiinilllliil unill liolllon In coiiie imlillr
Mhiiol In Nnrlli Ti or a tirhnte xihool In
IhKiIUor In xomn iiilirhlKirliooil or limn near
fort Worth V1l1lfexxMlMllil rare Itmellc
fort Worth lex
NTinriiiAii hiiii
J VNlKHdlrlx lllrlx tlrlxt tlmul
> > 1 iiotx cooil ihiiiilhiriiiililxaiiil Komi illll
In room ulrlt < mi nlwiix Unit imiIiiIiiincut I
iipiihlnKtotlie lnlillli iii < < ml 1iii > Ioiih > iiI
oillio ivn VI11I11 xlriel Dillnx 1ex
vvamii > iiwi 1111in
VNTIIlV Itrxl iltioiilrrlitie xinllli No
uhliil I1I011I tiiiiliiiib II 11 brooks
turnerTijlormnl VVcalhirloril lriilx
T VNTIII ecriil liariiixx niiikerx at
nine Vppl > In llllx X bellner I orl
W nrlli
WAN1ill s joliiuf men wanted nx ne
iiKeiillou nijlroid ttulitx Vppl nt btiloii
NfWX tompilii rnlon liiHil
2f it 7 tf y 3f
W VNTII Hi a nlillv womiin situation In
It prltiile fiimll to took nml ilteml lo 1II11
liiKrixiin Vpplj nl No 1HM tlilliiiiin slreil
r VNTiill niiimpeliiil luil lenclur n
tiiiixlr elitax of liidlcxioiilKiiilleiiien Villi
j Im Icxoiix In I rcuili Viblnx VI C
i ire liiinlli
siiiiVTitiN viamii > viaii
VN1 111 iiiiIoiiuiiI Ii 11 joitliK 1111111
who linx hud tnilnlnir and xonie expitl 1
eiiiil > i linxlnox nml Iciiihlnp lie lx a itrnilii
nilnl a well known liiixlnesx liixlltiite nml Inn I
mimitileil a tuitrxe In short luiml nml l > pi I
wrlllii Ilivpitikx siuilh unit i in furnish
Kooil refereilie Aildre 1 VV Ilonnnke
Tex J
T VNllli siimitlon iixireMrl > tliiitlslb 11
I iiiiii limn who hix li ul xetrii > i < jrxex
peril iiic In the ilrnjt hii lue mid hixatliiiil
1 d one euiirse of b < tiiru in riiiriiiue tmi
fiirnUli ttood Rferemexx Addre llilx nlllie
11 nml li 1i iiimiiIiiIoii xloik
ItilftlliexH iaii tiiirille
Illlor slreel
iiimmss mil saii
se itnn iui Main street
old ieine
liry Koieihihi xlreit enrx run wllhln ime
block nf Ihe honxe Mrx M I Ileaiimoiit
VsVNT Il llNsin niKlvi with or
I wlllioiil hoardnl Hie liusle limine nml eot
Inice itirtivrl lilni and Ttislur xlreelx Mrx 1
VI Vihimx
furiilxliid roonix VIhuiiui ver
liri e utrv room iiiifiiriilshiil eenlrnllv
loeiili d on I htoikiiiorloii hetwien sieonil miil
I lilni street Iletvreiiiis reinlriil Mrx Vlex
f Walker
r m itcM nvviiitMts
UIAT Tvvii oiltnitea of four rooms
each on ltixt llrslxlriil Appl nl No
liw 1 innerI hlril ami Ijiinnr
l1rlU Vd im
IVU IIKNI lloiiseof elfilil loom fall nt
II Ml Heidi Irxtxlreet
I DIMMNT alee neiil iiillnite on VI et
I Iflli street comtlileol to hiixlnexx Vpplv
loll Ilm kell No 71X1 VVest spend xlreil
m iirr ion iiinimss iMmiiisiis
l lllf HUNT liini liitsliHss liiintu and one
1MIU IIIXI Tim line xlnrernoiii turner
1 Mnln nml Kllth street now nrruplcil h
llutll VV liter Works 1iwsexxliiii clven Aliirust
I Vi l lo Win TMUiU ul rake X Co
l tlfNIIllv slMrllt Minldox na tlmreiinloii
l1 croiiiiiln one trold linieilel llv enllluu nl
the tnttte olllii nml proline pfnporlv nnd
for Ihlsiuitliu thenvvtiii eiiu have llie
AltlNlIV vvniileil Wiiiiteil to borrow vilfor
ill 1 IkIiIi en iiiiinlhxor two or three venrx on
real estule stcnrlt vendors llm Address
M Ienreliirelle Iort Vlorlli
rim ii iivusronc
VTI Ll liore tniirex mid inule hmiLlit
VV and sold on iniiiinls oii and liberal ml
vntieexliitiile tin itiiixlKiiiiientx VV11 hum on
hiiiid IO1111 henil iif teer etittle Mixi bend utoik
tattle inu head of vinrllnux steerx nml
helferx tarm land mid eltv pmpertv lmvlnir
mi liivetiieiil of n pV em SlAnev
loiiiieil tor 1 npllnlltii nt Kood rates nnd best
eiirltv linvld llnnz Iorl Worth
w rtlit sviiireirv uivi i si ti
barKiiln In a home HihmiiIkIi
ner lot lODxIKI
I l OltsVLI V
liorhood eoriier Jul Itowerx
Vililres I SI tare linutte Iorl
HIIVI Hire resldeme lots for
v sole eheiiii on Ioiik lime VV III
exchange fr
j rnrmsoruood wild liiinl s 11 vioodle
ffiiNi hv Pitoiiiurv rousAi
flllstncivVlKXifiioxiilicre llnest Krn
I liiirlnitil In eiiu Ih1 tor siilo or to lease
tiiintil lliilierlch lauiliiiriiilniiiiii No 11 over
leiupln 1lien
IJIN t ranch for rale itiiHiUnrres of rood trr
1 Iiik lunil In a solid Isiilv
on rnllroad vviui
nxllnitwater Krontx 111 niubrublc xtream to
A U t lrS
I0II a1k < 3Ku rrc > of liind Jn JteEiniuio i
eonnt M ntre In tulllvatlo e 1
wire fonee line urnsx water lid
K > d winter irotietloi for stock VV I Vel 1
a Ktrifttln vUt A Jones land Kei i VV
lloitsuiu staet M1KIti sell a vvellesiihllhel mil
nLi Tr KMll l11 on liuximsm
OneCartMllfornla ver tt tU m aiSxtt V
J I0 mrrt A
tins nnd oninaes just recelvctl at the Fort o Tex
Worih Urocerto s =
mn sii 3umiiunk iis
K J vT n l rem our
I Viisir iiT A l ljnew luinutirefoiir
lVhilJnv li 0 M
Iwtli t l0 < nled In rtnid lirlrVtlii nii
Ill bealtli
of Mttao from llarrold for Curtis ta n > J u fivx
Much Clarenilon Kurt Klllott and Mo hr iFi iToT
ice tie comiccllua with linos forallpolnt I i Tij
e 3 1
In iho
Ilinhatidle run reasonableit l
Adtlres Ix > ckbox Sst
< new for
Ilouttou treel LevvU Pros t
v S1UIN11T 1AWS1JN iA VCiV i
ruinnuier trlnii xulpliur iiiiiih > Ii nml win r
Ihiluxt linlilnKiMilirln llitf xlitlv II limy
fnoluxnt Mot sprlincilrtlnk lint while linth
ni lii iiiiv of Urn i4iirt > of Hit Mull
tilf liiirletlikelx ccnUJ flm lltkelx 1
MtiiileyV MarklcpflTlclorXjiiorllmfxtKiriirr
iiihllc uarg
IjnslllONAltli ilrenxlnnklnp Itciidj muile
1 ilrexwx tunl a Itool uxxurtett xloik of Orel
irooilx nml trlinmliiKs kept on lionil Vlxn nrilerx
rllliil In nml nut of llio elf nit xhorl liollre
full llnenf Itnllex uiiilcrwenr nml penis fur
A I 1
lilxliltiK fornix kept III Mock nrxtinejc
corner se cnlli mill Mnln xlrrel
lie kept on Intml nl all time V frixh car hmil
1 V Ull VVll iiiitirniA anil lit oil iiitent
j TempleTex speclnf iitlenllon trlven lo
111 111 mi ten xiuirex 01
niiuiiiiitr i mid lolkillon of tliilms uml to nil
Addrexs I oinincrf lul l i liie
vantiiito iiint
W VN Illl In rent for 11 jittr or loiiKer
11 w till iiimxixxIoii let lo sail nf iiititnlxr
a siiinll ilu elllm Iiiiiik Vdilrixx Inline loi 11
linn nml prlin II I I box No Jl
lltlOVIs IOlt ItllNT
IiiiIi iiintt
V ullli or
nliel flirnlshiil iihuiix
wlllioiil board Appl nl tuns
Illll lllNl Ilirnlliiil Koninx villi veil
I tllaleil miiiIIii rn exposure I enlrnlt lo
I It llllllfsl II iltV PoilHDoilofx
tl llrbwxX rivvlord Mnln xlreel oppo lle
poflolllie I orl Worth Tex Irm llie Ibnlleitln
ill cnex of the eve e ir throit mid no e
1 XlT W VI 1101 II homiopiithll Ullli
It and riMiliiiii I hint street innier litixk
opposite llKopcrl hoii e Dlllcihnilrx il lo III
n 111 i in lo I p III suiidii 11 In IJ 1 n
Telephone No on
I1MI AflVls
l I VIIV II iiltornn nl liw nml uolnrv
I j imlille Ilillon Tex spelil attention
filled lietipext riKiius III llie til for llie j ruVn rV M nliVrini iiiifiVini l imVii i
11 e Appl lo II Divrn on evilitli lie 1 K
ivveen Mil In nml llnxk
A fnrreiillii < eiitltiiiM wMiMnr tre l ln 1A A Ifl Q T j l 11 Al I f
l l roomx for rent il Wr Jnliii UliiiH W UUij
I Nil liollx eornernf Weiillnrforil and
tiiovi 1
iti iivttiiii 11 iiivi
lltlt M 11 Ol tlHIM
xtrn with prlilliKi 1 of lmiii 1
t ill
IIINT V neiitl fiirnlxlieil
i 411 mi > i hirtti1
1 front room wllh snullierii exposure nl3 j Tjfl I t J l sl
J < = = < J =
W e l I hint xtriil lr Amliroe y
1 litlVNT litrnUliiil room for rent 11 Ilh or
i wlllioiil hoiiiil luxl north of
37ozs is
iennril Vircnts for
Ari < > vii < y nl Xau > v
Onir > over fort Worth National lloik
Nnlar Ilibllo pi the oillee
AUofncys tit Ltiw
Olllce over Its Nutlonnl Hank
jmi w vv itvv TiTivru srvM ii7vT
Ovorntv Vntloiml llMiik corner of Tlilrd unit
llojisyiiv streetx
Anornoy ut Xj > v
special iitlentlon to lntul and commercial bitsl
nc s
Vttoineyri ixt I ivav
onien over first National Hank i
Magnolia Balm
Organle Weakness
lnYount Middlel
Bed Mon
rtsTtoroR ovrn 8nt
Years DYutiiNMANt
Thoujaso oaks
One Aloclt
Two JHcuhx b 00
Tlixec Months V 00
JO t Of sJ
VK1V Kii SIOIII lift micniil on Mnln A1 TTllJE Mf
> xlrcef iRlween rniirlccnlli uml Vlflefiilli 1 ttS > > J rSrHMAl UCLi
A full xliRkof feed nml Krnbi of ull MndxMlll rV 7fflS
mro r ii
of lliuipltlirnliit liiriie htj lu l rtcelved In
xlnre VVnnhl lie ln l lo hitvenld rrlrnil and Ihe tiiimi > uB 1 J
eiinUiuierxeiill nml i me l n Hoar ne inirlh ihe iiiIi r i
rllO WJ M IT MA CONCKIIN Ihe uiiler enil o
1 hinders htvo met InKcllitr nml formed an
naxoeliilIon 1 Ine of tlitlr prlnrlpnl rnle Is that
Real Estate NT
he will m > t nirnMi itnlcr In mi iiiiiii vvhu
oueo line nf the nxxiMlutluti for wilerxliirfell I 1 m
riuir II HO Wlieiiter lite liirlno 1 VrNnnnc 1 if tfl
wnlir Iiivxlinik iluex an lie
Unit willYurtiMi II In him
eu r i OrrSLIENNOTa
V lon hrlik hoti > l Willi tvrenti nbie Ixil
roonix w ell ftiriilsluil lunillnri nml liitc for I
xtle rim null Inilil In llio place tor panic
nlnrx niMre liilmm hoiixe
OlilllNIJ VI VCIIINKSiit co lOne lloniextle
ll one Miuter Wlut lor A VVINoti mid ime
Viuerlcnii iiiiriilni I lie Atmrlrmi l < nx Kil
nxiiew nll In llrH iliixxiribr V rnre ihinie
tnLitn K d sfMliiK mucliliif J Aliilm 5119
Vliiln xlreet
LAW JAIi > s
Meiiilnrxnl I m I Win III llnr
7 < lsiilll TlliltKIUIII Altoriiev ill IIW
> finite III llinIernll hiillilliip up xlitlrx inr
iut Tlrxt uml Mil In xlrccl
I WIKs s llVVls Attorney nl liw Port
> VVnrlh Ttf Dfllco over llrl Snlloiiul
hmik oiriier erouil Hint lloiiiloii treelx
VVI IIIIVII xTtMinTis7 Vlloriiejs mid
1 founnilorsiil Ijih liver Iorl Vlorlh Nu
llniinl limk Mnln slreil fort MorlliTex
ill KIN V UNtll If 1 tinklu Henri
B Iliieh Vltorni af Ijivv 107 VI11I11 xlnef
over Tuoinblv A son Villi prnillie 111 ill the
Mnle uml I eilenil eourls lrniiiil ltlenlloii I
given lo eiilliilloii >
Ilu line iiMulii > ie
1 iiniii v tji iruiNvnir cr i iiimit
il Iriil lillc kiiiMiill rolllil nlliirnl nl
liiriieH ill law linil mid live xtnek tipenc
I ollei tloiixiimf Dirrefpomlime Millillol DiI
llio Vjtl Veriliiiiiinl Tex
till 7 IlV lONnltfiniey nT lt Iltmn
lex Will Klve xtrlit nlleiitlon lo liu l
3cx ojr
R U PT4n P pEsottfi5
the time hit rtWU
nllilsvort KWt < Sf
tllsiliiBUlsluit iJ Xl
iiixstil Ilm sr KlWJ
lil life fort wjfflll
ranch of iir lcf 8l
luiiriiii vvonmii lf
tmtl IIIttl
I 11ft vioriiut
mid to tltr IhW
itllielictvvii JJ
vliohtvliiCU < Jl
renieilv licKucMtillf
ami fall 111 M
We rcfflieltltrtV
iih li r iilaclos Jw
tine lady frow > fii
writes us llil r
ilimik Ihe
knees for trliu
lice as lf J2
ln tiW A
slu suircrcd Ki
lorl qiilft
inMiffcr W
0 Wot a >
terestclrau Jl
1 a < i iHoniit Undisputed In iliaBBOJIOtlJti
taivvt < t prices easiest terms Itciialrlnfriiml
line lulling 1 speelnll lailesl slu el iniish
pillilleatlnii reeelvcd rtKiibirlv iOmI usour
orders ami we will save on monev
jV1 < jmi < s nt I riAN
llilieooverTlr > l Vntlutinl llmik
JM niovivstix t vv xiivuix
ltixvyiii tmtl l imtl AufUlss
W 111 Klvo priiiiiiitulleiitliiii tu all kinds nf law
litlsliifsx Iniviml rell limit mid town lots In
veslleatutllfex paj taxes etc
W F Lake AgtForiW
hi < > rniEJ
Itulianai iJo jfJgsiBli
cetho orlirln l
Ihlsrtincit Uonm
puhllli eerllilMlCfctWl
month Ijj i
> tWo u f
piirllciilars ruill ll ji
sold l ill dsTw
GOes LinMent
j dlCt flJ f
j lWkltcttK UrH
l nil
> fjUitwtti
The best
ilnofnllkluJ U S
ilea Varl i > H ir 1
Many a lady her fresh Ml
owes j soli Dl HI
xl J
ness to it who would rather j
not tell and you cant tell
dti onF Jrj3
1 couMfrfellv WSf
lnlh Kl l Bll 1
will not vl iltSM ll
UiiliiisHlt ln i ji < tt 5jpilt1
a secret to beauty

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