1 >
111 IS
i o
Pit ri red by a pbjeldin with rpcchd rrgtrd
tohttlth NoAmmcnU Lima or Alum
Goll Colorado Santa re
Dally Tmlii Itttwccli
Clclinmc Mnriran MrUrcttor Tcinptu Helton
Jjini > n n Ilimrloli Milium Lnldtrcll
bumcrvell Jlrinhtim llcllvlllc
ltosciiliuri lloiMton
mill inlvcMon
Vnviuota unit XIontKoincry via fcoiiiiirvellc
Tlio etimincr Ilouto to New ork via flnlvolon
To and from topejtiowest Rales
s i Eou 17a u yantau es
fo Inrllei VVIsliliiK to Ilrlnic Krlcnds to this
Unvcrort VVortli In in
Arrive lloiintnii lu up in
Arrive inlvotnii Hoop m
Uftvo inlviMciii Hi ii in
Leave tlimttnn via 1 II AS A It 0 111 n in
Arrive Kort Worth 1200 n m
for further Information nililnim
Omr II Mnrmy CD Iimk
Ijiniriil IaatenKer Union 1 Irke t Afft
Am ill InlvcUnn lort Worth
I jw JMnio Oiird
Wli T
TiiUiiKLflectMii 18 ImA
riuvs Veveiiie
So Ml ilnlly
> o 901 dally
Vrt wK itnili uicint sun
13 p in
No SHI ilnlly 01 a in
NOH lililly
No 11 ilnll IM il sun 7 W11 in
NiiiitK Arrive
Nn IKclilly tlttlp in
Ni > 151 dully Wu Dullii 8 J p in
No Ml dull p in
No IK dally via IMUim 7 mi a in
lour vviiniii tniwiuuirv
101V P
Nnrtliuotinil MM a in
bonlli lioiuid
illlli eoiuiniMiiiliVSTV in
bourn Uwvn
Xoi dnllftjuW sKluin
8 in p in
7 Wl n in
l w i iii 1
a VI a in
S 1p III
7 M n in
1 IS p in
Niitd ttH5Coininoilivtloiiiixii in
No ldnllv U nought
No liuf oiiiiimilnUoii 7 25 n in
No Ml mid 3nl lioluvvii nt I011I4 nml ii
ln o
Nn Vd nml M > In tuccii fort W orth nml New
Son KM nml 307 lietvvrcn lort Worth mid
t durmlo
So HI 112 1VI nml lM run Millil trnliis
IliroiiKli from Sun Alitonln to S Uniln
No IVInml 151 rim vla IIiIIik
No 2 nml 1 bqtvvivu Kort Worth llonrlan
ami liiilvesiun c 11 limt
Union 1 Icket Aitent
1 A It Vlti IUIOKI01I out How In >
vclup tho Hint oml form Kullti
lijintlon lliroiilymillinit Mullet
M4cil urJoe jVaJifMfOlir wirlWliugloNV
VVIiilhcrvon lire for tho kimi tiriete or tlio
liruilnic mountain ulr for jour hiiiiiiiht vncn
lion von Hlionhl not omit to provide jonrsilf
vvlllia liolllnof Alienturn llHtum vvhlcli lit
ltn > nrkmivvlvilKiil uluiidiirit reirnlaliir ot the ill
Ki llvii nrniilm lie mro In nil tho iteutilno
nrllrle iiiuniifiuturcd hy lln J II tiirui m
A > I > S
Tjplio Vfiiliiiliil IVvit mid Curo
llliKiiiinitUni ill lut 1 > Immil 11I
Hy thu ill 111 of Hughes llios mauufiic
tilling chomlsts of Dallas To This en
teipiislng tlrm have for thu hist llvo jeit
been engaged In thu inanulactuio of bak
ing powder wines elder vinegar etc
Dr K 1 Hughes who pieslde over
tholr laboratory ha for the last foity
yeit been engaged In thu study and prac
tlco of medlcliio and chemistry They
also Imvo In their Ithoratoty lrof ieo
0 Calhoun who has for mnnyjeais been
a teacher of eheiulstry also Air 1 1jlee
tloiiM vvhuther vinous acetous or nlco
hollc which Imvo over stood In tho way
of successfully inanutiictutlng wine
vluugar and alcohol In our
Southern climate Tho epoiinenl
have ic milted lu tho discovery
of an agent which completely obviate
this dlllleulty This agent Is tho eUrout
of thu buk of a tree Indigenous to tho
state1 of Tumi Caujlng thulr exputl
incuts still fuither they have aseoitaluoil
that this sauio extract as completely con
trol thu only rem lining fermentation
known to the nit and sciences 1
Wood feu mentation which l the cause ot
fevers s well a of rheumatism This
agent they have combined with tho ex
tract of glrigev and lemon thereby ien
ikuliill a most Itllcauloiis as well as de
lightful and lulitablo bcveiage It Is not
only one of the best tonics in It effects
but the uo of It effectually prevent ty
lihomnlarlal fever At tho same time It
is a sure euto for theuiuallsin Dr
Hughes Kxtnict of Lemon and linger Is
put up In imscs of two doren bottles and
can ho found at all ilrstcliss drug and
grocery tflion
1 1 1 i i
A piettler lino of shelf g > od than SH
vorLoat biking powder would bo dltll
cull to Hud
That tho quantity of Silver Loaf baking
IMMYdur mtiinfactunMl by 111 llrown
oach month lu inoio than doubled within
tho pasljear settles ho Qticstloil of II
popularity wherever It has been Intro
1 i
Jo to Lewis llros KCo stIB Houston
htrijot ami scti tlio bargains In liieH low
jdiou 0
OntlicrliiB irnni Over llio Mrttn HeportiMl
SprilnH for Tlio Ifirettr
peolnl to llic Gntetlo
lliilTox Ti Aug 28 All hands
handling freight or rinmliif freight trultiM
on thl division of the Santa Ko struck
thin morning and Uiore Imvo been no
freight train today It Is rumored that
the Santa lo will not reecho any more
freight until tho strike l over
MrsAdi Ann Illanton tin old resident
and most estimable lady died here last
night and was hurled thin afternoon
vii7v 3HIUS
Special to tlio fSaiotto
VUIBY MIIW Tix Ang 28 All
good men have sympathized with Tin
Owktti In lit temporary suspension
and wilt rejoice tomorrow to Meitngilu
111 Its place In the journalism ot Tcvsls
A place won by plucky persistent perse
vering effort and maintained by u full
faithful and fearless defense of thu right
Our neighbor over In AJcLcnnin are
red hot on prohibition Tho country
people aro remarkably unanimous In Its
There Is little sickness here demon
strating that the hills of llosnucnrc good
for habitation
Tho Haptlsts are holding a protracted
meeting hear town
Many cltlrcns In this valley are boring
artesian wells Dr Irlllln above town
was the last
Valley Mills has au organization that
Is unique In chaiacter the Hiding club
bit before breakfast It promises to ic
l vivo one of the lost urts
Corrcniomlenro of the Untvtte
Oiivil im TiA Aug Last Tuesday
levelling the mall carrier from Aicher
City was iclleved of hi letter pouch by
a lone robber on Illnt creek live miles
i from Iniluim The carrier sajashe
he was quietly driving along In his one
pulled down on him with u Winchester
and said he guessed ho would take the
mall bag The cairlrr told him he did
not think thu pouch contained any money
but did as hu wu bid and handed It out
lie was then Instructed to drive onto
iniliam give nn account of his adven
ture and return lu thu morning for his
So far the mall has not been found
nor has any uffoit been 111 ulu to capture
8 w tho lobber
me siiiim
Comifliotidciu 0 of the fiiuitlo
lllii SruiMi Ti Aug 27 Thu city
council of this place hit passed a uilinbei
of wholesome oidlnnnces which will go
Into effect September II
A gland calico ball was glvin by thu
order of Kuluhtsof Labor lu thecbuit
house on last Tuesday night tho proceeds
ol which will die Used by tho older for
building a lodguroom About ouu bun
dled ilollar wuru realized
Slock Is doing well and looking tlnu
Siirliil to tlio nuelle
Ciiltii s Ciiititit Tl Aug 28 Two
01 tlneo daj ago Xoiwood tho eldest
son of Col tiussutt was bitten by a
spider or some other poisonous Insi ct and
a swelling ciimo on inpldly at Jeorge
I llejntilil iniich forty miles fioni heio
Yesterday his mother was sent for and
this evening Col fiussett left on n special
tialii accompanied by a phjslcliu being
summoned theie
S > et Inl to tho nuettu
In I 1 IIsdv Tl Aug 28 Shutlff
Tnlor on receipt of tolugruin fiom thu
sheriff of Hunt county uriestcd a man
by thu namu of Hurt Cat Ian charged with
murder and eoullued htm in jail Cur
tail claims that hi iminu Is Huitou
Special totliodnielle
lvinsiiM Ti Aug 28 Tho can
vass for and against local option Is still
looming Thu nulls lmvu si cured tho
nifi nVMl ii0i llufcy it HS onCM ° Pchasablo negroes who aro
University of Philadelphia i i i Thesu gen
tlemen In nmuufactuilug the various at lsU1 l of llu J nml olil
plosion of tho steamer IVlton as follow
The Kelton cx > lo lon was cau cd
by dynamite The people who had
it did not Intend to explode It i
but were on the boat at the time
and taking It home to use It It
will bo Impoislble for you to dimmer
them but to removo suspicion of evil in
tent from other this statement I nude
Your Investigation should be tottiatoiul
Thu note Is evidently written In a dis
guised hand
Nccru Solillrr ltlilnpnnt In tlnkntn
Diunwoon Ivk Aug 28 Great ex
citement prevailed yesterday In Murgls
the scene of the lynching of Ito i Hollls
the colored soldier mid nssas ln of Dr
A number of colored soldier of Fort
Meade member of tho 25th United States
Infantry armed themselves and proceeded
to the tow u of Stiirgls threatening to
burn the place On being Informed of
the trouble Gen Murgls commanding
nt Kort Meade detailed n patrol of sev
enty cavalry which scoured the town
capturing and returning the dKiffeetnntS
to the post immediately after the burial
of Dr Lynch
SlKiintlf Inlmr Suliullf
Ciiicmio Aug 28 One or more em
ployment agencies In this city Imvo ad
vertised of late for largo number of la
borer to go to Manitoba to work ou the
Canadian Tactile railway
A statement was gUen currency here
today that vast number of laborer
have been recently shipped Into that far
away region only to discover It was
Impoislble to procure work there They
> clnio this shipping of laborers Into
This was organized by W C Moore our
that result In dls
I popular railroad agent
H s t0nloiLlj I can great
I of the young ucntlcmcn and ladles of
Ana ltnBg Ke J cl i uiiiiuuiiltyrMnd has for one of Its pleas
lire the catching of muleeaied nib
j appointment nml distress to the victims
of what they look upon ns tin Olginlzctl
Tin VViilimliSlrllo
Sr Lot is JIo Aug as The lestilt
of the conference In New York between
ieneral Manager Talmngo of Hie Wabash
lallway and tho national eecntlvo com
inittco of thu Knluhl of Lnior Is re
ceived with satisfaction by thu local
members of thu otganlitlon
It Is stated that n coufeieueo Is to bo
held next Thuisday Thu Knights will
Insist thu lelnstntement of thu
horse sulky he was approached bj man
tK > r 01kr uri MIM
on horseback who rodu along vvltli him ptmlid on discharged Juno 10 last and
und asked several questions about stock i will lequliu a pledge fioni Mr Talmngo
thu court nt iriilMiii etc and then npproved bj the Cnlted Statescoint that
terms of ngieemenl will be kept Inviolate I
Inld tin llxlrilim lciiilty
Sr Lot is Mo Aug 28 Samuel W
Collins wtishanged this morning at
Howling tiicen Mo for tho nmiderof n
man mimed Owen Utteibick Jlrs
rttothack the widow of the nuudeid
man with lur two sous agul live audi
eight joins was prisent ut tTieeeciition
The inuidur occurred In September
ISM Collin hud heaid tint Ltterbick
had been slaiideilug his wile and he
sought him out and killed him for tnu
offense The execution passedtiff quietly
lu thu picsencu of an Immenseciowd
A HiiikIi r Tli K < t AKilit llriniiii
lMiivwroiis Imi Aug 28 William
II Hlpley assistant ticket agent of the
Louisville > ow Albany uiul Chicago
ticket olllcu at Ijifajutlo deennpeit last
night taking about 61 Out of tho com1
panics money the pioeeeds of sales of
exposition tickets jesturdav lllplej
cuiie to Lnfajelte about
i eir and
> ago
1t I
nsufiimi iv Aug 28 Thu pio1 had been living a fast llfu of lalo
tnicled meeting which has been going 0111 <
at tlio Methodlstrplscopil chinch suveial
thi Is being characteil7ed with manifest
Inkiest Liugu concouises gather night
after night and hi idler day
turns cmtisTi
Spnlnl to the azttle
lliilvj linn ralliiri
Si Iofi Mo Aug 28 Tho iieat
Western Iron lloat Uulhllng company
Theodoio Allen and Anthony II ltlals
dull pioprletots Hied a deed of assign
ment tills afternoon for the buneilt of
their creditors Assets estimated at
Ki5tO Liabilities iinkiovvn
lolest AKItlnxt Vlexlulll Illlnil
To tlio l dltnr of tliu jiiretto
On August 25 thoio appealed in the
ToitWoith Dumoeiat an attlclo setting
foith that thu Could Hallway system had
uiadefoimal aiiuoiiucemeut tluough Its
ticket agent of this city that it will
glvu planters a uitu of one cunt per
mllu on parties of llexlcaus numburlng
live or moru tiavellng from Liuedo to
any point on Its lines The Knights of
Labor ot this city desho to enter this
thulr Indignant ptotesl against this at
tempt on thu pait of this monopoly to
Mood our statu with this halfolvllled
and degraded labor There aro today
huiulied of American mechanics and
laboreis of all classes now In Mexico
lined theio by falsu repicsentitlnns and
uukept ptoinlsos who would gladly avail
themselves of this reduction to letiun to
their homos Theio tuo thousands of
unemployed men In thl state who couhl
tide already ineitlonul have found It 1 daily anil midnight l wwowHWlthliViiMK
uecessary to couibat excessive fertnenta tho negroes save our abundant crops
lion W I lteeves spoko to a lingo Then why this discrimination In favor
ctowd at Hock church today for local of this class alone We claim It Is but
option a scheme to tlood tho stntuwlth this class
Tom Smith and Hd Mellon colored
engaged In a iiiaiiel last night over a
woman Smith Is now under arrest for
stabbing Melton The knlfo penetrated
tho clothing Inflicting a slight tlesh
Our public schools resume August ni
Bpcrlnl to tlio dnteite
Hui snout Tix Aug 8 Wo are
light In tho midst of it tevlval at the M
15 church which leports eightyfour
conversions ANo In tho midst of a
heated canvass upon local option
Tho Autlriohlbltlonlsts held n mass
meeting Monday at which Senator Coke
and Judge Abbott Hepresentatlvo Mills
not nuteiliillIng spoko exhaustively ou
the subject
Tonioriovv Saturday tho lrohibltlon
Ms announce a picnic luvlitng nllnnd
promising a fieo discussion Llectlon
Monday next
of labor under the pretext that It Is for
the special benellt o f tho fuimor but In
A Mnrilrii > r oiiimlttd 1 huo beoil tl great
Lvvviti sen Mvs Aug28 Henry K 13 yeu > not able to
Goodwill who yesteiday shot ami killed JU ur lll > v
Albert DKvyiiii was airalgued this morn
ing and pleaded not guilty Ho was com
mltted without lull to await the action
of the grandjuiy
I i
The lYltou Hxplottnii
riiiiAiiriiiiiv Vug 28 Clilef of Do
tectlveio Kelly ucelved an anonymous
lioto this morning inferring to tho ox
lealltv that they may be kept on hand to a Mumu
lephico Intelligent white labor whenever
this monopoly may sou tit to do so In
this belief wo call upon ull our fellow
sufferer for i inonlshcd by n number of friends to be
walk from his guard as It was probable an nt
tried ninny I t ek would bo made on him for what
M D s and their remedies to llttlo pin leason tloes not appear If there has
pose I hullevo Hosiulalls will curo inc I uc an > Intention of mi attack ou Mr
sieud me one docn by steamer It was Houlwure It Is tilte probable that Cole
recommended to mo by a friend I have vas mistaken for him and tho bullet
taken two bottles and thid It helping mo v0 Ht him was Intended for llonlvviue
Tho druggist who usually keep It tiro
out of It anil 1
cannot afford to wmlt tho
Mow arrival of their supplies
Supt Hoard of Vubllc Instruction
Lake Irumi Florida
Oillcurs uio Investigating the nuttur
IKvar in mind that the best baking pow
der on earth Is no good unless neil no
cording to directions and that bllver
Loaf Is no exception to tho rule
Wholosalo Dealer in
Stationary and Portable Engim
Threshers Cotton Gins anfl Presses Flour Corn and Feed Mills and ill B
Mill Machinery Belting Shafting Pulleys I
If joti need an thing In our lino write us and vv 0 w 111 quote on our lovve6t prices
If Xoiii Ilvoi It mliuU X u
Of Its existence by dull ptln or shiup
twinges in the right sldo or beneath tho
dexter shouldeiblitle accept tho lumliid
eras a warning and regulate tho organ
without loss of tlmo by the use of Hostel
lers Stomach Hlttets Tho above symp
toms aro usually acoompinled by yellow
ness of the skin Constipation ftared
tongue disorder of the stomach sick
headache nud moining nausea Data re
foim Is promptly Instituted by the Hit
tors the best possible substitute for cal
omel bine pin and other supUlpotent
mid hmtfnl drugs eiroueotislv designated
as remedies for biliousness Appetite
and digestion aie restored ami tho bow
els lesiimo activity when an Impetus Is
given to the functions of health by this
stoillngnntlblllons medicine which also
lias the effect of enilehlug and purifying
the circulation and fortifying the system
against uitilarlnl Infection In air or wafer
UJsnlNO highly benctlclal for lhetuna
Usui kidney < md bladder troubles
At cost 00 pilrs of mens low shoes
at Lewis Hm R Co is Houston
We hayo for rent a x ury desirable three
story building Well located foi awholesalo
drytfoods business This building can
bo inalo Into a llrstclas hotel Wo w
lotiso for either vvholesah irj K00Irr
hotel or would trade the ptopertv for
cattle Apply o W J Don at the Trn
dor National Imnk Kort Worth Texas
Hum fiutiwix ltu
> >
Qnooiiswaic Crockery and Glassware
Corner Second and Houston Sticets Iort Vrorth Tei
X > alliLs Texas
omhilon 1 U ° MeJkmnM Jloni Olory Syrup Gravely Tolmcco nml Tlnslfjil
AVo are how lit position < o mnko ory close jirices on nil character of Groceries Ask forfl
l riiim fiom in V > li > ln >
Last night about h oclock Mr WU
knights and all others who hue tho j im Coleson a comiiiratlve stranger lu
terostof tho wageworkw at heart and the city who is stopping at thu rcsldeuco
peclally those along the lino of the of the Into John
I Could Hallway system to discourage and
dlscountenaiicu any steps looking toward
this wholesale Importation of a class to
l which Uie Chinese aro In every way mi
I parlor
There Is a law prohibiting Impoilatlun
of fotelgn labor under contract and thu
Could Hallway system takes this way to
be ou thu safe sldo Tin Commit iri
il or Clant City Assembly Knights ot
J tbor No2212 KortWoith
A limit lllniiiOlMlUIn
Nichols stalled fioni
the houso to thu stablo lot Just ns ho
reached the gate opening Into tho lot he
was llred at by a man standing Inside the
stablo door the ball from the pistol pas
ng within six Inchos of hi head Mr
Coleson retieated to thu houso secured
anus and In company with others
went to tho stable but could find no
trieo of tho wouldbe inuiderer The
man Is described as rather tall spare
nillt and wore a broadbrim white
Hosiulalls cures sorofula swellings I This attack on u stianger is quitc a inj s
goltie skin diseases liver complaint I urj to everyone nildthc only solution of
ihciiniitUrn o Head tho following i It 1st MrV S Honlwaru has been ad
Real Estate MoriW
toi ny B Blv rr ciw
Procured for borrower
Correspondence b
Adtlroft ij
jrstAKK vr 2
SierMStirtoVraMl E a
Fort Worth
ror n r t3rC ipi
Bet iwra < > > r5r5 i
Spennatorrho j < i
tht rtwlt
iiwtkr r EV i iifl >
cafuio or i J5JVmrrt 2S <
toirrtre In
d di1t eurM a Trt srji
trrl rn j iroaiw JgS tf
IUIt dl ltrl J s S J