Li j
at lb
j Srttl
mU of crk T0m
Coroners Inquest nt
Unit t TliHr
rgn of Terror
Sept 8 Tlio city
il wlU excitement enily this
unt ul 1lllk
tteifi0 news
desperadoes Mho lor
crlmth liinuuicr
H f
tenor over Hit upper
Iwontyaml tlio Indlun Terrl
ii Ullcd l > y A Thomas
tjnJ Jlnt Sbnttler mid their
this city
fcthronijediothejall to try
jigllmiC ol the men whose
Outlive was tho
rtovMtniint iMotmioK
tftlock the coroner
3J Man Inquest ocr the re
nomas bciug sworn pave stib
the follow lug account of the
ioai worth I lime been In
at the Jcc boS since June 5
jr ho lives In Cooke county
fl Jim
in their track May
iwn Tin m ro si mil sin it
tklreutonmi ncive the Jecs
> lj was to drop their nippers
brutes and open Hie Wo then
lM tiring and the tlrst shot tool
rule Lees neck killing him in
When llnk fell Jim dropped be
tid tiot ten limes llrst nt one
I then at unother but without
stlllie died from two sliots one
timid one lu the head
rAS OlMI to i in1 vsi
ttUistn tlnow a cartridge Into
preparatory to tiling but his
forsook him and lie
fa Ji down In the
commenced and continued to
uMlmceastd I think I Hied
dllnkLic weio the leaders of
I outlaws who for several years
tic lower part of tlio Chickasaw i
id a part of this county known
irc Ucnil Theyweio in the
causing to this side of thotrlvcr
Urge numbers of horses itiiflcut1
tolng tliwu Into the Territory i
crhad quite n huge ranch lllled
irlllgotttn spoils This coiitln1
oinc time until some of the cat i
ho siifftrtd most from their
Ions determined
to n t a stop ro 11
rtr their cattle These cattlt
wncctlon with heigennt Guy
Indian policeman went to the
ik l > on Calico eieek whore1
jU the Lies and all their gang
laasortof a block house Some
tSPtrsuadcd Guy and hlsciowd I
lo the front of the house under
w conferring with them
I B t hi range the Lee
re killing Juy Jim nud Andy
own named Mathews All
5 lrelltf at the fact that they
Their bodies were turned
w relatives who carried them
g IKnd for Interment
On In Mint Alxiul Alillen
sCrui StiitUm
Trx Sipl 7 Some Idea of
Htstcrn country Is building
< obtained from a few facts
lumber jards at Abilene Wo
lumber yards conducted by
5 energetic and
popular partlts
them financially strong
the best lumber that theloug
vjl Texas a d Louisiana can af
Itotay as good pine lumber
< te on topof the ground The
Imwas no uior than au aver
kt toortlj
bought or loaded on Sunday for our luin
her dealers are nil Christian gentlemen
who remember this Sabbath day to keen
It holy It only h6ws that the work
went on till a late hour Saturday night
mid the teamster must hau slept In the
jard that night
Now let one llgure how many
houses that 00000 feet of lumber
will build It will build at
least eighty cry neilcomfortablo houses
sothat joii may say that the lumber
which weiitoutof the Abllcno yards last
week represents eighty new bnlldlniS for
Abllcno ami the contiguous territory
The most gnitlljIng featuro of this big
In point ol number and rarity of products
of the Held they are not to be compared
to us If therefore the grangers of
Ohio and New York can build such line
cities why may not our grangers build
cities ten limes liner and moro numerous
A or AWIuw lt lms
ffchnmedltely stalled up the BgacaWo lim ilealtliy growth It Is not
and craw
illivo were within forty yards of
ben wc rose presented our Win
brick stores built heio this summer How
ever this condition Uflunot last long and
It Is better for tlitfjcbiintry to outgrow the
city than for the city to outgrow the conn
lry If wo harfan assiirnnce of theiall
lond we shall have such a building boom
hcieas few cities In Texas have wit
Ou the contrary If w o get the assurance
that the rallioad will not comu heio of
which theie Is not ninth dnugci It miy
casta damper upon Abllcno for awhile
but she vv ill soon rtcovur and go ahead
Whether the rallioad comes or not the
granger will come and he will assuie the
Krom two ol our eitlcns who deilvo a
Pleasant luvonuo fiom i
tell Hack eomtry with thieshlng i
grass whwi + juj out the grain of the
driving over the
machines thresh
fitfincrrt wo ob
tain exact llgures icgardiug yields per
aero A few lakeiiat randomwlll snlllco
lt A hea Oats < > 0 bushels porncie
J lt rictch Oath E5 wheat 23
litugSamlcll Oats 1 Oft wheat SO
rje SL4
Konllcieyi Wheat 10
Thomas Cross Oats 70 ijc 1M
wheat ai jf
1iank Heller Oats i 5 rje p
Itov Mr Stones Wheat aa
Anderson Oats bo lie 28 wheat IS
L How man Kjo 28
11 llemleruut Oats 40 millet as
Hldcllt Wheat 15 oats 40 millet
James Thomas Wheat 15 ije
oats U5
Torrey Oats ho
Smith Wheat 24
Mooiu Oats i > 5 wheat 20
V A Miller Oats 65 barley 55 rye
12 wheat 18
Llnd Oats 75 wheat 18
Christopher Oats 85 millet 40
ami io above comes from the meiuoran
nK duiii book of Mr K M lord who
thieshed out the given tiuautlty himself
Mr hteadman has been threshing In
cfttepiig have been nrrested nt unother part of the county and will soon
mnJ U J V l ow i KolT Mipply lis with exact llgures as Tord has
wtlng their trial but Jim and i loJ He states that on Dead Mans
iVrlUCCCsl ullj CNnildarrt v creek which Is the most populous sec
dthn Utlc hnvc 0lu itlonof farmers near Abilene the average
iiicr A ycl1 of ° 8 1lls cc afmt lllely
Jw n ht JVatu as commit Jvli per crt nni wheat about twenty
rtinLi1 roni llllt tno u bushels though many of the farms iuii as
SiL ai U > tlleIr WRli Uilrtj io bushels
ritoMn i l lUc y noul a muK H will be observed that there
Wtnls side and commit I the 111 acre
Wjc ou those who had In
ir iPliasurc There Is a gen
Is much
variation In yield per This Is
due partly to the farmers themseh cs some
cultivating thoroughly well and some
not so well but It Is mostly explained by
the fact that some of these crops were
grown on sod giound that Is ground for
the llrst time turned by the plow and
some on ground which had been culti
vated from one to two years before On
sod grounds the crops arc usually light
and they grow better every year after
Jt commenced raining thW morning nt
8 Oclock and Itlsstlllat It at 1030 a
rn v 1th every prospect pf u good siege
of it
A M trrou Slioollm A lr OlliirN ilr
special to tlio Jajctlc
GiuMivirw Tk Sept 8 The town
was aroused from Its usual quiet ou Mon
day morning about 4 oclock by the Ore
ing of pistols In the neighborhood of the
Gault boarding house Two balls took
effect In the corner of a snloou that stands
just north of said boat dins house It Is
who did the shooting as no
not known
some time and el they re talk about the affair Ills
j ollc caine to
Uuui eighty car loads of I evident that the party who It Mas In
represents at least 400000 tcmltHl should have rece ved the
was n the backyard at the Gault lioust
o sui i i u
t as J lhtJ hCl11 ami was making his way to a gate which
innV H as tllcy Set optcl ot veiy far to the right of
Jot 01 stlII Mould not where the two bullets were burled n the
day paiscs t tiat long saloon wall Some of the bestcltlicns
slMasare seeii passing out of say that there Is a mystery connected
JKMed down to the oppers t with said shooting that should be solved
Cotton Is rather late through this stc
MU k
WiiL iw1 ° 8 h was Sunday Hon of the country but It Is now thought
nt be hancslcd
tiroD K Mw a 1 K wagon a falilylarge crop will
attie strcus loaded with Several bales of cotton gathered from
tfctsa > our corresnoiident the earlier crops have bun brought U >
w that the lumber was market uslnei Is good
HiukDrltrr Shot and Killed
while Driving Through
ho Street
A Derompnril Uodj Ioiihil iiimI ltuil
Ctij uf a Letter rnnnil un
tlio lloil
lumber business Is that much the greater slcclal o Cucttc
portion of It nlnctcnths probably went Wico Trx Sept 8 About halfpast
l0Th w °
Th e narketlngUelr splend Ci
crop of wheat oats barley iycinnd wS WPcr M ° l nml 0
and the arc using the proceeds to tA > t l haekdrhcr For several
largo and beautify their homes Many a W have existed between
granger around us his good work u vV
with no better than an humble shanty to
cover his family who will toon be lllng
In a neat substantial cosy residence n
fact these pretty cv Idences of thrllt are
shooting up all over this countrj
While this Is going on wenced not give
ourselves much bother nboutthe city A
thrifty population of grangers will make
a city great whether she would bo or not
Look at thoM5 splendid cities scattered all
over Ohio and Western New York so
close together that the railroad trains
pass through them e > cry ten minutes or
less They are all the work of the blessed
granger without whomthcy never would
have been With him comes the pros
porous merchant the prosperous me
chanic and the prosperous manufacturer
He Is the chap who docs all the good
jfiwonth lor fear
ran wotu > MM HIM
morning Taj lor and Shattler
tthcraml we heard that the Iec
jtlntbc neighborhood but we
itfindthem until about 1 oclock
nraner Informed us that ho had i
We excel them In soil and climate and
fi night Hughston told
Orinaii H j md sister were no
better thanH 011 prostitutes nud asso
ciated with negrtes Ormaii told him If
ho did not retract that he would kill him
Hughston refuted to do so and this
this morning while Hughston was drlvlug
up Second street with a woman named
Kate Horton In his hack Ormaii came out
of his residence on thu corner of Second
and Mary streets with a fortyfour
calibre long Colts jevolvcr und
lied on Hughston twice The llrst
shot entered the left l lo of Hugh
ston between thu socond nud third
L < twa jji i MlhtL JUsssi
rib ranged upward and passed out of the
front of the right shoulder As Hugh
hton was falling Ormaii tired again the
Shot striking under the
right jaw and
passing out ol the cheek about two
Inches above In fulling Hughston
struck his head on the wheel and ImiNcd
hIsfacesome When picked up he was
Ormaii Immediately went to the court
house with his pistol in his hand and the
sheriff not being present he suircudeied
to County Clerk linker claiming his pro
tection He was immediately taken to
jail In the meantime the horses at
inched lo the hack stinted on n run with
Kate Horton on the Inside of tho hack
across the plaza up Austin street and
out Tlghth street Kate nil the time
screaming for help Mr TJ Davis on
horseback gave chase and caught the
innawnjs just after crossing the Missouri
ljctilc railway track
Lnst evening a rcpoitcame that a man
wnsfound dead just outside the corporate
limits and while tho tale bote oerj
stump of trust nothing detluitu could be
ascci tallied
This morning the coroner summoned a
jury of Inquest nud went up the lliaos
tlver nearly to where the 1ioctor
Spilugsbranch empties Into the liver
and thcic found 11 man who had appar
ently been dead 1 week or ten dins Il
was Impossible to identify him All the
htlrhad fallen front his Lice und the
llesli had rottened awnj He had oulj
lluee copper cents on his peiion besides
a fitv other articles of minor vtiltie In
cluding a Oeimanpluted open face
watch A letter was found which was
signed by John Seekler addtisscd io
Indistinct name liunagcrM T I Co
ami read as follow s <
DMit Silt 1 Ills Is to Identify Charlie i en
linuch Iki on hit of Hie mono onlir for
JI0 nnt tolopukn Intt uwnlnj April 7 ISsS
011m rc iMtfull Juiin til i kiuii
Tho jury brought In a verdict of death
from natural causes In hurling the re
in litis the were so decomposed that the
head fell from the body
Last evening a welldiessed man en
tered Hud Ormans saloon and stole fi mil
a shelf some potted ham and catsup He
was pursued but was too lltet of foot lo
be caught though he dropped all that he
had stolen but one can of the ham
A Ilniit ror Asnnnlllth Mini
stir Up
Special to tlio nzutto
Ki Fvso Tc Sept 8 The Catholic
priest at Sail lllairlo Andres Ischnlller
was lined twentyllvedollarslnthc count
court todn lor aggravated assault 011
Mrs Kelly
A man named Deloach came In lodaj
from a hay much sixteen miles oast of
heio and gave himself up for killing Joe
Howard at noon today No facts me
available except thu defendants theory
which shows the klfllngto have been done
in selfdtfense llotli were haynien
working on the ranchc
ST joi
II 11 Mnjitrlty Voti > nf 1mir lliiiulrrilMiin
lnjnm County IV III Not Jij > lillflt
Special to the Cnicttc
St Joi Trx SjptTb The election
at this place on the question ol prohibi
tion In Montague county passed off quiet
ly this precinct giving a majority of
sixtylive against prohibition
The result over the county so far as
heard from Justllies tho statement that
the majority against prohibition will reach
four hundred
Our school opentd yesterday with one
hundred and one scholars In attendance
mid all seem toiilldcnt that under the
management of Frofs OUls ami Cole we
Mill have a schdol of which our town ma
justly feel proud
Iiirilmiittllil Mi > > < if Vllilto ShiiiI
tepcclal lo the Jntcllc
SrxsiJT TlX Sept 6 It Is getting lo
bo generally recognized that no station of
the state has greater natural resources
than that Immediately surrounding the
little city of Sunset and everyday de
velops some new Indication of the pros
perity which awaits our town In the near
Your reporter has just learned of u
grand enterprise which Is pretty certain
to be carried Into successful oicratlon
which will add considerable to the fame
and wealth of Sunset and will make lt an
important adjunct to the many prosjier
ous cities of Texas and especially to the
Quun City Fort Worth
It has long bten known that near our
town exists au Inexhaustablc supply of
a very line quality ol white sandstone but
Us superior quality was not known until
several months ago when our town was
v Isltcd by Major Granger one of tho
nto t prominent architects of New York
city who nude a very careful examina
tion of the stoiie and pronounced lt to be
the second best deposit of sandstone ex
isting In the Uiilted States Since thou
the stone has btHu gradually coming Into
market mid same of the most elegant
structures in litrnitn Terrell and other
Tens cities have been built of II
lteceiitly thtTcoutractors of some ol the
large buildings soon to be erected In
Foil Worth haveexaiiilnqd the stone anil
made proportions for using lt In the con
struction of tho buildings Tin oulv im
pediment in their way Is the fact that the
quarries are about a mile from tho mil
road The matter was brought to the at
tention of theofllclals of the Fort Worth
1 Denver City llallroad company who
recognising the Importance of the enter
prise proposed to build 11 inp from this
place lo the quarries which will give
Fort Worth dliecl connection with the
qtiairlcs The rightofway has already
been secured and It Is probable that work
will be commenced In it short time Then
when Tin Uuktii gets ready to move
Into the elegant and commodious quarters
It so richly merits jou can send up hero
mid we can supply jou with an abundance
of line stone to be used In their construc
lnlloil to 1trlrns lt lrliiul < risilillillloii
i Itvntciu
Special to tlio Gaulle
IowiiTkx Sept 8 An attempt was
made last night by some unknown con
federateor friend of the twopilsoueis
conlined In Uit fcalaboose one a hor > o
thief wanted a prnliniu the other held
lor Clay count authorities on n nilsdu
mennoi to ulij tliem In escaping Our
city marshal Jlluck too slntip for the
man was llug Concealed near b and
while the prisoners nnil the unknown
mini were working things very nicely the
nuishal tired close enough to him to
scare him off In a hurry
Merchants nit busy receiving ami open
ing their stockiof new goods
The latest Intelligence from the local
option election j just received Indicates a
majority of between live und six hundred
votes against > jj > Mbltlon only two boxes
going for It anil they small ones and by
small nmloUU < s
Tlio Allen rock bnlhlliu In process of
erection nt tho foot of Mnsou sheet Is
progiesslng nloly Su > enl feet of one
sidewalk aie built 11 Will be tweutsK
feet front by elghi feet doep and will be
a capacious itml substantial business
Anolliri Ilftloltlint Unci Nntllciii lnmliil
riirNnwu inns Noli iiv
Spinal lo Ilk G mjttu
Ci 1iuiusii TV Sept 8 llepresen
ladvc M M Tiano addicsjed n v ry
largo crowd lit the comtliousn liiiniln
nlternoon on the prohibition question
He made a very fair able and judicial in
giimeut hi favor or legal fcbjiirol of
tho liquor tralllc Ho roVlsed
the luiputatloii iliut those in
are In favor of prohibition fi
not good Democrats and lie look Senilor
Coke to task for his pirt In framing anil
enacting the locul option laws and his
emltavor now to repudiate his liaiidl
ItevJA DObsou preached his faie
well sermon nt the Cougiegatloti church
last cif nlnu lo a large audience
The county court dtspostd ofkev uil
casis of minor liuportunce today
Mr N J Poole while examining nn
old pistol that had not been loadcfH
for seven ears shot himself through the
hand The wound Is not serious though
very piluful
The water supply of the Simla IM nt
this place which his heietofore Been
pumped from a large will hasfullitl iho
company was compelled to make u1 con
tract with the city wuterxVorks to ijljtaln
water enough to sunply their engines
Our Hist carloailfli cotton wns slflpped
yesterday to IiuyMiu S Co Houston
Yesteiday feliig estray sale diy oijargi
iitimbet couiilry people were lb irlwii
Sevoral streot lights occurred thiAigh
iirfue of liny consequence
Two drunken men weie standing under
the window ol thu Telegram olllce whill
some water was accidentally thrown bpon
them They became very wrathy and
arming themselves with clubs proceeded
upUalrs 10 annihilate tho occupant of thu
olllce Officer Hob Keith seeing them go
up the stairway followed thinking he
might be needed Just as he leached the
top step his pistol fell from his pocket
nnd discharged Itself Into thu wall This
seemed to have a cooling effect ou the
Irate country men who Immediately aban
doned their wicktd intention
A W Crockett editor of the Granbury
Graphic Is registered at the Cleburne
SnlUfor Ditninee Oilier Nolo
Special lo tlio Jmctlo
DiImson Tkx Sept 8 Some lime
ago Judge A Ollbort tell over a tele
phone wire while going from his olllce to
Judge Adams olllce going through a
window and breaking his arm and In
consequence of his Injuries niched has
filed suit for 1500 ugulnst the Ileli Tele
phono fompauy
Dr Walsh fell through a defective
bridge on IloustMi avenue und Injured his
arm for which he will sue 1he city of
Detilson for 8SQ00 damages
J Conorly porter on the Missouri Fa
clfic passenger train had his Itft foot
badly mashed by a baggage truck
Mnoraiaima tonlglit v toed the action
of the city council last wick for Hie pur
chase offibllsby steam tire engine on ac
count ot tlio cxpcnto of maintaining It
nud the jiiforiDallt of tlie procetding of
hc council Tlio council then paMiI the
ordinance over the maor v to
43 1 CL l A ikj Sll
Wi ttit
Ktery Count which Yolod YcMrnlnj
Itcrnnls Itself In Fuvor of
Peisonul Libert
Tlii < ImtillillluitUu Ilill to Tnki < 111 rli 1 <
In An l > lrrttlnitMiii > illlr > Piiini
NX o ttoo
in Mini coixn
Hpeclul totliatiaicltc
Tvinn Tkv Sept b Our city and
county were today nllve with excitement
over the prohibition election In the city
and out of nvoteoltnio tho whlskv men
hav e a majority of 621 So far as heard
front In the couuty they have a majority
at every box ami lt Is likely their ma
jority lit the whole county will aggregate
1100 or liioo The colored troops fought
nobly for whisky
Special lo the iiuclto
HkmstiUi Tijc Sept 8 The prohl
bltlon election took place here todfiy7
Fv cry thing passed off quietly Up to the
ptesent writing only 0110 voting precinct
has been heard rompwhich stands 280
against and < > tor prohibition
Ills thought the Prohibitionists will
feel pretty blue over their defeat and will
not wish to try again As soon as full re
turns come In will telegraph
CiAUhsyiifiTix Sept b The lo
cul option election passed off In Chirks
vllleqnletly The otllolnl count lu pre
cinct No 1 shows tho following llguivst
For prohibition ltit against prohibition
Correct reports from other voting
placcN are unobtainable at this hour p
m Scattering reports Indicate that the
major against local option will ioiicIl
800 >
Special to tliotiarcttc
Wins Foist Tix Sept b 1 Ills
county voted on prohibition toilny about
twothirds of the votes of the nullity Mill
be east The majiiilt against prohibi
tion will be about 700
Thue weeks ago nnd before there was
any discussion on the subject prohibi
tion would have earikil lu thHb cotinty
Judguliussell count judge ol this countv
canvassed the county In favor ot prohibi
tion Seualoi Kllgorc and Kerhy against
prohibition ami the question was Inlilj
und aid discussed tlircughout the
in palls imii
spcilil li > Hie lareltc
MviiiixTix Sept 8 Tho ileullou
passed off quletlnud thus ouds oue ol
the nuist letter canvasses known In this
iviWHw 4
eounlA tw < wei tv
There cjiii nothing belealned doilullely
of the vote up to this wilting but the Iin
piesslyii Is that local option wns defeated
by about 11100 majoilt
Since writing the above seven boxes
hale been hcaul from Willi the unties
ahead Mailln giving a majority llogali
200und letiy 277 ugnlnst piojilblllon
The Prohibitionists coneedb thftir dife i
by neatly 1500 majority now 1 The r f
liinj me coming In slow
pViiil lo triHrjatctlo
vXt fnx Sept s Ih tuins so
far from sevsyil precincts thioiighont the
eoiinty show prohibition defeated lu to
days ehsitloii by rrmfoHty of over 1 00
Five huge boxes re hialjrto be heard from
Upto this hour wlioseMcttirnt nil per
haps swell Hie majority to about trroo
Itontlres and mock funerals will bo
dtilged lu us soon as the forces can
musteied and the procession started nmt
the defeated kadeis be seienadtd to the
nine Sweet lle and llye by the coon
10 i m Utter returns show that pro
hibition has been defeated throughout the
county b a majority of about 1500
At this hour leturus have arrived from
nearly every voting precinct lu the couuty
iihil Wint have not arrived will but In
crease the majority In this city hoiitlres
nt burning ami anvils tiring In all the
public thoroughfares Hunditds of peo
ple are rojoitdiig at tho result
Hon II QMII1s rose from a sick bed
lI drote ilAwn to the ot the
and scene
public jubilee In a carriage a few mluulcs
ago lie was greeted by long loud and
deafening cheers He was too feeble to
speak nud after viewing the crowd tor a
snort time drove home
The matinee has Just will opened with
fair prospects of continuing for tho entire
XVIII lIlifiMie tho Lnm XVHIioiit Itnr Or
Iniiir Trleii to Moxit
Special to the Caictte
IUnnoi0 Tvx Sept 8 County At
torney Ilrltt has come down to Ilarrold
to look ufter matters and things and If
possible to straighten up what may be
found crooked Ifo seems to be n man
of sound sense and good judgment und
withal of veiy conservative vjews and
quiet demeanor He Is a good lawyer
very llrrn In Ids convictions and detenu
lued In his course He says he took nn
oath to assist In tho law and
vvltb thu keeping of tli sauctlty of that
oath no slcklysentlmcntallijin or favorit
ism shall Interfere He says the legisla
ture has made no provision for the nun
enforcement of the law sin ttw frontier
counties niidluulcrbls oath he can make
none and so fur as ho can effect It the
laws will lie enforced even In this fron
tier county
Some few may object to this v Jew but
In the end Mr JlrittH policy will be sus
tained by all good 111111
Tho Hlilrl and Cain affray was followed
Sunday nlgbtbyiancffort between Alfyirs
n saloon man and Omiilngham the va >
tlety man to do some shooting Alter
some trouble Inn saloon between them
Cunningham went off and got n sh0t gun
and returned when Movers nl o gat hold
of one Mends however Interfered und
Much credit is duo here to he slate
rangers for keeping the peace niul cn
torolng tood order Thero nro snmoi
eight or ten of ihem stationed hero under
Captain Murray nnd they are a credit to
the sen Ice Their conduct Is urdfonnW
civil lawabiding and gentlemanly
Wo had 11 number ol light showers of
mill here cstordn nud the givlund Is in1
good nnlurfor the plough
pcelal to tlio tatette JJ
Ami sr Tix Sept 8 City Marsha
lllllt having given bond for his appear
mice In tho HollandDavis killing left
New Yolk this mtj nitiflf < AliOfiH > 1 l jf
supposed that he will look ou hfs n
Him lo his old stnmpjng gronnd as If ho
wished he had not gone nwity In other
words that ho will look decidedly sheep
The big circus come here tomorrow
and the town as usual on such occasions
will be flooded with people
Itejiorts nro on thestreets lodny that 11
contract bits been let for the luinutliata
extension of the Onlf Coloradq L 8iuitii
Fe to lecan Springs whlclieroateuacon
slderable llulter ft 1 >
It Is however not at nil to Ifo relied ttn
though a long extension to some point
to begin nt uny moment Is confldunUy
expected >
lecan Spilngs Is about fori miles w
south ol Alillene on the lino iKiUvVfrf
Coleinati ami Uumids
Corritpniiilcneiiof lliednnolte
ilvvvit Cnt Tix Sept B V
Smith W II Iltind and HJ lliiriinf
have Just roturned irom St Loul and
the ea l
To have seen ourdcpotOsiorlaytMntti
Ing how even plallorm wns pllid in
overflow Ing with boxi < sbiirnlscrat s ami
bales of mcrchnmllso ol every desoriptlojt
one would never think theiewas a shSrt
cotton crop In this section
The counter hoipeis are no longer sohn
tongregalednroiimlii checkor board on
the sidewalk or sitting around convers
ing sngolv on tin ology or tho policy ol
the administration That time Is past
They liny now he seen opening markltiK
and urniiiKlng piles on piles of newgifOds
and making 1 endy for an Imulciisu trade
when cotton begins to iiiuyo lively
apt W II D Hunt has just roadyfor
1 new steam It niMirli
btislijiss hs gin
V > Ilunt llns Ionlrneted to tinml for
tho eommlsslon house of Hill lonmlit
Co hi Louis Ileisttvmpignmii of line
business qunllileatlous njiil we predict for
him a suacsliil tniiue
Mrs T A tntlllo wife ot tho O X
Co s bookkeeper sUirUd to North < Ktfa
llnajeslerdny on it Visit toielutvgs W
wish < eia pic itnt isit < vrfp
SjlnClld III tllO lllttUtt >
Dli villi TlX Ud 3 srJildgi Jiw
Hint ol the com t of nppeatsnt Joxas In
In tho city vlsjtlng old filends ami R ji
gimstot thedlstilctcouit The Jintgold
very popular wlthjiur people Jmlgo
Hurl Is iintlioilty Ijir the salng that
piidilbltloq has nothing more to do
tvlh Deinocmey tliiiil a hog law
A grand rally Is being made today by
the prohibition and uiitlprolilliltlun nun
The biggest crowd Is In town wo have
seen toi many 11 day and everbody seems
to be Interested and has constituted
himself 11 toiumlttee to wotk for
the cause he hns espoused 1p to
12 noon It was thought Unit prohibition
wits two to otic ahead About tl S hud
j ott lt wjlh about 1150 more to vote
J rrif country Hie nlarm the hlpqiocket
be j ptslul n sounded last night and upon
liiquff Il wiis fonmi nmt the line ruM
deuce ol CAIotylii the eithtpartol the
city was on tire Mt D s family had
lust left tor lonni and tin nnd u few
friends had 11111 at his house liiftnjulij lo
have 11 last social chat before he ileltart L
forhlsnuw Held of laborandltdfilhoughL
that some one threw a cigar stuurji domi
which caught und did tho damage s
Mr C A Doty who has been In the > H v <
ploy of the Fort Worth Denver Olty
railroad as operator since Its completion
has resigned and will remove to Mint
querqiic S M for tin beuellt of the
health ol his wife nud where ho has ac
cepted a position lu losing Mr Doty
we feel that It will be hard to III his place
and that New Mexico has gained a prlo
to be proud of
L O Hparknmn am VA K Furmun held
forth nt Anderson last night on prohibi
tion Hpnrkumu against and Forumil for
AiiiiIIiit Clinncofrniittil
OsioiiMissiov Kan Sept 8 Judge
Stllhull lu thu noted Franklc MorrU
murder case has granted a new trial to
the defendant on the ground that thu op
probrious expressions ot the founty at
torney were outside of the record ami
prejudicial to the Interests of the defen
dant One ot the strong grounds urged
by the dt fendant for a new trial was an
analsis made by Froi II D iirrison of
Chicago In which he found but a slight
trace of arsenic In thu liver of tho dead
woman Nancy J Femsett
i i
Tim Wtilkup < <
KtvsiH Cnv Sept 8 Times Kmporla
special 1 It to reported Ihat Mrs Walkup
has r < celved u letter froirt somo perton
In Louisiana who siiys that ho Is the man
referred to as having cnUid with Mr
Walkup upon Dr Scott In Kan
sas City last November The writer
says that Mr Walkup was using
arsenical pills and 11 solution at ho
time O his knowledge It desirable Jul
will come to Kmporla to testify to that
Mrs Walkupn attorney took pos w
slon of the letters ami refuses to reveal
the name or residence of iliijyrltir
Nothing Is known of hlpi exceptthath
Is said lo be the editor of a paj r In
Louisiana cnllrd the Sentinel
t j