ht I
i >
tup I
< s
runuHiim k vmiY da y
ftMctof rsMltatlon HVcond hi Hrtntrn Honalon
d Throckmorton Kolfrfd l the Iort Torth
rmtoffir KffonJlliM Mali Mstlf r
TO itAth SttHHCninKHSl
tPaannt Prepaid by the Iuldlihrrt
Dally Weekly
lYcnf l 00 flnn Year
MX Month ft IW I HIMonths
Three Month 2 SO Thrvo Month
fer Week
US cents
JUlM of Advertising llirnlalieit on Appli
Ktmlltaneet hi draft tiottoflce money orilir or
t rtgitteml letter at rub of offltt
Corrtrpondencc U luttclteil upon all newt tub
Prmitpl Information of titnli anil neiet happen
faj of general Inttrtit tollclled and Kilt be
fTvprrlv amntntattiL
Jill communication Intended for publication
mrt be aetompanlrd bu the trritcrl name and ad
drtniwt for publication but at an teldence of
TtntUivrlttitt to TUB IAXKTTK on btitlneu
fertmtaltothemietiet wiltpleate Inclott ttamji for
AltUttert relating to butlnftl ofanillnd ihould
U nddrttleJ to1lUK7YxtK ftrt Worth Tex
Aouvst iirohlbttlon
8c tliat my grave Is kufit green
M that your ticket rends Against
lirohlbltton None other will answer
Tn arc no such words In lav as
local option The voting today > ill be
lor or against prohibition
IjKt no voter stay away from the polls
today thinking Ills vote Is iiimeccs
Mry Vote according to the dictates of
your own conscience hut vote
Ii woiiiu look from the testimony ad
tluud In the English courts yesterday
that the full Mall Unctto had iiiuiiufiic
ttirtd Its own testimony upon which to
t > aso lts disclosures
Ik nv falling to vote today joii silent
ly aundesco in the ciirlallmenl ofjonr
r < orhonal llhertleH yon aro sleeping upon
jour rights and desene no hyinpathy If
you are horn of them
If YOiru manhood k preserved go to
the polls today mid ansert It If you
tiitd thenld of u siimpttiury law to pro
Uct yourself you aro not lit to oteand
liad lietter xtay away from the pulls
Tun sun toulghl should hct upon the
wost stringent icbuke to thosu aiUoeates
otthe nbrldgmcutof per onal liberty that
tuslicen adinlnlsteied since the Idea of
> rolilb1tlon sas sprung upon the people
Thkiii was an Inch of snow on the
iln77as of the lrospecthouse In the While
mountain ycMurday mornlig It will
a great deal deeper tomorrow morn
iag and Hie corpse of prohibition will bu
found tiinlorncilh It
Miss Kim unviiiut of Nashllle
tluiigliler of the Confederate Wen Cheat
kxm n woiitlorfully pretty dainty and
prciCKful young lady will be leading lady
otiino of thu Madison Snuaio heater
< iinpatiles this coming season
iivk n dog n bad name and Mil him
Am dhiase aiming cattle In the West is
called Toaiis fever WeniogiaMilj told
ttuit tlic dlscusu which has just btoken
out among the cattle in Iowa Is Texas
fever Introduced by a herd driven
through that slate last lime
fvn lis fervently hope that Ihu Chinese
government will maku no reprisals upon
our own for tho massacre of her cltlaciis
In Wyoming Thu arrival of a few junks
and the bombardment of San Krniiclseo
vould be a serious afulr and In the pies
tut condition of our navy thu question
naltiralb aiiics w hut ate they going to do
jdottt It V
Tmi Yankee yacht Iurltau sqtiaicly
unUalled her Kngllsh challenger two
miles in twenty In the race yesterday
Kngllsh editors have alieady begun to
hedge by declaring that she Is not tho
lantcst jacht they have tf eourso not
neither Is tho Iurltau our fastest but she
Is last enough for anything Johnny Hull
tun produce
TlUi riilladelphla liicnrd Mis It
l > ears to be Hie fashion torn man who
rait atlord it to havo a newspaper In Iltts
1urg Tho sUe of the new spaper depends
komethlng upon the sle of the owners
worldly possessions The same fashion
obtains to n eeiluln extent elevvhere
only tiat uNpcrlcnco takes tho place of
worldly possessions
NoHK tew weeks ago Tiik ivirri
jiubllshed a lengthy Interview with many
ot our most prominent merchants on the
prohibition question With twoicxcep
tlous thu gcnllcnien salili 1 nm opposed
to prohibition j It will work u great detrl
went to Fort Worth and provu most bene
UcUl to Dallas Voters these gcutta
wrn knew what they wore talking about
Thk iiLiiuifjctururri siy remove the
UrltT on mw niaterlals and they can com
Itc with the cheap labor of Kuropo and
jcljiay thulr workmen as well as they do
ovr Ot course If they can compete
with foreign countries under such con
illtlons they will weed no tariff to pro
tret them and wo will have free trade
TMs Is n vindication of the free trade
nrKtiiuent thata reduction or abolition of
the tariff will uot disastrously affect the
wages of laboring men
3 P
cratctl by all and despised even by the
negro forbidden to hind upon ourshores
and discriminated against by law tiiey
have no protection against attack and
outrage And yet there is no excuse no
justification whatever for the butchery
lately enacted In Wyoming and tho per
pctrators should be promptly made to
reallc that there Is a law even against
cruelly toward animals
The subjoined dispatch was sent out
and Is being circulated by the press all
over the country
HlVHSTOSTKX Sept VThe Knlghti of
lnlnr have perfected ttieorgiuilnllon of their
Krnnil aitcmhlyh llic diction uf a full net of
nfllccM vrltli Henry dolden ot finlvcAton m
matter workronn The iincrt union of Tex
as Iiuh iinllcit wllli the knight and from thin
ainnlKnuute < ordrr bunkers an < llaueMWllt lie
excluded at well n tatoonkeeperK and gnm
blcrA Tho IvIcKalit clnlm Hint the aim of the
tiMcmlily In not lo promote strikes hut to pre
vcnltliem by arbitration
Nothing of thu kind was done Mr
Diinlap president of the Iarmers alli
ance declares that his organization neith
er made nor entertained any proposition
looking to an amalgamation with the
Knights of Labor They would however
give thu knights their moral support In
any emergency where the Interests of
both orders wcie concerned
Tho classing of bankers and lawyers
along with gamblers and saloonkeepers
as undesirable members Is not partlcu
la rly complimentary
innarri taiuff sciifmk
Congressman Huwltt Is preparing a
tariff bill with an Insidious purpose
Hewitt Is himself a manufacturerwho has
always shown a fair degre of sensu and
Independence In relation to a tariff and
his scheme of icforni Is made up from
themanufacttiiers point of view lie Is
willing thit the tariff shall be reduced
laid on raw materials
Users Is c eu more griitllyliig
Tin CivriTi has since the dawn of
the new day flourished In the sunshine ot
IMipttlar favor and tho meridian Is yet far
Thu opposition to Tin lA7rni nt llrst
diffused vague and lu Its Indellulteness
more portentnus In appearance than lu
reality has materialized Into a handful ot
men who stand aloof from the great bulk
of tho People and lusplied by differ
Jons Ciiixvvjvn to have fallen
1 l > JMJi M
eut passions seek to force the people to °
pationUe their venture by as they call
It downlngTin Oakitk
Among the few who have not gener
ously rccognlrcd and appreciated the ef
forts to make Tin lim rrV worthy of
Fort Worth are good ami honest men
whoso better judgment was warped by
hasty anger ami whose prtde stands
In the way of tardy retraction
Tin CivMTi In the meantime goes Its
way regrcttlug that any lltfeellug ran
kles still but cheered and made hopeful
by the thousands who dally declare It to
be without exception the best news
paper lu tho state ot Texas
Its state telegraphic service Is the most
elllcleut and Its telegraph news tho most
Its tolls for special telegrams aro ttl o
heaviest and Its Information Is the latest
Its local news columns ale unparalleled
In Texas for fullness exactuess and con
Its mechanical department Is composed
ot the finest material the most perfect
machluory of Its kind and the most ample
of appliances
Its pages are freofrom sensationalism j them and
e hope that no more misfortune will
overtake It but that It will ride out every
adverse gale In safety Ocorgetow n Hec
for the perusal of earnest men They are
carefully considered of local interest and
dictated by sincerity
Our pen may falter In
rhetoric and our language be void
of a gllbness of words but our
purpose to promote the citys wel
fare Is heartfelt our ambition to make
TiinO v7 tt Incomparable Is undaunted
and our reliance upon u just and gener
oils support Is based upon a past and a
present most vviICoinc experience
Ilrooks tho Kt
from exaggeration from a single word Institution s
that would bc objectionable lu family Il0 l0OM
reading auco News
Its editorial utterances while
getlter devoid of humor
to make a merely tll
They are addressed to n
portion of the community w hlch requires 1 Ucf < wrretly Tin Ga zktti Is one of I
are n i v
the prosecution to outwlt the opposing j prove this as opposed to
experienced had this muchcstcuincd sheet
went under and wo feel confident
those energetic people are wise enough
not to penult such a disaster to come
oiiute upon them Trinity County Long Leaf
The Kort Worth 0 vzrrri made Its reap
pearance la t Saturduy nud was a welcome
visitor all along the line of the Transcon
tinental road Wc In common with the
people were glad to see It Fort Worth
without Tin HirmIK would be like thu
presentation of Hamlet with tho loadiuj
character omitted Dodd City Spectn
The old reliable Fort Worth Oabttk
XOT AN TIIK CAUSU OF JlSTlCK Is again a dally visitor to our table fully
Judge Martin attorney for Maxwell or Bkc trPm Us JHP v n Winkle sleep
and better financial than
i I on 11 ever
Louis trunk munltrcr TlIK oimn cannot well be spared from
says that lawyers all over the country are I tlie joiinialfstlc iield anTlvve arc always
deeply Interested In the case Today he glad to notice the succcssof such a paper
receives it letter from New York tomor Texas and St Louis News
row one from San Francisco but always The Fort Worth Oazkttk Is out again
from prominent jurists giving him m lth all the vim and patriotism for wiilch
that excellent Is noted still In Its
vice Not i 1 1 i i paper
Infrequently he says they 4Itr
luilku > No nM cver battled
give him valuable lewil points suggestlim more manfully for ltshome than Tin Ov
devlces by which he can battle or befog ixni and the Fort owes much of Its
the prosecution I prosperity to the thriving energy of Tiik
UivKiTi We hope that Tiik itrm
This Is not to the n > n i
credit of the proml
mtlJmeiom nlH bc as weM to Forl
nent jurists or the legal profession I Worth and Tezas as heretofore Wield
Maxwells guilt Is unquestioned Not ta Herald
one of the men who have voluntarily and
unrewarded given their assistance to his
counsel doubts that he murdered his i
The Fort Worth Gazkttk resumed pub
lication on Saturday last and looms up
like a four time winner J C Loving
that he has secured
announces a con
roommate Their i i I
efforts are uot In the
crcll hns discharged all lla
furtherance of justice As Mr Maitln ex 1 bllltles of the paper and proposes to stay
presses It the methods they suggest are He Isnt afraid of dead things or
not for the ascertainment of the truth but J hosts The general management will be
as heretofore but It would bu hard to
i i iii i
iii i
devices by which he battle i
can or befog
laku us believe that ieorge U will get
the prosecution t of breath running after Malonu to get
Thata villain like Maxwell should thus him to take the managing editorship
be made cce > M to Tin GvKinTaylor
a pet of bv lawvers xvlll
strengthen tho belief that members of the
legal profession care less for obtaining1 ivm Yiu limn t u irc nv
justice In the courts than they do tor New York Midland iprcss
fusing justice by legal quibbles and sub It has been ald that the tea drinking
tie hairsplitting which afford an oppor i Mw < of the world always piove theui
SClVCS t PtTior WllCIl II Conflict UrlSCS tO
tunlty In display their legal learning and the coffee drinkers and the llrltlsh ier
professlonal skill To bailie or betog mans and ltusslnns have been cited
with n prov Iso that the reduction shall bu j counsel to pervert tho tilth and defeat Vustrlanji and Turks Hut the rule will
hold The Chinese
scarcely good the
Haw materials It justice are the means too often relied I CUHrIlkoW tiro
Ralltct m llcxt t0 tUon
Is understood are materials In the un upon to win a case by lawyers who think the ltusslatis and neither uf these
manufactured state as for Instance more of their profession than of the
Iron lead or other oie as It Is mluedrwool rlghtsof others
or cotton before It Is made into cloth j Probably there Is not a week but sees
ate the consumers of raw materials and without evoking an Interest among em
terlal they say and they can compete
with Luropc
The scheme proposed affects two Texas
nothing for the removal of the duty
bound to lly to the rescue of every op
pressed Innocent Hut when a case arises
that promises to attract a large share of
Industries Wool and cotton aru both > public attention making the attorney
cotton for It amounts to nothing since jutlsts in the laud
we Import no cotton There will be a1
loud piojest fiom sheepmen most of i TEXAS TOPICS
whom are deluded by the Idea that their
industry cannot exist without
protection u L TZ
against foreign wools The result will brother lu black milled lo the hIojoiii of the
be war between the woolgrowers the < > < T J W fl < < < ln Tho t o
iron mid copper mines mid other repre
sentatives of raw material Industries on
one side and the manufacturers on the
other When these tariff pensioners fall
out the plucked public will get Its due
lu the shape of a low tariff and cheap
It Is iilniol supererogatory t0 supple
ment the very kind and highly compli
mentary notices of Tiik OvKni In the
tions Is it model for others to follow
Coffee Is gaining ground In all thu noith
j em nations and may some day bc used
more largely than tea everywhere except
silk cocoons etc 1 ho manufacturers some innocent person couilned on trivial in teapioduelng countries and thosu lm
geucrally will approve this plan They or baseless charges lu the St Louis jail mediately contiguous to them like China
and Itussla Whether the
i change a
I good one or not let the doctors deter
duty on jurists or calling forth an offer of opinions among them seem to be
goods will enable them to purchase j their services without a retainer or a fee I divided on that as on every other ques
clieaper Many of the manufacturers In I They are common cases In which there is i n of diet livery one ought to know
response to Secretary Mannings circular no opportunity for the display uf pro
have urged a reduction or lemoval ot the fessloual skill and amount to nothing
tariff on raw materials as the best mode I The accused may be Innocent That is
of reaching relief dive thorn cheap nut nothing to the lawyers as they are not
w hlch
i tors
suits his own Interior economy
linulittir Writ In With tlifiTjjirnrllei
Cincinnati Cuniniereinl tiiizettu
A spirited young lady of this city Is re
ported to have summarily ended an In
teresting and piomlslng love match sim
ply because her adored young man Insist
ed on conducting his part of the corre
raw materials and are lurgelv the pro engaged In It conspicuous lu their efforts Jpoidciice with the aid of a typewriter
ducts f this slate Farmers will to clear murderer °
care a legal advice Is of manSi aiul dld not pSo o lie
on fered unsolicited from thu most emlueut away any
more machinemade love let
There Is Indeed something cold unsym
pathetic In a friends letter that has been
grouhd out of a typewriter It lacks In
dividuality suggests the printed circular
Nodoubt the typewriter In the hands of
an adept expedites business but some
men will spend more time fooling with
l7lTho2lll VlMlm l l VK reai0 li > tI ht apparatus and afterward attaching
bVtavW0 no Mnlnk It l < rurlou The luIr mmofl0tui awkwardly constructed
bpothersln black are nil l > enuicriit ou Hues In order to make people think thev
kuoivaudalt liiiiioeral ire oiiiiOMilliiir6hl employ n conespondeiice clerk thau If
bKlou l oou see the MB rtr sv
lhey tre to sit down pen lu hand mid
All Democrats nie uot opposed to pioulash off the little message they wish
hibltlon but all Democrats are opposed conveyed
to any abridgment of personal liberty
The colored voters knowing what that In X 0 Z 1 mut
means are naturally jealous of the llrst Ike Hroiileywhlleof hair and wiiskers
encroachment and consequently act with as hnmUomo as ever Ho had no
the party that guarantees their lights rJ 1 l1 11 twenty years ago when he was
Do you see the point
T oiiilllloii cniiltBl Is Invested In a unloon
stale papurs from which we have recently Worth Listen to the wall ot Tmtlv
TT ° ot lt loculoiUlmicon
mull sevilll Heleetlinw test Anthe people of tliHcountj lireimrcc
11 It i I m irn lit ttui imllj mil irt i ii
nut the silent praise of our Increasing tiWtZ I crn
subscribers lllr the n
nnd the substantial encoitr
agementaffoided by old ami new adver
ln the Connecticut legislature and used
to put In his evenings playing billiards
and making It Interesting for his filends
One day a chap whom lie had done up
on several occasions Introduced an
player to Bromley
rcllstar name of Scott As the
Fort Worth has some pretty ood BTO W Mr
p sa j iiia > TMry ftiat lli
loons fitted tip and run on an expensive became indignant and
style but she doesnt claim however IkKnv > au a ag llrom but
that she has two millions of capital In j1 1 Scolt 1 spoke his
vested n any one ot homMl lc
said We all
is no
away from herself to meet the views ot a hotiaht perhaps iie spelled his name with
few narrowminded cut
fanatics who can see
ood In any but themselves
InniiitiMl liy lt Confrrips ot lie Stnti
We are glad Indeed to seo the Fort
orth lviaTi again to the fore It has
flrlt Win
Santa KeNcw Mexican
Foit Worth Svzktti shows
always been brisk full of energy full of ilu000 rst month Tiik Jvxni bouht
news and with nil Its misfortunes It Is a lc w rc s some of Us stockholders
one of the leading papers of the stitc I ° l o trouble and an attachment
tranklln Herald i caused the paper to collapse dav or
The Foil Worth outi loomed up bankl tafba 0 WM 1
o ne ker
S l ZfS
again smiling as usual and brighter than
ever What a wonderful Southwestern
towu U 1ort Worth anyhow Seven
jears ago she had but seven bundled In
militants today the population numbers
It docs us a great deal of good to see y when she doesnt build a
new rail
the old reliable Fort Worth Uvktti I rail > nml altogether things looked
again on our desk We always peruse its 1 > 1Any other town In the
columns with great pleasure and protlt wow have lost heart about this time eountrv I tit
not with
people of the Fort A
man named ltrown
went out to
loWK a th t
wf exceedingly glad to tho
not alto aJ see Fort
areneverstralned Vorl ° TrK cnlu on Us feet ltusi
ii dHMt IT YM t tbatolllcc for a
pauijist fow days on account of a temporary
thinking embarrassment If wo learn the
Kmharvl times nith only race earnest d serious of pertinent I Stfttf Clftw W tadtel
subjects tad
rhJ ffi tttanop
p 5
Interesting Ilcmlnlsiciices of n Tmgeily
That Occurred a lenenillon
Morn Hutu mid hlntPinpnU No I > iiiilt That
Her Vlurilrrer Jounil mi Asylum
Correspondence of tho liazcltc
Tiioitrs SfiiiNd Trv Sept 7 In
the Issue of Tiik Oazimti of the 4th Inst
Is an article from u correspondent at
Ilalrd signing himself Veteran
He alluded to a previous article lu Tin
Gazkitk In which he says there were
several matters not made plain and 1
suppose he wrote to make matters
plainer I nsk leave to write to make
matters a little plainer on some points
than Veteran has made them t have not
seen tho former article to which he al
ludes as having been published In Tin
Oazkttk I wish I had It
In the years 181113 1 lived In Nacog
doches county Iu that county 1 was en
gaged by Vail Hotchklss to lay off and
divide up a large Spanish grant of land
1 became very Intimate with Col Hotch
klss who was the fatherinlawof ltlch
ard Farmlco liobertson known lu Nacog
doches as Itlchard Faimlee Col Hotch
klss resided In New York at the lime
Helen Jewett was killed He communi
cated to mo many particulars of the case
and expressed himself freely lu every re
spect except as to the guilt or Innocence
of ltobcrtson
liobertson was u clerk In a wholesale
grocery establishment In New York and
was about nineteen or twenty years old
He was very Intimate with the beautiful
and accomplished but abandoned Helen
Jewett He determined to
teacher n mff
8ould haveeS
Everything1 7
here feels prouM
nt having a urinal ttw
and nioFallv I ft1
allowed low rcS
nanyadvantasK Vh
outer world ° w
Clnclnnatt l
tlnct valley scerasc
sections v u
o tho InfernoZ
inking allcsii JuTt
v nl hedaSd Tn
cool winds from
through l
the dense J
woods AnieT >
hroughtnsto i l
cauou and wc shall tel
ofvvoiulers nwevriiWL
but comparison W
v > hh
Speaking t0 an nZ
been with us f mIoSSHI
Church should Cornell
jears In order to SSSfcLV
No brush could do S
tore would be laugWiS
tion 1 think heVasrto
chin the gramleurotT
they tower a thousandlM
either hand JT1
as In It
coloring bright gold
crtmson and blue vTithti
pine trees and tlVcruL
o thu setting sU JW
course of life and engaged to marry a re lrcam > nlul you maj
spcctablu young lady of good family S r r ca 1 o hat this
Helen Jewett threatened to ° lkc
expose ltob t Thtfe
ertsons lntlmatoy with her hoping there J i tM na he tnr ° Ol fefc
by to break off the match Soon after T H
this threat she was found dead In her K ualInce P
bedkilled blow lu the ntv
by a head with a
hatchet Her death was discovered bv VTT1 Wockte
her room and the bed which l0 ft v tzerlarKl 1
on she lay
being on ll e Sbo was an Inmate of a
bagnio The hatchet with which the
fatal blow was struck was found upon the
Moor and Identllled as one used In the
grocery establishment In which liobert
son clerked He was charged with tho
murder ariested tried and acquitted
It is a mistake that he lied tho city
The circumstances against Itobertsoui as
detailed In the testimony were very
strong and In the public mind conclu
sive of guilt but the chief witnesses
were Inmates of the bagnio and great
stress was put upon thu character of thu
w Itnessus In the trial
My memory does not serve me as to
the name of thu attorney who defended
liobertson further than ho was one of
the most dlstlngtiishiid ol New Yoik I
am Inclined to think It was Ogden
Tho late Judge If fi Ilcmltlcks of
Fort Worth told me that talking with
Hobertsous attorney about the accused
the attorney said Ilobeitson had the
greatest selfcontrol of any man ho ever
saw of his age That when tho jurv re
carrying the mail on some lm
portant stage lines as stated
by Veteran He visited Washington
on some business connected with his mall
contract and on his way homo he was
taken sick at Louisville Kv and died
Accompanying the news of his death was
tho statement that he died calling repeat
edly on the name of Helen Jewett
Judge Jf H Ochiltree married Iarin
leoV widow c A J
Correspondeneo of the Gazelle
Cisco Ti Sept 7 Charles A IMrk
who departed this life at Fierce City
Missouri on Thursday last was burled
today from his residence Mr laik was
among the prominent merchants of tnls
city und his loss Is deeply felt bv all A
large concourse of people follo wed his
remains to the grave and the grief of the
people was demonstrated Indeed Sir
lark was one of the pillows of our grow
lnir little city and his place will be dltll
cult to lltl He was of the popular flrni
of lark latterson and was widely
known throughout northwest Texas He
leaves a wife and one child and aged
mother to mourn his loss licqulscat In
Carrespondcnccofthe linaelte
Moiuian Tiv Sept 7 Never before
has the Morgan High school opened under
such extremely cheering auspice At
tho Invitation of lrof drouth the pat
rons anil friends gathered in the hall of
the academy this morning tq witness the
opening exercises and have a friendly
chat over the situation This room with
a seating capacity of about one hundred
and titty was chock full and mostly ot
The principal cnlled order und made
somo very seuslble and reasonable re
marks regarding the duties of patron pit
pll and teacher He spoke with forcoand
very jiolntedly
Ills honor Squire Gilpin followed In a i
Wiutcd six nrstclnsc Bil
ply Morris
A Southern lady of exper
tho business In a Urpj nijnatjai
ry liotiso of Vow York BisiuiTS
some llrstclass milliner ifMt >
lakuchnrKo of tins muilntrt ten
X lirlvnto family Sla > t Ik i >
W nsbliiR and Ironing put o l W
Anderson end
of Kint llrcrt
nooMsron ijm
1lt ltKSTXIccly fiirnWiHr
X Knst Weatocrford tt Ul
PLKASAXT furnished mmh
per month 61 Wcit Kill
ITiLUHAXT fiirnlthtdioomibit
JU vvil
tired to make up their verdict In his case i wltlioutbonrtrJuVriiShT
he told liobertson to luakt up his mind i tery liosedalo 6troctcan ru
and be prepared for the worst and that bhwkof tho homo airiMJlto
when the jury came In to announce their rim saibmTcuu
verdict he watched his clients features
closely and not a muscle moved The
verdict was announced not guilty
Still there was not the slightest change lu
his features Not a reckless dcvllmav
cnrolndlffctence but an Intelligent re
spectful and
ono Singer one Whccleritrb
American itiucnlnc TtieAnetlan
ns new all In lrstclH ordtr 1 >
toKit a Kood setting machlat L
Slnin street
IHAVi for sale V > P rlr
dignity selfcontrol nuithur j WichUpui l InK 90 iwl i
cowed by guilt nor awed by danger ment Anviiartvutshlnjlobir
In 181718 I resided In Husk Cherokee call on mo at lt > U Jlula ftrert
county adjoining Nacogdoches county r
ltobcrtson who was now Iu Nacogdoches I
and known as lllchard llirmlee had lost
the use of his right arm by the Accidental v JKjTo tonjr
discharge of his gnu He was district vuuo on Slain sircctMMciiaW
cleik of Nacogdoches county for many > tiarctto oiiico
years Though he had to write wIth his kMi <
VI to
left hand ho wrote a most excellent bust ± ± yoit vVortiMuratU C lt <
ness backslope hand In the business I poso of same nt once atroct W
of my profession that of a lawyer I be j KUod ° lcnlngfofrlgM MJL
came Intimately acquainted with lllchard I iriHUBX IVSTIIITE rJ
rarmlec He was affable and gentlemani Y ladles illoiicnonMwan
ly In all his intercourse and uccommodit1 S > ti iy t Mr Eit r < w
lug and prompt In business and a xcrv
popular man had the contract foYt A HTKSIAN HATH HOWWJ
vt nter cljdity rtlloni T 2
rainwater white snlpliirt
tho best bathlnfHfltcrlatM fa j
used as nt Hot spring drau
In Mnffle tickets MJxto > Z
tmbllo siinaro
J haulers havo met tnjrtw
thorn III not farnlsh water
tho association
owes ono
ruary II ISS3 W heoeter JJ
unterpnya hack dawa J r
tlon will furnish It lo
L on Ana cr tQtt a
ono lcivInK samo at
liberally rewarded 2
tIi M
ounwlors at i TOr
U Coun >
i rinchjAttowiifpitj
over TWonib Kcdcral r nJJ W
itato nnd
gUen to collection
The liar jawiW
iiioi vMu c njrii
ncss In any of tag
a niuxt wwgyi
J TempleTrt fffiifeSW
commercial bu h > i = = ss = s >
U SIoTiC iiT
few welltimed suggestions deilnlng the nTinvO T
relative duties ot patron and trustee K LRVTltw
Hon W H Lockett next had the lloor j
nnd gave some expert pointers ou the