OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 11, 1885, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-09-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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ti < u uln Mi fwnsMiaj euril Vi
Wu < < > r T IItrJ ul
sotutely Pure
I n < Mrcr varies jv marvel of par
Sand ttholi omctio Jloro ceo
iff the ordinary Kind find ennnot be
Klltlon with Iho multltnOa of low
5 lK > > t nu > n or plioephnto powders
ftWSc ork
rilettncfltof fuftorlni humanity nnd In
Iji natlludo fit tho wonderful retult I
dut to tills unsolicited
limit rat give
iVliTfaiorof Swifts Vpcclllo My wife
L iiaOliCtid with hereditary
± tm from licr Infancy
SilinvKh cacti succeeding fprlng and
iionicwliat ekllltd Inimdlclne intilf 1
Wrjrcmed I could think of for yearn
atiriAv comhlntd with over form of To
iStndhnndrcdsof other remedies lotions
JtSlJll vrathis of ecry known kind but
fill mvo onlj temporary relief DiirliiK
Sidneof JbfM her lower cttrcmlllcn lnuune
Iifimtd ond sore that she una obliged to
tnoconttanlly coated with n uivcrlngof
VilasK rtli inle < l wet and allowed to dry
Lurac other things slio was mulcted Willi
ttterjjcrcndays sometimes follow id by
ibtrrmlitcnt four for weeks at a time so
ittnlilc Income n burden to her
InuiprhiRlfleleniilnid shu should tnkoS
sandfollow strlctl the dlrtcllons In icjjard
Ijtotdlelftc Mills was about sown wteks
En iflcrtallac the first hiree botllo tho ills
m itemed to Inereaso no burning Itching
i laCjmmatlon bectmc unbearable Mie
Lrrrcrecrncvind In tho usoof the medicine
jwtaklnK the second bottle tho inflammation
Itiaia ub > l < Io Vfter the third bottle Ihe In
oCTtlitm dlam > enred and sorb epotsdrkil
ijuJUnitd white and scaly and llnally she
ifthl the 111 olf In an lui > almble whlto
vitoroeinbllnK puro fiilt Sho Is now tak
jlfctiluli bottle time tab1esioonfuls four
jmilall Jer > nmienranco of Iho disease
atone and hor Jlcsli Is becoming soft whlto
j4iiai thorilniimi what Is more licriicrl
tolkeadvchcs have dlMUipenred and slio Is
dfjtUvcarsof iijte enjoy Ins the only good
dlilifhcrias known for upwards of 40 jmrs
u wader she dcilares with emphasis that
ibj bottlo of s S is worth a thousand
tiIlineight In Kohl
Jtylmthir Information concerning her case
UMchicrlull glienb herself at hcrresl
< ttlt5 Jlullett sliei I or by luu
JOHN K HIlADItiV 41 Crlswold t
fctrolt Mich Ma li Istf
B lore to get Hie genuine and send for
titrlMon Wood and ikln Ulecnee freo
F nac by all drugglsls
Drawer a Atlanta tia
I science if Life only 1
i Great Medical Wort on Manhood
Ethinitca Vitality Xervous and 1hysleal
ltylrcmaiivo Decline In Man Krrors of
KMnu the untold miseries resulllng from
jwcrellon or ecesslon V book for cer
w iount middle aged and old It ton
i U prescriptions for ncuto and chronic
HVctwuofwMcii lslnoluabli So found
wiDtliorwhose experience forSlyears Is
never before fell to tho lot of
KLhclin Kl ° I Kc bound In beautllul
Er mMln enibossni co > ers In gillguar
2 ton ncr work In ewry sensemo
JSS > IHerary nnd professional than any
fflJorko la ln l118 country for SO or tho
CJy J o refunded In owrv Instance
2S r Jl by mall postpaid Illustrated
S a Cle s < i < I n w < iold niLdnl
5X h < author bv the National
JjJJWoclaUon to the of w hlcli ho
ilttftltiico of Ufo should bo read by the
Jfi iFn Jr uclori 1 > l > J tho aniuted for
2J twillbcnefll iillUndon Imtet
jW Is no incinbcr of society to whom tho
SK 1ot u0 useful whclher
JJfit guardian Instructor or clerg
JK1 Argonaut
TIihe suoitJ Medical Institute or Dr
Wl iu > J > 0 liiilttlncli street HOston
rtS le consulted on all diseases
nJSliJ aml cxpiTlcnc Chronic ond
Z ar5S direct St Louis Mo
S Cvr0 > 1 > n Ml Mtii u
rSwtU ifcpUrf Wr rr Dl iiei n3
uTn J I and Kutoilil in tIooi
ltb cr rtt
KswlhJrSJJ Delilllt and ImpottncT
2 uli i ri ii >
KS < iJ l IMS u 4 HHir
to Mr J
nr5 W < X BlAdder TroulIfi la Old
iAiiii7i iits
rllU k 91 > 1 U IH K 11 r IrnluLul
teiitTi > ra rjn n8 psrn deseriu
Fine Vlntrs
sCVttn J ijn n > Hi ouel 4 > rtl
ViJfT tu t > jil i cr f nrmlMiltwsM
r JturMiusOMJMIiftrwir Sat
Hon Hollands Counsel Fought to Keep
Hill from Tcslffjlng In
Hit Cqnrt
TlicPrnsrnitorUetittirUroii All llirSnn
< 1tiU Onm
SocrctnTolilbytbe Iur
clerril Inmlilrrs llrotbcr
i I j ft t
e wA < lr Herald
Crouching itgnlnsl ulie Secret panel of
his darkened den iHh his fierce black
hUkcrscllnslu to tho MallhU tlilu
blown ImmtB clutching Iur to tendy
hlmelf Theodore als jesterday put
his oje to lmpeephole Uiroush which he
saw Holland the Te an dead nhot cover
his brotlifr TonnwltJ a plj tcil carrvluR n
half Inch bullet The irambler as hho
lUK how ho saw the scene that preceded
the murder M his hide was Lawier
Stelnbanlt ami DetectUo Handy
who each took a turn at Iho
panel In the bloodstained onice
of the dead spoit stood lollco Cap
tain Kakln personatingtlio Texan while
Mr Appletxate of tho dlttrlct attorueiV
olllcc acted the part of Tom Davis and
had au Imaginary bullet fired through his
heart Thcodoio lals anddetectives
Ihmd alternately went through tho mo
tlons of aiming pistols and receiving bul
lets In their breasts vvhllo Mr Applegato
and the captain peeped through the little
slot cut n the edge of the paml door
The captain ordered that tho desk In the
room together with that portion of the
wooden wall containing the pauel be
taken to the station hou o to bo used at
the trial of Holland Then the little incl
odiania wa over and the actors In It
went away
lied and orange sparkles danced fiom
the diamond horseshoe on tho bosom of
Holland as he wus led between tho
gloomy lows of granite pillars Into tho
court of special sessions The Texan
Wore a nobbynew suit of brown clacked
clothes and his hair was baibored with
gieut elegance Ills friend Hill who
was handcuffed to him woio a line suit
of blue and twilled his pialric moustache
dieamliy lie did not seem to cue
whether he was In pilsou or not The
young Texas gentlemen who hung
mound the door said that the two men
Theioweie no diamonds on tho breast
of Theodore Davis The brother of the
dead man woio mourning black fiom
head to foot Ills flngets ticmblcd and
he seemed to be uneasy when Justice Gor
man turned hlsmlhl blue eves and dim
pled face tow Jill him Just then liwas
learned that Capt Kakln hadpiefcnedu
complaint dunging Davis with an attempt
to commit guild larceny in swindling
the Texan thiough the sawdust game
Iawjer Howe swelled Into view just
time An entirely new set of diamond
studs pins aud buttons twinkled on a
shlit Iiont tliit was a wonder of
luowu patterns At his back was
Lawyer Hummel like a black
sprite with a bald head little blue legs
and patent leather feel A clover leaf
with black white and pink piarls held a
diamond dewdiop between the points of
his collar anda gold deathshead with
diamond eyes gilimed on ids watch
Its nil outiige to think of ancsting
Theodore Davis said Mr Howe It
would bo cilppllng the prosecution and
against the Interests of justice He is the
brother Of the man who was butchered In
cold blood and Is tho dilef witness of
Just then the comt iccclicd his note
fiom Assistant Dlstiict Attornoy 1uidy
and dismissed the complaint
Diuit Sin In tegiird to Issuing a wni
ruit against Theodore Davis I learn that
a complaint Is diawn against him for at
tempt at grand larceny based on his de
clarations as a witness for tho people I
do not think It would bo well to enter
tain such u complaint at present If in
consultation with Mr Martiue lie should
dlicct otheiwlso I will notify jou at once
The prosecution has sulllclent surety for
Daviss appeaiaiico
When evSenatoi Oraily and Lawyer
Iricehad taknseats infiontof the two
prisoners Mr Howe strode Into thopiose
cutors box and sat there like a great red
frog gleaming with jewels Mr Hummel
perched iliinibelf sprite like on a gacu
railing twisted his tiny blue legs around
each other ond peeped with his bright lit
tle eyes tight through and through tho
iiiiiT woimii w in vis
There was a sound as of tho buzzing of
bumblebees when Thcodoio Davis was
called to the stand Lawyer Trice pointed
at him olie of the lingers that whipped
Australian Kelly In tho prize ring and
asked him a lot of riuestlons about the
You say you have no business said
Mr 1rlce
None ut all
Tell us what you call looking through
a peephole in u back loom vvhllo a niau Is
being rubbed In the front room
It is supposed to bo dealing In coun
terfeit money
Tor how Jong did you cany on this
Tor twelve years and always with my
At the time your brother was killed
how many places did you have
Only one for that business
What was the other one for
A place in which to keep myself se
cluded where I could spend my time and
not be on tho street
The witness assumed u moral air
Where was that
At No 3i5 Hroadway
You say that when Holland and your
brother entered tho room where the
shooting took place there was a man
namod Buticr In It Whom was liutlcr
employed by
My brother
Did your brother employ iouf
Noj I was Interested lth him in the
In sclllngalleged counterfeit money
Yes sir 11
llovv was Hntler paid by a salary or
n percentage
lly percentage
A percentage on tho money robbed
lroin country men
Yes sir
Hasnt Jhitlor served hH country
prison for this very sort ol bu lnuss
rnjsV io hum JUSTirn
Here thoro was a flerc quarrel
which Mr Jnrjly said that
was not on trial nor was
i Ue lcco t the defense
Mit0 PnWlc attention from
with people who think that bccau cToin
tinn 1 P ft iJ8 dishonest avivcv
Th mJ b0 nkc col Wood
ot Is man swindler though he
MM n l ° mr I1 ft < l doiis to this
l V olco lt st cltUen The
law and
courts are ready to aveimo
thecrluic and nothing shall Intervene to
u th l 1Vn hmMt H hecau e h man
might as well close our courts
V T nnestloii nnd tou
tw hVatIluUer hBd bccn ln l rt n
Then tho
witness was led over the tory
told two different versions ot what Hoi
land said when he ptillul out his pistol
and he now gav e a new one
My brother pleaded for his life sav
ings J or Oods sake ion would not k 11
a manithen he lifted up his coat skirt
aud turned around saying Dont Ket ex
cited ion can see I am unarined
iiiu 1ixvi o ib luxsrnvms
in lllnstratliigthe panel gamo bv which
the bag of blank paper was changed for a
bag containing 10000 thewltuecheat
ed tho dimpled justice out of a black
bible and substituted ids hat for It
Whereupon the court seemed to be greatly
p J
When did you hear the second shot
itsked Lawyer Trice
When 1 was going onto tho door
Did you run or walk
1 walked
lo you remember when your hat fell
1 never had a hat on at the panel It
wouldnt work
y ° rBot Jour hat when you left
I did
Holland crossed his legs and seemed to
enjoy this part of the case Immensely
buthu changed color when Mr lurdy
arosc and shouted
1 call Mr Hill as a witness for the
Mr lrlce leaped to his fee trembling
with excitement at the cunning of the
The bluelegged sprite nnd the big jew
elled frog looked musingly up at the cell
ing as If oblivious of tho scene
He Is charged with murder erledMr
lrlce you cant call him
We withdraw tho complaint and ho Is
discharged said Mr lnrdy Hll iH
now like any other citizen and must take
tho stand before any story can be con
cocted forhlui
Nice autumn weather murmured the
grayeyed fiog heaving with jewels
Very said tho sprite softly
Mr bradyileand his throat and sliu ted
The only way In which Mr Hill will
accept his discharge Is when the people
end their case It Is the oniv way Ills
counsel w ill allow him to be discharged
As It s if he takes the stand aud testifies
he can bo arrested as soon as ho leaves It
Tills move was only mule to create a sen
It Is absurd lo say that Mr Hill can
insist upon being n prisoner said Mr
1uidy lie is now fne and must take
the stand If lie can clear his frlenll let
him do It If he can not we are entitled
to Ids ev pience before a story can be
made up between them
Take tho stand and oo sworn
mi i vrnv ivik
Hill was very pale and his eyes gilt
teied as ho approached the witness stand
in obedience to the justices or
der Holland snilleil it leather soil
of smile Then there was a
lleico passage of arms between Iho pros
ecutor and his opponents Mr Intdj
oidered Hill to refuse to bo swbin
Imove that be be committed to the
houso ot detention as a witness for the
people and that he rflso be committed for
contempt said Mr Jurdy
I certainly will commit him said
tho comt and Ill fix his ball at 3000M
No couuteifelt money ball cither
suggested Mr Howe
Well deposit the 810000 bag
shouted Mr Urady
Oh no Tom Grady You wont get
your hands on that cried Mr Howe
And singularly enough Mr Humme
solemnly closed one eye opened It oryi
rapidly nnd said He he he eiy
gentlv Then he smiled and looked quito
happy So did Mr Howe
After that one of the Texan merchants
who had been supplying tho prisoners
with cigars and kind words
celved a big loll of money fom
Hill He then offered to deposit
815000 In money as the comt had re
duced the ball to that amount Justice
jormau said he could not accept mohey
as ll should be diposited with the lly
chambeilaln So Mr Hill went to tho
house of detention
Co Crosby of Tenswho was In eotut
said that he had known Hill and Holland
for manyyears He said they both stood
high in the tow us In which they lived and
that he could not believe cither would
deal In eountcifelt money When he
said to Holland in tho Toombs yJIm I
believe you Innocent of tho killing but
Im afraid of the other bad business
Holland lifted up his hands and suld It
myfriends believe J could bo guilty of
that Imav well despair
Dlnrrlioa worst cases relieved and
cured by Duffys Pure Malt WhNky
Iticomuicndcd by leading physicians
Sold by druggists and grocers
All gillet Yet
ItocKSrtiisos Wvo Kept 10 Seven
hundred Chinamen returned hero yester
day under escort of four companies of
troops The miners It Is allegid threaten j
to destroy tho companys buildings all of i
which are uuder a stiongguard Serious
tioubloIs feared as soon as the miners
think they havo an
out their threat
opportunity to carry
Torjilil Liter Illllou Altnck Inoiiilliu mid
HicbC dlsonlers are Ihe result of a mor
bid action oftho liver nn acrid or over
production of bile orof someobitriictlnti
Inthopallducts preventing tho natural
flow of bile into the Intestines the blic
beln reabsorbed Into tho elrculatlon
producing Impurities of the blood nnd
showing itself In the yellow color of tho
skin and eyes A few doses of the Hep it J
o iiiewlll correct thelrregularactlonand
cause n normal secretion and flow of bile j
11 W Williams i Co Kort Worth
of e Rfl ninl
CittcuiO HI Kept 10
Special to tlifl Gmettc
Ciivwroitii Ti
yesteiduy vMtcd by
Lots iif llfr
Tho easterly
gale which swept tho lake yesterday was
more sevcto and greater In area than anr
other gale of the s ason Hetnrns thus
fur show tho damage to the shipping ex
poed quite general Thelskoon the west
shore between Chicago and Milwaukee Is
filled with floating lumber shingles and
lath and In various places small pieces of
wreck have been seen A number ot ves
sels arc long overduo here and their com
lug Is anxiously awaited
Alt Unknown vessel was wrecked nt
Twolllvers Wis yesterday about live
miles north ot the harbor piers Noth
ing was fonml to indicate tho name of
the vessel No bodies have been dls
vovcred on tho shore uml unless the crow
n T t ncur 4 IndMA w i 1jirtlhtnlttffflr
M11 lll > < n4 T 11 Son I K nir K > ltrf Hi V1L
> lllLITSIlTlSR < > III > ill l uti > > M > < irrrr Olf
> uiira < ijrHtiurAsuicu > iMi pwiiuh
urn until co
IKItAU > ItlIl > IXG
Genera Ajtmtt for
T a ctrxmciiTzn
wholcsajo agents JEP 3C jSL 3XT 0 > SI
The personal history of US Jrantls
not written by Gen Grant
Do not forget to add to year leinvnude or
wd ten drot of Auirottura lllltert Jt Ira J
iiTe rdltenVct llotureKiuelthc ugnulue An fine mnlutf
fotturn roanafneturtd by l fJ < i Jetcrljpuilte tlon recelyedJJf jlh u yw
j tiro
parlt ttdellclouii flavor nnd preytuU nil mm
r > owe t prlcet c 1 le t ferint litnalrlnsand
ijntt hvi t mutle
order and c njll m e foil luoney
abandoned the vessel or the vessels
wrecked nnd sought safety In some other
vessel they must havo perished
Iteports are still coming from all aloug
tllo lakes of vessels driven ashore and
wrecked Several towing steamers were
obliged to cut their tow lines to save
themselves and numbers of vessels were
abandoned and have not yet been heard
from It Is fcand the loss of life and
propertyIs very great
Very llrmnrlintilo Itiimrry
Mr Geo V Willing of Manchester
Mich writes My wife has been almost
helpless for live yean so helpless that she
could not turn over In bed alone She
used two bottles of Electric Hitters nnd
Is so much Improved that she Is able now
to do her own work
hlcctrlc Hitters will do nil that Is
claimed for them Hundreds of testi
monials attest their ureal curatv o pow ers
Onlv fiO cents a bottle at II W Williams
Special to llio Caictto
to < nu Tr Kept 10 Mr M Las
ker one of Galvestons largest business
men was visiting our town yesterday In
specting his tluee handsome stone busi
nesshouses which are now receiving the
finishing touches and will bo nn orna
ment to our city
Our merchants ato dally receiving now
Cotton is coming In quite freely mill
lu collsequiuce business Is quite lively
Tor yolir bowels and liver take Hcpuio
one every other night until suillcleutly
i i
rains foi sixty days
Cotton Is being seriously damaged as
It is beati n In thogiound and becoming
stained to some extent The eotlon crop
will average about ouethlid more than
last years yield
Col Walker the contracting agent for
the Gulf Colorado 1 Santa lo lallroad
bus been here and arrangements have
been made with the railroad company to
I cany nil tho cotton from tills point Tills
Will piove a great advantage to this por
tion of the county as Waco did the most
Santa lo road lo seo
ate between bridges
Write iH Keller
buggU s
Sept 10 We who
one of tho lit rilest
going over
that no washouts
VViniilerfiil Cllleni
Some people are slow In telling what
> 0 d tilings have been done foi them
but Mr John 1 Dally of liilllsoiiKville
S O says he takes great pleasure In testi
fying to tho wonderful eilleaey ot Itrowns
lion Hlltcis In dyspepsia fever aud ague
and gincril debility of the system He
has personally experienced the most satis
factory results from tho use of this valua
ble medicine Take a meiioiaiidiiiu of
this all yew hose systems are run down
lliowns hon Hitters will cure you
No beef In tills miiiket equals Walters
The life of Irani Is not written by lien
r S Gram
for quotations on
MetubciK of the Oukwood Conn tcry as
sociation ate ruiuested to be piesentat
tho meeting til Col 1 I Mnlonos on
onuli sheet this p m at 5 oclock as
theio is bnslucssof gnat jnipoitancotobo
ti aiisuclid
firrnt Hinlth unit llin iire Itoanrt
This place has justly earned tho repu
tation of being tho great health aud pleas
ure resort of tliu bouthwesU Tor mer
curial rheumatic cuUtuous and kidney
diseases theso waters are tho most cer
tain auxiliary and speclilc known The
hotels arc conceded to be tho best In tho
country Tho fan Grronlmo centrally
and delightfully located corner Fifth and
Main streets Is one of tho most comfort
able elegantly furnished and best venti
lated houses lu tho state which with Its
excellent culslnu and moderate
rato of 82 per day and
special rate to parties by the week or
month make tho Kan Qtronhno n great
favorite Two sample rooms on llrst
tloor twenty fust srjuaiu each best In
the state
i i i i
HI I > i 1 > John K klfrtll Iroprtrtor
as South Kl Iaio ttrect Kl 1flto Tex
lti ttlr rBi iriMi9t b riiHiHi fcrttt h
nAMAt r > Mltt vvrt ilnl tnil nf l fif titndlDi
souxirsvissxiaitN acvmnth x on
Successors to B D BUFORD CO Manufacturers of
The Celebrated Buford Gang Plow
Buford Sulky Plow
Buford Cultivators
Buford Harrows
Buford Chilled Plows
Buford BlackLand Plow
Buford Dixie Clipper
Buford Railroad Plows
Buford Railroad Scrapers
Ave AIho Auenln Throuuhuut
Ioi Iho
n wiiruu IliuMm
All tho Houtlioiii HtntOH
Celeliratetl Biers ImpM Cotton Planter
3FlTCJS3E327 0 3FLX > SXTJ C3c O 3NT
Anil l now
to well known throughout the Unlleil sinlentlint 11 In uiuicceMurv tnr us loeall
InlUiiBii nnd niiiiulniltv WiuiUl > mt 1mm die oientiif tho uoiv h or tliu Itinhtunl
Wiwmv llcrultl 10011 TlXlltlll uml llllMl IIIU lliu hinteM aclor In tlm NurlliWett
which l limited e > eJiulely to the nmmifiiunre ot farm vineoiin the lirniiil llemim vvliy iivefy
hoily Blunilil liuv ft Huklifird Unrein siinkum lloiiinU lleiielien Holme etc inn not tilhiiu
COttonbujIng last jeai from oldtiiailtrYesibut iireVutirtifii tlmlicr Um l uYu iimKif vihTi lrtHliV < f siiov iiVrifriK
The section men are the Klimllyin strengthiltirnljl lttn uuf Urall fltiWh unit atlniunilon tur ti l iiil
frina imsirircmij has no MQtJAJu
Gate City Carriage Gos
Mannlaciured by tie Fancfrs Friend Maiofatlnrliig Co Dayton oklo
HIIUNO HOHror roiiKh anil rocty erounO thin l liiillnneniilliln viier Iho hetl rnulU from
the uhi n n drill In itilmi
srjIMIrjisSIli lil rou l l6of rjilrnl iirlnuii net on tlin ilrnKlmr by which it > ir
Utiulon tliohoewltlillin lltllnjflovir to force limit Into liunl uroimd Jlivy net tmlepetiiknl
ot null ollii riimt Dure nrunnuu tietttr
11112 MW MilVAHCll l the only oim with tilt relmtiKi uliln runner nr Ikiph No one lliillir
tlulr mnchlnes belli r tinuny do poorer unit no one Inm liiittirfoLllttlet for plrniliiR tlalrlraili
OUH H12AT l the only one jiHoti J under the tonjtmi
TIIK roWKKIJKT In ouq ot tliogrcntcit hniirovrmcnt ever mnile nnd It It used only on llifl
Nuw JUoimrh
TIII2 IhVhlt IKli Slltn 1211 In neivon our Drill and In npiilled In ttm inott almiie aud tier
feel viny I he hnen run liu uhlfteil while Ilia drill It In motion
1III5 AtnoVIVlKJOIUlva OKAKIal VlnKiinirliinbloiolnl
11112 HDIIVKVOU l > on u new ilari Inm no uprlng reKlntim only when the drill It in uto
never fnllt to mtiitiire arrnrntvly nnd l In plain view of Iho driver
CIIA1NH for rutting tho lionnnparalcly from Iho renruru utcd lint do not ojijwnron tlij rut
tTlio nenorul outllnvt ond workinamhlp are tlinpl oil unlit
Empire III Augur Company
I uunn
l3v ytl li K In llio ivity l
It ivllt p y nil J > jii1 1m In iliu Motit1itvuMU ii HIittiiM to
oorroHjtoiKt vvlth TJoMrJjitlvorJiiiiiliiiM ol nil nir u > l
iviul jirJauHf turniM 4ii vvlll l u ujimrrlully Hunt on nii > lloitllo > i
JFoirt V oartla
t h

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