OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 11, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-09-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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< fl
A crniitn Junbont Huns Down
Sink n Lnwicngpr Steamer
lVlili Alton Ilounl
SiClil In
Kaklng at Castle
listed against depriving Catholic
droit of state ultl lu their education
fcrlnl to the JairKe
Irfinl lliimliiliili Clmrrlilll Ordered li > Cull
UAH lll l DKiiRrinriiliiliAnoiinl
of Mrnlnl Hindu
A Drfntiltlna llmikpr Klilniippdl
Wivsisno rftpt 10 It Is understood
hcrdiliat liralncrdovhown8 kidnapped
Is a Vcnndnt batikcirovho escaped unit
was In hiding Iicre CJrciit Indignation
vxIxUt it Uic of the net tliatlic
was picked up on tlio streets ii pistol
placed to IiIm head and ho was forced Into
n carriage and driven to Crookston
Minn in a close carriage miking one
hnhdicd and ten miles tliu rlrt day
The nircst of two parties hero who
helped In kidnapping In expected thin
Ut > QS Hept 10 A Copenhagen dis
patch states the llrltlsh steamer Auck
iniiiJ tolllilcd tilth mid Hiink the German
gunboat Illt Tlie Into of her crew Is
not knoiVnV t
J Kvjm iI A later dispatch from Copen
iiaguii about tho collision1 between the
steamer Auckland ami the German gun
boat Hilt Mute Unit It was the Auckland
that was Mink and not the 11 It its was
jiruilously reported Nothing In yet
known as to the lute of the Aucklands
Dinus Kept lO Tho Dank of Ire
land has received another i8000000 from
tho Hank of l iiglniid to enable It to miet
any extra demands that may be made
upon It
iciMroiN a iiini
VllANV Kept 10 A dispatch from
Iosth says that Count runt Kcfttctcli has
killed M lccb > the son of the president
of the Hungarian delegation In a duel It
wiW at llrst reported that M Pcehy had
died of illness
Drill in Sept Archbishop Walsh
Knock today pro
fj NTItlUTIV IlllVAlli
npttlN Sept 10 A number of Trench
olllcera who were trying to wltntc < stho
umnoutcrs of tin ieruian luanls were
tompelltd to retire
m MAit iMi < rriii >
IliitiiN Hept 10 ThoMllltar > Onette
niiiidliilceSjthadrli itfe Ileiny of ilatten
i btiiy has rijlgned frcmi the ami
llitt Irri Hliililii
Mwioui It I Kept 10 The statue
of Commodoro 1eny was uiuelled this
ulternoon with Imposing cetemoiiles
ft > n Kept 10 Oltlclal Intelligences
luting been received by tho government
Irom their pilnlsler lu Washington of tho
death of dun limit Hags over govern
mint olllces were placed at halfmast
Col ltatiowes special eoiiuulhslouer
forthoXow Oi leans exposition left jes
ttrllaj tor Valparaiso
DilCvtn Ti Kept 10 The two
llrst bales of now cotton cninu In jester
daj and cold foi II and il cents Tho ship
mails from this point this season will
probably reach 1000 bales
tfl lnl to Ilia iiinUo
WuviiiriiHmii Ti Kept H Iato
last night ljdla llljtho whs convicted by
w Jury of the thutl of liogs and lined
tlituo hundred dollars and thirty dajs In
the rouuty jail
The oasu of tho State against II M
ltidford was passed over today until to
nionuw on account of thu absence of
dipt Henry Warren the most lmpottant
witness for tho statu
Mr A I llolcoiuli ngent for tho Iotily
Jail llulldlng and Mitnutaeturlng coin
l > an Is In town and wUteommcnte tho
Mink of putting In tho new cages Initio
special in tliudiuiitte
CitnifiiM Ti Sept 10 Mr W II
Iueej of tlio Kutitn l > ralliimd and MImh
SUinnle Day a chatiulng young lady of
our town were united In marriage this
The laiinors Alllaneo nssjinbled hero
tovlay to dispose ot their f cotton Tliere
Were lltteeu bales brought lu Thosu
were bought by Hen tlelbcrg at 81 ecnts
jit pound
l Ab outudoieu wagons alid tiiuus fOin
5ip > urJufllu1uivftUlngfor the Iron
i whloli Is to be njtiedlit tho doiiMmotlon of
the new Hood county jifll
> Yancey lMlarnottuono ofourClebunie
ibms who has been living lu llendei > on
forsouunl uumtlis la here on n v Islt
TmiuimTiix Sept To IosepV A
Itushlug cashier of the Callahan County
bank camo lit this morning and will
remain with Ids old neighbors for several
ylther my bad htndwHtlnu or the cure
I RsjjncM ot a typcj played ha oe with my
ftpcolal Jyeuttfrday The Mrs < Iyon
of ct cry appointment I ax complete as
this one Terrell will como put right Hide
Cottonyard are beginning to progenia
lively appearance
A Mnn nml lll Trmn Killed hy Mgfitnl g >
Special lo the Matclto
tl > h mriK Tfc Sept 10 A
heavy rain and wind storm visited thltt
section yesterday
It McOlaughlln re ldlngflboit seven
miles out of thin city was struck by
lightning and Instantly killed I He team
of mules was also killed by the name
Mr Knderly a neighbor who was rid
ing on tho name scat at tho time miracu
lously escaped with slight Injuries
Yesterday morning II F Malonc of
Icar Mountain springs Cook county of
fered n balo of cotton on the public
square This Is said to bo really tho llrst
genuine Cooke county bale which
came within the provisions of the
premium that was offered by
our business men Last Friday morning
JM Slternnd John Campbell sold In
this city n bale of cotton which they rep
resented was raised In Cook county and
complied with the conditions of the offer
of the premium claiming that MrKIIurs
farm was lu Cooke county and that Mr
Campbell raised the totjon Lppu these
representations the premium was paid It
ls > posltlcly charged tlmt the statement
bf those parties was false and tint they
are cltlens of Denton county and hauled
their cotton to IJIpomllcld nml had it
ginned for this market
Ootrctpoiiikncvot the tlnictlc
Tvt o Iisto Vt xSept0 Tjie weather
Is iiIlo and copl Tim ground Is Ingood
shap for plowing and only for district
court crop gathering etc our farmers
Would be turning their ground for wheat
District court moves ijiilctlv and
smoothly as you know we have strictly
local option Tho nouJuiy docket was
taken up jeslerday and tho following
cases acted on
llelds Thayer Co vs Aaron Sulli
van continued by coiihout
Win C llalrd vs Ktluscu llros two
cases by plaintiffs 9
11 J iurley et al vs John McOee
dismissed at defendants cost
Win V llalnc vs llraos Cattle com
panv continued by plaintiff
rlllott Hoc s Win Howies and
wife plaintiffs have leave to llle llrst
original petition conditioned onatlldavit
of defend tut
The civil jurydocket was taken up
Wednesday at 8 oclock a in and tho
following Is the vvoik done to noon
1 I Marsalls Co v JT Inekaby
ol al continued by plaintiff with leave to
tile second ntncudod original petition
W It Cordon vsrcOlrsoCo etal
continued on nllldavlt of plaintiff
Walter llrowlie executor of Kpeuccr K
lliowno deceased vs Texas i Iaclllu
Itallroad company i motion for removal to
tho federal court sustained and an order
for removal to iravham was granted
It M lano iSKon vs lalo lluto coun
ty continued by consent
J W Neblett vs 1 M Crosland con
lined by plaintiff
The following aio tho attorneys attend
ing court from n distances Col llldwell
Col Nlckolson Judge I N Iloach
Seoigo McCall anil Jasper N llauej of
ho Weatherford bar Ceorge Mlllof dIs
trht attorney
bperlnl to tlio iizilte
i vuis Tiv Sept 10 llev J II
Skinner and bride loUlmed home yester
day after mi etended visit to Ken
The flood Templars lodge will meet In
tho futuru ou Thursday night Instead of
Saturday nigiil
Cottonpicking Is not progressing uiy
fast owing to tho unsettled condition of
tho Weather
A number ot young people stormed the
castle of our VostmastorCpIg last night
and had n good tune notwithstanding tho
rain MrCuttg now owns one of tlio
most Imposing houses In tho city with a
view of the surrounding country that
cannot be surpassed
In the county court yesteiday tho fol
lowing cases were decided Itnluwnter
lloogher Co vs J I flurrctt judg
ment by default for 8I80U8 lhll 1
Cook vs l ugene Horse etal judgment
by dotiult 9118078 Tenuent Walker i
Co vs J I Oarrett judgment by de
fault 18111 Haw Valley IatnKnnd
Oil Co vs Hush A 11m judiinicntbvde
fault for SUMS A number of other
cases vvert1 disposed of
Justice Ilyan was tailed this inornlng
to Investigate tho death of a newborn
babe belonging to a eoloied woman
Mundi Calloway The facls show that
yesterday the woman gave birth to tho
child near to a hayilck close to a Held of
eotton in which she was picking after
giving birth to the child she made a hole
lu the ground and buried thu child alive
and returned to hor rnttou picking
Soon utter luji acflotif wore no
ticed as being somewhat strange
and she was questional and confessed
to what had occurred and to whatsho had
doue with the rhlld An examination was
at tuiou made and tho child unearthed
and tumid alive and In no wise Injured by
Its piematuru builal The woman and
child were then removed Irom tho Held to
a houso nearby After some time had
passed the child was said to be dead and
the Inquest held < hovcd that tho head of
the child had beuti crushed with spine
blutit Instrument and thlsjtlum effectually
putoutotuxUtenco byiwhoin It Isno t
positively known Tin child was el
dontly of white natentage and parties
well known are under suspicion of having
brought about tho childs death A thor
ough Investigation Wilt bo held and the
guilty ones brought to justice
Tim UrM of thu Ticket
WoucKsTitt Mvss Sept 10
4 ilbbw 1
should havo bociiMrs Ilgon who h one II Knight of Wore esterwas unanimously
of the most etllcleiit nml successful nominated for lieutenantgovernor Tho
teachers lu tho primary department and i danco of the state ticket was made up
tho members of tho W C T C are ollowss Secretary of state ieo
doubtless amaed al tho Idea of tliullng Kcinptou of Sharon t treasurer Charles
tradeorganisations In their body ln Trover of Nattcki attorneygeueral
stividof local org mirations Samuel J Marlon of Maldeu Auditor
I sst night a battle was fought at wu Mnrinan of Lowell
llHr H schooMiouso on tho eotitity site i
qtH5tloil Kaufman was reprocontcd by i rho niostpopnlarcigvrettesatthopopu
It 1 Slaughter nhd J 8 Wood lVrtlarprtceninOp R inifts >
toll was qliiiiiploned by apt IlonTctrull I
of Fontcy and H I Word It tho smxe New lot of faintly carriages at Kellers
> i
Hon Henry Iurmnn amj Hen Ayred
Address the People Upon the
Subject of Prohibition
CI mm liny In the tuulitr A I Mlniff
llrniifflil to mi Abrupt TVrndiin
Ion lijr tlm Mimlinl
Special to the iazctle
WKiTiiKiifonti Tix Kept 10 A
large audience of ladles and gentlemen
assembled tonight at tho operahouse
about 8 oclock to hear Mr Henry Fur
man of Fort Worth speak on prohibition 1
but Hon I N Itoach before Introducing
the first speaker announced that by com
mon consent both parties were to dis
cuss tho subject at Issue Mr Furinan
then spoke for an hour to nit appreciative
audience who he soon captured with his
He convinced with pis Hound reasoning
and completely carried them away vltli
Ids soulstirring appeuls
Hon lien Ajers nlso Fort Worth was
then Introduced by Mr lioaeb but
Mr Ayres explained to tho audience
that not being prepared to make a speech
he could not do Ids subject justice he
Hon K W T Janham was then called
for by the crowd but lie refused to take
the stand Ho explained Ids position as
a temperance man lu an uble but liberal
manner and was loudly cheered
A stranger wus then called whose
name wo did not learn but tlio crowd left
not learning which shlo of the question
he ndvocated Whllo tho question Is
looked on with great Intertst and both
sides nie doing all they can
lu an honorable way no
estimate can bo given ns to the result of
the election which Is to be held here Hat
unlay net
Ieoplo have been rolling In from every
direction ever since about noon today
and a large crowd Is looked for to take in
the circus tomorrow
Some little disturbance was created on
the square about eleven oclock tonight
by one of tho young bloods of tho city
and one of tho samestrltefrom tlio coun
try lint our worthy marshal Ilritton
ciimu upon tho scene lu time to prevent a
combat between tho boys
Corrctponilcneoof Iho Gazette
Qt MS Cirv Ti Sept Irof
Itobeit lluuluitii of llrad v MeCnlloch
county this state and Miss Iula thu
beautiful and accomplished daughter of
our townsman J U felkner weie
married at tho residence of tho brides
father yesterday morning
Texarkana gave MltchnII the Indepen
dent a smill majority Sulphur Fork
township gave MoKci Dcmooiit over
< 00 majority From this we guess that
Molten earned Mitchells homo county by
n small umjoilty and will be the net con
iSiaBU gKYlK
Sptclal lo tlio Gazette
lvviu Ti Sept 10 A tiemendous
tain storm abcompanled by terrlllc light
iiing and thunder pas id over the city
last night It Is reported that a number
of cattle around town wurv kilted by tho
On account of a washout on the New
Oilcans iaclllc the south bound mall
train due hero at elgbt oclock this
evening did not arrive until ninetoulght
Major Nance was considered much
woise this evening and ids family and
friends now look for tho worst
Special to tlio liuotto
Homivm Th Sept 10 The con
tinued rains are eliciting Complaints
from farmers on accounted delaying the
cotton picking i <
The most of yesterday was occupied by
district court lu selecting tho Jury for
tlio tilal ot id Dodd for the murder of
James llethcock at Dodd City August
1881 lato lu the afternoon the Jury was
completed and several witnesses wore ex
amined The county attorney Is assisted
by J C Hodges of Fails In tho prosecu
tion and Col It H Taylor and Col J Q
Chohowcth are the counsel for tho de
fense ThOjtefitlmdpy was closed about
11110 OClocKa in to day A largo num
ber of vWtnessus havo been examined
Tluro vcro about la bales of cotton
dold yesterday the price being from 8
to 0 cents
Sickness Is abating considerably since
tho weather moderated
Col Cheuoweth expects to lenvv for
Washington tomorrow
About one hundred witnesses nieheru
awaiting the trial ot tho case of the State
vs John laiker for muiderlng John
Webb in December 1883 lu this county
Special to tlio fjatotte
Huxmirm Tix Sept 10 Two
men was arrested hero yesterday by
Shcilff Wilghts men for stealing a fciry
bo it from the crossing of Concho creek
Indian Territory belonging to Henry
Loop proprietor ot tho stage line running
from Henrietta to Fort Sill When dls
covered they were the miles below the
mouth of the creek lu Ited river Two of
them camo to Henrietta on business and
uxpected to meet the boat at Gainesville
by rail And all glide down to Denlson
but the other two are hourly expected
hero to join their comrades In durance
There Is a petition before the coinmlh
sinners court asking that an election be
called to Noto Oil prohibition The petl
Hon was prepared for last session but
failed to be acted on because it was not
presented In time
One Mnxey died in jail yesterday from
typhoid fevfcr He was under a charge ot
burghry and refused to glveany luforma
Hon concerning himself saying he lUd
not want his family to tlnd him out
DnimiKo Avwinltil
ClvniOTTK N C Sept 10 A suit
VV > s decided today In thu court
invoking points oj Interest lo the general
public lnJamury 1SS3 Jus Ilolmos
lato ot Charleston and now of HaltlmOre
was ejected trom tho only llrstclass pas
scugcr car of a train ou the Carolina
tral railway and forced to ride for some
hours In a car filled with tobacco amoke
He claimed damages in the sum of 85000
and a jnrynwarded him 9475
A I irrnt FlKlit lift with llmllalimin Mill
llin OerlutA Wolf Hatred
Ilillme > liln Frets
About two months ago a female giav
wolf In the Zoological Garden gave birth
to a Utter of live curious little creatures
vvlilch proved to be 11 cross between the
mothers kind and ti hootch shepherd dog
Tho newcomers were the pets of Head
kicperllynie wha watched their growth
wltliauxlety and carefully noted their
peculiarities The queer little nonde
scrlptstbrlvcd famously and before long
had outstripped their dam and were fast
surmounting the trills of puppy hood
Hut the she wolf did not take kindly to
her progeny The young ones ic cmbled
their slru lu shape and actions and their
mother lu color They had whiskered
muzlcM like Scotch collies nud they de
veloped the awkward rompingprocllv Itlcs
of halfgrown puppies The mothers an
iiithy grew with their growth and her
behavior changed from mowcness to
active hatred She drove them away
from her and sot hor sharp fangs Into
their flesh whenever they came near htr
One night recently there was a tcrrltlc
howling in tho wolves quaiters The
keeier on that night ran lo the den and
by tho moons light saw the mother wolf
rapidly lev ouring one of her puppies A
pole was used todrlve the wolf away and
it was then found that another of the pup
pics had bien so Injured by her cruel
fangs as to necessitate killing It with
chloroform A net like those used by
dogcatchers was procured and the wolf
was caught and transfercu to u stronu
box In a pen This prompt action saved
tho lives of tho other tluto puppies Tho
old wolf was supposed to be gentle In
disposition She allows her keeper to
stroke her back and mu7de and will
romp llko a dog It appeals to bo wolf
nature to form 11 dislike to some Indlv Id
mil onllnid In the sumo cage While
headkeeper Ilyrim was watching tho
wolves u foitnlght ago the pack set upon
a lino wolf and toio him limb from limb
lu a twinklingbecause he had succeeded
lu capturing the lions share of the meat
solved at that meal Hy the time thu
keepers had stopped the melee not a ves
tige of the victim remained The young
puppies are now doing well and are
alicudy onethird larger than fullblooded
wolvci but us they grow older tho vicious
nature of their mothers race begins to
make Itself v Islble
Tho ocelot Is a spotted gentleman vvjio
is very pioud of his glossy coat nud sel
dom allows himself a moments lest during
tho day lie is a miniature leopaidand
when at home in Africa makes things IP c >
ly for sheep and antelope In the next
cage to thu ocelot avlcloiislooklugAnubW
baboon is kept Standing on all fours the
Imboou ami ocelot aie about of a height
On Friday night last the ocelot thought
he would like a lunch of biboou meat
The keeper had neglected to fasten a
piece of wood over a nanow space whuie
a bur had been broken near the top of the
cage With a clear spring the ocelot
leaped through the hole and lauded upon
tho back of the baboon who scieumed In
fright but quickly tinned a sum
mersault and dislodged his ad
versary The ocelot thought
such proceedings contrary to the rules
and while ho wn > claiming a foul the
babbou planted his heavy paw ou the
cats back and began raklgg his ribs with
his sharp claws Night Watchman Feeney
seled 11 sharp bar and tried to pait the
combatants but unsuccessfully The
noise of the conflict sot all the beasts to
howling and even Feeneys back hall be
gan to rise He remembeied the gate at
the back of the baboon cage and swung
It open The ocelot sawIds opportunity
ami went through tho gate like a Hash
leaving a higo patch ot Ids hide lu the
baboons claws It then became liecessa
ly to recapture the vanquished ocelot
whlehwas done with the dognet In the
same manlier us had been done with tlio
wolf It IsTi very sick ocelot UK back
Is weak and his cloak looks as If someone
had tried to clip him with a nicked horse
clipper Ilekeepsawuyfromthcbaboon s
partition and the monkey delights In
gluinghlswlcked little eyes to a kilothole
through w hlch he may gloat ov or the fal
len champion
Today n lot of new monkeys will arrive
at the Zoo and bo turned lu with the old
ones when a general light will take place
to deteimlne who Is master
TwoAfrltaullrards have arrived at the
garden Theyuieyoungoues about twelve
Inches long and when fully grown will
hoover foui feet in length They arc
In the snake den where thev fra
teinle with the reptiles and appear to
Special to the lazetto
IIvmiikV Tkx hept 10 Tho elec
tion for local option passed off vory qui
etly hero Only Nittysl votes were cast
tldrlytlvo for piohlbltlon and thlrfvonc
Corrc > oiidunco of tho ti ctte
Tvmou Ti hept 10 Wo had 11
glorious rain last night and this moiling
the grass will be greatly benefitted by it
Receipts of cotton still continue prices
yesterday were lower S 10 to 8 60 being
the quotations for good initialing
The convict gang employed on the Mis
Miurl iaclllc laying gravel arc now mak
ing headqtt irters at Iranger situated
eleven miles from here tioodworkls
being done and apt I M Turner ap
pearsto handle tho men with eonsider
able judgment
J J Hcarden has charge of the work
anil depositing of the gravel and Is liuk
lug a splendid road
UHiiriintliin AKaint Hit numlnlnii
llosiNrSept 10 Tlio board of health
has ordered quarantine against all vessels
from Canada and Newfoundland
lp l > rrt of h Dlnriipllnn
Si 1vvl StiNx Sept 10 The
Transcontinental association held another
session this afternoon
A resolution was
adopted hy a majority of the votes direct
ing Oeneral Agent Canon to make a set
uoruentot the account whereupon the
comnj ssloucr of the Central Fac to no b
led ho association that Ids
would rctuse to iuy the drafts comnanv tl
the agfnt The l
general a oclntlon
still I session
a prospect of a gen
ffia iil SfiOSn
TOSOA li a product of the Tonga or Friendly 1
Mamli where It hail Ioiir been used < u a vol
u ble remedy by tho natives
I m wSi
< tlx fCvVvAft u 00 lnPoujyl of Tempi with mu Wlw5uTE
JOWiyXVAWt other lnKrcllenw whoso cur i X < 1Timo
Btlro propertlM hat e been ihoroughlr touted nti l > tin iir ii
ift V taken1 intcrnaiTyVnnd Onj85JJl
fsAA r > pnv
ff0QvXvm duces no unpleiuAnt efflctaLJto > tt ou2J
It contains no Opium or Morphlno to IlhmN ii
ronBALK ur all druociists piuce om >
A A MEULIER > > Proprietor 7Qa a 7tl Wt > V
Xjiburnl Artvancew on ConaignW
Wholesale Druggi i
l itent McillcliiPK at Mnnuficturp rales
ntock ot Drugn and Mudlelncs In North Tccas
Ilcadqnartcrs for 8hotrcau i
at boltupi prices vawtj
Nos 409 411 and 413 Houston St Fort Worth th
XJ ndertak en
Tclcphono aad telegraph orders promptly attended to dij 0
602 Main Street
sl xx ci j3u g e nfi
Itiiiiuliuts uinl FaMtuiCN Mtnte nml CouiitylSohoollLwA
ItullioiKl LaniiH foe
Hutu 01 Xcubu
Lands Rentierci aid Taies Pali Lands lor Sale In imi Mlj d un
f I VVo control the enlo ot railroad and school Hndu alone
the ort Worth Denver City railroad la Wichita Wilbarger Hafdemi CMimi
Wichita Falls and Harrold Tex
Gazette Job Printing Hoi
Tin T > ilutliip Vlutit 1h line of tliu 1t > Ht 111 till Slat
all AVorlt vvlll > < ± wo < mto < l Vndei 3lf Tjovllntn Pet
r >
S < M oii < l S < < Wonv ItotiMtoil Xiort Worth I
special to the eiazcttc
Iaiiijs Til Sept 10 Perry Stroud
was arrested today by Constable Murtln
of Hcagau and brought to JInrlln this
evening and lodged In jail charged with
perjury in the case of tho citato vs Wash
Washington who was recently tried nud
convicted lu this county of murder In the
llrst degree and sentenced to dcatp
Capt W J Nicholson who has been
on nn extended trip through Western
Texas prospecting for tho put pose of
purchasing a stock ranch returned this
M O Oulnna charged with horse theft
was bound over today to await the action
of the grand jury
M F Itoss wis committed to jail on
the charge of bribery until tho next term
of the district court
A IlomiiorHtlc CmiRrrssiimii
Mitm Itoch Anic Sept 10 Otllcial
and unolIiclil returns fiom the Thltd dis
trict glvo Mcltac Democrat for congress
about COO majority doublo the majority
given the Democratic candidate last NO
v ember
Impiirtmit Cntlle Cute
Wicmrv Kvx Sept 10 In the Unit
ed States dlstilct court today J It
lllocker M C Campbell llenuctt S West
llros 1 M Kings M S Fugsbv S C
Webber Williams i llrownN DOvvlng
O li Vaughan C Hidden
11 W Creswell M Coirlgan 1 W
Drlscoll and Davis were Indicted bv the
grand jury on the charge of driving
leias cattle Infected with Texas fever
into the Indian Territory and through
the Improved cnttle herds of the northern
part of the Territory They will
be tried at tho next term of the
Lnlted States district tcourt These
are the parties who were ordered to be
allowed to pass through by Secretary
Lamar in violation as Is charged of the
animal Industry law ot the United States
Is a case of national Importance In
asmuch as It will affect tho grazing inter
est of Colorado New Mexico Kansas
Nebraska Iowa Missouri and Illinois
The best printing and the lowest prices
at tho Gantto Job 1ilntlng Uoilse
Second street near Houston
CUoiidi 11 iovimi
Thu tobacco celcbraters will all
plughits and tlnecut body clothes
l ianivllle Atjii
Say Jlniinterqu want to W
kind of papers said tBw
boy to another
Whitfor Its a mod pr
No It aint Dont yon
the Telegraph Operator Job
Well what of It
Why Its flash lltcratart
There Is remarkable daia
rlages li Ohio Ohio
Jlr Halstcad arcafraWWW
Thev dont know hon toon
rebels will bo up from W
slaughter all patript < i fo M r
Of TjiilioOlnlnrlnl lHt
ltliriimnltaui at t81
the firm of Hughe
turlng chemistsof iwlhw W
terprlslng llrni
been engaged In the IlA l7
lug powders wines clfi
1 F K Hughe
Ui6lr laboratory lij
years been engaged
tlce of medicine rt S
also havo In their laborer
ha r
Calhoun who
teacher of cliemlstrf W
Warrick a graduate 4
University 0 W ffLX
tlemen In
Hclfs already mfntloaedJ1 i
Accessary tocomatei
tlons whether vlnou ff
holic which have cn
of succcssfnlly w SS
vinegar and Sdrf
fcouthcnicllinate TbeMPf
resulted In the dl co W
which completely < Wffij m
This agent U the t
tree Indigenous tt WJ
Carrying their WWSKm
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they have
and sciences vUt i
w hlch H the caueone
rheumatism S
blned wW hMSS5M
lemon thereby
caciousaswellM B
able boveracc tn
best tonics in IW
It effectually P ftJV
forrheuinatum J Uw
lemon and f t
twodorenbottleM j j
tlrst class tlrundg
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