OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 11, 1885, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-09-11/ed-1/seq-5/

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Dm <
UiHorjol the slisp < nil6if
l t familiar to ulj
erlVnr In iorf
o7 rirovnlls
north is
nam anil W lr IntrltMI
C Mrtrntu lis lift
bl tlic
It would be an act
to again publish the
SJSted With It In these col
immediately after the suspension
is2 QjijETii tlttf business incirof the
Storing under a misapprehension of
ad UilnkliC tlmt TK aktti
wlrc unie publication formed a
J rtWpiny nd launched again upon
llcUo rnlllsm thellly Democrat
undertaking that required
mil cWnced the fact that the pco
i till city will bo deterred from
P uwthatwlll redound to tho welfare
p W of Fort Worth In a few
uiMrtbe Democrat appeared Tin
nt resumed publication and
lg as claimed to bo u news
3 was coinruunced The
Cr wrs of rival towns referred
gfL socalled dlScnstous litre
stiof exultation and did all that
irffWdonctp stir up strife between
Krt joarnats and thus destroy that
wwat ol CtIon tlmt llls m nil l > t
T rMractcrUed the business oliw
fi of Fort Worth The mau
at of the two papers Tin
JAjneand the Dcmocratsoou realized
jTfict that no two morning papers
Worth tliii while the
Mst W Fort
Sgjfof the city would handsomely
aportonc good paper that supporUll
ajiffouldbe of no benefit to either
astrtlng the cane overtures were made
to the other but
itieS management
U while It seemed that no solution of
jtmwhWcould bo arrived at lropo
jjjujdcr pioposltlon was made llrst
mt fide and then by the other Mr
ftoreeII Loving on behalf of Tub Gt
ijjte Wilting company at one time of
4kJcither to buy the Democrat or sell
tit OizirrTK but his proposition
ill rejected on account of
fie price placed on Tin atinri
Si here was no desire to aban
jilhc Democrat enterprise Day after
TM < ed by until yesterday when It
is determined by both the management
jlJnBOwrTTi and the Democrat that
ct behalf of the Democrats Tlie meeting
us held In the oillco of tho Fort Worth
Jitlonal when the Mtuuttan trtisreely
fiKMiKlbyall partlesilntcr este tMtct
quitelengthy meeting u solution if the
problem was arrived at by Mr Loving
ercelng to dispose of the Dally and
VttUr U7Krii together with all its
01 utters should be brought to a crisis I son Aurora S L Williams Jtcll county
adinimlcaWohoUlemontof differences A Golden Strawn V 1 llobbs It
niuwil A meeting > yas settled on be Lane Temple SM HuchtWldUatosvllle
KNu Mr ticorgc H Irving ami Mr A llrangoff J Ilraiigofr 8 Hrungoff Des
Cwrpe Splller on the part of Tin Ga Moinesi MV Clark St Louis Mo Thos
innami Major K MVan Ziinilt CapI llelcher Sherman J H Jones Mans
uiaBlUaiUlockaiidMr J yv Stvayuct Held L A Montgomery V 0 Wllk cn
njits > nd franchises exeept the job of
nfind Tin Oa7Jttk building
tjich remain the property of Mr Lovluir
fcrthenimof siOOOOcash This propo
nnus accepted mid the closing of
lib transictlou end tlio thrffnteucd
fitkpaper war and restores harmony In
the city
Tit pew luanagcqmciit wljl take charge
tlfiiB GA7rm oillco today7 and thl1
ttperttlll appear tomorrow morning as
Jar Iimouratiaziiti The change
la Rename Is the resiUtof i compromise
loth elites were wedded to the name of
Heir paper and would not consent to It
tor completely merged Into fno other
licrelorc tltc hyphenated title was settled
ijotaiHlByltthepailerwtll be kuown >
the future The follow
lr Practicing shooting aud at
fhei iM rcd several shots Aston
tarti 1 Ulc tarS < t and wiped away tho
i untie Ijy bulllls After liavlng
4 aTii
VJSSi kll o to one side
Aston In the forehead near the eye bury
inJiw f n lc 8k Tonl tfcoURlitfor
n time that It
was nil Mlay with him but
he subHriuen ly picked the fragment of
lead from Its lodging place and suffered
no Injury to amount to anything
Clinrliy On
Inonrrcpqrtof the prohibition defeat
In yesterdays paper credit wax given
Charley Galloway for good work lu the
Fourth ward when It should hae been
git en to Charley Gay who was an untir
ing worker and not er let up In his efforts
from 8 oclock In tho morning until In
the etonlng Tin Gazcttb makes the
correction with pleasure
A rientnnt lnrijr
On Wednesday evening at their beauti
ful mansion on Lamar street Capt and
Mrs Edrlngtoiigavoa farewell party to
their son Willie who Intends leaving In
a few days for tho State uutvcrslty at
Austin Ihc Inclement weather prevented
a great many from being present but
Uiose who braved the threatening storm
declared it to be a most delectable occa
slon Itefreshments which could
only bo prepared by an accomplished
mistress of the household formed a large
part of the enjoyment and the affair Will
ever be a green spotln the memory of all
Mrs Kathleen ltamlall rendered the
music lor dancing
Hotel Arrltnl
Maifslon hotel s S 1 Moss Morgan H
M Morton Toyah Miss M Grler Mar
shall 1II Slcrin Mlllsap A L CounWell
Dallas Geo Clark St Louihi 1 A Kemp
Wichita Falls J C Chessnut and lady
Henrietta James M Thompson Napa
City Cal Joe Iloaz JJItoby G F Me
Clenden Hllcotcs It L Kilters Texas
1 II Nebbut lG Vobliut Terrell J W
llornlg Iongvlcw I H FlUhugh Dallas
Joo Ioviler Azele Tex W C MoFarland
Clebnrue Win Groot Uarrold WG
Uiistls HenrietUi li J vCoopey Ilncln
natl 1 llurnes nnd lady Alvnrado 1 W
Frost Meridian S M Speak S Heck
Dallat J l > lrc9touM rlillanntlHack
Franklin Ky AI llrowu W T Ilrown
Alvarado M J Seymour New Orleans H
MIolmsou Uarrold lameit Kads Koa
noke W A Stewart and famllvClcburno
1 W llrooks Atwood Tcnn C W Ilutt
Dallas J I Keudrlck lonesboro doe
McCarthy Decatur C W Smith F 1
Whitney laheston i N Johnston Ala
Metropolitan hotel Mrs Overmeyer
Dallas MIFIdty Texas W Kouthes
hurry Texas K T Williams Temple S
K Williamson Ilaltimore S J Wheat
lleynolds 0 llFudge IampaVa S J II
Itobhlns Kansas City F Crawford nnd
wife Abilene W II Jones Leavenworth
Kan J M Grlshoin f I til county II It
m niteied against the metal
Cromer ami family Atlanta V M Jolm
Iqwaluo Mouth Indiana Geo V
ltowland T Ii llowland Texas
iInocchlo s > Jiotel J It llorter St
l f are names of thu gentleJjlughes Dallas Off Itulleu
wa Mo are the Incorporators r d IaulYirasstnaJAbflonij
thnew company II II Paddock J
1jMltit W L MaloiieJ W A Cnlloway
t CcteDtet GeorcuU Hendricks S M
rrrTATIdball J W Spencer Syd
feyJEirtln S l Tucker W S leiulle
ouisMrsn J p uMeDonald Miss May
1 JrosccloSe llreckeurldgc Mrs 11 Fan
ner Wichita Falls A C Ietrl Chicago
L II Fltzhugb Dallas A M Orambllng
Tyler W II Hoyco Mlsslslppl Mr and
Mrs A J Dobson Corpus thrlstl W C
Kelly Temple WS llerndon Tyler A
1 Jloddj Weathcrford II A Lewis Hlir
rold WC Kverheart Denlson Jno How
ard city W J Cherry J T llrowu
Marshall Tex J II llrotvn Weather
ford Tex J F Gurnett Texas
Ie on Hart lllrmlngham Ala Mrs MA
Woddelll Hpu ston S White Mobeetlc
lldward McIhcrsOi Hhode Island V F
Floyd and lady Miss McKay Andrew
TcuterpJohn Doffron Lynchburg Va
Kdward Hill Charrottesvllle Vu
Hotel 1lcktvlcK Win Hnzolton St
Louis LN Atchison elty S S Deather
nge LoulsvUlo HiWMoon city K W
Palfrey StLouIst JJT IletHolds Albany
tl C Nixon St Louis V II Owens New
Orleans John A Sweeny New York F K
St Louts
lA Pratt
city John T Glnocchlo elty NDllirry
jultyf Eugene Thames Chicago W P
Jones Atlauta rii M JlliQhiuan Whites
lioro L Dryfoos Sherman MISs New
romb Henrlcttn O If Nelson Clarendon
146 W O Turner Joseph 1L Brown Kr PMlndoyDallasJ li ltnnscyLongylew
MVmZandt WA Huffinau James W
jj tju aud CJ Swasey As will read
jyeejsecn tho aiio > e namoK represent a
amount 6f capital anil so long as
sentlemen have guaranteed staunch
Jpportto the enterprise there can US no
ls to the future fortuues of tho
WtiBrokeu on thn lort AViirth V N n Or
lean Uiillrimil Yisterilny
Vtrtcrday wasau eventful day lu Fort
rthiand the good results from the
onUegun will place this city at the
fetil any otiicr in the sUite Day
fm yesterday as tvafa tated bj Tin
fiTii tho orpmlzcd gang s of tvork
Mmated to tho front ulong the Jiir
49l route ot the Fort Worth New
j os railroad and yesterday morning
norist tie fr < t dirt was broken on
roadlhat will In a short time release
s JtVoln Jt rom monopoly that lias m
J mepast discriminated against her
W Interests In favor of rival cities
h r vas eguu atthrei points simul
Wisly aud will be pushed ahead until
road it completed to a sotithern con
ton The points tlio worK was
mmenced were tlrst at Sycamore creek
wee sua a half miles from the city sec
tZ V so creek eight miles from tho
MuJ third at Walnut creek eighteen
from the city and nearManstleld
V S time tho people have refrained
Showing but now as they are out
hJlW oodso1 < lonbt they can Indulge
ZJ loK loud hurrah and exult
tfnrtre summation of a gigantic on
llans to tills city And the en
1 corps hate moved on from Mid
itcnljiy afternoon made
Tom Aston
Lft twaiKi from serious Injury lu
J OSgallery In Dai is saloon on
fCuw fifluare u happened as a
Xcportcr learned In this wise
SlI v
wlJtllc proprietor of the shootlng
K 11 Smith city S 11 Getts elty F M
although city W J Hollowav Gordon
S S Field and wife Dallas C F Stevens
Now York L W McKce KVj Wm How on
Austin Hugo Sacks Galveston C A Har
rison St Louis Sam LazUras Sherman
CI Olds Kansas City J 11 Ilurusldc
city J J Walker Lancaster Ky Louis
Mock Danville Ky It T ltamlall Water
ford Ca F W FlintNew Yoik WD Mc
Napia Chicago Sam Sanders Cleburne
Mrs C Perkins Comanche II II Drlttan
Mr Howard S Patrick ot Kansas City
representing Trumbull lleynolds Allen
seedmen was In tho city yesterday In
vestigating the alleged crooked transac
tion of one II W Hdly representative
df his firm an account of which appeared
In Tin Gazktti of the 8th Inst Mr
Patrick said that he has ullci to unearth
any further bad features of the matter
He left for Denlson last night
A Ciiltltinnii Klllril
Special In the iuzelte
AuittTiuni NMSept 10 llrady
Pollock a wealthy cattleman lit lug tcii
miles from Lake Valley was butchered
today by the Apaches This is niithentlc
The Indians are siipposeiU o bo maklug
thiSlr way to thoFlorida mountain
Special to the larctte
Dinison Tkx Sept 10 Mrs Au
tonlctteMoscly wife of a prominent latv
ot ttils city died this morning of
typhoid feter She was a daughter of 11
W Jackson of Mcxla to which place her
remains were taken for Intermetit
Several attempts were made this morn
In to burn an occupied houso oil
Chesnut street but without success No
clue to the villains
Fvcry firstclass dcaler sclls Opera Puff
cigarettes Avoid Injurious Imitations
George It Loving will continue the job
printing business and solicits jour
PatrOWCTTK Jon PlIIXTlNtl llmw
Second street near Houston
Kellers re
Ladles canopy phmtons at
Sr ssLtMis wiraw iES7 r
Houtlisldors i iy o Waiters because he
of U bIuiiciiI itrlklugj keep tho choicest meats
But Xot rormnneutly Elnstic Imlcr
UHU naI Atmospheric Condi
Jlonsrintnleiice ts fins
K rJnnn nmt lll Kiprrlf iic Willi li
Iuuiln it Arllrlnln Ititmu al ot
llru crhlo Holrl
Mr S V Jones at present n resident
of Austin came to the Fort this eek on
a pleasure trip The exact dato bf Mr
Jones adrcnt to the capital city is not
known but it is a settled tact that he
now numbers among her progresslto
and wideawake people As above stated
Mr Jones paid a visit to the great me
tropolis of Texas The time of his arrl
tal was Sunday night and the plaro he
decided to rest his weary limbs for the
night was at Glnocchlos hotel Mr
Jones of course placed his autograph upon
the pages of the register and being at cry
prepossessing looking Individual the
clerk Mr Al Woodward assigned him
to tho sky parlor one of the moH ele
gantly furnished rooms In the house
Mr Jones wished to know the number of
his temporary sanctum ltoom No 5it
oue of the choicest In the house replied
the clerk Have you an elevator
Oh yesj 1 will hate you rUmlnl when
you are ready to retire smilingly jestei
bashful Al
All right said Mr Jones as soon
as I go up town and see your great city
and take in your principal sights I wlfl
return and then go to bed Did vou not
say my room was No sjt lie sure not
to give It to any one else
Immediately Mr Jones was off for the
streetcar which he boanlcd for the more
thickly populated part of tho Fort About
2 oclock In the morning he returned to
the hotel and was escorted to his room
The gas was turned on and a mutch ap
plied which showed off the room much
to the great delight of Mr Jones After
sitting quietly for some time In hts
chair meditating upon tho tips and
downs ot Fort Worth by gaslight Mr
Jones tired and weary commenced pre
paring himself to reecho the tender ctu
braces of Morpheus The onlv Impedi
ment that stared Mr Jones directly in tlo
face and ouo which promised to cause
him much annoyance was how could
he sleep with such a brilliant light lu his
room He planned and phuiiled for re
lief Finally he decided to retire leaving
the light burning This would not an
swer After rolling from one side of tho
bed to another for about ten minutes lie
arose and walked the room for s > evcral
minutes deliberating upon a line of ac
tion He had already made two unsuc
cessful attempts to blow the gas out It
was now growing very late and patience
was beginning to cease as a virtue with
Mr Jones Hi decided to make one more
attempt to extinguish tho light Strik
ing the attitude of llashi llazouk im
mediately In front of tho gas jctj
and with the flatulency that would puz
zle any living anemometer to obtain tho
correctvelocity He succeeded lu ex
tinguishing the gas
Foitnnalely for Mr Jones one of the
windows In the room was partially risen
and before he retired he slightly
raised another Notwithstanding this
fact our hero awoke about 7 oclock In
the morning feeling as ho expressed It
as If he had been pulled through the key
hole of the door of his room Ills luce
was almost as white as tho sheet that
covered his body durlngthe few hottrs ol
his repose and for several hours he was
deathly 111 Were It not for the fact that
tho windows were open Mr Jones would
have been spared the expense of pur
chasing a ticket for his home which he
did Wednesday menlng and de
parted lu peace that night remarking
that he would much prefer taking In tho
downs of Fort Worth by gaslight
than the tips by daylight
C e Tii l In Ille County Coilrt Yrilrrilny
mitt Oik Apportionment of tin Ills
trlrt Court Dockit
The following casts were called for
trial In the county fiotirt yesterday and
tho following orders hath
State vs Eugene Lambert Indicted for
exhibiting a gaining batik Jury trial
and verdict of gullyt line 23
State ts Nat Kramer indicted for bet
ting at a furo bank Jurytrlnl and ver
dict of guilty tine 810
Statu vs Kd N Sknluncr Indicted for
embezzlement Nol pros entered by
county attorney
State ts Cull Craig Indicted for ag
gravated assault and battery Nol pros
entered by county attorney
State vs Levi Kemper Indicted for
aggravated assaultand battery Same
Stato vs Ed Kelly Indicted for selling
liquors to minors Same order
City of Fort Worth ts F Tomer ap
peal from recorders court complaint
quashed and case dismissed
City ol Fort Wortli vs U Krohn ap
peal from recorders court t dismissed
Stato vs It E Clitnmlngs three cases
bonds forfeited mid alias capias ordered
In each case
Tho llrst week of tho district court
which commences next Monday will he
devoted to the trial of caoes on the non
jury docket the second third fourth and
tlfth weeks of the court will be devoted
to the trial of cases on the civil jury
The criminal docket will be taken up
Monday October W and will continue
three weeks The last week of the court
will be devoted to preparing statements
of facts bills of exceptions etc
a ittrir right
Yesterday evening about 7 oclock two
countrymen one named AL Smith were
riding nlonj the public square ontheir
way to their homes fust as they reached
Main street Smithy Ivyle crossed In front
of their horses Get out of thoway
there 1 exclaimed Al Smith to JvyJe
Go to h 1 answered he What
did you say aketl Smith I
bald go to h 1 answered Kyle That
was enough Smith had about enough
mean whisky In him to be In a fighting
humor so without much ado he checked
his bonc and jumped to tjjio ground
Ktlo Is somewhat of a tighter himself and
he awaited the charge ot It antngonUt
looking oit for a chance to get tn tho llrst
r ll < > ltn llunii 1 Mrri nml < np
trrVwi krni
Yesterday afternoon two lads named
Jerry ltoach aud George Parsons nged
llek Smith matte a rush nnd Was lain
basted bctweenlhC eyes lletore he cotlld a T nn < lrn > lilrAm > unt < > t ill i prrt
fully recover from the effects ot tho blow e w
T WS fruTr
he doubled up on the groumj Kvle kickedcU1en ° Abilene Tvx and whoe
him again but as he did so his leg was father Is n prosperous farmer and stock
jerked from under him and down to dust i man lit lug near by tot It Into his head
In the fight lll face was badlf battered 8Mrch ° ml w W and wanner weather
wlthatone os stated by witnesses and I Ho arrived In that land lust December
the blood nearly blinded him lie was j stayed there several months and has Just
sr iStt sjaWiSSiift ° K m ° vcry
rurr oUvt
lowing budgot of bt experience He
nun nnd butted his antagonist t > clow the
belt It was a tough light nnd Smithy foiiuit Ciautcmah an cxtrcimily warm
Kyle was glad when It was over though country In fact n regular sweat 1h > ot
he got much the best ot It Iloth parties the most approved pattern The ehlel
wrro arrested Smith was jugged and employment of AmericaiiH who go there
lvjio gave bond
Is to swob the fast accumulating sweat
off their bodies ami to tight tmwitttloH
and galleynippers and strange racvs of
creeping Insects which delight t bury
tlicmielvea under tho human skin there
growing fat laying egg and hatching out
a numerous and very pwllloWiS rtnteny
Snakes frogs alligators aud strungc
birds aboumi nearly all of them > sse < sed
probably twelveyedr went into an old0 remarkable vocal organs Which thvy
boinltnLenr stiiidlno on tint sldoliiek I excrcl ° cci l > lglit making tho
of tho I ort Worth Denter railroad In j nu unearthly sound exceedingly destrac
tho eastern portion of the city and laid tit eot sleep
down together on a bunk constructed for H crlbes the native as a coituloin
prtitcd mixture of Spanish blood lndfcm
the accommodation of railroad hands i
bo0 nml WWll cou
The two boys fell asleep ami ltoach woke pletoly blended as to make n tery peeu
some three hours after and was horrified liar race such as the world has not seen
to discover tlmt his little companion was Sfore nmA ln > l v a n
rllv lVrc chiefs of all Mossbueks and
i i He time i i i
no In communicating
Vl < v 1nrtll Is ourlmni
the fact to the authorities ami Marshal never learns anvthlng to forget and
Ilea hastened tothe spot and was satis therefore neveiforgets anything that ho
tied that the hoys story was true has learned If they lit ed In the United
A reporter for Tin Oakttk In com states et erysonofn of them would
puny with Marshal Ilea visited tho old be voting for Andrew Juekeou and
car last evening and witnessed the little straight ttlilsky to this day
corpse n It lay when death elnlmed it The humbler classes usually go stark
The cold pale face of the boy gave no In naked except or n sort of briechclout
dlcatlou that ho hud suffered and his hi
sitlou on tho eot was perfectly natural
Tho form was clad In a rough suit of gray
cloth and a naty blue woolen shirt The
feet were bare and dirty and an old black
hat much the worse for wear lay by his
side As stated abote the bov was not
w is George Parsons and that hts father I
llllllo Inrsons tvus or had been n conduc
tor on the Texas Central railroad He I
further stated that for some lime past I
tho Parsons boy had been suffering from I
hung about the waist Tho aristocracy
In addition to the breechclout usually
tie sort of scjirf or handkerchief of
bright cidors ulniut their uerks whoso
ends hang down on their breasts giving
them quite an Important and lordly ap
pearance They bellete that laziness lit
over twelve years old and judging from a virtue nnd tliit work is altogether be
Ids appearance had encountered even at i neath their dignity Insomuch that they
his age many hardships t
The boy ltoach who was the eompiu1
Ion of tlio dead boy stated that his uiimo
seldom or net er wash their bodies
IIke monkejs birds and fqiilircls
they live almost solely on the sponta
neous products of nature such us cocoa
nuts plantains bananas hreiulfniU and
oranges whldi grow with wild tuxuil
nuce In that country
i few eultltalo a patch of com to make
chills and fotCr but that when he went tortlllosand tamales They net er plow
Into tho pld hoardingcar to sleep ho tip the ground tit all They simply punch a
peared In as good health as he had been > hole In It with a sharp stick into which
for months past The np > earunce ol tho I they drop n grain or two of corn and eov
dead boy Indicated that his system hatter It up Then they say God bless you
been full of malaria before death but make tor me a good crop and their labor
what cotild have caused such a sudden Is then done until harvesting If the corn
death cannot be determined until up In thus planted makes them a good eiop
quest fs held > they bestow the praise pu God On tlio
Several railroad men came to the old contrary II It falls to make a good crop
ear to see the lemalns of tho boy and they say that they hate sinned and offend
several of them recognized him One i ed God In sumo way and I hey then try by
gentleman whoso name our reporter did way of atonement to be extra good and
not leariii sald that he Wits well acquainted busy till next planting
wlththe boys father who llted In Denlj Hut there are soiuu live people In Gua
son The boy said he ran away temala mostly ICiiropeiiusandmorleuiw
from home quite a while back tind has who cultivate largeplantatlons of coffee
been wandering over the country over and quite nil amount ot this Is shipped to
since sleeping out at night and picking foreign markets Two lines of steamers
up his food wherever he could not It Ills are kept busy lu transporting coffee nnd
people continued the gentleman have the wild fruits of the country Hud It Is
a good home In lKniidiVbnttilJils little from these products that the people do
fellow has been pretty hard to manage ilvt > all their money
aud preferred wandering about tn staying Mr Woolen speaks of the death of
Willi ills parents The remains were Hurols killed lu buttle as a great
taken to Turners undertaking establish mlsfoitune to that entire country
meat and this morning Fsq XInu will Ho nays ho tvus a man of largo ability
hold an Inquest over them Tne boys i finely educated and lllled with tho spirit
father tvus notified by Marshal Ilea by
tciegraplrof his sons death last owning
Al llinmi
Prof Alex Hogg our etllclent superln
tendent Of public schools returned home poterty
iY prlso wii
the North and East where combining
pleasure with business ho visited till of
the leading resorts of those sections at
tended tho meeting of the Scientific asso
ciation at Ann Arbor Mich aud re
turned by way of Aubtirndule near llos
ton where he left his daughtor at school
at I isalle seminary
Tho professor was rejoiced al return
ing home and was warmly welcomed by
his many friends
Itiul l litc Trnn liT
Tlio following deetlsof transfer were
filed for record lu the couh tyelerks oillco
C C and Maggie H > de to Wm M Har
rlson 100 by 200 feet on tho north side of
Ilelknap street Consriloratlbii 000
Wm M Harrison and wife to Mrs
Matrgle Hyde south part of lots t5and ltf
In block DM lu Fort Worth Considera
tion eitooo
O S Kennedy andJ 1 Hudson to J
J Cbetwood lots II and 10 hi block IU In
the town of Kennedale Coiisldqralbm
t H League to OK Kennedy and J
I Hudson ouefourth Interest lu the C
II Leaguesurvey of 1 0 acres Consider
ation 8100
Itun In l > r ltuhlfltf
Sometime since a fanner named Ma
jioiij Hying ilte miles from the city hud In
built These enterprises
stoppetl Intleilnltely
of modern unte rpilso aud progress Hud
ho succeeded ho would have mndo his
country a light to that legion of tho world
ts it Js iiowtho outlook for Gutitoniula
seems to bo only daikness ignorance and
Under Ilarrols American enter
was enteilng that country and Blast
i from extended trip tl iot gh i
ast night an y Heienii m f rullnmtl latl beeu
have been
SHcUlt < > tiieOii6ttc
LoStivintv Tux Sept 10 llev II
Mllooth tin old gentleman of seventy
I six ycais barely escaped with his life lu
I the storm of yesterday motnlng While
I the wind and the rain and thunder were
at their severest tho Old gentleintin be
jlng out was caught In tltc storm us ho
npproacbed the Junction Thoughtless of
all but the woverlfoi tho storm ho low
ered his umbrella Immediately In front of
lilui and hurried on As Is tho custom
every morning freight cars consigned to
towu were let out of the siding and run
down grade toward the city llelng
Mimewhiitdeiif together wlththe noise of
the elements protcnted Mr llooth front
hearing their approach and as ho was
awakened to his danger by the station
signal of the switch engine he stepped
from the track In tlmo to save Ills life but
was struck by the oar aud whirled down a
twentyfoot embankment tho soft mud of
which prevented his being greatly lijuetl
by the fall
Tlio Jlrrn
It Is rarely enough Hint ouo Is Justllled
to speak In terms of uiiquulltlod praise of
circus performances The migratory
During the time tho negro was working nfBn j0iixunotiKli in any ono pit
as a rule
do not re
place to pay
for Mason a theft was committed ou tho proper ftlUntloii to the quality of their
premises by which Mason lost a fine gold entertainments llarretts double show
Is u gratifying cxcitptlon to this rule In
headed ft yr 0f old sleevebut
wine pair aHn5cl0 tha performers are measur
tons and a pair of cuffbuttons beside a a > Hkliu aarlnif luut the pro
lot of wearing apparel Nothing could bo gramme Is not merely faithfully carried
proicn against tho negro but It was sup jotlt but the performance throughout Js
posed that he had disposed of tlio goods I 0f unperior quality lloblnsoii atid
lu tlio cltv Olllcer Hushing was eon Htlckncy rtro still tho most iiiurvelous
suited by Mason and he went to work on rldors In tho world anil the manege net
the case m wtlng with as good success as jynM Lake Is superb Tho acrohatlo
ho could tlsh for A few days ago lie performances are excellent and In many
found the capo In Ooldmans confection respects novel The variety of teats
oryj where It had been left by the negro ir0m rollerskating to midair velocipede
Yesterday the negro was arrested lu Kd ring from tho artistic Are Juggling to
lllllcy8 saloon and lodged in tho county astonishing feats of strength make this
Jail The balance of tho stolen property Bnentertalnmcntrif extraordinary merit
has not been found The menagerie Is very largo and tlio spec
linens for the irtost part rare and Inter
Have used Tongallnc lu several esses i estlng animals Some of the horses are
of neuralgia aud rhcUmatUm With mar1 perfect models of equine beaut and
elous success Tongallne Is an liualii their Intelligent training reflects great
able remedial agqut and the remedy par credit upon the management ban
excellence for neuralgia and rhoiima Francisco Examiner Aug 11185
K Sisu u M D
Manchester Ohio
Hepatoioue builds up the whole sys
tern Its toulc effects are wonderful
Walters keopuiij choice moats
Correionilinc of tlio laiette
Mixiou Tkx Sept 0 Tho body of
J Kliuor deceased was embalmed h l
night and today placed In a melalic case
Ills btotlier who arrlted thl mornlii
l i
Al tho dellcaclejt of the season at the Hel xl Mis took charge f of tim
roiceiitrataurdnt MmU to order at i u
any hour day or night
remain and otorted for that point Mr
l ll
Han ntimkj
VllU lvll l
Sour Ij > U
M MN 1
Klmcf had munr friends at this placer
who seriously regret his untimely death
His friends and relntltts In Mississippi
hate the heartfelt sympathy Of the people
ot thlscntlre country
Mr Flmers life was Irvsured In tlio
Knights ot Honor and hi brother and
sisters will get the money ns he was not
Our city school election passed oft very
quietly yesterday glTlng tho city control
of the pnhllo school by a majority of sixty
four and giving tho Ifoarttfottaldcrnicu
the management by a lnajorltyibf nine
There > now nil opening herc rfor sonut
tlrst class teacher to get a place ui super
lntendeiiu >
SpceltUo do Osteite
MomiiN Tkx Sept 10 Our entor
prlMng llvcTjmcii McCary V Watson
wlllestatdlsha ftoapinc nt liKiwnwowt
Mr G C Glp < m who has been en
paged lu tho slitxmakers1 tnMe hero tor
nearly lite years took his lriytrnroKat
mxlay for SalucsTllIc whero lie will i > eii
n hat store 1
Dr W L Ilitenwu went to lalvestou
Wmtlier Hrpott fJT 3 >
The cottonbelt weather report iTexas
chowlug tho maximum and minimum tem
ivorstitre also tho rainfall Jor the past
twenlyfourliouis Isnt foHow jf I
A Cutuiitl Driivoii linl
Ntrtv Orlkanh lit Sopt < lOliiAspecial
totheHeayuiie from Canton says a hor
rible inurder was comiitlliOil lust night at
a colored clmtTh ten miles east ofv that
elty Leon tockrell a negro school
teacher hol Anixin War a colored
dencoit while the latter was kneeling
with tho congregutloiv al piayer Otll
i m linw gone to ariobt the mtmlurcr
milieu MirllliylrriKntiirHiiplWeil Iwliiful
Sriinty nml lteuoKivK Mr
lltcO niiilofliii turcit liyl l
In nil iIUiikiiI ot llio Skin mnl Mucous Mvin
Iirnuit It ilimomlriilin
Hl MUWMdl su r
From tn AtWnU Ilijtlrlis
dillim Pioneer Itlunil tlrncuiT l > ti liien In
hik > ti r > t m wllli niiirrcc > l < inti > < l micron It
l imllr > lr teitvulilo mid iloo Out sittem it < >
luirni If Improvon tlio iippitltc itlgttMlmt ami
tiloixImnUliiff xtliilulnttnK liivliiiirutliiK nml
timlim tip nit llm liiiiiUonn nml tlMiiu of tho
ti < m Mini llitt lirriiiiies tint nrt t tnsl rs
nnrfrnnl htnllli rtitnrtv 11 lucriii PS the iirlhm
ot tho nVlii llitiin tiowiN nml liter tlierrlij
n l lliiK Imtuto In ollinlunttiiK liniutlllo from
tho lilooiltlin Krenl entitu ot all itUcn i < ii
It U iivrfeetly evhlent Hint liny mttUilnn Hint
wllln lt imtiiro tiirtiitiiviilmiurllleiir mlhii
lilooit l u ItliKtliiK tiiiiitterlnit humttiilty IMa
InaiH ol the liter niil kiilouu ntonineti anil
Iiiimold Kin nml iittiioiiKluemlirnninrecurinl
hy the it ot thin rvutnly CoinilMitlnimt ns
well ltirntM i > ii e urn nil liuitclllnil lir Us
use Nnifiilii lontuiiiitloii llhcuiustlain
Iniit HuilitlU In nil IIh foriiiii tmry uirkly
of hkln nikiiiaex n > > > i > i > lu nml luitlKtdhiti In
lilt lln Mirlou lurnu r < in > tl > ntlou Illcn
Cnttirrh Trmihlon or the MnitlhTliroiitnnil
llrouclitul Srntiiu IM > enn IeoulUr In lo
Menalrimtlon tile nru
iiiijuliilirlltcil lln tl t
Its iinsil
1111 WliPllllllOlii
i B M
Atlnntn In
> t Or llnmri S j It ll > a I muiI
f mn plcntoU In slnlu Id Iho pnlillo lliul
iiiluniifiotuer lllooil lleiieirnrlinsiioeiiuiilnii
n Mooil iiurlller for I litivu irleil t Kiitlleliiilt
Urlltlu < i JC iltUSi M I
The nliiiio eetllilrntoi Urn tint fovr llnlitiiccn
ot ttiiiiininitd lniilrpo nnu iiiiiiihmlnri < ulter
iTswhi Imvn lieen rcllnved of every former
lllooil ami Mtlu illitiitca irutnH fomiilalutt
Ihnitfliilii HgpMllt Merotrlot KhtHmutlun
Jllooit Jolnm anil Mtilurl
1or full llilornistluii eur frini > nminlut on
lllood mul kln lliio i illl helurnuheilon
nntillcatlon lo llm i i
Pold In puivitrrod foruittiiy lopiepnro lit
home with arwtiioutt > lrlU sniftll lln Wn
ir i < 5ii0ninlleil to srly ndilmrt on ro
eilit or prlre Mnuld forinnm lisl otlO0j
nrgo > le f 171 Al nlitlrimlii If
It W WILLIAMS ktO Tort Worth Tex
rwitloni nrnriint f Hi t < l iil rMl iU rr rtoreil i
itowr ln ui vljntIlirlii ulan Xru < l 1 tjtlmour
laniiood lesforp
IltMtDjIKllt Alctluloljuiilliillln suit
itur lc 7 a r > u
on > flD < Iril In ti
nn rIIKKtoliU
tKtVt i l Oialbl
liti iif jjtiniitiirV
hlrh ft vll
A < ldraMJli
U1B known
low nlT r i
mSUM Vcrk
for IJ > e r t jj C uit llwf M r
i nrMAr iki1 nl Ilif ittu > < l iWi Ml
n mrm
n 0 < Miikl t 4 rtw >
moi Oonorrhnfc
UU Mwtil 41 luiW
Hu tUfH i uir > wUt b wjiiiUnil
kiiMcUlt Mtl < Uu < aol UJlfl Uoutl
tut ii i igrl IIU llcW jF wuflalMH Ut
t w a f > l i we tom car Wfcaf IU laej Hls
full It alt fet inMMat 4lrlB4 J
a l if ull f aiaaawaavUH
all Caufct
0fli1 SXitV SrrVl r Um atl rl t
4a > l M aMaa4 utftl valra arli1rti lSlr U
Mua MH > raUn l M autaklouirl
Ot tMt Sawn f aft i4lwi at f
I miiiait uurk iuiiiiiir4
< <

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