5mockat publishing company
Vlio President
Ditr goods Fuiixismxa goods jtc
Htill Continue to Pour in at
Oar buyer who is thoroughly acquair Ij eoStoihticg d corner
I tie Dry Goods market and tireless inWB < u ij > w Attrac
ts was preeminently successful in his efforts tho past ton or
treTve weeks The result finds each and every department
pffded with all the latest and most Novel Attractions that could ho
pd and at prices that will rivet attention
Oar own Importation Ihohest innkes Initio world HOCK I > VK
lulHU Inches wMe Itoc k Djc
Warp Henrietta Cloth SS regular valuo
u It
Of Foil Worth
fJjl Worth Texas Second Street between Houston and Throckmorton
ttltff banking business Collections made and promptly remitted Exchange
j wm u principal cities of Kutopc
WVjiioaijyiiogcttJ It Adams 710 Edrlugton JF Kills S II Mutkcy
G W Ilolllngiworth
UTT Vice President
A < tlslaut Cachtu
A H fcJIITIf ruthlcr
JNO C HAItltlsON Asst Cashier
rit 300000 lAIIJ IN faUKILUS > CSIIIVIIIi IROriTS IM5000
aiMl jpowtu StreotH JToit
DiiiWnernl binlne business
MlUrrlson It C IllcattJ
OlSUt evcrjvihere 1S0
Ii iM U the very lalvet novelties of French English and German Productions
iMlBnncipoiii Scrgo Electoral GrpijdcL > on itlinnn cloth and Camel llnlr Scree
alprlies that arc poslltvily tow
s Jn this display of bilks jou can nnd Roy color any quality any prlco
Our Trimming Department
lithl department can ho neon cvcrtthing non and novel for Dress Trimmings
< ktntl tho ltnglnrpctlttuWn In all the leading rotor This nlono l worth tho atten
tion otnn lady
all Ihe colors We show these goods in all the widths
iSortrwhich U full iiO Inches wide iio
noimceClnchos Hide liOc
1 U 121
t 17 l 1i
taember this is a newbought stock Bought by a careful painstaking
jer Bought by an experienced judge of values Bought on its merits as
ittutv style and quality and abovo ail bought low
SI nonoo00
i < aS r8pcrtnlnlng to conservative hanking receive careful nnd prompt attention
K lstftdnnnon all the principal cities of Ktiropo Collections n specialty
iJWoaoiaA XI Urltton S W Lomax 0 II Daggett and tj It Xcn ton
DU Iikxitt
K 11 HMtltOII
Cash Cnpltnl mul Siirvlu M30000
JS GodwinM II Lojd J V llecd ZancCcttl I C Dennett Gcorgo Jackson
b It Ilnruclt K 11 llarrold and K K Ikard
Vice Irellent
cuAftit Successors to TJdhnll I anZandl ACoKort Worth Texas
TtKIistock lAin up 12300000
fit > lrllsl i > uiooouo
roinltled it
WWIhanking Imelness transacted Colliillon made linil promptly
WiDon all the of i
principal rope
f ° OMKl anan < ltlhosKTIdhnllV ILtrdlng J P Smith J J Jan Is K J
transacted Safety Deposit lloxcs for rent
P Pmlth AUbmlth C Jnasoy Jno C Har
rison bldneyilartln
ZPXXSJEll I t23 1T33RJI21
S rtaciiralilc rellalilv C a lie ned b any woman or child with Jtelj
l U e ntrol of diieiMinutlnir
44kUlliro jH a 1
aniifactuml Its advantage
lxncUy Juje
irnud that It can ut applied f
i and the
Ifiu PMflbe Ltl ftgitUbirureIMntlicJnmU of rtw J
iiolnt needed nnd delivered III ai >
M Villi V Nolo AKOilt Korl rtli o
A Coal Barge in Tow from New Or
leans Breaks Her Cable and Falls
a Prey to an Angry Sea
A Ynltnnl lint Fruitless Effort Mntlo to
Sine tho den of l > o 3tcu from
Watery Jrn cs
The Mrnmrrs Dolphin nlll llrrvlcn in
C llUlon < p iitrrii < it tint llnl
lililn Cre > Mlslni
tiii loss oiTin oitii > T
iAisTONTiat Sept 18 Tho ttig
llcn or hmlnslutowtlif barge Orient
lailciMlth yOOO tons ot coal from New
Orleans arrived outslilo the tur this
moi nlujj ami In rounding parted her to
line The lmrjo cant anchor while the
Hanger came in lor a new cable
A heavy tea was on and tho
Orients anchoichaln parted leaving tho
barge at the mercy o a terrible set
The barge was hoon driven aground about
live miles Jtom the east end of the ciiial
When the Hanger returned with a new
tow llnc hhe was unable to reach the
Imrgo and rescue her crew of three men
A liteboat was Immediately manned with
tho experienced seamen and started for
the Otlent When they reached the
basge the heavy sea was fast
wrecking her As tho lifeboat dtew
cIom to tho barge one of tho Imperiled
seamen jumped into tho llfeboat capsiz
ing It Three ot the heroic stamen who
went out In the lifeboat hac lint come
ashote near the lleach hotel floating on
their lifepreservers A fourth one Is
seen struggling In the mad waves The
fate of tlie four men left In the Orient Is
unknown also that of the remaining two
who occupied the liteboat
llvo men have come ashore the last
one getting In about 8 oclock tonight
They constitute the original crew ot the
llfuboit Their names are Thomas 01
sirom Krlt Johnson Ilemy Jackson
Ircd Johnson and Thomas Wood Thu
sixth man who jumped from theOileut
and In tho tesetilng of whom the lifeboat
was capsledlK undoubtedly lostasarehls
four companions of tho barge
Quantities of drift floatlngnhoio Indi
cate that the Orient has gone to pieces
The Hanger has icttirned It Is Impossi
ble for any boat to leach the scene of the
wreck In the heavy sen now running and
there Is scarcely a shadow of doubt but
tltat live men on tho Orient have found
watery gtuves They were ail residents
of New Oilcans Their names me un
known here Capt irlswold of the
Oilcnt Is among the lost The beach for
scveiul miles Is being pitiolled tonight
by tho gov eminent llfesav lug ciew
It Is expected that the bodies will wn > h
ashote when tho tide turns at midnight
Tho bargo Orient was valued at 810000
and her caigo at 83500 Hotlt were
owned by tho Uiniul Lake Coal company
of uw Orleans The Insurance It any
was placed at New Orleans
A heavy gale Is blowing tonight and
the waves are lolling far Inland over the
east end of the Island The ship
wrecked ciew of the life boat
give a thrilling account ot their attempt
to leseue the men on tho Orient They
wele In the water from live to seven
hours with nothing but small life pie <
servers strapped about them but tliey
emerged one by one fioin nn angiy sen
where It seemed that no human life could
exist live minutes
London hept 16 The steamers
Dtesden and Dolphin enino Into collision
todaj oil the southeast coast of Kugland
Seven of the ciew of the Dolphin were
ill owned
Another dispatch sijs that the Dolphin
which was sunk by collision was hound
from London to Havre and that seven
teen of her passengeis and ciew are
tnl slng
The Clt mul IMruiri Alumni 1 < IiieiiI Willi
Auntoii Plooils
0 via kston Tia Sept 18 Galveston
city and island have experienced a verita
ble deluge for tince days past Huge
leaden clouds have obicuud the sunlight
and the rainfall has been almost lucchaut
The stiects are perfict canals In many
places In the city for two orthice squares
the Water stands knee deep Up to 1
oclock tonight since the llrst day of
September tho signal service ruin
gauge shows 17JO Inches rainfall
In Galveston This record Is with
out parallel Tho total rainfall at
this point Ik fi T Indies per car It will
tbeictore be seen that In eighteen lavs
over onethird the annual rainfall has
fallen Heavy seas have prevailed ever
since tho deluge set in and serloii ti
croichments ate reported along the
eastern end of thu Island The velocity
of wind this afternoon reached thlrtj
miles per hour At 11 oclock tonight
tho downpour of water still ptuvnlls
At Indlanola today the wind blw at
tho rate of fifty miles per hour and te
ports of serious damage are antleljuited
from tho coast
Ilrpetrnleil Upon Colmeil Men III I011WI
mill irint Inillgnutlon i ir < inil
Nfvv Oitinws La Sept 18 Monday
night a paity of unknown men jnslabove
the line of Winn and Hlcnv Hie parishes
went to tho hotise of Curr Hamilton col
oretl of lllenvllle and took the old niuii
out tied him down and iteat
blm uumeiclfully and at the Mime
time tied luoidkarchlefc over his
wifes taco and crammed a handkerchief
In her mouth to suppress hcr orlw also
whipping hor Tlie sumo night tfcoy went
to aiiother colored mans house and took
him awny from homo laid him auros a
and beat Jilm unmercifully The
they stopped to test and take n drluk
ho slipped tho ropes and made his
Escape They followed for some distance
but wore not able to catch him Then
they went to the house ot an old colored
man named Hay carried him away and
beat him so severely that he was not able
tp get bick home nnd was found a few
days afterward and brought in by friend
They shot Mr U W llarron dogs
jtt his own fence and also burned a
house belonging to Sir V Unbent
Tho parties assaulted claim that they rec
ogulied ten ol the desperadoes who be
lomrto what Is known as the AntMro
hlbltlon party In that nelahborhocd nnd
that the parties assaulted are charued
with havlngTpromlsed toMipjKirl the pro
hibition icowtnont The authorities
are very sindlguant at this outbreak
of wanton lawlessness and declare they
shall be arrested and punished Tho
negroes whipped belong to the most In
telllgcnt thgrlfty null readable element
ol colored people In that aeotlon white
the assailant are of the worst type ot
crossroad hoodlums tUiv McKnory has
promised to otter a reward for their ap
i i
The Dlil Alt nldr Coiitlniiiilly Kiiiinliig Into
< > > iipcrMen
Special to tho Oaicltc
AtniiN Tkx Sept 18 lAGov
Hobertslms become extremely offended
at the publication In the San Antonio
Light of n pretended Inteivlcvv with him
In a barber shop In this city a tew days
ago The Old Alcalde denounces It as a
false and fanciful fabrication ot utter
ances purporting to have been made
by him but he said ho would not have
noticed H lint for the fact that Swain
Hreckenrldge Ho s Ireland JIaxey
nndTertcll Were falsely represented as
having been mentioned by him Ihe
venerable exgovernor does not deny hav
ing been accosted by the Light man but
complains that ho cannot pass along
wlthuut bclug waylaid bv unknown re
porters The Alcalde seems to bo reallv
tiled this time and justly so The old
gentlemau Is right
Special to the Garotte
1iior IOint Tk Sept 18 An
election occurs throughout tho county
Saturday to restrain hogs sheep and
goats fiom running nl largo
Corrcspondeiico of the laretto
NivvpoitT Tia Sppt 17 A local
oidlon election was held nt this place on
the lStu lust llohlbltton was defeated
by tluee majority There ate coiillletlng
ininors in regaid to the result In the
county Nothing dellnllo Is known jet
intATii rotWTViMi ritDinitmoN
CorrcspcndeiKeof the Unit lie
STilllliNSVlIIH TKX Sept III Till
loenlojitlon election Is over and tho re
sult of thu election shows ll O votes ma
jority against prohibition with one bos
to be heaul from which will not materially
change the liovc llguros
The hog law has been lost alglit of In
theexoitement over the localoption ipics
lion Nothing but the olllclal count on
oth lust will teveal anything certain
nboulthe futute condition of the long
nosed longlegged thlnstded and sharp
back Diorback but It Is generally
conceded that the hogs with tho whisky
will remain unshackled and roamat laige
The antlprohlbltlnntsts had a jollifica
tion last night About 8 oclock the sil
ver cornet bund formed on one rorner of
the public square nnd discoursed several
thrilling tunes The square was Illumin
ated with bonfires and the artillery was
btoiighl out of the blacksmith shops In
tlie of anvils nndpowdcrwasficcly
but lit and salute after salute was llred In
honor of the triumph of the nutlprohlbl
tlonlsts Tho bovs had lots of fun and
everthing passed off peaceably without
1111 accident to nun the fun Lvcrjthlug
today Is smooth and placid and business
has assumed Its wonted sway
Tliey Wrrii Illill Solillers Saililln Illume
crovrd bail lliuor ivitli them and while Ida oiiitlie 5th proximo
fepeelnl to tho Gaietlc
CfiniitNK Tia Kept 18 Cotton re
celpts ut this place up to today ale JoO
bales ami Increasing dally
The saddlery and harness stock of J
M Donaldson Co who made un as
slgiunent scveiu weeks jigo was sold at
auction today and loughl by 1 M
heath at 81000 Tho rcilprnom U now
open and the busliiuss run by J 51 Don1
uldjion S Son
A couple of young men from tlie coun
try one named Sam Weaver and the other
a stranger whoso name could not ho
learned engaged Inn llstleuff over a game
of billiards Weaver got out of town be
fore the ollicers could get him but the
other was urrestid
K W < ovelady purchiiMit thu old Duch
tumii plnco some six miles north today
consisting of some 1100 acres
las G larshall of Clifton Tex tiled
suit today ogalnst the city of Cleburne
for 810000 damage caused by a defective
sidewalk Tho Injury for which lie
claims damage occurred about a year
ago In01t Haley who wok In charge ot
tho W T Hudson cattle In thu Territory
ruttinivd homo today lfu iy
the soldiers who ordered thcin
out were certainly ingulnr soldiers noting
under orders us the showed ull iiupers
nuecssilry to provo them siioh W T
Hudson goes north on thu HanIn Fo trulu
r Hamiltons hotel Mrs U > n Dnb
ney Miss A Dabuey Mrs Kurah Dabney
TJjorp Kprlngs J I IaglU Dalla i A
Jonos t Louis Mo II II Krwti Kort
Worth K Dllhart Dallas Col Utiles
GIciiroe W C Wheat Dallas
To Open Soon
Oitavva Oxr Sept 18 It Is an
nounced that tho CaiwdUii Iaelllc rail
way will be ojiun for the carriage of
nyjglil and passengers to Ilrltlsh Colmii
tmiiin n ijry > < <
Galveston Attorney Summoned to
the Metropolis to Defend tho
Slayer of Tom Davis
Story About Viilntlng SI Louts
1ed nnd Kicking llontblneks
nil KMiggerntlon
lliillmiitK Motives tit DenlliiR With the
Vnuhrn Slinrpen Clnliiuil In lime
llieii lliiniirnhle
mi ivmkdpan viiiirni mvn
bprclil to tho ttaictte
Nrvv Yoiik Sept 18 W M Maekeu
son the attorney of Galveston Tex
who came hem to act In behalf of James
Holland held for tho murder ot Tom
Davis left today tor llaltlmoio to at
tend tho grand lodge of Mil lellow s In
Speaking ot Hollands ease ho snlds
I cutnu on here at the special Instance
of Mis Leonolle Hollands sister who
lives In my town Her husbandI Jl
Leonelle Is the principal merchant of
Georgetown All ol Hollands relatives
and ft lends nre most respectable people
and he himself stands high In public
1 lltst became acquainted with
Hollands business affairs about
two vears ngo There was
great excitement In Tnj lor county about
the lemovnl of the county seat to Abilene
from Httffalo Gap I was the attorney
for the lluffalo Gap people and the case
was to be heard befoio tho Judge and lour
county commissioners Tho olllons
wereredhoton the day of the tilal and
It looked as though there was going to be
a personal dtlllouUy between the towns
Wo had ulosed the saloons and we ad
journed the healing from the couitltouse
to a little lctlred room In all proba
bility there would have brut
an unfortunate dltllculty otherwise be
cause lluffalo Gap was on Its mettle and
Abilene was amused Hollands cool
ness did much to avoid bloodshed He
owned ical estate In Abilene and told me
about his uffttlrs as explaining his Intel
est III Abilene
lie only held n saloon fornshoit
time ami honcqUlied It It In tho tonise
of a icalestiite transaction lie had It
before iiueiinu Last I shall be able to
piove Ids high standing by hundreds of
w Itnesses Including the govei nor ol the
The SI Louis GlobeDemoeint mls
tepresented him It said that when lie
was In St Louis on his way Hast ho
painted tho town led kicked the boot
blacks around and llourlsliedldsiuvolver
dim told me all about It A bootblnuk
called him a giaugcr and Jim told him he
was a Texan and a dangerous man In u
dialling way while he was having bis
boots blacked Then ho mul some Texas
drummers had been nut around In tlie
evening and when they came back to the
hotel Hill witslnlettiiitiiiwrmtlutjfftirhB
when they sent for him They
then sent up wonl that thej were having
a shooting scrape and Hill came down In
the elevator with nothing on but his
uudcrgaiincuts and a levoiver It was
only a little ftollc
Mnckenson biottghi with him written
testimonials from Judges county ollleers
merchants ami lawjeis all ot which
speak of Holland In the highest terms
Holland Is an Odd IVIlou ot high stand
ing and the members ol the orilui In his
state are making a strong effoil In h s
Mackt nson av s he w 111 be able to pi ov c
to any faltmlmled man that Hollands
motives In dealing with the Davis crew
were honorable He also expresses him
self as highly pleased with the way tho
Now York lawjeis have handled Hie case
I lie Internment limgllll Send In n
Deport to HiTlrlniy Liiiunr
Ciicvhxnk WT Hejit IB The gov
ernment directors fJcu K J Aleiiiuer
W V Hniinaaud James Savage are at
Hock Springs Investigating the circum
stances of he late outbieak They feavo
a hearing jeslcrday to tho committee ot
cltlens who hud previously pic
seated their case to Mr llromley
thu representative of tlie company The
wix was presented In much belter style
than upon tho former occasion and tlie
caucus of complaint were made more In
tclllglhlouiid clear Nothing new lion
ever appeared nn to tlie alleged griev
ances against the Chinese or against the
employes of thu mines Tho same rule
was observed with regard to tho cir
cumstances Immediately connected
With the outrage all the wit
nesses refusing to say anything
whatever concerning the attack upon the
Chinamen and the burning ot thu quar
ters The examination was conducted by
Judge Savage who was materially as
sisted therein by Mr Haiina who Is lilin
suit a mine owner and familiar with the
subject of thu inlneis grievances Every
opportunity has been furnished tho elll
n and miners to present their griev
ances The government directors decided
upon tho facts as shown to semi the fol
lowing dispatch to hecrttury iaiinur
The undersigned government directors of
the Union Iaelllc rollvvuy pursuant to
law report that we huve made an Inves
tigation upon the spot Into the allegtd
outrages recently occurring at this place
Wo find such a condition of affairs here
as In our opinion endangers the
property of the road Jeopardizes the In
terests of tho government and calls for
iirotijit Interference Wo therefore deem
It Important that full authority should be
given the proper otlleers to afford ample
assistance to tlie managers In their ef
forts to protect thu property ot Urn com
pany and conduct the business of the
road i J AtHJtAMOiii
The Chinese consul at San 1rancUco
and the Chinese consul at New York are
here wlutu Chinese Interpreter touistke
a thorough Investigation on behalf of
tlie t hlne p government of all the olivum
stances connected with the outmge They
nrt ordered hflix by the Chinese legation
at Washington They have already bad
tho remains ot somo of the Chinamen who
were killed exhumed It wits found In
two Instances that the skulls of the China
men weru fractured Indicating that they
were killed luttstingghiatclosoouartors
The consuls have offeted it reward of 815
each tor any additional bodies lomid in
the vldnlty An accurate report
as to the number of Chinamen
killed cannot jet be made but
so far as csnt now be Untitled Uiero
are iltteeu missing and the whole mini
ber killed Is placed at twentylive The
Chinese consuls have made up their mint H
from conversations with citizens and ot
ilolals that any attempt to bring the of
tenders Ui justice through the local
nuthotltles will fall tt Is their Intention
to telegraph the state deivtrtment through
the legation calling tor m6re vigorous
measures for tho prosecution of tho
criminals by the Vnlted Mates courts
under tho provisions of the treaty with
They say tljut all ot Ijio proceedings
that have been had In the water so far
arc a bold tnrue ami unless tho matter Is
taken lu hand t the United States
autliotltles thcio wlM be nothing dune
They llnd that eleven of tho grand jury
before whom the eases of thomcnulieudv
atiested will go am dtlruus ot Hock
Spiiiigs ol them miners
many and
all ot them sympathisers with tho
rlotets tir the petty Jury four
teen of the twentjfour nie from
Hock Spt lugs The consuls state as ouo
ot the lenmrkable results ot the Inqillijes
that of the men engaged In the Outbreak
not one was an Aiueilean bom otjhtcn
They deem It especially slgnliicant that
thu outcry against tho Chinese which Is
depended npon to justify thu outrages
comes from men who ate not themselves
natives and many of them noleitlrons ot
the rolled States
tnder Instructions fiom tho attorney
guneral of tho Culled States Dis
trict Attorney Campbell eaino tip
from Chovenuo this morning
to assist the Chinese consuls In tholr In
vestigation ot the affair AdjutantGen
Williams ot Gen Schollelds staff has
vvlicd Gen Scholleldu statement ot tho
situation ami gives his opinion that In
consequence ot tho amount of guard duty
to be done 100 mote soldiers should bo
seuthoio Gen McCook Is here having
Inchargo the Chinese consuls vjlth In
structions to glvetheiu tluMnostcompIutu
protection liom insult or Incivility
It Is thought that work will be rosuincd
lu two ot tlie mines Monday An oppor
tunity will be given to all the vvhlto
miners who have not been discharged for
miittclpntlou lu the llots to resume work
If they choose II they do pot their
places will be idled by other whltu men
Itiiillinxif Cliiilrrn nl Win Unit v itrntio
ninit Hint
special to Hni Jarette
AisiiN Tia Kept js Guy Ireland
has Kitutned fropi his Western Up
AdjtGen King Issttll absent In Noilli
iretffrfrlTW j
showing an liieieaseot 81078000
Scctetaiy DIeklusuii ol tlw Qitpto
I Mini 11 lias not yet returned from tite
Ninth lie has been gone about aiiionili
Today Illinois nnd leports ot choleiu
at Vera Crnis reached State Health Ofljcor
Kweailiigeu fiom mid by way of HI Hao
Dr Swearlngeii was seen lu the utter
noon but said the Illinois had not been
verllicd and nothing of their acliia trlilli
or falsity was known but the doctor will
have the matter Investigated atonue
Lnto hist night CHnt Winston a brnlte
inuii while swllchlug at Dtijiree uonr
lieie wasiun over by the engine Ills
leg will be amputated
Developments In the Harney outrage
and murder case ate cxpicted In a day or
Ilttnl mm nf Helmut Imer
Hi vtsion Tux Sept 18 Mr lohti
W hqulre ulilcf tleik til the lleach hotel
lu thlscllv and u son of J J Kqtllteof
Chicago died here this morning agid
thirtytwo jears Mr Miiiilro cainq front
Chicago last April to accept his late posf
Hon at tho lleach He was a native of
Columbus Ohio but resided In Chicago
the better part of his life Trior to enter
ing Ihe hotel business he was for a num
ber of jears tmvcling agent for tho Illi
nois Central railroad About tejt dirys
ngo lie Was stricken with deilguo fsftir
a disease Tory piuviilllng on tills coast
but scarcelyevei fata The fever went
to his bruin Dually culminating In pneu
monia The deceased made a host ot
warm friends during his brief lite In Gal
veston and leaves a heartbroken widow
who will uccompaiiy his reiualtis to Chi
cago by tomorrows train
Slopping lint Im Ilia Mull NnLlilr
Nrvv Yoiik Kept 18 A special dis
patch from Washington to the Mall ami
Express sajs Seorelaiy Lamar has di
lected the commissioner of rulltoidir
Gen Joseph K Johnston to sttiii
a letter to Charles Iran
els Adams president ol tlie
Union Iaelllc and C 1 Huntington
prcsld nt of the Central 1aelllo staling
that the depaituieiit hud been Informed
that their companies hud been fnryeurs
paying a subsidy of nearly JW0 WO per
uuntiin to thu 1aclllo Mull Hlelini
ship company and Instructing them
to fonvurd to tho commissioner a copy
of Urn contract between their company
and the Iaollle Mall Mtsiutslilp company
also to oease the payment ot any money
to thu IMulflc Mall company until thu
matter tould be thoroughly Investigated
by thu department
A Tc nK ililil lliiiiiiteil
Anvapoms Md Sept 18 Xav l
Cadet Henry A Wiley of Texas a num
ber ot trie secondclass lu the naval
academy was this day dismissed for
haIng Louis Drlgg of South Carolina a
candidate for naval cadet Wiley was
the leader of a uug of owlet that guyed
DrlgS pulled his noe uild Mapped bis
face several days ago wjicn Driggsliad
walked In the naval academy
ifOrii < fe
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