OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 19, 1885, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-09-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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JVftrth Epitomised hi ft Column by
f tlp Itpportorlal
l mail Onllicreit on the
ln Soln clrclf rem
t bit <
the rlre lileicrJrttIe
y tie tonnty court yesterday
iwrfl 5onvlctcil of soiling
Jir and lined 25 i Hobcrt
SSiflthassaultwas acquitted
Iay of Atonement or Yom
v generally observed by our
J iridloivcltlzcns yesterday Kabbl
ftrof Waco was licre nud conducted
ement for the sale of town lots
pl ce October lfi Pecos
< to bo a great city before many
eitiTC waxed and waned
matinee and toulght a now pro
w ffill be presented
> to the bad condition of tho
fylast evening only a few nsscni
ll ie Texas Wesleyan college for
Rtpotf of reorganizing the Ihllo
society which has always been
l mficlal adjunct to that lnstltu
< iMming 5lr J Nicks
P was
frc Uleit pro tern nnd F II Hoi
trelary The following is the
Panic adopted for next Friday
address Inif P M
1 Nlck
l Ooll members and friends
5 Uy arc earnestly requested to
r Ut the next meeting whei
vffnt organization will
inS exercises
laai report that the dengue Is
J Preallng n j0rt Worth ami
V inSrilillnada heavier run than
SSii tCas5mcUj In New York over
2f M cases
C taken to eradicate the ills as
JffiS ftc Ia a bad case ofMhe
you ate going to
fear that you
Moral going
DonttakotlVet ionguc
Hotel Artltnl
dlei the next six you
arc not lo tile
DcnUonT M Hamilton J S
Salisbury San Antonio A II Huston
Gaucsvlllc F 11 Trice rnlo City 4
vllir 1 laMOi Wluar
i v
Ti > r l 0UtBn ° U > li IMffdlb
CtV K l
V M V lrS0lrl Thomas Owens Ilonrlctta > 1 s
> M Johnson
Kip Aurora WW Prldgcn 1
C Mlrphy i s taMk cuero W M
T mr aS J R Inc Mon
tague I Fellers W II 11 flcudcr
J k Martin
KJjonorcd ceremonies ol tho olU j s i Qott Tllllon ii i Mobeetle J
rellloulyob c ft Nfl J °
ft CllUon < J s Mlehof Itlieno 1 T
x frown Lot I Jules
frTexas laelllo was billing tho
ijstcrday with maps of the city of
surrounding country a1 mi
Drarquey New Orleans Mrs Col
litis Dallas Tom Copp Harrold T T
Grammer r T lones Sherman V S
oil Colorado A Tlltlu Kansas Walter
A Patrick Centrevlllej A J Wilson Texas
IJsjrtvsij Co J M Gibson lllll
M Vl r Klt > olnie
Wichita Falls Win J
Coffey New
K U llogers Decater King S
Henbree Lampasas 1 llryant Dallas
fctolhew will be a gathering of the I nL nensvijfe 1 N Hall
2L of thU part of the state at the WaK S WVhlS id wife
iriajpirlc to engage In the pigeon and Veals Station
itttillshoollng for the medal offered I u tno Mansion hotel W F Me
t Stert to the man who wins three I Goyyau New York 1 II McClelland Clar
iitM Some JOO live pigeons have V u Scarborough Mis S C
Hrowu Sunset 11
tirtcclttdandnu aliumlauce of glass
is irt on hand Fine shooting Is
Mi of
Ik s lUoptmrtit
Uityestcrday evening a party com
edoftiro young men and a young lady
wdtlie county clerks oilice and pro
jijt marriage license Investigation
jtittd that It was an elopement from
A 1
Goodcnotigli Henrietta
1 Simpson
Texas W II Doss Decatur W V Youug
blood ToyahjIi Gist Dallas 1 Sel
yane New York Mrs S 1 S llrown Cle
bum U K Throckmorton McKlnneV SI
S Gordon Decatur I C Wright
PeMiiellc Tenn It 11 Iottcr Abilene W
II Mtncey and wife Dawsomllte la
Koht Spur Spur Grove A A Hunt St
Louis 1 w llrsuly Clebumo
Finch Decatur
minutes nncr i oxock
wsji MlsiOrrjlloyil M Kxah Woodv MUs
itticcryof lire was heard followed Mattie Murphy W S Harnen Henrietta
fUlolshots aud then the alarm from Has Sanlley Paris A 11 Kopp 1 Ilernaii
M boll The carriages and truck s a 1V > llole V Itl T I Whit
itiorn out and nt tho box where the oyt Galveston M T lenn Jlowio
a tame from No 17 Main aud vAt GlnpcohloV ho el C Dreshtlclo
irft streets Somebody hul set lire Nuw H r kS Sir7 a Su0J > Weather
11st of drygoods boxes In tho rear ot ford Miss Callio McAdanis Palo llnto
t J II 0 Kmiardaiid wife Mrs O Lllublng
lXittlnllrown building probably for
htosee the department turn out 11recKcn rll SI > lgbury Dig Spring
Ite done except to the feelings Mrs C LMemand Dallas lex A For
Hhorses sythe lIcrco City Mo MrsIohnson Do
FotNnw uuaccountablc rea
l tnonthe rampflgo lately
toss Jiavc been bitten In the last
kh and hare suffered considerably
Urulh the effects Mrs Walker Mrs
Son Mrs Lawrence J T Marlon and
2 Samlers are among those bitten
iRntlennn bitten
tint every eight years spiders and
i ol all descriptions are most san
tik a7i ad bother people generally
v ther correct or not the fact remains
fi lekht ilctlmsto sjilder blto In one
Ah way above tho average
U < i
1 l <
H Opernlliiii e
lurj lair audience measured by a
Iitmosphore and a threatening sky
itthcopcrahoiise last night to hear J
Mil Thomas company lit selections j
iptciiUles Tho programme was thot
a if only two days rehearsals but a
til audience overlooked lmperfec
s uhlcb under tho clrcunitaiices
ooaioldable nnd generously ap1
W m its Kood points There arc two
K 6
I ll
i li txl t < i cMss Mattie Duncan
11 D Grlbble Gainesville 1 1
j llurke Colorado City lames T Duncan
sou splder aud wife Savoy Tex G W McCleskey
vii li Vhillne Tex Ned Sage Dciibon 1 II
jifciH Icrid uul wlf
Sun ct j Maslli hmo
Hock Aik John T Smith Atlanta Ga
At the Pickwick V II Young St Louis
C L llltchle Cincinnati C K Staley W F
Johnson St Louis 1 II litrdwhlstleNew
York 1 II Ilrown Mineola C I Ilorton
N Y Henry Donalau l < Lamphcrlcs
Ives It as Ins opln Julius Kcherlck St Louis Geo F King
Cincinnati C Mason llaltlmore H
Oppeiihclmer Jr N Y 1 C llurk
Dallas John W llurlesou San Marcos
II II Chilton Dallas A Htirns Cuero A
G Field Victoria Miss SI O lleatv Waco
C D Hill II A Crajcroft St Louis 11 F
Sheer Cincinnati J H Andrews and wife
Chicago John T Wofford Cuero F A
Carter Oswego Kas II C Chambers
Philadelphia It F Hendricks II Mayer
Galveston Hen Levy New Orleans
iitKiriiT DiuoT ntriiNii >
Foiit KitWAiuis N Y Sept 18 The
Delaware Hudson freight depot the
freight cars and the warehouse of tho
Glen Falls Taper Mill company at Glen
Falls were destroyed by lire this morning
The loss on tho freight depot and cars Is
10000 fully Insured The lire was
probably Incendiary
A Inllmy
New Orleans Commercial llullotln
Mr Atkinson In tin address before tho
American Society for the Advancement of
Science expresses the oplnlou that New
Kngland can laNe animal food at a less
cost than Texas This like the do
that the South can raise cotton but
not spin and weave It attributed t
same gentlemen cannot bo accepted tis
oven reasonable A part of tho regimen
prescribed for the New England bullock
Is cotton seed and com meal As Texas
produces both these element and New
England nothing of the one and impoits
a great ileal of tho other as Texas ex
ports an immense quantity of beef while
l Kl r Si Now England exports none at all It does
lliat the
15ir < 1 > Uh and Moists Woolorv and I ot seem probablu prediction
WS ffii 1 cPoluS bcurlllod Indeed the whole thing
ho fac thrt Mi M
SSti Wtlon would not bo dctrii seems based upon of anil
really excellent voices In the com
7iiJ some comedian talent of no
border Nothing of an objectionable
as admitted Into the perform
This evening tho company will
to the commercial Interests of i km with the aid phosphates
Aairnatlv fertlllrers has supported two cows fro
Irelloway short
MiiHle Thos 0 products of an note Nothing
of a Mr > AlklllS0l ptr cu i Lug
landcould verify thlshopcfui anticipation
The late philosopher Grady maintained by
wry measures should at once the south
sah >
prevent an epidemic
7o effected statistics that the value of Northern hay
of Southern cotton
was greater than that
I Whether true or not it wax fallacious
i Tho cattle stock of the North was sub
sisted upon hay cured and kept for use
when tho climate no Ioniser afforded pas
e production of cattle stock
and especially in Texas re
Tlie quires little and In some places no supply
1 aud
very nec7li7rlVsensn I oti > ay nt nil as the pasturage ra
l alKSW 1 nudias UA this does A0 not r I I mirooses was rejUiMli
m now
l k Jd wiSthcr It 00 ire ivlii > To ns lwava ° cn Tllt Iay cr01 ° f
kioiveli fit pVoducVlo uof cattie ya att SnS
i Joar
Claims thlTvcar wasT luS > South
nmut nn uiiiii > ei > ssnrv
it was to a great extent nn unnecessary
have been
In like manner ho value ot the
i expense
consumed at tho North or domes to
reported than at the South
as rather an evidence of a charge
can lie raised to moro prollt ln a state on
2 Sffil Sarla rS odc Uianonairulrie where the
SIS iSS l lscmluatoriround jolo expense consists In lerdlnr mark
bV acleanVtree ra oV Austin j ala bclllni
l titm
< S IJ ln a largo measure such Is yer troubled
but still every prccau mawuin
Is fallacious
with rhcumatlz dls
Hannibal asked Sclplo
friend came limping up
Not ackly Sclplo
t ttUlr1111 very 600 j > cr cent groaned Hannibal U sec I
fg 3K
TWi thc w cctut to ccndMn woko up tn do night with a ragln appetite
> fur watermllllon Ma Jones ga den
rSiisiii pcstlvc of a compound of mi > uv i sa
jmL1 neuralgia administered Is close adja
tatlM ltC8 As one gentleman Yatit yah a
mm mMi
aceni to do house
too much
W W 11 U for a week exlzackly butMassa Joncsls a tohmefair
l e Hrst shot
day you fear that Sclplo Uinghamton
j 3CP
The Clly Council Adonis Ihe Jenney
Kloilrlc Ilghllng SystemAlonc
ment liny
A JnlveKiui > lteportrp Tnke n ItUh
of CmirA Wreck mi lie Cintrnl
Delnjo ft Tnihi
S > ecl l to the Gaieltc
81000 per annum for
and colored for the scholastic year just
closed The report also shows that the
city owns 810000 worth of school prop
crty buildings and sites I
The Galveston News reporter tele
graphed his paper that the sheriff and
is a cowmans shipping jMilnt and while
itbnsrvmlndedwi visit the stockpens
which are roomy stroiis and well adapted
for sen Ice A mile ami a hall east of
Harrold are lhe nns specially set aside
for tho reception of cattle shlpjwd for
ranch or trail purposes and many thou
sands have been recehcd from far soulh
In tho stale thN aon A mile nearer
tonu ire the beef shipping pens Hero
are loaded the licet cattle of tho
eastern Panhandle for Chicago St louls I
and Kansas
City Tho trade Is now dull
we only seeing one train of eight Mrs on
the road for Chicago These were good
ones and would weigh over WO pounds
WuoTKx Sept 18The merits of I At a lrlcr l P we took the
> various inhini sJaie or Vvnon l > J y drive of
lightning i
systoms for this city sixteen miles over a splendid country
were discussed ln lively fashion todav 1 > pralrlo and colored with grass New
As you were telegraphed last nlht llio ra l5 nw Mi h11 bay slacks and small
council decided to hold a special seWn j t
tonight to choose Wtwcen electricity and pasturcman trylns conclusions asto whal
ims Three propositions were In two i the future of Wilbarger county should
from gas companion and one from the rr0V w c would suggest a compromise
Jenuey Llectrlc Lighting company f Uclwewl tf0 twt classes and nrgo the
One of the blddliui
arc light and
a tower plant that will Illuminate tho i sc rl ur ue Morth nml Ch <
whole situated on
city while the gas proposition
0 0
io utT o 0oJV U a ru today
kangaroo Court made up of pilson or I > arrest of a man by lhe name of
It was without foundation and at tho1 Charles Long at tho Instance ot his
bland suggestion of tho sheriff the motherinlaw Mis Wullls Long was
MnW Xil mnM l ° 1d Mrt < hi mU
A wrecked freight train on the main lav lf May 1880 andlt Is said lived
line of tho Central last night delayed all with her but a short time when ho de
trains on that road four hours today
Tho advertising car of llarrctts circus
was hero today billing the town
Tlio Lxamluer this morning published
Senator Cokes latest effort against pro
The weather Is thrcatenin
tills evening
nnd cloudy
Vrkiitian Scnillnc yttliTN In TiIiik VH i
1 If lit nt Iliilillilllon
Special to the Itizcttc
DrNTiTix Sept 18 It II Diiu
cans little lioy cut his foot quite se
riously yesterday with a pleco of glass
Navo postoillco In this county lms
been discontinued
Nicholas Konagg have dissolved Mr
been running most of the week on dls
turbance cases left over from Tuesdays
Tho Alliance Mill and Supply company
of this place has received Its charturaud
wolearn the Intention Is to erect a largo
custom Hour mill Immediately
logma Co
o thKJ
ttou Is coming lu very slowly
A Trip Owir llio lliincr Pinllillltlon nml
rroliiil > llllli nf Hie Viirthuit j
Corrcapondcace of llio iazcltr I
Tmtsnx Tkn Sept 1C Tho Invlgor
Ulng Influence of the surroundings have
udiiccd n to catch up oil r fuller and send
rou a brief Outline of our trip nnd the
ountry from the metropolis of North
Texas to this pleasant county site of
nVitbargcr county At < i a m sharp on
the 10th by tbu kind courtesy of Col C
L Frost superintendent of Fort Worths
pride the Fort Worth Denver City rail
Wichita Falls and the Infant wonder i
sorted his bride leaving her at his
mothers where she remained until con
vinced that her unfaithful husband
did not Intend to return or send
for her when she left Her
life since that time has been a checkoied
one Long has been paying his attentions
to Miss Annie Wallls for somo months
past and lji t week it was reported that a
marriage had been decided upon The
gills mother made a vigorous protest ac
cusing Loilg ol having a wife living lit
Cincinnati He acknowledged having
been married but claimed to have oh
tallied a divorce which nt his ex
amination yesterday proved uutiiio
Although Mrs Wallls did all In her
power to prevent tho marriage Long pro
joined a license and tho pair sought a
just lee of the peace anil had tho core
iluony pet formed As soon as tho mar
riage became known tho mot her of the
ixf cunmiu t u at the irjoy re out a warrant forTongs r
old stand
A largo train of Immigrants arrived In
rest wltlohvviis accomplished and an ot
amlnatloiuif the case before Squjro
our city yvsterdny from Arkansas i Ver lesnlt Al ln tho accused being held to
C C oods presiding elder < if
Key appear before tho circuit court
the M K church South of the Kansas i m
City district is visiting his brother Col riir
W M Woods of this city It Is expected v
that ho will preach hero Sunday next NM l01lh Sept 18 Tho
A gentleman from tho cast line of tho
county reports all the cotton of that sec
tion going to McKlnney Instead of Den
ton on account of local option In Denton
It has rained every day this week
ltallroad talk Is now Indulged In to
somo extent The Dallas i Wichita ex
tension to Decatur and the East Line
from McKlnney to this place are expected
failures throughout tho country dm lug
last week as reported to II G Dun A Co
number for United States ami Canada
188 as against U08 last week and 108 pre
vious week
llnwK liiiMruniliK Suit
Niw Yoiik Sept 18 Kdwlua Provost
who Is handsome nnd twentyseven
Tho city school Is now under headway
aud promises a successful term of age has sued James McAllister of Pat
scholium from the country arc continual orsou NJ for breach ot promise of
ly anlvlng marriage laying damages In 860000 Mr
Tho majors and justices courts have McAllister Is a retired
merchant re
puted to bo worth 80000 Miss
Provost alleges that her husband
abandoned her mid that Mr McAllister
under promise of mat rlage Induced her
lo lake advantage of the Now Jersey law
Which makes three years willful absence
a ground for dlvoree Kho alleges Jhat
she obtained tho divorce and that Mr
McAllister refuses to keep Ills promise to
marry hor Mr McAllister denies that
he promised to marry Miss Piovost
Till Viinilallii hliurtiiis Illne
< Uy tho tlmo enrd lu effect since August
80 tho tlmo on both day and night ex
press trains from St Louis to tho follow
ing named cities has been shortened one
hour namely i Chicago Cincinnati Iim
Isvlllo Torre Haute Indianapolis Col
umbus Cleveland Pittsburg llaltlmore
Washington Philadelphia aud Now York
timi taiiii ruoM ht Minis
Day express leaves 000 a in formerly
800 Arrives Now York tliUS p m
Night express leaves 8i p in form
erly T00 p in Arrives New York 800
Limited nt Columbus and arrive In
Now York at 085 p in samens formerly
PasseOKcrs will remember that the
Yandalia lino aud lVntisjIvanla route Is
the only one running ii through car fiom
St Louis to New York without change on
morning train from St Louis
And will also remember that this Is trio
Harrold attest tho faith the people have only lino having a doublodaljy through
In this part of tho state The counties of car service from St Louis to New York
Tarrant Wise Montague Clay Wichita j without change
and Wilbarger arc rich In soil and mill And further that the through cars of
crals and In a few years the undeveloped this line run from St Louis to Now York
resources of this section will add mlllloiis in three and u half to four and a half
minutes muking several short runs at I Tickets by tho Vnnilalla lino are for sale
the rate of fifty miles an hour We by every coupon ticket agent In Texas as
reached Harrold ten minutes before 11 cheap as via any other line and no extra
oclock giving us several hours to devote fare to pay on any through car
to the wonderful Infant that has made Why not tako the best when you are
such woudcrf til progress ln growth and paying for M For any further liitorma
devclopment All occupations to bo < Hon address Ikoiiiib A Ksihiit
llo n VelModo rnmirr of Tarfcer
County Htslsls INe Loijlng or
nn Attachment
litteunlie Inpnrnllim t r a Jliesnfc
Slum In > > en Ocutirr tn nil
Out ut Tim ii
special lo the Unicllo
WnvTiiKiuiinti Trx Hopf 19 rast
lawyer of this place went out
noddys a welModo farmo
CurreniHimleiico of llio llnictlc
Wuvilimtioiin Tux Sept
movement Is on foot and in good liamlj
way for tho pitrpo n of giving a live stock
show In this city on October 1 Somo
of our most prominent men are at tlio
Fourth Indiana cavalry In thlsrlty Lieut
Isgrlgg of tho command who was provost
marshal at Macon Ga ut the time of tho
capture of Jeffeison Davis related the
hoopskirt calico wrapper and an old
straw hood which formed his disguise
when captured
He was courteous to rio and to the guard
Found in cities of several thousandInhab1 Southern lassengcr Agent Dallas Texas I talked freely on every question but that
Hants are followed here 1 S The Vsmlalla Is the only line i relating to tho result of the war
Mm nJ3M8B mM
r w lViriy lr f c W ppyipff
wagon Captain Thompson ot tho Fourth
t Indiana cnialrj i drew hi rcrolicr to Ore
jot Dai I I saw his movement struck
rficwi > anm with and
my nnn tho bullet
low my coal and shirt At the moment
DuK seeing Thompson purpose cried
out For God sake lieutenant save
my life I got the prisoner out of tho
wagon and Into the hotel with a good deal
of alacrity
After that 1 met Ua la at tho Louis
vllle hotel In when ho recognlieil
me and npproathlng said i l must thank
you osr ru rf nt Isgrlgg tiw sarlnt
my life We had quite a ctnt about
the war then l < forc this I had re
ceived letttr of thank from
Iran Ho was my prisoner eight davs
Wednesday Deputy Slnrlff Sterling lHce 1 torvthor ltli Ids wife daughter aud the
accompanied by John I flickson n commissary of his guard These three
to Miirtn M e tok luloMacwi l an old family car
who mo but one couWt see tlutthv
breaking of the
near Auuetii this county to servo an Confederacy bore grlmutslv his
attachment on somo property ot ltoddys tlmin u v
In favor ot W A Huffman of Vort Worth i fT Hl1 cMl0c Hla d rou
When tho oilleerand awor arrl regiinlto myself I x
withmi llttlt
iio nilWHdthlN surprise becnusw
a high tabic land of rich
would not light up more than onetifthTof P rlc Venion is aptly located to meet
tho area Tho council took up the mat lu
ter tonight In cool earnest and ills C0Vy
cussed It impartially Tm
At a late hour tonight by vote of six cc
to four the Icnnev system of electric Mon lis dollglitfiil section and town will
lighting was adopte d The council 1e m0t direct conimuntcjttton with tho
pointed i committee to draft a report an in ftu < li ° w or Mr I dgcll tho editor of
accordance therewith and ronort next ic Guar Is olng and lms l0no muc1
Tuesday night for this town and county I found from
city closed at o p m todav and remain
closed till Op in tomorrow celebrating
lhe register of Dr Woods who by the
5 yJ l l and lihHl m >
t USaii l head of cattlo had passed Yeition
the Day of Atonement The lleformcd rLuJ iu M v f n A > KUst JS These
or Liberal Hebrews held sen ices tiIfTiu uc destined as follows t For
night at tho synagogue and the ultra j V col > y and tho upper Panhandle
orthodox congregation at Liberal hall l r Colorado illltni for Kansas
The sen Ices continue through tomorrow 0 YV Mexico 1050 tor Montana
Tito report of the supervisor of nubile W ° ml fGwcr county and tho Indian
schools published today shows tlto city jjwrltory 2aio
spent 10000 on Its public schools vihlto sl CINNInoham
lVeiillnr Suit In the Courts lit innv
KVAXsviiu lxi > Sept 18 A pecu <
isfi roer ii i v > > <
shoot ho ti Price
whereupon said to get TlS Muln ° ohnr e nl iMr 0XUI
out of tho but1
or I will shoot r t
way you >
tho onicor lalked him out ol tlio notion 1J 1u lJ u l 1 u 1 nU
Today Mr 1ilco with an asMslant Wont Vll itfr
10 ° n1 in u 0lt
out and arrested ltoddy for resistlm an i 1 mvagon
Vncenu refusing ly CoXSX 22 2
sail ow uTot tlio Slow
AH tho Hebrew business houses U the k i I t loi of itoddV was arresUHi York bar was
The iittMchineiit was not made Wedne
daj and there Is no telling what will ho
done when the ollleors will o back for
to Mlicoti t had tor several day occu
pied nu ambulance with iny vvlfo mid
children nnd rode lntt Malum In It
Special to the
g10W liy imUJIU Vir m lwul a u
W hATiiiutcoiiii Tix Sept Is CM 1 cle ot clolhllig which rsgrlug falsely
Wllmeth formerly ot tho Texas christian bad worn at the tlmo ot my cap
ut Thoipe Springs and T 1 ltawllngof i u0 fordid my captors obtain nt tho
Nashville TV wll locate and eslabllsh aUTfeW fij
a urancii otiicool the Gospel Advocate a w n found among tho nppatcl taken
religious paper published nt Nashville when tlio tmitilU ot mj wife and hop
Toim All business connected witln the female servant worn pillaged
paper In Texas will bo attended t by On our arrival at tho hotel In Macon a
tlieso genlleiiien ut this place These small body of troops In trout of tho en
two gentlemen are truly Christian men trance were at open ranks facing In
and wo are glad to welcome them to our ward When L got out ot the ambnlanoo
city vvltli their worthy enterprise to enter tho hotel they presented anus
Doctors DoMoonc and Curtis surgeon tlio I passed through and I received
dentists ot the United States army ar the snluto as an expression ot the leollng
rived In tlio city last night and Will re wvo man show to a fallen foe
main forn few days Tho story of dipt Thompson ot tho
Senator John II Trnylor and John in lVmrtlt Indiana cavalry attempting to
linker of Granbnry came In last nlglit shoot me as I entered the Macon hotel 1
from Dallas whoro they have been for wholly lliitltlous and I leave it to that
three or four days They left for homo regiment Itself lo repel the Imputation
this morning I that one of Its otllc rs would have boon
llov K F lloon left this morning for KUllty of so dastardly an assault on a
his homo at Jacksonville Tox Mr I prisoner
lloon has been engaged with Itev M II Upon that falsehood tho narrator hangs
Wells In holding a series of meetings at laliother lint I nnt htm at the Louisville
the Methodist church at this place hotel In 18M rccognltcil him and ro
ll II Foot and lady returned this mwvetl thanks to him for saving my
morning lioni a tour In the North illfo aud that I had provtniisly
Thoeoiulce work Is being rapidly dono illicit n letter of thanks to him
on tho Porter llros Kltlwell luifldlng bave not been In tho Toiilsvlllo
also on the Caruthers butltllng and In a tol since the war I do not rciumnber
very short time tlieso buildings will lieover to have soeJi or lieaid of this
ready tor occupancy Lieut Isgrlgg at any tlmo or place
Another nlco shower fell here thin and It Is not tru that as ho alleges 1
evening and Judging from the lnok ot was eight days In his custody or Dint I
lhe woiaiior we will j > t br tumbled with navo ever written to hltu it letter nt
tlio dust as heretofore i hanks I remained It Macon but a low
hours and was sent forwaid lo Fortress
Monioe tlio
I evening of the iliv of my
v arrival there Yours
JKitkiihon Davis
H Nr > l rlmllrSftha >
The host salvo used In tho woild
piles sores ulcers salt
arranging everything lo make tho show n rheum tetter iitmppeil hands chilblains
success Liberal premiums will bo i conns and nil kinds of skin eruptions
awarded for the ilnest stock ol eveiy do1 fieckles and pimples The salvo Is guar
scilptlon and size mid the public every1 anteeil to give satMitotloh In every cam
whoreore Invited to have their line stock lie sure von get Henris Caibollo
on exhibition hero on tho day set for tlio I salve as all otheisure hut Imitations and
occasion counterfeits
Judge A P McCormlck judge ot the i
federal court ot the Northern district of iioimiii rn iml
Texas passed threugli Wealherfonl toj Mdmiikvi 1 Q Sept I8tIII
day on his homo at GiaUam Ills
way rtllllli llJi i i
l to < 1 lal >
r l
honor and family have been spending the I
hiimmur at tho promliieiit wateringplaces Montreal committee w III Issue a manifesto
lo the
lu tho North lieiichspcaklng people asking for
Sheriff llaylorls rapidly Improving fmm d
over a weeks Illness though ho Is not
able to show himself on the street yut
John llaeny Jr of tho Sun ami C D
llortnett of the tlriu of A V Starr Co
returned vcsteulay liom nu extensive
business trip In the West
Mrs T P Kerr of Corslcaiia returned
home this morning alter a two weeks
visit to her father Mr Ira 11Tailor nnd
liimlly of this city Her sister Miss ha
Taylor returned with her for a short
Mr K J Simpson returned homo lids
morning from a weeks stay with Ids
brother John N Simpson of DallAs
Mnddox the popular traveling
salesman of Toniiimt Wulker A Co St
Sals of Hi limit IMhil
IIiirilor nt tlio iMiunil nf VVII
ImrxiT enmity Tiimii nuicli nml iu t doi tint
Mill day or Hipleiilliir A i IssV I nlli ni
ciIn lililn fur llii iiirilin inf llin four lenguos
i of Wllliarger comity nrlmnl Inudu rltiiatiiH In
1 IUkIIi coiinlv Iinn llio munlier ill mild
Ivskuuh liulnif h I 7 nnd s No lliln far less
tlmn iikuprrncroon ttrmily uut > llinu illli
1 lmcri t nis ierciiil per iiiiiiiim Inlcrnft tnY
ulile aniiunll In nihil nee wilt Ua roinlltrml
An Imid itKenl ivlm Hill iiuiiiiiiiiulun sals of
ilila land nt iliu irlee and nn llio tirnu nlmve
mulDil un or licfure Hut Xltidnr nf llrlohvr A
Iiins5 wlllriitlvua per rent on the ftiniiiiiii
of mli vitiiii tin llmt cnr < lntcrr t l imlil ninl
tliu deed w llli tuihIoiUrn Imntiilc AnylAiid
ukiiiI ivii iiiiiinniliitin mlo of till IdlHl will lie
I mils is nt Home ullli Ida lining nlitl rmiulrid hviIi In pay for lliu ndverlMfiiifiil in llaliy llio
p ri lallr iAiriitha Dullui
friends J llcrnld mid the Wiioklj cinui Onard
Mrs W J Jordan of thp Vort Js In the i a ciiLaomi
city visiting Iter many filerid
Tim I
r r
Ilinliliint ot tin Mimlliein Cnnriil
iiiey Dircrllis II
lllvrwmt Mi hcpl H1SM
lo tliu lilllnr of HitKiMf Voik llerulJ
road wo stepped aboard his new model a in 1 On my return after a protracted ab
pay enr which under tho control of i No extra charge on either train regard1 mciicc from homo 1 received a slip from >
Trainmaster Alvord was soon bowling i less ot tho fast tlmo made your Journal which I Inclose for greater
over this best constructed of Texas roads The limited express has been dlscon1 convenience In noticing Its contents t
stopping loug enough at sectionhouses tied between St LoulsnndColumbus but Ixiimnaious jvd Aug lf 18S1 At 1
anil stations to pay tho months wages to passengers on day express iin tako the tho leccnt reunion of tho veterans of tho <
all employes
Tho road fiotn Fort Worth lo Its pres
ent terminus Harrold 148 miles passes
through as productive nnd fertile ail agri
cultural district as one can Hud In the
West Growing nud flourishing towns
mici as Decatur Howie Henrietta
Cotllit >
V union TV > Siiit 10 A I
< yViiiiilMluiiv IVIIIiargcr
2923 XX G C AJEtJ
Olilco corner Houston and Fifth fits
circumstances of the capture He do
scribed his participation lu this affair as Postoillco Ilox 10 IT WQUTH TBX
lwcntouttothe lino of my jurisdiction Heck Si Jinkor
to receive Davis Two miles and half
n nnmn i nmoTin i tiutt nnnn
from Macon he became my prisoner and CONTRACTORS Slid BUILDERS
I brought liiiu to the city In an old farm
wagon It was n vehicle With a great willfarnltbntlmsirsof rmtonsll klnd of
deal to condemn It In the way of untighti JiaiMiuy smdyimf cuuntcr tc
llness It had weaknesses nil over It but
to the taxable values of tho state hours quicker time thau those of any jsuillclontstrcngth toholdJoBerMJii Davis i rt 1r
While the paymaster sottleil with em1 other line
ploycs making not less than sixty stops id still further that no other Hue
consuming from live to thirty minutes pretends to make as rjulclc tlmo to New
cacn wo still managed to cover all stops York or U > offer equal accommodation
aud reach Harrold In live hours and foity The cholco of routes Is with you
myself and hU secretary Tho rebel i
chief sat between us and over his head j
from a pole fixed to tho scat hung tbu
J J Knue
OMw oyer 0 ictiwiirU A Co nf r Ti dcr
Nslloualunnk j
So Jeff was disguised i
Yes ft fs no use to question tho < < Wonii
fact The articles of his costume hung w
from that pole Darls boro himself with
n i liiiiimrT c niiiinnii
the fortitude of a bravo man fn troublu SANGUINET DAWSON
The jingle of the spur and the tramplrUnulng a reclining chair car on night j When we tonrdt the International offlf room LJandiowCltrNaUonalllSok
of the cowpony reminds one that this j train between St Louis and Cincinnati I hotel and were about to get out of the jVrtWwUi
iwf wu tsfartilii A M y UdjDnltfd Vu k M rsU U > j O rsff r pi so > f vfc e
tVi fj
lOi l

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