OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 19, 1885, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-09-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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No m
pntMUnd shoncest Natural Iralt risrors
VftnUIn 1oinon OruiK Almond Itoie etc
flavor as delicately and naturally as tho fmlt
Oolf Colorado k sacta re
through TKXIVS
Dally Trains llolwccn
Cleburne Morgan McOreiror Temple Helton
tni > ni Cninriun MllnnnCii dwell
bomervcll Ilreiiliiim Ilillvlllu
llosenboru Houston
Navnsota mill ManlKOincry via Bomorvcllo
And llHKKKU Check < > ill Points ltcnchod by
Hull or Hull
Tho Summer Houtu to New Vork via Unlvctlon
To and from Europe at Lowest Rates
To Parties Wlslilns to Bring 1rlciils to this
Lenvo Port Worth soon in
Arrlvo Houston 1031 p in
ArriveflnlvoMmi 1100 p in
Leave OnlviKtiiii 8lOiim
1civollouHonvlnli IIHAIty II tun in
Arrlvo Inrt Worth li00ii in
Kor further Information address
Oscnr < Miirrny II Timk
Oeiiernl Inucnger Union Ticket Agl
AgentUnlvctlon Port Worth
IN tJw r rim < Ou < l
Taking Kifcct May 181885
Wnsr Arrive
NoJfli dally Bsop in
No sun dally swip in
No M dully evcept Sun
No 301 dally 0t1 n m
Not l dally
No 3Ui daily except Hun7I0 p in
jmsouiu IACiiig
NoiiTlf Arrlvo
No liii dully finop in
N im via Uallat
dnilj UiWp m
nnd Unlveslou
8tup in
800 am
700 n m
130 p in
liVlii in
UtSp in
dally i stopm fiMpin
No l6jdully via ilillns 7Mn in 705 am
rour woiiru uisvincirv
Leave Arrlvo
Northbound 855 am
Southbound 315 pm
ouik cotouviiosv > m rtsi
South Iji o Arrlvo
No J dnlly 8tWnni
Nof dally nicoiiuiiodntlontlU pm
No I dully laOOnlRlit
No li acconiinoilntlon 7 U n m
Not Wt linn JUl uolwccn at Louts nnd 11
Nni TM and 505 between lort Worth nnd Now
Nou im mid 307 lictweon lort Worth mid
No 151 15J 153 nnd 131 run solid trnlna
through mm Hon Antonio to M loul
No lMnnd 151 run via Dnllii
No 2 and 1 bctwocii lort Worth llouMon
Inlon Ticket Agont
lrom an Atlanta IMij loUn
tliilnns Pioneer lllood llencwer has been In
line forjeim with unprecedented miccvm It
I entirely veitetnhlo mid iIoch tho > i > lcm no
harm It Improve thiuippetllo dlRcsllnii mid
liluodmiiMiiK rtlmuhitlui linlirorullng unit
toning up all the function mid llmmcti f tho
sjKtuiuiind thus beimiicii tho gnat Wi it rt
nttrtritiiil hmllh itiloitr It Inerennca the action
tit Hie kln kldiieyalioweln nnd liver theieliy
meltluir iinluro In ellmiuntliig hnimrlllca from
thu blood the Krent valine ot nil dl cnci
11U perfectly evident Hint nnv medicine thnt
wlllnjuliit nature toreiiiovKlmpurllUfrom tho
blood Id u liletmlog to Hutferlug humanity Uls
ea H ot tho liver mid upleen rlomneli nud
bowuls nklii and mucousnimnbrinieisnreemed
by thrtii oot this remedy tonntltnlloniil ns
well n local dlncniteit nre all benellted by Its
lino Scroluln CoiiDiimlUlou IllicumiilUm
tiout SsiiIiIIIh In nil lis oruiKevery variety
ot Skin lilnoniieii l > j pcp taand liiillKeHtlon lu
all lis various lorum toimtlpnttou Pile
tnlntrh Troublen ot llio Mouth Throat nud
Hronchlitl tyleio lll eni < i > s Iecullnr to Ko
innleit StorllitslrreRiilnrhuppiesiicd Painful
bCfliity nnd Pc lo Men trunlliiietenro
iilvny bonetlled mid often cured by Its ini >
In ull dUeimesot tho Skin mid Mucous Mem
brand It deiuonnrittes lit treat enrntlvo
power nit u w iiRiitittnui
Dr UnriiM S II ll < Xa V < iual
t nm pleated to kUIu to the public that
Culimslloneer lllood lteiteverhm < iioemutln
blood pnrpler for I Imotrledl milleleiitly
tJrlillnlln JOllAUNKSM
Tho above ccrtltlcatct nro but a few Inttnncct
of llmi anils In ourpo fli > tloii holnK ulIer
er who Iiavo been rellotod of every form ot
lllood and Skin illnonnoii AVwolc mi > iiit
JMMb Swhtttt tfriviirinJ UhtHmttiita
JIUM iVfoon H il JiiMrfil
For toll Inlormnlloii our freo pamphlet on
llloml nud 8klu 1 Mbcwi w ill bo iiruUliett on
npiilteation t the
Jt tlOX JilinillNK 10 Mscoii lis
Sold In noivdored form easy to prepare at
home with or without spirits small lto Vsi
largo site MH mulled lo imj address on o
eelpl of price Itould form email nUcJIW
largo tlio 1173 At iilioloslr li
H W WILUAMS COrortWerthTsi
1rtTO > lU
NcrMwows WmV m
SH MIhI muuu
Ml Nu il tullriljlrr
Yj n > ll At It tS IMUMMlrf
Vrtntiu lUnVlijl
HUK WiU i slhifAU S Y
lyegaiilly Vnriinhcd lwm with or wih
oufboard Oimuloek frfim the ItoSodsle Street
car line Rust
JIlM jL Xj UoilltlllOllt
m P
Dining nntniTsfcrloiis AUcmpt to Itoli
n Woman by First Administering
Mil lnrmer llndly Toiitfiioltcnleii
Twenty Tlimnnnil Dollar CnttlcSnlo
In Montague County
Special to tho ffnicttc
lAiNiwvdti TrX Sept 18 Xows
was given the pnlillo today of a bold at
tempt at robbery near the olty on Monday
night by tho use of chloroform It oc
curred at tho residence of Mrs
Margaret Houston tin elilorly lady who
liven two wiled north of the city She
had retired for the night and watt I lug on
a lounge by an open whitlow Having
U bed she was unable lo sleep and
was aroused by tho fumes of chloro
form Tho only person sleeping
In the room besides herself was tt little
girl whom she awakened with great dlf
lleuity and proceeding to her neighbors
notllfed them of her experience Search
was Ininieilhittly Instituted but the rob
bers mado their escape The ludys step
mother who recently died left several
thousand dollars and Mrs Houston was
heir lo a considerable amount These
matters were known and besides she ban
had money on her premises mid these
facts are supposed to bo the Incentive of
the parties who made tho attempt
bprelil to tho tiazutlr
fjAtMHviiiiTix Sept 18 An old
farmer named Hurglss was badly hurt last
night about 8 oclock He was walking
across Klin street when a hack driven by
Scott Mayers came around the comer
the tongue striking Hurglss on llio side of
the face with considerable force knock
lug him down and causing the blood to
flow freely The old iiiau was picked up
and carried to a drug store near by where
Ids wounds were drewed It was very
ilnik when the accident occurred ami
neither the street lumps nor tho < e on the
hack were lighted Tho matter was In
vestigated by tho city authorities and
no bhiino seems to bo attached to the
Justice Holmans court convened to
day lo hear the case of Tom McDonald
charged with theft of n horse but on
count of tho absence of Important wit
nesses the hearing was postponed until
Curg Williams yesterday sold his entire
stock of cuttle to hvln Ivy and John
Smith of Montugticcotiuty consideration
Itellglons services were held by the
Hebrew congregation In Odd Fellows hall
tonight iiiicl M also buheltl toinonow
In commemoration of the day uf atone
Tho Hews which appeared In yester
days Oti ui ol the prospect of an
eatly extension of the Gulf Colorado
Santa Ko was read with much Interest by
our people
William A llowen manager of the
Austin branch of the Suit Antonio Ex
press was In the city today
J J Miinnerlng and Miss C Duughty
were married yesterday by ltev 1 S
CorrcpnouuWo of tho SizcUe
itiM svtiii Tr Sept 17 A letter
potts excellent crops In that rich section
Cotton will make a bale to the acre corn
fotty to sixty bushels to tho acre Mr
lames Heufro has ITS acres planted lu
corn which will yieldsoVeutyllvo bushels
to theacie A fumier named Crawfoitl
says ho will make 100 liusluis per acre off
oflils 115 acre pltice The merchants of
Gainesville subscribed liberally to put the
roads leading to Pauls Valley In good
condition and will secure the trade from
that section
Marshal llraelton arrested In this city
yesterday John Jackson for exhibiting it
pistol on the public square lacksou is
also wanted by tho county authorities for
housebreaking at Mountain Springs Ho
Is repoited to be it very bad character
Yesterday was a big tiny in our eily
Tho attraction was Harrelts circus and
our country cousins were here In large
numbeis About 11000 people visited both
performances and everybody seemed
There Is considerable sickness In town
tho prevailing complaint being of it rheu
matic order It is thought dengue fever
has reached here
I M Sll J SO
Air T W Atkins Glrard Kan writes
I never hesitate to recommend your
Elettilu Hitters to my custonieis They
give entire satisfaction and are mold
sellers Electric Hitters are the purest
and best medicine known and W 111 posi
tively euro kidney and liver complaints
Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
No family can afford to bo without them
They will suo hundreds of dollars lu
doctors bills every year Sold at GO cents
it bottle by U W Williams SCo
How i MliineHittii tnn Vlis
tlio MetiopotU
Spcelnt to llio tlarette
llecu > Ml to
Nrw Yoitu Sept 18 H 1 Severance
a horse dealer of Adums Minn arrived
here jesterday and stopped at tho Ash
laud house Severance was startled by
tho receipt last month ot tho typical saw
dust circular offering to sell a queer
stuff which was postmarked Hay 1ott
LI Ho answered It and received a
printed code uf instructions which con
tained the usual liuinbuggoty and mystl
ilcrttlou which pavo tho way to tho
boodlo swindle such as Tom Davis
tried to practice on the Texan
lu this code or circular Severance was to
know himself as No 100 ami thu
boodle man was to bo J Kellclicr
The dual Instruction wax that Sovemuco
would telegraph en route to Jdm several
times and would register at tho Ashland
house as lames Nlxson Klntlra N Y
her was out of town for a few days
Severance consulted tho proprietor of the
hotel who sent for an ollluer and had Uie
negro arrested
in U i i i
Womans lne < >
What Iiirulturc can give Mich HiiIrU to
n room ns a tender womans faco asks
Geoigo Eliot Not any wo aro happy
to ttnswar provided tho glow
tempers tho tender expression
anxious bloodies faco of tho consump
tive or the evident sufferings of the dys
peptic Induce feelings of sorrow ntid
grief on our part nml cotntiel us to toll
tliom of lr Pierces Golden Medical
Discovery the sovereign remedy for
coiiMimpMon and other diseases of the
respiratory system at well as dyspepsia
and other digestive troubles Sold every
Tlio Chinamen l ii lii tlm Scrim of Hie
Itiriiit Jlnssiurt
Ciiisyiixvk V T Sept 18 Tito Chi
nese tiro fast leaving Itock Spring being
afraid to resume work and It Is confi
dently expected that the whites will soon
be enabled to commence operations The
road west from Hock Springs Is lined
with Chinamen with their faces turned
toward tho setting sun Tho white miners
are greatly encouraged over the present
prospects An amicable adjustment bo
taken it strong cup of coffee before going tweon the company and tho Knights of
of Itwittl
Tho pale
fabor Is expected nt once
AttorueytUii Campbell left Cheyenne
for Hock Sptlngs last evening to pio cciite
the participators In the recent massacre
Humors are rife that further trouble at
Hock Sptlngs Is expected but no paltlctt
lars can be ascertained
miNnsi coxMiiLs iwrsTitiviixti
Hock Spiiinis W T Sept 18 The
government directors of tho Union la
clllo on a tourof inspection arrived from
tho Hast yesterday They were met by a
committee of citizens who presented over
thirty closely written pages of evidence
showing the antiChinese demonstration
to have been the outgrowth of nn accumu
lation of giievaances under which tho
miners hail suffered for several jears
The directors will continue their Investi
gation today leaving for the West In the
afternoon Three Chinese tonstils arrived
yestetday to inquire Into tho cause and
effects of the late riot In behalf ol the
Chinese government They are Consul
Jeiieral Heen of San Francisco II Y
Yung Foy of Washington and Consul
iencral Tslng of New York They are
accompanied i > y interpreters They were
closeted with their own people most of
tho day It Is Impossible lo leant just
now what they have accomplished They
will remain here several days
A IVnlkliiK Siteliton
Mr E Springer of Mechanlcsbuig la
writes I was mulcted with lung fever
and abcess on lungs and reduced to a
ac vnlkimj tkelclim Hot a free trial bottle
of Dr Kings Xew Discovery for Con
sumption which did mc so much good
that I bought a dollar bottle After using
three bottles found myself once mote a
man completely restored to health with
it hearty appetite and a gain in llcsh of
48 lbs Call at II W Williams Co s
drugstore and get a free trial bottle of
this certain cure for all lung diseases
Largo bottles 81
A Oynniiilter Arrested
Dixviii Coi Sept 18 Last Sunday
night the police arrested u man named
0 W Smith while in the act of pluclng a
dynamite cartt Idge on the Denver lilo
Iraude truck near here The ca e was
worked up by ti prlvnto detective who
was taken Into the secret At nn appoint
ed Unto olllccrs wore concealed near the
spot where the explosive was to be de
posited The matter was kept from the
public In the hope that Smith would con
fess and Implicate others His examina
tion occulted today
llnekleiiitAriilen Suhc
The best salvo In tho world for cuts
bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever
sores tetter chapped hands chilblains
corns and all skin eruptions nml posi
tively cures piles or no pay required It
Is guaranteed to give petfect satisfaction
or money refunded Price US cents pet
box For sale by H W Williams Co
A halfbreed Indian in Montana begun a
lew years ago with two or three head of
cattle thu business of raising stock
Yearly ho has disposed of n poitlonof thu
Increase and recently lie has sold his
held for 000
llepatoxone cures constipation head
aches and resiires tho appetite in all
cases Ask your uraggist for It
Col Mostly who bowed lo thu Inter
viewer on tho very day of his dcbureatloii
at tho Golden Gate says that ho intends
to make his home not In Virginia us of
yorobut on the luclllo slope lie Is to
open a law olllce In Situ Francisco
Miliaria pi evented and thotonuhly
eradicated by Duffys Fine Mult Whisky
Hecoimuended by leading physicians
Sold by diugglsts and grocers
Tho Germans rarely have been pitted
agilust dm Spaniards tho Dutch being
the oldtime enemies of Spain On the
Llith of May 17H the Spunluids gave the
Germans quite a drubbing In the battle or
ltrlKlit teeth and lips Unit glow tho while
ttlvo llislit mil color lo n smile
And Inliiiltely more than this
lilto llxht nnd color to n kins
Hut both must Miller rrniu the wnnt
tit tlie lifegiving SOODUNT
Ton drops of Angosliirn Itltteis Impart a
delicious ilnvor to all cohlilrlnkn nnd prevent
tumiucr dlseasus Trj llnmljonwill never be
without It but bo buro to net tho worldre
iiowncd AiiKoviiirn mnniifiictured only br
Dtt J H II bKlllUllr < c stINS
The Crescent restatnant keeps open
all night so meals may bo hud nt nnv
larties having land nml cattle to sell
are solicited to correspond with J P
Geren real estate nsreut Sherman Tex
811HIO ltewnrd
I will pay 1000 for the arrest and con
viction of tho parties who attempted to
nib mo on Lamar street Saturday night
June 0 or will pay 500 for either of
them M H Lovn
Light wholesome bread can nlwavs be
made by using Silver Loaf baking pow
der according to direction
A negro named Ctiitls called on Sev t viuituiriun mm liuiurrs
ernnoo at tho hotel last night mid asked i Hy order of tho commissioners court
Excuse meinvvou G So 100f iof Concho county Texas the under
Sevortmee admitted that ho was and signed county judge of said county Is
received tt letter to the effect that Kelle authoilrutl to recelvu bids until Soptcm
bor SO 185 lor Uie building of a court
hotisoln the town ot Taint Hock Concho
county Texas In accordance with plans
ami speculations now on tile In tho
county dorks olllco of said comity
Tho building of said conrthousu to bo
paid tor In county bonds
The commlsstoiiertt court reserves tho
right to reject airy and all bids
W 1 Donsox Coiuitv Judge
V O lalnt Itock Concho county Texas
Gall and oxamino our large stock or write for cntaloguo
and prices before milking your purchases
Knlninco lo Undertaking Jlepartment on Third street
promptly nttcnled to
Telegraph orders
Books Stationery llusical Instruments
Mason Hamlin Chase and Shoningcr Organs and White Sewing Machines
factory prices duplicated llnrirnlns In rcondlinnil InrtrumenlB Ilnnoi nnd organ tnned and repaired Needles mtupkn I
dl kinds ot senlngiuaililnci Picture frames mado to order Orders by mall promptly tilled aiuuuM
Agents for
of Clinton
TZgi2Jli9 Tossistss
llio widelyknown Horning Glory Syrup Gravely Tobacco and Tiusleyg M
Wo are now in position to make very closo prices on all character of Groceries Ask for ourfigwts
AVlioloHJilo nnd XSetnil DeuleiN in
N ywc
State Agents for tho
Plows Cultivators and Harrows TIios jULoiklo Co s PJojvbi
Cultivators Sucker State Grain Jhills and Strowljridgc
Broadcast Seed Sowers
Mer Leather anl Coin Belting Hose Lace Leather Sliaftii aufl Pulleys BarM ai Sii ftwfi
Wagons Seeds and Tents
Pumps GasPipo and PumpEngine Fittings
The Largest and Most Oomploto Lino of
prmg wagons
Thirteenth tcsslon open tho
Second Monday In September 1885
And Continues Nino Calondar Months
Thcro aro ten distinct schoolwith acorn
pen lit and experienced toucher In charuoof
Wo have a moral rctlnril and quiet village
No whisky shops ilealtlniiisiirpaMeil bend
for catalogue A and It UIAIIK
81 tells telei
° Jl n ° llh dy ot September tM tho sisters
pt St Jtiry will non an academy forsounir
ladles en 1 hrockmorlon street near the
Ulliollo cluireh For piirllculara apply to ltov
Throckmorton ilreet fort
W t l T
c oi wi J lite Kuih M llvl HuirjloN i
Why lupnlar
The vvidespread poptilatlty of Silver
Loaf baking powder Is due to the
strengih purity of tho ingredients
that enter Into Its composition and re
piMtcdchemiciil tests place It side lv
do with the most popular brauds In
the market and show It tho pcor of nnv
lKiwder yet offered tho public Tho
manufacturer asks only n trial with other
brauds and Is willing to abldu tho re
Cheap guns nt Texas Pawnbrokers
V W4 bte J l fe l
Jr > vo < GXlxX dsaXXI b
Iil > ovnl Ycrvances on Consignment
L and j9l
Noa 409 411 and 413 Houston St
ItunolioM ml TiiMturch 3tttt > nml Count
ftlllllOlul X niUlM fOV fc5Ul or Ia10
Fort Wor1
ni m
Lands Coniti
Renflered anil Taies Pail Lands lor Sale In Every
N ll We control tho snlo ot railroad and school lands 3t > clUiMW
tho ort Worth V Denver Cllv railroad In WIclitta Wilbarger Harm1
WJchUa Falls and Harrold ToX ygs
c °
11 TV wu rAiM
Wholesale Druggi
IAteiit Medicines at Mmlllfnett re rates Hcadqnartcri
stock of Drugs nuu Medicines In > orlh Texan at bottom price
for SW
1J 1r
t t

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