OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 26, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-09-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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v r
puiutsunn eveiiyday
le Ir ld nt
K M Vanniult W 0 Turner
lofl It Hiown XV A Huffman
II II latlilock Clins fetbeubcr
Jan XV fixroync
usrcifTivii cuMJiiTrfi
W A Huffman XV 0 Turner J XS
W I Mnlone General Manner
OIBre of rul > llr tl n Kffontl M Ilsttttm llouittm
ninhrorlninrlin Knternl t the Kurt Morlh
Iftitoirrr xi Krconlt lui l ll Matter
isvirs or hujihuuiiiiok
ro tun Hvnacninriwr
fWW Immbl bj th toUMri
OnnYonr I0 u > One Year
AlxMnmhi a uo six Months
ThrcoMonilm I llitua Months
wshirrnrit Jtr otnniitn8t
ItiWeok Hoentd
Unto of Atlvcitlsliu furnished < > n Appll
Ittmltitnife Ill ilraftyoitoffict > > onler or
tnrnrittcrtillilieriitrftt < i oJrc
CvrreipoiuhMc It ivlldttl i it all iuki nib
ITompt Innrmatlnn neitiitt and ntirt happtn
< ujj t > f neutral Inter ft totUUtd and tcilt be
provtily toMptumM
Intended or
Ml tommmltatton
owt ami <
muil be iKtmnmlnlil bu thr irrlttri
a ltt t t i iB ail nlilente Al
tlreinHtitfarpiibtleolltin but ait
ratituwrttlny to TlIK MliriK nn MKfHM
ttrional to themttltti fill iiltuK Inflow itumJur
Uliletltn relating to biulnmt of any Unit thoulil
IcudiKOKluTlliliAtiri l rt Worth Tex
hATUUIlAY lloitNINO HlirriJlllirll Mil
Tlio Democmt lubllflhlnj company
hafe pmclmned the business anil good
will Of tlio Dally and Weekly GAZiiiri
ami will hereafter publish a dally mid
weekly newspaper under the uame of
Tup Oadith
Tlio Democrat Iubllshlng company Is
nuthoiUcd lo collect all bills duo Tiik
OAirnK for aiheiUsing or subscrlitlon
Tim fAiiiii Printing company will
jiiy all debts and liabilities due by said
DiwtoniAr IriiitsiiisoComtasv
lly KM
ll II IlllMIMI toMlWV
lly Cli o tl Iovimi Manager
lour WourilTev Hept 10 is
ro run lviuw
Under the toruiM of pureluisi of Tin
Oaihii btiHlness the luotte ltlnt
lng company assumes all liabilities In
curred by Tin Iaxki i n up to September
II jostonlay ami the Democrat Publish
ing company will collect all debts due to
Tiik Gai iii
The Domoumt IublKhlngrompsny has
no lutuiost In the laitlu Job olllce
whtuh remains the propel ty of the in
7cttu Illudug eompiin
ro oun vointKxioxDUxrs
Under tlni contract between the two
companies the iaette Printing com
pany will pay all outstanding obligations
Imanred up to September it 1SS5 Cor
respondents of Tm I ii 11 will there
loru please lender their bills to Tin
UMrrri Printing company up to thai
date us the Democrat Publtsiiluu com
pmywlll be lesponslble forsueh senlce
aflui that date
All correspomh uls who deslie to con
tinue their service with Tin lumn
will pletse make Immediate application
to this company Acceptance of applica
tion will he accompanied by Instructions
mid rate of ompeiisuttou
DitMociui PiiiiasinNii CojiiuNV
ro rui vvnuv
The only nutlioilud traveling cor
ieS > oudeuts and agents ot Tin iviiiu
are 11 W llnburhou anil It W Hunt
Any UMtsl inco lendoied or favors shown
Uio > e gentlmucu will be nppiielated
ro run nliric
Parties lining bills against Tin Ov
an i will please parent them piomptly
on the Nt of each month On the 10th
of each month eveiy bill of every kind
will be settled lu lull It found comet
Til t Dallas obituary notice like a
Short season piomls > oty note will begin
JxMnety days after date etc
i Wi i
dintuos heait weighed t 00 pound
It Is uunecessaiy to add that Jumbo was
not el the f mlnlne gender
Tin old tollable Dallas lleral d seems
to haxo soiiw dlilluulty In lludlug tellable
onViespondeiits Poor old Koiald
loitv hit uv xs Is off on what ho pleas
nntly I mm slils posing tour This Is
utllol nt notlco for tlio foolkiller to be
jjttt Ids round
i I
lunNSiiuuMxs wh l attempting to
tlio tho Ohio hoait xvllh a whirl of
tho Stmu old bloody shltt Is the Individual
who Umiarked four years ago that there
wore no vtal Issues dividing tho two pat
tlos lllit then that was an off tienson lu
WiisTniiN Texas will not bo forgotten
lu tint not dlstilbutlon of state olllces
Nollhor will her dologaloo bo linked down
and denied tho light of npoooh lu the next
eonxoHtlon In fact the way things aro
going now wo fear the hossoo will bp
Hully ml od from that assembly
> <
Oov lionmtisgcts in his ujruhtido
ntixlof an lutervlew which occasions us
to itnmnk th it Tnvr xeki t u stands out
solitary aud alone as tho only nax > I > t
has fltntlshod an Inlorvlow with tho Old
Aluuldo ou political tuples that still
stands Die wear and tear ot lliw
damnify nil II rallnot control Attnek
upon Mr Houston omii wpic ilic > based
on ttio truth ftirnlili iio imtllclent atone
initit for tlio uTbst inuntianaipinont of
oirtolal tiusUt
v >
Tm Ohio voter wlio Innocently trust
In Mr Kticrninn must fiavi mi liillnllc
Mod of patience else lie would get tlrcil
of having to rush to the defense of the
Inlon one day out ol every BOB Ilio
chances are ho will family coma to the
eoiiultistoli Hint Mich n Union ih that Is
hardly Worth tircyarVltitt ntiyuay
i I
Coiiioiiaik encroachment In the Went
must ultimately attract the attention of
an honest ImvmaUInj tumor No ntnount
of sophistry about the wicrednesn of a
frnsl which It li sought to subvert to the
Injury of H voiy Inheiltorsi no appeals
to Motional prejudice anil no efforts of
the weulllty and powerful class which h
dliectly Inlerosled can ward off the Inev
itable In ppltc of olllclal initll ulty and
legislative ftervlllty laud legislation Is
coming that will do justice lo the people
of Western Texas
Tin Iost declares that It Is anxious to
now whether Tin iiinr favors the
same policy for the school lands of Texas
that the president has adopted with tefcr
once to the Indian Tenltoiy In view of
the covenant between the ludlaus and the
government and the widely different vlr
cumstnnces of the two sections this Is a
eiy funny question Indeed Permit us
dear Post to ask you a question Arc
> ou In favor of the same land policy In
Texas that the federal government has so
long and successfully pursued In legard
toYfdOKm public lands
iriwiin run iosr gomes v
A short horse Is soon curried The
Ilrcnhnm Banner says
The Port Worth Jam rr takes a pe
uillar xlevv of the silver question It
assumes that a standard dollar Is now
w oi Ih only eighty cents and that the farmer
Who sells his cotton or the laborer who
Is paid Ids weeks wages lu silver loses
LU per cent In this part of the country
ten silver dollars will buy just as much
as u 8M gold piece
That Is tlio superficial view Silver Ih
illegal tender and when offend cannot
be refused or taken at less than Its face
value Hut thcio Is another way of
getting around the dlllleully If seventy
nine cents worth of silver Is called a dol
lar so can sex catnine tents
wot th of produce or goods be
called a dollar When the laborer makes
a purchase he gets sexcnljnine cents
woithforhlssuveiilynlnecent dollar the
dollar that has hi en paid to him for 100
rents worth of work lie loses the twen
tyone cents All banks lu the Kasl lend
money and make their contracts payable
lu gold or on a gold basis Thus they
compel the payment of gold The com
mon laboierriinuol compel the payment
of gold but must accept the cheaper
metal which Is vvoith tvveutyom cents
less on the dollar than It purports to be
The Texas farmer sells his cotton for
silver to the local dealer Hut the ulti
mate price of thai cotton Is iled In Now
Yoik and 11 Is llxcd on a gold basis and
by men who take euro that full account Is
taken of the iclatlvc xalue of gold and
sliver The fanner loses twentyone cents
on every ilolhus woith of cotton he ells
anilforevuiy Q5I bale he gets less by
610C0 than he ought to be paid
Probably the llaimcr never looked at It
In this light
Nn Vmillct Itmiilititil
1110 MltINO TIA sept il lssv
lo Hip hillliir ot tlio aiHe
We notice In Tin Oxim ot the liJnd
lust an account of the death of I
Spaiks who was assassinated near this
pmce on last Sunday night We as the
eoroitois Jury sitting on the case deslie
to Infoim the public that the facts as pie
seated by your uipoiter weie not found
by ni but on the coutiaty tint to dato
we lmxu not lendered a verdict In the
1 D I lttllNS
1 A Monxiixs
lluuu ir
M XIIIi llxiuv
1 i Itiuitnu
cW llAiir
1111 INN P
MITTKHS FltOll TIIK > Kl > liK
I lie < iiiri < tlos lliilliiin I oi Ilio Cimi > lmiiU
ii tilt liniitr
xoiNO iiurrixxs
To tlio Lillleret the CiiAlle
1 notice III your Issue of September i11
communication signed Stranger I am
ashamed to say that Stranger might Viavo
ouumoiatoil many other shameless do
lugs on Kust Wciithotford street 1 that oc
cur dally Tho writer witnessed one lu
particular There Is a Utile bov tho son
of a widow living In Ibis pait of tho
ulty who gave away a lot of boys who
robbed the peach orchard of a gentleman
well known to us all Well as usual
those young roughs bandul them
selves together and after weeks ot watch
ing mid waiting caught the bov out
and proceeded to slug him lu tiio most
brutal manner At length tho poor bojs
mother appealed upon the scene when
she was struck In tho chest With n rock
largo enough to kill a man Tho writer
also foil Into disgrace with thoso same
young bloods for a tilnillit offense
and for weeks alter tour or live of them
never passed my house or met
mo on the street but did
all tin > could lo Insult
me by calling me offensive names What
VSuv wo to do The law has been tried
and found winitlng And as for the
Chinaman Stranger atludos to Well
what In the use it talking about out
rages In the territories when outrage
go m right lioto In the heart of this city
I i Now we all know that boys will be
Twiii u Hm dttix Isfonrless and tlie J bdxv Hut
< lpouiUoss of those whoso ilaferttiit mallJv uu
why Is tho law silent
out children allowed
k U
aniWtl4lmtlii he his alNtiann
exposed p h o mmurllen rsf
l > Ul ° bl W f conscious Kor would it not luxe boun immlor lnd
iQu aivTiu people of 1 t0 ot
noed to totiit ht to rubuki species
thut poor widow lady been killed Is It
not coxyarilly tothrow stones at de >
eisoluss iprjion and thoiihldoAoursoJxos
mvoy laIt iptu cvvvsnUy aelfor hw
or moie nojs to
eilse inu for
S p v i
box PxVoting hdy callar hdme at bedtime
that arrix rather J
A llli ln lit tlio Minpn or a 1riililrlldj
rUiHiilnnliir A Sin Inl Afditr
Corrc ioncteiici > of tlio Onrette
lliriinx Tix Sept SoThe full
trade has opened and business Is getting
much better
A great many cattle are being shipped
oxer the Port Worths Denver fiom this
point at piesent
The new Presbyterian chinch of this
plice will be dedicated next Sunday
motulng ut 11 oclock liev II S lIttlc
of Denton will piench tho dedleatiou scr
Ikaid Hros Word h ivo leased the
old courthouse and begun the nvmuftict
mo of apiatrlcdog and ant exteiiiilnutor
The compound Is said to be sine death on
these posts and wherever tiled has
ptoxcilan eminent success Dr A T
Kdwaids Is the manager and pieseilp
One of the most delightful affalisof the
seasoiiwisihesuelabloglvenby Miss Mary
Isiael at the residence of her sister Mrs
G A Archibald on Wedliesdax oxenlug
After music voeul ami Instrumental had
been Indulged In a hllce of cake anil a
glass ot spaikllng xvlno wanned the hunts
ol the merry guesth after which the even
ings rev elrj was concluded by a few nip >
o thought fantastic Those pivsent xxeioi
Miss Mary Israel Miss Pmma Holmes
Miss Dora Mai tin Miss Delia Miller
Miss OUle lleffner ol Shrevepoit la
Mr and Mrs 1 p Uanlvvignt Chlcagoj
Mr and Mis i a Aivhlbald and a
numlivr of vouug gentlemon
District court has been In session
during the past two weeks V
Williams piesldlug and O U Pinlay
piosecutlm Tho criminal docket was
taken up Monday and the case ot the
State vs W 1 Wofford lor the imuder
ot 11 M Simmons about a year ago was
called but on account of the absence
several of thoprluclpil wUm es tho
caso was continued by the state until the
next term of court the testimony lu
this ease before the coroners jiitx ixas
very damaging to the defendant
A IiiIp Cnltir Jllilnlivn for n lluiclai
AiiioiiTiixiu Niitr
Mrnimlini o nt tlio uelU
M xusii vi t Tkx Sept SI l eiiixy
negro William Hanks xxho escaped from
his brother and took In the town has
been tried for lunacy adjudged liisauo
and coutlned in tho eoimtv i iff
Uk loported that a ceitaliivvollknoxvn
umnfagreod tu call at a
eetwij tdmrbtta re id jioe t o rt i i
much 8i
place In Which to bring up children If iioxv the young man iiiovei
Indeed tlioynrc not killed before they rait agree however that lie stood
be brought up and the day may come Moon ih iiiTddlc out oflhe K street clvar
xvlirii more people will gel nn the cars at
loit Worth than can be Induced to get
off Num
WillitThU Mutual TrotrrlllR AmihIrttlnn
I A < < olii > lt lili > >
Correspondence nf tlio Unzctle
licx I en Ti x Sept L8 Today was
cotlutf Hle day by the farmers alliance
people and taken In all was not up to
the expectations of those concerned Al
though the peugon Is somewhat advanced
mid ihoie has been but little cotton sold
heie up to this time yet there were only
about forty bales on the market today
of which llfteen wore not sold but were
stored lu the Alliance yntd
This elfoit on the part of the farmers
to bulk their cotton and sell In large
quantities Is a new thing and Is upsetting
the calculations of the cotton buyeis In
this place mid In the course of tune
should the movement grow It will upset
the calculations ot the buyers of other
ylaecs too The fiirmcis seem
lo think that by thin means they can con
trol the cotton markets and secure better
pilccsfor their products but whether
they xvlll accomplish their purpose re
mains to be seen At any rate hey seem
to bo matters of the situation so far as
they go and so fur as the Bale of their
cotton Is concerned selling or holding
as they see lit
The Inquiry naturally arises as to what
this movement means and In order lo
answer It brlclly your correspondent has
ondeaTorcd to leant some of Its workings
objects and pui poses An Intelligent
member says that It Is a secret
association organlcd on a bash
similar to the Knights of
Labor for mutual counsel protection
and the special advancement of the farm
ing classes They aiguo that merchants
law vers doctors and In fact nil classes
of business and professional men fouii
combinations foi mutual protection and
for the purpose of enhancing Values lu
which they as a class may have an inter
est and that farmers certainly have the
same right They deny that their organi
zation bus cither a political or sectional
aspect bin that it Is Intended to apply to
social and business lclatlous only
The organization Is now some six years
old and numbers about 80000 members
mostly confined to Northern Texas The
basis of 1th organization diffeis materially
fiom that of the Grange which took such
a boom a few years ago in fact It Is said
Unit when farmers become acquainted
with Its principles It nadily takes the
place of the Grange The power it
already wields can be seen when one re
members that on one occasion last year
when the cottonbuyers of Denton bid
moic on cotton than Decatur merchants
would three thousand bales were carried
away In one lump fiom this place and sold
at Denton
What It will accomplish when all the
farmers lu the state and In the South join
It for they claim that this will follow
and become active ineiubeis will un
doubtedly finnlsh ample work for the
man who Is willing to examine the ques
tion thoroughly
This seems to hu a day of organiatlon
and combination and thcrels apparently
no leason why the same fexer should not
take hold of the farmers loo It Is per
fectly natural for men to combine to pio
tect theluselxes from real or ex en
Imaginary wrongs mid this day
of cheap nowspuperh railroads anil
telegraph lines which haxo left their
mark on all classes of men has not been
without effect upon the funnels They
ceitnluly read and think more intelli
gently upon tlio great problems of life
than ever before In the history of the
The fanners have now In operation at
this point a good cotton jurd and have
Set tiptut the second ami fourth Wcduos
dajs In each month as days for tlio sulc of
cotton to which they Invite the at
tendanco of buyers fiom abroad
not upon
mil knocked
e to homo
Mr W Oralunn pi Henderson ro
ccritlv appointed dlstrldt attdilioy to llll
the unexpired term of J G Garrison re
signed Is In attendance on tho district
court and Is acquitting himself i wltn
credit and Co tho fcatlsfaatloii 6f tlio lar
Iuko Jloorccoloicd Is on trial for
Tho cose of fames Tlllery transferred
from Gregg county for tho killing of Dr
Allison at longvlexv last Ncxembcr will
be called Monday
Cotton Is coming In slowly Uuslness
Is dull i
The now compre s had up steam yes
terday and pressed twentylive bales of
The grand jury has so far found 100
true bills and is still grinding nvx ay
Sexeral days ago about thlity telephone
subscilbers signed a letter to tho com
pany saying that unless tho price for
phones was reduced to per month they
could bo taken out October 1 The
company wrote back that they could not
make the reduction aud nearly If not all
tho business houses will discontinue the
phono October 1
A Wan shot Ihiwn In Colli llliimt mi lip
Special to tho Curette
Cixiiksviiii Tix Sept L5 A
shocking murder was committed two
miles southeast ot town at 1 oclock this
Tho facts as stated by Dr Williams
an cyewltncis of the affair aro as fol
lows Dr Williams and the deceased
William Messlck Were tiding to town
SeeingIlm Ward at a distance coming
toward them Messlck lemaiked thcio
Is a man with a gun
Meeting hlui Messlck bade him good
moining while Ward said nothing bill
raised ids gun and shot Messlck
In the shoulder Messlck leaned over
aud pirtly fell fiom his horse lie
alighted however to his feet still hold
ing to tho bridle A second hot brought
him down and the witness being unaiiued
dodged behind a tree Ward coolly un
bieecbed his gun took out the empty
hells and reloaded It Ho then ap
pioichcd his fallen victim and discharged
a third load in his head He told Williams
ho had killed the damned rascal and then
disappeared In the brush Ward had
threatened Messloks life but had lately
affected to bo reconciled
A negio was murdered on Messlck s
place last summer ami Messlck together
with several of his neighbors suspected
Ward and was trying to work up tho case
Messlck xxas a quiet Inoffciislvejmau and
a good clllcn Ho leaves a wlfo and six
chlldien Ward Is tiunuinlcd aud has
binne a haul name
lWlniiiullimiy lllilomires ixp rt < il in
Xm York CUMtomJIoitM
Xkvv Yoiik Sept LS Tho Times lids
morning sayss Tlio ntinierouscomplalnts
of the evils arising from tho undervalua
tion unit roappralsemciit of Imported
mercluindlsm Incited Secretaty Manning a
short tlino ago to commission three
United State special agents to make an
Investigation Tho three agents have
been at work beio for several days and
whlhpeilngsof extraordinary dlsclosmes
aio already Jicuid among the einplovesof
Ibu customhouse and tho appraisers of
tleo The Investigation Is being con
ducted secietly and its results If made
public at all must Hist be filleted
through the trcasuiy department It Is
notgeneially known but three huge Im
porting houses of this city haxo lately
paid to tho government moie than 1L0
000 each on lcuppralsemeuth of goods
they bad been accused of undeivalulng
It Is probable that a dozen or llf
teen New Yoik Units will bo
pressed to pay the United
States treasury moneys which the gov
ernments agents belloxu should have
been originally paid In honest duties
These sums will aggregate 1000000 A
widely signed petition is now In cliculn
Hon among tho New York imporlois ask
lug congiess lo substitute a specltlo tariff
for the existing rate xihlch Is subject to
tho liiterpietattou ot special agents
KiiIrIiIh or Hu VViiliTitl > Alnrniiil
PouriXMi OitriiON Sept Io A large
Chineseilrm hero 1ms reccixed a dispatch
fiom Iewiston Idaho slating that agents
have been sent over to Pierce Cltv to In
vestigate tho repotted hanging of tlvo
Chinamen theie It Is said that ono of
the men hanged was a wealthy Chinese
merchant named Guxcuuin who had just
closed hi business ami was about to re
tutu to China The Chinese firms heie
ate Houbled about tho lute outrages t
Hock Spilng Coal Creek and Pierce Cltv
on their country men and evldenly fear
they may be repeated on n larger sealo at
San 1iMiiclsco
lliruil l > III HpiiUIi > lltslgH
Svmx Ki S I Sept 5 It Is
learned hero that tho United States teni
torial judge William 11 Plemlng chief
justice of Now Mexico will probably re
slgu his olllce within a few days lude
Plenilng Is now In Kentucky liK former
home emleaxoibg to lecover fiom a
serious Illness letter recelxed from
him hays he has small hopes of lecovei
lug his health and he must lcluctiinily
jeslgu his judicial seat Judge Ilemlng
has only held his olllce a few month
riiKHvnrnSullil lmta
The best blood purlller and sxteni
regulator ex or placed within loach of
humanity truly Is Plettrle
Inactivity of the Uiver lllllous
ss Jiiundlco Constipation Weak Kid
noys or any disease of tho urinary organs
orwhoexorivquiies an appetizer lonlo
Jtm ailt > nyH Hud Ulec
trio Hitters tho
best and only coitaln
euro known They act suadyand quick
ly ovory bottle guaranteed to glvo entire
satis actum or tho mm reI 7 a
at Ifty cents a bottle by 11 w William
x 10
I ho best
euro Is 1 pruentlxe
Hopalozouo will preveut most of Ul0
° 0 0 0 Solllun
u wl In ime
Toilet OnoiM
11 1 > V O0 J Ottsel are ucelvlng the
On w vyfiiomi
iid ros1donet
ItOKSK Natural llovlnp
Dl A oders his sen Ices In the
ecrn 1 rlccoof medicine nnd surgery 1
Oilleo up stalr < corner Kourtli and lldiibtont
resldeneoSOO South Main
Dlt MCDANIKI denlUt latnlosH ex
rr on f > 0 use of toealmi
ijjfr slore
nb0oieoiUh1t jOllIce
IJilnlstreet eonnlrtlnik
ion0Oillco boiirs u to lu
opTio liotieopcrahonW
wiER ist
isrirctt 11
OujsIoiu < ti0i
llcforc leaving thtircmieri elMihcrc
ratetl In tho South
Oor Second and Houston Sts D Schwartz Oo s old stand
Capacity 25000 Pounds per Wook
Pooan Street botwoen Seventh and Eighth Fort Worth Texas fi
lWNTHD At oncehcxend first class oookf
Sxxallerf IdliiliiR room Kll 0 lrli In
nrlxntu fiiiiillloa A farm liunils Jcotton jilcLers
v i rt chorcn
mcht of
v 0
lice room Koxer jiostolliee
mill ll < llis TnTellUeiRu niiil nFiiploy
I meiit ulllcc I Ji stairs o er iiostnnieo room
liotol laiiiurc
K telephone Xo ls Ilu1lroud
incrliaiilr roiitraetors and prlrnte families
innle ami
furnllieil Mllh rclliililc lielp lmtli
niale All orders proinptl attended to fojim
JHCOTIUoV VIr Itoj MeMn leading
tonelier from tlio lancer cities North anil
soiitliwllliirrlxoln Iort VVorlh octoher 1 for
the purpose n Klxbijt ln lriictloii In tlio Litest
society dancing 1rlxalo elnstics for Uu
iiiunor Ie Cotillon can he formed
n eiiuclit cIiiscm for fciniill children
is Vxell
tvANTii > iaiAijB iniii
irvSTKD fiermnn or Sweilo girl lo do
If liou e ork lorn small famll Address
l this olllce
situation vrwrii > MAii
ATIOX xxinled lix a practical hrlck
S1TI llfteen enrs experlenec In line
brick work Iteferenco glxeu Address K
this olllce
lirANTKI V man nnd wlfuxi till no children
logo Into theeomitr > man to milk and
bu generally useful around the place omin
to eook xmisIi and Iron Wages kMt per montti
Address 1 M llotits Decatur Te or apply to
Mr Kennedy llekulrk hotel
IJVDIt KIJ > T Oier Kings drug store elegant
rooms suitable for oil eo or uleeplngroonu
Apply to Kreil King
I7fltXISIlii llOOVt KM JilNT One verj
L deslrnlilc front room on tril lloor tiiltnlile
for min and wife or tuo gentlemen 11Jturner
of KourlliHlreil VV Mil III I IT
nut iirNT ivvixusr
Ol ltllNl A llxu room rnttuge burn nnd
I out liuuEva liirden patch trait trees and
xtliter eouneiltoin Address Mrs tllle Holt
107 lccan stieel
OH It KM A ixxtistory relilenee xxllb a
good ecllirelglit roomsnonI > fuinlslied nil
uater connections nice shade trees corner
lot good neighborhood for Information bee
11 Tiij lor at Kort Worth Orocer Co
17X01 IIKNT V eoltige tlth sl room cor
ner of feeond andlones streets Al > lily41
xirnerof Konrtti and iroxei streets
ror saii iivi stock
fMm HAIKliO head of CnlTfor nla sheep
JI1 shear 6l lo eight pounds anuuol sa iuo
eonimon sheep n dot k 1 ho snino ele m and
can bo bought at 1 a head cash V 111 trido for
land lu Ti lor or lonea counties or take note
ono cars tlmcvxllli good iictmiiiiI or real
estate Bccurlt 1 outs C VV lso Co real oitate
agents Abilene Te I
= sa Tp ari z x
I71H1 SAIK Dwelling three rooms turner t
1 lot good locution Applv lo in mldiess I
Whit lrden Kort Wortli i
i on saia 7hcciiivniois
HoijsrnoiD iooDs nn KviiT o
liedroom sets kitchen and dicing lomn
lurnllure sexxlng machine books plduros
tc Apply norlhenst comer Klrst and lamur
iiuiviv ro saiaT
I101 HAlillalf Interest In
Attorney at l
Special attention to land and comaerewL
m IbtU
1 Capital lrlrc
i 1 Capital lrlie
ii Capital Irlro
Thcro are
peteiit and ex
iisTor riuw
OhCONDIIAM IfltMTfltK WAYliill Capitallrlts ot X0
tj wont to four
ship carloads of sicondhiinil
iirnlturexxlllpaythu highest pi ice Cnll nl
second bund sloie of Jolin utllxautiOti Ilous
ton street
VA U r euie xuiTi imvIo
H SltMOtQcngigu In business Noeompotl
tlon In North ltixus Address J In earn of
1 llll xzrTTi
wo have a moral
Novthlskyshope Hc lw
AttoynoyH iit Lnv
Olllce ox or City National I iil VUvitiTr
Attoiiieys at j kv
Omceoxcr Clt Xallonal llafaO ttr ite
jttoxnoy4 at Law
onice ox or TI rat Xntlonnlllank Ft VroKh
Attoineys at Law
Olllce ovcrKlrst National ISankFtyenktt
Jjnlo o Silinol LnniU
llv order of tho commliMoticrV court ol II
burger count Tai Mraide and iiuiMtil
l ilh day ot tcptcinlier A 1 1S35Ii1I
celx o bids for the purchase ot the our Inn
o Wilbarger rniiDtr st hoot lauds illutri 1
llocklcx eoiiiil Texas lhenumtim Us
leagues beln ft G nnds > > o > tils forh
than 3130 pec m re on twenty > car ttau il
merest at s per cent per milium latcnatu
aldo annual In ailxnnccitlll i aoste
Any land agent uho will ontikiimrati n
this land at the price andon tlirltmn itr
stated on t > r before the Slth day of Oclcln
I Jftw xrlll xeeclxe f > per centon He mml
ol sale when the first cars InlercitltNMt
tho ilcecl ullli xcmloMllcn Uniadc Aayli
agent eonsiiniiiintlng the sale 0flM lindtD
riiiulred to pni for tho ndx erUsement la r
Kort Worth Dullx IIxtTOthe lall Ell
Herald and tho Xvcekl cruin Guard
J A Ciuartt
County eominlisloncr Wlltdnjer tow
Vernon Tev Sept 11 A 1 JSJ
IhU is the only ChirterodUttjroluJSJ
liOiiisliinn Htitio LoltcrrCompnj
Incorporated In ISJ8forMycanIjtl
Inture for cdiicallaiiatnndcharlUWepuipw
wlth n capltiil ot l00000oln which RW
fund of ox er J5Wooo lim since been i
lly nn overwhelming pojmlar VoleWni
chlsc xx as made n part of Ilio prtMitiaJW
stltullon adopted lcc s A 1 lbfc
A Splendid ODDortoiiitF I1WI11WB
Its Grand Singlenumber JJrawlnj
nlaeo monthlv It nexer scales or poUP0
Uok at tho follow luc distribution
OlrtHs IC
AtNe > r OrleansTuesday eVt15lf
npaxlug news
id maun
paper In a flourishing inivn near Kort tlio stiporxlalon and
VWirth Address care ifaxtUo Kort Wtnth rllIWOBlrioW lr
ae > QT
J OIl AIK A rnro birg ilnf > will bux the
1 original Cattle icliuigo Itestaurniit
nt W lehlta Kails Te Klne range kllehen
and dlnliuroomoulllls complete well estab
lished good custom present proprietors tiled
J bindness Call on or addres II Waslier
Wlthllu lalls Tex
iisc ijanioin
nnd Sen lubnl A iiirlyoJlVW
100000 Tickets ntKlxe Dollars Kara W
lu Klflhs In proiiotllon
> l
1007 lrlzes ainounllng to ii
for intes to clubs rt
Application v
only to the olllcu ot tbocoinpanj wi1
C cle r
r r further Information
full address
r loitnl Xote Ejr ftiS >
lai iiu
tnh currency
the host liathlng xxnler u tho btnte It may be 0rltn Jll
bJlBMlVVc cent tvo tickets n I
Mai A
ey Jlarkluproprietors nortlmoittoinei i
public sipiare
J haulers haxo met together nnd formed at I S W0rl
nsfoclalton One of tlivlr principal rules Is that
the will not fnniMi water to any inmixihol t
t >
owes one of tlio association for xinter since Kch II Jrl linn II
ruary H 1JKS Whcnovor the pirl desiring I
JTJiMIni la ° b any ono ot the ussoela I
Una xvlll furnish It lo him
Inn Worth I nr
T Marcos Ieas i
ltornes nt
1 W1 I IALI iOll5rtsTttornexr nd
I loumiclorfint Uixv Over Kort Worth Na
tlonnl bank Mali street Kurt Virtli lc
1 VNl IJTlioTkln licTirj
J mm lAIoriH allnxv107 Main
ln 1lTVyfv9 Will jiraetlro In nil street the
n i1 B C0UTU Irefnpt attention
given In cnllceltoiis
ii A i AiiiiiK x w oiw
letters wA W f
Thirteenth session 0 1
Second Mouflay in Septe
And Conllnuos Nino CalendirM 1
4 ti f
If von xvHntoiio cn fatjanr
ami Co lir sSDr <
L I Tjftlonal

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