r > t fdtnpv
gorgeous Display of Now Fall and Winter Fabrics
At il n Ai
Mlf J 1 1
TVi to JioO
ate In JOU
too to i bfl
ntlMt orcr7M vnrlou I cyi fcnljirt nn1HlrO t1tl Murriiiftom 0o
jllnneli of throe ftaihors very ctyllidi
rtK fi
ijiciibiovrvnon iMiimuH 7
rioi < Uiiiiiy tuitl Uiit > rccfMl < Mi < < < l UmfcfnliiH In Om
tidies black ami colored Finnic M o glovO
c 7 loves all colors nfttl Muck Milillimt trnrnt Jt toi
TiiIIoUirIovi ncwr tola fori 2 a thallium
Hracy doves lu nil the loading color
lilhlrous Jcricy glove
fo >
v > 0
W 40 nod MM
M o1iluiv Voluow l
u nl VitfucN
JE 1f J 1 J Mr Irs thanIW Me
UACh 8l VCii0ld
iniK1rlii mji jU K > c
oin ii > s4jjjaiY j > jsjL rx
iveiHluutoAV il iyWxlilllt In tins Mt iilo AV ciiu only Cilvo
alo IMlufw m < lilM Uoimitinoiil lint nil CJiiuto
Aro ltojiiOHolitiil
v lTIM0fult ilnlh eliciilKladtcrll r < lel cwhcron bnr
Bi ti iw 2flc
Wool 1 wf Xln KUlM liiiicloI > nirljyrtbbeiliilVcii 4iiiid < i i7ii itH JW > > li < i i
OurlaC > vii o nnnnl bo equaled nit to rjiiftllt1eallosnnd piltxta
wlief itll u irmt i < nii ever flint our good other limit rcpro eiitcd yon haio tho prlvl
lego or returning tlicm mil gullingfuuriiioiu <
WW r
C fishier
ivr IAin IN
OlXfort Worth
a ITiiooono
tlcr pertaining to coiicrvnttrobiuillng receive careful ami iiromit attention Bight
K drawn on nil the principal cltloa ot Kurupo Collection a pcctally
fCTOBS A II ltrltton H W lama 0 II Daggett WO Tuniur nnd Chat Selicttbor
do iKNirr
CiikIi Caplliil milt Hnriilun MI3 O0O
row J s io < hTlnMII Iioyd JHIiecd ZanoCHll
H 11 liuniclt K II llarrohl uui Iv K
D C Dennett Ovorgo JaeVnon
Vlco rrotldent
N millllMi
itiKooors to Tldlnll YnnZnndt Co I ort V orlh Tmai
titrtlliAiiilnK bmlriMi tramactirt Collection nmdo and liromplly
J 0000
eniltlcii Kx
Btoitii LJI VuiiXnudl Tlioa A Tldtinll N Uardlnj JI Sinllh J J Jarrd II J
Wc Irenlilonti
Anlittaiit Ciiililo
1 Worth Texas Second Street between Hotuton and Throokmorlon
C AflTAI XAJI IN 1S3000 fiOltlLUfl V0K1 SIAOOO
wnafctioral imiikiiiB bnalmww Collcotlon < mndu and promptly r mlll > 1 llicJinnge
lillilir uui > al cltliiiof Kuiopo
> n J loa J V H0K e J Adam II 0 IWrlnglon J i Kill 8 II Mlilkoy
ti W HollliiMWiirtb
T7 TT TTit 37 X3K3D 3 XEt3EIS
< Tlt 1000001 KOIT IN KKHVHK ASI SOT 0R IAltUIH OV IlKldltllt
W K t nlnili Can ba um < I by any woman or child wllli al ly A cemMoto
osale Grocers and Commissi lorclnts
Hot 12 M 16 aid 13 West Sewni St ctrur Tkwcttwioi
> ros vC w
fKtllllco Vllltil to
iif Jt Ctmvlnrcil Unit Tlit > x
0 l > y tillt tlir lor1 M
tVllhH Itnanr Hint U tJlt l Nridifly
ItyTliVnitlejniililu ifrTrr
now mi hi toni muvw
Special to thn Innlto
llitoiiiiivs X y jcV iiZhr Tut
imp > itttch < l till nioriilimffiimiio
ni >
J t i 1 ho lnj > lhuor Tli llrookhit
Wlivttiarlo vni ciowdeil At all the wfv
IttwWdUimi ary Jtre ttv > from
land Ouc JaWBttS110 l11
pwcni lliMh Hip jcilnon tiMluy Dr
iitltnnKo riitil nml ixKiimktI the xxlv
c mptfpol the Ilrst llidk ot iiimii tho
Htoryof Duvhl allowing SdiU his wwmy
o iKettpfwklnK only piece or his niiio
by which haul iiilKht uftrnrniilf mh tlmt
Tlavli Ad lilm In his powor Tho open
Ins hymn was
Tn tiiuriiliiKlltlit l hrenUiiK
J ho dniVnoM dlinpprara
uienonaot mtiii aro tiikmx
T i pontteiitlttt l ar
Dr TnlmnerttoxttviiKfroin lmitnh ll
iO In tin1 saint day ttlutll tin ortl
nhnvi with a nuor thai In hlml imimly
liy tlicm htyontl lit rlvir hy the king of
ANjtyrlrt He said
The lllhlt In the huhliHtljQiikivrrnrlu
ton Tlnrc nrc iki HiiiilllttiiKHtnti sltn
or the tllnd or tin OtljWy 6daring Itn
linugurv nomctliiiis Mcina fln Un > wtrc < > l
the reckless but only siomiu o Thv tavt
i that Ootl would stnrtV atid o tiiiw nml
projiel men nnd nailon A tnine nml
llnililiiK aliiiUlludo would fall to accom
plish the object While Umro jtre tlllien
When lie employs In the lllliWrthe Roittli
dew ami tho morning eltmtl niitl ln > tlove
nml the dnylnvnk in the prWurUailoii nf
inith we often iliul the Iron tlmilot tho
lluliltilng the atirtlitiiiiike the pruy the
woiil nnilito my text the niKor
HOW THK llt7otl 1ft lsiiil
Hits ketmbltulfd liiHtrtiineiit lii ml
vnnceil In iinfiilinSf with tho ime In
llltile Union nml IiiiuIh the l > cird leinalnetl
uncut Kivti In the mimii of nintiiiitnK
nnd hiimlllntlon bill therai irwini mIwivm
a tmuinfttlvc Nymbnl David hh of Doc v
IiIh uiitaj > iiM Thy toiwne l it Nlmrp
mor worklnx locclUiil nr lluil Ji > t Ujirx
tomlK to clear the face hm N reitlly iimhI
fortleiully IiicIhIoii IW UiIj tuollitjixit
lext UiIk weapon til UHrfQlIfI nppetirn un
der the followItiir clr mfitnme Indei
necileil to bavit HoiiiUvof ltn pro perltle
cut oft aii tt Hod aimlgwialiut It thveu
AlKtyrtait Vm TmfrfWliliiaieflU then
Ivftrnhnddoii nnd nfler Xcliiieliadnuxxar
TIioho three Kharp Inviiklons ttutt out
down Hie lory of Tutleii nre compared
to Mummy aweejm of tho rnor ntro N
thu ace of Hie land And tliuxn elicum
klaiiceN wt it cnlletl a hired raor Itecnilie
iotl took the Miiytil A nyrlit with whom
lie hud no Nympathv to do tin woik nml
paid them In pnhicer and wpolls mul nil
nexntloiiH Thepe kln s were hired to ex
eente Hie divine IiiIickIs And now the
text which on lln lrnt reinlliiK limy have
meiueil trivial or Inapt Ih chained with
niointiitoim Import In tho Hime day
Hhall the lortl hhave with u raor that In
hired namely hy lliein beyond the rher
by thu kliiK of Affyila
Well If IoiIh jlitluiutiitN are rtuorrf
WO had better be direful lltiw we lift
them on other people In careful tthnnth
thi HM tlomustlc weapon are put away
whore no one by ncclduiit may touoh lliein
ami where the fiatid of clilldren may not
reach them Such Instrument miii > l be
carefully handled or
Mil IIAMIlltli AT MA
Hut how ivcklewily Mime peoplo
wHd the jiiilitmon of iodl If it man
meet with bunlncNH mlHfortunu how
many theieuro ready to cry oul Tliut
In a Judgment of lot upon hint liccnuKO
ho watt iinnmipuloux or arrogant or
ovorreacliluK or mlktiily tliou lithi
would ltd cot down I What clmw
HWeep of overythbij Ill city hom
nml country liou e gone IiIh NtnbleH
cmiitleHl of nil lln lino liny and orroht
ami tfrnytt tlmt uietl to pnnico by hUdoor
All Ids re oiiiiii overthrown nnd thU
he prldett hlmaelf on tumbletl lulo
demolition Hood for him Htop my
brother dont ulliitf arouiitl loo frel >
thu luthinieiita < if Ootl for they are
razor Noma of tliu mutt wlckml bmil
ucxa men nucccml and they live nml die
In profpcrlty wit oiuo of th uo t lion
cut nml coBdflciitlotis arc driven Into
bankruptcy JVrhapa hn manner w
unfortuintie and lie wn not really ita
proud liul ike l to be Some of tiioae
who carry Uiolr heat erect nnd look Jin
rxrtal are limublc aa a child while many
a mini n Hecdycott ami uloiich lull and
iinblacked alloc In
Von cannot Utll by a miina look ler
ha he waa not unwcrupulooa In bn t
neusi tor there are two aide to every
Uiry and ewsryiwwly that nccompllnlia
anythlli for hlnmelfor oUtorn ftcte tn
doatrtowdy lierlaboiit IVrtitjM hla Irusl
neaa ndaforlann wna nut u punlMiinwit
lititthe Mtlurly dliMJlijlliiif t jiruiwro lilm
for bo von ami loa nmy love him far
more than Jl Ioih1 you who Cu y
doll r for dollar 80d aro wt dowti In the
coinniflrcUU caUloguoa W A 1 Whom
the Iord loveth He S > ve 9100000 and let
die on ombrohleiBd jiUIpwr No whom
the Jortl loveth Ho chaalenolh llolttr
keep your Iwiid off the Lordn mwm loat
that do not
dosclre It If yon want to shave off
noma of tho bristling pride ot ytwir
rti heart do aoi hut In vury
Mrefut liow yon pot the aliarfi wlgn
on olhww How I do dlallkti the tMdiav
lor of tho e perjfoni who when pooplo
are unfortunate yt 1 Wf r
stttlng punWied emtl Jilm right If
fhow l ioUjmi ii got tlulr dwrtu
they would long ago Imvo been bltoliotl
over Um lMtUMMiU TU mo o Ini their
mli8l Sow cy to small U H It take
A Miciiueoirr to nvn it
glrejitheiH mote trooblo tbaii tbo bfttm
X t
Rev T Do Witt Tnlmngos Sermon
at tho Brooklyn Tabernacle
uwcb Umcs as dollar this is whonraonoy is bo dearly carnod and you hositnto
pending a of unusual importanco that
uomo pains to And a nlaco whoro your monoy will secure tho lanrest rr
Wohnvffnianyroalhareainsinovorydepartrdcnt andean
benefit to you if your wants run in our lino jr
jpur Millinery Department We Lead In Stylos in Prices In
the Assortment and In Exclusive Novelties r
if Itlinmril lints nntttionnel
iir Lull urilrlminedlii
whnts the late
Udlij < nl o But children felt hat
Judamunt mul Nlmrpen It on tlm bone of
their own hard heniUi uml limn iro to
work on men ipmwpd out nt full lenutli
under dlwiclci cutting meicllvasly Tuey
begin by noil exprcHKloiiH of aympnthy
nml pity nml half irnlo nml lalhor tho
victim nil over before limy put on the
sharp etlio Lot uabe ejiieful how we
about tit oHiom leal wo take down tho
wronaono rctnetuberlnjjc tlm sHniiut of
Kliifj William Unfits who shot n deer
but the nrrpw glancctl uKiilnst u tree nml
klllod tho klttjf Inatetnl of piling out
wIlhahaftMtQpluiiutid rtixors to cut
we had bvttur tmltnle the friend of lllnh
iitti iur tie Llou who In the war of the
ItiisntUia ivoacnptnrod and lmprlMinctl
but none of bis Itlcmil knew whore Ko
his dlMliilo went Hiound tlm land from
IHUillmitinryja pcuUoiillaiy nnd mmu ti <
each window n snatch of sunt that I Mell
aril teiir tie Lion hud taunlit lilm lit
other day and one day coming before it
Jail whoro ho expected bis kltm inljht
be Incarcerated ho ni two lines ot
Mx nml imiuetllatelv Mux lllelmril re
spondot from Ida cell with thn other
two Hues and so Ida whereabouts weru
discolored nml Immediately a Mucccaaful
movement was made for hi liberation
So let us ki > up ami down
the world with the music of kind
minis nnd sympathetic lieiiita uieundlnu
tho unfortunate amltryluifto toi out of
tioDlde men who had noble natures lint
hy iiuforescinclraumstancoMhiixibiieii In
carcerated thus Itborntluj kliiH
num lmixwmii ami iksa niou
lvajicclally ou lit we to be itpoltigello
ami iiiortlfiil Iomini Hioko who while
they have great faults havo also ureal
virtues Homo peoplo ro barren of vir
tues No woods verily but no liowem
I must not be climbed at u ncltlo nlonu
the feiicii If It be In n Hold contnlnlnij for
ty acres of ripe MIcIiIkiiii wheat At tho
present time nntiirnllsis toll us limit Is
on the sun a spot 10000 miles Inn but
from the brightiioifs ami warmth I eou <
elude It Is a good ileal of a sun y < > t
Attain when I rend In mv text that Ihc
Lord shave with the hired razornf Assy
rln thelaii4 f lutlea bethink myself of
the pnclajoii of lotla providence A
rjiorswmiij the tonlli part of tin inch out
of tho rlKhklltin means cither failure or
laocrallou but Cods tleitlluy novor slli
and tlmy Jo nol mli > n by the thousaiiiltb
purt of mi inch the right direction teo
ple talk ns lliou li tlilnus in IliN world
were l looso ends Cholem weeis
across Marseille ami Alaililil and IVilcr
mo uml wu wiilch uiixloualy Hhall tlm
eiildoinlc sivftip Ktiropo Ami Ainerloaf
lcoiilo any filial Will entirely deptind
lhllndoljibl at Urnel IIIII and all litis
ton al Mount Auburn I thank all tin
doctors ami iwaianllnes but more than
all nml first of nil and last of alt and
all tho Hum I thank Uml In all the si
Uioiitxiud ydara of the worlds c l lfnc
then l i not one tlrtit merely Jini > jwniHl
so lod U not on anarchist bat a li Ujr
n falber When little IVxtti Hie on of
Iresldetil Liucolli dlwt all lb land aym
palhlzed with the sorrow lu the WJille
House lie ii sl to null Into th room
when the onblnet was In uetsilon and
white the mimt emlneiit men of the laud
were dlMmsiluj the ijucnlloiis of national
enituiiw Itut tho child Imduocau
nbouttliose Uealloni Now lod tlw
Knilier end Ood the Son ami Ood Uie
Hoi Obiwi tin lu pcrpotual wnnlon In
Ilic liiiil nAnf llir lltiiiillnii > Im ty In lliul llm Nkm nf tlm < miII < l liitlliitdnteil
which olscitrea their own optic With I reirnnl to thin woild and klndre tl worldn
air MiiiiPllitiPH mipeiclllotiH nnd nome Khali you hichild null In tocrlllHUeor
times VlmrOMlcnl ami alay hla 1 nrralun or rombiuii tin illvlne Mmerti
phuinuiiN they take tin razor of tlltliiet imntr No lln eablnet of the Kternnl
Thrre enn Btiiiin mid will joverii In tin
Wlsent nml liiat way ami thero never Will
be n mnttnlce nml like a ninnr aklllfully
miuiiK Hltull cut that which ouuht to be
not and avoid Hint which ouuht to be
nvolited iTPolalon to the very hair
breadth linrihly Uin plifea tnav wt
out of older nml strike wrtuit aajlnji It
l I oclock when It la it or il when It 1
8 todaclocliIcnlwart rlalit ami wlnu
UUI It mike I mul when It Is lit It
strike is nml the eiom1 hand 1ft as
Ilitthor my levl tolla un tlmt Hod
soinutimeMahavoa iittlomti lu Hie Minn
tliy Hindi thn Lord sliavo wllh tho rn or
that la hired With one Khnip xweep ho
went ncrosa Imluli and down wuiil tta
prldo nml It powor In 18 < il Uoil sliavwl
oiiruiitloii Wo bad nllowctl to tttwv
i lljiil to riiloii nnd tipiirimnlun nml
blasiliomy ami fraud ami Impurity nnd
all Mirts of tlirpltmle The Hoilth lliul lln
sins and the North Ita tliip and the I tiat
itr flux and tho West Ita allot Wo hail
been wiitnotl nuiilti ami npaln and we did
not hecil Al leDKlll the award of wnr
cut from tlm HI iiwieiio to the Killl
mid from Atlantic aeaboard to IAclflcawt
board The jirldo of tlio land not thu
cownnlK but Hie hnroea on boili aldea
went down And that which we took for
the Mtviiitl of iar wax the Lords raaor
In 18IU nitalii II wont actima thu lam
In iHiin ii nlii lu ism again Ilicu thu
Nharp liiKiruiiioii waa minnacd and put
away Never in the history of the nKnawna
any land nioru IhoroiiKiily alutved lliaii
dining thotio touryonraof civil couilmti
am my brethrenIf we do not oullMnmi
of our Individual ami national Mil the
Lord will uriiIii tako us In luitiil He luta
other razor wllhln reach liimltlna wars
npltlemlcA droughtM tlclUKtin pla ueM
Krui > tthoiper and locttab or our oicr
iivmln Hiitccsx may o far excite the
Jealousy of oilier latltiN that under nouio
pieUtxi tlm urcat lialloiiK of lCuroftu and
AhI may
Thlt nation ho cattily approached on
north ami otuli nml torn botli meaua
diIkIiI have on hand nt onco mole ImMlll
Ilea than trnro ever nrrayisl n aln t any
ono power Wn havo rcecitly lietii UM
by cklllfnl eiiKlnaera tliatall our forlro
c nroiiml New York harbor oniild mil
keep I lie Ahull from boln bin led from
tho ncit Into thu bent of lh ac
renteltlca Iiiaultcd Chtnii tho woalthlwl
of all uutlonn ith will be reollotl when
her roaomiei arc dnvelopntl will Wavo
adopled all the iiimlcs oi modern war
fare nml nt the limleii inie may la dl
ciiaatng whether Americana imiat go If
on wliether tho Inoculation Is a suoooas the coinblnotl Jealousies of ICurope am
fill tucpoilmont Hint will depeml oatirely Aabt should eomti upon us wislenihl Iwve
onjiiaraiiUnercKiilaUoiiSi that will dchnorc work upon fiAml lliaii would be
pond on lite early or UU > appearance of pleasant I hope no stub eumbiinllun
froal that epldemln Is pitched Into the I t iiist us ever will U formed but I want
world nml It ues j to xhow tliat us Assyria m he hired
IiliKliiiiixii aiNiiss mi tusriMM nuor njsalnst fudab and C > ius Hie hired
and II Is all ueoswork unci an appalling I razor aHninst llabylon and the Huns Uiu
PKrh w Jly friends I think porliupa hired raMir MRabisl the Guilt here are
UmtOod had MuncihliiR to do Willi it and now many ro ra that the Lord eutild hire
that Ilia mercy may have In some j It bocniilw rf our national iins lie ahooM
wty protected us that He may have imdciuke to shaw lis In It7i tieiminy
done as much for u on the uoraulluij was the rawjr with bSiti iliei ni iavet
and Ute ie ltii ollhra It was right and llui co rCinxiand 1 the rntir with wbleb
a iu etwlly tliat all caution should Ik very nhorlly the Lord will rliave liussin
used but there hascouio euouKb mocam Hut nations arc o repeut lu a day May
nl from Iwly ami euouRh trapes from Ui < 1 a Hitdy mid worldwide comlnx to od i
soutti Of Jraoei and enough rax from hinder on boll sides the wit nil iintloruil
Uttiirtteniriltons ami hidden in Uuae i calamity Mm do not id us as h nation
ttclfMof tranatorUllou tmHiglt < btlr te J either by iinrlKbhcoua law st WaablHKlon
eroi to have left br thl tlrm ail 11 rook or bail llns amoujs mtraeh ea fcty the Al
yn inournluK al ureenwuotd and all me would think Hmi our na
llilUil symbol of Hie e lt
liilKlll Mtrue
times i
si ma 11 > toiiin uiiin
that Hhtch jim Uint ltoiue carriail in
the taioiM of that e iw woic cluUdjwl at
mm lime llrtUiln lnc Mjafn luly
DaltuatU llhotitbt Koiicum ItintumU
Mtwsls Dacli ThritAo Maccdtiiilu
Jroce Asia JItiior Aamyrtn Iliteulcla
ratestliu l sypt aud all Sotthsrit Africa
ami all the IsIbIiiU of Uie Modltormnuaui
Indeed all tb world Ihat w oHb 1 >
ln a Jiuiidrotl and twwily
mlllluiiH of ptople nndor tho
wlujui of lliul ono oaule IVhwo i h
iiowr Ask Olbbon tho hUU > rl < in In his
jtrote poom the Decline and J tll of tho
Hoinau Kinplro A k h r glKiintlu ruins
trajwJlHtf Hielr miIikmsi throtlfh the
VOL XI 0 71
wn tlm wmh oiri at nn kiv out m
which worltlwtdu otiiitiiicrritu imiktfti
k tho tiny ot Jild meiit when her
erowitwl dcUtnth H Oiniiiodus ami
leutim niul Oall uin ami Diocletian
shall attawor fur thor Infuwy A men
nml n iuaUomi let tt mxutsm have
onr triiui In nsnlbnlug ifsl r tfer tknn
dorwud on fontinr ailMielMa for Immuuliy I
t l of thirteen piiK st battle of the
Wfirld Nnjwlcwi lirtd lti t but tm tNtlom
nt tliK > PritU nnd tlesirucllon often
IIIIlK tH TtttJ HAJtl H > Hit
Hut noiloo ohtMj mole wid mttw thiin
nil In my text that tod is > o kiM nm
lovlrn that when It I iireoniwrx lor Illtn
to out lie baa in go to otNoia for tlio
shariicdifeij wvaiuui luthe mc lay
Miall tho Lord nhaiewlthu ratort it1s
Idrt l dud i inc ood Is pity tiotl
Is help Iotl h shelter uod is rcnouM
llicrotirt un sharp lj es ithout lilm no
thnpuliitf point iiolnMruuieiiis of hte
atloii If yoti want Isllni for woiimln >
has tlmt if you want rnlvw tor tllvlim
eveslght He lw ihat jua If tfierc a
shaniBud cnttliiK woik o do which re
quires n roxor that lo iitnw iotl In
nothing about lilm Hint hurts wc when
dlru mceMltv itmrmmla and then IJp has
to jo elwir off In some one clue to lit tlio
Instrument This dh Ino fienlallty will im
lit tiovolty to Unnto who liave iKMideWI
Uie Cnlvnrcnn iuhmwoiv where nxl sub
mortjod lllmstll in human tears nnd
Crtir i uMl Himself trvm punelnreilniU
ilea and Id tin terfoiitrlni nnd Infcrnnt
world iimul lilm until Hie th mlpli < r of
the sky luitl to urn tuuiet1 uui l i e the
world coiitij not endure the tmhewnry
Illustrious for Into H must linvo Uocu to
WkMiill tlmt asourauhHltule WItttt Ut
of III own heim Hie eilnmim ptlco of out
iui l lon at Urn r tM of henvtii 1
Henry II ot iii l ind ei on tied his iron na
king nml on the day of coronation put on
n srnnntS twib nml wnltetl he the Minr
l tho MittV tabic to the ftatonlshmtm Of
nil llm princes Rut we know of tt uiqvi
womlroiiH notnit tlio Rliijt of Uonviht ami
HfliUiiiifmlnjilopniou you His olilUl
llmorouuof llfu nnd In tho foiniof it
sonant walling on you with McAslim
Extol tliat love nil iwlntlnji nil sculpt
ute all music nil tirehUeetuiv all wnv
ship In Drosdoiilanttnlbry let IMiihael
hold lilm up nan chllti uml In Antwerp
cathedral let Ilutmmt hand Him down
Irom thociQ aan mniiyr mid lUndel
make all his oratorio iil > mti < iimiiiu Uml
one chord He waa wounded fop mil
lmiiKrck i ui brulsetl bir our lnlitilly
lint nui until all the reiUfined ftd lu mc
and Irom lh < < eouhieniinte of nil Mm
iniiilup pralloilcsof tne i usomed slnill
be mvcalcd the wonders 11 ledompiUm
shall either man or mraph or arehanitil
know ili heluhl timl depth nml leiutth
and biemltb of
nil t vi oi itnii
Al onriiittloudl eaplial a tmmuuHHl lu
houor of lilm wlm tiui moiu tluiii
miy one to utililme unr Amotj
can ItidfiHilUlriiKic was for senien of yours
In Imtldlii mul most ol it wore tltscour
iiretI nml Mild II nom would bi > etunplei
ml And bow ulutt we nil were when In
Hie pHssueu oi tin bijihei oillelulsot the
nntlolii the work wm dont > lint will tlm
inoiiuinnin to HliO wbn tlietl fur the etcr
mil IliwrntUHbut tin utmwnfitw ntor in
eomplelodr winumi ifiTStrnrK fta bn
totiiKiipi Iviiimeipjis nml ofxiailp uud
martyr lime litieii ttiUllui to Ihc henwudy
Idle and ever ono ot the millions Of llm
reileiineil milug up from ettllli ImH IIRIllii
io II eontilbiiiiouof ul ttiP si and tioluhl
of flory Is wlUl t in the op of otlmr
welulit of ilory nml laxeis of huwinnns
on layers of hovauuns Iduher ami higher
lis the tfiittirlis bo by lilfjhi uml blither
lutheuhole nilllaiiiiluins loll sum mire
on Hie top of Jasper sardiii i t on llm lop
Of chtilcotlony mul elirvsoiuajuia iibtivn
Inpur uiitll farbeiieulli Imll be the walls
nml towers nml domes of the re l eapt
tol n inonumciil nrevec uml liuwer Ha
lii nudyetiieiertlniiP I uto linn who
hath loved tia nml Wiishetl us Irom 11111
slns in inn own nniuc and mndc us kings
uud prlosls toiuvei Allidulln nineji
Aiinnneinciils lliltntr for die Vuneuil
Nliw VmiK Oci II The rr li e
motiU for tlio luiiDral of rnrtllnnl MuClus
kuy have not yet been ooiiiplelod Tin
cleruy nrc lu a ipiaiulory t to how IJm
trtsktit should lm irlilimetl certain title
ill that regard hclmx laht tlown for I lie
burial of u cnrdliml A cablctTiim bus
been sent xn Homo Th wi k lia
liwn octJciwl ntert wuro liiiiitortui
tmllern nt Hid fmlrton today nml
leleaitiui of o iidil ce two itnty I
ly Archblship iiirltwfi from llm Hldi
blslopa of Halibut nnd Nt Jtmts nml llm
bWioji of Mt ixtepJi Mo flmtlmm
N 11 uud Vlritjoijriea MulJ nnd a Hi
uKiom of ooutiiitiiDon was loocltod rum
Ciirillnal mIoioiiI protost of the priipJt
Wtidtt at Home The deeeitsvd ptebile
will be hurled In thfl full cftrdluiiln lube
rttnl iiilire nml whilo lyltixlit alnte will
be jjuanbd day and itltflit by ileleu U
froui Hit M vlnceiil tie Paul sniluty
The tithetlral Kill be tliupetl
lu imuriliiK tujtl llii nine
tuory In purple vilvel clnbli uitHlfi
of hiaposilloii Ho will lurlciilulliiMauU
uuleiuiiali tin tbimh lu a oiynt n < ljolu
luii Hit on tthnb uijiw cunuln
irmliiK < > f lite
ll ll Jltuht J
nrvtli 11 dstir
s the re
ami ti < h
Mnliy rHw i the < m < ltnil >
palace today but otitstdu ul tin 1 li C
limil nnd Hie iiumltiS < the ilKfi rtll
relnrlons onbfi none Wilt ndmited
Al tie blirh mio > In Uie eullictlial Hwrti
iim an iitiiiMiiiii < re atttiidancc The
nsary lor Ih tbad wus rcclud at Wm
coihIiiiiii n Hie nine 11m remains of
t iriliinil Mii lo ky wtv Jvnmwd rum
lb bedrotiiii Ui tho atuUi twrlor a r <
they rtvUti on a oatafaltuc Do la
dnssed In hit tobaf of oftltf wllli Ids
mitre ami thy lnl iltt of ou > e and
ho uo trsws of Ida Uwy lib
rutss Tfi offito for tho dead was
chanted lu tlic cathtnltal this
afuriiwn AH the anaitAtUfa fttr U10
ftun jMl will by anuoimcetl tuUKitrow
In the rarlotis Calholhchnrrliea UiroKali
outthoclt > today pram wore soldfib
tltt dead cardinal and In many ol tin
ebureliti of otinr deuotuimitlon tbiluK
refcrmnca itoro wiu to M ib caao
NoHTirrnl <
iJaus > vlll AttroUMt
Thrtni will bo no lalvoston Ntm Hiib
lu ttvelf iiiouUik from otlay lids it a