OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, October 14, 1885, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-10-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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Irc ilent
Gorgeous Display of Now Fall aiid Winter Fabrics
In snch times as this whon money is so dearly earned and you hesitato
r0 spending a dollar is it not a matter of unusual importance tliatyou
it somo pains to find a place where your money will secure the largest re
us Wo hnvo many real hargalns in every department and can assuredly
benefit to you if your wants run in our lino
Our Millinery Department We Lead In Styles In Prices In
the Assortment and In Exclusive Novelties
tadr trimmed hats and bonnet
ti straw Itats unlrimnud In tho latest shapes
ladles missesaud hats
u c HKSNirrT
Mce IrasMent
lcc Iresldent
75eto JJto
Be to 200
llo to U00
cililbit ovcr7M various designs In fancy feathers nnd birds at prices varying from loo
upnnid to 150
wtbnncli of tbrco feathers stilish
i i OJttich tip
illumes up
a iJouljloXVoiioli XMuiiioh
W show tho most fasliionabto styles and grade of phlnJancy or staple ribbons to bo
teen In Kort Worth Wo keep a complcto assortment ot tho
distinct brands In Satin tiros Grain ribbon
ttniortlltiiwy ami TJiipreeeclontotl XStufuiiiH in Our
im todies black nnd colored Frame Itslo gloves
Jem gloves nil colors nnd black sold last ear attlW
J Alkta gloves never sold for loss than 11 00
forse gloves In all the leading colors
tlilldrciisJersey gloves
So 0 ami 50c
rntolilohM VnlncH XTJijimlVuluoH
11 button Kid glnvooota high grado ivuicnstvon clsotvhcro 1100
opera kids cant be matched for leu than 1150
black glov os sold In larger cities at J100
oOvorWliu < lov ii > T5xliH > lt lit tin Htiito AVoeaa only Glvo
aTo LrlooM In n > lM Dupuvtmen buL till f ii le
Aro lttyproKOii toil
Iti ns hone ctraIonsnibheilfull Dnloli sUcsOJ LSKrwlvfitliodolsOWboroas bar
dru i malioBD full regular inadoIiorby ribbed slsesSl and 125c7andH4lo8 iiil si 4to
Our lailin hoso cannot bo uqu U l as to qualities stjlis and prices
1 m ic vlwljs ttiatlf von cer And oar goods other than rfpriwntud yonhavc tUeprtvl
ltfgiot rulornlng llietu aud getting joiiriiioncy
onst3 otobtb
n nnmoN
lrt > m < nt
uiiijs riTNu
OlFoH tVortli
t > inoonnoo
Umvtt rs pi rtalntng to coiisorvatlvo hanking rocelvo carofal and prompt attention bight
cltlos of Collections a specialt
luu o drawn on idl tho principal Kuropu
3mrtTOiMA JI llrlttoa 8 W Iimax C II llaggctt W G tamer und Chai Selicouer
Cash Cnpllnl nnd Siirjtli 130000
GodwinM 11 IjjjiI J I ncod anciVttl I > C Dennett Ocorgc Jackson
b 11 Hurnott K It IUrrold and 1 lkard
> l V NZ V1T
lcolre idont
Successors to TMIiall VnnZandl A Colort WorthTexas
IgcaerVbanUnff ImlncM tran sacl il Wcctlons mado and promialy remitted Uv
WW Oravrn all the principal cities of lurpiw
on ATIdbdllN Harding J lsmitli j j jarvl K J
IUUt toks j Mi VnnJUidtTho
A >
J Iloxr
AMlUlBt Cuhlu
Fori Worth Texas Second Street between Houston and Throckmorton
at urai jsnklM imstnws OoUectlons mado and promptly rMBlttwl
> n oan < li
prlurlpal of Kurope v im R tr Mntkr
J 1 EUI 8II Mrtw
i I Mrlngton
J m J Y HogMitt J J
W Holltnswortli
TPyx = s Bil JPXHH 3PXEZ331
rifml ItM
sHpirloito aitTUiIng evcrmanafartared < > J Its sjlwi
lfiep rMpu nsJ J niL
< i mt ovrn hVJthe j s HSS
fjl t Wsntxl
way that It > do IU work
OltllT >
ale Grocers
Hob 12 M 16 tit 18 West SscobI St drier
J3 oofs and Sfooes
t <
Gov Hoadly Defeated by tho Repub
lican Candidate by 20000
Tho U hole
ynhii j
Buullraii Tlrliet Incn In
L Wnfe k Slier
TlAltiMr U iii Mwf1
titsSsJ > nIil > mi
iriern Mnjorlt In
nil Onr 111 Tnu lu
Mm Smote
Special to tho aaxcltc
Cincinnati Ohio Oct 18 Haiti was
Kcneral tliroiifiliout Ohio today nod lu
consequence Uic voto polled was llghtw
than It would athcrwlaeahavo been Tho
elections were lor ktaiuaud county oftl
corn 37 senators 180 tgprcscntntlves In
the Rcncrnl nsscmbly nfm four constitu
tional amendments The returns received
up to midnight Indicate tlutt Pornker 1b
elected governor by upwards of 00Oit
majority The Democratic State Central
committee at Columbus concedes loru
kcrss clcctlonbut they still hav c hopes or
tliolciilslatiiro The ltepubllcaushowevor
claim tin legislature os well as tho en
tire stnto ticket Tho Icrdatatutu will
namo a United States bouator nt tho com
lnj session nnd thus the election ot lohtt
Sherman to succeed hlmsell Is assured
The Prohibition votewasdrnvyn latgoly
from tho Dcmocrallo party on account of
the declaration of the latter lu Jav or of n
lkcn o law as afaluH prohlhlttuii
Till MBS IMl lliill MXOIUH
Special to tho Uatetle
CiNCisMTl Onto del lit Todays
1 lection Is perhaps the most momentous
political battle fotmlit In Ohio Mnco the
famous HroiithVnllaiuIIiuhain campaign
o 18 < lil In that campaign lolm Drou hf
the abolitionist lrcoivcd tho onuiutoufr
majority of 10100 lot That great
niton aa a thermomotrlonl event In the
political history of the AOftheni slates
llotli partlw have resHied tills fact and
In n largo iiIuhbuhi it accoutdH for their
uondoratlnsjfiWy Vw ihe flint time lu
the history nt Ohio thu ProhlMUunlnta
seem to hold the balance of now it
bo evenly matched ore the t o locl
parties that the chatucu of a few
UiousuAhI otoii would carry Uie day The
largest oto e r cast by the Irohlbllloii
lsts in Ohio was issnu for SchnmakiT
Uie taiidldalu lor secretary ot state lu
1182 lu 18Bft tho ufuui man heliUHUker
TioadiHj tnu 1rohllil oh llokut Mr ttov
TCiror and recelvc4 S363 In
otfly rorw
the presidential eluction last fall St John
received 11SW votca NoltvltUitnndlnjc
ihocB flKiires some of the beat political
IndLHS lu Ohio predict that leonaid the
jrolilbltloulstM eainlitlalo for coventor
today received t0O0U votes The teault
if todays election therefore deiends en
tlrely upon tho 1rohlbltlop vole and us
the heavy Prohibition vole Is east lu the
rural districts It Is not probable the ilnal
result of todays ballot will bo known
for two days Tho total oto of Ohio
last fall was 811IB or over twloc
the voto of the treat Iouo Blur state
Notwithstanding the heavy rain Utat
has fallen all day over one
half of ihe stuto Indications this evening
point to a vote heavier than tho voto cast
for Cleveland nnd Illaluc Tho uupio
pltlouB woathcrhas pioieda Kwat souree
of gatllcatlnii to Ibo Democmts 11s
theru Is a tradition umon them borne
out by history Hint the Republicans can
never carry the slate on a rainy day
Somethbi that has never occurred before
In the history of Ohio Is the fact that both
the leadluu candidate lloadly and Tor
aker were pitted against each other two
years aao If lloadly succeeds In
Knocking out his opponent a second time
II places him In the direct line ns presl
denilal candidate lu 1888 lie will cer
tainly succeed In stiporsedltiK Mr Hen
drlcks on tho tieM ticket for Iho second
place If ho wins toiluy
nuoiKi nouuv
was born In New Haren Conn lulv 81
lBiil Ills father Oeorplloadly was
atone timu mayor of New Haven lu
1M0 lloadly senior removed with his
family lo Cleveland Ohio whero the
fathers ability was again lecoitiilted
and ho was elected major of Cleve
land VoutiK Ocorgc received htaearly
education 111 clovekud and then entered
tho law mIhiqI t OamUrldgO Mais Af
ter reading Jaw oitoyunr In the oHIco of
Hwrle Converse prominent attorney In
Zanenv Hie Ohio young lloadly In 1MM
entered the law olflco of Chase Hall at
Cincinnati The bead of tho Arm was the
afterward laiuous halman 1 Chase who
took a uriat fancy to his younft Undent
aud did much tnwattl tmlldlii his fumv
lu HMH Jloadly vf admitted to partner
ship In the linn whlcli became Miase
Bull A tloadlev When Mr Chase be
came sc rtdxy ot the treasury be fre
quently threw ImnorUut buatoiuni mat
txrslii HoadlysisiUi and alUrward as
chief jastlco of thu supreme court Mr
Chase repeatedly complimented lloadly
for his marked sblllty and thus estab
lished his renown as a reat Uvvyer lu
18ft lloadly was oleeted by tha loglsla
uirc to succeed JiKl e W Kbolfton as
indue of the suiHrior court in 186 Oov
1 chase offered him a wtat on the supreme
bench of Ohio butliodecllued In vmliox
Todd r ietcd the dffer but lloadly
amlndeclined InlMOho roalgn d from
the superior bench and roturnwl to Uie
practice of law In Muclnnatl In the
coustltutfonal ouvciitlon of 18 Mr
lloadly cnt u conspicuous llfjuw and
many of bis broad and jlheral taprenslous
convention have
irlrenventto in that
been construed and dUtorted against
him in the areat oaTnpalgn Just passed
Judxc Hoadly began life as a Democrat
butteasnie a Hepubllcan at the outbreak
of the war In 1872 he joined the liberal
and supported Horace
wlou of Ids party
Orely foi president Since that time
to b burn Ul brIJR d him
I and has for years been a thorough pom
1 ot rat in all hw Ideas of government He
rxmdnt tott Un lvhr w t IlorltU and
Oroffon erttitwiiHl orsc for Sir TlUlon
In Im He has no superior In Ohio
Mlmvor In October 1 811 he wa
eUHK > tl ilowrnor t > y 11 plurHly of r Stv
nud by a mijorlty ov r all ol lnvoi < s
JuAutit n Fo Krn
tin Itcpubltaan raiultilate ohIhv was
liom lu Highland coifuty uhto duly
tstu Ho on stroiii KtiglUUstock ami
fow con ratloiM bnefe the namo was
l > tHwt I rrtc JtiOp l > rakora
career lw not Uw11 replol with the
brilliant nohUnwittnt of his mon > famo < i
opponent TntU he W sixteen veero
old Jo M > U ivortanl n his fathers fanu
When llif > vwr bni out lie va eleiklnu
In u Mnall tro y otorent HllUboronml
Imuirdintely rt hf ne of Mvcutvon of
fortnl hlitMt u rs3tnll In the Sixty
tittuh Ohta wlf Bnt The twcontl ihty
alter Ids Minrilment he was appointed
corpuml nmi liohsg ttlvrays maintained
UiatUint Wft > ine prmnlnst day of his
lite At th tattle of Mbslon Kldjit
jximiK lONKfrr nmi Uie first mnu in
his if lnntrt to wnle Ihe Confederate
bnartworlw lfe wax made oaplntu
tor his lirswrj1 nt this kittle and wag
tlnalli mvMcnsl out of k Ico at the
clow ot the wnr as Cnpt 1oraWer by
which title he lstllt known around Hllhv
bow lie laid acldi the money paid him
during hls > sortie In the ntwy and iiahl
his way through Cornell imlterslty In
1814 ho opened hi law olllee In Mucin
uatl nnd alur ten jeats nmetlco he w s
elected n jpil e of ihe KU > erlor cotirl Ihe
same eotut presided oter many esrs
prelouslJ DyjiiseHoadly In 18b2 he
HsIgnedJti i at on the bench on account
ol 111 health and resumed tho practlco of
law In Esrhcw nominated for tjoi
ernor on gio ltepnbllcnn ticket and tras
defeated alter u lgorous eainpalnn Ills
nomination wus largely duo to the friend
ship ol Op rharlec router who wnn
sopowerfnl with his patty at thai time
its to It nblc to dletnle the
nomination Mr VoUr WAS at this
time trtmhWil with the scuatorlal maRfiol
and he iljiiircd Unit If tho goiurnat mine
from Southern Ohio the senator would
come from Northern Ohio and roster
liven In Northern Ohio Since his defeat
tttOy nrsno Itidgc Inraker lias laken
anactlMf > tart In politics In Ohio lie
stumiwu Ohio with Mr lllalim lat yoar
and in tits oampnlgu closed lunt ulRht he
election was an aiinottnewtnanr to the uwdomort iKeeiies than itny other can
world that tho North wistalnedaml up dWfttn ewr licforc made In Ohio I Is
hold the administration of Abraham Un I JSt l Toledo and Clneln
coln and Indorsed Ids war meacurea na Mlth Oov lloudly added imioh to
Th prcexeiit election Is llkewiso looked JuiIrc Vofakors reputntloii tm a public
speaki r He acquitted hlmsell much
better tlttfbFvcii his trlends antlelpatcd
ivit IKtiNAMU
ihe lroblbltlon caindldate fie pmernor Is
Mtthodlet minister at Kprliitftleld lie
is fortyfive year old and
lias liCen fanatical on the ijuesilon
ot ttwtjwratieo lor many je rs
He has Odeuplcd various jmlplU in Ohio
iiurtnji the W t twelve ye e It ln > re
ceives Otl ttatf of the tOi H > otes he tie
elires UcSvlll then IndgO lloidly Is elect
then lottUer la cloctul by n small jilu
rallty > f
lsttiKTMA nr tti iti < pohlieHli Hldln U > n
Special to tho UatiiUe
Cixcjnnui OOct ltThe llepub
llcau statu central commlltlce claims to
have elected repivsentttUvcs In Madison
dams Delaware Morrow Motimn
Washington niul Lrles eotint les ami
seiiatois In tho iourteenth Twentyfirst
Tweiitysevouth and IHteotyntuUi dis
tricts Ten preilnrts Ironi Hlcli
land county liirliiillnp three wants
lu Maiulleld given net Itepiibltcau gain
of fortyolsdit lorlagu county sevou
prcolnts eighty Heniocratlc italiii Hnn
dusky county seven preelnotw a10 16
publlcan pilni Sclota county sixteen
precincts 175 Republican galni Heuecti
county eleven pieclncts IncludliiK four
wards inTlllln ISO Itepubllcuujtalil Htark
oouuty seven preuiuuts Incliidlui two
watds In Mnsslllnn toil Republican ixuln
Kiimiicounty eleven juuclucts 27G lle
puhlluau unln
The Hepubllcnns claim to havo
elected reprcsenlallvos lu the follow Ins
additional counties Allien Cutohopi
U Dcl twaie Itilloii Oreen fawieuce
Morgtm Mouotv nnd Van Wert The
lollovlns Rains nro teportcd lu Clticlu
nail Ktcond ward three precInctH
Heniocratlc nut 188 Thlul ward one
precinct RepublicanKaln lllit HUth ward
complete Democratic tnln 376
ltli ward 0110precinct Republican gain
85 IClli ward one precinct Democratic
alii 6i 17th wind ono precinct Demo
cratlc unlu 1 s i Oth ward 0110 prooliict
Republican tptln 18 tilstward O11O pio
clnct Demociattc jjaln at t Jtd ward one
proclnct Democratic ualn IB < H0 pre
clnils throtiKhont Ihe slate lvo net He
publloau f uln 10175
Hpwlal to tlio iRzcUe
hoaiiiv < oxciiiis ins nvvtixr
C01 iMiiusOhio Out lt 1 a M lltc
estlmatosnn thelefhiIaturelvolho Hcpiib
lloans about fifteen majority lu the house
and one or two In the senate but the ic
porls are loo wintered toulnht to obluln
any cerkiln Information iov lloadly
has just conceded his defeat
CikiIsnati Oini Oct IS The lec
tion In Ohio today was for statu aud
county officers for thlrtysfevcn siimlor
and 110 represoiilallves of the Koncrsl
assembly nnd ui ou four anvudmenui to
tlio constitution of the stale three ol
which relat to chanttlnir Uie stale elec
lloua from October to November ami one
to cimojjln the term of ofjlec for town
ship trustees
Oov George lloadly 1 the DcnutemUi
candidate lor ixelectton
To eiih 11 PorakiT Is Un lliptibllian
Hev A 11 Leonard IS lb Prohibition
candidate for ov ernor
Tliara are J1 voiliw precinct lu Urn
sUte Comitariaon will b mado with
tho vote for sowimor In l ws wh i Oov
Hoadly was eWtwl by a plurality of la
Buy over J U lornVt
riscikSA7i Ohio Oct 13 The elec
tion In this city bejan without ny dU
tirder Lp to loatnno arrests bare
been made Two causa contributed to
this result tho division of tint njeclncts
Ko that not moro than three or lour bun
drtjdvousraaioluaoy oik and the rain
wbtchprevuuK crowd from coll tln
All the judstts arcprovId d with a printed
list of what are coiiiildiirod fraudulent
rc lstrj and the voUirs aro watched
with care Italn wa rrrsirtoil almoit all
oyer tho state last nfcht and today Tlilsi
nil doubtless hare the effect to rati
Huht icte throushout Hw utet 1
Tho pita roawd lwre lxiwwtt 11 and
10 oclock but the sky U HOI enilrely
clivar The wu pollwl l U oclock
luiWtHl fully np u > the vrn e Cocsl
onlor Ivas Ihhmj nwlntalneil thmunhont
Drunken men air M tw found alxmi wmic
of the voHiik Ucv In Upltc nl the stnte
law requiring alt plaee wIimk lnU Wt
Inn lUfnor are sold to tw closed on elit
tloiMlav Haiti was wiwrtctl lu the cen
tral and northern rsirts of Uie slate ttt
v hi t int
The altornoon lu Cincinnati wa ftw
from rnln and h > far a o n be told nearly
n full vote was polled There wie > om
aneaiM for frnndulnnt ttttempt ioote
ami there was iouW mlnordUonlcrly coiif
duet hut In jreneral It was a pearcahle
Till IttUtt HKTtUN
The returns will ho compared With this
volo ol 1638 when Gov IIsully had la
> ai idurntttj over Judjo lorakar There
Hru oi7TOrd andpreclnt lii the stito
Tho IrohlblUou Mito will lio connmred
with the same xolu In lUtD wtcu thu
total as6Hii8
The lln > trctonu received lij tho Amo
elated Ires IndttHiUd ijalns for lMrukiT
When twunty pmlnotH had been liwttl
from ho hail a not gain ol >
NSti it nei
Mntyslx wards nnd precincts ijlvo
loraker MM Hoadlv 10SIA Uounnl
liut n net Itepubllemi kuIii of nil
1ull letunis from 0110 ward lu Cincin
nati the Ninth show oxmilly the muue
majority as was xhou In 18SSH
One hundred ami fonitecti wntds and
precincts cho Iorokiir 17027 votes
llotdly l T7t Loonaid ltiPlu net lie
liubllCM gain ol 1471
ttir InoinntTioN votu
It Is ImpoMtblo to eomnarc thd outvo
olu Kaln ol tho Vrohlhltlou oaudblite
but a rtiraory examination of the rutnrna
sofartveclvedttidlefltn llemocnitle IokmS
when there are IMhlhltlou alus In
other words no far as oan bo learned
lrnltlhltlon is drawn from both puute
One hundred and thlrtyoni prccltieU
alo roraker 0i7i lloadly UlMii
Leonard COo a net ltcpublle n galliot
liift preclncti Kivo J nrskiT UAoii
lloadly ll0Oi Jouiiaril is a net He
publican gain of i 1it
The precincts Jrom Haiullum ooiinty
hnvy a HvpttbtlttfU uyalurtky ol l 61 The
ItamihJIoiin aain In Pt1c twrtnityr tnfi
foirUis of which has iieeu IiaanI from is
nnOO In Obamjialirn uonniy onehalf
heard from Uiu Itepiibllcau ualn Is Vih
In Aiiijliilsc county oliht putlncts 8001 i
link county sewn precincts to
Tno prerincts nt lncaa oounty
show a Republican isain of anon
fiM wards and prieiucts In Uie slate
I elected hy from l t l to l pin
IV l lslntiwc wilt be Ittputillrau tm
lint thlttot With il ptHwl IrUtklUK < n
rllv Ui hnlh homwk The ote was
hMxy and the mnnhlfoau on the Vi t
urn HWtvrve m flC m inuftiiw ewiv
one kflliig It n duty to do oil a tils
lower to UrtiiK the coirntty t ok to lt
ptihllean rule This lvsnlt will t
curv the election ol a UMiublienn
Iulted Sfjiies seimtiiir and the early
Btiaetment ot law regnlatln tlhe Honor
irolllci Aituthur v6lypioMh nstultof
tho olecthm Will ho to elltnlnnto ll > third
imrty IimtiniUlo from Ohio polltto
niuv n < vi it 11
ClKMllAKti Olim Oct 18 At rtdd
MKhi MiJ V W Arin mj5 of tlw Main
DmlorMild tWuk tlio llQimUHcnn
hit > from IRWO to SOtiW pliiMUtt
The l fMstnro Is Iti donhl With
thu uliamsca finorlng u 1t puh
Ilcau majority on jfolut haiiov
JlttUV UKPIlll > UllittX llVMO
ljwhllc ns oi jubilant itlth bait
ntvt hmtllriM toulnht over 1coll6u Ufnn
Mho Dimuwrtits tiro eorriSpoiullUttly
inlet nnd aro rrceli ln the result with
good uraw Chairman 1nwell ot
Hi i Detiiucratlo eonunUlco cnncwle tin
ulcctton i tho iitnlr > tu lnto thrttct hy
from lStKWto ifliono and think nifty
The Inhibition vote ghes Indication jhnVfl nrl d holh liniuches of thu letOda
of ronsiderahlo Kuln lure Oov lloudly thinks Uvu Demo
ihwijt 111 Seriity < l hl wnrtls ami trtitN tnity he ted Iho enalo
prrclnets ulie Ioniker a total vote of 10 Mho lh > itullemi oxwutlve committee
t l lloadlj 7U8 t Leoijanl
Hepublleun j ittu of 7
ed but 1 he only receives about liflfK llepubllonn khIiisof I a7
claim Iho election ol Komkct by from
lfiiWtito tniiW nnjoilty tluntitn coin
pletu ittiirn may tualte U tnorri They
hate lnlnrumtlon from nil thti doubt lu I
counties and Laveultclod tUflr ijrtrejwiit
nthes tliey claim n WaJotllA1 ou
joint billot otiuide ot Hamil
ton ooiinty Alleu 0 JIvers
fs thoughl to lie defnnied for thit leKlsla
turc In lranhlin rotint h a w > t ll
M i
An lii lslimiii twAted at dinner hi a
tsulM hotel heard n itinunttttaesr rststto
how be had > vtlntl tho OtpaltMitintn in
the Heiuoftt obisrlaud and planted on
I the minnult a llfc flax PtnhronW d With
this name DaltiriutntM to uphold he
llrltlah ttpuutlon the rnglUlumiii
ellmWd the same mountain the next tiny
and finding Hie ilau llxed upon th < < tP
must ptak returned with It and sent H to
thu brave tuouiiljlmw who lived lu
d < l ii nt v llbtge
lp to rids llnii > but little has hetiiluard Iord Hnadulph hireblll lu bit < tililc
from the leRlslatute A Itepubllenn sens ti tin iIc tor ol Htnitlimlmm ttutd he
lor Is elected In the Twenl senottd dl ToiUx would sltlve 11s Hi as uallucrt1
trlct two Itepiiblleati r < pier4iiitlves In econnnv wuulrl admit to tmilUiity Ut
Culuiubtann county and me In fdelgs umiihei id lne hobbrs nail oemptin of
and one Hemorrat repieseiilHtlvc In Tils land Vhruttiitioiit the Imtul KUtifdolib to
rarowas and oluIn CiiriliKlim isnutii ntlttre Uie powerw of iirlltttM > V In tin
Iih pitvlnets show net ltopubllctn naln j tluiity mhihUii ol the N0 < 1 money
of ito < M his is nearly oiietuitit olliiraudio ivfouli itttrilaHwulaiy prtHedoiv
voting preiliicti In lb stntn j B i rettulati the houih of the inactliivi of
310 inciKti < lu the state > hmv nvl parllam nt so as totemedy the nlitht alt
linns In a week the Tortoa would govern
the empire In the Huht ol lommcn a u
Tho ln i > vA < i rti Urn SU ttrtkhs of
matimierr n wad at Hk elootloiis ih
larbn Tlilri < vn hundred nnd four wunl
en bowls 1311 penknives IHU halts id
Hclasors Wi r iP ril t tr lii3 Ink
stand mm pieces of India rubber tiSUii
peuhohlers iOH hluok tiells Mh ted
pencils yiios blue lmnells ISO mcciIIos
tifts twists ol red tuicnd and a5 pounds
tif plus viiniii timliins uf Ink will
IveanelRepitblluin ln of 7777 it lltllH Hofieshments for Hie enrt
the same ratio obtain In the icmalnlnu
precincts Porakeis majority will be
about 18iso Private dfspticlies from
Columbus say hecretary llnsbnull of the
Republlonii committee makes Hits osll
mate and that tho DemocmtlL e < immittec
concedes Homilys defeat
Seven hundred and illlvfour wards
ami precincts jjlvo Poraker I n7U7 lloadly
rj H5 Leonard Hill it net Ilopubllwui
gdlii ol K no
Tho lesiilt lii Liiea county Is lu doubt
at la in Wnwlll bo tiiiabfo to get lbs
ilillulto result tontjjhl
iwiisTYoxH iiHitmisn imititurix
Cm svif Ohio Oct 18 Tho chair
man of tho Republican stnto control com
mltleo homos the following ut 1 iHO a in
II the piesunt nttu of jxaIus Is kept up
we estimate Iorakurs majority over
lloadly nt lilooo
Our advices In the loKlsltUiirn Indlrjtte
n Itepubllenn majority on Jolutballot but
wo mo walllns for pioro doibillo reports
from Hamlltoii county
1OMino Ohio Oct IH Mho votu to
day averages 10 to 1J5 pur cunt lew than
last year Mhu Prohibition vole l small
In this city and allowed soaicely miy In
crease lbe tettirus aio coming In vary
sloivly on account of the iarnn number of
scratehod tickets but the Indications am
that tho Hepubllcnns have elected most
oltholr county ticket by decieaacd plu
rfllllle from last year Mhc exception
are Wade and Puek the former for
shut HI ami lbs latter for representative
Rnlimbnck RuLmblhii for repriScnls
live Is bolletod l bi < < t < I by small
Hiitiirna received up to iniiliilghl i m
braciujj only about oiieluilf tt pnclncts
In Lucas county show II publioioi ftalns
In nearly 1 1J
acmoil th villa ami
Wade Dewxral for pmbabjy
major of M i In prctmntatlvM
nrers who will work all night util be
prn bled at the rate ot i tunics wih
< acb
Il Is a notable fur t Unit I nifHsh tuur
1st aro ejirenielj < r < ilou In t telr
nature i speclallj If any royally slmtts
thetiithu wav to pasture uma Mln
visit ol the prince nudpimisn of Wni
to Itelaud will bo I tm alriilaliU be i >
tothat country II Urn innuuicrablii
CurslonlsU are licalcil with good fare
and ooiii tesy Dnbllit at last report
wn full of slranifDis Jiid iwver iire
sentoil n busier tisptct Jlic
main nltractlon Is the botftj slow
wtdiih tiai naturally drawnil enrnd
of vlsimrn Irom tho eotintry Tho in
ifHah toutlstsnro scaitercd nil over the
Island Klllarnuy with lio four hntuls
Iselioko full and at nil the famous needle
IesoUs lu the North nnd West tho barns
have even lo lu utllled lor tho lutrdlcst
of the quests At ileninaritt the ovir
How has burnt nccniniiimlnlotl Hi n Inuc
ittil rathyr uijaUttiollvu woinln liuiblliur
ct uii liilliDflBJdotii wliltli Joflk jk i
Iwsplla ntf Is cftljwt m lonr
Tho viliHfic of Minnssitutt la Iinsis
haMbitii liSviily ttoubltol by tho nest
among luoow amlthevouwnbd lather
of tho community held a iiieeliiflo de
cide upon tlieliesiiiicmisolputtlnits stop
totni calamity It was agreed that re
soil should be had to tbcoldribwotilo m >
Mim ol roundplowIw ilm Mi
lnss i account of Hmi proceaa Sftvon
Urutiir two old women iiml a youuu
Iwcliiiot of food cbart > r arc eljssbo
vt mlilnhflita broc wlmi of Hie jHawwU
Is foiitid led by the wo old wortcu tar
nln picture ol sllut In tnu re i <
thu procession tin seven mildcnsari twr
liiswd it n plow Wlillb is uiibbd t > the
luiion plltiWlt
tfu t iby accorit
111 lo Hie bi II ot Ihe si iillcUllu
has hi a doHbl with clm favorltilt Ur t i ilovHd avxllii the
an VvMcll < lflislhe
publican tautlhlaUs Mlc UMllHhr of
Uit Hepobllcau tloset 1 probably
tlecUid by small majority and they
no powtr lo pass
ui th < P v
lie fi
nical itr
claim luo < unly for roraker bv tSO hoim liileiils al Vlitn f peUIWI a
u ihm win s j fiimiy joW upon b potb e ono nlgbt nut
foil vnu s Ohio Oct Li Tin fhc liti nj fhcf iMJUglit t Ul > ul ok
Hon is passion off < mbtly with Imlliillons I and o il < tin carjicuHer Hiem fl vcn
of a lluhtvoo polled It bah ralued alH tificatc that Ibey baa duly boiitt lt < anfl
inornlnff and It Is b llevcd that should ii paid for It Then tluy basic n d down
clcitr off Hie main part ol the vote will be small stu t t riildnhjfht tn a wry r l < <
bruiujlit out this alt ninun < ltlcr < d
the slate Minmtttci has anv iufoiiuatloti
of coiiseqiiiiMe iACAJiii thai tn rain l
Kimural mjkI that a fair vote i Mn
CirvKiAMi Ohio Oct 18 The Indi
cations are that Poraknr lias Girled
tiijfinous manner A poiioifiuiu no
iii ouiiMsr d inem made iniioltlt and
ttetttug no SttlWacUriry it plies orfWrUd
Uw i rHc and took them to a jsullc
stflllcti Jhtic ttity sbivud i tlr iai
SliUis mrtfhVale so ttint thi > offtclsl
wa obliged to bt Ukio u it Thcy
lumudlaUly marched ihtoutflt another
CJuveland and CuyhoMconnUcs by about and wircD aln uote < I by
M00 and that tlni Hepubltcar county another poll Lilian nnd t rnglrt iMtfon
ticket Is olcclcd by rylti majorities iho sum umi where tl rtflltwr was
AH over tho Wodeni r rvoK b ttnila1 rather iodlgnaut u > In hmI from <
Hepubllcai aalns w shown find In only nap a sr id Uiuo lint mm U e uf
one town Obiilln has Uhj Prohlblilonvote cuts bad fool d a Ihtrd pjllccnian L < b
nauwd n Republican los A lull vote vlaedji plan to arrest tbdr tmunr
was polled here tho lection heinj with1 He ludw lb imlbvmen follow tb < m until
out incident j tiny bad < b ikisHihI Um pbtnk somiw m
Hie U dcr w HI say tomorrow morn vh riuism they brnk It u the pold < uni
injtbot the whole aituMtepnbHimi tlck1 lions u c uli lum a tm ni
1 1

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