OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 06, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-11-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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W ifff M W
r j
mi mi
runuHmw a van r xm r
ait i bo
v Bsmmm
risf m t
tm wawmi
K M Viwandt W d > <
Jos II Uiown W A Huffman
II ruddock CIm Bohuubor
as W Swayno
W A Huffman W J Tumor 7 W
W Ij
11 oil
Mulono denornl Manager
llfRcc I lolilfe tloH toranil M IhdnMn llomton
undTlirjckniorton Intern t lbs 1nrt Worth
Ioslofflf M SsmhhMUm I M JUtlfr
tlMtoOt ii < uiM by tht PiiHtdtrl
mfty weekly
OnoVenr Jin wMOnoYonr
Thrro Months i 50 I Three Months
nru titinn ji r ct nitwits
rtiWtek MeonU
IMitos or Ailveiltsliu Iunilslied ii Appll
lUmUlanitA bu itmft vmtotilct money order or
In rtiUtereil letter nt I jitnvjtrt
trmpt Information of et tnl ami news hanptn
inei of ttnerol Inlerett tolMteJ mil Kill lit
rMtXnnlnllloiu Memtd f r jmMtenfoii
wwtt tit 4tee > KHlniitlrtl I u the nrittrf name tmtl n < l
< irtM iwtfor imblltallon but iu u > i awtnce of
irtteinrttlno to TUB < IAITTI mi bnllMin
ptrtmMl to thcmnlitt vlllpleate itrloit itnmpor
Wl ltlers TtliiHnr to button of any Uml
MrmttltolMUAI1T11 rt Worth la
Iliirlcol Itipoil
I vkrtK renders will rtml In tlio market re
itttof this pnper spoelnl ItdeRraini ilnlly ns
well rcKiilnr Associated Press report
Theso Ulegroms nn supplemented by olfiir
lttt r tln coimn iclal mutter uml ro nindo
nil fttrer llio clu ImmIikm In tlio Krenl hu l
nlil imtiter Imk MKrnt will Icnui no
flVOrt iinmnli lo liavn lt loimncriliil rcinirUi
nil Hint morrlmnU mid ntlict il mninl
IllKllColllt III Ullllltl
IllKUi 11H liaii a Hlnl rPiroriiilillvaat
Ijler wlionporU thu < le l lutH o tlio lilRhcr
MWrU l4iwcr ninl llllfiiiit lll rtml In Till
IHrKlTB prompt tulvRrHplilo nniiDiiiuciiient nf
n1jjl cliMoii
THE GAZETTE has tlio larooot
bonan < Jo circulnlion of any daily
newspaper published in Texas
Till orKHiit hIiouIiI nulunll Loo IiikUIj
lur Hie ruciirils llir rttiinlti aio loilul
Ulirs tlui old iniiily liconl bt liH lo
Ituji Rome HlllUlillS IllllMlM feci piutuo
ultlolm u ii Liiicktniii
Ai tlil rale Mr Illiilnu will be ittduccil
lOlllSlHtlll lll UffHUl tOOlllillll tilt Utpuli
Ilwm noiiiliiiillim for tlio prtflliluiiiy In
DitAHriMKNi Did yoti lOiul HmtWuxn
lmolito iouut In Tun < luiuiio lerilu >
Moro tlinii owir yon will nucd lo oomu
liuiti t < i lemli thu puuplu
ilit Ioxii ivti cxpliiliiH lint lie inner
IIIOlUlOIIH till 1IIII1H o Uliiliu Ihll llos
riieu111 licit iliiiy thai lm ollin lihilrt
and puilmpn mni ilrcutiiH of lilm
> i
TWDtliliiKi oimlil to In BCllktl liy the
cUotlDim IIiIh full Jlmy uiti Hint tlnil
Oltlo l it Ituptibltuiin Htittn mill ncciiuil
Hint Nuw Yoik Im ii Dmnoumllc utiitc
Tiif iiP U uoter any mallco in thu Dal
InnUnion unlcHH rUciulllM abMiil on tho
dunguo Tlinn tliure U A reader of the
papei can alwaya tell whtn Btorotl Is
Timlin Ih a slilklng NlnillaiHv In the
fata of tho iMtigwump In Now York ami
of Miihoiio In Vlt lnla which gnua to
aliur that II hardly mot paya lo play
the traltoi
Sum i the big cattlemen lunu oxctiislie
control ot thu Kulioil lamlH and tho Wont
by leasei or ahall thu little man have
ftee range for liU herd of mltoh oown A
loaHOlaw papei put he iUONtlou Now
let the peoplo proceed to a oidlcl
NoiwuiiMrvMWMi tho omphalic ro
bukiMihluh they huso lecohed thuio In
inory lonmiti to bolloui that ioorglo Wll
Ho CnttlH ail Kclnitz and leoigo Iniiu
allll exproia tliolr gratitude to tho Al
mlHlily dally from thu alteot oorueis for
imtklng them not na olhor men
< mi liming monkeyed with
DalhH long oiiuugh to aeo that It would
Iimo connection with Ioil Win Hi Iiiib
tin illy out loOKO fiom the dead man gilp
and mined the money to ivtouio tho ioil
Worth 4 Now Oiloaiia railroad Tlio
people of WaahachIo aro wise
Kivi hiiudrud dollars per inoiith will
buy many uuluinim of now Tun > uurri
Oxpemla It inonoy for nuwa lUcnntum
portivlon at 11 in uroMumdM spotul tliolr
for iweUil tralna llio raiding pub
liehave not been rIow to IIkvout which
gtventUogrcMifgl toiiini for tliolr money
Col J II llitirioKpf SlimiiMn vlHltod
the grtwt dl trlliiitlng jiuttit of North
Texan ionteixliy TtiU In tho gontltiinun
wiioili Hie lloiiMon 101 reported aa say
In that mom people met on and oft tho
mm ut Port Worth Hutu nt Onhefllon
Houston Dallat Austin and Kan Antonio
Ho > ii people hai efonKn enough to got
out ot Hio way before tho btow hit thoiu
Htiuh a mail soenm to bo United Blatea
District AttonioyHoarlot Mlnncotn who
writes lo the proaldcnt that If jou donlre
my resignation as United fitulon dlitilot
nlloruoy In and for tho district of Minne
sota I hereby cheerfully place tlio wimo
nt your disposal proildod no cliargtii
any kind Imvo liocn iimdo or are pond
lnu nKiilnst mo
It I roitiirded nt n scltlod fact tbat
Hccrttary MnnnliiK nnd TroaHiirur Jordan
wllllu tliolr RuinliiK niiiiunl ruportH iimki
n HtrotiK nri4innciit for the dUcontlnunncc
of ullur colinif0 nd the > ru ldont will
In Ids tnomnKo urtto congreiw to ot lun t
Hunpond oolnagi for tli proMia In this
rccoiniimtidalloii tliu pronldont will not lie
mipiiorlod by lilt parly Tlio country I
not roady to limo HlUor coIna e stopped
but It Is niixloiiH that tlioHlhur dolliir
shrill bo InorodBod In value Thoro 1 not
Hiiriliw of inonoy In Hie couiitty to do
iniiml tlio dliruso of ono of tlio inotnli
but thora In no further demand foranRp
font dollar Alako tho dollar an holiest
ono and mako an many of Lorn a tho
mint can afford
Tun Tflxni iwporo gonornlly know a
hawk from a handsaw Tho Waco Day
1 lio Dnllaa Sown nnil Dnllnj lleralil It l Mdl
p r JMW n irmntli for Hint ptclnl train lo mrrt
tlinlr piipcm Into Tort V orlh liy 0 oclock erery
mornlnz When lliuy Ketlborn they Jlml an
lilhur tiHirnliiK pninropinlly niiKooU alrruily
llnttlljiitcil to the people or roaJy to gn Xorlh
Honlli awl W t mi tho UfiltH Ofmui e tho
Nonaint llornlilnro lookln entirely lo their
own Ititoroat hut It look like cnrrjliin winlii to
Nonoa tle nl a priUy Mocp frcltflit tnrllf lo
hoot Hut Port Worth 1h the illslflbtitliiK
point ofIVxim TIioNiwm mid tho Her
ald iniiat coino hero Cooped up In
Dallas they are without railway connec
tion with tho rradltiK public of tlio utalo
Plu hundred dolliitH a month Is tho prlco
of llils necessity It comes high but It
iiiiinI bu Intl
Tlio Ktntoiiicnt of tho lloi ton IoU
that tho Ivfjltlnturu illsrogaiiltd tho ll
ures of llio comptrollor and tho lccoui
iiieiidatlonof tho otcutle In mukliiK
thu tax icdiiatlnii which brought about
Hie lato lelloloncy In tho caih balanco of
3210000 h wry Miy ry funny 11 In
a wellknown fact of which thu loit la
fully togiilant that Go > Ireland wari an
mail as a March haro becatiHu Compliol
lor IwalnH cHllinatOH Nhowtd a Ninull de
llcltncy euii at the old lax late and In
hia mcuBago to tho logltdtliiro ho coui
nilttoil the uiiUMinl alight if oinltlliig all
mention of tho lomptrolhiH report do
daring that tho tiixea would bear a liuuu
niluctlnii IhuloglHlatiiro took hli rc <
oiniucmlutlou luilcad of the touiitrol
lera llgureH ami tho ruaiilt wan that the
tmucteding leglNlaturo hail to borrow a
quartoi of a million doll ire to iiy up the
ill bin of the Hlato In eiiHtliig tho blame
on tlio Hlghtcoiith loglHlaturo ho losl
Khoiild oxplalu lint It nlmpl placed tAo
much lellatico on tho cxectitho judg
a aiinnxiiAGK rAvnii
Andiow Young announces In the
Clfburiio Ielcgram thai ho liilouda ftlioit
ly lo Idsiio a liteubaok jiiper fiom that
point Dr Yuung la peihaps aa compe
tent to expound and dlHMUnluato the
doctrines of LueiiliatUlHin aa any man In
Tvxiih ai d Till I m in would be glad
to pi o him w In A pure
ly Cucnhack organ In Tcxuh hcciiIh ti be
iinntcuHsary now alnuu the poNltlou t iki n
by a lingo pirt of the Demociallc pieKB
that thu government miy propeily Hiaiup
80 ccnth wot Hi of alher a dollar and glie
It out for a dollar Clearly HO cents
north o tho suppositious 100 icnta of
this dollar la Hal value of the hiimu ua
tuio aa tho Itteiibackera Hut dollu
Tho dirfeienco Ih only In degree If the
government may fairly call HO centa
woiHi of sllvur a dollar it may aa well
call 10 centN1 woi Hi a dollar and going a
little fuilher it may call a plcco of papei
a dollar liy Ita Hat Then we It ivo lieen
bncklHin pmo ami aimplo While in Ihh
atate ot affalia mil itcogiillug thu need
of a Greenback organ Tin Oaiii ii will
welcome 11 ami iiHHlst Ita publlHhoi In Ida
no uAhTixavtrr
The peoplu of loit Woilh who hnvo
eoiitrllmted ho largely lo the vailoua
qnlerprlHOH which liavo been Instrumental
In advancing tho ptognm of the city
tlioiild not jet dlncontlinio their efTorta
Port Woi lb has Hindu lapld atildes to
ward mutiopolltaulHin and Ita achieve
incnlH are Hie wonder uml adinlrallon of
all who are acquainted with thu history
of Ita progruna Hut thetu yd remniiw
much to ho done IU railroad fnollltloa
ato uliiiont complete with Ihe construc
tion of Hie Port Worth llio Grande
railway which la not very remote Port
Worth vvIII become tho center of a tict
vvoik of loads reaching Into every motion
of tho atate all oontrlbiillng to
thu bnatuoHM of tho city enriching
Ita peoplu mid ftirnlRlilng romiiii
urallvo imploymuut to Ita uiti
Mina iiieuhaulCH inerchanta and ttadea
H oplof and piovldlng Mile nnd irotitabie
Iiivedtmunt to llio iicuiiuiiilatloiiM of
capital in the hands of individuals and
cm poruitoua Thuao artorlea of commerce
how over boitollclal ami imoful are not
enough to accomplish the enda desired
by Port Woi Hi It nuut still have factor
lea and tnllla ere ttn miccoiu la nacured
Thu fouiHlatlou line been laid ami laid
well The flti r tructur haa yet lo bo
reaiml Tlioaowho llrnt nindo the eon
trlbiitloiia uaraago to tho foundatlun
aro here allll mid aro willing to
add to It material for tho aupur
atructiiru but thoy uio hampertd
nnd hindered In tliolr laboia by tho
discordant uotoa of the croaker who seen
nothing good lu milted effort and would
Imvo evury man live by and for lilniHetf
and a ii rv Ivo or porlali by Ida liullvldiial
and iiiinlded offorta TIioho who Unit
opntrlbutcd of tliolr aulmUncu to Hie pub
lic good have profiled largely by tho in
vestment nnd have cxpronaed no regret
because of their expenditures lor public
purpurea Thcio are matters of a public
nature now appealing lo tho gencronlty of
our citizens and they ahould not appeal
In vain Their suocoaa Ii tho autccaa of
the city and while tliolr failure would
not jeopardlws tho iale of tho city It
would result In Hh Injury Thoy must
not fall It would bo contrary to Hip tra
ditions and patriotism of tho city for
thorn to rail
The Washington City eorronpoinlcnt of
Uio Cincinnati Kitqnlrcr lecontly wrote
that It is cirlnln Hint by reacoii of nil
iitidorstmiilltiif between the heads of tho
llepubllonii party leaders thon Is to bo
an effort made to have tlio negro vote of
the South counttd solid for the Republi
cans else heir disfranchisement or re
duced roprofotitatlon In congress and tho
electoral college In Blatea where tho
blacks outnumber tlio whites 1 Tills
view If harmouloua wiih latu ulteiancoa
and acts of Hio ltepubllcan leaders who
aro determined If thoy cannot nap tho
advantage of negro votes to deprive
them ot tho right of suffrage
There Is abundant evidence lint In Hie
Virginia election largo numbers of negroes
forsook tho llepubllcans and vottd for
Iltliiigli Lee The gient majority for llio
Democratic candidate iiiuhI have been
built up by the help of negro votes This
Is sure to Inti tislfy tho feeling and accele
rate thu movement of the ltepubllcan par
ty against licgro suffrage It Is plain now
that they cannot control the negro and
they hato him for Ida new giown In
dependence Ily boiiio pchenie If they
ever again acquire coutiol of tho
lawmaking machinery of government
they will attempt to dlslianuhlso
the negroes or nt least lo so testilct
their voting privileges as to render their
Influences In government a nullity
Old Iliad Stevens In the debates on re
uinsti notion itcogntml thu advantage
to thu Republican party of the negro
voters as long as they voted with that
party but hesivv with prophitlo vision
the danger th it would ensue If the negroes
should cease to act with the Ktpubllcans
when tlio inereasid lepresentailon given
the South by virtue of their enfranchise
ment should add stiingth to the Demo
cratic aide of the house of lupresentatlves
Hill he oxptcUd that theie would always
be a ruspectablo whllu Kopublloau parly
lu the Koiitli lo lend and tontiol thu ne
groes II they should grant the right of
suffrage to puMima of coloi he said
speaking of tho states enfranchising their
lato slives I hlnl Ihuro would always
bo Union white men tnough In
the South aided t > y Hie blacks to
divide the lepresentailon nnd thus
continue Itcpublloun ascendinc Ilul
old 1 hud could not forcste Hie demorali
zation of his putty tu thu South mid Ids
judgment that tho negio vote and white
Kcptidlcm votu would dlvltlb lepresenta
Hon ami gtvo tho Itupublleaus a majority
of Southern congressmen was false
Out of no leguid for the negro did the
llcpublltan pally Invest him with tho
itfofftuffriujo They wanted his sup
putt ami he ould dot supivort them with
out a v otc 1 herefore they g iv o llijji tjio
power to vote Nnwthat he his ccastd
to use his votu for their advautigu nnd
thu Democratic representation In congress
Is largely lncrtnsed by the negro enumer
ation the ltupubllcaii party would if 11
cutild take away his ballot and without
making an actual slave so shear ldin of
his political power as to in ike him a vh
tunt serf That which the Soul hem ne
gro Ii is now lo fear most is tho Ilepubll
can pary of the North
i urtli
Improvm Hull
Iarls II ilnnoe Whcul
Uio Port Woith Gvirrr Is dally lm
piovlng uml is now abreast with the best
of tin
AlllmApex nt llmTrliiiiRli
Wuco lAiimlnur
Tin Iviini bus by fur tlio best of
thu tiluiigiilar joutnallstlo light now
going on in North Texas It seems both
ahloamlieiy much disposed to hold Us
Iluiii Wives mill Ilrij 1inir Oldlilrrn
si Iul llloliu llcinoeriit
Ihoiiiasluiiies a colon d mini residing
uoar ialiiosvllo lla litis n family of
Utjfour children thirtythree of them
being now al home with their father Ho
has had thno wives and tho thrto were
all living alone time Only one of them
Is now living and sho claims nineteen of
the children
WH i i
hprrlnl Triiln limit
VVnco llximlnur
Tlio contest butweui the News and tho
Herald tor tho business of North Texas Is
ouu ot tho most ridiculous cv or witnessed
The Idea that these two papers contain
matter any morning in excess of the Tort
Worth papers wortii tlio expense of a
special train or even a special nirangu
incut to truimmlt Is the veriest bonli 1 lit
whole state Is still laughing ttt the con
temptible exhibition Altera while Hie
dlsgtisl will come tl in aniarlng this
ntinsonsc Tho fuel is thcio Is not busi
ness mioukIi In Dallas or from that point
to make a fortune for one of thoin and
With both In the Held disaster Is bound to
overtake one and perhaps bolh llctter
hyphemia and do It very promptly
lliiiplnu Up Oonlt or Ill >
Halts Herald
The lort Wortii taKrTi Is plonscd to
tentutk In the course of an editorial com
ment on tho blow about spcoluMratu
enterprise that tho typographical ap
pearance ut thu llcrnlil Indlealus
that It never clou bought
Ink enough until Dallas gave
a bonus to another paper Tho tllng
was unnecessary as tho Herald had moro
than once frankly explained to Its leaders
Uio iiuavoldablo onuso ot tho Inferior
printand staled explicitly the great ef
fort bulng mailB for entllett possible lm
Mk 8 and I
Amu al U
w t
proioinent In fuithor reply wo lake
ilensuro lu observing HifttTiii Gunm
in Its several departments Is nlonru one
ot tho finest pupi rs lu Hie Koiitli nnd n
credit nnd matter of pride to nil who
glory In tho iironilnenee of Texas and lu
such enterprising eiiic a as the Port The
Herald Is not cramped by liny locallsnr
and rejoices lnthu general and Individual
piimporlty wherever existing
WKieojiK to roiiT wojtrnt
Let tlio Kiirnicru Alllnnco dnilce of tlio Ill
lure liy llio 1nM
Koiit VVonrll Tnx Nov ISM
To tho Killturot ihodnmlo
I think the cotton niiIo mado by the
Pannerh alliance hcio In Port Worth on
yesterday In connection with tho sale
made hero on tholUh of October lust will
greatly redound to tho lutuiostof Fort
Worth from Hie fact that both sales were
a success Tho alliance demotistrnloil
tlio fact In the Hist Hide by their uiirnosl
ness and patlunto that they weto nllltd
to each other us a hind of brothers In
deed rind would stand together as a null
In every case of emergency uml conse
quently It was ioon learned that the cot
ton could only bu hotmht In bulk This
was done by a buyer In Port Worth and
satisfactory weights given and Hie men
all treated very llndly by llio citrons of
Port Worth No Unfriendly remarks weio
heard upon llio sit eels mid tho men till
returned homo feeling good over the re
sults Tho success of the llrst salu spread
very rapidly over thu country and tho ie
sult was that on yesterday wn hud cotton
hoio wilh oius fiom several contiguous
counties which was sold with ouis in
Now those two solos giving oiitlru sat
Isfacllou upon both skies vVllt certainly
spunk volumes In the future for Port Wortii
as a cotton market fur the farmers nlll
unco not only of Turiuia county but for
nil adjoining counties
We aio sony to note tho fact that al
liance men have not been Heated will
In other towns In the suit1 of their cotton
but vvliliu this Is the casu wo aio glad to
say to them come to Porl Worth while
you will receive a licaity ui Iconic and
will also get the last cent tho market will
justify for your cotton and after sales
aro over If you wish to buy goods you
will Hud merchants hero who are fair and
square dealers and who will put you
goods nt bed rock pi Ices
A MiMnrit or rm Aiiivmi
itiijinit noiuiii
The llriiolUjii Dltiiin Mlnni llln VVntili
uml iHii Unit or num
Nnvv Vcmi Nov C Henry Ward
needier hid his pocket picked of 100
and a gold watch at the Poitysecomt
stieit station on thu elevated load yes
terday Jlelng Interviewed Mr lleecher
said It was not u piesentiiHou watch but
a good llinekieper which he had pin
chased 111 IHhft It 1 dont get It lie
said I have another In my pocket that
ran do voiy will I went over to New
Yoik today and hid tlio matter before
thoaulhoiltks I had carrkd that watch
ovei 600000 Hides and lost It at last It
Isnt the loss of tho watch I mind no
much hut the fact that some skunk has
got It that wont apprtciatu It for its a
good watch
iius vi
rivili IWllII H liitclllirenco nnd lanploy
J imnlolllcp IllntiilM over iiontonito room
K lekplKinu No liS Kiillruiiilj lniUinfnni r
moihnnlia lontruitors utnl prlvnto f unit Ho
Iiirnliheil with tullablo help holli mule nnd lu
tu IU U All ocdirs prompll nltcndoil to liiiynn
A Oii8nh
Fl TlAl ion iimm it
I III A vvomnu lo do thu work of i
WAS finill linpilru of Mm 0 I
Ilron ii
I i
vvan i ii vivii iiiii >
> > a nnd
Plriils I LviipIi
r AM ill A llrsl Lliow lurlier iit
ConkB hnrbcrfihop Wentherfetd
I vvocniivnunnrii to rnll between
10 orner lldrd and IVum
A lialjjc chiiln lirarli t vv Ith the letter
I J ViiiiRriiveilun th Mi bnud the Under
will bo rewnrdiil II he will take Ihv propcrl til
tho Invv tUlli jif riiriiian Ahtudiiiiiii
isr A blii < l iiiid white polulur deir mi
J nvvern lnllie nnniHiif rrnnk A llhurid
riivviiid vvPI hoimlil fur Inforinullou leading lo
Ida n tiivery iir ilellvi ry nl 111 Hnlonii
noons i ok kini
HIAT Ill munt room luriiUliiil nnd
1 uiifiiriilflliiil MMilhcrn iixponiirc nl Jill
llonitiiii iru t liiiulriiof 0 ll Ilruvvii
ioif iiin r mviiiiiMiH
IIINlllncllliiK of
drove Mreet in ur 1 o irtli
V Ilitti liJ lloimlon Ktrcot
three rnoiiia en
liepilru of 1
0lt ItKM Hmnu ui ills Won fleiTiiid
Hired four room Apidt ntprciiilKuii
IOlt HA 11 11 VV liIINlS
l villlHVIi Kiddiinia No WJ West Ilrm
1 Htreet 11 room utiible enrrlnKD lioiine
poilllrj homo tvvo hydrants Apply to A V
HuU ImiHllrUiliiiir imrtli ofjioslolllcu
lvTlirtAirK olPiIt tilOnu of fiitnihiiil
1 noinel nml niosi nliely ilnlehed uburbin
eollnges In lovvni Smith slilu half ntro lot
joiiiik frutt uqd rlindi trios splendid hnrn
rvmunled lellur no Mrcel ciuri pnss pimii
every Ion inlniiles toniiertlon with viauir
works pnvpilstrtet iienrli nlllhu vvuy Address
VV ilMIltOOlllW
couM itv Iiioiintrv ri iiHTiT
lvilli baLI V lo of lnnd consisting of tile
P ai rus lu Tiirruni poiiiiIv mid hordurliiKou
Ilirkur Pouul > twulvo inllos west from Fori
Worth I ho hind H sullnldo f r fnrinlnn nnd
iiruilnx Irleo re i oimblu For luformntlon
nddrosa 11 L 1 Inetlu olllpo
r 1 < S 1 ItVI VSH KHiieml fund unii eol
lei lion Hjionts lor Uio Ianhnndla ot
luxns liiscosiili V
v WiM VN ILVl If Ilul K iitiiriiT ilovvlnj
wnlpr oljrhly tnillous per nilnuto will m
rnlnwaler whllu sulphur iiin imela nnd snln
lh boat btlllilnic vrsler In Iho stnte It may bf
mod as nl Hot Springs drunk hot while imlb
InR Single llcknls M tents five llcliva 1
SIhijIm AJlnrklu pruirletors northWKstoornoi
piilillc wiisr
1isu1 h Imvo met triKOther nnd formed nn
sssonlitlun Ono of thefr prlnclKil ruins Is Hull
Uiey will not furnish vrntur to nn mm who
on os ono of tho association for vrnter stnoe Feb
rusry 11 lsso Whunover tho parly desltlnt
vvnlur pays bnck dues nny ono of tho nssouU
lion will furnish ll in him
I nnd
FISJlKlt A lolll I
Snn Miircni luxas
WrOrtll Attorneys M
l > lAvvSnii
I AVIS IIKVll t HOHIllla Attorneys nil
1 Couutelors nt Unr Ovor tort Wortli Nn
llniinl bunk Mnln strput I oil Worth Toi
W W ItOUlll lioinoupiithlitrtlmcc
residence Third slrcet comer Husk
opposite tho optrahouiu Ottlco hours to 10
n in I 2 10 to p m Suudayi 10 lo 11 a in
1 olcphono No Ui
> > V r
ltA t l Jr
lliHltlmin A mil a Hiilvn
Tho best salvu tu tlio world for cuts
bruises soics ulceis salt liuiim fuvoi
soies teller chapped hands chilblains
corns and all skin eruptions and posi
tively ciiioh idles or no piy roqulicd It
Is guaranteed to give peiftct satisfaction
or money lcfumlcd Price 5 cents per
box lorsalo bv II W Williams Co
7 > > W rnUUiicxl at bc Louis mvi i U M Tyntihj i T Jl H
rl IUo lo j i tun of opium or mori hlne rum Tl1 JSjHVfi
Ih uiworilio oilrun J ° J t tir vi ffi
njrllierelkforweiiml i Bv
pla It ta gratifying to ol m > ihiit mu lidnii
pToiM Kiiuiwqiimil mtiy lx > evvrtcil hv He
liwaf loNitAUNc Willi h In nlmoiit a mkiI
In the ncut runn or hiiufnlgls
von HAir iir au imoooiwa
A A rVIELLIER U o lrupriktur 101 uj
C V lltttiLU
lrticB ove nouAit rcn BnrA
Capacity 25000 Pounds por Wook
Pooan Stroet hotwoon Sovonlh ant Elalilh Fort Worth T l
Homes for the Poor
Iuhlle School Itihdn on thirty inn time null pnvnunt JI10 hnlnnrn
2 linr in re pnynhlu Mlcr thirty ears tt Ith per rent per ntinum iii f i
Die hull est AmIiiiItiirul lmiiln aro otlll open to nilnnl sulllin tiiinn o l n
HpleiidliltrBctnofprlvotolniiisnlMIHiiiernpri on lonx tl > ne ijv ooVr3 >
loMistenlriilrnllroMil lnnd niirt 1ono HUr l nd ininpnii Iniidnln iCdm 5k
market on lire Jenrn tlmo Willi 8 purgumt Intircst BIraSe
torrifpom1enitoIlcltcdt letters
niuvvered promptly by next mnll Siirtih
lo fhovv oxnel land en irround uTTi > M ij
11 Si int Io in and AkoiiI HasUll City Texas dolut minor
ktll County 1 jmd nnd stuck lonrnnl hnd I
O hif to our ntpldly IncrcnshiB ImshiesH mo Imto fgiiml
sitry to rent tlio itiipoi iloor of llio Port Worth Grocer co
liiilltlhif Tills cuHro simio 75l fool will ho OcTotrt
notion ilepiirlmonl which wo intoml to niiilio rqiml 0
Hniith in the extent uml Mirloly of stock curried
Wholesale Driggis
Ialant Jlcdlclnen at Mnnufncltirorn rnlo npidipinrlers for Show Ci i r
Block ot Drugs anil Atndlclnea In JiorlliToxni at hotlom prices
IMo8 409 < lll and 413 Houston St Fort World Tex
IXabUlipil ty
Hos 121416 aid 18 West Second St Corner nwMlu
W holotnlo nnd llctnll lltnlora In
zo CJi s is
Fort Worth Dooatur Woalhorford Cordon Baird Ablfe
orado Big Spring and Pocos
r i r
g VJiolosalo Dealers In nil Kinds ot
Soloaccnlaln Norlli Ti us for lie I clthrntcd
tO HoiiNton Wt OIiKIiimillOS
Wholesale Whisky iVSerchl
And Dcnlers In All Ivlndsof
fjolo Aeeiila for HrlillUs riilubnltpil llotllpil llewr of llllwiiukpo II U
1 IcmpM lliittlul mill KiE Hi or
400 and 402 Houston Cor Third St Fort Wortii Trt
Jfoit AVortli
Xj 2HEXO333T
11 r nan
sptrntors lnd
llpus Ivllehon
Sinks Hath Tubs
dranls ftloMB Vulves
Chnuilnllcrs Iron nnd
oud 1iimps Vlnsh
Hands Bpecliilty Tho
UI Alulu Wliool
11lflMElfTE T
Honrlotta Tox
Control soino Tcryflnobodics
of fnrinlnn limits In Clny
Wlchlln nnd Wllbnrgur
Counties nnd oiler su >
pcrjor Inducements
lo ljiinl llnycrs
Is Ihoplaio fir llrst class work
bituiiilos open rm inspic
lion lJi7 Mnln l
No Aoents Employed
1iirt VVort
cimrtii h

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