OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 06, 1885, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-11-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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t n cc Anxtons to ArN
Irato with England
rUl Al
JjJ2Jr C
iost Cerlnln
i1 Mexico Nov GThc strug
V 0K hi tonstcss between the
m wi l the opposition
tlo P
u 0 the advisability
° Jii clvl K lcclttl Kriuts 0
eowtS executive The government
lla enrny but the opposition
ttatS hoiiW do that
itcn < H jMrrh0 uuvcrnmcut will proba
AlilL point Tho opposition on
f T t nlclit to et throii h a re
< ° rc ig the Mmous tlnaiclal
lloa a5St uno one of which rccog
vViish debt and another bus
dthcl iho resolution
° f > tho KovwiinHnt
PvX opposition by an overwhelm
Resolutions accusing
v0 < of
iwdX Mhn t there will
ed arbitration for
charges presented by
by con
tfurteil nt KiiBlnnilit Actlmi
Nnv gA dispatch has Ijccii
lilui nor his
be no
here stating that tho lltil
mKX evacuated Isrlbod
tfi Constantinople say the
l v arcatly Irritated because Mr
j Tom lhlllppopo Is This is action
rtof the mltlsli agent sup
i n Indicate Kugllsh approval of
BolgjrUn union
Jl0rm < 1 Antloun tu Arlllrnto
Burmese envoy at l irls has again
i riird 1vutts the Hrltlsh utnbassa
liobbn consent of the English
lltto the negotiate with him The
Sshe 19 convinced hat the lis
between llurmah aud Kngland is
to misunderstanding Ho alllrnm
ith Burmese government has already
5MBhciltho l > rltl l agent at Rangoon
Suoclnz readiness to accept tho
scttleinent of
Unfavorable ti > Stend
irKlchird Webster tho attorneygen
to tho
unlay finished his address
In the trial ol the defendants In tho
The court
istroo alxluctlon case
mrneuntll Saturday 11 is genur
hrllcvcd thit tho conviction of Mr
l I editor of the Pall Mall Gazette
ilMdncll llooth of the Salvation
yan dMrsJirrett is certain
lrinco AlcMUiilor llojcottol
tciwroeof tiueo Alexander of llul
i has been stricken from tho llusslan
t m aud the prince has been de
of tho Russian
ed of his c douelcy
battalion lu which he was appointed
Cliii sr 1 tlm I < 1 > nlilnot
t Jiulols of Paris wiys that tho changes
ecabinet liao been decided upon
Will be announced at the opening of
limber M AllaluTarge M llerro
TindandMde Moll will rctlie M
m will remain president of tho coun
ltoilRll ill lllilHtiilin
chdcicon George A Dennlson M A
Hwaton In an election speech last
ilnsjild 1 luvc kiimvn Mr Glad
He fortytho jears but I would not
Htlilm with u brass fat thing
Its said the Tory whip In the Iiohmj
itly expressed the hope that home
Should hippcii to Mr Gladstone be
imorulng Somebody In tho crowd
ills point cheered for Mr Gladstone
rchDcacon Dunnitoii retorted
m might as well cheer tor the devil
iMrtttngof th ItiilUmiCiiiifuroncP
livsTAsnsoiiu Nov 5 The first
ItlnS of the llalkan confcrcnco took
Jc today The business was limited
Sic exchange of credentials and the
llntlng ol olllelals The conference
reiBscmblc on hiturduy when the
formal session will be held
A llnlllo lniinhicnl
icnsa Nov 5 King Milan continues
ctlicly prepare for war and Is making
nzeinents lu tho event of hostilities
king out to aclvnucu from
it to SotU the capital
Hulgiria The Servian premier Jt
wluulnl ih ineparing to cross tho
ontiter which dltldes Uulgarlaand
da ltli a strong force Into the Wld
illstrlct The flrtlcoulllct between the
lansaiin llulgirlans will piobably be
iSJton by an attempt to prevent tho
wee oIKtng Milan and his force on
toad to Soila Wlddcn will
MUjftod by the for under
usrachanlnl only e rtso
Milan defeats lrinco Alexander
slitxptcts that the Servians will bo
rlousaniiservla hticceed In talt
lnmlWlddln liussla will lnter
1 a > l insist that King Milan withdraw
Mthe Hulgarlan frontier following
cs by the treaty of Sanstefauo
Vrsnch nml ieriiiitn Taffy
Nov 6 Count Von Minister
DPivderman cmbitssndor to lriincc
vtitcd his credentials today to vreM
fuvy M tie Iruyctnut tho mln
r of foreign affairs was
n Count Von Minister
lmneror Wlllliui charged mo to
Une to develop the friendly and
Ujorlv relations at present existing
cii iTiiir uiitl CUrnmny 1 shall
f i tne warmest loisuro In fill
s ti tasV so eoiionant with my
uiui f iy rendering myself
B10 < c int rpruor of my august
Im n President Jrovy re
an tonviiiciil that per
111 > < h m together with tho common
> isof twth natlins will strengthen
KooJ reations existing between
Fron Veri itiMlolhln
Nov 5 On the 28th tilt Gen
lli a review of his troops
> anting to tooo men In Tanna Of
oiOwcroMontoners Tho follow
jsutttvoof his regiment revolted
wtc Anally mustered by another col
rom Wolhia states that
utas his resigned the ministry of
foreign affairs nnd It Is believed that lie
will bo succeeded by Senor farplo Tho
administration of Senor Uoltorlzo mln
lstor of the treasury Is giving rise to
Tho Peruvian minister has demanded
redress In consequence of the attempt to
laS8arm aovertho Hollvlan frontier into
1 cru The demand has been refused by
the Hollvlau government
Ir Delvallo solicited from llollvln
recognition of the Caxorlst govornnient
As this met with some favor in the chain
ber of deputies the rcquost will bo sub
mitted to tho cabinet council
It Is stated that a measure providing
for civil marriages will bo presented
shortly In the llollvlan congress It Is
proposed to hold an exhibition of line arts
and horticulture In tho city and a com
mission has been appointed to organize
the same
A Captured Cummmiilrr
Lima Nov 6 The capture of tho Ca
carlst commander ltomcro y Floras Is
olllclully continued
CAllli NOT lis
Austrian troops aro pouring from Tri
este Into the district of lloccho dl Cat
Tho English courts hai e decided to al
low solilleis occupying separate rooms to
cast their votes at tho parliamentary
Tho report that tho duke of I dlnburgh
will bo appointed commander of tho
Mediterranean squadron has been con
At a meeting of tho National league in
Dublin Wednesday Mr Harrington stated
that 88000 had been received from tho
Irish branchaud 810000 Irom the Amcil
can branch for parliamentary funds
At a meeting of tho German colonial
union yesterday it was decided to dis
patch a commission to secure sulHblo
localities for German settlements In the
Southern provinces Instead of lirull
Tho German government will prosecute
tho Volks Zeltung of llerllu for libeling
tho czar of Kussla Tho charge of libel
Is based on the expression Czarlhdier
despotlsmus which was published In
ne Zcltuiig
rarncll protests against the selection
of Mr Phillip Callau member of par
liament for Jouth Irelaud by the
Nationalists of that county as their can
didate at the coming parliamentary elec
tions It Is leported that the paity there
will noliecognlze tho protest but will
support Callans candidature
Answers have been lecelved at tho
Vatican to tho popes communications to
tho German and Spanish governments on
tho Carolines question The popes
bases of arbitration with slight modifica
tions are accepted The popes decision
will now bo drafted
lUtorti to heeiirn tint Itefrlccritor Sn
lnr Villi
Mr Dnhlman has not succeeded as yet
In obtaining the money necessary to pur
chase the refrigerator from Mr SUInkio
although the amount subscribed was In
creased somewhat yesterday Mr SMn
kle who has the refrigerator business
at heart and who H a gient
promoter of refrigerator patents again
extends the time given Mr Dahlmnn In
order that he may explain to our people
tho great necessity of securing the woihs
An ordinary business man would feel
discouraged but Mr Dnhlman knows the
Mucin disposition of Vort Worth so well
that he feels that If his position was re
alized the assistance ho asked would be
teadlly granted Mr Dahlman desires
that It bo understood that he does not
want any donations The following from
the San Antonio Impress Indicates how
our sister cities feel about tho contract
Why should this great enterprise be
established at 1ort Worth Instead of San
Antonio The I xpiess can conceive of
no reason other than tho people of lort
Woithare always pushing their city for
ward to secure such Institutions nnd mak
ing stringent efforts in that direction
while tho people of Han Antonio tho peo
ple of San Antonio who should because of
their iutcrchtsint oh cd bo pushing our ad
vantages to the front sit In silence
trusting in fate tomhance the price of
real estate and seemingly fearful of
making noise enough to attract attention
because they might be called on to make
a subscription to the stock of nny pro
posed scheme likely to benefit them and
thereby place a little stiffness In the
backbone of confidence In those laying
down their money here
Doth Mr Sklnklo and Mr Pahlninn
want the contract canled out hero they
aie favorable to our city aud this part of
till tillCs
Mr Sklnklo can easily sell his Ice ma
chines anil get his money back for he has
purchased them far below their value
Mr Dahlman can go to Kansas City and
but neither gentle
carry out his contract
unless our citi
man delrcs to do this
zens feel indifferent in the matter which
ot course suttles It
Methodist Missionary AVilh
Ni w YoitK Nov CThe Missionary
socletv of the M 1 chinch met In session
today Hlshop nowiiitm piesldcd
Delegates were present fiom all
parts of tho country A resolution
was passed in which it was rcfcolved to
raise 100000 for missionary purposes
during film omliiR year
S T wJsr rr STirr
The society
will bo In session duriu the wuek
nTheAboard of
NPW Yoiik Nov
MMniist 1 rnlsconil
churches and
work Tho olgh UeiiHi
In tho even
Movvmnu of
llesldes the
bishoplufliitloneJl mWre o iwllli bo I le
ivered by Dr King HNu P M f 0
New Orleans llev IC llarttell ol iin
clnuatl and others
Colli Hocks AIlHze
MiKK Nov C Tho St Paul
Sc ii dock Vilnaud al Cannons
miles from here acros the
lolnt thrco and
luganareaof lira acres
n c ov
of coal
n stock of 100000 tons
SS and are
n ure last night
mid tla
mST nlthousb tugs
sllll Diirninsi u t inio
llolngs find llnppetihgs of ho Dnj1
Occurrence tor AVcnl
or Woe
Gnlhriii8 tromOvcrtlic Hlnla Deported
Specially for tli Cntcttrhy ll
Omm Corrrspniiilents
IiinE l v
SpcclM In tho Ratctte
I > VOVimvTllxNov Tho counlr wart
In olon IW raiuo before It ami
llio o of but lltlln luU > t t
V l0lef T111 JOlnR In rrQfi iit the
Met hhIIM rhurcji
ul t jvthii rli ro t
teiulpil MlnlttOM lrom ahroail
Mnonir whom
U llev r HoillMjy iho Kcntuiky o hbc til
nro ot > wtCiU toft mt IncrmjIocoa too luecl
Tlmtjtoinll Slurtlcr Cm
Special tu tho wiuotte
AontlN Tliy No To ilaj In tlic llcron
rate all ihostatoa tontluiuny w i > luurU
lnuionlliiK a coninlrncy nmunc mo llcrtun
family IiicIuJIiik Hob anil Tom before the
murUerof l r Movnll Mm stmalln tcllnvd
luolln < lAily wnairetcnl at tho trUl tu ila >
winch will routlnuo several days jet llicre
arc tno ncgroca on tho Jury
Xnnrrnl f Mary A Unit
Special to tho Gaiette
1A1VESTON Trv Nov 5Tho funeral of
Jlrn Mary A Davit nhoilled lettcruny u
very Isruely attendea tlilt uftvrnoon irurn St
Maryi cathedral Thodi ceaacd was tno mother
of tin lalo lov i dmnnd J Ua > It and llwd lo
o rlpoolU ngool ninety jearn Miowanono
> f Ilioold rcelucnu of u toitunaud had i > er
hai as largo a circle of friends and nc < iuuln
tancot as any pcrton on the lelnnd
Corrospondenco of tho liatclle
Cor oiulto TiiX ov 4 Tho Colorado fit
UnKcnmiany Is jmw orKnulied with capital
> material 1
ol2V i ordered
The Colorado Ilty Jockey tlult urgnnlted to
day It Is Kolns lu Ihho a halfmile tract In
operation In two uccks
There are newcomers oiory day on Iho train
from the hast Ihcio Is notancniH huu e
that Is tcnanlabloto bchnd This sho s How
thotuwn isKtonlnjc More liuusen aio build
Special lo the Gntetle
MtMTKXNollUln Is much needed
here for stock
Cotton this season to far has been ery gwn
Tho number of bales shipped this seasuu Is
lluslnesi Is dullonlnK to tho Knights of
Ijihur strike
Mr > htllcs who had Ills rlnht nrm tiikun
oil In his cotton Kin Is up nnd mound and Is
rapidly Improving
Special to tho Carelte
Itvkcv TK Nov ft Our public school
opened on Monday morning with nbout Illy
pupils In attendance Tho prospocts ato falr
lor a Rood school
lliuliics has been a llttlo ofl for a feu
days on account of thu low price of cotton hut
there was a spurt toda > Kccclpls for the sen
son to dalu are over 30uo bales Sonrly all the
cotton has been Kalhered and tho principal
pirtof It marketed
Corn will begin lo mn o as soon as the ruth of
cotltm business Is oer so that ears can be had
to mako sblpmenls
Socifol With Sill
jpeclil to Iho lactte
SaS Astomo Tia Not 5 That silk cul
luro can bo carried on too cssfullynnd prollla
hie lu San Antonio and West Tovas has Just r
cel > d another demonstration Mli leola
Dashlela slsterol dipt dcorire Dashlel who
bus been iiik ku1 iouutlme In lno and silk
iillure sent ten ounces ot e vatolho depart
niontof iigrlcultiire at wi liliiKtin anil aim
somuoflhu moths whtchlaid iho eijirs and ro
cultcda letter from tho seen tar of tho buroNU
sa > hiK Ihoy were the llnest su Inieus iter
sunt llicre She rocclv ed a cheek for fli for Iho
specimens lheru aro sieral ladles hero en
KiiRed In amateur work of this character 11U
chiliued that Iho ieae of our iiatlvo mulhorry
trees furnish tho last food In tho world for tho
silk worm
Special tp tho intettc
How ill TliX Nov ft Deputy Sheilff Win
Block of this county passed IhroiiRh hero to
day with John Cu rler nnd Junius Turner
of water
throwing streams
hours dock property
parlners In Iho beef and hide sleallni
near Montagueon his way to tho lluntsylllo
pcnllenllar wheiolhe parlies get free board
htm lodging lor two cars
J S mine who was sentenced to fho cars
Inthepcnlteutlary for the alleged murder of
Cipt Kerr was yoslurday Liken to tho I ort
Worth Jail for safe keeping until lit appeal Is
Coll on Is still dull Not much Is doing Ship
ments to date amount to 15S7 bales on baud
Tho DotnocralH are happy mcr New 1 ork and
Virginia retuins The lew IMda tnthlseom
inunlly aru correspondluglv glum
Mnriliil on Ills livntliIleil
Special to Iho larette
SkaivTix Nov 0 Mr W Ildosey
a merchant of Wallls Tex died yester
day al the residence of his brother It V
losey a meichantnnd plantation owner
Mr W II losey seemed to realle that
death was approaching nnd requested to
be manled before death came to claim
Mm A marriage certificate was procured
by the Haltlmoie Ohio Telegraph com
pany and the ceremony was perfoimed
two hours after Mr Joseys request Mr
W IIlosey was married to Miss Lucy
llugllsh Two days later ho died lie
lcaesa truo and loving wife with many
warm filends to mourn his death Ills
ftineial look place today at a oclock
Attempted Arsn Miintloii
tperlal to tho totette
Ciuwroitn Tix NovS Quito a sen
sation was created among tho clllens of
our town this morning when the news
was receded of tho desperate attempt to
murder our friend Nat Murder Mr
Murder has been employed as manager of
the llttlo boat Ktollc In the lakes west of
Crawford and his cool management and
cautious actions for the Interest of those
stockholders always looking for the
bishops ol tho MothoilUt wop of iie Cntiro commimlty
church now In ses s on tot lis c t a o dJm w m Bko j j
proves the appeal of tho 1 > 0W The Falls wliero tho noted M
roclety for J50000 a year for Itrlstiaii Jji > ld mw o jN nctIlls > Mr < Ullr
education In the Southern states amoib ww ng UhUa nltlldinB t0 hIs 60Cmr
both white and colored P J duties when to Ids surprise two men
pastor of tho church Js urged to w cmicillll < Lf bnBhw HOtno
full apportionment Jot this woik tu u iiil thirty yards distant onuio
liberal ly to this
Aid bo
of ttio 1reedmons
amilverbary church
clc j ol the EMethodlst Kplscopa
will be held tomorrow In the afternoon
noogu Tenn
lug Uloliop Thomas
sl Louis will ptcslde
out and attneked htm with large
clubs and an old nityit ax that was used
by our town butcher Mr Uurder was
unarmed and the only chance was to de
fend by a close wrestle He however
managed to wiench the ax from one ot
his assailants before they had succeeded
In felling him to tho grouud They be
onine frightened and ran feurlng lie
would entirely exterminate the tyouldbe
murderers No cause is known for their
rash act but It Is generally belleted tll <
men were led to the ImpuNU o work from
treatment received while they were
eveiiug on last Saturdays sail No clew
to the imrtlcs has yet been received but
a close hnut Is being made by tho proper
Commliteo Meeting
Kvcry member of the committee ap
pointed by tho tire department to Invgs
tigato certain charges preferred against
a certain member are moit earnestly re
quested to meet ut Klremcnfc Central
hall Friday evening nt 7s8Q oclock
sharp J > 11 AskkW chairman
Iort Worth Tex Nov 31SS3
fort fourInch
Kronen Armiire birds eve
forlyfonrlnch 75c
Amazon Olntli fashionable shade
fortysKlnch lSSo
Hondo Checks ana stripes late nov
elty forlyfourlneli 1 Wo
IlomuspimTricotsnil colors forty
fourInch TStotHic
French Tricots complete lino of col
ors nttyslvlnch lOOauiUita
FlanelMdllnirs full lino of lnleshndcs
fortyInch We
Flannel suitings dark shades titty
slvlnch 75c
Wool matronal StiUlims for tnllor
mndo suits liftInch IOOnnd 1SV
Ilaln Flannels foriInch 75o
Flannel sacklnK plaldi llftyslv
Inch lMnndlMc
Black Silks and Satins
20Inch lllaek tiros drain Silk Ijons 50c to ai
Sltnch lllnol lirostlraln silk bet
toriiunllty Ljons lUOtolM
SSlncli lllaek tiros Grain Silk cry
heavy tlulnet 150 to MO
22inch Our Columbia irot drain
Silk 1 WloSM
iMnohOiirSIHcr 8tar i I Silk
tvryrlch 1 75to 3 So
salnch llfllonsCashmere line soft
KraluwllliuilwearKlossy 173oS50
S3 Inch lllaek surah 1 00 to I 50
S1 Inch lllaek Satin llhademes 1 tn i 50
stlneh lllaek Snlln Duehust 1 5u lo no i
tllnch lllaek Snlln Trleollne 1 ixi lo S 00
Slluch loons lllaek Unicode Silk NkjIoIVI
SJ Inch lyous lllaek llrowilo silk
SUIu irrbniid 1 21 to 2 501
A Cotiferenco to be llllil will llesldent
Sealey of tlm dull Colorndo
V huiiti Co
When the trains arrived last night a
number of Knights of Labor belonging to
local assemblies were al tho depot nml It
was noticed that they greeted certain
gentlemen who got off the trains taking
them In charge Inquiry as to the mean
lug of this elicited the fuel that the stale
executive committee had assembled here
by tho order of some one In authority
Hut llttlo could be learned fiom our
Knights lu olllctnl positions as to tho ob
jects of the meeting but nevertheless
Tin 1A7H1T11 has reliable Information
to the effect that the board has been
called together to confer with resident
ficaley today probably til Temple
and to adjust matters between
the Knights am the lulf Colorado
Santa Ke It Is stated that the Sntitn Jo
peoplu misunderstand the situation that
the Knights of Labor have no grievances
as far nf < they are concernedand that the
alarm of tho company Is without good
or Several days tlo Santa ie
has lecelved no perishable freight
from our merchants tud n railroad liiiin
Mated last night that no freight of any
description was holmr received and cer
tain It 1 that no freight train went out
last night asls the custom This all
points to the conclusion that
the rallioad company expect tum
ble but the executive boa id
will piobnbly convince Mr Senley that
his company Is mistaken
The passenger train on the Santa Co
which oaino In at IS oclock last night
carried an extra oxpress car loaded with
liiyivy freight from Hahoston for our
merchants andfrom passengers It was
learned that all fielght trillle had
stopped along tho road At Galveston
no freight trains are either arriving or
departlug over tho MUwourl laclllo or
Julf Colorado Santa Co
Our merchants will begin lo fool this j
blockade In a short time for they receive
thousands of pounds of freight over the
Santa Jo from OaheMon
ilHhdJctboKhStli4lu 1 00lot IX1
101 black patsomeulrtle Klmp n Ith 1
cut let beads Slo 3 In 1 S3 to 2 00 andliarneTU 8 85eti > AiJc
Tho Donffuo lias run iU course King Ootton lia sottled nil back tlobti Buyers nro equipped with Cash
judging from our Immonso Saloj tho pttat woek Spot Cash Quotations nro wanted
Dress Goods
Assortc1 mlnrwl broo ite
Assorted riald Milllnc
Plain Colonil Wool rilled Alpaca
Mo ltili tlrncAdo new ollects
India llalit faslitneru
IertnanliaK vuolllshls
lllehlandllaMslialf Anil
Silntll heavy Oatluiioresall color
31lnrh Screes wiwl ruled
IMnrit IKillelut nil wool aillnff
II Inch Arinore olntli new thndrs
SI Incli ComWniiloti sheetlhesplatn
mid llfturcd
Sllncli l rench lltlds new style
SI Inch Herman IUhts new ellects
ntc loo
8 to lie
15t S l
15 to fie
111 to lite
15tl V3
SIInch AilliistonllHioadaIn all colors Wlo o
SO to So
M In 40e
tlneh Wicker 1lald IV worth V
SI Incli Satin llcihet lain tiovetty It
SlliieliCroseenlllakls SStotiV
riannet sulllnKs now dark shades all
wool ii lo Sic
DoubleWidth Dress Goods
Vnton Cashmere alt tho new dark
similes Ihlrtj six Inch SV
Kngllsti Cashmere now fait shades
foclyfour Inch < 40c
troLch Cashmeresslnplo citlors totly
Incli KMo c
Krenrh Cashmereslrectamlcvenlnir
shades foitv Inch a to MX
Caslimaro DcllelRo mixed grays and
brown forty Iwolnch 4J to Wo
Copo Help mttcdray amttirowu
75c lo 155c
Colored Satins and Silks
10lneh Colorid Satins choice tU
and rlntcr shmlw SSc tu Tlo
JOlnrhcolored iatlnsUUerKrm < VIot SI
SO luoi < Mtirrtranttillndk hadn foo
I > ol Complete iiMortmonl of ovoti
Innrolors in satin thadaaies Jao lot Ml
11 to bv ll While ami nlRht shades bn >
cade silk KMMoSlWl
IS Inch lTonsnnertMle < tors > silks fiOctoCvil
10 Inch Iot > dress silks heavy Hie to t
1 Inch ljons tlrwi silks icry
heasy 1 lol 7
iflncli cms do I indresiiew shades 1 0 tu 1
IS Inoli lladEhiicr le 1 W 1 M
lie > to
illiitli witln ihnaarars Mil line of
street and oenlttft thados Me to 1 M
tilanh surah sllkanr ehado I 0l > li > 1 W
Udlnf White lloso 108to 1 I 50 pti toi
I dle l > K Col Navy
1S1W and 3 M
I W pet riot
1 jdlet lllaek Hose 1001
cnl and Card
1 adIrs rail llegnlar fntiVachcd Jtowi at fto
per pair
Uiilos Vail KeRulsr ltra tiood Hum at M lSu
lidKV v il ItcRtilvr lllaek Xavy llfown and
tdiiuv KlocellneiSn iirl leolorsIfl to v
ladles full UemilnrlUlo llo lllaek rrltieil
ontl solid oorit nt c
Uidlea Inll llegular title Hose lllaek Sblpetl
and solid rirlttt at Itc lo I 00
Utdlea Silk lUMsatsftTted color I 09
Udle silklleln lllaek and Dark colors
so lrMhhroeadrtllkt > eanlltul color SSo l i 1 W ijiii irk iiV i > i < t niK
S4 ln h tiroeado lk two toned 1 N to i 00 n e7 M to ft w Celnred cilr
Dress Trimmings
Lot bltek passementerie Rlmp Willi
satin oord and Jet beo
Is 1
Lot black passemnnlerlts elm
passeiaontcrlo ttlmi to 1 6
Jet beads 3J lo 4 Inches wide Wo to 1 80
l black liasseuientsrbj ilmM lth
I IfHei Hllk llos In UvtnlnR holies extra
1 lei ilh3 WlloOOO
Ijillestollon lt n < cUa ttie Vnkleaclieil
n nit colors o t Win
Jet beads 1 to I Inch wide M tn SOo Udleu Wool llos all colnwS50 to ina
lt lilark passementerie nlmp With Uiillos Cnshmoro Hose all colors Wlo jo
lot beads UtoMnehesnlde 40to5o I LadlesIMno KnglliltCashmcro Silk KniblOi
l it black with
i Mi se Mlk Hose assorted colors slio I OJ to
tto3In M toTV MlssosHIlk Hose llhck slto 750lo 143
l Willi SlicesCoiion Hose Navy lliowiiUarnet
lHr M meni for jj
illsms Fancy Ulhb < l llosolllack VavyUrown
black iiaosemenlerloRlmpwIlh lloj Cray mixed and nolld color ribbed School
cut Jet oil 3 to 4 In 1 a to S 5u llw < t 15eto8 e
Ia black snlln oonl ivitsemcntcrle ttos r Mixed extra heavy and extra tonpt
Klnip 11 to 3 In V < to SIX Sehnot llise 71 V 3o to
IAf 1 I j Misses Fnney Wool lli > Ka toS 150 lo390
WOOl LaCCS Slf iiu KVL m 1 U l cro Hose ft
Angora wool not In light and dark
hriixw > hclKCiitnetui > ttbvuarliio
black1 Inches wide 150
Audita wool llounelni MMaosliadcs
of net 10 HI si 27 Inches wide
1 CO 1 S31 502 00
Cashmero wool net new shades
llounclmr lo match 150 to 5 00
llended netblacknnd while27In
wldo 100 to 7 50
Headed tare and llotinclugs white
and block 73o loS 00
llended frontsblack nml whtlecach 35Utol3 00
Iol snln Veheleen complete lino
ot shndos 60 to 75o
IaiI S3 In Velveteen nonpareil fast
plllarn colors 73oiolS3
Uit rln lllaek Vel > eteen Wk lo 150
> l 1Jln illkVelvetstnplocolors 100
It SOlii Silk Vehet new coloring
lunch better goods 1 S3 to 1 50
l t SI In silk Veltrtevening shades
and tints SOD
Lot 20lu lllaek SIlK Velreti 1 S3 lo 1 73
Uit Si lu lllaek Mlk Vehels ller
man goods SOU to 3 50
lil M 111 lllnck lons Silk Vel > et lHMo W
lxt HmoadoMlk ehctseomplcln
line or colors S 00 to 100
1it llrooadosilk Velvet two toned
elegnnt designs 2 50 to I 00
Lot llroeide silk Vehet cut nnd
iinetilbroadeleRantgiHids 250 to V
Uit lllaek nnd Colored Flushes
worth 2 00 2 50 30U will sell them
at 1S < I 50 lo 173
lo CSSn to 50c
Misses Fancy Cashmero llosen 50 lo 1 00
Infants JrlUied Cashmere Hose Slrlimd and
Solid colors 13o Mo and 85o
lntnuts FlnoOisbmero I llotun Hortad colorsr
Infants Silk lloie Light shndos 75o la 1 00
Tin run nKcoitn
A Dtwlllui lloiiso lloinril
bperlal to tho iarcltu
LoviiviiiW Tux Nov 5 The dwell
ing of Hiiuuul Klnnagnn In thu otitsklrlii
of thu olty burned thisitiornlng All else
was saved The loss Is 81000 no insur
HUMHH lllllti
Spoolal to the > arvtlc
ALvauado TrX Nov 6 Thu MIs
sotir 1iiclflc roundhouso was dostrnyed
by fire this morning about I oclock
J hero woiu twenty lurriiH ofoil and four
utiKlftu lu tho building which woioa
touil Ions The lire originated lu thu
store room but how Is a mystery Tho
low la about 100000 supposed to be
covered by Insurance
Cotton < lln Itilrlieil
A hir < lnl Killllon I Oorrflspomliiuoo of tho iuiclts
The Toxas Llvo Stock Journal will SiuNinniv Tix Nov r At 1 oclock
gito a special slxtoenpige one hundred I today tne gin and nilMhouse of 1 fior
aud twelve column edition on November don wis dlitcovurod to he on flro and In
II for distribution at tho National Cat1 fifteen minutes the intlre striictuut wan
tie and Korso Orovvew aMoalatloii i lu rulna Tho Iomh In 8000 liiKiircd as
at St IouU to bo laId No follows Sun Mutual Now Orlunns
t umber J lu addition to this I UluOOi Klre Aaruwuietit aiMielatlon of
aud the regular clicnlallon of the Dallas lCOOj Mutual Mie Inmiranau
Journal the Issuo will bo sent to every i company of Henderson fox 91O0O Tho
cattlo and sheep ranch In the tnlted fire orlglnatwl lu tho lintroom and In
States and to a large number of bankers i Hupponed to have been canned by a umtoh
luercJianU mauufacturerB xUickmeu mselng turough the glnshind Iluslile
and farmers in the Must and North lu the loss on bnlldingsj and machinery
order lo show the correct sldo of Texas there vvero about 1200 bnshela of wheat
nteicstaand Investments Tho matter i and six or seven bales of seed cotton all
for this edition will be carefully com of which weru lost All tho baled cotton
piled and several columns will bo devoted I was saved There were some forty or
to matter pertaining to Kort Worth andtifty bales In tho yard
Tarrant county Mr W A Gamer the
manager will
here tills week
solicit advertisements
wssB si s M
llniiirs In n Cbllliiii Town
IrjiHiK Ciiiii Nov 5 A fire started i
I iiIlus 3 tt Kids colored
Ijidles 4hut Kids black and
Imiles 3buk Kids black and
LadlesbbiiC Kids black nnd
Lailla o but Hlds black tin
Mli o 3liut Kids nssorted
ladles Shook Foster Kids
assorted colors
Ladles 7hook li ler Kids
nsortiid colors
lnJIcs 10hook Foster Kids
nssorted colors
l iillcii llbut Mosq Kids
black and colors
UdUiV S but Mosi Kids
black and color
A TJi UIm u Toi ti iOi ri is
50a to Jo pair
I oo to a w pair
1 S3 to s 03 pair
1 50 lo2 23 pair
2 00 pair
1 S3 pair
1 001 1 50 pair
1 30 pair
4 00 pair
2 CO pair
2 tlpalr
Cashmero and Silk Gloves
Misses Jersey Cashmere sien
l to < l
UidlesJersey Cashmeio sues
Liullen Fleedllned Jersey
Cashiuoro sires 0 lo s
23o lo 590 pair
330 to 1 00 pair
VVIIUhlswookofforfifty plecoa Body Brussels Catpcl Hi 100 Notn p i < n i
worth less than SISO per yard Every strcot cat m II oily po es oi r d i > A4
drlvorto stop ut
The Kxefutho Itonnl of tho Kulghls
ofXnuor of ho Slnfo Ah
HCIIlhlcd HllT
IWCcttixioo 3cvtxiicaLay A ftornoon
Tho rieno of he play Is Inlil In Iho u lid reitlous of the mining districts of Molilalia and lis
Incidents are of the kind upon which so many rumaiicos and latter day dramas have been
founded ItiiboundH with thrilling situations mid alleotlng section and tho niidlcnci never
osa Interest In tho play from Iho Hum Iho eurlnlii Is drawn untlllt closes on Iho lust ad
Tho OOOI AH fiOLI CdMISINAliON Is a strong company and
merits a full measure of success
Ids morning about oclock and bniiiei l
a block south ot thu church containing
good dwelling houses The residence of
SiiiorLoaya was destroyed Tho ehiiich
miraculously escaped Damage not
Toxus Pueille Ilnilwny
iholrcat Ioinibir Konto between tho Kant
atid Uio West short lino lo Now Orleans mid nil
points In luuUlaiui Sew 5luxloo Ailiounnnil
California Fnvorlto lino to Iho rturlh U t
and Koutbonst Iullinnn lnlnco SleejilngCar
dully between Nt Louts and Dallas Iort v orth
Kl Ijiso mid ban Francisco Cnl also Fori
WJrth nnd New Orleans without Image Mid
trains from HI Inso lo St Louis Ilislllmo
UrilcJius oouliimoiit sure foiinervrini >
Hint your llrkai rends vialuxnt k IbcJIW fall
way For limps time talib tltkels rilu mid
all rt Ulrpd informaliflii mil on or mlitressioiy
iUTm i
of thellakti Agenu r If 1 iJtJUl
la ng r Airout lloustnii
1 ll jliUULLOt
ittt ft Ticket AtcL Oalisjttuii To ns
linn TralUo Jtannxer inlvuilou T n
Missouri 11101115 Itnilwny
Direct route Knit via HI luls Two trains
dally between St joul nnd Nan Antonio with
out change Al IUiimis City Union > ci > t
laMeiidcrs for ifaiiias Colorado New iloitlcn
and Cnlltornlaoonneci with x > ressTrains for
nil linos At Atchison coiiMctluii Is mado with
Kxprvss Trains for all points In Kansas and
Nebraska At Omaha connection Is intirle Willi
all lines leallng to Ilia Norlband West u
nerior ncniuimodallons fast llmo Iullman
lalaco Cars run through bt l > uls via 6udaln
dally For tunps tlmotabtcs rales dacall
on or address any of tho Ticket AgJjJ i J
Issscogci Agent ilonstonTuxss
aen Pass and Ticket Agt UalTesionTt
AECtit Kort w tn hToxaw
I m
ripi i
3 < itaft

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