OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 08, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-11-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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w o Tontteu w a iiumtAH
Uecreury Trcwartr
K M VnnZandt W a Turner
Jos II Brown W A Iluflinnn
B B laddock Chns Bchoubcr
Jits W ftwayno
W A Huffman W U Tumor J W
W Ij Mutotic Ocneral Manager
Oftlreof Ililillratlon Second St I tnrcn llooiton
nil Tlirorkmorton Knltrnl at tha Iort Worth
Ioitofllre tu hfrnitfM liua Jfull tlattrr
llottng Viepald bu the lubtl heri
Dally Woohly
One Year 10 001 Inn Year II M
8lx Heaths ft Of HlxAlonlh
Ttireo Mouihit 2 0011 lirco Moulin M
IsrWcck Mccnt
Union nr Advertising Ilirnlnlieit Appll
JleiMance Ill draftpoitofflee monru order or
In registered tetter at rltl of oxnee
Crtennoiulencelt totlctted upon all nevi tub
iromtit Information of eienti ami nam happen
Ingt of general Interett eotldted ami ulll be
protierlji compemated
All communication Intended f r publication
tniut be accompanied bu the tmterl name and ad
elreu not for publication but as n evidence of
good faith
Partletwrtlnt to Till OvKTTH on kmlneu
ptrtanal to thcmteti ci tetlt pleuie Ouloie tlampfor
Altletteri ritatlng to butlneii of any kind thould
IcttddrcisriltnliiyCiirri I art Worth Jcje
M utile I Kii lt
Msrrrti ruKliim ulll ilrnl iii tho tnnrkrt io
pun or tula paper inurlnl irligrniiK uiilly ns
Willi an rettulnr Asiiorlatril r ri > orl
Ilicae UiUismiim nru aiiiilinivnloil I y other
liitervrthminiiiiiioriliil iiiiittir unit are iniuli
up niter lliu iIwm or InnUmnm In lliu Krrut IjiiM
iiish ronter Tim niiiir will Ihii u no
olfortimimiiln In hunt lit iniiiiiien liil report
nil Hint inurclmnU ami oilier ileiiiniul
IllittiCniiil l > ii IMoiin
Tun OArn n lias a dncrlnl rcprospntnllio at
Tjlur wlio tilotln til ilirlKloiiii at tliu higher
cnitrlK Ijiwjiirsanil litlKnnts will llml Inlili
a7Ki rii iirompt tnletr i > lilu iiiiuoinicuiiiviit ol
nil < lccUlon
ru the vimtic
Tho only imthmlcd trncling cor
rcspoinliiilM and agents of Im fi iiin
mo II W llohernon and It W Hunt
Any hhsInmiico rendered or favors shown
theso geutlemmi will lie anpti elated
lttrtlos having bills nwliist Tim U
ZKrrK will jiloaso ptesitit them prmitptly
on tho 1st of each month On the 10th
of eacli month overy bill of ocry Mud
will bo settled In full If found cornet
THE GAZETTE has tho largest
bonantlo circulation of any daily
nowsptipor published in Toxna
If Vahsaii has not yet found a presi
dent TcvtN will furnish one
Ifour Wornii enjojs It Dallas Is be
filming to cjmttt the cost of Its whlstln
Krniittii we mo Miny oiy hony but
tlio truth must bo toldi On to Wiimi
O i
Tmf DiflhiB pnputs ate still sttuggliug
to leault the Iort exiiiy uiotulng They
inuflt lmvt a dlsttlbtillug tohtt
Tun tU nfnss stiggostloit of n pitctl
val touelmr forpttbllo school Btipeilnlenil
< lit Is iiiiOtlng with inuuh Uw
Tun West Ins elbow loom tor ninny
liumlrcil thousand pooplo Wliat that
section needs Is n hintl policy not hiscd
or fear of drowning In the deep blue sen
AVIUMTun OiiniJMiiH piedlollngii
lovlval of uillroad building wasnt It tho
Jliillns Unritld that suhl tlieio was no
iiuinoy In tho country to build tallioads
On to WtiMihachlol
Till evidence In tho Tnbor dlotee ease
looks very cloudy for Im sou Downs
Doubtless ho wishes that lie Irtd put an
other bolt on thu door as well as cover
up tho keyhole
No omi supposed Dallas would be de
lighted to lnvo Wnalmohio In rallioid
romicoUuii wlthloit Woilh Wavalmohle
lias long paid tilbuto to Dallas and now
It return H the sneers of tho Dallas
in 1 1 i i i
Tim Sherman Kunlng lleglstcr Is n
liununci Tho Itoglstcr was tho only pa
pier In Bliommu to got out an ejclra on tho
result of tho elections The lloglstcr Is a
kid In Toxuh Joiiriiallsm hut has come
to KUty mid ulwiiyi Intends to make tho
best local papjr In Noitli Tonus
Tin story li U > ld of thogouiuor of one
of tho stntes tint when hu bogan llfo as n
sehoolteiioher ho was tinkcd by tho com
mlttco whotbor hu lliotight tho oatth
round or flit and teplled Well Mime
pooplo think oiio way nml some another
Ill tench round or Hat just as the parents
oi i
If Is tho opinion of tho Chicago Inter
Occnn that this South will stand by tho
Weston tlio slhor questlm Cougn > s
liuty mako tho coin bettor but will not ho
ponnlttod to destroy It or abolish It
That Is tho sentiment of the South exact
ly Mftkotho dollar woitli Its nominal
Tuliio nm keep It In olioulutlou
Oni of tho powerful lobblos which will
asSall llsc ucxi congress will bo one to
modify tho Kdituiuds act mid rclloto tho
Jlormous Tho Maluts havo plenty of
irionov nml havo no scruples as to tho
tnio of It and tlio trlf ml of tho ptvscnt
law will need to ho vigilant and active
or tho strength mid eilloluucy of the act
Avlll nil bo amended out of it
K K fiT Tonuowteo oiclujugo n i
ho flipping Of tlio country of walnut
stocks Is still U ut up Hast Tennessee
that few years ago could boast i > t list
pine oak poplar and walnut Umber
fencing purposes and run the rink ol
going to hades or having dono bo
Tub 1arls News Jubilantly Informs Its
readers that after next Match Mr Win
Mahono will rctlro from the United States
senate and If wo never hear of hint again
wo will not weep The News Is too
previous Howovof dovoully to he de
filled Is that consummation Mahono will
not leavo tlio senate until March 118S7
unless ho should die resign orbeot
A iiHsrwaiAN iccontly dlHContlniicd
his subscription to Tun OverriK bo
cause of the publication of u certain clam
of news therein Home days ago u gen
tleman asked us who In our opinion
wanted so much religious reading In the
paper Some Idea of the dllllculty ol
pleasing everybody Is probibly possessed
by every man so wo merely say wo do
not try to do It
Omi of tho hardest things for tho aver
eiago llepiibllcan leader to understand or
to get through the prejudices of Ids mind
Is tho fact that among tho Inalienable
rights conferred upon the colored citl
yens of the South by tho Hepiilillcan par
ty Is tho right to wile the Democratic
tlclotlf he wants to They do not seem
to realize that he has tho right to voto its
ho chooses
Io111 WoilTII lmiiiiirliplfil not to Iiilllil ll
rmnllo Sow Orlfuna It IIiiiId that n oonnno
tloii tilth tho larKOuiiumerolal Uty uf W vn
hiiclilu treulilliu inorcto Hie iiihitntnxii of tho
town mImtu tlio puntlicr In down lit tliu
pntt mill wlicrii thollKir Is niiniiint lit jiren
cut lillu JliiP
I lint Is Dallas humor mill Dallas tt nth
Waxnhiclilo Is on tho toad from Iort
Wortlt to New Orleans It has also been a
heaiy pation of Dullus Now It will
come to Iort Worth Ileueu theso
AtcoitiiiNO to tlio testimony of physi
cians two Mihnoltoaehers havo recently
died fiom oiorwork In New York lids
will hon Hittprlsolo m my who know lit
tle of tho iiiilieiiuiil8 of teachers ac
coidlug to tho most advanced methods of
Instruction Tho modern teacher must
do far moro than keep older and listen to
recitations Wio must supply most of the
Instruction and Information that a fun
joins ago was requited to he learned from
tho tnt book Only poisons of tho
si longest constitution and most rugged
health hao any tight to become teat hers
hi our public schools today
Tun Altn California protes to tho Cali
fornia woolglowers who ouiicd the
Democratic parly for reducing thetiuiff
on wool that u high tariff doott them no
good A year ago California wool was
selling for less than tliu tin Iff and this
was alii United tn ho fact that tho tariff
was loo low Now the same wool Is
selling for n ptlce which Is twice tliu
tariff rate null tills although the tariff
rato Is lliu sumo as it was a jiar ago
The tariff bus not been changed but the
piluuof wool Is doubled no that It Is
clear the low ptlce of a year ago wis not
caused Ii lie liiipoitutloii of foielgu wool
Tin mm ruxci tor77viy to
VKOllntlonH luiiu hem ihmiIIiik Sat sonic
tlniHliillucn MM Timiilrtiin iirciiI fur tho
Xse pattnro nml Mr Loiulmrill for tliu pur
cIiiikii ol Hint m > > orl It nllnritsuii Kri it sat
l fiH lion to utuioum u nml Ii n tnntti r of no In
nonalilorililo niomviit to tin innplo ot Hilt
roillilj to Knott Hint llio icihIIiik iickoII iilmia
luito lipiii iimniiuiniitiil Tliu Svo piiiliinIi
Inttitvil koine tlirie miles dlttnut from ourclt
nint iiiiiirUus ewxi iion > ot uplimillil furmliiK
laliilnml U UlliiimriiuMi of Mi Ijinilmnll to
lmo tlio iliiiounlnlhIiIimI Into niall Irncln Milt
tilitu Tor fnrinx Ililnlnuit la llnoly iMititeil anil
lint tliu liott tlnihiT tu bo utiiul In lliu count
ami tho fact thai It will toon lio ociunlet Iiy a
llitllty tuUlenitiit of prnirrotaWa iicojilu l
intltsnti lloinlo tlio piHipIn ot Wlihlln Inllt
lurlliularly Mr Uimlintill > n > i > oaoi Io plnco
iviiautt tiiou tliu In nil ami allow imrli
turli Icrint n < will rnnlitis tlmm to pay
tor their lioinot troiii tlio product n tho
farm lliUInmn mnilninui tplrlt ami wo
nrosliul Io too It ninnlfcttcil for It will tcml
Rttsilly townut iloioliiplinf iho uounly llio
iimttirof iuikIiubIiik I nut a ml plu loir It upon
thoinarktit forfnriniiKiurpotns It Jutt IhkIii
nine l < coiiiiiiaiiiI tlio altonllon of onplislUtt
nml ero many nionllit tliU enilro tounirj hoio
lotoio iinilor n n Ire foncu will hu In nidi > li ipo
that tho man with the hon will ttarnl upon
riunl dinting Willi lilt follow IwIuk Una thin
mitlKHl liccn niloplnl lomo jtnrii nni > our
ciiuntj woulil to Jny ho Ol o of tho moil tlilt II
populated In tlio ttnto W o lutio ei > r > rcn on
to litllmo uon that In lliN rount lliu Mi
pnttiiiu It a thing of tho > nMunit IIInquestion
of irythort ttmo hoforo ovor pinlnrofonco
It i dimwit to maVii mom for tho actual nrltlor
Our peoplu will h ill tlio da Willi no llttlo at
Itfaotlontor nt it bat f > l Aii iilti are u
mrlouii dnutliuk to the dei + lopmnit of the county
Mnl prtHtlj rtlimltkeijroitth ofimreitu Wlcli
Itu IiiiIj IlimlJ
Tin tl i7M rr glies plueo to tho nhoo
entlie that the gunUli and piogioss of
Wichita Ialls may ho adioitbed as widely
as possible Wo al o doslro to call the
iittentlou of overy leasolaw ndi ocute lit
Tonus to tho admission of tho Herald
that pastuum uro a bullous diawbaek to
tho deielopniuiil of tho county oto
Tho lease law nmltlpllos and porpetu
ntos pastures
cmME at Tin capital
The trial of Tom Pearson for the min
der of Dr J C Stoallu highly esteemed
phystcluii ot Travis county has ngnlu
willed nttentlon tho
to oxtniordinary so
rlp of crlmos that lmo been committed
In and nonr the state capital during the
lust ten mouths Not only has the series
a seeming connection but v cn all of
theso killings except IhoSloiall murder
been cttmonlluvj but the homicides
theuisehos hiio been jwrhaps unpir
alleled in tho history of assassinations In
tho Southwest or miywhoio elso An
other feature of those munhirs as well as
attomptcd murders that has appalled
tho citizens of Austin a foaturo no less
to Is Ihat they hive been oxojimlioiy con
lined to colored senantglrls and women ot
that class um the purpose beyond
mere outrage has not or been satlsfac
soon completely stripped sud huvo connected
iarnier wJlha > o n pso barbed wJro for j toicn or eight
women and
that havo been laid In their graves nt Aus
tin by tho hand of the midnight assassin
since last f hristmaswlth tho supposed ex
istence of a secret negro associationw hose
mainspring Is superstition or the blind
and bloody fanaticism born of Ignorance
It Is believed no similar Instance of such
a series of mysterious and startling
crimes Is on record anywhere In the
United States Tho murder of Dr Sto
vail though apparently having no con
ncctlon with tho assassinations In tho
capital city was of a character no less
heinous and startling Theso crimes oro
a disgrace to the capital of the slate and
to Texas committed as they have been
under the > ory nose of tho state govern
ment Austin for Its own reputation and
that of the state should clear hui robes
of the stain of blood
Amman haw on run TinAs
ms v
This Is a very Inopportune tlmo for the
Houston Iost to say that very few of
the olllciuls of this statu uro paid sulllclunt
salaries An empty ticasury does not
encourage lucioasod expenses And theio
Is no compulsion to force nny mm to ac
cept mi olllco tho Mihuy of which lie con
siders nn tmcqunl compensation for the
employment ot his able services The
best taleul In the statu is eager to put up
with the salary as long as a sluto plllee
goes with It Wo know of no also In
which an olllcc bus had to beg for thiKuis
among the most icspeclable iiblllty of the
state We liaio not ulitajs had the best
latent In olllcc hut th il was not due to an
Indisposition among competent iiicii to
enter the puollc son Ice it was rather
due to the letco scramble of impudent
brassy men of mediocio talent who
elbowed moio deseiiingniid modest men
out of the way In tho nominating couicu
llons Larger sulailos will not cornel
tills oi II nor secure u belter class of pub
lic senltors
Tons pays her govetnor 1000 a year
and taking this ofllcu as a point for com
parison we do not llnd tint the gentle
man who Is forced to keep the wolf fiom
his door with that minimi sum Is in a
much more pltlublu tondlHon than tho gov
ernor of other statos wealthier than
TexiiM whose tieasutles tile In better
flu mcial omlltlou Ohio one ol tho
l Ichest stutes In tho Union piys no more
linn Texas and wo haio just set n the
spectacle of Inogentleman slrlilng with
tremendous inilor lor the pluco Con
necticut pu > s but tChlOO Ocotgla ij1000
Iowa 911000 whiiu New Hampshire and
Michigan llnd they can got very good gu
bornutorhl material for S1000 a jour
null we llnd il case of a statu olllciul
doulitiliig to sono on lliu ground thai he
can liuiko tuoiu money In piluito luut
uuss limn thu sluto pijs him wo shall
hold to tho belief that out olllciul i ulors
ate ti ery well sullsllud class and tint
thuie Is mil much daugui of it general
stilke fot better iay
i TLvmr Tone
It ulll ho good news to some of our
tendeiH It they aio not ulieudy awatu of
thu f tot lo leniu tint an lhigilMt phsl
chin his lecentlyeomplled n table of tho
mortality of married mid uiimauled men
and Muds that the ratio Is much greater
among the btoliBhns And jot his llgiias
should not bo taken w Itliout making at
loiiauces He took bachelors us he found
Itiem ow It is well known th il iiutnar
tied men ns n chss llie inorelircgiiiil
lives ami are inons pioue to dlsslpuiou
Hun their nmulul bretluen This uiaj
seem dlspniaging butImlli Iduul buehelois
should not bu ofTondcd we speak of a
class only Then we suppose ininy
men mo pievenlud fiom iiiairylug fiom
111 hoalth or fiom u weak constitution
II cannot be doubled also Hint my many
Indigent poisons mid members ot un
healthy Hades or those whoso business
leuulres much tnnullng mo pteiontod
fiom initrylng Of course pciioits of
thsPlisHhuoa less eh nice foi longevity
Hum othois iilthongh how much Uss It
U dllllcult lo ilotciniine Iov Instance
wo think It will be found that the longev
ity of the Catholic priesthood Is milter
greater than that of inon as u class Hut
this may bo accounted for uHo Agiln
It would bo Idle to point out Hu ways
wheiolii the life of n married in m Ins tin
enhaiiiMl tilite Thu consideration that
others will sulfur bj his death that wltu
and chtldnui will be left desolate Is ro
strain on many men who would other
wise freely exposo their lives to dingtir
So too It a vvlfo one wife does so
much to prolong a mans llfo why not
tako two mid Uvo ti little longor or four
and Ilvo tobenii liuiidiod orn doxen or
so and live far down tho ages Hut In
splto of the fact that not much cm bo
depended upon tables ot denlh rates It
win beoniphitlcally nsuted that It Is
not good for man to llvo nlono Then
let everybody bo glad when they hoar of
an engagement mid jojful when a mar
riage Is announced Taking this levv of
the case Tiik titturiN oMonds cordial
gn > otluR lo all about to bo married
Haidlv a day pn sos but soma engage
ment comes to lbs cnis of our uhlmtltous
reporters Hut they stiy never n word
Thuy only Join In gootl iiLhos and In
tho hope that what seems to be an un
usual piovalenoo of suoh events may not
bo transient but peiimmcnt
k rot v riox axb the innrE
Tho reconciliation of the lllhlo touch
Ings with thoniaitflnidnculuvHitevolution
Isn suionstn hut it Is seriously at
tomptod by Sir lloocher In a course of
sermons now publlMiod In book form by
Fords Howard A llulbort of New York
A pilncfpal objection to evm consider
ovoluilonary twohlngs as Irrucouctlablo
with tho blhllcul account of creation
will boemlcd ituddono away with if It
can be demonstrated that tho teotliuonv
of tolcnco supports tho juetonslons of
scrlptuns to infallible truth Mr Jloecltcr
WJ t Qt accomplish this much ho cauiiot
toilly cleared up and even tho outrage popularlro tho cicntlilo principles of
view does not sutllcleiilly account for the ovolntlon among a blblcreadlng pcoplo
Ire sc
t nil 11
rlnttiro and science because it cares papois llnd It necessary to employ special
ripturo revelation but It no trains to Fort Worth In order that their
a pucalon rclcU tIl0
shull bo able to satisfy one earnest doubt
er who cannot refute the testimony of
tho rocks and the propositions of Dar
win and yet clings to tho blbloas offer
ing the only tenable scheme of salvation
he will have left the world his dobtor
In his Introduction tlio preacher and
author thus asserts his belief In evolu
tion and his undiminished faith In the God
of tho bible For myself whllo find
ing no need of changing tnv Idea of tho
dlvlno personality bccatiso of new light
upon bis mode of working I have hailed
tho evolutionary philosophy with joy
It Is n familiar thought that
Iho unbelief of today Is the
faith of lomoiroW and yet today nlvvajs
condotmis the premature tomorrow The
theology that Is rising upon tho hori
zon will still rise It Is to bo a
theology that Is to run nearer to tlio spirit
and form of Ohilsls own teachings he
who found tho tenderness of divine
provldetRC In tho opening lilies ot the
Held nnd Hie mighty power of Gods
kingdom In the unfolding of gorm and
leaf and fruit
Iulldolity Is not shielded or treated ten
derly Ills acceptatico of unorthodox In
terpretations of scripture dois not lead
Mr llcceher to condemn the hook from
whence the Christian world draws Its
consolation and hope He does not ic
jeetj hu harmonbes Speaking of the
nartovv minds which condemn all that ap
peals to them unfitlioni tbiu In religion
bosajsi In this vloiv lot mo sny noxt
that the petty eiltlclnis which peck at
Cods word and aro uinalngly contempt
ible In the piuseueo of this orient light
which arose In twilight but wixid bright
er ami blighter towiud tlio pel feet day
ought to be thu marvel and tho wonderof
Tli it Mr ilccchor Is n believer In the
development theoiy is thus broadly
stated Tho a cent of man from the
unthi opold apes Is a mere hypothesis It
bus not been pi uvedj and In the brondei
sense of tho word proved I see no
picMMit means of piovlug it It stands
In tho region ot hypothesis pics > cd for
ward by u multitude of probabilities
Thepiobublllticsatoso many and Hie
light which this hypothesis throws upon
human hlstoiy mid 1111111111 llfu nml phe
nomena is such tint I unite Incline to the
supposition tint il Is In tho order of
nntiiie In antilogy with all thu ust of
Cods woiks and that in tho ascending
scalu there was a tlmo unknown and
methods not yctdiscovetcd In which man
left behind his prior relatives and
oiinie upon tho spliltunl world which
now distinguishes him fiom the biutu
creation That Is Darwinism boldly
stated Not only Is It dccluied from the
pulpit ns 11 pari of the prcacheis ottho
dox belluf but It Is joluid and mortised
In among lib faith In scrlpltnc Man was
not moulded moated In Hie Image of
Cod but developed by evolution from llie
ape Wonnn was not nmdu fiom 1II1 of
Adam but was evolved by the same pio
ees of upbuljjIlJtg from thu lower forms
of 11ulm1l life Vhls Is strange doctrine
for one who takes Ids text fiom the bible
but Itlsstiunger to llnd thai doctrine
pill forth as consistent with the bible
Nothing but UceeliciV genial sunny
nature could hold him In the church
Though ho hasdeptttcd from the paths of
theology ho yet claims to tread upon sa
rin giouud but boldly with his shoes
upon Ids feel wheie otheit walk awe
Mi nek and undind Departure fiom
the bouk 11 toad is geneinlly followed by
mccnsIoii fiom the eliuieh and this by
atheism which bltteilj reviles tho relig
ion of Chi 1st Wo have an example of
this sort In Wjioo Tho apoMito Chris
thin is tlio most zealous Tuik llcceher
however is still a Clirlsthn and vener
ates the lllhlo Ho inuioly luterpicts It
in u dlffiucnt lsngungo fiom that which
wo havo read Hut If ho enn tiling tho
Christian thought of tho ago to agreement
with him upon this point that man Is the
evolution ot the npo he will lino pro
duced 11 lellglotis revolution compared
with which the lieforniatIon was 11 mild
1 O 1
Xnrumcit llown
To lioss and Swalu tho battle unions
Willi lilWlllM1
CO iiuiVii Telephone
One thing Is curtain tho Iort Is behiL
well advertised
Wl < < t till 111nil
Mnrtlintl Mfttaungur
The lgbllmtiveon tho Herald nnd Nows
reminds Us ot phtlnUff and dofend mt In
11 lawsuit whllo Tin OvxhiTi Is tho
lawyer and getting thu boodle
lilmiii ltnimlonn
Martli ilt Miiatenger
In reading the Dallas Morning News
wo are often lemliidcd of Hill Stetett In
fact some times forgot and think wo uro
reading the Tliuos Thu locals alio seem
to be related In somo vviiv
lrettlit ImlieMiilc
ulpluir Sprlii rh
The Fort Worth OvzuiTK U Uto prot
Host pt luted dully paper In Texas We
can well afford to do without the Dillas
dallies while ivo get North Texas news
In general so ably done up even ihiy In
Tliunlix Kliul lrlriula
Aharado llullctln
The Waco Kxaniliier In noilng tho ah
sunco ot Tiik Gtimii on 1 particular
inoinlttit saysi We cant get along
without our handsome and sprltthtlv ex
oiianito Till echoes the unttinant of
otirownhoarl Tim Oaxhttv Is one ol
our most valued exchanges
XV III Until tlio Mom
VMlberfwd Nun
long as Tnti Oy tTBs special
gets to eatherfortl about
hours enrllir than tho Dallas mornlii pa
nerstralu Tun fiwn r will hold the
journalistic Hold In fills
tt In Conrcdcil
lHonliMii llunncr
extended character ot tho mjiIcs Many the simple faith that rjsts Us trust Tl ttk says Dallas trluallv
tho minders ol jtie led nnd asks to Know no more will raHffl h J0El5 wL 81 WV
Ms 1
tun er panlo lbelf with a trial to hannon cemci of North Xufc
A InNn Irlinil
Xcvv Vork Sun
Ive lost all faith 111 human nature
sighed n West Shore conductor to his
wife as ho substituted citizens dress for
blue iifttl gold Von know what warm
friends Smith and I havo been tor no
many years
yes sold the lady
Weil he was a passenger 011 my tinlti
today for thu first tlinoand Ill be lunged
If ho didnt buy n ticket of Hie agcul So
much for friendship I
Aiinllirr Hpeilnt Trnln
Atlanta Journal
Tho Dallas Morning News and the Her
ald have been crowing powerfully about
Uie special trains each have turnlshid to
hike their Issues 01 or to Fort Worth in
time to make connection mid distribution
on other roads theie tor tlio West North
and South Since tho change of tho
Doiiglassvitlo mall from hero to Queen
City wo have frequently taken a special
to Queen City to Instiro the Journal to
our subscribers west In good time bill
never made no big blow about It
Tlmt Siicclnl Trnln
JltMnney Du1nucr1t
The edltoi of tho Democrat has been
out West a llttlo ivays during the week
and on icturning concluded to take pas
sage on the celebiutcd special train of
thu News and Herald It Is known out
West us the Hob Tail Train lust how
It got to be special remains to be ex
plained by tho News and Herald Wherein
its special character Is at all dtscerna
bio Is not apparent to the casual observer
tiule s It is espcclilly uuceitnui In its
schedule It Is sped illy sure to lie over
at Fort Worth so that you arc sure not to
make any connections at Dallas
ASilivinnllint till tlio Inventor
Now York Sun
A Illrmlnghiin I nglaml paper says
Not long ago the wife of 11 prominent
gentleman In this town rilled at a lead
ing shop nnd noticed a beautiful camels
hair shawl She Inquired tho pilce and
was Informed t10 Shu admired thu
shawl very much and upon being so
licited to buy It silt thai her husband
would never consent to pay ilO for It
but she continued a blight idea stilk
lnghci I will pay you i20 on It nnd
the next time you see my husband pass
ing show him the shawl ami tell him It Is
only r Oand I am sine he will buy It
The propi tutor renllly assented nut a
few day nftciivird tho husband on pass
ing the shop was called In saw the
Shawl and In 1 little while consented
to give UO A few days later while
walking in the iticet his wife observed
the Identical shawl upon the shouldeis of
11 woman for whom sho long suspected
her husband onleitalned more than u
neighboily regard
K XV lint Nixf
IV cithorforil hun
All the Dallas and Tort Worth morning
pipers hive their sptclul tialus for the
pioiupltlcllieiy ot their respective pip
lis In all parts of llie Mite Tin Giim
gives notice that Its sjiechl tialus nil
leave on time evcty morning The Her
alds spec il train leaves Dallas dally at
> In the morning to cany tho paper
ivestvv nil and mako close connections at
Ioit Woitli with till eitiy tialus fiom tint
point Tho morning Nows utllllng the
lcgulir nccouini ulitlon pissenger mid
express train which lenves Dilhis nt
about ii oclock In the morning and
shiewdly libeling tho mill car with a
llimlng plicard us iti special tuln bus
since poohd Issues ivlth the Herald
nnd the piper Is now curled on Its I0
a 111 special Such newspaper unter
pilso us is exhibited bv these dishing
dallies is unprccedcnlcd in thu hlstoiv of
the country and the only wonder now Is
ns to what astonishing feat they will
htuitlo tho world with next
Ilnylm roiinly Atmi lliifnlri tin ltnlcei
sivmouii1i xxov 3 issi
To Iho rdllorof tho Ganlto
Of the many excuses otfored by the
friends of Oov lieland lor wilting the
1 iker letter that of Iltket being a crank
Is the weakest
Tor the sake of argument let us biv
that llakci is n crmk The iudoiscrs of
tlie governoiV letter on Immigration
would not cite to admit that the govern
or Is or was In thclnblt of writing to
cranks olllelally H certainly must bo
iidmlttvd Hi it If tinker Is or was crank
the governor did not know it or he would
not have wiltton him ns he did or at all
State olllelals have nevci been known to
wtite to cranks olllelally when they kucw
Again wo miibt ill admit that If linker
was a crank and the governor knew him
to bo so the people outsldo of Texas
would not know It and would not go to
the trouble to Investigate either tho gov
culms or linkers theoiv The people
will simply tike the governor at his word
ami lake It for
granted tint thev me not
wanted liuie which of toure Is not the
cisoj hutu lew lines fiom the governor
of n state let them be fttvoiablo to the
state ho represents or otherwise will
enrty mote weight with them aud I1110
more Influence Hun columns yes paes
from the people
It must bo admitted by all after dut
eous deration that the ciuuk excuse is
the thlnnost of till that huvo been offoicil
by those papers tint h ive tiled either to
exctiiu or ludorso the 11 ikor letter
Hajlor aud idjolnlng counties havo
riKiin for thoiiMinds ol Immigrants mid
wo hive miny hcie now that were limited
n mentis when they came and have bet
tered their condition ilnancl illy mid those
jsiuio luoplo Invito those looking for
homos to come and join them with the as
surance that they will not ciowd auy of
their children Into the sen or elsewhere
Ifiero U room enough for all with tin
° rI ° 1 S > 0U wnUS rur l °
T QECTri Is the favorite by a large
majority lu tins section
riivanvxTi delicto
A XV ir v TmiIi ABnlimt Ilcr Iliilaii
Dont s vo llliu Iriiii mil
C rrc ii mloiioo of theUnietta
lA NMiw Tiux Nov fi Our countv
Tl H soion nml a Jw ntoy tivo
cases slander
against lames
L Ikvvi t
ehutlty ton Miss bis or Lou Wllkersrui
1N U BU w Uing In a ronvleinm lu
each case
Tho petiAlty
tho foimer
case was a tin of woo anii lmpmonnietit
lu the county jail fur three months ind
fowl tt tried L esUoTlsl r r inonihJJ
o hi
tmh of his
mputatlons and produced his wife as a
witness who tostlileel that she had at
different times and places onught her
part Of tlio st < il
ngilnstall competitor I Z early i Slwul n the said Miss w7ikei ou li
blnl tint catches tho worm f howeve v eV ot of adultery Her testlmonv
regards the ways of tho transgressor a
SIuIm nml llonirii
attclroltl tand want
kli mulM aml horso
mmulM n U o mar
Ket and will
pay spot cash for Urcm
Undo Sam Dont Pay His Debt
Minor Officials Unacquainted
With Their Chiefs
Aclhc FreimrnlloiiH for the Assembling
of ho FortNinth Congress
Next Month
Mi Clollmin lr Sln crjr Virus Sourro of
lilt JiiiUlrlpiiey ns CnionmiiiliT of
llio Union Ailoirs
Cnrrenpoiideuco of tho Jarettc
Washington Nov 1 If there is any
thing essentially Democratic about the
administration It Is
y with an Iron hind cinsli any attempt
at insurrection on their part
MtlllllVXs Wl VKM SS
McClellans ptoslicry xievvs were the
chief source of his weakness and in
dettl of cold blood among theso new men
iitiistiiKM < iioitmv vsinsorov
men of the nation llvln
month is already fairly
tho next two weeks tho tinl hi T < 3
wll bo put on Thoentneou K
capltol proper tho freest e
part of the building has be 4 >
particularly the Itisldoof tho l 1
dome tho first tlmo for ncri f b
The senate and house wines ni fcti
tol being constructed of mirhi
wnys In prcsentiblo shape afiVrV
of the walls mo Washed rw144
new house has a Uew F
down 011 the door of Its hntt 1 ft
work Is now in hand Th
sons who were allowed on thoV
house today were a party of
ty women who were biiMlr
sowing a bright ietl but not i
haiidsonio cnptt It will talc
days more before tho work will
pleted ft
Hy Monday next tho w srk of
the 5 desks and chairs wiiPH
be cov
The lids of nil the
vored as usual with K 1
I A to we of scrubbers l
Hous hiHs Iiobb i0 tlIC 100r8 of
not will the I fi J la 8 C
seen 1 ine
nuked eye Take the treasury depirt Ztf Tlti
inent Mr Planning Its head Is a na
tional banker ownltu stock In a uatloinl
banking corporation Mr lordau the
treasurer of tho United States has like
Intetcsts The latter Is responsible for
the fluauclul policy of llie trcasuiy
that tho °
lug them with oiUlnarJ J >
be continued for several
nn omii 11 in statu
Theio will be no new paitnin r
Had John Sbeiman conducted tile poll j BUol tS f J a r r0Dl r H Mil
cyof the treasury oh It now Is ho would I v i f rJ S llle oh centrlS I I
havo been denounced from one end of the tl0 Ut uarL haI1 the SI
land to the other not i1 0ll rllt11 1 his honucrt
by Hcpublicuiis
l1011 > Pce for bomo tt1
by Demociits Not a doll tr of tho bonded tnomh i
debt of tho country has been reduced ofthc 1 8 K ° f aslilS
since tlio 4th of last March The sur
plus which was great when the politic il
change was made Is now much greater
The treasury vaults lalrly groan with
money The ctliiency Is being contracted
ami money Is being houidcd by the gov
ernment It looks like a
front capltol Yt h
gicit deal of ciltlclsm There W
seem to be auy conservative tIob 1
in this criticism on the Garlltld rt
One class claim It to ho the bcstlniC
tiro collection while the other rS
8 0 t rl
i1 Vr ° luJl m
equally divided on the question v
WAiisTiuir loiuv 1
in favor of the uutlonal banks Aside i prospcel
they will ever gu
from the llnaniial advantiuis and dls1 c ri1 1emeut
advantages of these corporations it I m ° B 1 ojMplojcs of the hous
Is the lo capltol thu great uua only
as open us noonday sun n
tint evcty bank 111 the land Is a 1 r c tllc loorkcepcr
lluplibllciu fot tress The pttronige of 1 V UV at l a
each Is stilllckut as 1 whole to equal the 0l w ° 1 1 i V ccltatnof ffj
pitionugu of thu national government 1 i cs elected There arohitihi
It Includes bank presidents cashiers same opinion Ii
tellers bookkeepers and numberless ie o 1 be elected setgeantataru
taluers In citnpalgn state 11 ° J < clumbtr n
eveiy or na r u
tional tho powet of these coiioratlons Is for the meeting of thti
arrayed solidly against the Demociallc U V 1 ° w ek8 Te hwe If
party and their contributions to the cam > number of struiuttr la <
jitlgutuudeiniiol bo estimated In splto duling the put t o cr ihrl 1
POHlllON 01
of this icasoiiliig only by the light which
Is acccsHlhle mid open llieic Is at least = It ST uIitrTI 05
the ttpprehenslou lliat the piesent poilcv ngoono of tho sonsuiu
of thu secretaiy of the tieasiny Is not of J 1 Yas r 1 ° csstbe utw
tensive to them wh ch he ilecllntd to dlscW Itr
imxinivi t ivuiv st1 fd th lt 1hc cau t0Konkr Ii
The death of leoige II McClellan ic V fAn Vf h 1 la tc A In its
calls to uiliitl tho cnly and doubtful days
of the civil war when he held tho posi
tion of cominundeiInchlef of tho Inion
ninilcs McCbllun was a graduate of the
West 1olut Military academy and th it
place prior to tho war was tinctuied
tliioughout with pioslaveiy ideas and
tendencies nil of which McClcllut intu
rally imbibed While hu was In com
to ti piopotltlon which had been mitt
allow thu uniforms
swords and pw
which Ren Ohanthad ricelviddnrir
tour aiouml tho world and vvhlctuM
stoicd lu the basement of thewardm
inent to be exhibited in a numkr
cities tho proceeds to be ilevoW
I fund to erect 1 Grant memorialm
1 tiletit in Now Voik A Herald cr
I charge
I bond to
lie was
mind In West Virginia as iinloigeueiil pondenl made Inquiries in ugardto
of voluntceis be expiessed himself in the s 1latc Jt l ° a v as Informedt
e xs ho foundation foMt aodt
following teimslu tin tuldnss to the pco
pie of his nillltuiy tllhtilu Not only
will wo abstain from all inteifercneo with
your slaves but we will on the contra
ellleleney as a lotumander of the Uulon on exhibition there If they eouldgetf
niiiilus llesldes he had been tho pel lo 1 thtm buttho xvarUeMit
sonal fiicnd of lfobett 1 Iee with whom t oiltcs doslio them furcslilblite
he went to Kussla In IbfiG mlllturv Army Medical musiuiu Itiuf
btislnes for the government and he ol llo 7 that the new Arinyntnsismi
dently cherished the illusion that the the 1 iJuUn c s for T 1 ihetn
dlffetenccs between the Not th mid South
could bo amicably sottltd Lincoln hid
known him in Illinois when he was chief
engineer of the Illinois Ccntiul lallioid
for which ioiioritloti Lincoln hiinsef
had been counsel Lincoln therefore
remained steadfast to him In of
splto nil
complaints of his Inuctlv Ity and nolvvltb tllu Julcllt depmmem
anothiii nu 11 ssris scttriiL
thu piotests of the
siTiin < iiiii > vs rtMitviix mnr
MUlell 111 with his wellknown views
concerning slav cry could not cooperate
with those who thus alined blows nt that
socalled dlvlno institution anil his
dresspuiadlng and Indecisive fiultlcss
campilgnlng ns commiiiidurIuchitt ol
the Lniott unities came to tin end lu the
the visit relenedto was of an catt
dlffeient ch nucter The Grant colktt
will ptubaoly be accepted soon after
assembling of tongiiss tin resribj
accepting tlom having only pxsstjt
blanch of congress latt session
The autlorltlts of the lllonal nia < t
would gladly pluco the Giant colics
us on the eiettlon ot
ing 1111 appioprlatlon for which u t
during tho list congress has not i
commenced and cannot now be t
meuced before next spring IntDt
unless congress orders otherwise
limit collection will lcniiln bosedrj
A circular has been Issued by taef
ma Canal company Intended to jllsj
uppichensloiiH ot stockholders tiSoi
recently been assessed 125fnnes k
which announces thai llie final perW
work on the cunil will comtccw
Juuiiiiiy 1 lust what this meani I
cleirly undetetood A copy of thee
lar Ins been received hero and WJ
spting of W > ho being siicceeded us with n good deal of curiosity nt tat
geerlichlefbyCe Ilalleek although 1 1 Jfi
> th u Is oI
ie still rctatued command of the army o lt lcec 1f
1otomic td beguile Ignorant stockhoMcft
sinking moio monev In tho hojidtt
r 01 AMinillVMj
Informatloti bits reached KI1r
here that the
Anslihu goveinmcnt in Imitation of the lNilV l 1 boha CA At
government of Noith ieunany has also hilc fl0n alu1 W thatb
Issued a dectee iclative tu Oorrann1 ln 7CVlUon Tu Iee ni
Amcileans resident in that country who > ll vone miles moio to
mrutAtnei lean s who huvo leTuineiriovlu dmns and other nrras
Austtla whose notISctoiy ° hls S
eonduet Is J J Ilurl7
Our state department has received neither ° jlrT1u orllmi1 cMlmaW
nor uuolllclil advices of tills
Austilindceiee CeimauAinerlctiiis who
come lo this countty fiom Austria occupy
Uftetcnt relations to the mother country
to those who como from North Gurminy
Ihero Is no naturallatlon Ueaty between
the United States and
of tl
8110000000 as the entire tost
tciprise ai 00000u0 have alrw
expended aud tho citial Is odIJ
Austiii and Oer rtn
m tnAmerlcnns from Austin win be uric A Y 3I of Uitnnil r uro
tlcilly ut the lueicy of tlio Austrian ov oml llio Jiotinrs stotcnu
eminent ° Oarronpnniknca of the laxitf
tNvtqt viNTiin I Hi xmis Tia f
Considerable complaint Is being made 1 tt > o scene of quite tt sensation C
by the minor ollletaU In tho department S occasioned bv the artcstco
here beeuuso they arc unable to become raddlefotd a wellknown ana
acquainted with their superior otllcers It Jotmg man of this county
Is stated that quite a number of the iteads twentylive yeans for outraP Int
of dcpirtiuunts and that lu a number of 1 a little coloicd girl aged W
cases ordinary clerk T
do not know their on tho night of the M lust
l V 11 poslolllc01 tf out by 1 A M V
u < lwrln > ent It Is i sivoui
suited that but a vciy small whoso employ the mother on
propoitlon of
thu employes are acquainted with tho 0 for sonio time past TpVt
postmiistoigcnerul and that they all meet against laddleford Is not Wf
and pass ns sttingors on tUe sticets mid means and there are very fen
elsewhere There
seems to lieu good I w o believes that he
plced c WJ
appeir before the jn ijt
at 1C oclock whlaUH
that ho will be discharged
The mother ot the
soleeted this city to be thu capital it the ernl contiadlctory statnni f fp
nation more on account of thu One theeCectM
Its being at I mJalr to
the head of tldevvater than might oTsu o Idea who had comiolttcd
and congress coiillrmed his choice lor tnat she knew nothing of tie
pretty muoh tho when
tamo reasou Tho great i the next moruitig
ig those iavs child In a tenlblo stato of sun
to the
govertunciit h un < < >
IiLKXlrv ° a lcvtwo in three tow ns ars old liv ing in the
named o possesUug this advantage
S i I bolntt one of number
i 1 yUVi ca ° n 1in on0 to of being
owc 1
ineiinmi 5P a population little
° t0r ncthc °
m sctlc pbysloul
lom9 tW1 ° r thv an I
ccstors knnnu h nnf > i i
act t
was njcV
that ty
he Is the guilty p
alter much li0Aur Washington City waS j i sou and Hargrove ms
debate and several adjourn of the child this inorrda
frn y cho0l > i ill here 200 miles Injuries to be scv ere
J JA ° ttul wth
skipped to pans unb offn u J
IluuMonS Arnlca j
Tho best salve in the
ly cxecusotxisVetto r7cha pped P
the ssvrssS J5 s = Sft4
i on thu oriMu or
corns and all skin rupu °
tlvely euros piles or
ffi SyS0 ta orlorSr t
lienor tne meeting of cougress next box Tor sale by H
> T
vs I
j 11 I
ill I
up J
11I tin
< ffo
his <
l >

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