OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 22, 1885, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-11-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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in turkeys nt tills
5lqu now
nrunltorhood of
B SltoffiM a
on M the neigh
J mtxr nun of the
iiv and IW evident
tfiSlon That
1r Hammond
ibrJ rt Worth f or
Ciloidles give our
iwrtirtonirti for
hr tho firealarm sys
iiborttlme aud will
tone When they
ffuIliavoby far the
tin mute
ystcm in
MClwse Tow nicy heirs
rfncccmhcr 1 at I p in
f St Loui Our tit
tait that members of
Mot lie present ami
i iio i lon record of
Lc f their family will
7JM to Committee
UfUVcaro of Laclede
jUjjII S Il llWI
1 yi onlay nit
Ssrf < llim tiuwiolort
jSH tilii t ii Il were
u > e u arm V shed
jkiy diruIy I the
eii > iirl si painted
rtnllii ihi i > itrlil
j oy i narrow stl
jiie Clt ens of
Dd limned to the
jjfj work ha 1 Lie lire
ibelias th upurtinctit
nliicfi was in short
km Kuoimi whcie the
flbwthe UMial Interest
u apparent that If tho
nj took lire it would be a
to put It nut before It
vMlmg territory Hap
vrlnd and the citizens
wl the best tlrcdcpart
J was piomptly on the
xibrthcblau was merely
ill probably cover duin
ICMtl Mltl V I IIVMil
mIiooIs on the South
acr < Too many tardy
lMhiwI and No I
oof npplieyius to act a
Uic coloied school and
lection of permanent
wiili in cist of iixneancy
Lbe ofllc of ilu superln
J y the LTth Inst be
Ma in Applicants uru
Huso wishing to make
Hon fur lite art prefened
niBiioitiKii rut mciu i hi
MMlcnien were seated at
8 of the itLi Pkkwick
win vigorously to the
mgoes well to a hungry
jprttty fair venison re
1 man cant you tell
It uii deer meat and an
p first speaker laughed a
l th and 1 ought to
11 Hie other 1 It
I tout wind putting up a
Jil ilmvn
Itopockcts mid eieh ex
MM Hieii the head
l w
it sort of meat I
or veu
Ittiegorical uestion jmt
f IHiiIlo tutted athwart the
as heansweiedi
M0ss thllfs r ullnl
r foUilMug tihimt Well
I16 In the morning
gtiitleiiieii looKt d at each
nmie oi a minute and
l ktip the stakes
i nn d I Invito
> urn
wliik at my cNpensu
Iur M > ris
MPiiMtion ganted mi
< m
aim tbr utotv of
uy eoniuiltted to the
d vs Hulth
Ht Vfipination urmlleil
ion Ueiither
7l > JL McLo
u iaiidplaimlfiKavo
tml llU1 featuieuti
rUtLVJ 0lms etui
awj utam 0y plain
ZTn WHlloet
MaUt tf
K M > lor
ftror >
nil T HU
80 ncrca out of the Setl lrynr mrvev
Tarrant county trustees sal
out of tho t I Harris
survey Tarrant
county consideration 8S00
T H million to M T llrlnsou SO
S K lhttU surv
M T nrlitBon nnd wife to m j iirin
son 80 acres out of the V L Harris sur
V nn lnrrnnt county consideration
J A Houston S It May and wife A
IV y C h Mml nm wife and B I
Martin to 11 1 Houston ir acres out of
two leugiii patented to Sholbv uoitiity
L ° r 10ul l no osj consideration
HepaliiKine will remove all dlseafo In
cldeiit to a disordered stnto of tha liver
and Is therefore recommended lu all liver
MiUliL01Tn s 1I1SA1X
llr iiikc1b former tllisiin < U 1iilly Suv
tllllllll > lltl AtlllltlK
lliiMiii MiiiA l v Nov 18 Tho re
celvingvatilt at Monument cemetery was
the scone this morning of an autoim on
tho body of the dead tragedian held at
the request of his family in order to dell
nitely Us the cause of his death and to
substantiate or disprove Or Kuaels the
ory of death it belli different from that
held by the physicians of Hlooinlimdalo
hospital Dr rnjjuld theory was that
leatli wai caused by a disease known as
thrombosis which Is a withering of
thrombus or a clot of bloodtn one of the
aiteilen thus blockluR the circulation of
blood through it
The result of the atitop y corroborated
the illmnotis of Dr KhrkI Anioun the
jiersons present were lames McOuIIoiikIi
Soiiofdeceasedinidajounifladyapp rtnt
ly iiuknowu to any one present wiuihtuud
at a respectful distance from the vault si
lent and alone until the nnli closed and
all bad departed wnen she too took her
TiitKlntit Ainij r Muitiilrt
This comprises nil who have dysjiopsln
or need a tonic To all this Immense army
of sufferers Mr 1 lllcnovtr of Tucker
ton N J rccoinnnnils llrowns Iron
Hitters because he derived great bcnollt
from It At every respecUible drug store
you can buy llrowns iron Hitters at a
dollar a bottle Well worth It too
IVrfi cilun
The lllckok burner leads tho world
Oct one at the lort Worth China Co s
IIIclviil Caliliiui lluriirr
Ko other lampburner cer had as rapid
sale as this one bccaiiMi none have eer
itached the stage of perfection that the
Hickok Calcium has lust try one aim
you will be perfectly sillslled of its su
pciiorlty oer nil others On sale at the
l oit Worth China Co sture
Omul Ilirtory
Messrs Capera IIos manufacture
their own candles and they uio rh finest
In the market i go there where you cau
bu cheap
A mil i tell linrKiitn
We offer line allwool white blankets at
800 a pair that me wort In otlu r stores
fully 000 Those iu need of blanket
should avail themselves of tho oppoi tuni
ty now offered ami sccuio one or more
pahs at nctnil New York cost
Im mi CiiAMiuns Co
Tstit mill Clulro Ilillts
The place to buy these is at Cnpeia
Urns the largest confectionery in the
lllU < IHHHlM
You can get cigars from Chas ficheuber
Co costing from 15 to > 150 per thou
sand ilu sure to see them beloru buy
lSugxy Cushions
The best made buggy cushions ever
brought to this market and sold at the
remarkable low price of SI each any and
all sizes It V Tvckaiuuiv
To llliirksmltliH
We have just received a car of Iron and
steel which we offer to the trade at low
est market llgures Send for prices
Lunch baskets at Montgomery Co s
Soimtlillig > nvv
Call and see the elegant display of suit
ings now on hand at I II Maitlndales
the Importing tailor
aud Houston
corner of 1ouith
iold anil Mlvrr WiiiiIiis
You caiiuot afford to miss 11 Tully
when you ueed anything like this for he
can sac you considerable money on your j
pnichases Call and eainiiio goods and
Sciniitlilnir Nivv
Call aud see tho etegaut display of suit
ings now on baud atI II Marlliidalos
the importlm tailor corner of Iourthand
Anj thing needed In this lino II Tully
can furnish agood quality and at lower
pi lets than can be obtained iu any otlier
Si iK > thinU Svv
Call aud see ihe elegant display of suit
ings noiv on hand atI 11 Maitiiidales
the Importing taiiorcornerof lourtliaud
Vims mill Toilet B < s
Gill at 11 Tallys ami examine this
elegaut line of uuods He Is umply pre
paud to please the tastes of any and
uvery one
The best watihinaker lu the state at
Texas l iwnbwkers SuHHouston street
liitllt ClimUs
A coittpli to uNsortment and all variety
ofstvles sold cheaper than offered by
competitors advertising thowi goods at
Ilnlmio WullerA >
Sill e Brjtf1 I tBcl1I
ilsiuhnre regardless of c
l rel
vertlolug ut cost Oont buy until jou
see them
ntns lro ent
I nm already receivlnti all the latefct nov
and examine
e ties lu holiday goods
amine stock and get prcec before
buying elsewhere 1 can make t t J our
Interest to do ho
English Newspaper Reports from the
Stump How London Takes
Her Electioneering
A Horny of National Industries
real Jinenrt of Uio WorU
Christmas Literature
llrnrj InlliK l > fIMtni tlinlnxliieltm it
lrliH < sor tVnlis
nt tlm Thrntcr
0itrlRlill l
lCTtat CitrcfKiiilitiPo f he limit
STIWMH iviiifi in vs
lashlon r
says London Is empty which
nicmis that society is still away irom
town The upper ten beiug absent it Is
the thing to say nobody is in Loudon
iliotrnih Is however London is very
full it always Isfor that mutter Who
over goo nnd comes a population of Ovo
millions remains Oh an average SOOO0
strangers cntor London and leave It evirv
tweniyfourhours lustnow that aver
age Is considerably augmented The Inst
days of the Inventories eliluIllon be
liigamioiinceil all the great railway com
panies of the laud are miming very cheap
excursion trains from every wrt of
the Iuiled Kingdom hence the
eiowdul state of our tlior
oujilifaies I hiapproach of the general
electlou also Introduces at the moment
an abnormal actlvit Politicians up from
tue country pay frequent visits to the
Wirepullers ol tne Carlton ana tho rt form
c ubs tor while 1 un o i U > 1ie renter of
the pollclcnl svs em iliu coiiutrv Is essen
tially the Held ot iiaulf The newspapers
are full of ehctlon ovations No Loudon
etlHursieiiii io think It possible that wc
may have too iiiueh of a good thing
Wherever the chiefs of the two gaat pur
tlea speak there are the London reporters
and the net morning the dallies as a rule
contain verbatim records of tho speeches
Iluis wo get thy after day an eveilasting
repetition of the same old story on both
si les If you had once taken in the
points of tho two platforms It is not nee
essary to read tiny more about them In
America > ou would brlclly summarize
these oratorical records We set
them foith continually In long col
umns oi type as though the
speakers had never previously opened
their lips Loudon tnkes her election
eulug calmly If not with Indifference
It N In the country where the vast meet
lugs aie held where chairs are hurled at
candidates windows are broken and
friendships are annihilated on the altar
iof party Ills
while it lasts The coiiulry people com
ing to town Hie Iheiefore miiclisurpiiscd
that we are not posted all over with elec
tion notices and placard d commands to
vote for llilman or the other this peo
ples rrlend or that mtepayeis de
lender this friend of the worklngman
or that protector of the national houor
Tho I heaters music lialls and great trad
ers run the election posters out ot the
market Iloodiiiau llliud tha Valdls
Msters swinging gnyly against an imug
uury sky on an equally imaginary tiits
pete Human Nature Mrs Wei
doii the luuiitorlcs a fa
mous soap ccitaln AuieliCAli cigarettes
and other iiotnhle posters carry the day
city and the most popular place to trade on every boiuilng
Ail emluelit ul > hoi
by tlio way has complained of the pic
torinl represtntatlon on the walls of the
feminine trapeist lie has actually vvritttn
to the newspjpeis on tin sllbju glvirg
to the enterlaliiment in quisltun the best
possible advertisement The llgurc In
iiiiestlon Is a very graceful one and partial
ly draped There are many other advei
tlsements pariliulirlyln the ladlesnews
papcis much more ohjectlouable than
this We appear to be In a chronic state
of virtuous Indignation just now against
the nude At all events the purists
hardly let a day pass over without call
ing our attention to the subject Sir
Kiedeiiek Lelghtou Is writing an cssav
upon It for one of the quarterlies Mr
Ilorsley another Koyal academlan has
been literally scarified In tho correspond
ence columns of the press for ques
tioning the morality of nude
studies and all tho time a
little army of sandwich men are poind
ing the West I ud streets with the an
nouncement uf a popular exhibition of
the famous Itcnch nude picture of The
White Wave a notable successor to a
previous exhibition of Nana naked
aud not ashamed It Is quite appro
priate to these Incidents of the day that
the trial of htead and his socalled res
cuers Is going on at the Did Ilallcy The
worst feature of all this Is that hugllsh
maidens and matrons are taking part lu
the various un avory and prurient dis
cussions which belong to thosojitratige
eventful days
< >
A llllllilir UV1 Ml
lcpllo this moral or Immoral cloud
London Is very brisht nnd gay llno
iiiiuiiinal days nltoiuttc with fog and
rain but we do have gllnqwH of blue
skies and white clouds racing over them
During several days of tho past week
London has reminded me ol more thai
one American city lu the early days of
December A dry atmosphere line
bracing winds bristling crowds ot pro
pic and shop windows full oi colorJthree
Is one thought which might well serve
for a text for an essay
on political economy which
strikes one vety particularly at
the peseut time In Kngliud tradesmen
are more In the habit of wposlng their
gouds In great store windows than Is the
case In America A walk down Oxford
Urgent and llond streets cannot fall to
suggest to the thoughtful Englishman so
rlousrellectlons u n the demy ot na
tional industries The store w Imtovvs uit
full of foreign tiiiinufnctnres teNtlies of
every duscrlptlou from uery part of the
globe china and glass made everywhere
but In Knglind Itolimougery watches
iiiini Kiiii agricultural implements Iwhi Germany
ikam inuslc l Instruments at the Texas J umi America tinned meats soups fruit
Iawnbn tors W3 Houston street Oreadstuffs from ftllfornUChleago ilill
iaviiiin i r
< r a jpMacarpets from Jerhiv and Turkey
imiers > iliitf doths of gold and tissue from
W j uro selling poods of all kinds i hl woth or tui eiawiT
cheaper than any competitor wno j nh ani father trlwiBluai for ladl
they arc selling out at cost ilrww and hit froui Australia houtb
SI imisk WAMKit t o va rKyj am India eg S and butler from
iiollaud NoriimmU 1 Ilrittaiiy jtvv
oimintsiMii lry llks and gloves from Truiiee p > ro
ioiwinrireoitscanbohad from 38 tolnuso sugar from I mw aiiiitJuiimuy
HAS i rternfor oilielsl
n at Texas Pawnbrokers tt0 lul VcU ivei hr
imjhmI stationery to thx J tivre uiitr > H
1 we were alt consumerj aud uuw of u
u I producers wc should U > haviug a
cheaper Wan llmo iut unfortuwiUIy ie pro
Left ut hot Korsuttin
t such f 11Jiffi
Jiueers are comlrg to grief A few years
ago there were In n district oi London
called Spltalliclds 1S000 silkweaver 1 to
day there are not 16n < > All ovur tho land
operatives of almost every Industry are
out of work No wonder that in the
undstof thU supreme crNIn ilectlonerers
are becluulug to Introduc the old ques
The trade of Kiigland
tion of protection
depressed and heirless
was never In a more
less condition than It Is ut the prtscut
moment and whether Jhey are right or
discuss In this
wniiiitlsnotlorme to
The peopl g P aurthcy
at > laloueWuleriCodthat fm
forgetto w
traders ana protcc
iioiilsta offer to the world 7 sorno very
rniclou if
leave them they never
tue same place wuentbcy are sire to pet eunpla ol th pe
the same tieattueut the secmd time
loots which tu onesided free trade has I
had upou our preit staple manufactures i
Whatever dlsnbllltle allllct othrr cities
of the rulted Kingdom louden has a
special Imperattv o power in herself She i
never quite roilectti tho condition of
Lngland Men from all parts of the
world arealvvnvs coming or going betice
nie renter f International iHillties Lon
don becomes more and more the ncene of
great financial operations Kverybody i
who has rtuyUilnp to sell or to juituut or >
to Intrwluce to the world brlnus It to
uuuloti The Inventor thu singer the
writer the painter the speculator the
adveuturvr they nil find thi metroiuills
the great mtumct of the world If It wtre >
possible f rLugllsh Industries themselvea
to touch even much lower depths than nt
piwcnt l mdoii would be London still
tlio counting house of the empire the i
head trading quarters of India nnd the
colonies tho banking house of Lurope
Caterers for those therefore who desire
to bo amused ami entertained need never
despair ol micc b In London ilven the
big show London Is tho place for It Hut
there the big certainty ends The Culled
States ot America repents as it were her
londoiis from Manhattan to the Golden
< lae and that Is whv lu the aggregate
America discounts Kiigland as the Tom
llddiers ground ot public entertainers
funny Llud and DickonsInthepastpiovvd
this to the full I utl and Irving In the
piesent have demotmlmkd it beyond
The lKiok merclmuts are tilling their
store windows with the new literature of
tho season nnd with pictorial promises of
ChilstimiH books and annuals to conn
Since Dickons ceased to wrltu Christmas
stories the gentle nit of soawmalilu lie
Hon apjioars to have almost died out
Perhaps public taste has changed in this
respect 1uhllsheis still appear to have
faith lu what is called thu Christmas
number The most notable of these pub
llcutioufc Issued aud promised tue woithy
of spiclnl reiimik 1 ho Art Jourrni is to i
the fiont with ltsaniiuilforlKhBil Ills 32 llll
devoted to a sketch of thu works of Sir1
JL Mlllnls baronet thu liojal Acatle j
nilclan whose palutitiits are more popular
than those of any other modem Knglish i
nillst The number eoniatiiM hugo en
gravings and etchings of three ot his best
known plctuios Ihe Noitlnvost Pas
sage Chill October and The Heel
eater The literary sketch ot his life
an unconscious tribute to American
ournallsm It contains a long quotation
rom an Interview with Mllllas piluted
s ime tlne ngo In the Dally News home
few years ugo I elaborated u pbee of this
elms of journalistic llteiature dealing
with the home life of a public man for
lltupers Magazine Some of the Lou
don utiles regretted this Introduction
of an
Into the higher walks of llteniiuic To
day the Dally News and other leading
journals employ then best men to wille
occasional Inti nievvs of K > pular workers
wJilih will eclipse oven thesplendld effect
of the famous chiiirh set III
Twellth Night The oiltsldi
sltics and essayists have already
begun to write K uist articles
Oerman aulhur bus contributed an ar
ticle to the Nntlonal Itevlew pointing out
that J aust ought not Xn be acted outhu
stage Of < ourse otlier tens will uply
that the work Is eminently suitable for
the theater and so tlio uostlou will be
thrashed out Moauwhtlo Olivia con
tinues to crowd the Hunter Contradic
tory reports reach Loud u as to Mis An
del sons success lu her native country
Oil one side wo hear that she Is not well
received and on tho otlt > r that situ Is the
rage and that Mr Abbey4s coining money
out of tho mipigumcnt I think you will I
or Imagined It Is not jut positively set
Hud lam told that Wihoii Barrett will
vb > lt the United Stale utxt year H < m < I
uwn liHnd Is a money sueeeits and the
iritles highly pmlse Sir Ilarretts i tr
oritwnce and tho stage management
Dalys New York eoinpityr In to eoine to
London In the spring The Mrtiud theater
I bookit for them to open lu May I
predict for litem
Hln Clungo which Is tunning w
IVoles tbculcr Is Miutaivtcal 1 oolueilj
wlileJi is know ii In Aiiiorie as
for us and Alice tthe tvlthm of thu fate
Jumbo Is for sale Mm ostp bo bought 11
am told for 410000 1 wonder if Mr i
Jiarnum knows thU Thu new Jumbo j
promises to be another l > he
noinenon lu elephants His rrali
prlcco of Wales and presented to the
Zoological gardeus He is only ilftevn
vtars old and Is already nearly as big as
jumbo and threatens to be much
larger U the same time hi docility in
crease with bin balk He Is a most
nmlablo and clever animal Many good
rhurclunen are hcandallied ut Archdeacon
It it wonriorfi I what n largo btisin s
CHASE has built up by low prices mio
fair dealing
In science and art and a sob r nrl journal j lonago wi ar ri pceifnli
essay on tin greatest painter of his time
makes a feature of a newspaper interview
Mi H L l nijcou Is reireseiited in the >
seasons literature by a Christmas i
Angili Miss Draddon by The Mistletoe
llonuli Mr llesnnt has nu extra mini i
ber of household words all to himself
and a new baud succeeds Mr Sala as the
writer of the lP > w Hells story The
Graphic and the Illustrated Loudon News
both have done wonderful iiumbeis far
In advance of previous efforts but these
do not come out until Christmas Is
nearer nt hand Tho lictoilal World
In which Fomenting like 111010
has been lost or rather let me say Invest
ed Is just beginning to turn the corner
towards success Ills the properly of
Messrs Clay printers Th y bought It
fiom the previous company which faded
lu 11 aud have themselves spent iliO
OiO They promise ureal things lu their
Christmas number as also does Mr Ld
luund Yates of the Woild The motr i
serious enterprises which claim book i
buyers attention are Sampson Low X
Co s Pictorial Arts of Japan Smith
Llder i Co s new Standard Lditlou of
Thackeray Longmans serond p ntof
tho irevllle Memoirs Ch inmaii
Halls Ashburton edition of Carljle j
Mncmlllans new edition of Klngleys
Walcr Ilabies and the wotks of Ten
nyson Caswells Itoyal Itlver the Thames
from Source to Sea and the lute Krank
nations North Horneo by Sampson
Low Co
uiscKMANuors xinis
The prince and princess of Wales have
been to seeHuman Mature at Drury
luno and Dark Days at the Ilaymai
ket They expressed themselves de
lighted with olh pieces Mr Irving Is
very busy with Iuust vvhloli he will
produce at the end of December or the
beginning of the now year All sorts of
ruiisuiH uro rife about the cost of the pro
duction The German uewspapeis tue
taking an luterost lu the subji ot Ino of
the grunt sceiuw will bo an attempt to
suggest the devilry of the Wulpurals
Night Thei will bo a cathedral scene
something that Is nlwnyn highly uppre
cbtted can be bought ut vory low prices
Nim > otttlllos
itoreived by Jlontgomory Co Thur
bers pearl sago
Thurbers tuploea
Thurbers connoisseur and catsup
Thurbers spiced oysters
Tourusjrs blnl seod
Thurberri canned corn the finest
Thurbera curly Juno pens Imported
i prepared mustard Imported vinegar In
UK J bottles Imparted preserves lu Iwttlest
very li aiiw new Jumbo Is growing im r a rcnc pniU0r ollvo oil and an
cJiovlts Kdams cheese All of theso
goods are fresh arrivals and arc for sale
by Montgomery A Co
iliill Nrrklvcr
II fully Just cannot bo brat In this
Is Jung Iasha He was brought ne iteimmber in buying presentH Mr
very young from India by tho i Tullv can offer yon special Inducements
Komalidw Naur
Call and hcc tho clegaut display of suit
ing now on haud at J H Martlndaleii
Itargnlnln Dry Hoods
llirgaltts In DreM > OoihI
lir nins in nbuikcui
lluuntnsln Comforts
liraiins lu Wool l lnunels
liMalns lu Cotton KlautieN
ltrgauis in I lose
largnlns lu Ladles Corsets
lirgalns In Jersoys and Clonk
Mm Pair Mens Mitts 8150 to gnoo
Sat Mlti In Mens Knits 0 and 8
I ilnsm Mens sulis S10
1 itir il lit Meu s Suits Custom Made
Thu Inklilrut Ilio i linso Trmllii Com
IiiiiiyOnllott llrno tlm Itoiitriliir for
ohatriMttiii tin Hlilotvnlk
Ilium Friday Inst Olllcer Scott cnlletl
at tho ollluuol the Chase Tratlmg com
pany armed with a proper wtiriiint nnd
took into his keeping for the time the
botlyofMrtieoil Cbiso The charge
tilKin which the airest was untile was
violation ol thu clt orilliiaucolniibstruct
lug thu sidewalk Tills violation of Ihe
law was the very tiatiirul result giutvlug
outof the luimeiise business built up by
that wldeatvakn linn The orimiuU Is
one of qucstluimilM propriety and when
tillowitl to lie dead for mouths and then
to be energetically unforced lu spol
It simply Incomes a nuisance and like
any other nuisance should In supptessed
Wo cannot rensuiu Olllcer Scott
lluuhauaii or I ulfortl or Marshal Ilea for
their action lot we regard them ull us
brave good mull yet we think their serv
ices might be much mure profitably cm
ployed In another dlrectlun and the fault
evidently tins with the umyor untl city
council These men with tin Ir guns
should be pushitl Io the front to
overcome the dangerous classes
to supples murder aud Unit
our city government Is shoit ol
money and should be economical
An active boy at 11 per week under
tbo importing tailor corner of Fourth and application made at our store forgflrv
vJlrtorjUcv Uij Jrgj j
j yfctliu only thenightbefore from rtijioty
cste jSlintxj o PEsrsaEisrcs oip
jftCfl i > i
shot 11 Itoiiry llarttuiitoa or st i nts vi n Iho nth Ini iiood pnrehiutVil by u tavelMM
lit t > rofvrr t t bring tium li ro ml toll Uiom to onr ouitoiBen twi eannol I
l liii > ho Ioiulit tlipttroKtniiiitinonnumiMiirMlonfiill
Harjjntus lu Met Suit Co tom Made
1 Ilnrgolus lu lloyn Knee snr
i llirgDlniii In Hoy Lougruut Stiiw
llargalns lu Hoys Long and Short
llargalns In lutdles and M ns Wiooh
lklrgidivs lu Olllldmils Shoes
HirKtilns In Jlens lloot
llnrgalns In Hubbor Shoes
llargalns iu Men Undervver
llugnliis lu Ladles Underwear
II irffHlti In Hovs1 Overcoat
< i Jlargaltmlu MeiiOvercoats iand
Uiiiittis In Mens Suits Custom Made lkirgnlns In M n Ovetr > ats 10 lt
8ts and
uitr hi islmnm arn innklnft1 nood rtwvl otMlk about elllnr roo < I i l Mint WawtlU i
ti < itliiMuti > is stofc nt Iom tn u tv ot MurivliJ Aud wo iimiv iircu iuiii uili r haukU
ii wo lll m list lo thou lloust tlio mnmitimumn tMmnto thoin Wrth ve iioi Ih
in tur lioii iit In limn mnl Jul > nimt liUti tho l ri i l < lo lolm s In tlitt DaltM
i m uiiorM msiW re nt iidvstno ami wo oinvrrovo It li < sworniMUMtttiati wr
nil i II tlixi pmcls to ul oloMilo Iwuinliutitli tlio lmrnnlits li v > Mr ou U > tltsr
irU r Hi lloiliMilWnotlitii fiiiiriittOiil
17 OS
r Of ICoiiKton StriMM ttUI IiJHlolUii IJtilltlliiti
IIiivIiirIohmhiI Hi Hinllh nnl Inrvl Hitlitlnir tortnorly tsiieil In itio i lonbt tvo have rolilloil I In Brst iliiss oiJ r nl vtll < i > ti
lt > JI > A N < > > U with nn entirety tiu unit eaiii > Utu ftockul
coLonqo dlankcts
2L rvooK aaxxxloxoicSoxioiw xixJCLXxxixxtgrn 33Stiot 3Eato
Ah our oiulcurv Imi 111tlmu lit munition In IMn one inrllonlnr lino nt lm lm o KUHiNiitco thu iitbkniitlKtuetlon Ktnt ill1 l
KOils lit licl rnik prion HollcltlnKnoiill linn lint inilHo w bivlin n lliorniiitli liisooitnt of out xtoofc
IV imvo oiiiii to Uvy tnul miiki rod W urtli our liinnp llicrororn It will lo our onrnvxt rndoavur lu pltnoHi BollcltlhK a b re of pulillo > nt
GRUEMDLER PROS formorly of Galvoston
T sSceond io None in tlio j lato
Iurchaainp thoso goods nt boadquartora for cash I am enabled to inako moBt favorable ilgurca on tliom
If you nro in noed of any drop mo a lino nnd I will bo plcasod to forward you samplos and quotations
can lecture liuroau He Is a wellto
do and beneficed clergyman they say
but If he desired to lecture for money
he should at hnst have hail full Control of
his movements and not be obliged to Ii u
ttire In any place or building that his
speculative iiiauauors might IU upon
Dissenters are chuckling over this or
thodox grumble especially when they
1 rrmeinlwr how orthodox Lngllsli society
sneered at Dr Talmagos preaching tour
and the way in which 1m froo on to
his fee JohkiH Hatton
New spoohiltloft
lleoeived by Montgomery CVi Thnr
bers pearl sago
ThurlM rs tapioca
Thurbers coiinolweur and catsup
Thurbers sjihxnl oysters
Thurbers bird Bred
Tliurbori canned corn thn finest
Thurbers esrly lime peas Imported
savthatiho Is greatly luiptowil when I prepared mustard Importrd vinegar lu
ion see her lu Juliet audi bottles iiupotted preserve In botllosi
ialntcR lUr JulUt Is u viry Imported French pnines olive oil and
clmriniiig aitisllc and poetic iinctiovlesj Hdamrt cheese All of these
sonatlon of it very forward jiud to1 goods are fresh arrivals and are for sale
mantle ami Indiscreet young lady and by Montgomery i Co
her Jalatea Is a far mow classic sugge old
lion of the living statue than the original I
or hrlstinas prCKents
interpreter Mrs Kendsl over realled f1 >
some ol our best and rnont iupibh
olllcers uro walking up ami
down our principal business streets count
lug the hours some busy merchant niiv
have left an empty box upon the pav ciihiiC
Anything Is easy to do when otic know
well how to do it Perhaps not one nimjlif
thu heads of our city goverutimnt could
make a watch yet there are ninny uien of
much less Intelligence who rnu nml fur
thu simple reason that t uy imvo plieu
the mutter their attention
Iiish no laws but what are wise ami
practicablei enfoicu fully mid without
It nr or favor all laws you do pass Jufli
your best men io the front and giro them
a chance to purify the moral atmosphere
by leaning out the violoun clmmcltw
and we will see that the bores ore In tue
luturu disponed off In a manner that slmM
bo deemed satisfactory to onr lasi
More than hat we will continue Our
very low prtcoi which will draw trade to
lort Worth from hundreds of tulles
around The great bargains wo arc of
fering in dry goods of owllis varhly
mens and boy a elothliigjvercoats boom
shoeti mnl slippers for ladla and gentle
men misses and masters and thu liable
ladles aud gintH furnishing goods liosli
rv lints rap gloves trunktf alls
satchels etc etc etc dally give rUuoa
tho jurto our customers to thu luquliy
How In It that jou are selling good
lower than the stores that urc seillnti
proper dlieotlon could suecensfully en ut t titiitr ft must be that wo bM
lore the law against merchants bunker jJWr quantities for Icm money smb
and preachers
What loit Worth and Tarrant county
most lieu is cheap uiom y o develop our
resources With money nt to S
per utnt vvury acre of ground In Tarrant
county would noon double lu value Hut
cheap money will only come to un when
many of the owners come with It unit
tluy will only eoiuu wlnoi murder ami
then Income turetlus aud better prolix
Hon Is given to life aud property The
law briakeis and the restless highly
nervous chiruftters In thu other status
naturally dillt toward the newer ones us
the legal uiAihimry grows wanner lu
their behalf nnd it require more than
ordinary etierpy to hold them Iu subjec
tion when they Dually succeed in effect
ing a lodgment and settle down fori
temporary stay even
ii Is sluiOdl a ually occurence to tutv <
uitfug to our Immense trade areKitWlled
with a smaller margin of prutlt
AilrertlsinK KdltorCh o fwdn <
HimdalU Chambers Co ire offering
gruit iwrgalrw In ladle nml chlldrei
Hid Hi it Ilurfitlna
lu everything in ttiellquor and elgor llBr
both foreign ami domestic can AltfoJ <
bml at CIwk rieiiuober Co1
Lunch baskets at MsmtgoUiryPS < >
i 1 i i iX i Hilt <
lltst llOIOlVfll
t handsomo lino of papcrle a JW to tic
per box nt I it Wells corner Mftecnth
and Huuftoii streets
Ilrpcade llk velvet worth Oi Witt
SVHte ood colored woolen liauneln ycry boul or boarding hoUde Our cllyfs yanl uro only tfl at llaildall Chambers
full oi thieve aud little WWM Co
rr r hlrrng iiImtjf ont io an Aiiu rljcncapatIlaudallChamlCrCp J big
d 4

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