OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 22, 1885, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-11-22/ed-1/seq-7/

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People Can Find Christian
ahre the
Comfort in Fort Worth
j for 2rc < Hf < iH ° 1 JMsroiiisoon n
Votlu Jllltiott otlN
l < rrf1iTliTl ii IroiioIiBr ltenli III
rii < M Century
iivitrii NoncBs
v Jlitl of l > itl wIII iritill HI
< world
momliiK andoienlnir
nier M
u and n Ur Iho run Ice
m tlcdiailtuteind neeUy
Thrr n 111 lie 1liniikn hw
m < ttidi tr ct 51 K clinrdi nnu
lre litleilnn
> jw j clinrrh on
ttM nit i I lu n in Short ad
ri < i tli pititoliiTB nml at tin
Ii I Ileill
jibr id apt and Mr
in ti > llninduay chnrcli by
ih Ivinill lliuul Huino excilient
Blf fn ri 1 Ii r the jivukIoii nlll lie ren
J 4ii Mr I r ntnetii Culleutlou
ilr iv iliureli eomer Ifiil nml Cnut
j i t rm itnUiix next beforu Ad
Km I umunliiiiat J w n mt umlit
iwl al o piompi iittiiidincohf tfiu
jflpi ai rtillileu l < cnrniiitl reiiucetcd
iiu i ci ir if liMlru Una In to li Inlrii
diorili1 n xt i lirlminn jiar Morn In
tjtr Iliiii unit > ennon nl 11 a uijiwnliuc
at in
f r n4 crniun Pp IliniikirlNlnK
i i TincU 11 nulliorllUH liat tupr ui > i < > tntul
ncr i nixt the tttii Int ii a di et
nuiAnsiUni iiidprali > eInr itin riult it tin
irih anil nl I the nlliir utftH of ioifH mrrlfiil
wllrncL dhlne erlco Mill liu linde < ii
bilr rf iiiornniB pHjer holy communion
udnmon at in JO j ni ThualiiM nlll heMr
ti i ciand Inllrm > li > fund OiriiinKn In
lilml lll lo reculxuil nl tho church on Weilnen
be dUlrllmted
Tlo Wonderful Words of Christ Ami
iinmeto pas when letus had emlcd
hoc faying th people were astonished
it Hi doctrine Matthew vil LS
Tlun came the olllcvrs to the rltlef
wsts and Phuricees and they wild unto
Mm Why have ye not In ought Mm
rheo Inrs ausiMied Never man spuke
adhls man John vil 4J > li
Whitotermay lm tald of the wonderful
liMMtcr of tho works wrought by Jesiit
ibiKniay he Ktld with deeper emphasis
if the nords lie spoke Momentous us
has a
mid there
from other groat
sinteiice from llnto
of common mill bits a
I small in Its memory for all the words
1 as and
if every bible wus burned
< l thai they can uover more bet
c r < ul Indeed for they contain
n Jf si compass a complete ttioral
j rtteodc of ethics Tho words
our all ihe ground nnu uie
ud ° Improvement No
M ni11 among skeptics nml
ram urUt to amend the ut
thi der tanJ ow wonderful were
tiatnt iQl tlt Son ° I m > wc mist
txiitJ plur on l o minds and
toil u u Wual have they not
Ta i Jn p hi twenty centuries
h u on tbe mount was mightier
li V u oiatme tho oter
H rth ol trilD That one word to
iuthf resurrection and the
ir n > bur than a thousand res
s of Mt u Coming ages vV 111 re
iSXwCtKMvW rst humaniwi
A181 au1 < > In
words of rhrl niom the i w J cnrtl lloVr Spirit inT hi J
< te < cnd front God outol hiiivci l 1ert tlm V11 ls comiitlon of
Pjoii willbe V llu 2 Wy s < 1C t r
nil things om I maK u tcrrororu
new argument ever addressed to
thoujtht o which so dlntracted
eentor October Overland
loivd uissKxotits
Ill KfST II HI Nl t >
I heard In thi hIIIIdikh or nlirtit
A idlee of exnlinnt tnlshl
Ike the ImiBli if utloim nalerii
Itathisl on n rocky helKltl
In mj Htimlcrl exli > d idoiul
Jiii nrn ion nplrll no proud
So tilled ftli la aladiien of lrlii
I orili from n luniliioiii cloud
anie m 1th lnuiilto ueoinu > a Miami
And Blinprd lltelf Into lamtnnira
Hint miid me with IrellnRprofoaud
I am tlienplrlt II Mid
ll > wlioni earttiiKiorv frd
I inn the rplrlt of llniutj
T at ooi or the lien lean nitsiircnd
And ta a oer lliu idna link d enrlli
A irarmcntof inin urel ti north
yt iKn ilrni In called earth out of clinn
1 he maker brought die Into blrlh
When beoriliridlsttherotm llijhl
I cauiu ullli tho aunilaihr lirltrht
Ami Rltiic then haiu hi eu mcr urenint
IiiihultiK nil lliliiK iltli mj nii lit
I nun the diinn proud poinii and dl pl i
At tlio clout of a Klirlout ilar
Tothetllierj mlstnof Urn morulng
Thut winlith m quickly aunx
t oma wumanH drllriito face
Fraught llh an aiiKilit grace
To the chiuon ot treinuTou itr ite
Tint iiiIocIiIuvuUh Minbcniin trace
A lonjr n earlti nhnll endure
I Mill be idluii but Mire
nods initeium the mronKuat nml weli t
to Innrttt that tree ntle nml pure
Xni to nkiii ud ei mid I lliou lit
Ml ppa o llli Hi panhtun n Inmiciit
I am od rnwirlte tenant
I plrlt of Truili baie urtiuuhl
Former ttio ivork lie lias willed
X our power iwuilil ewr lie itllltd
IVmerleui lm Whip lltnt
Ilul Hint my solrtl Iiik Illicit
Thi In art of the rnn cluiiK man
I wn hctore earth bepui
ud hull bo ulien enrtb lit fnKolten
iiP were
itrown moro stpau
uirly a > momentous us his words If we Tlietnatminlire enee joulionl
Die srent power oi Cod much more
l the words he uttered pioio him to
tliiVisdomof loll Thoughtful men
kollitened to hint were astonished at
u ttliofe character of his teaching its
xB h its breadth Its depth Its height
JUsimplicity charmed them Its authority
JHlJthiin In awe nml eten the fiieb o f
lf iiswere compelled to confess that
ncicr min pake like this man
Hie divinity of Christ whatcxor that
mhfcuous phrapo may uicaii
Iws not rest nearly us much ou
Hi woiki as on Ills words lu
Jwl If Jesus hud never wrought ouc of
iiOjc Mipernstial deeds that thtrhetl his
itonnltken llame of lire thtough the
hcgtU aurt breadth of Palestine if lie had
Valedno sick cleansed no lepers stilled
otempests fed no hungry multitudes
Wl with these winds of his echoing in
weare we should be compelled to ask
> < old question 1rom whence lmtb
JI3 man this vvltdom V Thero arc many
leircuu of womler In the words if
Jiui We should remember that lie
MrurcU In an ohscute nortliern II
s < away from the center ol culture and
oportunitles of ulucatlon Theie
w no iamallel lit Naareth ut who e
tfthe mmht sit and study the weighty
Mtcrs of the law Jerusalem was
le home of culture and
ftlelarohlp Tho temple courts
ire tho colleges of ralestine Zinn s
ul Wus the only university of the Holy
i il Nevertheless Jesus comes from
rude hills of iullli ii ttud ftclng the
ire of Jerusalem the learning of
Miils md doctors and scribes speaks
nit that have the double effect of
wrniing the common people mid of its
jMUlilnjs the learncti und crtitllto Very
J u men do not often imiko good
wjcners lmt there was n preacher who
< < l so klmple so tenderly that plain
ifih nml even Hull children could tiu
tnil him and yet wlthtl dealt with
n slupemlous questions lit those quiet
f onU that l1 ° Jeantcd doctor
Mi the cultured scribe and the
fe who had been study lug the law til
Oaisxvero astounded It Is an etsjl
jstfr to dresr a commou thought lu
robts U tho grandest trl
m f ttn truest oratnty Is to spctil n
truth In such language that It shall
i the imnian Intellect and sanctify
11 e lUMn hurt mis was the triumph
i simp direct Intelliglhle ten
oris of Jesus ate the be > t
Y word in an the world The
° f leomntiin men tilacc In
n Joiy hire for u
T lieu
< uc from rocntleii and ono
fphtetu philosopher titidnlavo
l h
inciter iniiirilucd that Christ clitlttt
a dliie niltisioii te > ted
uainl on the miracles wo
ire much mistaken The mliiclcs oi
SS aa wlluecsi s to Clulst wero
toltut and timpoiiiiy The testimony
ltlu rtorils Is uutiersal and permanent
dl works he wrought proxed hint to
U iitn for > ou enter at iiiuit
of Cotifopfii
> tM tlim in
omo extraordinary tniuiint iiK u
one au emperor f China vod pro t Is
to oudoiuor to fU tro v Mn iMtl
t < H > V of thl soiirci > t nil i doin J h rj
tl0lhllN ar viarslmd tut n lm
hlltcrvd by the Mn v c tins wparl o m
to Uti throne hi n exacted to
pound their rtoeti hie to nil hb ollhlots sml
Tin lieartH thut 1 lenke to reeeliowiu
ill limn mujour Kiorv Is lout
Hut 1 liter all thins Imlo
No matter htm liomeh and Ion
And llll them ullli tliluMif meaning
oils 1111 nltl uImIiimi to fiun
i er IiIm mui uj < e I bear
IlireUKh tempi ilit llut rrath thnujili tin air
When Jeep calN to tbcp In the dirkiic
Or w Inili that are gentle and fair
In lliu fliiii iliriie i n iiiiln
I speak with rcdilleux nilslit
Illni I tutn thu iplrlt of man
Codunrd wltli crascletH lllght
ll Klitler nilril I cried
Well are jc fatlnled
To hold jour iiitnliiii on earlh
c feel a rhthliuUA pride
Hi auty foruiH ou iiirct brlirht
Tiutli itiiiTlljen them with mlibl
llieiioct suflnirnll jour uorlh
licidt It nut for hkiiii dcllKht
it > r in a ciaxi
The lfev Madison C IVters this morn
ing startled the Jresbyteiiau ministers
meeting by preaching a short seimun up
on that unblbllcal tet Dont Je a
Chun U was a dlscoursu ubouiiding
In oilgimtl If remarkable advice full of
arouse excitement Jl did mouse excite
ment and when Hie Icv 1etets sat
lown one niter another of his ministerial
brethren took up their cudgels in Ids de
fense or in attack upon him No address
of so lively a nature has been heard for a
long time at tho assembly looms and un
til the Itcv Mr IVter again speaks theie
It Is unlikely that anything will
I am not methodlstlc and while 1
speak today of methods if wink in the
church I say Dont be a clniu said
Mr leteis We ought to be euterpiis
whole bakery
verse on lite Divine Malurmty at the
house of Mr Cotirtlaudt Palmer No 117
laistlweuivllrst street last nltfht to
about 100 Invited sentleuten nearly til
tnembers of the Nineteenth Century club
Th poem was dedicated to Calvin burn
ing Sen ettw
Sir 1aliner mtrodnocd the poet s one
who had lu his opinion xvrltien a rc
imirkable poem whoe conception
god of hell must be a god of hate
that a
ilr Hagcroan began with a story of a
citizen who sought to cheapen nud purchase
and after being
chase in a wholesale store
ing kicked by various employea from floor
Ml the i
torimliftir or hor < lainiiiMti
w 1 i ueltrtatKiH
ii h > on jehi jH Ihnt tert In twr train
niimk ii
lliniif nln Knlliirlin hi i
mil llnB itunit ji
iottiiln i runtime on
n III faun nut u rrliurainlurri
Un > hut
r r r r VM MTr vs wTurr wivj iV t <
prcliui nan church Jons street
nd Monro puMnr
ulic r n n in nml 1 in Sninli >
i < 1 ° W i fklln iiier
nl VronlMil InMlfrt
icrltnd ri ijliTlun rliiudi nirnor or
fL l4lnr Mrl Itov It St Tliinon
1 r ir i atll ii tnninl p m sul
filli i nine iLrimm 1nllurt nml Meio
Thl l Ul oxifllenl nliU ii oiir
JJniinii Bi cntli J hi nil
j nrvliiil louriliSlrrctM II chureli
m it v > Allioii iiKtur buntlnt
i p miiiliu lit U n in Mindi
mj i1 i Tki Mulkii miietlii
ifcij rr ac luiit lla in nml 7 15 p m
> tur 1 pitliliHllcil e U fro
p M l i linn li irner Main mid
i > il i > ilmol n IIKih in I
r ii inii t i ri leu nt 11 n in
It Hoi < > IMlli prutl ilnifuldpror
1 Hlo li i 4ii l ami pionvhlnitiit 7 30
ni ii ilir curilliil lutlta inn unit
c iv Mindid tn thti gomiiHi
i iuo In ml tlio i > rvtcv Mni
i 11 7
knilniMMp nlltifr
i t ri > idltnt
tunoliurof nil eyes U0 fii0 riinic i tfiSt iV
v kvi however j ill turn n adlmt tnir
I Tjo xxorMa lurned toward one another
IV imitU tn themdhltil and mother
i > no In licnvciiln hell Uiu other
I MnUlng noBUIait on
i rn rH h °
tho >
ne erlals ll t hml succeeded nnc
ho might hntorillMwl lib cottntrv Iron r ti re i > Umrii
out lii l eato hiicIi liim11 > xtiiumivuiv
unotlicr lleroil stitmia I J
woVi tol5 Cl R
wortls of wlndoin should he I < iiMtimt
i inoserved on erankiiinVaii lsiI
j n down
Imperltlhihle innrhle cli 7noroovcr I rl nmrilnv
should foreor Insure the CMni clnni Witriliiitun
ters In which thOM > are li oribetl fromnnv I y y of throne forMkon
tuaimc So round grent court knowii vVii M i i rtmn it ii v n
< th0 hall ol tho chiles nre UMffi BftSrh
iiuko tall solemn marble tuhlett
ohllgid to nlo that lecture the ery i wMiir H glowerinjr wW tui > nTrinar denit
nf on
hN au
Pluns for n JtrttintXpu KnglnoHow
TliankvKllJiifr Nigiit Js to He
Jliid Jofnl
> 1 lt > Sj I
nt M < > Tt i riw
omtcil ii at l t ttWiiku t ti the
< l
tint i i > a utvi idvt vtlMi
lions tiift < nivtlilfitUii BtTtirnvin
iipforanin hrioi Iionv nttVIt bt t > I
liullton ilnH < tin old nmklMMKv
lit two etalr eau endltiji to the upimr
storj1 ono etm of uhMi l Ut bo uwd for
tht tlreuicns hull Wm other tor the olty
council A bell la fc be planed In the
lower which li to b almnl feet
on our
afreet toMjay and a Inrg number of
furmersi were dointt bn ioii with our
bucnnoMti men
Tbankauivlns uiarht Mill he pent In
DbiiIkhi In a oily nay from the preneut
ottUook At the nkatluft ttuk there la t < i
Ijoii mask tkntltis rnrnlxak to hint null
10 oclock when it will he turned Into
comapondrnt who has been prl l bull At the Vonwrt ball there will he
iegmito look through the library oun abnllglien o n hou w t lnir ror Un
necwMl with the Liindon hlblohouat i new mldltlon iu t nddeti to that ulnnd
of what he found
tuoro Anions the tli > t objects notked
wa tho venertblo Mnlujwsv bible which
ctimmodlona hall where tlio liorrrmuM
will hold lortb The Kplacopat ohurch
will alao ah en ball for the lieneill of tho
Is spoken of as a prceious nllc and church ou that ecciifng nwklnft thteo
havlUR bolonged tu one of that noble i public halls besides quite a number of
army of martyrs who with tinniitchliiK piIvate parties
couniRe endured torture nml death ratli TbU mornlnj about K oclock ns a i i
er than aliandon their ftlth lu Christ
ittk leporter wus aolun ltumo ho was
r t s bKk > ll ° writer says Is met Hear the skating rink bv two nuflro
another bible wltti a mots peaceful but men on horwhaek alvliiK their names an
no loss luiiHMtaut history being nothing William Mmwer und Alex Yotmu who
hiss than the v cry hook that Mary Jones Inquired w here thev could Hud a doctor
thu Welsh girl after sho had traveled so stntlng tint a ne ro matt imtncii
many miles to obtain one purchased Osha had been badly hoaten on
from Mr Charles of Ilitla The clrclim tho head with it stotto by
stmiciis suggested to hint and others the one Alfred Willow at a house on lion lie
necessity of a public socity and from creek They stated that tho men hadjrot
this ono mustard seod thero has sprung ten Into the dlllleulty over a pioptihcd
tfflh noble institution now like a great i horse race that was to take place on Sun
tree under whose Munches so tnanydiiy Oshns hoiso was to run and Wll
nations have found shelter and refresh low had bet 820 on the horsoas a forfeit
nwiil for Sio the rest to bo put up tu lav but
ihewrlteruevt refers to n copy of tho Osha refused to allow his honw to run
Spanish Now Testament it U ono of making Willow a loser to tho amount of
three thou amt copies produced by a 8i0 without a chance to win Tkoy were
lrotestiiul printer who worked by lamp afraid that tktlm would die und came ttlur
light In a cellar nt Malaga dnring the a doctor
reign of the persecuting Isabella at the Deputy Constable Cordon arrested a
risk of liberty ami life The conliue1 negio man todnv by the until of
munt and his solitary unaided labors so Julius laeknon who Is want id
nuilunnlned his hinllh that lie died early at Marshall Tex for the thuft of a bale
of consumption It Is a pullmpsesl and of cotjOn that was stolen two years ago
consists of two hooks written one over JaeksMi Is now In jail waiting theariivnl
the oilier on the sumu xillum an Instance of thW oillcers fiom Mtrshull
of economy not unusual in MrfK Malonev died at his la rcsl
carly times When llrst found dcncill two nml tthall tnllua west of Ueu
lt npiicated to be only a work son VUterdav of typhoid levor Ills ro
of the twelfth century containing leasons intlusNiveru taken to Sherman ou tho
d trtn today for Interment tn the
Investigation ptovetl It to have been orlg Catholic cumetery Tho Initial services
Inally pari of St lukon gospel trans ste to be performed by Jnthiir Blum of
litleil about 00 A I In uncial Inek ami Unit city The wife two daughters and
us being fiiitnd in the Island of Zanlo It little sou avcomptuled the ivnmlns to
is known as the Codex Ztieynihltis The Mterimin nml will return tonljjht The
conespondeiit coneluiles It Isasur deceaaed was u farmer by oecupatlou
prising mid cliterlng fact that during the lie was fortysK veurs of ago
elghlyone jeais of Itsexlttencc thu Ion Hetiiy Oiiig in of Sherman was ou our
don lillilo society has put Into circulation i stteets today
npwnrds of inouuOono of copies of the Ike blamlifur uccompaulcd by Ws sis
holy scriptures lit nboul ii > n lauguiigesor i terlnlaw MUs Meiiefee wont over to
dialects and that at the present tlmu 0 Miermati today
000 copies of the holy scrlptutes are sent
i out each week or about iOOO dally
thi tisiis or rinitciiis
Tho Central Christian Advocate of St
Louis Is glad to teport agrowlugiliisat
Isficttou tigalnst putting houses ddluuted
to thu worship of God to secular and
A young man nged about twentytwo
iriined Henry Howard accompanied by
Miss JennlL Hales tigid slxtemi ottine in
viuc worship The iiiountcbnu kandcomic Ilf l ° ri < 1 ° Jler l0 lU llol °
actor are not without their uses but there u 1 f father without tnubtnx a lum
Kmt u mM l Hie I
are no ciicumstancos under which thev RV o
slionld be allowed in the church It young eouplc conoludcd that It would be i
not a question of atniisementsbut to what h01 do as retpieslml so Hie
use a house sot aside for public worship llouiw lady kit with hot father
with tellglous formlilatles may he < lo ° lnu r
and Coppcll s thi
I as itn < e Htut fnitli
Capein Itros
Slate frtroi Hrown
Three dollar will I my n pair of tlno
all wool white blaukch worth at iui t
Cull nml examine thorn nt Ittndall
Chamber u s
trt > th 1roll
ll kinds of fruit froth n J choice nt
An ImJIiin rrrrlliry mxr Iitn Hpotlet by M l ft > lllciluiT V atom u C en
llw I ntwnily Anlnl or fnp
A Ix > Rro WU >
rimiliulvt tliiiiiKtnl nminl t
j A lurjro iook t woolen ilanttrln to lm
Wld nt i arnrt twctiBee hv ItnHUII
1 ChsiDiVrH Si
Tlio K i 4hiii1U < <
No ntlur piueo In tln > vity Can Jtw buy
ontevunnirlw sx nt
M1 im MriHrr ltM
Tho iinUdlna to to 1m ttfty tott wWt j In emuVfii deil na itnd the itMMt lieiutttol
clllhty feet loji two ntorU > 8 il h nntl ou mer wn will W wiW niimrKal
tnndfof hrlck Thr tower floor I to V ton nl II Vullvn
ivoltiNi or ll tin ii > iiip iilf dlxhlei
lilt three tlenurtnltitH one tin tlio i ro
eiiKliu one or tfte hose carriage and on
for the hook nnt ladder tnuV with
double doom for rath diimrtiinnt Jim
tirliim VtciIN
lm io hwni Jlros nhoni vu witnt
thitlelot Iriit Uir fnimy Htidlet ami
the iihnJee eljjarti H In ttM uivniOH
Htatls an1 to lielittHt targe for tho hori esi > > M > MJf
KhluR them pleuty ut roont Tltotv Mill
lloul Jail U enlt uiitl xee our 8S nil
wh 1 white bwtk t V Will tlntl titviu
worth folly 66 k xtlr
IUMIIVII S Cjiamwikm To
hlsuertrmn the tuatu bttlldlng in the l > i > Iwket Ko to Monl intry i
i nlarin fan he heanl a Io k iIIbUukt oer Il < K
the top ot the honied There Ih nlno to
IfMty pteeesof whlto woolim lliwiiri to
Ji Z K
wdhueiita of the ilinil el ht wherow111 mii > hhw i l < ak dtat t w B n toij ta the U > 5 t the t bp rta M
PM W rilS honour hainl co
rk cos hy
Yo4t unii ax e 1 run HA to fit > per cent on
dni j rohIm of at kinds by i irehaotny
ilum ot Itumlall 11ttumberN V
this morning lu a buggy fioni below reitmi imn
Sherman with the Intentloti of going to i J 11
the Nation to he spliced they having left iiock iflnnd
home about 4 oclock this morning J st Paul
Mr Hales inlsslnit Ids daughter j f iV 1 1
hits at the clamlilcc habits of certain tin
i oO diViUnnsoii we7k w the co
atn d runaways
tn ex iioiiionsoii wiik nay cviniiigs
ve Iresbv er an in ulsters 0f
progress infrnu d
tike the E r
away line feeling of sanctity that
vvlial mav be callctl Iricllglous uses For IllllH r lK BuesKd whnt wa ti M
wo can not he honest with eacli other tin V110 0 tllt orthbound
less we ngteo that spectacular semi e was just Having
this city and idmlitily fiiiMibittd tn
oxh 0 ttlUhatu foltilt t j lie had come aller his daughter nml that
Inipiillrt K v > XVnt
Clgurs mine others iva good lW Ml y
t bath tstJietiber IV
ii naSi i i ill i 1
limili eloiubs
Mvn t 10 cental seven lneln tniW r
combH lOcuntsi clghlluoh Ui oeiiw etc
at K M Wwlls
Our otillrei stock ol cloaks nnUMvmv
of all lilmln Is ofTurtid at leas than cost
Hvmivii iV CnwinmiiMVv
X Slltslia Hoiiclioii Wus lUcovtltil t
Sloiks YcHlti ditysTlio Moftoy
Jltukel Mas Kttsy
tin irnlii ilnrliils Were ltinee owTltnM
TrniMncCittiin llibl IIk < ii
Tin IJiiitiitlnii
rvv > m Nov l Moneytin callMMbr
nt H t p rientcJo luRkliuut l1 ewoei t
prlniM in miillln ihiikt 4l ai fnrelKjx < x
obimgc lull st l s et ut m iluyn mid I oil tot
Mo it vstt HONII
NlH i > Uk SoiSl llie toitoiilliE uiro the
oflloinl olmdiiK mioimliinii at tlin XewVotk
sUikcli M lliiulternooii
I iillc1 Statu iliieuit 1
ourHiuluiMlmlf in
Nt lourn ivb
Car III alxim M
I tmini Invlito Uiih
iTa X IAcllliilanilarants W
Tfxnt la iiiollleliianit lamlffaiitji Mr
I nltin IaolMe ilrn 7 IIM
Inltin PniltVulnUnn < m
fmitnil lMUlf i a
1lmvjro Aliuu A la
Chlcaiiit X a Unii urelerwl
Iiitrlliitfton Jttiiilnci
litlniinrit Hudson
Mt < iW < rt Mio ImiiUc
Irln preferksI
lliimtnn A TXMi
KmiiuuA Tuxim
Ijike Sliore
1mtivl lii A XMshillle
Xllmourl IVwIlti
N leiau > t oiilral
Mirthero Parlllc
xifttiorn llicllltt priicrlml
VirihiveMern piter
I viil A iiiumit pritern ii
uttienger iixaD tliriavi pi
the depot when lie Ililmi Iaeltlc M
miug ti went up iKpf0rfvrt jsj
the young man tliat vvrlls Fnrjtn ur
Wmiern I won Ta
MlliJ Anted
uiiinie IltoviiloNS Livii sT < iii
WMeaJlowcr with llnlit trailln mbt ott lu
i vviMun i i iiw i
voted We have been yielding to an active und the young man left to drlvii over the early partially rervfreltli i ln limd u ahi
minority whose lellglousllfelswanllngln lomly toa by himself 4 L S Wi flSiJLfSJ
actuaUpIrltualeMierleiiceratherthaufTlvo O Hi inmi r ol the Itell Tele S5J JiS 0 rT V wS mSS8SS
wiiiiiwny at tills pontkwH bomi irifilBK 1 JjIi JiV li S7
ofTense The wUc part would have been M
to teslst the beginnings and oxphtin the tratisrorrrtl l W o to take chirp of i i
i cause of our dissent It Is bad enough llt ° ° nn < 1 MlH Wllllmf v rv
II a mm Isnt a clam if ho lilglual
he is bound to be criticised lint what iV f 1KrlIOIls
does n man euro If he Is criticised If ids The Lebanon Herald has the lollowina
church is overflowing when his ciltlcsi to say concerning tiam Smull Cuorglits
cant draw a coriioialsguardy The man new luvlvnllst
who invented the umbrella liiLnglaiull Despairing of success in Ids efforts to
mobbed on the strict The people drink all thp whisky In eorgla ham
said when God
tint folks should
n1 tll0 lniHfortM to loco his pocket
sent the rain he meant Small of Atluntti has g veil tip the Job and i00tconuilnlng H01n gold Ho offers
get wet i turned ovangollBl Our acquaintance i ttt 40 ns rtunJ U lm ilndcr for the
accused of being ensa1 with Sauiuel ruther Induce the be lef rttlrll f tlu > rigt
1 have been
tional I plead guilty I preach lacts that he has Ilniilly ino MrsMary Snmplos died this morning at
and fiets alwnvs produce a sensation vocation tovvhlch tiatuto and ir mi f oclock nml will be burled tomorrovx at
Sintering genctnlliies nuver excite stances combine to adapt him IJih J jo oclock the funeral services to take
people ThiTv called Christ sen allonaP < MMTlonce as u nevvsiKiper man hasi fa c0 r t > rUlHnoe on KWt
j joluMm 8trt
fSh t ns lii sale soul s sot for Villi l f tbnt variegaUsl and lllorescout nort
glory esu r deno easaVlom1 ii which Hvonld never permit neb trlvtallly
mttetided by or llltcil to excite luU > re t a f t to mar the iwtun qnraeM of au
tiint1LI otherwise clfcctlvw smteinenl Wc on
1 niiailnt sbi us clearly
is C rUt ° rate Itb a It horlld tun the assertion that Worn hiihaa been
roitd mouth ham will
tut a
color If we stop lielwtl w r
churclic will be I tilled rihlhtlulnhbi i 1 aasertlnt vvllh a solemnity
Mf hi enruM to 1h
Nevvs i 1 dead v 1
Hove tlial lie is in earnest thai a
limm os 11111 vMiTtti nun I man who sweats will atealor tluttevery
committee that was out soliciting
for stockholder in tho cottnnmllt
Tbe committee are sntivlled
ihnt the amount can be raised wtthuiit
any trouble ami every bniue man that
has any lntotvat In Deulsms wcllitu
went home happy tonight
tns Ho l tit at Yenterdiij SlllfctfcjcI
New York un The llev H Miller body who dance 1 011 tho high road u > Sptctal u ii Oa ti
of Urooklvn reirt a piece of 1 hell Of course he dots not believe this Txtiit Tkx Nov
nt T > l r
SI In the court f
nobody outalde of a lunatic asylum uptHtilf today ib following eaacs wrfc
does but It will take wonderfully with afllnnedi
that cltSk that acceptK as gotipcl even
thing which cmlnates from the pulpit
and thecvtiugelUl who would be suc
cessful intidt be luking at nil luuards
As a iNher ol men anl will doubtless be
a sncicus
An IMItors Totlmniiliil
A M Vaughatl editor ol the Clmtn
vvlch Jtevletv ircenwlolt Ohio xvriteti
List January 1 met with n vcrv seTerc
accident oanseil by a runaway home 1 Jones
used almost every kind of salve to bent county
the wounds wUlelt turned to running Brock
vs the Mil Imw
Wlmberly v the State from Navnnci
va the Kiate trwn Navarro
vs the state Irom Navarre
totloormt ot found noUilm to do me any county
clulmwl Meln Uo ic 1Jud he hnd good till I mm ramnrailod HrNltYS Hevemd anu di mls d wuitamn
dmsell b > the h u Jft ltal BMODty Uoylv
nt inun
hi I 0 t t i Nov si Flout K y nut u
Hhnriniti eleinaod
IJifnA flmueoil llli llKht tr 4liif A It
mixed utoli aiijtit Xuxombor Jawmny Hm
rol limed from nominal 1 wn
main until Tuesthi ° v rul f Vo wtisiMtiWivir WJ
city for a week or Iltl
two Ills cntertnlumeuts will 00 greatly com llcslijuieisin so
missed I Wool < 4i8d > tub wanlied lnTo i In
M ° I r trir 1 n Str ° l10 W1 at ll 10
crn Union Telegraph olllce conieu out as loik Uulei now no nu
a candidate for citv secretnry luaklng tho ir l Ne < v < loner ntwtto
l > will Meal ibixMl inli Job imrt hoal
tnirii one 111110 1 iltM ry
d r tso i Klo r Jwaoiiwt tiirirlt <
Sllko lllley of the Iarnill saloon tollay
jju jaahoridear tt M
llttiitutHlr jolitiiidii IniiKVIear JO S J6
liw rib 6MWX 77i liift < lt rti > Kk
lilt stout
auu lliu4lplit tun tlilpmsnt tw 10
< 11 > flj foiinniiUUlh no murk t
IbiKefipi uiiir and nothc nl
l l sv
ISO lilpiiiinli Hot no
lflllkt Ol iu k t Nllppl
New Orlonn
Ntw Oaitiss 1 1 Km ai Irlum
1 i iiiii
uitl k HitUi tl t itiiiiij 170 e irs fniK
cdiMl 111 raising fi2G00 InavlngOllly jx o j lu Minn iurl wnl wheiu put nu
yet to r ls until Deni ouhnaacoi o V
it iil
on Hull uiul nml lisu rat t is
< hl i if I ii Mint rlwliri Wiilern Sii
tirntti nl Nltn I nt 2tii
IlitiJui 1 trl 11 W 001 riolt <
tit liv I Ui
lfi Iritlnt 1 Mrm
I ant Hi mi d titmi tjk
liutk M nl liiiliLits tl K knirf tlaar
and rliur rib > tH
ItamnMiuiiltluf it til to rleur Vt Ol
eleof rib 1 w
Jl ui tliotw tiiuai uw l n iisl wi > vm
Id Me
Wnl Vwttm wUBeil V its
1 ax
oKctMit Wo niMgo tiruiiKin to ttrtuo
ltl c I mil ltiiilitltiu ordinary n prtini
JiiattCastlllMUK the UU rout Tom1 roY on std l r < Mt tjuPt toirt iwaV
roeti coniitv I lirliiHi iiulflilf itiri WMiMcr yellt > IVlrictc
lllonil llw Slat < fniitl VViullMintl faint ml nifiil ls4l
lliaim xu me iai irom is r imy yiawtMXnr
hMMr but > A < ini4u
Williams vs the Hale out revROli 1T
county hxMii < W nW
i to wdir vs tie rUstr from Hu k
Sw lle Saiaml imV
ica o lu bVlsur uUsl and
Wheat fiptuwl nuali and t i > t off under larfto
crforlng raUltMl to tvll back sailn ami cit > i l
uadcr yotterdsyi llvcmltlr W s fc rtottnl
sar t inber 9 tac clttud aWo Jan
n ry iu4 wolc rioted stt i ei Hay tStti taVfJ
JT id tU t a
Corn QalttccDerallj ViIr ettslin4tr
Nowmbur 4St4l 4Ue lkssambcr 111
i utiie olowd 4l IIJ i ycarlllWI c cloned
u 41441 C
jnm litiVtVvj rM4aW J > > 4rx JOtW
it rallied and cloiitsl
HsMMaUr ckiUd s Vil
Dec rubor it 133
ailed tfpaltItr
3 U3H1MdVit til i
KO rx H
rrio DroTcraJoutm
l TOttS COi short
tdnntof Aiigrl ha a
I 0 ISt l Vi jtrocneomVin
i im wwtti r M i
Hi reports 1 t > 1rr Xull xrelxiit 11 iiii i V
< orrt N itittftrM
Itrl it AltInltril Mult
IV ek
Oils week
dent llrllnlu
sttsk at all V s potlatMndny
1 111day liltt janes
lower lit
fh Mir teciiU itt st dyi nattVii tt Wt
< s T < xavf 7M tniiHil 7J < on
N it lorh
Nhit ourt Nor Jl Fionrliuii nui < ii
VMiwtt bpol tins l r lower and dull op
lAumttocllnml cetustuf nlllt the midt 11
oa rnltnir wcn No i nd nrllio plemsor
V txml Dcoenltr tmi > tp clonltur iwtci im
utwv MStUMi ilwrtiiK Wjrt Jtiiy t uultd w
cMtim > IVJ
Corti Sjhii lot Jt and idloas t lc lowe <
id 1rt < h vi N J Ml c skmior t
sflodt X x4 Nor liiVlAt V c1 t K Mir
lvccnlM > r Ml Mjb cVtitlna Wc Aiaiuu
> okinlmgMX Slav lmiocbtii f e
IKlllSUlSs Hit
t ofl r > t fair Mo dull ouiimm to in
fJlaia blrti i and fAlm actlie No 7 Kh > tent
70 tuloa S0 bam I > iwiiit H Mfl no
Ja im y ttt roluvarj v Jlurtl tiTDm
Suaaftln and pilcn latRllrli IMHtwi t
Ho 5ll iBlcl ml twiidy nl lo r and
r l ilTv r uninnlaUitliJx
H Iwa
Vl0lA MBsStMly llcmjwd nlr
nicoWeady and < l t
T llowm ttljr nml lutat It tlV
ixttu > nllnefttm t i
iii < J t lH vjrr t wi doin tbram
4i W imtlwl UMWoi ToxattWMIo
fxirW Fur
Mrttw > tHliih > Iow r am dnll ayotO MMtt
iiiiinil ciir
iUvsx JtTt Ah soy atWhcxtjjilsi
h N0 biff pceoMbcr Mfe ll t liiiumry 71u
bid liny 81 itHI
ornijilei ali Knonnkod tear it bid
May Die
oausNomlaStj Data bid
Live Mlook lmllrmirw tciKirts
Cattla Uiteoluta 14KB luuiinnl kiiipi atrady
oxiwrtsr X M 1 tvmiV U > chiks <
tITUwauu entamtui Vo mvdium IM <
Mihikoiiatid f cdKnti l7 t ooiwSOusiaaj
Kra a Toxrk u > r ft M iX
Ho lt jWlit tes8l weak and Inner rv >
siirnnvlleccljiu s t shlpnientd Wi qu t
fair to t > H l tnJT iomiuon ti nnnllnm
HiiWSiO Mtaw fH tV eaidi
1 Ui v
fTviMiris tiem ad 1 s tds tlun Inr
lllVtMTXIN TX NllT illXitton Mil
doted XHady
UtoH ioimiiiI ImUa
Siiten tm bnlcw
Ilxporti mine
ShlpiiienU smttlvtsB 4MMbaK < a
hlvck suWil biit
Ordinal 70 noml ntdhvniyHjei low mill1
tllJB sjo nuittllntf tUo rom inlddlln t6
Hnlo tlWO bmo
IIow Y rk
Nor JtCntlon
Spot cloteO
otttllilflTj7e ood orotnarj Sjo Ion mid
illuiR tl lftn iStMlliiH < t aouil inlildllnR
mot iiitdiillatt tnrle i
Mnlna ws haiu
IlllliruknlttiVil dtdlbut alitmlrl lot potntu
oh ir
Huiei Kti bnlfis
Vol ember
AuRiiat 1
U1 t tl 3ft
11 tlu II tl
l > filU II M
I h 11 iW
u saw us
UIU Dili
111 Ii3 ll Ol
in 1110 13
iu rtwieji
TluMlMliliHUii ysit Mltnn lu the norlden
tiiurilnySiiieiiiUr lt isirdliiK tn lb Nox
Vork hronlde lnuafiillous
Total auiiply today IDMMfA biilimi sami day
Intl jestil 7aijalon dltrcrenee ileiuantix
IMnfll bules
Willi air huthiDM
U > Vottun
Sit rliinil
Ordlunry 4d iol ordlniiry 4di lint mliU
illlnxtin irVtl inTlillliii uplnhiU 31 ICtli mid
dllnitrlwmtA7H > < l
Tolnl sales H mi Anwrloaii ff < Kl linpoila
HUM Aiuiilcnii ti
Futurim cloned quhit Wit leaily rciicrully I
to t point higher
SilWllllirr 3 11 Mkd
Niiviiulier licoDinliaa Aiilnitkd
l no ber liiiumry A Uil n k < i
liuuiiryFbrnar 5 111 ankd
IVbriiiri Mnrcb li ijiil
Vlioeh April 3 13 bldi
Vprll Mm U bill
Maj lune r > t bid
JW orlcniiK
SlW OiilllH Soy tllolou SHtf
iIobikI inlnt
bun tfiliiHjir ft fHot tirillniirjr 7 8tf i Kixnl
onllliiiry 8 1 foai tutr mlddlliiK 4 M6 mb
dllliK 7 H IHnf gotyl mWdllilKVltoi mlddllnKiilr
IU llll 1 fitlr iiTtllo
lu tu re opotiil uultil ruled fienty ftwatl
timet ami HietdifJii njioiiit lower
a intuit
IMWib I nJinn tleiiUHti
1 H > bid
s ins a l h S7w 8 ks n ym a no
vst t W 11 now 11 m a e > > i m
11 urn tv u vm u 17 J iv it ni
11 im 11 ay u ant e it 1 j 9 in
iie v M u 4A k ti bt i 41 n i
t > mm v nt u wi it 111 i im ti mi
MS 71
M bid
U Ut bbl
U 7W 1 W II 74il 1 711
u ki ti ss1 ii m > tl SI
u im v wi i et s w
Inlut aaif JlvVJ
Uriois iiriiirtxjiiTtti
SovJUIn 1
V rico < tbe biittnituiMCCk clunlajto day
howa alinuliby current ot limle In ulLdcpAH
niclita Thu tvertpta of collon illirln thu UM
Ier days ut tb wcik were hnavy bat nhukrd
up tiwnttl Utu cIimh Price bare rtjJKnd loom
tauuiuiaiw tbonablt riuli d the boat KtatlM
inhrhut tu btfl Hitiir on an uimsajti ub ut
shXitu fcuii pnll
the intbiiws ut ihe ntitber lin > nut Imimi
rnveralihi tolmttuiaa < > i lHlJy laths lla nf
dry kooOV laat ni > l lllialimllij ibla > A4imIc
tbuw oak UUf regal Ion wots iif a lMa4 > vim
1ii bltti > me alt adi ami la itfid 4viikiiii1
hIIK tui HHoluble tliictaitltint
lliu pfHlutu mark t ta ttell nuppH Klin all
autuoi tctlnMo tntlla nwi butter
U > at prlv Kittili l II1 ltluK
Must Cluinir cirwl lianu 1Utc Hixnr cureit
bijwktMl laVsin Vs allot clear baism 7 < c >
ijiurt float drt mHsc
ftok Maraorvltu I klla No 1 So
two lisllbblaNj I V > fit Nt t 4 Wt drljid
harrtUK per boxlun tJliuli Us
Urtf il rccfi 5c 30 tt tuat7ct IW Ik
lc 10 < t cnut 3tf a tl can Ite 4 fc can
Ttm Inii rliir46W fiinpinrdu
fiojtar Flne > derail bid
tan cat loaf ts > irranu l a tai
8i raniiUxt4 7 atauAird A 7l i ehelov I
Ixrnlin 7toi louUUei y 0 < 7o
lUro fo ilalnna A < jafe ur < f
Malt eWMIuVaM < > 1 > inin u
tVola fivt Kuvp I tl poctcta
iJ rr i
ksJallearsiiwM lnaoKa4Uo 3oblcatbla
C4i a Cct lump sal todn tn fci t l Utlci
ernmiWtsI ail MtU Iu llxlruBia ft
Moli eaCUUv t vflUlann Wc lu Wc new
crop fair tu wtAiia circ ayrvy Vx
jttolllo ulr fat to 10c prlsiti lu to lie
choie 111 to not Ijttv > tairlay > Vts > Onlil
n UI ltf 1 lx lit rr > ttt to Oft
Vlcklt i > til patla mixed tttcJo 1 Wl K > s
ca c Mrttifbcnirt 3 r i < h
WBct r
mallet Steen
iptiMrlci isoi
10t light
JIJMwlrM WKHMftt WMtrfK nitftru nmn
IliJSJJicrclrts ajvtn acllvti ami
I Ml
I air
irti lVitvii8 o EaSt4 doat rjiirj
> oai > tjl 7J Miko
lbisRiiss Sti m nam uki nstiie
Tl mm and IHituiifif
I Kr v it
lonr t nt ntt in 1
ttlKMtM Until rirniletAnSTtii l2
OiHliil Wto ntuimr imI i F 1w l l
t ilo Dry AoniK
Prnt dtnntatrit pilnt tint title s t xt
ons tantlcotjct AoitrtcajfV TrnrnWur
Itoluiimt 3 lutnvict Ml
it Wii r Oat
lenii Ma isanklitS > tt unMIJ
nuarilrP0ct tviiii rtllMihira3i ioucmiS
M i Hamilton tajr t0 V ItArwi
liitl 4ri MiincliPMcr 4 Prtlia ici jlofiib
litldre ftci StMl ttMcr 9lV Kin iim
rtaler it iUjU AK mUly ilM It 11
Heavy IJrvvii Slicthif
VVluo Itrovvu naotlnnloflKMI n 4 iwjiv
VVluo DIuhiImii s > Mttni KI 4 ItMkia tVv
ti4 ivpprtli I 10 1 jKmilroV tii wi
Mnnadnork into t lioiVBUlM 11 iacU
vvtpl Jlo 6 4 il iinebstrylcifll fteatiiuVo
itoru linckXh iitann Mnillmtoua ni
HH llrcrctl II Vltfttltahjcnt
0 j lUo
hjuli n n He Warrait ttrfu h V
Tlttkltig AIno V l AV A Wei AratniaaU
tri Ioriivvnll II n HJilltwaVjn nw tlbVa
IWtknn Hirlpcillxtrn iutbluMir bronn
M Moolianlit ldn ei Joivott IltyTflt liee
lllvcr blue suit brown ta til Uae < ui
llmtlmm VUIiJri8tiiinVl7l < ij GUjki
fsncln 7c tilaionwr drctm it > Io Ma llrUhlun
Ho katUton xfc Mtolch UooMola Mat lrort
M > lo slc Aruylo aliplttltui llakalaatlMtoi
tonliloiiiOinl 7c
llntoystJiimbitlxn1 tllf > Cahaicl 1S F lr
Way lact Imicrliit lt tlimevi llot Ail ti
IJio tlnutord
talc Jlltlnn 8a 1 rinil r ff
Kuminna tAtiUrUt
nrd llei Tol
lisnni hluywr set Abbotiirfiird
riiili ISo OovliiKtoti Uni tSikxtta ntot iomtr
Wei linpetlnl Isct t uislnKtou tMi 1 Amnlran
SiVtHtiwr lVnk S60 ttinnd niiTwi
ehln Slo tlrcnt Soitlheru ir fl llumuoldt Xtci
limes nud Jledlittt
3fl I A borax 14c blcnrbuitnts of M l Im
bull ftoj oppcrna a Moi clnnlilumll Wr ft
t xi crmtlln Mnp p r enttyuincr iiin Urtar
1 l r h J S4 nmli nl MH ci
nalouifl 1 A W 73 s t Knrlinlitiotlk tollbi
lnrJiida11 txxtl Io ebhral hydrxb unr ft 1
15L hloroform tier I tlls Inclodcl
7ft Wp eiiiniio lllmi poivaiT per l >
< o linvrrt per tu 1 Kptom Mlt p
It limn opium pur 6J no Hum
nnia ihor pur It nc KirilliietK3ro U 10
oil oator iimcliha TOwawt otl lasbir
nor onllt tl am 1 w oil lanl wluicrKiraliioil
i 7kci InrdNo t ICo tinjalaa 1 A 1V
nrrii > 1li > i Flower nlvbti4 i6 < i AlooitH
Ao rSnaotlptian vlald ay i mBppreiut oil
broken Ml nud in per o t olt ehorcttct
lift prlcci ltcbntepnt misl ntlJMi a rct
fluid oxtrnrn p r rnt ott v U Hall
pxtrtutii tu per real uV llnWatlal ol 81
Mini 111 t
IIHl uiperColnr ItiryilropbUvitl tSrl M
Tiitltpyituibiirtaii burntTniUy umboriSc
rmr lullnii tleiiiin ixc Itnllnu Inim sKima
ci VandjknbrmvirMn
1alnu IrlilK pun Willn lendCMlTJM oplr
Us tuniviitliio 1104AAfl StiUcd oil l o
Thu stienuait Will a i cxiloraIiory dWp
hlAflk la per 1 lfo limtlltli imctsllfiolt pvr
tt Its lamp llarkU per twice ttrxm rUo
Win s la Hi lihiiprlrl li in mir Tnrkoi
iimhir V IK burnt Turkey ttinbor 1 Fc raw
Itnllnn tlinunlatsi luiiit tinllmx ittinn M re
yniulyke brown la eclulaKrritiJ ctliroi i >
li JlOWli Ola I4c AiiHiricuil verirtllllim I
SCJiidlnn red la He iilttnn r j lata l lc 3
nisirhMiaoyriliiw I M N oatl01 III
Yellow oolirii Ills 8atm mM
Price of the above t ndo mi a Hilt nt In 1
I nml 1ucnna nntortid I InJaiii 1 nnJ t
canat balniirii In I mid V a ctina nvorteil Irtru
Inn a cntia bnlauc In I andi8 > onntwihixUhI
ttloe lit A 8 cilia Jc In it U tmd 73 lUl 41U
lo Iu nud kegs tt pur ft Iti >
Country 1roJueti nml rnll
Oiviiuiot lotiinl inniicrboi ft Wi
Muaalnn l iiionalrbox Tt Mil M
Apiilca Nnrtlieni I OOttilailr bbl
Ioulmst lrlab per bu nevr Northern SV In
mvka tliilnna Nor htnt iicrbUll C0tlt ai
Sitflt med bb aTe InnrtilluaOl ia AU
rale IVarntu W i BlderllJiUblit
t iiUbiiKO For cniii Nertticta 5vn
ft W
Pititliry lcn tt Oiicrdut tcuck Jtblmna
ii 0012 0 lurkeya WftiWy rcck tfiW
iiHika icr doren 18 aeA
HKB 1cr doteii ISfo
Iratli country IntttarClinlftft IJWMsn lfc > tro
Wvainrii 1I11 It isc f ncircrotutwy W
folutoeafcurcet PHiWC poilHiauU
Nioier kraut Per bull lintrnNI tt
Per bunrJiS
Hocnuiit Per IV 16W
Mew IMina IS
Hradl ms l4o
Abnuiida aeo
llitlntlt iltttilt
tMTc lrna 4dtlA
Oora l c
Million ixlro SItD KSA
Ilttprit tttjajEiiicalb
Hltwk Oixltl 1 ti prloea HttocMM k tury
awsirdliixtolociUtjr nlicrt rdnd Wp aotc
dlflsrriit kninllilos fuflnin
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mitral Tt XtwrlliK J ys W lWO
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ant l > rld Jff Rffi
iHacriia tv rJT
Vllua WrWl XlUtin f awn i slJJi

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