OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 12, 1885, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-12-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Goods I
Fyow i the llmo to mako yonr soloetlons while lho stock Is now and complete and
fore the Great Holiday Rush Commences
Lwilitfj wo will carefully pack ami mark your purchases and lay tea Mdo for da
Lpaljcrnofonoof our iiovcltlosjiiil received for tlio Xroas trade would mako a
Ulsndecirantptctm nnd certainly nothing could ho found mom useful Wo oiler h
irlel of et ylcs and fabrics ranging from f 130 to tJ3fiO for a imltcrn
Needlework Department Novelties for the Holidav Trade
Rolling Ilns Key Hacks fully trimmed fO0
701 to r Ao0
S ieii In plush enses Jotvol and toilet
itimiiadsomc 7fi0
iwrfiio toilet case celluloid comb and
Odor Cases plush with cut glass
TS7Q > 1Xj3337 SETS
EtUroan almost cndlcns nrlcty of now and liandsomo atjlia Can only quota
sit toilet cato cofnb brush nnd mirror
llttsh work boxes j < 2 50
JoHolry coses lu plush Tory elegant only
f 160
Itusslnn leather collar and cuff boxes Be
eients shaving sets In Icatherctto case only
lEATHER GOODS ai SSiiaM miuUbatn lmmni rom
islitu will soon boliuro tuku ndvantagoof this weeks Ollorlngs
always go first and an
113 115 Houston 112 114 Main Streots
401 Houston Street Corner Third
Xj 3i3rjoN 33eos
211 IIox Kton Street l ort Woitli
Cnsh Cnpltitl mill Surplus 130000
toil JB GodwlnJIil U > yd J I Heed XanoCettl I 0 Honnctt Gcorgo Jackson
8 U llnrnetl K II llarrold ana K F Ikard
Co Fort Worth Texas
w t M0OO
ivvlSl1 lllt i > v
WMlbantliiR biutnesa truneactod Collections mado and promptly remitted Ex
tiswnoa nil tho principal cities of Kuropp J J
ORSKlt VaiiandtTh06ATldballN Harding J 1 Smith
JarytJ K J
Assistant Uashlo
Worth Texas Second Slreol botween Houston and Throokmoiton
CAPITAL VAII in uiasooo bchiMJS fund mioooo
EX 88 banking business Collections mado
w tho principal cities of Europe
iWVjnoaiJ vVlog BoUJ It Adams II 0 Edrlnglon JT Kills eHMultey
J W Holilngivrartli
90s iVEodjo Jt SPoirt VCrorOa
iBoois and Sftoes
Svcts Jdros
J8 promptly attended to
Conjectures as to Committees and
Brief Mention of Somo Leading
Topics for Debate
Stewnrt of TcxitsTho Hlulr Educa
1 ° ml Hill Fcnmlo Suffrage
largest and best selected stock of Dry Goods and Fani tlc 0 lho Ucsruc
Goods ever exhibited for Presents 1 °
f Senate l
< t rloi
Aw < loll T to Mi IVtl
ilem Appulnlincnti
Siirinl About Committees
Special lo tho Uatettc
Wahiunhtox Dec llGo lp nl > o t
eommlttcoH Is bused upon tlio suspicion
that Morrjstmn codo of rules ii bo
adopted It 1 > now roportcil that II tho
limine dcclik8 to distribute partol thoap
proprlatlon Itandall will in tor
the distribution oi them itllnmt will waut
to nt tlio head ol
go tlio naval ntrairn com
inlttco lilntsiIf nnd wlii nlto tlio fortifi
cation bill to tho cnnmiltUO on lnlUtniv
affairs nnd divide up tho other two blln
thoHundrycltlf and delloluncy Stow
nrt ol Tuxod It nieiitloued as tho po sU
bio choice lor foreign ttfTalrN should Cur
tnlu bo nislcned to other duty Tudor
MonieouM tcholutlon tho Impuitnnco of
coimnUtoCM would bo grcntlv Increased
mid iimtty that woro oncu shunned would
bu now miserly 80U lit alter
Tho bilN mid resolutions Introduced In
tho icnato aflord material lor it ureal
tleul ol lutercslliiR dehtto Tho replies to
tho call lor tho Kolly conenponduncc nnd
lho correpoiilcnco relatiiiK to tho effott
to i ecuro tho International adoption ol
a metallic ratio are ubout ready to bo
transmitted to the ceimto
Thcro Is hald to bo a deHlro to prcclpl
tnlo nu unlimited agitation ol tho woumnn
suffrnRO quqitlon
Senator lllalr Is confident that bid edu
cational bill wilt pans promptly
Senator lieck In preparing loralgor
ousriply to lho piesldeiitK attack upon
tho Htuudaid dollar
MumborH ol coiiRiwia arc pending ro
quotH to tlio department for lMi ol ap
polnlment8 In tbel > Htatos inudo Mnco
March It Is tho lmpresilon that thoy
uro Mcurinj this Infoniiallon to guldu
tliem In a measure tvhun tho appoint
inoiits como before tlio isonitto lor con
inn tIIhpiiom casih
The closlup of thu tulRphoue capct has
again been postimnid as the fccreinry
hiiH gianted counseMor the Hervnil com
panlift adi1llionil llmu to lllu
their bilefH Tho brleln etldcnco and
other matter connected ttllh lho oaso
alraady fill nine tolumua Tho depart
ment will probably poattum a Htuall
library on thu mibluot of telephwivn by
thu time tlio case f ready to bo submit
Cnpt lolm Condon whoto name hn
been to prominent befoio tho juibllc with
plans for the Improvement of tho Missis
sippi river h hero urging upon congiess
tlio pnsMgo ol his bill to construct thu
lake lioigno outlet lo Improve tho navi
gation of tho MIh InhIpi > I and reclaim
from oterflow the cotton lands ol that
valley This Capt Cowdon proK > fcd to
do at his uxpeimo anil will not ask any
pay ol tho government until the work Is
pronounced Huccesiful
poanimci chanokh
Ofllco established at Lambert 1arkcr
Mall mcHsago service established be
tween Camnrgo Mexico nnd Wo i rnndo
City Statr county Tex lor six trlpi to
ItrptiMlrnn Cnuiim
Uasiiinotov Dec 11 Thu Itcpubll
can senators met In caucus at 11 oclock
today Senator Hlierman resigned his
position as chairman of tho caucus and
Senator Kdniunds was elected to tho
place This uctlon was due to the fact
that no senator 1ms evr been chairman
of tho caucus nnd presiding olllcer of thu
senate at tho samo time and Senator
hheiman felt It Incumbent upon 11m not
to depart from thu lino of piecvdent
The action of tho caucus committee lu
thu urrangiinout ol thu chnJrinnnshlpg of
thu scnalu committees viz In deciding
to tender Senator Kowell that ol the
Joint committee on llbiary and lo give
Senator Iogan his old place on the mil
itary affairs was ratified Nearly all the
time was devoted to the discusIon ol the
lino of policy to be adopted toward the
presidential appointments No addi
tional actum was taken nor Is proposed
Tho senators expressed their Icw
freelyand wuio found to bo practically
uuTnHtnaitsJi alnst the adoption of any
general policy Nit opposition but were
agretd upon the advisability of treating
each nomination ou Its merits Opinions
were exptesscd and generally absented to
that good mi n appointed toolllccbecause
they were Democrats should bo con
tinued except In case wburo their pred
ecessors were removed upon tin
founded charges brought lor the
puiposo ol making pretexts lor
the creation of n vacancy In such cases
It was uigi d that thu nominations should
bo held up to glut the removed olllclals
an opportunity for vindication Tlio sen
ators who were prrstnt expressed tho
opinion that this plan for the present will
govern the course of the Itcpubllcaus
Tho caucus adjourned without a day
Inbor Iteprririituilics III Cnntriitlon
Waxiiixutok Dec 11 When tho
United Labor federation of the CnlUd
States and Canada met this iiorolng tlio
committee ou rtsolutions mado n tcport
which sets forth that thu remedy of tlio
boycott has been grossly abused so us to
endauger the ueifulncss of this legiti
mate and powerful weapon In the hands
of tbu worMug people to protect tholr
rights and Jnterosts that fame or
ganizations resort to it for trivial
causes and that tlieio were In
stances where rival factious of working
men bad placed a boycott ort llrms em
ploying nonunion labor nun In view
ol these facts lho resolution recites that
tbo federation discountenances such
pnceedlni and deprecate It ou recount
of tbo odium oast upon the working
claTwod and tho lulury to their Interests
The report was adopted A rwolttilon
reepiiimtmdldit to the workliigmen and
tbelr mends io niok ut clitars except
thojo Iwirlna the label of tho fClnar
innkors Union was adopted A rtno
lutlou was adopted urging that somo
measure should bo Introduced into con
gress prohlbltlm auy rombluntlon Irom
aetlug ns spies lor corporate monopolies
lor the purpose of overawing and Intimi
dating workmen who art peaceably en
gaged In protecting their iwn lule rosts
and tluhts llesolutlous were nlso admit
ed calling upon tlio president to suspend
Judge bneli of this city because ol bis
hostility to trades unions ltesolutlons
in truetliig tho legislative commltteo to
induco the president of the United Slates
to enforce by proolnmatlon on or befon
May I tho elghthour law was adopted
House nnd fieonto lolnt Code
Wvimstnov Dec 11 The stuato
coiumltteoon rules bad Its Ur t mretlna
this morning and Instructed Senator fry
chnlrniiin to report back to tho seimto a
code of joint rules for the government of
otllclal Intercourse iKtnoen tho two
bouse lho code Is Identical with the
joint code whloU the senate acted iijmui
two years ago except tu regard to rule
thirteen wbloh tho committee has
stricken out This rule prohibit tlio
sale ut Intoxicating liquors lu tho onpltol
building The somitu has rulo of this
kind In Ha code nnd tho committee
thought It mmcoMMsry to Insert It In the
journal rules bellev lug tlio matter one
which hbouldbo left to the control of
each house within Its own domain
Clmrtln A nliint Nittlil Olileeis
WAHtiiNOTON Dec 11 The jeasury
department Is lb iceelpt of a letter from
C it Wbltlocknn whleb be says he h is
reliable liiloriuitlon that twenty olllcers
attached to thelUnltod States stenmsldp
Juniata whleb fees Just returned to New
York Irom it crtmo in Clilnoso waters
have concealeilftn the ossein largo quan
tity of valuabloigoods Including silks
rugs luus vasejs porcelain Ivorywaro
and curlosltlcg with tho Intention of
smuggling tbeinlnto thu United States
The collector has been lnsiinuted to send
the Inspector and mslsttnts to tlio vessel
and request permission Irom the com
manding ollleor to Institute thorough
Amerlrmi IuMlo llimlili Arxictntlnn
Wasiiimiion Die 11 Tbo closing
session of the American Health associa
tion vvuTOiheld today ehe subject ol
severer dPJkftetlou was rtSrreet to the
commUieejjiu dlslnfectuut which was
continued tor another oar Thu resolu
tion of Dr Hunt urging practical teach
ing of hygenia in thu schools and enlarg
ing tbo committee on the subject was
adopted The advisory committee recom
mended that cuugress bu uiged to appro
priate funds to enable the wnr and navy
departments through their medical corps
to Investigate the cause of Infectious ills
cakes They tepoited that Toronto Out
has been MUjfifejl f F tbo place of the
next itnntint incolmg tho llmo for which
will bo ilxisel by the exi cutlve roinmltteo
After thu election of olllcers the associa
tion adjourned slnu die
Itliliellril AVont rt It
Wahiiinoton Dec 10 During the
visit of Ulchcllou ltoblnson to the presi
dent this morning tho question of thu ap
pointment to thu pension agency at Now
York for which Itlchelluus friends hnvo
pressed htm was referred to anil the
president Intimated that the appointment
would not bo decided upon for n conplo
of months It Is understood that thu
president considers that pension agents
should bo uxsoldlers nnd will make no
exception In this Instance
Ilml bUliiH In Distress
WASiiiNeiTtiv Dec 11 Secretary Ia
mar lias requested the president to ask
congress to authorize the use of 91 00
out of the 950000 appropriated by con
gress lust year to siijiply food and oilier
necessities of life lu case of distress
among the Indians not having treaty
funds for tho temporary relief of the
Northern Choycmics on tho Tongue and
4 fi wl dtt >
Wjp w i lv <
Tho Strength of tho Arab Rebels
Forces England to Dispatch a
Now Expedition to Egypt
Tho lrNh Ironotincr Tlieniscbciilits
tern of tho Iolltlenl Sllun
Hon In Kngliind
tletiilln of lh Progress of the Work ou
the lnuumn CmmlTweh Tliuu
nnd Men Kept lttisy
KiiEtniut hers Her Mistake
LnxtioN Deo It It bai lor some
tlino been poluied oqt by military ctltlcs
that the nbaudeuimeut o Dongola was n
mistake whleb would have to bo repaired
The dally Incretslug strength of tbu rebel
Joreos has at length nttrauted the atlen
Hon of the government to the rluus
state olnflalts lu Kgyptnnd to the fact that
tliupreeenl llrltlsb force In Kgpttsto
tally Inadequati to cope with the formida
ble nnny tilthe nev mniidl Ileucnltls
KiUouuet > d toelny that the government
has deevlded to send n new expedition lo
thu SotiiUunnd It Is lulng prepared fur
Inimedtalo departtuo for Kgypl Tho
ftemtlcr tores in Kgypt uonslsu of about
C800 men under the oommaud ol llrlg
Oen tlivnfellsouo htlf eil tho force be
ing llrltlsb ntiiltho remtluiler Kgyptlan
Thu torv0 Is thus dlv Idedi To the extreme
south at Askasjiep and other small out
posts theru are about aoo lin
gllsli troops and t100 Dgyptlans
lu the ovent ol any rebel
advance they would tnevo to fall haok on
Wady Haifa where there are somo 1800
llrltlsb ami TOO Kgjptlans under lltlg
Gen Duller thus making a oreu ol UiOO
llrltlsb nudUOOOKgypllanslo defend tlio
Dgjptlnn frontier Theso inlghl be
reinforced by lfi llrltlsb and
1300 Kgjptlans nt present at Korosko
Stieltal and Assouan Hut tho entire
force thus constituted Is notsuillelent for
the upholding of the existing frontier
with the possibility til trouble In tholr
rextr That this has been admitted Is ovl
eleut from tho fact tlft I OO MnglUli mid
800 UgypUans Inve been sent to the front
lorutmoico lieu lirutilelt Tbefoieelu
Kgjpt projier whleb with tlio nbovo
Held foiee eonstltiitus the onmnmnd of
Ilflilt liin hteplieiisoii eonslsts of
about8000 llrltlsb and BOOO l5Kptlaus
Somo aOOO ot the loriner nro stationed at
Alexandria thu remainder being lu
Cairo with small detachments at Asslitn
Sner and Port Snld Imliir Uen Hud
sou at hiinklm there are about 1000
llrltlsb ami Indian troops
llliilslonns Views mi tlin Idintliins
London Deo 11 Mr Gladstono has
written n letter In which bosnjsi This
has been a vvoiideitul election and will
prove that wo ltivvo gained on the Tories
slneo 1680 If nllowanto is granted tor
tho fifteen seali lout through the doubt
ing Liberal candidates nud the fifteen
seats Mr 1ariiell gave the Tories
Ilirnells IIimiidUiiIo Defined
London Deo 11 Titos 1 OConnor
lariiulls ttlisted lieutenant In nn Inter
view ttiday defined tho Nationalists view
ot bomurulu for Ireland ns like that ot
the government ol Canada Tho Irish
members not to sit In tho Imperial parlia
ment aniNho Irish people not to share In
thu payment of tho national debt lie
gnrdlug funds to carry out the National
ists measures OConnor said the Par
nullltes could raise 100000 lu America
Hiimmoiieil to lomlnu
Dfiiux Dee 11 IlarlCrtrilavon lord
lieutenant of Ireland has proceeded tu
London It Is preuuiiiud that bo goes to
attend the cabinet council to discuss tbo
political situation
lrnm nu Irish Hlniidpiilnl
Lincoln Nrn Deo 11 Patrick Kgun
received ibis afternoon the following Im
portant cable ou the result of tbu general
lioscbud rivers lu Montana The depart elections lu England and Ireland
thas Information that these Indians DtiiUN Deo 11 To li
are In great distress for want of food and
sultlcleut clothes
Hciif riicy Will Donbln Dp
Washington Dec 11 The livening
Star has the following It Is now re
ported that If the bouse decides to dis
tribute n part of tho appropriation bills
Mr liamlall will favor the distribution of
them nil and will want to go at tho bend
of the naval affairs committee himself
and will give tho fortlilcntiou bill to tbu
committee on military uffalrs and divide
Up tho other two bills the sundry civil
and the deficiency Hcprcscnlatlvo Towns
bend of Illinois It Is said will be likely
to go to thu head ol the postofllce and pout
road committee U the postofllce appropri
ation bill Is given to It He bad charge
of tho bill In the bouse during tbo last
Important Decision In Ulnli
Wahiiinoton Dec 11 Delegate
Calne of Utah tnls afternoon received u
dispatch fioin Salt Luke stating that
Chief Justice Zuiie lu tbu case of Deputy
United States Marshal Vanderrook who
was arrested ou tho Stb Inst cleirgod
under the territorial law with lewdness
has sustained the territorial law which
makes the offensu named a misdemeanor
This drclslon says Delegate Came lias
bearing on a large number of cases of u
similar kind
No Action on tlin Ilousa Itulrs
Washington Dec 11 Tho bouse
committee on rules held a scs Ion about
two hours and a lull Hits evening during
which various propositions which were
submitted to tho house by Messrs Mor
rison Springer and others were consid
ered at length No final conclusion was
reachid however arid consideration of
tbo subject will bo rcsmned tomorrow
Agent t lli denornl ltiml OMce
WASinjfiiTtiN Deo 11 Webb Cannon
of Arkansas bts been appointed < e sbeelsl
agent ofrtlio general land ofllco for timber
Mnrt > s
juarwi lor sale
at 1olkV
atrlok lgan
KxIresldent of the Irish National Ieugtiu
of Amerleiti The elections have been con
cluded The n fiiiltsnto beyond our most
sanguine calculations Wo were thirty
nine at dissolution we return eightysix
united as ouu man Of thu thirtyfour
nominal llomeltiilurs not it man sur
vives Of the Irish Whigs not solltuiy
survivor remains Leluster MuiiBter
nud Conuauitjit are ours to a man In
Ulster wyhavon clear majority of seats
and a laigo majority of two to ouu lu
counties Thu Irish voting In Kuglaml
has chnugud the Whig cotrclou majority
of 120 tu u minority of i Tbo Irish
party Is absolute master of tho situation
TiMornv HtniuNoroM
Secretary of the Irish National
Dltfillni two Continent
1 nau Dec II Operations are pro
ceedlng on twothird of the total length
of tbu cmml Tbu other third Is the most
easy lo excavate and Is composed ol solt
earth only Tho necessary work of erect
lug machines Is lu progress ou this fee
Hon Tbu company has also just con
cluded a contract tor the excavation of
all Jands of high Chngras In thu valley
Thu price varies from SI centimes to
9210 lu Colombian silver Thu latter only
applies to rocks situated nine motors
below the ca level The averago pricu
of excavating will probably not exceed 81
per cubic meter Work Is proceeding ac
tively all along the Hue on the canal
proper as well ns for deviations ot rail
road nud watercourses The machinery
lu use Is considerable and Is dally Increas
ing 1ixunvators lor CuJelira river are
now being dliombarkcel aiidcountlngonly
a quarter of tho lwiver ol ex
cavstlon proved by trial Uie
material is euflloleut to tako
out the bulk of tbu Culubra river lu less
than three years The company and Its
eminent engineers nro straining every
nereo to complete the grand work rapidly
At any sacrlllce Nearly Mil thu buildings
are finished and tho American drtdgers
on thu first twenty kilometers are nil lu
full swing Tcelvo thousand laborers
nru at work and tho number will
certainly be doubled In the dry season
when all sections will bo lu lull
noUvlty Complete peace reigns Tim
tnitmUUous Of tho Chagras river bate
only had nn ln lu tilflc ht effect on the
Kwitythlna presages coionleto
succor The number ol
employes of the
wmnl company and contractors cujMgod
m directing
thu work nro from
hOO to ooo Tbo number ot slck
at tho companys hospitals at Van
itinit and Colon In which lho
from tbo lino nro treated will not exceed
> V ° HMf a0lt 80 per cent
when I eorUiliily not
excessive In
Hii ° IronNilHrtry November
ralus and the
exceptions lrcsheta of tlty
hagras river tho excavations during
November reached
700000 enblo meters
Itntlurnr Hollaing i uieiIor
UiMVAiHit Deo UHcavy sbowers
ot rain have fallen lately nt
nnd tho Interior but thu rainy season will
commence feir another month yot
Heavy rains may lutermpt tho prtneuu
t on of work em tho railway extension tit
tho Interior which Contractor J M Kcl
lor Is preparing to pn b with energy
lho recent Hoods Imvo enrrletl nwny aii
Important budge at Aqua Clam It Is
expected that the Interruption to tialits
will last only two ihvvs The txiooa orop
are likely to be abundant
Nolrs from Clilll
VAifviuiso Deo 11 Tho Immluro
Hun ngont stntes that eolonlMtlon will bo
greatly iloveloped during the oontliuj
w r Tho Iminlgrnnl will bo of it betiir
edass limn tlmso liltiierti The vnlito ot
twoperty nlnntdy Introduced by eolonlsU
Is eistlmalud nt snoooo francs Next kon
sou ho will complete a eont runt for 000
persons nnd over 1000000 frano worib
of property
It Is said that the president has bniln
Jong conference with Scnor ilunous re
garellng the reform of tho electoral law
XVIII Support decerns rir Iresblent
Lima Deo II The students ol tbo
university held n meeting jostorelay and
decided to suppoit dun Cacere ns u
candidate for tbo presidency
During the celebration ed the loeloniu
nt lho cathedral jcsleidny tho Cacurlst
troops formed lu the plaxa Cacercs nud
his principal ultlolals attended
lene Htill XV llblirlil Irom Ierti
LtMv Dec J1H Is rumored Hint tho
expeditionary force In tho Central
provincesniideiGun llelayso refuses to
iccojiiiUu the compact uuido with tbo
Caeerists Kxlrmldeut litloslss has nu
thorlitHl III tomculu io publish nny ot
his private eonespoiiilenee taken from
his bouse whim H Wits sucked em tbu 1st
b > t
Hfnln Will tllio In
IIisloiudh Deo it ItlsoiUolallynn
noiiiitwd that Herv lu will ablito by thu de
cision of tho powers It ooiupttlbla with
bur Inturehts nnd dignity
Austrlie Itepiesiiiteil tit Titliglers
Viknna Dec II In coiiHeqtienottol
tbo lnorenHu ot tratlu Hid goveruineiit 1ms
appointed n consul ftt Tiinglms Ilerutfl
lore H o Kugllsli cntitjul inpiwrtihted Ails
triit at tjntt point
rroteillng tint TunnelIlirougli lho Alp
llftitNK Dm 11 Tbo Swiss Icileral
council has by n volo of seventynliio to
llftythteo passed lho ercdlt tor fortifying
strategic positions commanding thu Saint
Gothurd tunnel and Its passes
rrnnrii DIsiIiiiiiih tlin Alllienrit
IAiiiu Deo 11 M do Irojcluot thy
Kreuch minister of foiolgn nffulrs oMI
daily disavows that Kronen entered into
an nllegluiicu wllh lltirmiib as reported
from llungoon
Tim Mystery Klplulliril
DunUN Deo 11 iTohn Kelly tlio la
beirer jestorelay reported lo bo Joseph
Smith the lufurincr Is liisnnii and will be
committed to tbo asylum
lerinniiy Slnhra rt Treaty Willi Nail 10
llititUN Dec 11 The buiidesrnlh bits
approved the treaty of eoininer o wllh
Han Domingo
lnld In Itest
Ni w YtntK Dii II The ferrjboitt
Houthlleld ot tho Htnteii Isliud line was
waiting In the slip at tbu foot of D2d
street when thu funeral cortege ot Win
If Vnndorbllt uirlvtd from tlio chinch
where turvlriM bad bein sold About
tlfly carriages with their occupants were
driven to tlio boat but It was found Ini
posslblo to nccoiiimoilBtu all ol them nnd
many woro unavoidably left behind At
It ill am tbo Southfluld which bore tho
remains ot the old coinuiodoro to Hlalcu
Island blow her whistle nud stalled
on her trio down the biy Tlio passage
was devoid of ineldunt Nearly nit the
members of the Vanderbllt family re
malum In their cuirlagu during tbu en
tire trip Tbo boat landed t Clitton nt
Hits u in and tho procession again
formed and stnrted to New Dorp suvo
nil miles nwny Hundreds of peo
ple came from all parts eif tho
island to see tho funeral uud on nearly
all tlio hotels and prouilm nt buildings
tbo Hags were suspended nt balfumst It
wasaftort oclock when tbo mournful
loll of tho bull of tbu Moravian church at
Now Dorp sinoio upon the ear ol Hie
weeping occupants of thu ilrst lew
cnrrlagus When tho cemetery w
lunched the hoarse was driven to a mpaco
In front ol tbo temporary reoelt lugvault
when thu casket was removed iind
placed Immediately lu front of the
door of tho vault The tullbonr
era divided Into two ranks one
on either sldo of tho collln Tho rekllvtw
stood beside the ptllbearers f > n tlio
tmuthoily side The spectators stodd
with uncovered hcniN wbbu Hbv Hfii II
Vogle pastor of tbo Moravian cbuicb
uttured nu eloquent prayer nfter
which Kev Dr Cooke rcc
Utr of St Ilartholoniews cliuteli
rrclied the Hplscopai service for the dear
TbO casket was tftun carried Into the re
ceiving vault xvbero It was hermetically
scaled In the picsonco ol Hie iotir ons ol
the deeenscd When this xvas tlouo
the piournois again took tbelr
places lb the earriages and were
driven bock to Cllltou binding Udbcrt
1lnkerton ami n lorco of bis men wero
left lu cfurgo of the vault until the mau
soleum is tJnlriitd which It Is expected
will bo wltbliislx months Tbu Houth
lleld tooL tbo inounierii baok to Ncw
York and arrived about 4 oclock1

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