Y wm
i ih Kates me l Coiitvmporn
In the State
ri jjeW8 lias Ijccu Incorporated
inAcn n pl has entered upon Its
lufele ls 8 ° 0l enough to
Jr Tbc
re r
Antonio Express Is rapidly
tJ theront as a lr9tcass ilally
itmP Ua1 Ledger looks prottlor
Sffer in Us now dress nud
forner Register will etilnrge too
few weeks
Jdnimi folio in a The
f Is uptop paper
Sfesscnpcr truly
Utrjhill says
sniiicrstale Texns Is hard to
of most
5dlj far ahead states
News saya It was the
fa county payer that presented its
presidents In
ItUthe message
rt paso Times has just purchased
material which forcompluteiiess
1 excellence has but few equals
roaancho Chief has begun lts
1 toluno and ls now It ls
tto know riding on the top wave
noes has begun Its exlstenco at
Dlimnltt county Jlr
jWiili tht proprietor evidently
< ut he h
Courier Is a new raper just ptartcd
r lu Delta county Mr H M
editor and propilctor and his
0i the masters hand
Ia ldgcr of tho Ilth Inst
rt enlarge d to n nlnocolunin
ThP Ledger ls a good paper and
the success It ls winning
jlerldlan Times Is a splendid
rapcr If tl people of Uosque
cood thing when they bee It
Jl liberally support tho Times
3 M Beaumont announces that
wrendcrul his lease of tho Cor
Observer to Messrs II A llalbert
p Miller tho latter gentlemen
hsrgc January 1 next
ireMoro us the Troupe Vldette
bjJK Kngledow nud published
1 Kngledow Tho first number
ltd Dicembcr 11 and ls n slx
i jollo neatly printed and edited
n and ability
Itodale Mcssuugvr came out last
lunew dress sixcolumu eight
mdltwas n pleasure to look at It
ee eD er ls now unsurpassed by
atjpjper In the state for Its nie
1mA and general makeup
Befftison news l putting on a more
I Miico Mr Overall
leachrgc of the papjr It Is a
JijffceUy and Is putting forth
appeals to tho people of Jefferson
e sad build up the city again
ire trilling to show down Texas
mwltli any htato in the West
either for that matter outside
metropolitan cities Thero has
rast ad wince in this respect
tolist few years Waco Exam
sold out tho Mcsqnltor the
stittcsirruiedltor of that paper
cs that he Is now prepared to en
ropo < illon > to establish a bank
ihrctllle They must be liberal
cut our money In rat poUou and
tedfor business complications
ila thrown tho editorial managc
thcKl ljso Ione Star upon the
MrK II Newman who has as
emporarj control of tho otllce nnd
tlauela charge only until other
neat can be made
eias AllianceStandard 1ms been
The Mlluticogtauditrri is pub
Waco by the Alliance Publishing
J It neks to become tho
> Mcna adviser and companion
Mainly fehown devotion to his
The AllianceStandard Is very
rioted and ably edited
impasas Kaglo seems never to
Improving Itself nnd setting Its
lot Higher lllght The energetic
orssay Tho flight of tho Kagle
ward and upward nnd in this
w khall try to imitate our illus
imcsake Wo have other linprove
watomplatlou nnd In order not
ujthlng everybody should sub
once to tho Kaglo
Tesas Obsurvcr a religious
wrotcd to tho interests of
jbwlaud lresbyterlau church
at Dallas has changed
wat Itev Wra 11 Allen
editor nnd his father Itev
lH fluid editor or solicitor for
J Tho Observer ls now Issued
lu but after the 1st of January
I will ha e an ofllco aud material
rn aud the paper will be Issued
Hes Ilororil of Hie Nemls Ho
and Dowlopmeiit of T > xn
ttfls better streets
ood needs a firo company
Monty needs more postolllces
wdt county ls settling up rapidly
bs voted a school tax of 20
1c 5ioo
set advocates tho building of
Ujwiy News suggests a woolen
thriving lomu
claims to be settling up faster
fcuuty In the htato
fifteen 1 jdges of tho farmers
lt Mracstono county
od for
wants to raise 845000
yetem of waterworks
county boasts of tho largest
3tl Population In the state
ds of Abilene nro beautifying
yplautlug > liado trees ou
of Texarkana will have
< Its own with Willis Whlta
sv York capitalists have prom
wpend 8210000 In Hmeltlug
itate at Vernon Is In demand
r lands In tho vicinity are be
f ught up
fdocs a flourishing tlsh nnd op
One Arm ships wcokly 6000
n and asOOO oytters
8 iDg of a bridge across lte < l
cUiens of bo
Gainesville can
an accomplished fact
> bcr business of Docatur Is verj
iiM 7 W wjjt
rant llctiy
HurtotiKh Oc
llvrueM M
Jlfnoe Mr V S
Jlrovvn rtnohol
JI nnettLneM
1 erponanC
HlalnjM a
Hontley M
Muuirolo Njttlo
llonnctt M slo
Iletitiott Mule
Heard MH
CoiMlanit JtA
Clary Ijinrlo
Callt J I
Crawford Iauru
Dunn Hell
llfk inMU
lIIlnulM i
Uttvlaon Anna
llnimerx Hull
Pont Sophie
ro lo o U
Kerr K A
Harry snlllo
tsruy t V
Holland Jts
llollmids llnlc
llnilnni It
Hunan Junulo
IliiiilriiXs Ida
llnmclton Annie
Undo Aiilco
ll ir o Mr I
< lolinaonllnnlo
John on M I
Kcmlrlcks 1 < U 1
Kenedy VV r
lueely IMiim
Lynch IHllo
Ijjslur chnrlce N
Ilet Hcrlhn
I d better W 11
Ie ley Wllllo
Anderson 1 I
Auilcrwnti I
AIiIjoU Oliu I
Andr u JU
Aruns 11
A era J K I
Aye > 8 Claude
Union r i
llnnvn W
Kruvv li VVT
llruwn V M
llrovrn U V
llruwn i It
llorit S
liil > lixl W
llouviuJ It
lleunlo Harry
llexltt i 1
llergvinvii VV
Iluntdnir It r
llnrloiilfl sl
llarnet 11
llarnuii Hub
Harr W i
llrnxltiu Unl AC
llriwily Ja < t
HnkLr Oliver
lturny lt V
Crumwell Ohas
Iradul VV It
Calling I
JoIIIiid Alnnzo
ulller lno
Cur roll Jim
Jotter V 1
urnHiioy Oco
Cliljain Jl
m e F VV
llille 1IM
CuininlliKU K
iiiinlnxlinin II
Cole K
Cnpln I I
IaliiHay II N
CltKSlll > >
Durham VV II
lonlinrC 1
Dudley O VV
DodKe Chai P
Dnrly II1
I > tv on A
DalilK Jno
Udwurdu Jim
ia on Tom
I lunliii M A
PurrU It
Fiirmer June 2
in ten So
ilmiMim I
looduln I V
Jonlu VV A
ioidonWinl 2
lirnj John
iray IliHli
Oiueiruvr S W
ionzjilc It
Iljde KA
Iloirnn II
llOllt II W lt >
Hunter J 1
Howard A
llouard I O
Holmes W II
lllMebrand 11
IllKby Charles
llendrlcl Wh
Hcrlir Prank
Henry i I
Harrfnon 1Ij
Hurrl ton John
llurlBOn Jlr
Hnriro 0
llanf P
Harrr UoITW
Hall Col
Hall HI
Hall N U
llinily Henry
HacVet liA K
Haninood J E
Hiilaty it A 3
Hunter Ja D
June J It
Jones Jno
Jobnton WAdfl
Johuion IIII
Juokmn lttnd
Jacobs ilarld
Krufl A II
ICulght John II
KIdl lien
MtloyM J
Kyle Ulalh
Kelloy James
Keller Ktrom A
Kllnian KI
Iuld J II
lylle Dan
b jJT
Iutln I VV
lamer M P
Ixnre Janic
lty K II
liKiaiml J o
Stlirrftll A J
Murphy Lit
Jl error O
Marnhy Jennie
Muotler Joetili
Morrla MA
Miller M r rr t
Millar Lulls j >
Miller laiiiilo
Mlllon Mnry S
llattiA TlV
Morrlmn It
MontroM1 P P
McVtw rellrla
MrUurln le i
MciJne P I
MnV rltiMU Pmina
No rton M K
VewniKn C II
Oglewn Mutlo
liwotey II It
lltol Kmiim
Inyne DC
lljnn 1 P
llohoru Mary
ltootA itu tlno
IHehinond Nettle
trrl K i
Smith Nellie
Smith Mnlllti
Sllil < cur Jhnnnda
schout Mullle
Sndlor Aulgnl
Sawjer Plorenco
Sadder till
Siono liilon
Terry Pannlo
Intra Marry
VVood on llnnna
Wilton Mary
Wdllamn Jennlo
WlHand Mrs
WelH 8 M
Walker Lnura
Wallace A i
Woodard Joslo
While M i
Voiine W 11
ouU Aggie
CenU ISt
Iec Cum
Ioe Chan
lrilJom II
Lamotlo Krant
lanru J D
Uiurey 1 T
lime Henry
Maiicou J VV
M > er IM
Jturry Mi
Slorpliy VV J
Murphy lmulil
Mullir W II
Miilkiiy Wiu
Moon r L
Morrlonn S Jl
Miller IK
Mailarn J J
Mlntera VV
Jlalloy W J
Jlahre Setli
MalhuMB lMd
Martin J 11
Jlarlou D II
Merrltt lenrla
MlndH s I
Mlllumo i I
McI iutfMlnCM
Mi lliunj VV I
Mtilrnirar w in U
MOodilon l O
JIcKavy A
MolliiroA a
McHarlhey J i
McOnrtliaiH VV
Mela Alliert
NleholA II
NnolonJt Y
OsboinA 1
Ofborn AiigumtiB
v V
Potter Clin
Portor t > PP
Pulaski John
Philip I IIV Co
Iariolt Jno
Parmeey A lie
l KC Ivor
PifChall VV T
lUllyCwi II
Ituali Win II
HoKurB T P
lloberlhon Clie
ItoblnHon V 2
llotlnmu Ins
ltlchUon Joslah
ltlich Y
Iteot II
linnet Sathun U
ItamlallJ A
story baui
Stclnmetz L
Sterleni A
steel C J
Stnllord VVm
Stanley Clou
bltlddert Chai A
fiwlnglcr It I
SoL rJoini
Suavely J 1
Simpson L It
Shelter VV O
Shelton Henry
sernuiA 1
HceJ It
Schnlcder William
Scott J J
Snnlord Dayton
Shottoii VV
Trammcll Jl
Traj nor Tony
Tucker J H
Tucker Itaititi
Tueker U T
1lbilmuiD Hill
Thomson Dunk
Thomas II II
Tlioriiinn lit
Tunnlwn t I
Twroll Jerry
Tailor IO
TariM It C
Vllello Antonio
Vorbeete Hill
Vassar trfithar
WrUht Jn
Wright A J
Wood Owe
White P > I
Williams P II
Williams lt II
William II A
WllkeMon H
Wllno Jl P
Wlluonrn W b
Wllllemaon John
Whit Auatln
Welch John
Wadworth 11II
Ware Ju le
Ward W II
Walter Joel
WalterO P VV
Waliti Jlr
Waltiuaa Payed
Wetoolt Kdwarit
YarlwrouRb Jl II
Zozton T A
Harris A Prencli Parscn A Undwy
Thoi Trammel A Co Oitonnell Urol
gtepbonaaatanali lllculot Jllnne
luphins t IIC r illlckMarlty skoulU
Ciirlstlan Joseph > ogelUM
Olivia care Jlr It y
w ivr
brisk and Improvements on a big scale
are tho order
of tho day In Wise county
Shorman ltcglstcr < Sherman neods
writer and If she had a good supply of
this commodity factories could bo oasllr
Texas trunk u
fmm ifnm i
Kemp Its present terminus new
North and West Texas
A SOO000 wagon factory has been
ta r lca nt > le r W1U > Mturml ad
vantages Tyler has thriven through the
enterprise of Its citizens
Immigration continues to build up
Januln comity and ttunaluoot lands has
risen In consequence Good farms are
now belling from o to 925 per acre In
twolve months more laud will bo worth
twlco that amount
If there Is any one thing thit cortaln
port ons of Texas needs lt ls an Arbor
day She needs trceplautlng both In
country and city Its results If adopted
will oentiiilly bfcomo a source of wealth
to the country and a source 0 beauty to
hor cities Dallas Mercury
1lve million pounds of freight havo
been received at Mobeetio durlug tho
past year at an average cost of 91CO per
100 pounds A railroad to that place can
Increase this tenfold In a few months
not to count cattle hlpments aud sup
piles that now go direct to ranchmen
With rich coal ilclds lu our county and
lying as we do right in the pathway to
tho lanhandle with several rival rail
roads striving to occupv this territory
Uark count future is origin anil prom
ises early and rich reward for all Invest
ments made here Clark Comity Clip
Kan Antonio Kxproiss The blast fur
naco at Itusk Is at work and a little of
tho enormous sum Texas neuds away for
Iron each year will bo saved thereby The
mineral resources of Texas nro vabt but
tho present generation Ilko Us prtdccoi
sors stems willing for them to bo left
unutilized Thoio arc fortunes awaiting
for those who will take hold of these mln
eral deposits and comcrt them into
Coleman Voice s The silver mine just
discovered In Stonewall county If reports
about Its lichnoss are not exaggerated ls
another Inducement for the Gulf Colo
rado Santa lo to adupt the Abilene
route Stonewall Is just north of Jones
county and on the proposed route fiom
Abilene Tho fact of the matter ls the
wholo route from Abilene northward
passes through a country itch In mineral
as well as agricultural wealth
Iulillo Opinion na lortrnjecl liy tlui Xoua
I > iiiicTNif tlinSuito
Ireland or Maxey We say
every time Bryan lmtcrprlse
Swain for governor sounds beautiful
and politically true fKrankllu Herald
To engage In politics Is an uncertain
business Hut men will play with lire
Pittsburg Gazette
Swain ls so far abend that Itoss at
least will never catch him Tylor Dem
ocrat and lloporter
Among tho candidates named up to
date for goicrnor Swnluls the most com
potent man Temple Times
Gov Ireland will never travel to the
United States ncuato over tho literary
route Greenvlllo llanncr
The senatorshlp will not leave North
Texas and the lucky man will not bo a
new Importation either Alvnrado Bul
Dont havo any fears about Itoss
nomination friend llanncr Thais ti
foregone conclusion already and we shall
commence crowing as soon as we feel
like It Waco Kxainlnur
lion T It Wheeler ls paid to bo a can
didate for lieutenantgovernor J K
Fleming aud G W Smith arc In the ring
for congress in this congressional dis
trict Graham Leader
It begins to appear pretty certain that
It will bo lfos and Swain beforo the next
state convention lloss will be left there
to recruit while Swain will go on over to
Austin Paris North Texan
Tho Austin Dally Dispatch of the 3d
contained a true and striking picture of
the next governor of tho state Maj
Brnckcurldgo nlsoa biographical sketch
of the old phlliinthroiiKt Mason News
Swain In getting some sovero shots In
Noith Texas nnd they are gradually
knocking him Into public favor Tho time
has passed when hot words win Tho
Times never indulges In them nud hence
Its beiug very often on tho successful side
Dallas Times
The Austin Statesman ls booming Maj
John T Urackcnrldgo for governor lu
tho old days tho Statesmans candidates
were always relegated to private llfo and
from tho prctcnt outlook tho fate of
those advocated by tho new management
will bo the same Corsleana Courier
Tho lloss boom which has been
talked of by two or three country papers
has never even succeeded In getting a re
spectable echo up this way Swain will
havo a smooth sea and tine sailing and
proposes to anchor safe in tho capltol
port of governors island Dodd City
We dont believe Tohu D McCall Is of
tho swapping kind If he gets the
olllce It mua come to him strictly on
tho square In our opinion all Texas
contains no purer or nobler man than
John D McCall and having knovvu htm
from childhood wo know what wo say Is
true Bastrop Advertiser
The Houston Post owenrs that Lieut
Gov Glbbs Is for Swain for governor
while tho Waco Kxaiulner atllrins that
Barney follows tho leadership of the gal
lant wah boss The Times most posi
tively believes that versatile young kid
Is for somebod else in whom he has al
ways evinced considerable Interest aud
about the size of tho quondam acting gov
ernor San Antonio Times
There can be no doubt about tho fltuess
of John D McCall He fills all tho re
qulrements of tho olllco But perhaps
something else may bo irqulrcd Can he
command auy political Intlucnco to swap
with some other candidate In this day
of combinations fcomethlng to swap Is an
important element of success beforo a
nominating convention No ono more
to perform the duties which
coin potent
are mostly clerical and In conformity to
of the statutes can be
the guidance
found Claiksvlllo Standard
Gen Maxey has strong claims upon tho
lor reflection His character for
cleanliness and devhtion to doty
honesty all attacks Hols
Is above and boyond
ono So our numbers moit his blameless friends by the thon
Sands in eiery lu
all o r Teas tlojj
W X hot 3
struggle in his
out maklug a desperate
trine of rotation
the wholesome doc
Waco Kxamlncr
tro 8 ur aml nntno MfaU forcoi I >
sentatlve and state senator and Is tho
u Met all U the best chief
clerk over lu
the comptroller office and thoroucliW
nhilab wanner In which ho Im dN
Da lag county has made
a nalno for Llm
self all ovorToxas Tho people ahouhl
y to each of these true and trtwl public
Vttlk u hl nM l rt
JtorajlnlnB lnthflK lorjfo at ForfWorlhTiw
IoHot and give tjou teotthl tut
JUIUX Iutui 1 M
Andremj It
1 pair Men 1ante IIM to e60
TnUng cltocl Kov IS 1MB
atliiii in
Vo SOS dally iki m
S ° JSU lly 000n > n
no307dallyoieept Sun
10304 dally CIS am
o3rtl dally
No VW dally
So 303 dally except Sun 710 p ra
Jiusomtt rAcnio
KmtTit Arrlvo
o I5i dally rS0 a m
So 1M dally via Italia8201 > tn
So lM dally 8tA p m
So 1Wdally via Dallas7H0n in
Sortfiliound 85n m
800 s m
700 am
IMMn m
810 p in
tiMn m
8IJp m
833 p in
lUn in
through from Run Antonio to t lm
Nos 1A3 and 151 run Mn Dallas
knithbound 315 n
sootii 1onvc Arrive
So dally 8 a in
Sotl dally aecoinmodattonSpo p tu
So I dally l00nljht
So is accommodation 7M a a
No na dally runs batwrvn Kl Ihsq and
St I ul
So dally rum betweon Port Worth and
hew leans
No sou dally run betweoti Kott Worth
ml Dallas
Noaod dally except Sunday run between
Colorado and Port Worth
No 301 dally runs between St Uiula nnd Kl
No Siodnlly run between Now Orleans and
Port Worth
No 801 ilally run between Dallas nnd Port
No 307dally otoept Sunday run between
Port Worth and Colorado
Nos IM m 1H nnd 154 run solid trains
Nos 2 iihI 1 between Port Worth Monitor
ind Ualvcsldn C 1 11MK
tnloiiTlrlnt Airnnt
No Cure I No Pay 11
Tho Merchant deallnrr tn inliina Ploneei
lllood Itcnewer Is hereby nulliorlred tn rotund
the money If It doe not euro the dlseasea for
whlrli It Is recommended and when taken no
rordlnirto directions
Curoi Rheumatism Mercurial Poison
Scrofulus Altnotlons Glandular Swoll
Ings Skin Dlsoasos Soros of all Kinds
Blood Poison Fomalo Complaints Do
lt Uulnn first ininufactiired nnd sold hi
Jledlclno from Perry a In an humhlo wn
tislnir un ordinary Iron put for bolllnfr The
bnslness was run under thu name of Hwltt X
Uulnn Perry tin vi Itli tho caution printed on
each label NniiUEcniitnn without tho writ
ten slgnuturoof It liulnn nnd tho medicine
was sold at 3 00 per bottle
This co partnership was dissolved by Mr
O T BwlftrctlrliiK nud Jlr It tlulnii cuntln
uinK tho manufacture of this Celebrated Vexc
tablo lllood Itcnuner from riouthcrn forest up
to thu present tlmo Ho has now sold his rlKht
therein to tho Macon Jledlclno Company
Macon Ga
Kssay on lllood and Skin Disease mailed
Vlaeon ua
Tlio larRost nnd finest
In ho ttato
Weatberford SL bel Rnsk aud Calbonn
Cleaning Repairing SconriDg Dyeing
Firstclass work guaranteed and on short no
tice All express or mall orderwill re
ceive prompt attention Velvet
cleaned and raised Dresses
and hat a specialty
Jims McCarly Co rroprJclooJ
AttornoyH at Ijav
omcoorer Cltf National Hank Vt WorthTei
Heck linker
Will farnUh estimate ot cost on ell kind ol
Building JnelYlBKi Ooonters eto
rort Wortli
AttornoyH at X ave
Offlce orer rirt NUonal Bank rt Worth Tex
ryw yyfwsf r p
Jn received 8 ease ol Vlanneta IllanUls
Stalrtlntr nl heoll w > tlared by
tUrgatna In Dry loods
Hariralns In Dros UmxU
JUrnlns in lantern
ltarpiltis In Comfort
larRalnt in Wool Plannel
UarKalna In otion nennolt
lUritaius in Hose
llarsralttfl In ladles Ooreet
Iliriirnliis In Jereeye
Ilarfintna In Clonki
j aru in In Mens Suit m on
ltarpiliis In Mens Suit Jh00
lUiffKiiis in Mens fulullO oo
nnnnv us In vnns situ
Southoast Cornor Public Squnro
Itute ft00 per day
Rates 250 Par Day
Lf onAl y >
V per aero painblo alter Ihlrt > earsl
l trt AVorth ToxiiH
ltir e > Hrs v nn l Uti in tkf
Vtti lltntxlti >
e kt
TneeIyl fdrel1iseiianrelrr
intlmetotlatoibuUhcrohajl > ecnr1och iientle rMi k k
ur It prevent McUMs BWIh f
v 0 M4M w
for heat Is nc a
ve life
u dc4lUlt
Everything in tho way of good warm Clothing for tho body head foot or bod for
or children
can bo had at low prices nt our popular
gressivo lowprico store on Houston streof
mon womon
CIS at I itntno > oif JilJiS
quoted abate are geoulee
i HrV no
jtflr ne n Men iil > eutomnmde
JJargnln 2H In Hoya1 Knee l Siaw < t m mdW
rC 0J n lltni ntt
Ilaipila In Iloja lott and Short latu
Harfaltta In Jloni
llm id
Ttttffr vxliloh wo w 111 net nt about onotinW value
linrintlns In t adlo Hhaw
lnrgalin In Mens Shoes
nnittntiia in Cdblrcns shoe
llaritnln In Jloni INmH
Hitrrelns In lluliber 8hoei
imrireHe In Me t > ndrwe t
j rr n in iTl ItiidwtrcAr
I Htim ns lu InOverooaU
r r > l Men Overeoele JlOrt
rt ln to Mens
Oferooeti Itw
CHASE TRADING COMPANY 302 and 304 Siston Street
Now Time Curd
A I18T
so set dally
810 pm
ilVH I
Fort Worth Toxos
HAitKH i f > iti
Corner Fourth and Main Stroots
Mansion Hotel
On Fourth botwoon Mnln nnd Ruk Stroots
j = s kijjzi qoo reje xyjrsr
AV V 1 > UXSIV PiMiDPltvitir
oines for tli Poor Man
VliLH ni ll r ln ° U h raytnent IIW l > l mee of pnroliinn ptlte
with ft pur coin peniiiuuiu Intorunt
Hplen lid tracts of prliate lands piiu uie nbie leruK
iitMW per aeio mi lontr tlmo
It i l acre of lloiuion Jk
m eS Ve tV lir
lortWSlnttmUHi Rn mMI 8 > >
IdiPKmmtS KW Joint editor and ptuprltor of II
Cnu Heiiixmat
WIioIomIo Dealer In all Klrd of
Bole ngonta In North Tn a for tho Oolalitfttm
0 i lloiiHton HI
Oiiiciiiiiiif 1 Otllio
Wholesale Whisky Merchants
And Dealer In Alt Kind of
Hole Axmils for Hclilllia Oelrlirntuit llottled Iteer or itlllnniihen Jlotllliiir nud Wm
1 Iniiis llottleil nml Kug llir
400 and 402 Houston Cor Third St Fort Worth Tox
Toys and Holiday Goods
Booki Alliums X Card Iluih aoodi
UUUV I IUSII UUUUS Umkoti Dronlnn Oatoi Soraptlookt
Dolls Veloolpodcs Trloyolo Worjons Elo
llagnlflcentllno of fllocl Kn ravlni Olft Hooks Prang Oard and Novoltlos Now flood
and Imw Price
J20T IIoiiMtoil Hlroot liOltl AVOllCIf
TTBJC GAItfJk tfc02Y Ac OO
For All Kinds of Hard Wood Poplar and Cypress
31 XT 3JC 33 E5 JEL 9
Also House Paints Roof Brick and Darn Points by tho llarrol rireDrlok
and Clay All Lumbar and Uulldlng Malorlal Under Sheds
Undertakers and Practical Embalmers
Open all Kigfet Entrance on TUlrd Between Mill and ilooilos StreeU
Prompt attention tu IcIckmjiIi order day or nlgiitTi
Wholosalo Doalor In
Oroclcevy uiul < jrli Mwv t c