tft >
> >
K M Vnandt AY 0 Turner
Jim H Brown W A Huffman
B fl haddock Chas Schenbcr
Jas W Swwtno
W A Hnffmati W O Turner J W
AW Ii Malonc General Manager
tml Throckmorton YnW t thj Fort KortU
ro tomcfl i KWo CIm JIall H tter
ro AM7fi Avnsomnnnat
Daily Weekly
Orio YcMJlOWIOnoYcar
HlrMonlh D M 61Months
TlfffSXntW BMI ThroO Months 60
Sunday Uznrr jipor annum post paid
IH Week u 3 Milt
Witts ut AdverllAlnir Ifunilstiod ou Aiipli
cut lot
Ilctrtltandti lit atattpoHoltct mmty oritr fir
In rijMtrM ittfir nl t if affift
nmetpondcneeli iWclttd upon ill ttwl uA
0tvtnf nnrtniai htpvtn
t rilppt Information
Ingt h fl < i > rM inttrat taUUtfl unA wift la
Vrottrtlt SilfMhni
cnnrn ItitnvUi fnr pnVtltaUtA
te aoe < wi > nnt < vl buthtynltrt nam anil c4
lrtt iy > t for intimation l l < m ttitltaci cj
vdtlifiarMnij to THIS OAXKrriJ on liurineil
ptrwnilto themitMl wUIpttattinclcttittmpfar
rr1i ii tlm rtlathw to buHnttn omiyWiwI
U aiilttUtittaTunanturrft lvrt north Ttx
to tub ruuiia
IArtlea hnvluf bills ngalnst Tiik Oa
amnxfltt iileaso pvesunt lliom piomntly
id thO l t Of each month Ou tlio 10th
of 040J1 month ovury bill ol ovory kluu
ril bo ottle < t in lull U found correct
Mi 1 i i ii < y
In anuwor to numorouH Itniulrles m
11 ivo Hxod Uio prlco of thu Sunday
Gazkttk at 82 pur year Invariably In
advance Tlio demand for this edition
fl most gratifyhw and It will coutlauu to
10 mado i most complete and valuable
Issue of tho paper Subscriber at ti
distance will bo served nt tho price
named fl3 a year postpaid
THE GAZETTE has tho largest
boiiafldo circulation of any daily
nowspnpor publfohod in Tex3s
THE GAZETTE la tho enly paper In
Norlh Toxas thai now publishes tho Aaso
olatodPross telegrams
juirr i
lltiyVY nilllNlNOi IANUA11V 1
iroan conwat
Thftjsttitt novelist Hugh Conway left
< uhiinli8hcit a story which Iwh been sold
tu ft iuileato Of newspaper nmong
ArhlOh ti Tins Oazcttj Competent
orltfta Imvo Osamtnwl this fetorj and pro
nounced It ono of the bent ever written by
Urn worldfamous puthor The llrat In
stallment will bo printed In Tub a7uttu
on Sunday January It nost and run
somotlmo Those who want to Tcad all
Hun lntonwely Interesting story should sub
scribe nt once as wu cannot promise to
furnish back numbers
lUriv Now Yror to Unolo Daniel May
his Ago liinreaHO as hU years pass by
llAtiY New Year to tho candidates
They will need It before tho year Is out
HJii i
HAvrviNuwYoarto Hill Storott May
lip enjoy It In Inverse ratio to his deserts
A liwiYNow Year to all our congress
luut M ay they keep ono oyo on their
i j
lliinNow Year to alt tho esteemed
contemporaries May they llvo long
and prosper
llAffV Now Year to tho uovoruor
May the inst yojr of his olllclal Utobif
concluded speedily
i < i
Wk ohargo tlicc Soth Shepard jml
nyay ambition to got otllco too soon aftor
yon reach North Texas
JlAiv Nkw Yiu to tlio readers of tho
bU nuwsjmper in Tcfas May thoy llvo
to enjoy It for many years
i t > i i
llAVrv Now Year to all Tun lAZHrru
correspondents May they convert lssm
Into a year of stoops
WW i i
llAtTv Now Year to Drover May his
backbone stiffen as his days Increase and
tho olllcehuiUers multiply
A < uriY New Year to all Tun Ga
hitkk roadors Jlay they eujoy tho rich
treat In store for them in 1SS11
Uvrv New Yenr to tho lncorrIjlblo
ppollsraon May tlielr oxporleiito never
be tilt tctdc than It has been
i i i ino
Ui v New Yeav to Toxaa May It
some day soon have a stable laudpolicy
tlut will UU 1U territory with happy
Tiuw 0 aluxvN > Nov York killed hU
rolicQHU9o ha hid his bottle of whisky
J rbni him Not prohibition rb t tho gal
Iovts d xaict thls
j lsigod ty ciso
Tin owner of a dog In Now York no Us linos Into this state and they did not
was thrcatopdd With prosccrjtlor ont rrd
the plea that tils dog wad privileged to
blto at least ono man The victim thinks
he got hold of tho wrong man In this cage
As BASTisnw medical authority an
nounces that married people rarely dlo of
cholera and ho therefore prescribes mar
riage as a preventive FcW wilt bo pre
pared to Rimrd against tho scourgo by
such heroic treatment
i i j hCh
Tilis per capita cost of New Yorks city
government is 68CC5 Tho per capita
cost of tho New Orleans government Is
0fiO3 Upth theso cities suffer the
former from too much government the
latter from not enough
i c
A Covinoton Ga paper announces
that Miss Carrlo Whltlock tho beauteous
and vlvncltatlvo belle of daehy Marlotta
Is In the city tho guest of Miss Annie
Iaco one of Covingtons many splrituellc
fascinating young ladles
Tiik DallaB Times brieves in on even
symmetrical development of afternoon
Journalism In Dallas It has bought tho
Iinnnlrcr Two other Texas papers bo
Hove In tho samo thing but they lack the
ability to gobblo everything In Bight as
does tho Times
No sTWirnn heanedter from Jloston
can step on tho coattails of tho high
minded Texas youth That was the con
elusion arrived at by tho meddling Yaukeo
who undertook to got In between a Tosas
Htwlonfcnt Harvard and his best girl The
Hostonboy bow carries his ndso In a
Aa allows by their olllclal statements
published Ju Tiik Gaziitti the cohdl
tlon of tho banking institutions of Vort
Worth Is highly gratifying to the pride of
our citizens Thoy have an aggregate
working capital mado up of slock paid
In surplus earnings and undivided profits
of li0iii208 while their deposits foot
up 887107111 No city In Toxas can
boast of sounder banks than lort Worth
uor ol any safer and better mauagod
Tiik Dallas livening Hnnulror asks How
would another morning inpcr suit Dallas In
lieu ot stnrtliift another morning pnncr the
Iiropto slionlii Btilisorluo 30OOOor JMOOOmore
and preaeut It n a bonna with tho Sews to Tiik
UACTTK to cetslillnH n hrnnch there Hucli a
courte would Insure thomninornlnRiinpcrthat
would glyu thorn tho latest telesrnmB twenty
four hoitrn In ndvnnco ot tho tlmo tho now re
ceive Ihciii tlirongli their local Journal lienl
en News
Kxouso us Tint Oazkiti has no vault
ing ambition to hold all thu field or to
equitably divide Texas between Itself
We havo established r branch business
oillce at Dallas and can give tho good
peoplo of that town it live paper every
day by oar special T 1 train but no
branch edition for us
OaivistonTIx Doe OT Tho Nows will
say editorially lomorrow Tho lion Belli
Shcpard leaves Galveston this evening to talio
up his permanent rcslJonco In Dallas It the
lopnrtura ot any Indlvldnal would he a loss or
itmlsCortuno to lalvoslon Mr Shoimrds Oo
pnrtarc mlKht ho considered as such During
hUrcetdcncu In Galveston lie lias been tho
rcprcscrtatlvo of tho sentiment and tho host
Intellect of tho city In the profosalnn uf law
holinslontr been acknowledged as of tie flat
rank of public spirit ho always took n load In
tho advocacy of Uio peoples Interests In poll
tlCH ho has for some years been nn ncknowl
edjrcd loader Active In Intelleet genial In dis
positionand ever ready to loud his voice nml
eitorsy to tlio puljllo Interest Mr hhepanl Is
urO to ho a csnsplcnons citizen In any commu
nity Ills removal to Dallas Is a strong point
tor that nourlihlnir ami buttling city Mr
Kliepard will not boa strangor nnywhcroln
Tcxhs In thu meantime tho News iirosonts
tho eompllments of tho season to tho Hon Olln
Wellborn tho Hon Harnett Hubs and the Hon
Xi Ciuwfonl Hrcthrou however should
dwell togotlicr In peace Spcelnl In Dallas
Mr Shcparil Is possessed of abilities
that command respect and ho has many
tiduilrors and friends throughout Texas
Hut It will hardly pronwto his political
ambition to havo it thus broadly adver
tised Mr Shcpard Is a Texan of com <
mantling talents and should bo at home
nilywhcro in this broad state but It Is
offensive to thu public to be told that a
mn takes up his residence In any placo
with a vlow to securing publlo oillco Vo
nro afraid that tho offensive mannorof tho
two Ends In proclaiming thu Inroads of
tho effeto Oleanders Into the vigorous
North will tend to Incrcasq rather than
ahortcu the necessary period of journalise
tlo and political acclimation However
Mr Shcpard la welcome to North Texas
and all ho can get outol It politically and
Tho Yestorn Union Telegraph company
In Now York cetobrated Christmas by
sending its employes to cut tlio
wirus ot a rival line AcMng tin
tier tlio Instructions of their su
porlors theso employes cut six miles of
tho lino nad carried oft several wagon
toads of wire As tlio offeuso was com
mitted on Christmas no legal steps could
bo taken It seems to slob tho perpetra
tors and they havo not yet been pnnished
Such conduct as this is tho provocation
ami excuso for many lawless acts of
atrlkcra and boycotters When exasper
ated men sco tho law set aside by corpor
ations and tho rlchts of others Ignored they
arc apt tolmagluo that they havo tho same
latitude ol lawless Action It goes a long
way to mitigate opposition to violence In
strikes when men remember that tlio
class against which tho strike is directed
aro as careless as anybody In observing
tho law when their Interests nro opposed
to it Wo all remember tlio dlHlcultles
put tn tho way of tho Balttmoro Ohio
Telegraph company by tho Western Union
officials when tlio former began cxtoudlug
go as far hero as olsowhero Where force
was iied to prevent tho exercise of an
undoubted right Wo mention tho West
ern Union because that case was tho near
est to the mind of tho Texas public but
tho Western Union docs not stand alono
In ItH unouviablo reputation as a scoruer
and ttcfier of law There nrc other cor
porato oulaws as bad as it
It does jsccm th t whom the gods
Vvoulct destroy they first mftko mad
With a growing feeling In this country in
favor of governmental telegraphy which
feeling is represented in congress by two
or threo bills now iicforo that body pro
vldlng for the government to tako charge
of tho telegraph lines and oporalo them
it IS tho rasliest folly for tho menaced cor
porations totlms stir up publlo resent
mcut by such conduct as Oils of tho Wcst
orn Union A day of reckoning is coining
and It will bo tho sooner brought ou by
tho recklessness Of the threatened vie
Ono two three twelve tho knell
of tho year ruug cut and ore tho echo of
tho toll dies upon the car a new year
ushered In I Hopes of the year gono by 1
Where are they Have they rlponed Into
golden fruition and aro thoy safely
garnered h happy hearts and homes
Yes vMany a bright droam has
been realized hearts full of mother
lovo cnd over cradles whose
trcasuro tho mines of Goloondn nro
too poor to buy strong arms and manly
hearts claim for their own jewels of
purest ray serene whoso lordliness kings
might envy ambitions havo been grati
fied nnd famo has cast her laurel wreath
on tho expectant brow Hope star ry
crowucd stands upon tho threshold of
tho new year her hands extended wav
ing hor votaries to untried Holds nor
caste onu look behind at tho shadows
slowly orocplug oer tho past Gentle
llty lingers a ray from tho star of Bethle
hem sttll gleams through tho gathering
darkne and In tho twilight of hope she
waits to cheer soiiio of the bereft and
broken spirited of mortals Sho lays her
tender haad upon the heads of the lonely
mother sad minds her of tho Babe of tho
Manner to tbo btokcu family circle
she lifts the llivcr of love above oud
silently tells ot the Homo Over Tlicro
to those wao Jeel that hope lias fled for
ever she beckons forward to the ilguro
In tho foreground nn whose radiant
brow the warm tints of morning
aro oven now reveling and glancing up
ward in mute gesture more eloquent than
words reminds tho disappointed of
crowns cteraal uml fame Imperishable
Out of darkness issues light and life
Tho glare of tho dead yeargcrroluates tho
tlowex8 of spring and her somber mantel
enfolds tho drapery of the bright morning
which Hope has already seized from tho
palsied hand Tho dreamer sees all this
and wakes to action Gono aro tho hopos
tho ambition of tho past but tbo future
lies before tbo present is with hint and
with bravo heart helpful and strong
what hopes may not be realized
lowtrayoler on the inarch for 1880 let us
go forward with tho oyo of pity tho hand
ot hope and tho heart of lovo each for
tho other to such a happy Now Year
Tho dreamer Slept
Tho political record of the year just
closed Is principally marked by tho one
sldcdness of Its character Beginning
with tho great national victory of 188i
tho Democrats havo not lost on Impor
tant election In the year 18S5 and they
arc stronger for tho future than thoy ever
havo been A wlso conservative policy
by tho president fidelity to tho party
pledges of reform nud a firm resistance
of tho pressure of partisan spoilers have
Impressed tho couutry with contldonce In
tho capabilities of the Democratic party
It will now llvo ou Its merits Tho bus
plclon ami distrust which pervaded the
North afashown to have boon groundless
nnd It tho present administration shall
coutlnuo to pursue Its upright purposo of
giving tho peoplo a patriotic aud not a
partisan government it will inako opposl
tlon to thq Democratic patty a discour
aging duty of Its oppoucuts
General congressional elections occur
this year at which an entirely now con
gross Is to bo chosen That a majority of
thq members to bo roturncd to tho rif
tlcth congress will bo Democrat and
supporters of tho administration thoro
can bo no doubt as long as tho existing
pleasant relations uontlnuo between tho
president aud his party Nothlug but a
rupturo between them can destroy tho
promise of certain victory
Though the stoto elections aro not of
direct natloual importauco hoy will com
mand close attention from national poli
ticians from tho fact that tho legislatures
of many of tho states will havo tho choos
ing of United States senators Thoro is
good hope a reasonable probability of
Democratic success In several ot ho
states whoso legislatures will choose sue
cessors to Ucpubllcan senators and there
Is a chanco of gaining tho nenato and get
ting control of both branhes ot congress
This Is not a mere remote possibility but
a dlstlncfprobablllty and only hard work
aud harmony aro needed to win
With the responsibility upon them of
giving us peace and prosperity nud oi so
unltlug every element of strength as to
mako it count for tho rnost tho Demo
cratic leaders will bring upon themselves
tho reprobation of thplr party if they enter
upon tho new year by sowing dlsseuslons
that will reap defeat
for aspiring ambition to reach out after
distinction at tho cost of party success
Let this truth bo well cogitated nnd
thorcfromlot thofactlbmJ senators and
representatives In Washington deduce
rules for their personal government for
tho coming year
Willi Kamlnll in n llntj < Sent
Now York star
Economy Is not tho only object of gov
ernment If It were tho best plan would
bo tho abolition of oil goveriimcnt U the
honso is fit to exUt it fcrfil that it should
govern itscirI
I tfM
Oeltine Wenry
Madison Wis Democrat
This thing of piling up8H000 worth of
stone to gratify somebodys sentimental
bosh cvory tlmo any man dies is becoming
ab ut as much of a plague astho tobacco
worm Let lis tako caro ot tho fyInfjj
tho dead are provided for
i nrt
In Dumnnil
Chicago Herald
Tho photograph us > t taken of Mr Cleve
land and Ms cabinet will bo lu great de
mand among Democratic members in
congress who having been unable to get
acquainted with tho gentlemen will want
show them how thoy look
something to
I 3
Mlunllon In New Dnglnml
San rrnncIscoAlta
The Boston Globe Is appalled at tho
cost of dressing girls as compared with
tho like expense upon boys New Kn
gland has n great excess of girls nud the
superior cost of dresslug them is grndu
ally uudrcsslng their Infrequent brothers
i JO I
alio llnlllutidlro Ontnn
San Antonio Times
To the Dallas End Of tho NCwsi Wo
repeat Is It not true that stockholders in
your paper aro using an ana of fifty or
eevontyflVQ miles on the 1ecos river
without paying for it if you ivlll not
answer Wo will get some ono else to
do so
Dvmitlca > f Ills Mranse
Hoston Evening Itccord
Chicago used to tako In 200000 from
liquor licenses but now gets a revonuo of
1500000 a year from tho high llceuse
system Tho newbor of saloons has de
creased CO per cent within the year If
this hecps on pretty soon thero will be no
saloons left and the revenue will bo in
creased beyond computation
A Host Corporation
Denlson News
Tho Enquirer tho now afternoon papor
at Dallas after a brief existence of ten
days has been absorbed by tho Times
the editor and part owner of which Is also
nn editorial writer on the Dallas End ol
thu Galveston News The newspaper
business seems to bo rapidly converging
hup u close corporation with head
quarters at Galveston
DmililoDycd Traitor In York State
St Louis rostDispatch
Watertown N Y furnlbhcs a trailer
of such an extreme type that tho bloody
shirt may havo to bo called from Its re
tlracy to suppress him Said traitor Is a
pension Union soldier bat boing In easy
clrcumstauccs he has bis pension money
regularly sen tto a disabled exConfederate
soldlor In Virginia There is material
hero for a New York Tribune editorial
Tito Itrnnit ot Dishonesty on lUmiy of the
ISceeiit Tuxnn 1iiHurcH
To tho Editor of tho Gntette
I noted iu tho St Louis GlobeDemo
crat of recent datci an nrtlelo from Brad
street ou tho financial depression of tho
country alleged to have exlfited since
1882 aud In his definition of commerce
I o the exchaugo of services aud move
ment of commodities can wo claim a
financial or commercial depresslou ad
mining the numoer uf Industries that
hnvo been shut down for a limited tlmo
in tho pasttwo years Tako the excessive
railroad construction in advance of the
possibility of usu since 1882 anil
wo ilnd from statistics that
between 1882 nnd 1881 not less than
S0O000 men who had been engaged in
this occupation were discharged What
would such Hocks of men to our cities
represent Such large forces of common
laborers Idle out of employment
Stagnation In the shops starvation
In the cottage and whllo wo ilntl at
least 5 per Cent of this force claiming
their inability to find enployment investi
gation will provo thoy havo neither
starved or been supported by
charity Our charltablo Institutions
have been called upon very little
of loto years It was the redistribution
of labor rather than a cessation of
work that caused the appearance of a
lack of employment and ns Brad
streets correspondent states thero has
been no sufllclcnt cause for the alleged
depression as careful Investigation will
provo that no person firm or corporation
has become bankrupt squarely which was
not in an insolvent stato prior to 1882
Lot ns talk of prosperity and each
business man of today will
join us aud admit that ho
has no cause for complaint
Encourage greater efforts towards hones
ty Tho bulk of failures of today are
either from reckless extravagance or
fraudulent motives Tho wiltcr can
point out failures In our own stato lu the
last thirty days to the amount of from
8F0000 to 875000 that any honest roan
could seo fraud branded on each letter
of that cover th > > y call unfortunate
Such acts should bo governed by our
laws and by so doing wo would stand to
day 100 per cent above any stato In
tho Union from a commercial rating
Why aro Eastern jobbers and importers
afraid of Texas trade Why docs Texas
pay moro for evory artlclo of merchan
dise sho handles Sltuply becauso qur
excmptlou law is so safo a cover for a ras
cal The greater tho risk the larger tho per
cent and togivo us n proper aud just
commercial rating wo must legislate to
protect the seller as well as tho buyer
Yours Business
Mr IniiinrWlllMeclilo thnttlioAnlidltyof
t Uio Hell 1ntetit is gueitinnnblo
Xow York Sun
Secretary Lamars decision In the Boll
telephone caso will not be mado public
uutll nfter the roturn ot the commissioner
of patents Who has gono to Michigan for
holiday Assistant Secretary Jenks
Is preparing tho decision very carefully
aud ho will include in it nn oxhaustlvo
statement of tho reasons on which tho
secretarys action is based What tho
tenor of tlio decision will ho bo
This Is uot a tlmo stated on good authority
secretary will recommend that tho
attorncygcneral authorize suit to
brought lu the name of tho United States
test tho validity pi Bells
S V vhvv0ta
ir > > > J vhvv
US AtJi i tit i J Afl
± ±
patent Amoug otherihlngsj t o decsjon
will BCtfofth that th8 spccIlcatlou < f
Bells patent contains f thtnj < bout and
capability of Bells Instrument ito trans
mit articulate speech but only ejalnls ipr
It tho power to transmit vocal sptlndst
that an instrument may transmit vockl
sounds without being n speaking toliS
phones and that In point of fact Bell
did not invent a speaking tclophonh untll
after tho issue of his patent as aapears
from tho record 1or these reasons It
will bo urged tho validity of tho Bell
patent Js fairly questionable
A er i > B < t II1 Wnndorlhg Alioutmn
City Court It m lersoiml y
COi Cspondcncoof thotiaiottc >
1fLOT Point Tux Dec J10 Mis
Minnie Balrd one of Illot Points mott
esteemed young ladles left on this morn
ings northbournl train tor Wbltcsboroj
Mrs Judd Xlnttlson who has been here
several days visiting frlendsdepartcd this
morning for her home la Savoy
Mr nnd Mrs J M Weeks and Mr J
T Tones of tho Post visited Sherman to
day Tho Index has moved Into new qunrters
on North Jefferson street nnd with n now
press and entlro new outfit Will mako on
larged Improvements npon tho paper
Mr T T Scott brother of W T Scott
of tho llrm of Crosgrovo Scott lumber
men arrived horq yesterday morning
from Louisiana with Ills wife and nine
children The numerical strength of his
family would recelvo much comment In a
Northern or Eastern state but iu Texas
the Ibnw room Is sulllcient and the ar
rival of largo families aro welcomed Mr
Scott has already purchased a farm four
miles southwest of tho city nnd today is
moving out to take possession
County Attorney Iko Ferguson of Den
ton was hero today ns attorney of Hearn
Wilson In tho justlcos court in the
caso where Sura Wilcox owucr of tho
farm rented to one Gotlicn and claims to
have furnished suppl es to said router
sues for a landlords Men on tho crops
which had previously been mortgaged to
Hcaru Wilson John Collier of this
city is attorney for Wilcox A jury was
Impaneled and tho caso is belug tried this
A deranged man an entlro stranger
here has been wandorlug nbout tho city
without hat or coat since yesterday moru
Itig Justice and humanity would demand
of the authorities td tako charge of him
i i >
Yfliy tlio City AYill Doom nnd AVhy a lto
colvershl Is u Oooil Xlilng
Correspondence of tho CSaJctte
Tkxahkaxa Tux Dec 20 Business
slnco Christmas bus grown very much
duller than it was for some weeks pre
ceding It Is presumed tho entire sav
ings of tho community went for Christ
mas enjoyments including a plentiful
supply of tho creetur
It Is expected that shortly ono of
the greatest booms thlsrtowu has
ever experienced will bo inaugurated
here Tho grounds for this be
lief nro that of tho almost
absolute certainty that tho Fort Smith
railroad will come h ro and tho vast
amount of improvements now going on
and in contemplation Fully 100000
worth of business buildings are already in
process oi construction on two blocks
alono nud thero Is scarcely a doubt that us
much more will follow within tho next
threo or fourimouths Aside from these
buildings by private parties It Is given
out on good authority that tho
Missouri Pacific Hallway company
have completed arrangements for tho
erection in tbo Immediate future
of a 850000 hotel for the
special accommodation of tho traveling
public near the railway tracks on the
statu line just west of the present Mar
quautl hotel which the now building Is
designed to displace
Another encouraging advantage for the
town is derived from tho passing of tho
Texas PaclUc roatl Into tho hands
of a receiver which necessitates a
division in the yard work which will reu
dor necessary tho employing of from fifty
to sixty additional men on the force and
au incrcasu In tho payroll of about 2600
per month It is understood that this
now ordor of business will commence
about January 1 Tho watertank for tho
use of Texas Pacific engines is bolng
constructed and It is thought all prepara
tions for tho chaugo will bo completed by
the tlmo mentioned
Mr J II AVIlliams tho popular drug
prescription clork at lloblnspns
drug store it is announced by know
ing ones will bo married at Prcscott to
one of that citys most fascinating and
popular young ladles on the Cth of next
Bev Paul Bngley a traveling Evangel
ist has been for several days dellverln
sermons to the peoplo on the streets It
Is remarked that his ability is above tho
average standard of his class but ho
never forgets tbo very essential net of
passing around the hat No converts
so far as learned havo resulted as the
fruits of his preaching
Tho weather during Christmas week
was as flno as could bo desired but this
morning there was a chaugo for the
worse and at this hour In tho evening
there Is every prospect of an early snow
which as yet has not paid this part of tho
couutry a visit tills season
AHrotliorofaonlew AY nncoDcad Kullj
ronil News nt llrawuwood
Spoclal to tho Uaiotto
BitowNwoon Tkx
allaco an exUnlon oillcor died ot Itio
1 aimer houso last night after a shcrtlll
ness Ho was u brother of Gen Lew
Wallace tho exminister to TurVeyand
provisional governor of New Mcxco Ho
was a roan of noted family ini flue
literary attainments but sinew to war
has been very much addicted to fluuse of
atoxlcatlng drinks which > o doubt
toutled to canso his death ay lit was In
other respects a hale hearty wai7
Wllkins tho roujo agct of tho
Texas Express compAny lias been
hero for sovoral days making
ready for tho business of his
company Mr W Jt Davidson
of Galveston Is tho loctl agomol tho com
pany hero B P Gaftord vrtio has had
charg of tho Gulf tfolorndf Sunta Vo
telegraph office hasteday fomoved from
this place to Hefdohhelmc Ho is sac
l J 8lsbu > oI Memphis
Heavy shipments of luiftber aro bolng
dally received bnfthe two7 yards aro not
able to supply the demand for building
Jonen AVlllDle
Jones the army ofllcenvuo shot himself
yesterday was stlll > llvo this
original but tho doctors sav ho cannot recover
A tfoifU Or KKWykae
Withfbiihlnir or foamnti n wik1
With f hlvur Of Snow oa a bjirr iii
winds that knrry mlW
With bolls mat lull by twos b iL
AcrOM he mend nneV down uiirlrS
The old y wlays him dbtro tfij
Willi skulls that crurnbto nnd UtfK
On iho rajrwed rocks ot a wohiX
With waves that thunder nnaVi
Ith ships that singnot nnd Ui
With mon Hint strnRgio itnd gai
Tno old year lays aim down to
With women liat weep nod men i
With Klrls that sob and psalVt
With navlnrplumcs of tho hufnr
With moans fmrn linn that art h
With hollow words In ft hilnstet
AVI hclodaof illrtby hnop rliri
The old year la > snlm d < iwu <
Oh day nnd nUhll Oh morn ait
Oh wild unftndlnjf human <
Oh bloodred nn I Oh pul Id nil
Wall thins now thai draw lifts
Ho roellne onward Mill lodeathM
Shall all years luytliom down aw
ripple of gold fn a snniH a
With glitter of sliver In cloudjf1
the otlon
MItli Rpnrklo of Sitowun
lth l
ln < that sing and bltdri
WU bello thnt toll by two lr thl
Aerijg tlio mend and down tholfL
Tl t now yenr comes across the J
AVlthW iilad things that smllo a
AMttall Bwect tilings lhat h
> 6
V HhnJ good things that men < m
V Bronff tnu8 at sir
JJ jth h > o an lovo and undream
With whl < pcra low and warni
uho now year comas across tl
Ob dcathlejs love eternal yortth
glad tlnmphnnt human try
Not God ha praised for this onei
wWH < bun glided lief
AVhJji old things tada nnd old hooi
Aim eld yours diad lie t h m I
Thataotv years coma across the s I
JL li
Another lfnlluro for Quit
Aiuomi < sny 2hcy Will Go
Special to th Gazette
PAMSSTiNfc Tix Dec
had tho surpMse caused by thl
ment of the lailuro of A Kil
day died away than It wis
that tho stock of Q Colbcra
drygoods merchant of Spriai
lu tho possession of Shcrlffis
following attachments hnvotl
leading Ullmann
Co SM205B A Mlchaelsou
81250 11 Ash Palestine 531
Palestine 188082 Joe Ami
tine SSOOrGabrlel AshsPalestkf
Robinson Bros Palcsth
Tho stock Is worth 810000 to f
Tho ossc a of A Kaiser jA
samo counting outstanding
Both gontlemen dcclifro they
by surprise and that thoy
buslncsfl shortly
FrtfR bbnTfcNNHU the cnS
ortors bin eervlces and thnt ot
tno citizens Of Fort Worth All
balls furnished with muolc Aild >
Second street
A TTlSTIUX J havo returnedo
IX my old state nfter an nhjij
years In tho Kast where 1 hnvfl l
tho musical profession and wilt h
havo thoso who wish to tnko a thou
or oven n partial eonrss In music
sec mo nt room JO Jinn Fifth sti
reaBonablo nnd good references
sired InlhiB HJSwlng S
M1K FixipUfs Intelligence a riiif
X office up stain over posfoffig
Uallrouda hotels farmers mete
tractors and iiri ate fnralles u
reliable help both mftlo and ferns
dcrs piomptfy attended to Telep
H W Gnynn rronrlntor
XSTSSTEijlositfoahs teacher i
foodreferencesglvon Adi
No 11 South Summer street Xnah4
= = r
aKtTcD Ity u toflauhiyonjK
W Hon us bookkcoper or clfej
rutcroDccs elvon Address Uj
TiVjrANTlSD A good tlnne whffl
TT class slock and lob mtkuuid
good steady habits Wlllivo stct
inontatgoo il living wagijf to thri
Address S D
KrwlnACn llouijf
TJOOM AND HOAttninrnlshed
Xliblofor two younff men aUo1
boarders nt Mrs taikis Ii tot
nnd tlrovn streets
WrANTK I tWJOJattlo T h a vl
> V ranch that Iylsh to stock 1
having for sao E0V catllo or over I
to take chnrgo ofliernnch wlIlcA
drcfsino wowU pay part cashf
stock of tho company > xj
JUDAY IIouschoTt
furnlturcat It oclock to Iroi
house Morrnyanctlonccr
poea s ylll be received uuillTI
unry718syfor the erection of alt
Injr 7
li4ns < t spoclllcatlons to be
lien of a > gnlnct it Dawsor A
1 Won
DVKUTISKlt Intends I
and will dlspoeo of botil
tnro forthreo rooms and kitchen
nearlyoiv WhltesowlngiiiachluJ
opporunlty for n small family J
rente Apply 200 Florenco strcefcj
LKASl 10000 ncro pasturl
ilonty of watorlOlay county t
A Hatcher
TyfiffifyonriB inulesTSf it years
U03ycars old In spring IM
iiroa and Hi hands
HALK lOu head high
bulls Hoax A Hatcher
70Tt ItKNT Two TargoBOiifprt A <
furnished or nnfurnlshed SIC
NFmtNismjirrrtjoirto rent
U Flfstclas Call at 700 West V
l olt UKVi Threp choice oillco
X 3ca Main street next door lOi
phant Imililroof EW Itetts SOJ
TiOU llKKT A furnlsTIcd iilast
I nlco locality 013 West Third t
t water eighty gaUons per mln
rainwater white snlphnr magnesl
tbo best bathing water In tho state
used as nt Hot Springs drunk hot
Ing Single tickets ii cents live
Stanley Marklo proprietors nortl
public square
riVIAN A ItYLAND general 1
V lection ngonts for tho
Toxaj Tnscosa Tor
1 nrMUNDY attorney at M
LV agqnt OJay county ieo
Oillco In courthouto JJ
JfEH7I7T OHNKlt c o riawTl
X > agents Vernon Wilbarger itfj
render lands nnd pay taxes forwj
of nnd perfect titles buy soli rc < W
resent owner of real estate u J
nbstrnets to < nibargcr Hsrdemr
Knoxllaylqrand ArchercountK
gattona 6ir liltv
llrillkft x iOUDT
y I > aW San Marcos Tex A
D Counselors at Ijxw Ovor w
Honal hank Main street PorM
TrfltT WrW TioTKtjT EoSef
JLand rosldcncc Third street
onposlta the oporahonse 0 fj 1
a m 2S0 to 4 n it Sundajs
t lephoaeNoS50