OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, January 01, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-01-01/ed-1/seq-5/

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SDATfi lfewa
ibIbks et tho J r
cb for Wcftl
or Woo
lies front Over the Stftlo Reported
ccinllr lor tlo Onfoltoby Its
Omi CorlCKpondents
Smuggled Good
I tlio Oazcttc
x0vio Tox Dec 30 V large
ot smuggled go ds was niado by
d guards near Lpmpaww Mcx
iy Since quietude has been ro
i becomes moro difficult to tako
MnryMnrd Himself
tho OazQUti
isi Tix Dtp 31 This morning
ac who was kept In the calaboose
it took on overdose of morphine
e very near dying He was taken
csldenco of Dr Russell a klhs
lerc he Is receiving attention
TntiIol > nh Diulcn
tho Gazette
TKx Dcc3lJ E Rowland
jut Moj M B White stock of
and was given possesion today
> ad overseer was around today
ilng all of tho tonii dudes toi re
duty on Monday It is needless
iero was a good amount of Wck
A Ktini nt Koppcrl
i the l7ctte
tut Tkx Dec 31 Tho alarm
as hsard alt over town this morn
it 8 oclock the hotel Of J J
being o i lire Tlio flo was un
cl hcidtvny beloro it was dis
pone of the household goods
otl Losi something near 2000
surcrt Mr O rlen Intends to
Ftiil > llltIo < i Double Insets
i tho Oazcttc
Tex Dec 81 It V ttlneli
tho largest hardware merchants of
o was closed today by attach
This was quite a surprise ns
as regarded as solid The llablll
l about double the assets
tapper given by tho ladles last
the 1 eneflt of the Methodist par
vas a success Over 100 netted
A Orcnt Hoax
tho Gazette
ssvillk Tix Dec 81 Mnj
and United States ttoops nr
Blnggold barracks at 380 a m
At tho Maldonado ranch he
i traces of hostile Mexican raid
Igglors or any person of a suspl
iaractcr The affair Is cither a
ax or tho raiders scattered at
roach of the troops
milieu IKntli
I thcGiuetto
s Tix Dec 31 Charles
son of Col J G Stephens died
ldcnly at the residence of his
In Kast Dallas last night probably
disease lie was In tho enjoy
Ihls usual good health all day yes
lud was about tonn But late In
Ernoon he complained of a severe
To which however got easier to
light and had ceased altogether
o died
tVtnniw Klllod Illm
tho Gazette
sionio Trx Dec 81 Infor
Jas reached hero by letter from
Ihat on last Satuulaywhilc Ku
tvls a little hoy 8 years old w as
Jig on horseback with a number of
lions his horse fell over a cow
Tfhlch he lecelvcd such Internal
i that he died a fcv hours later
Jlo fellow never spoko a woid after
lockjaw having lcsulted
Hcitit < m Data
o tho Gazette
on Tux Dec 81 Suit was
day to laiso the mortgages
ling to S150000 on the property of
bauk Mortgages were made by
crs and directors of Iho bank and
Bed by creditors An Injunction
Ssued out to stop tho action of tho
receiver and get another
man paper the Anzelgcr with a
mpany staited hero with a cap
10000 Chatter applied for but
Kcpctil tlm Icase Inv
> tlio Uazctto
tXNinTisx Dec 81 A largo as
7composed ot delegates from every
Colliu county met at tho court
iday In obedience to a call for a
meetingjTlio meeting was com
jit tho bet element of farmirs
Bona were ofleicd to repeal tho
llcaso law to sell the school lands
Actual suttltTB opposed to olllcc
Mid favQrlug farmers only for tho
Bio The convention adjourned
voting on tho resolutions until
3lomnutia Mnrrlngo
I tho Gazette
a Tix Dec 81 Tho raarrlago
if onr society young people to
Hlllsboro has a tinge of rpraanco
ed with It Mr C Ii Harris and
lla McDanlcl went out for a drive
mat that was heard of them they
HUlsboro and wero quietly mar
It is not known why they preferred
tho mantle of romance over their
n this way ns there was no objec
tho part of tho parents on either
Tho happy pair will go to Dallas
svcnlng train
Didnt Offer Knougll
0 tho Gruotte
k Tkx Dec 81 Tho llrst car ot
ir shipped from Bowlo leaves hero
shipped by John II Stephens
ied to Vatcs Tinltt lfort Worth
ai shipment We trust that this
ithe first of many moro to follow
lonUguo Southwestern railroad
imnienced grading and say they
lilt work right through They will
io to Bowlo i our otter was too
Bowlo will still continue to do
a at tho old stand
her continues pleasant and busl
od Cotton coming in slowly
iicomllurj Eire
a tho Gazette
0 Tkx Dec 81 About 4
this morning tho passengers walt
Ihe depot for tho southbound train
red Moiiutcastlo Chestnuts store
on flro After an entrance was
a hole bored in the floor was dli
1 largo enough to admit a mans
< iWM 1iVI1
1iVI1aito teifi 6M iteil tiw u
uddyi The postbMc caUuutt I1 otw cor
ner of tho building wtl jmyftfi T as5A to
the amount 6 i < rt vf fifty dollars Jn
money And stamps fc lh inrglars
secured what they qonW Ulcy tot flro to
tho fixtures In thc > pJStdnic f sM a P 5 < > f
clothing They afeu empttea a hP >
of Oil on the floor Tho damage stock
and building cannot be ascertained nt
writing Ha clow to the guilty parties
Spcchl to tlio Gnietc
CousMix Tkx Dec 81 Mis V
Iane vlto of Itov J O Lane died at the
rcsldeucij of her soulnlaw Capt S O
Cotton fifteen miles from Coleman last
night ot paralysis
Mr IVtt Warren cf tho firm of Duiln
Warren was married to Miss Dllalettlt
this morulng nt c oclock Two otlicr
weddlnjrs took place during tho holidays
Mr J I c Mablngton and Miss Florcnco
Andrews Mr J 0 > Jones and Ml Lula
Buck idlol Coleman
We wcr6 visited last Tuesday night by
a good ralu which was much needed aud
tho weather cleared tip wlthont tho usual
cold norther that follows a rain at this
season of tho j car
A Weilillnjj
8i > ccol to tho GizcltT
CLAitK3vnTK Tkx Deo 81 Married
at thOTCsldcncn ot tho brides father Mr
B JL Tool in this city at 8 p m last
evening by llov M r Aslibtim of the
Methodist Episcopal church Mr K M
Bowers and Miss Joslo Tcel A few
near friends of tho happy couple wit
nessed tho ceremony ntnt an elegant ban
quet was ghon at Its close Mr Bowers
is a prominent figure In society and has
managed tho district clerks olllco with
caro and efficiency for tho last two terms
Miss Tcel Is a native Virgtan and lnhotlts
tho beauty atid accomplishments tradition
ally snpiopud lu pertain to the daughtois
of tho Old Dominion Both are faorltes
in society and in addition to tho well
wishes of their friends were the recipi
ents of numerous mid cbstly weddlug
Aulirujf rfotm
Correspondence or tlio JiiMtcv
AunitKV Tixr Dec 80 Tho Christ
mas holidays passed Off quietly here with
two or threo parties aud on Christmas
cvoa Christmas treo was attendtjil nt tho
academy Many nice and hqmo funny
presents wcro distributed to thq llttlo
people and young folks
Mr ltowloy our handsome and popular
railroad agent returned from a visit to
tho Nation Monday last and has again
taken charge of his station His mother
accompanied him and will romaluseveral
days lu this delectable burg
Miss liou Mullens assistant teacher In
the public school hero returned from a
pleasant visit to her homo at Clarksvlllc
Sunday evening
Tho handsome and mashing Mr K T
Hall the pumper and J S Tucker night
operator at this place were at Pilot Tolnt
taking In tho sights Christmas day
Mr SV Smith one of tho most sclen
title railroad bosses in tho state did the
city of Denlson during tho holidays
The beautiful tho handsome and the
brave of our llttlo village attended a most
enjoyablo social at tho residence of Itev
T S Wells our accommodating postmas
ter last night
Ilollilny Tlinc Nctcrocd Hno n Tnttto for
IorU tornoiinl
Corrcsiiomlcnco of tho Onzotto
Eloin Tkx Dec 80 ChUstmas tlmo
has been enjoyed muchly by our peoplo
tho young folks especially Sociables
dances and candystews ht vo been tho
order of tho day though occurring in
tlio evening
Last Thursday evening a union Sunday
school Christmas festival was given by tho
Methodists and Baptists of this place at tho
church of tho former Tho committees
In charge of tho affair managed to give
every child a present regardless of sta
tion Tho tree occupied one entlro end of
the building and was heavily loaded with
presents rauglugfrora gold watches down
to a bar of soap Santa Claus was ptu
sonatcd by tho clever editor of our town
Thursday night two negroes named
Tom Houston and Tom Jefferson entered
the smokchouso of Mrs Kate Miles and
stole theiefrom pork to tho weight of 2C0
pounds They wert > huuted down by
Constable Chiles who found tho meat
under tho floor of Jeffersons house After
both wore nrrested Jefferson told tha
whole story stating Houston broke Into
tho house and brought cut two packs aud
that ho Mid Houston wagged off with
them A piillmlnary examination was
held by Squlro Brown mid both wero
offered ball In the sum of 200 each In
default of which thoy wcro Incarcerated
A Mrs Gibson died between this place
ahd MoDado on Friday She had given
birth to a child and lack of attention af
terwards caused her death
Mrs Holds residence was burglarized
a few nights ago The old lady and her
daushter woro absent spending tlio
night with a relative and had car
ried their valuables with them The
burglars failed of reward but trunks
etc bore evidence the following morn
ing that It as not their fault they did
not find anything
Mrs A Y Chase of San Antonio 1s
vIsltlngMrs H 1 Jones
Miss Liza TIsdale a beautiful young
lady of Hullo Is spending tho holidays
with the family of Dr W A Taylor
W J Haflford and lady of Blue Branch
Lee county weieln town Christinas day
Mrs W II Blvers and children the
family of one of Elgins prominent mer
chants have gone ou a visit to OcorcO
J W Blalrandsonof Lampasas spent
a lew dayd with relatives this week
lroi S II Morgan and lady of Cedar
Creek are visiting relatives hero
Mrs Dr Davidson of Manchaca Is
biting her lather and mother Mr and
Mrs A It Dechord
Iliicmie Qullecteil Durlucr tlio Vear
1883 nt llen < ciuhrtcr
Special to tho Gazette
Austin Tkx Deo 31 The following
nro tho grand totals of cash receipts nt
tho comptrollers ofllcofor tho year 18851
General revenue l61057Cy
School fund 2lC25bl7l
Tho total receipts at tho general land
office for tho year Wore 5105103
Cnut Find Tliolr Wiswnuii
Tucviov A T Dec 81 Advices to
tho 2Sth from Carralltos Mexico state
that a courier from Gen Crook
passed thoro In search of Capt Davis
who started Boveral weoks ago for Sierra
Madro with his command consisting of
ono company and 100 Apache scouts
Slnco then nothing has been heard of
them nor any of the command
A I0Hg and Laborious Term of
District Court Closes ia
Jrnjaon Con nly
An Attorney U Snlil to Hnve Uoim Wro Iff
VlsUlujr tlie City Improvement
In lroapcct
Special to lie Qazotte
StitttuiorTKX Dec SI Tho district
court closed a long and laborious term at
noon today mid his honor will put In 111
rest of tho work in revising statements of
facts for revision by tho higher courts ot
the state Tho jury in tho caso of J
Brockstnlth that went ont last evening
woro held together until ncarjy noon with
tho hopo of getting a verdict but at Inst
camu In and announced that they could
uot possibly do so nnd > cru discharged
Something over fifty convictions hae
boon sewed by tho otutos counsel C
B Ilaudcll ami this young ttttorney has
established a reputatloiufli a vigorous
and able prosecutor In whoso
hands no guilty man has much
chance to escape tho penalty duo his
Scveralprlsoncrs In whoso cases notice
of appeal had been given wero brought
befora the court and by their attorneys
withdrew tho appeal These wero James
Grimes John J htacoy Wesley Clark
and John Brewer who each preferred to
accept tho sentouco already pronounced
rather than lay x months in jail and
thou go up nt last >
Tho boy AVoslcy Clark who Is only
about 17 years old shed tears when tho
certainty of the felons stripe dawned ou
his mind and this only lntcnslflcd tho
general doslro to have Gov Ireland Jn
terposo bis pardoning power In his be
half Wo understand strong petition
has gono to Austin signed by
every olllccr of tho court and attorney at
tho bherman Inr Judge Mnttblo begins
his labors again next Monday at McKln
ncy with two months ol hold woik beloro
him and will return hero again tho llrst
Monday In March
United States Commissioner Blcketts
got tluough with the tedious examining
tiial of Charles Gainetr colored ot tho In
dian Territory who stood and still stands
charged with theft of cattle and the kill
ing and skinning ot cattle Ju that country
Ho was held to answer In a bond of 400
In owh caso and remanded to jail until
said bonds nro made This negro has
grievous grounds of complaint against the
attorney llrst engaged to defend him
who ho says took 05 In money and
twontyuvo head of cattle as a foo and
failed and refused to appear In his behalf
unless another illtcon head ofstock wero
turned over In payment of hlS profes
sional sen Ices Wo may get further and
moio specific information on ibis subject
nnd If the charges are true have more
to say
A committee of members ot tho city
council have b eu qulotly engaged In
taking the sense of our people on tho sub
ject of waterwoiks and report on almost
unanimous sentiment lu its favor The
plan as now proposed Is cither to issue
bonds for tho amount necessary or
oraanl70 ft local stockcompany and
build with tho money of our own citi
zens If a vote to tax tho city weto sub
mitted it would cairy by a largo major
ity Wo feel tile need of moro water
aud when wo get excited on tho subject
water wo will have
Ono ot tho most Important enterprises
of tho past few jcars Is the erection of a
now flourlng inlll ou tho latest lull
roller patent plan by the llrm of Stlnnct
Backer of the old Maanolla mills on
EasUlouston street They took counsel
of an expert on lollermllls to have
modern machinery put lu the old build
ing but it was found inade
quate for the capacity proposed
and tho proprietors at once
got up plans for a new houso on the Jot
Immediately east of the old Work was
commenced on the foundation yesterday
and will progress as fast as possible until
the entire now outfit is completed It
will havo a capacity of 150 bairols ot flour
per day
Capt Lee Hall returned from Dallas
last night
Ed Stiff and Dr Markham of Collin
county wcro in tho city today tho former
to look at soru Hoioford cattle with a
view of purchasing
W A Callaway of Tins Qazkttk smiled
on ns this mornlug and will remain with
its a day
Dr John Grant of Laredo left
this cenlng for that city alter
about a four months sojourn
among his Sherman Mends Ho takes
with him a lot of Hereford cattle and
will return next week with a lot of hoiscs
to winter up hero In Gods country wheru
grass is good and corn is cheaper and
bettor than that raised In Egypt In olden
A la eiie r Trnln TeloncopeH AVItU n
freight an tlio Central Komi
Special to tho tiazctto
Gakxktt Tkx Dec 111 Tho north
bound passenger train on the Central and
a freight train telescoped at Garrett sta
tion yesterday evening tho engine of the
passenger running nearly through tho ca
boose pf tho freight Tho caboose and
threo freight cars woro torn to pieces and
set on fire Thoengluo of the passengor
was a total wreck
There was a full trip of passengers
aboard Nearly all of them ere thrown
from their seats and more or less injured
but Mr W II McGraln of Dallas and a
llttlo tlveycar old son of Mr Darby liv
ing a short distance west of the rhcr
wcro tho only ones hurt to any extent
Mr McGraln who was lying down on
his seat at tho time of tho collision was
thrown against the back Ot tho scat In
fiont ol him and sustained Injuries m the
breast Mr Darbys llttlo son was also
thrown against tho seat in front and seri
ously bruised
Tho collision occurred at tho switch
Tho engineer of tho freight says that two
of tho cars otlits train wero off tho track
and he gave a signal to that effect but It
was not seen or at least not heeded
Another engine was telegraphed for at
Dallas which arrived at tho scene of the
wreck at pm today and leached
Dallas at iSprn
I Ml
variety shows
A Young Jinn ram Ocorsln Gets Into One
ol Then finil I Ileoceil
Special to tlioGaieuo
Dam b Tkx Dec 31 Ben Graham
is a young man and ho halls from Georgia
He put foot on Dallas soil yesterday with
weight of 8160 In his pockets
A Hotly Contmttxl Cnno About n Crop
loins ltnrlc to School Personal
Special to tlio dazottc
Iiuiv Point Tkx Dec 31 Misses
Mattio aud Olllo Kasloy of Forth Worth
roturncd this morning to resume tholr
studies at tho seminary
MrsD J ICendalt went to Whltosboro
this morning to visit relatives
A largo number of the friends of Itov
J W McCluro pastor of tho Presbyterian
church and his estimable wife gave them
a very pleasant sumrlso last evening ut
their residence on Hill street Tho
guests carried with them refreshments
and tho tlmo was spent lu n very enjoy
able manner Mr and Mrs McCluio
wcro the recipients of valuable presents
presented as tokens of high regard
In tho trial yesterday hi justlco court
which was to tost tho prloilty of u mort
gage upon a crop over a landlords lien
tho jury rendered a verdict sustaining tho
latters claim Tho case elicited con
siderable Interest and was warmly conn
tested Ifcarn Wilson obtained judg
ment against tho renter It B Tauo
who has left tho country
Johny Burke who has been with New
burg Co the pi fjuir loft this moni
tor Bowie whore he has accepted n posi
tion in it dry goods store
Total receipts of cotton to dale 8803
bales shipments UI05j receipts lastycar
1800 and In 16811 6200
It Mail Menu ArrnnBetl to Kill Jllmler
oiint Tho Hull i ili CM
HpcciM to tbo Uazctto
1aius Tex Deo 81 Tho ball nt the
Peterson hotel last nl ht was a Very
grand affair About soventy couples
werp present many coming from a dis
Mr B C Mprrey ot the Denlson Ga
zetteer Is in the city
Hanson who Is implicated In the kill
ing of Clay Davis was brought into town
last night by J W Blake ono of tho citi
zens of Sbockloys Prairie Hanson says
tliat for some time It had been arranged
to kill Davis
pleasant met at the hoUso
Avery party
a jiants
LasUlgbthotookln the variety shows < f Mrs Dr Jopes last evening
n > KX K2 < H
Vith the closing woolc o ISSo wo desire ta return thimlat to our customers for their lib
eral patronage nrntl solicit its eontiminiice The impression fa deep and widespread thrvt a
houso carrying tho immense stock that wo do cannot exist edling for SPOT C SH ONLY
Our return to SPOT CASH or COLLECT ON DELIVEuT without DISCRIMINATION has proved a
complete success drawing to us many customers heretofore unknown and largely increas
ing tho volume of our trade
Equipped as avo are with resident buyers in all tho leading JUastern markets witll the
most complete and least expensive system knoAvn tothe COmmorcialWOrltD for tirehandling
of goods at retail employing none but polite and experienced salesmen as chiefs of depart
ment with abundant room and light in which to display tho immense bargains that only a
CASH HOUSE can offer with a thoroughly organized mail and expressspecial order depart
ment shipping goods to every city town and hamlot west of the Mississippi rivoiyour
business has assumed such proportions as to enable usto offer goods as low as can be had
in any American market AVe are confident of serving our friends to their complete satis
faction With the compliments of tho season wo remain
Your obedient servants
and last Dallas saloons and today ho
has about 10 EEC
He stated to a reporter that a veil
mosquitobar or something of that sort
obscuicd the events of last night fiom tho
tablets of his momory and 1oHco Olllcors
White and Torbert would bo tho best au
thority tho scrlbo could Interview Tho
ofllccrs aforesaid stated that as thoy
passed tho Old Corner saloou last
night they heard Byron Strickland and
Graham In tho saloon quarreling over
somo money and saw them como out and
got in a carriage They followed tho car
riage down town and arrested tho two
men near tho St George hotel
Thoy then returned to tho saloon In
which they heard tho quarrel aud ques
tioned tho barkeeper who said ho had
00 of Grahams money which was kept
until this morning and restored to Its
lawful owner Strickland and Graham
wero fined In the city court for drunken
ness Graham was robbed of course but by
whom Is tho question
Tho ovents of tlfo night Inculcate tt
wholesome lesson aud Graham says It
shall bo as seeds sown lu good soil In Its
effect upon him
Soientl Citizens of the Onto City Jtall
rond Jlfii Suffer In tlio innctt
They Will Horonfici Tnkn tho llcul laior
111 tlio Stittu t > ltli tlie
Special to tho Onzotto
Dknison Tnv Dee 31 Last night at
10 oclock a talleml collision took
place at Garretta small station 100 miles
south of Denlson No 1 passongor with
Knglncor Honry Gentry at tho throt
tle was over an hour lato and tho
freight train with D Ainnego In
charge as ordered from nice the pass
ing point for the trnlu to Garrett whore
thov wero just eiiteilug on tha sidingwith
nothing but tho caboose on the main
track when tho englno of tho passenger
struck and ran almost through it Tho
cabooso caught on llro and burned tlio
eiiBino with It Tho englno was one of
the now ones just recehed by tho Houston
Texas Central Mr Duuhaii postal
clerk was pretty badly Injured and hat
to be carried to his boardlnghouso on
a stretcher A Gazettk rcportor called
on Mr Dtmlvan at Mr Cooks residence
but that gentleman could not give any In
formation as to the cruso of tho collision
further than statetl Ho was thrown from
one end of tho car to tho other then re
bounded back half vay where Dlok
Crawford fell on him Mr Crawford
however was not hurt only badly shaken
up General Superintendent Joe Hcain
Genet al lioadmastcr Conley and Assistant
Superintendent Ifnrtlgan camo In on a
special last night aud went out this morn
Knglnccr Boll on the Missouri Pacific
made complaint beforo Judge Kevins that
ho had beo1 robbed of 55 ovor tho Big
llttlo saloon In a Utile social game of
cards Bell Is the losor but wiser
Tho Pacific express olllco has moved
into their new quarters lu the Muller
block where everything Is neat clean
and nleo and tho boys aro real proud of
their quarters
Mrs 15 B Sawyer of lort Worth is
visiting in tho city tho guest of W H
Azntcl spread his daik pinions over tho
household of Mr and Mrs Joseph Irvln
December SO and boro to the realms of
tho immortal little May their threeyear
old child The good die young and neer
ncrofairor better little fairy than llttlo
May Heaven was made for angels and
angels for heaven Why should tho two
bo seiiarated
JohnTec who is charged wllb setting
lire to the Jeddrlck building was brought
out this inoriiiug at i oclock to llnlsh pis
ttlal and wss placfld under a 1000 bond
to ajipcar beforo tho grand Ju y Ho
failed to give tho required bond nnd will
be tak n to Sherman on the 7 oclock
train tomorrow by Constable Gardner
W 11 Bernard division fuel agent for
the Missouri Pacific received a telegram
this momlug fiom St Louis wanting him
to como there Immediately so Jio left on
tho 1 oclock train this afternoon and ex
pects to bo absent several days
W WBarbarck who runs a boot and
shpe shop In one of tlio little tents on the
site of tho old Almo bad the tent cut
open last night nud a pair of lino boots
and two pairs of shoos stolen Thoro Is
no clew to tho thief v
Tho thief that stole two boots of Mill
Beauford and un overcoat from tho U S
clothing house has If theyhao tho right
man not owned to tho theft The boots
aud overcoat hiivo not been found vol
Mr Nlm Burgott general ynrdmastor
In tlio Houston Texas Central yard and J
his wife rutitrncd today from Waco
whoro thoy havo been spending Christmas
Mr Will lov o ol Corslcana Is visiting
his sister Mrs Singer
Severn of tlio leading business men
stopped Tin Gazuttk circulator today
and told him thoy had been taking both
Tins Gaxbttjc and News for tho past
month but In tho futtiro thoy would take
Tins Gaktth alone as 11 was tho best
paper In tho stale Tur lAimr Is
suiely gaining ground
in i i i
Hpnrkii TIiiuurIi it Nlijlluht
Macon Ga Die ill A llro broke out
this molding lit tho cotton warehouse of
J S Stewart Son containing about
1800 bales of cotton bolonglng prin
cipally to planters All tlio cotton was
consumed except about 300 bales which
Is badly damaged The loss Is 950000
Insurance 8H00O Tho llro was caused
by spirks falling through a skylight Into a
basket of samples
DlvlIcnil lutgeil
Nisw York Dec 81 Tho Now York
Contra dlicctors today declared a divi
dend of 1 per cent Tho Lake Shore
division decided to pass the dividend
l cunt o >
A brandnew Harilngton Itlchardson
hammcrlcss shotgun complole in trunk
shapo loathor case 12gaugr can bo seen
at Kd Howes news stand Pickwick
hotel Sixty members at tfi n chance
i n i i
Tho Viirlt Mcnr Nlnkol
Tho first smoke gatls to Introduce 1
to tho j uilgcs of a good smoke No others
need call at A Starts gun store 201
Main Street
Tlmol Ilmel JlmeJ
Bound Bock and Austin Llmuworks
manufacture white llrao of tlio very best
quality Orders solicited Kor prices
eta address JlAmiv WAtsn
Bound Bock Tex Proprietors
For salo by O W Gillespie agent
Fort Worth
Thoso who are behind with subscription
should borrow a few dollars from somu
other friend to pay tho circulator as he
has advanced for you for several months
i <
HavojMcd Tongallno Jn rheumatism
and It ixtod llko a charm My patlont
had m > walked for ovor eighteen months
on is now ablo to take a fow stops ami
stfJadlly Improving
JL HiWiiiP MJ >
Woodington Ohio
< i
TryIuH One i
Buy a package oJ SIlvcr Loaf nnd glvo
It a fait trial If yon do this you will
never regret 1U How many disastrous
failures in making bread cause trdublous
vexation In tho household This can all
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