OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, January 17, 1886, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-01-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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Santa ft
a CBioraflo
jflfiuJUTE TO
mcrr Via Somervell
rh elit a > l1olnUt < flcllcaby
York via Gallon
rt Worili loWlnin
10 IN p m
irt K5 1 < n m
i fn 7 iw a in
T tt 10 pm
Union TlekoM nt
fit Pallas
Uiv J
v Time Card
Takitn olfect Nov 1316S5
Siiop m
3 M p m
0 00 a m
luy ticcpt Son
6401 > m
800 b m
GltSa m 7 in m
180 p m
M <
610 j in
JM dear me hn cried
naal l ll nu cUand low
m nil be my bonnj bride
hand yea bold my hopo
m M tabiunra of my life
010 am 6Main
li20pro UMSpru
810 pm 835 pro
StiU Pallas 7 30a in 7Ma tn
l nvo Arrlv
ai SMam
id 815 p
Ioavo Arrive
Snoa m
jmraodaUon 7 < 30i > ra
Inioflatlon 10 30 a m
dally runi lotwccn El Iaio nnd
UgHfjllr runs bctwoon Fort Worth and
OiII run lictwocn Fort Wortt
folly cxwpt Puiiday runs between
djilyruns between St Louis am El
Mljrem between Now Orleans anfl
Jsllf ruo eotvrccn Dallas and Fort
< IIr x pt nnday runt between
and Colorado
M2 Its una 1H run solid trains
8 n Antonio to fit Louis
id im run via Dallas
tnd t Ifftmscn Kurt Worth Jfonston
tltOC C I IeBK
Inlnn Tlrlint
llwIrMtliso naught lo mo
Maw lube ray wile
nctbbth or draw aw ay
1 > fe ba n her loi ely head
a wirwc op u htm and said
km for roar proircred lovo
Utb fe < ftair
that you how
JXjlTO Qii lmtmy heart
ily tii iriaUoiiKairn
Merchant Traveler
UOlJil AltttlVAM
Brjranlck Frank Anderson
OJ B liosglass Dodge City
r Owe county 0 IJ Smith
< NoJohn Duncan 0 Haui
Wtrwn Ituliville Intl Hunry
i R Jonis Itanstir W
Kry Tuyior
wrhan irauclfco Cul C H
l r J II Williams DallaH
fltAfito 1 aD J ° flU CulnK
iSH1 ohn ondcrson DnllnB
Smr > w l Vork M Uhlcfc
hJ Tin < Irta Itutman Marvy lilan
J ln Deuifcon Stni
fe m HDrJr Kitohnm
ItBrr KCDtUCkyi
EmA W tk > J >
Kft WauckJnBhniiif w
n WmOwniBg
J m n Dt y Johnson
S ° m > > l ri J A
i1 W Chattinoogai
MtrKrini Hu DUr Crajcrolt
W Dp B ry cty John
u C bteinhardt Clnclu
ltcowthcCoont rt
t tfee1tD0rea1 bof 6C
I J Hieai
u uje it3
Patla trsKUss order
N f ° l teA Ua sod I > ur
not much raoro time In which to Join in
tbo frivolities of tho world Ash Wednes
day will soon ho ut band
Tho municipal political polls not hub
bllnfrto any wontlerfnl extent consider
ing that only a little over sixty days re
main boforn olectlon day
Mnrrlatro licenses ufcrolsgiiodycstorday
to J 1 llurues and Mlsrf h C Uobcrtiiout
W 1 Davis nnd Miss Salllo Hownrdj It
A Audcrson ntid Mrs A L Johnson
Tlio K of Ij lodte which tneeta np
town In tho K ol II hall Is growingIn
sUcngtii constantly nnd will soon bo one
of tho most powerful assemblies In tho
In the county court yesterday tho case
of Gillespie vs James was decided In
favor of the defendant Tho stilt In
volved tho luestjon of homestead ex
Itoland Heed is a Comcdlau of nn orIisi
tml type In Check ho displays a quaint
humor distinctively his own and which
stamps him ns n master of the art of en
Let it bo tccorded In yaur diaries that
the year J880 If tho one for public im
provemenls In tho way of sticets side
walks and fine buildings In tho good city
of Kort Worth
Tho Y M 0 A meets nt 4 oclock this
afternoon nt tho Tort Worth 1rcsbytorlnn
chtrch The subject Watching In the
Light Is expected to elicit nn interest
ing Intcichange of ideas
Tho oleotrlo lights havo cot down to
regular business now and no foolish
noes beaming forth steady nnd bright at
all tlmci Tort Worth capital handles
the electric light succes6fully
The entertainment announced to be
given by tho luliomathoin society of
Texas Weslcyau college next Tuesday
evening has been postponed but will
take place nt un early dato
Willie tho llttlo fouryearold son of
Mr and MrsHichmoud of the South side
cut off tho Mrst joint of his little finger
yesterday nftumnon while plavlng with a
sharp hatchet belonging to his father
Hcv John A Urooks of Missouri will
deliver a tcnipornnco lecture lu tho court
house in this city noxt Wednesday c > oil
ing Tlio ministers in the various
churches aic requested to nnnouncu said
lecturo from their pulpits this morning
Ileal estate transfers recorded yester
day Otto Jllesel to Citizens Iliilldlng
and Loan association lotI Evans addi
tion consideration 8760 1 C Hughs
and wlto to J IJ Martin 26x05 feet out
of lot l block 161 Daggetts addition
consideration 300
Thomallcnrrlors rcporttliat tho busi
ness of the Vort Worth pontodlco Is con
stantly Increasing anil that every few
dnvs they hao now names on their lists to
dollver letters to showing that tho In
crease of population of Kort Worth by
immigration has not stopped
HherlffWT Maddox leaves or San
Antonio this morulng In clmrgo of Stcllt
Harper and Carrlo 1oster two women
wanted at the Alamo city as witnesses In
tho Cook murder case Mr Maddox will
stop over at Austin on his return trip
and cxpcot3 to bo at homo Wednesday
A tunaway team belonging to Mr Ion
lloaz made things hum on Main street
yctcrdav They were drawing a small
wiiLtin loaded with shingles vthlch were
scittrred far and wide with a
most profuse prodigality The
affrlghteniil animals took tho sidewalk
about tho Intersection of Fifteenth nnd
made pedesttlans scatter Continuing
their wild career thoy ran igalnst a tele
graph pole causing one of them to turn a
double somersault that would have done
no discredit to a circus acrobat though
the poor brute was badly hurt thereby
Tho Alvln To lln Comedy company will
play two nights In 1ort Worth during thn
present month Their ndvnnco agent
Mr J M Hyde Is already In tho city
nnd yesterday atternoon In company
with Mr Charles Uenton he dropped Into
tho olllce of W V Lake Ksq the well
known Houston street hardware mer
chant to form his acquaintance Mr
Hyde Is tlio husband of the nleco of
IIItam Shermau Kq a prominent boot
nnd shoo mercbint of Lincoln III Mr
Shermau Is a tried anil warm friend ol
Mr Lake from tho days of boyhood and
hi > Instructed hi nephewlnIaw upon bis
arrival In Kort Wortli to look up his old
friend Mr IIde carried out his In
structions to the letter and tho meeting
was a very agreeable one on both sides
f om Ollior Cilinrl
Tub Gakbttb regrets to lenrn that its
article In yesterdays Issue about the mls
fortuiKv of it tooklssable colonel has
been construed by some to refer to our
dlstlnuulshed fellowtownsman Col A
J Whcatley Such a belief however er
roneous jiusthuvca tendency to injure
Col Wheatley in his candidacy tor
mayor and also to unsettle his
standing with tho fair sex
with whom fn the past he has
been deservedly popular It gives us
pleasure to state that it is without any
foundation whatever and that Col
Whcatlys fcklrts are as char of this indis
cretion as thu Alpine mouutalns of Texas
mud It was another colonel
up Tin cannon haix
a rjtitnp iautv or immigrants mom
oiiio who ao to wiciIua
Anions tho large number of passengers
w ho got off at the Kort Worth Union de
pot yesterday were twcntyMx people oc
cupjinc a special car to themselves A
Oazettk reporter on investigating found
that they came from Springfield Ohio and
that they were the advance guard of an
Immigration party of fiftysix families
who will settle In Wichita county
around Wichita Kails The balance
of the party will follow their
friends wltslu ninety days A large pro
portion of the immigration now coming
to the state Is being diverted np the Fort
Worth i Denver through the effort of the
enterprising management of that road
Tho territory through which it runs Is Ket
tllntr up at a wonderful rate nnd being
tributary to Kort Worth this city Is
feeling perceptibly thu impetus to Its
ova roiiLiosoimoM
tiiz skconij vrrrK m tiik nkw ykk
The following Is th weekly fetatetneBt
of at erase actual enrollment attendance
and tantlnesisln the city public whools of
Kort Wortli for the week ending Friday
January 16 ISKBs
si J
So V
N k VI
Nt > VII
Outs high
Boys With
W I8
Tim lilllns u a
attciMla c en
9 >
7S 7i
t leproJImentsBd
r c In urdles <
istjiiijto the < < Jino > u oWf
ralo ntudtiButnun Tn rti w
pvXfXT trfltt ft tbo PUB
pals and teacher arc rotnlndul tbst
punctuality on their part is a modal and
a stimulating example
tiikv uor
a vun or Mwciicns wiiosk iirurv in
i kis oitun aoT tiirm lNTOTnoqurjt
fonn ojltfcs night clerk at tho Metro
polltan hotel was arrested yesterday on
a clmrgo of assault preferred by two men
have been boarding at tho MetropoU
LJ n ° dRc9 E o bond In the sum of
9100 ami nat released It seems that
tho two complainants asked for their ling
ttago Krlday night without tin formality
of settling their bills Tho utmost was
tio ttcly declined by tho U rk His
lodgors proceeded to enforce it nltyway
and gathering up their luggage
started to take French leave As they
reached tho door a slight ejaculation from
the clerk caused them to look back nnd
in doiug so thoy glanced down tho shining
barrel of a formidablelooking roolvcr
Drop that baggage said tho clerk
Tho baggage hit tho floor tvlth a sick
ening thud
Oil said thu clork
Two pair of heels shot down tho street
at a goasyouploaso gait Their owners
feel that thoy hau boon Insulted and as
saulted und to rolleo their outraged
feelings filed this complaint
Hodges is a young beardlessfaced
man fresh from tho Kast Ho came to
Koit Worth with thu Max Thomas Opera
company tho stranding of which reduced
his tlnauehl status below par It ts said
that a crowd of bullies have been having
things ptetty much as they pleased with
him but that ho surprised them on Krl
day night and when thu gun began to
wave about In n reckless sort of manner
tho ntrnns thick and resonant with Hap
ping conttnlls
iUouhvmmi or mi mxt mkictinu to
Tho following Is tho programme of tho
llrst meeting for i860 of tho Tarrant
county tenehers which will be held in
frchool liulldinr No a Saturday January
20 ntlOnni
1 How can tho Htamtadof Iroilcleiiny of Onr
Teacho bolmproodr Irot Ilnnhy
2 Drawing with cln cxnrcltoa MImHiiA
X rim Kutnro Outlook of tlio Public
Krhools Irot Dauniort
t Ilnw to teach Morals In tho schools Class
Instruction Mlia Jones
fi CallsthciituaCla s Drill Miss Sneer
0 Kjstoin ITOfMIIonbrook
7 larallolMudloa lrofOorrnrd
8 Subject to bo annouueed lrof Connelly
On account of the Inclemency of tho
weather since tlio beglunlug ol tho year it
has not been possible to hear from the
presidents of thu divisions of the county
or tho programme would bo even fuller
than It Is
Tho teachers of tho city school belong
ing to theThird district are expected to
attend this meeting nnd hence many of
thorn have been given places upon tho
Judge Ifitrman will glvo the Institute
his presence and will actively take part In
the deliberations
Our citlens arc cordially Invited to
lend their Inlluencu to be present and to
take part lu the discussions
Aixx IIooi Chaltman
ljtoi MtmitAV Sectetary
ISiilriilitOroiiiiMl Corn
Tho Kort Worth Oroctr Co Is selling
Hatavla canned corn at 16 cents a ciiii
kimiXI u
Itnrt HiiiHahUp mi tlio Hniitit lo Ititstness
Notiti lijri oiiuti
Bpcclal to tbo Uazette
Kkjinkh TiMt Jan 16 Traln No 83
on thoGutf Coloiitdua Stuta Ku road
Conductor Wyso was wrt eked yesterday
morning ut about 6 oclock The wreck
occurred fifteen miles southeast of Lam
Pumih Kivo box cars were mashed Into
splinters and the caboose ditched but
no one was Injured though some made
a narrow escape one man jumping off
tho train just us his box which by the
way wus chartered fur hlmsell only
without thu knowledge of the conductor
was leaving the track Some 400 yards of
track were torn up but tho wreck has
been removed and tho rotd is ready for
frte transit Tho passengers and mall
on the regular train from iirowiwood
were transferred across tho wreck yester
day morning us not to impede travel
uur delay the mulls
The new business house of John Hague
Is about comjili te and he will soon occupy
it with u full lino of goods
Mrs C B Kubauk wile of our popular
lumber dealer has returned from Austin
where she has been for medical treatment
Her case Is a peculiar one having almost
entirely lost htr voice a few months ago
which has not yet been fully restored
Tho rcctot told spell here was thu
scv < rest known for a long time Stock
suffered very illtle considering the sever
ity Skating In thu river formed the chief
amusement during the cold spell
bcvcal prospectors from tho Eastern
states have recently visited us with a
view of locating and some are with us
They are good substantial men such as
wo want
Messrs Scott Blackburn have Just
opened up a nice lot of groceries and a
Hue stock of drugs They have just had
Ihelr house ltted up and are now ready
lor business
It tritMTIi m
And they buy freely when tfiey see what
they can get on the 10 20 and 26cent
counter at the Kort W orth Grocer Co s
Court or Appeals
Special to the Uazette
GaivkstoN Tex Jan 1C Tho court
of appeals John I White presiding and
Samuel A Wilson associate Judge today
iciidend dicislotiH In the following ca esi
Tho Iexas Mexican lUIIway Company
vs U A Wills Jrotn Webb county re
versed and remanded
Joe Favors vs the State from Lime
stone Thhf was a case of attempted
rape and the pritonerbad been sentenced
to live j cars thU court reversed tho sen
tence and remanded the case Opinion
by White V J
George Davis vs the State from IJexar
a case of assault with intsnt to kills en
tcnoe of two jrors affirmed
W C Cnntilngtmm ts the State from
Ited Hirer offenseborfoatealing Mmt nw
of fiveyearo alllroicd
Adrlsno de Oil vs the State from La
jSallcciunty tbl wmi case or murder
in the llrst degree and the prisoner had
been fiwud polity and m ntenced to ruing
this court affirms tbo finding Opinion
by Wlion
Collier Heard b the State from Csinp
offtmite iwsault with Intent to murderi
sentence Of two years affirmed
A Olft
The Kort Worth Grocer Co will pro
seutyoawllh cap and wucerby pur
cliMlng 0uo4if Joand of Sliver King
flaking ItyWer t 26 c nu a pound
ItoiMre r
> lr t torasUi VmUtt
jpuUn prmoxBpralvs prove
eculwily prompt percptlbjy
A FAMIIiI vendetta
A Son Pals a Mullet Through Ills
Drunken Inthcrs Itrcftst lo Smo
Ills Mothers Ltfo
The Unite Hliuots IIU InriB > itsr Hint At
tempts toMnssn r Ills Mlioln fnmlly
The SlotheraTesttmoii
Special to the Uarctle
HKNitttsTTA Tkx Jan UL Today
about 4 oclock nm a shooting affray
took placo In Henrietta which Is too tor
rlblo to enter tho columns of a piper
NVtUlnm Taylor being somewhat under
tho Inllucnco of liquor wout to his homo
In this cty about a oclock n in today
and began n quarrel with his wlfottnd
children Taylor soon How Into a bad
state of feeling ami took his pistol pro
Ptratory to killing his family They suc
ceeded lu taking it from him and then he
said ho Was going to kill them anyway
ami took his wife by tho hair with one
htuvl and a pair of scissors 111 tho other
ns It to out her throat While lit this
attitude his son Tom about Uilrteen
o 9 old got hold ol a rule
and shut his fattior through tho
broast tho ball entering on ono side of
thu breast and coming out on tho other
Tho wound Is thought not tit bo fatal
Immediately after Taylor was shot lie
grabbed tho gun front his sou nnd at
tempted to shoot some ono of the family
Tho imiwlo was thrown down by some
ono of thuni and tho weipon was tired
shooting ono of his daughters through tho
calf of tlio leg This laughter Is about
grown Taylor Is now sober and gives
his sou Tom credit for tho bravery ho dis
played In defending his mother brothers
anil ulsters Tom Is ready to bo tried nt
any time ns ho feels Juslllled In doing
whatlunlld Taylor Is lu bed ills u x
ninlnlug trial will come up as soon ns ho
gets out which will bo ueforo long It Is
Special to tho latolte
IlKNitiKiiA Tkx Jan lO At this
placo today ttbout 4 oclock n in n
drunken husband attempted to commit
foul murder oil tho whole faintly and then
to commit suicide An examining tilal
was hud today ol tho son who shot the
father with a rifle lu defense of tho fami
ly Thu wife Is tho only witness who tes
tilles nnd sho relates thu story as fol
1 saw tho defendant today beforo tho
making of the complaint WllllamTaylor
my husband came homu di unit
lust night about 10 oclock Ho brought
home whisky and tried to get me to drink
It and I would not drluk Ho made the
children drink ns long as they rould drink
and then poured some down his daugh
ters throat nnd heather on the head with
his list Wo begged of him to stop and
told him that we nil liked him well
enough nud were not mad nt him He sat
In a chair until about 1 oclock this morn
tng He went to sleep and fell out of his
chair and m > daughter and I picked him
up und put hliu lo bed and he let on llko
he was asleep until ttbout a oclock He
had a pistol lit his pocket
when wo put him to bedwhlch I tout out
and put away In thu trunk lu another
loom vvlicie my daughter slept When I
awoko ho was out o bed and in my
daughters room I got up nndstcrted to
go into the room where ho was Ho heatd
mu and camu out and met me He took
hold of mu and commenced to choke inn
and told trie was going to kill mu Ho
pulled mu buck Into the bedroom con
tinuing to choke me buthu soon quit and
went to looking as If tiylug
to Und something to strike me with Ho
found nothing He then felt in Ids pocket
for Ids pistol and asked where It was I
told him that it was put away und that
none of ids family were going tft hurt
him Ily tills lino my daughter niitl the
defendant had hold of him and told him
to let me uloric He told them no he
wasgolpg to kill me and said to mo
you have begged off beforo but you will
not beg off this time Then ho throw
the children back Into thu bedroom and
gotapalrotsclssoisoff of tho table and
opened them and diew my head back by
my hair and said he was golug to kill mo
While In the act of striking my throat
With tho scissors the defendant shot
him with a rllle 1 think
In his left breast the ball rang
ing across his breast Ho then
dropped the scissors and snldt I am
killed He then swore ho would kill
tho whole family
After hu was shot he succeeded In
getting the gun from the defendant and
his wile still had hold of him und ho
tried lo shoot ills daughter The wife
pushed the gun down so that It was low
hut hu tired and the ball struck his
daughter just above tho ankle making
only a flesh wound Thu Viltn ns stated
further while nut testifying that Will
lam Taylor said ho was ready to die him
self nud that he would do as hu pleased
with his family and that he would kill
them all ami tin u kill himself After
hehnd shot his daughter he told them ho
was killed and tried to persuade his wife
to let him loose She thinking that he
was only wanting to get a chance to kill
them continued to hold him with the
empty gnn in his hand until she could
send for some of the neighbors Shortly
some ono tame In and took the gun and
the mattcrended
As coon as William Taylor got sober ho
said tho boy did right in shooting him
and saving the life of his mother Under
tels testimony the court discharged the
defi mlant Tom Taylor The citizens say
If Tom ought to bo punlsned at ail it
should be for not making a be tier shot
Catwru Si lf <
The Houston street confectioner None
but the purest candles also dealers in
all kinds of tropical fruits
Jlival to tlin Hell Trltuh n
BnatiaviKLD Ohio Jan 16 Hie Gray
Nailotml Telephone company of Chicago
was licensed by the secretary of state to
day capital stock 8200000 The In
corporators are KHz Gray Nelson K
Swartoutand Noble J Judah
Nn u l
Has the IfeNo tea at tbo Port Worth
Grocer Co sale agentsTry It when yon
want the beat In tbo market
dttelflst fcrmaaeot profit pie by ui wtrtbqaske
jt Wflsd piswir rtratootteg
t pee 1drcbtise Trta
jbanitwisut pstroBbchs n
IDIK I lij llfnamlvm
VovkbhSi N V Jan lo A small
wooden Imildlng looxtiy thrown to
gether in which were 260 pound oi
dynamite storrd In a frozen stale at
shaft No 14 at the Croton nqatdoet was
blown up nt 1220 oclock this morning
spreading destruction In all rllnctlons
Aronod the building were the engine and
compressrooms ut the jrtuft boarding
iionsef snd other buildings which were
si baiiy damaged A peculiar featnrr vf
Vm sffiir the fact that nobody nt
bnrt with the exception of a Mrs Vox
who keeon a rjo rdn house near the
thaft and worn only nrwlved H U
brahea Oitss fn all tie hoim > lo the
oelgkliorbooa were broken and people at
a distjshce thought tb shock waj cxtiaed
foro Iluikw nt
The 1ort Worth Groc t ioapahfMtt
ttHrsiBCj6irhfc tIfu6W
k OH
A Dlsnstroiis Mtrlkit Tlirsittiiieil
1iriHiiuitn 1a Jan HI A conven
tion of coal diggers nud coku drawers of
Ilia Connellsvlllo region will ho held at
Scottdalo today to discuss tho wage
question Thoro seems to bo no doubt
that an nilvnurc in Wages will Initio
miindml Under thu present prices ol
coke this will mean a strike which will
bo felt all over tho country A member
of tho uoko syndicate speaking of tho
movement sale that if n strike was de
clared It would close almost every fur
nace In thu Dulled Stales nnd cause
serious loss to thousands of people
i i
Oiipiiii Si Urn
Manufacturers ol pure tiomomndo Inliry
candles and dunlers In fruits oi all kinds
Itiitlmi Jonds
Tho placo to buy cheap Is at Knkos H
Co s A full nud complete assortmeni
< S i i
Abiilnliily Iure
Tho Kort Wotth Grocer company is
selling the very purest nrtlolo of buck
wheat Hour
a full pound
And v rry day thereafter Wo shall t iter for sate the fine utoek of neotls nf
Heclc llnltor
Wilt furnish esttmiitos of cost oa all kinds ol
IlulMlnK HholvliiHi Counters oto
Port Wortli
Attorney nt Law
Offldoover Oily National JUnfc Ft Worth Toi
AttornoyH nt Hj w
Onoonvnr First National Hank FtWorlh T >
lnro rlns < 1amsieiiiv fltesnd wnlerliillia roeont sreslllro
ttjw potnlisseniiuiHiiii n iy nnd in < onnr anvbiinl nf
tl dlhu
uin h r einalnndwatmimiehnt HnH e slocf
for nn
Hie public
Ureedcrof Klnrst llloode In Btoct
Jl JLJLcwan JL QQjJhjbMm CJ3kW vvj
The edit weatherotihHM t
then khhIsIii ruoil rewrtiiioH
opkwntiillin uiieiiteiintiit JtVgs
ili W Vim A on in llm wariiirpoll htitwe wsiilm roiivd
Fino Dross Goods
Boots and Shoes
Mens Undorwoar t
Mens Hose
Ladies Hose
Mens Hats Etc Etc all at
i2 ntitl ItOl HoiiNlnii Mnif
< > r any
Stoclc Farm
KmbalmlnK a Hpcclnlly tlnitettaklnif In eonnectton with Htnbln Finest flonrso In the Hlnut
80f lo KIIH ItiMiKlHii Hlnct Iorl Worlii Toy
Kdit if
Knife Plus Tobacco
Tlic heal Plug Tobacco on tlio murkct fiiiiiifaetiind out of tho Jlntfit rotlrkd Wohfip
grown in Kentucky with n sweet flavor that cannot he excelled t >
Inys 05 eent for a fancy Pen or Jack Knife well worth the money mid gflbii a oiuft f
plug of the flntHt Tohaceo that can he niaiiufaedired V Y t
Tobapcoehewertf who enjoy a really flne chew ahoiild not fail to mt for Knife Tpbc0j
It ia put tip in 30 and J2pouud hutta lOounce fnllWiight el b or Hiwoih > WtttUittM
under the top cover of each butt m packed a ca e of 30 or 32 PKK OHJAOK JCStVJW
numbered to eoircupoiid with a like number on each plug of Tobacco Tim voiMWM iv
a pound lump and takes the knife corre pondingwjth the inimber under the fttHp on tjia lili P
A quick Keller like the Knife Tobacco plcuM your GtibUmwWffWW WWbbty
irtwement for your house flend In a trial order f
rliole atJe iixxcxzey
i h
a ojrt Wf
n >
yi S

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