OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, January 18, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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Stockmen Fcnrfnl Tlmt Unfriendly
IllnHts and llnvlftl Skies May
lbt Do Them Harm
Homo iMItorlnl Itrnmrlta Tho loniulnUo
Syitcm In City OMIcc Denounced
Tho Texnn St louis
Special to llio Caiottc
Wjico Tbx ilau 17 Toilay has been
dismal and gloomy In tho extreme n cold
rain ailing and with tho mercury Just
low enough to freeze tho rain ax It falls
Stockmen tiro very nppiclionslvo that an
other bllmrd will come up in wheh case
cattlo will MioitsHlly suffer Thoy
passed through the Intense cold ot n week
ago all right but that snap wag not pre
coded by lain as now
The Kxaralnor this morning do
votes considerable attention to Fort
Worth and Tin GAzuritf saying
Wo dont want to bu olllulons but wu
cannot ret rain from the remark that the
best thing TUB Oaktti can do In regard
to the struggle between Fort Worth and
Dallas Is to conciliate nil kinds of Influ
ence rictvBpaporlal nud otherwise It
Isnt w ac In Ntralnlng out after offonso
where nothing of the sort Is Intended but
otherwise The present year offers the
crucial test to those two cities and noth
ing which will servo tho Foit ought to he
wantonly thrown aside or treated lightly
We confess that In a struggle of this kind
our sympathies go voluntarily to tho
weaker side but Tun Gazbtti will not
have them It seems
Tho lAamlnrr also pays Its respects to
what is known hero as the perquisites
system lu tho remuneration of city offi
cials On this subject it says
Tho time Is comtug when the peoplo
will ho called upon to elect an
other chief magistrate for tho
city and ouo nldermiu fur each
ward The ft lends of pio ress es
teem this un excellent tlmo to commence
the move for the abodshinent of the
odious perquisite system which has pre
vailed In this city lor so maDy years and
with so many bud results A few days
slue our livening contemporary handled
tho subject with u Might but deft touch
WiS wore pleased to see it nud wo would
bo glad to see not only the Day but every
other engine of public opinion lu this
city enlisted In tho task of upsetting this
Iniquitous public policy Let us pay our
major city recorder city attorney mar
shal nud the police u fulr and decent
salary and then If thoy neglect busi
ness turn 10in out and put men
In who will do It for tho balary
Thero Is a great deal of feeling hero on
this perquisites business nnd It will be
ono of tho issues lu tho coming municipal
campaign The recorder city attorney
marshal and policemen all receive per
quisites which di puud on tho conviction
of parties charged with violating tho city
ordinances and those poiquisltca furnish
the chief source of lemuueratlon of said
Hon Cioorse Chirk attorney for tho
Texas Bt louis railroad 1ms jmt ar
rived from Now York Jlelng tntcrviowod
on the probpi cts of the road ho said It is
on a boom Tho reorganization will bu
completed In u few duvs ami then look
out for llio hrondgingo They haw
plenty of money to opoiato on and the
road la now doiug uu Immense busi
ness Twentyfour bundled tom of ilftv
slxpouud steelialls ire being purchased
every month and sometime In tho spring
the gauge will ho ohsnaeit to the standard
measure Thu company Is purchasing
sttuulaidgaugrt ties and thoy uio being
put down till along tho lino AH tho
heavy hills and cuts aie being widened
and tuts meant lint tho Texas St Louis
would bo In coiuplotlon next fall to com
pute with other standard lines
K tho conipauy built into St Louis
right away the lino would run from Mai
den Station a distance of about HO miles
from tho future great o
IlolmtammimU for lliU VVmikWmitliir
Unci Wont Ittui Siiiuiiillui Out
Special tu tliu Uaioltn
GAtNitsviiu Tux Jau 17 There
Wt > r < i tho usual Sunday son Ices at all the
chinches today but tho unluvorablo
weather caused tho congregations to bu
Tho past week Is thu first lu soino tlmu
In which thero has not been an onteiUttu
uiont of some kind at the opernhouso
Hut tlila week will not bo llku the last
In this respect Miss Atieo Stockton
of jt louis will lecture tomorrow
night on the subject of Chronology and
CnyHloguomy Next Saturday ulghcIan
uary thu llotund Itcud combination
will lender Cheek
City Attorney W I Wanton published
a card In tbo Hesperian this morning de
clining to bo a cauilldato lor iuulcctuu
and thanking the peoplo or their support
lu tho past Mr niauton has hold tho ol
llco of city attorney uninterruptedly for
fiopast six years
dpi J M Witglttlsns yet thu only
candidate for city attorney that his uu
nounced himself as such
It D Glllenvvatnrs one of our promi
nent business men Is thinking of estab
lishing a business limine in the town of
MontHguo In addition to hit Ureonuville
stotu Mr illlunwnlcTS Is a live busi
ness man uml if bo carries out his Inten
tion Montague will have reason toaejolco
then at
Schwarr Slmmoas ono of our pionil
uent grocery firms yo orday purchased
u half Interest In the bilek imlhllugiuxt
to tho Gaintsvlllo Nittlonut bank on Kast
California Htrcit Tho building men
tloned Is now occupied by the dry goods
firm of M lowlu Bro Tho price paid
for tho half lutetest was 8000 cash
Thu thermometer hero today has stood
suvonil degrees below fnelug and It has
been cloudy all day K has slootcd u
little and a cold drlwto has been falling
a part of tho tlmo
n > 1 1
A riitnl Tnmliln from n VVnKm Niht Ar
rl Hl iiuioh Mii > or
Speehdta tho ilmette
CniOAOO Uu Jan 17 Ou thu oven
lug of tho 14th Inst about nluo miles
southeast of Cisco MrWards family and
Mrs 1llppo of Mlllsnp wore rldlug In a
luraberwagon to church when ono of the
wagon wheels struck a small stump
which throw Mrs Fllppooutof tho wagon
and she fell upon her left shoulder and
when picked up seemed seriously hurt
Mr Ward immediately carried hor to tho
nearest house and scut for a doctor but
before a doctor arrived sho was dead
Mrs Fllppo was visiting hor son lu this
county who lives ou lccnn creek Sho
was fortyfour years old aud enjoying
tho very best of health when this acci
dent happened Hor husband was tele
graphed for and arrived Saturday morn
S G Hlncs and family nnd two Misses
Bacon all ol McCracko county ICy ar
rived in Cisco one day last weekt Jllncs1
family aro relatives of Mr Tom Wake
and tho Misses Hacon aro sisters of Mrs
Illako Thoy have como to Cisco to stay
Mr Illncs will Invest in property hero
aud oxpccW to go Into business
The ladles of tho Ircsbytcrlan clnirtsh
gave a mill and mush supper nt Mr 1
Thompsons last Thursday evening for
tho benefit of their church It was well
attended and very enjoyable
Tho Presbyterians have changed tho
time for tho meeting of their Sunday
school from 3i30 oclock p m touiKO
oclock a in
MoioConlMlnr Oponlnc 17p Tlio fimoliy
City ItmlonCnttlii
Special to tho Onzotte
Down Tux Jan 17 Another cold
wave got hero this morntig tho thormoin
otor dropping to H abovo aero It Is
now sleeting with n bad outlook for the
stock Tho last cold snap did very little
d image to cattle only throe head belug
lost in this vicinity
Two more coal minus aro now boing
opened within three miles of Howie spe
cimens from both mines being pronounced
nsgood as the Stephens coal Bowlo
will soon bo called tho smoky city of Tex
as as manufactories aro bound to come
to good cheap coal Mr Stephens has
more orders than ho can possibly lilt for a
while but Is Increasing his foico so as to
moot thu demand
John C Ilniwii In Lllio Unto llli IJrutlior
for Untrrjrliio uml llinlnom
Special to tho luetic
Uoniiam Tex Jan 17 Woaiore
Juiced to know that xGov J C Brown
of Tonueese has full control of tho Texas
Caclllc road We can now feel assured
that something will bo done toward Im
proving tho roadbed and tho old dilapi
dated depots to accommodate the pas
senger travel Mr Brown is tho light
man in tho right place full of enterprise
and goahead which Is so characteristic
to his family ho being a brother of Aaron
H Brown postmastergoneral under tho
Iluchnnan administration just prior to
tho war of which Texas people have a
right to know something about what liu
did for tho mull facilities Texns at that
time being a wild and unsettled country
Ills name will over bo cherished as that
of Sam Houston and wo look to John C
tor ruthoud fares
Ilonllh In Wtmltli
Got one of those chest protectors nt K
M Wells drug store nud avoid lung
The Btiirn llimrdlun 111 Not Sny TIipiu Nny
Ho rimy Kliinml fmKolliliig
Sppclul to the Onzotte
Savoy Tkx Jan 17 The weather
continues cold and dhagrcoablu It is
feared tho wheat crop has been contld
oribly damaged by tho recent thaws and
sovero freees
George Ashor having purchased tho
building formerly occupied by D T Mc
Mahon Intends ilttlm sami up with a
largo stock of furniture Savoy
then can boast of two furniture
stoics second to uono In Fannin couuty
tho other being owned by our gonial
townsman Col K A Hood who Isdolng
n inshlng business throughout the
Quito n soiisatloivil Incident in tho mat
rimonial line occurred here tho other
evening A young gallant of this place
A Goodwin by name and Miss Lula
Knulor a great favorite In society here
Hiving determined to forego single
blessedness nnd enter upon tho uncer
tain sea ol matrimony and fcuilug
all would not bo well should tho young
ladys tuardlan Geo Houston hear of
their laudable Intentions secretly
determined to elopo and both boarded
tho eastbound train at ti5 but the Irate
guardian having caught ou quietly
stepped aboard tho sinij train Arriving
at Bouliam tho denoulcemuut followed
thoy received thu blessing of tho sup
posed trato guardian and were quickly
united for life May their future bo us
prowpeious as their mairlago was excit
ing Is the wish of their many friends at
this place
HeNo tea at Kort Worth Grocer Cos
A Moral MmniH Htrlltn tli Vitiligo llclovr
tin unit liviiry l y Ik Hominy
Special to tho Gazette
Dallas Ticx Jan 17 For Dallas
this Is a very dlsagroiablo day Haln has
been falling most of thoday Thostrcets
aro very ley and the few who walked
them weiu compelled to tread with care
As a consiqucnoo tho churches have been
generally speaking poorly attended
The colored bovs wounds who was as
saulted by two of his comrades in Dallas
of which todajs GAZurn spoke aro not
today considered serious His assailants
have not as yet been arrested
Tho ball given at the Moi chants ex
ohango by tho Hebrew fair management
last night was a success
J W Burford and W Iltavoickof Fort
Worth are In tho city
Mr C V Martinez will open tonior
iow another cigar storo In connection
with his old stand Tho now store will
bo lust ono block abovo th old one on
Main street Tho room has been hsnd
soraely tltted up
Quito a number of immigrants from
Tennessee left for the South on the Santa
Kc this morutng
Dallas piiscnts quite n different view
on Sundays to whit It formerly did pre
vious to tho city ordinance prohibiting
metehaudHlug of any character save
news stands and restaurants HUheito
until 0 oclock In the morning nud after 4
in the evening It was a dllllcmH matter to
discriminate between hlinday ami nny
other dsy But now It Is quite illffieut
Very few am seen on tho street nnd it
very much resembles a quiet rural village
Much Improvement has been bindeon the
Sunday morality Tho city authorities
liavo also takcu steps to modify the
excitement of Un city during other
days aside from Sundav by the pax
sago of tho city ordliiauco prohibiting
tho famous variety shows One of tho
varieties of tho city has protested Jn th
way of a circular sotting forth tho elavat
lug and dignifying lnllucucis of the aver
age variety Tncse circulars have boon
profusely distributed over town but it Is
very doubtful whothor or not thoy will be
lndoisedby tho average ouurchguer If
tho morality of the city doesnt Improve
surely no faultcau bo justly laid at tho
door of thu city council
An AmntvurUstectlTO HolnanrnTliatMiiy
Irove to tie loumtcd on Jnct
In the following sketch tbo names o per
Ron anil localities Imvn liocn nlUrcillor olivl
oik runiout CopyrIflit lMtf
I Oil Christmas day of 1881 a little
over twelve months ago the body of Mol
lie Brown a colored servant In tho city
of B in Texas was found hacked
to pieces In the yard about 100 feet from
her house Hor murder which had been
committed on a bright moonlight night
had boon accompanied by terrible out
If On May 7 1885 Llzzto Byron
another colored domestic was murdered
utider precisely similar circumstances
HI In tho following month Jauo Cres
cent still another colored servent was
found hacked aud mutilated and dead In
her own room
IV On August 30 little Mary Cullens
body mutilated In the same way was
found Jn a stable half a mile from her
mothers house whither sho had been
dragged blooding all tho way Tho child
was tint twelve years of ago Her mother
who lay In bed with hor on that falai
night was horribly wounded In the head
witli un ax but recovered
V On September 2 came tho next
Mrs Grade Leo and Orango Jefferson
colored lived us man and wlfu In a cabin
Lnclnda Wilson and Tatety Dobbins
mulatto girls boarded with them Tho
man nud womau slept lu one apartment
thu girls In tho other On tho date men
tioned nt night Jefferson was hammered
Into Insensibility nnd died tho next morn
ing i Oracle Leo was taken from his side
pulled out of the window diagcd along
tho roail scvontyflvo yards aud had hot
brains beaten out with u stone the two
girls we to beaten presumably with a
sand bag and when thoy recovered con
sciousness could tell nothing about thu
VI In October Jennie l go another
colored domestic was found dead In tho
utiial way and ufter having suffered sim
ilar horrors
VII On Christmas ovu 1685 just one
year from tho first murder two white
married women wore assassinated and
dragged from thotr hods to tho grounds
oulsldo their houses Tho body of one
was found with a heavy log across It
Both had been killed with an ax The
husband of onu of them was found welter
ing lu blood from the blow ol an ax over
tho ear Ho recovered
Moro than four hundred porsons havo
boon nrrestod In B for these crimes
but nono of them has been held North
ern and Southern detectives the local
police bloodhounds and all thu parapher
nalia ingenuity could duvlso have been
used In tho endeavor to discover the niur
< loreisbut to no purpose
Sitting In my room at midnight reading
tho details of this mess of horrors moio
frightful than loo or Hugo or Dumas over
conjured up from romantic brain slttlu
there with nothing else In my room alive
save my lamp I tried to think this mat
ter out Thieo days after I alighted at
tho railway station of B tho scune of
this reniaikublo series ol murders
I Gerald Shanly a Now Yoi k newspaper
man had a theory concerning them So
strongly had tho conviction that It was tho
correct ono grown upon mo that 1 felt it
to bo my bounden duty to test It
My steps were tlrst bent tp the Ollleo of
tho pilnclpal newspaper In tho town
whom I asked to seo tho editor f found
him accesslulo and ready to grant an In
terview to u Northern confrere at a mo
munts notice A young lady however
sat at a desk lu nuniher part of tho room
and glancing at her 1 suggested that our
Interview must be private Tho editor
looked Inquiringly at me but gracefully
got rid of the young lady nevertheless
I have come Mr Blank I said to
tho editor to try aud solvo tho mystery
of these terrible murders
It was plain at onco that ho took mo for
a crank
Well ho answered everybody lu
B has been trjlng to do that for a year
1 know It but dont bo discouraged
bi cause they have failed
Well havo you nny clow
I think I have but let mo ask you
one question If tho answer Is negative
my theory falls at tho very outset and I
titko tho next train for Now York
Dovoti havo mixed juries In your
Well some of them aro very much
mixed occasionally ho answered laugh
lng But you mean juries composed of
bjth white aud colored cltlcns
Certainly wo do
Tor how long have you had them
Why ever since the principle of tho
civil rights bill was Imbedded lu tho con
stitution of tho state
hor more than Uvo years
Now Mr Blank I said 1 am
thoroughly In earnest in belief that these
dreadful mysteiles can bo solved You
can help mo If you will by pretending to
employ me as au outside reporter on your
piper so that I shall havo some apparent
reason for being bore and ilso can gain
access to officials documents etc
Tho editor thought thu matter over
Why do jou not go to tho chief of
pollro ho asked or to thq detect
iveFor answer I asked htm whether the
police had not already auuouuccd their
belief that the o minders wore tho work
of ono man
Yes they have bo repliedand upon
thu grounds of thu similarity of facts In
all cases ami that every suspicious or
su pceted person In tho town Is under
cIomi watch Had thoto beeu moro than
one dlicovery must havo been brought
about before this
is that jour themy too
I shall have tho honor of disproving
An hour later I had taken n neat room
near the office and had mado the ac <
qiialntaueo of the reporters for tho paper
who woroveiy jolly and hospitable to
their new colleague as they thought him
01 course we could not talk lonxjwlth
out getting upon thu subject of thu mur
dors Vigilance committees had been
formed ward associations patrolled tho
streets at night no Viouiin ventured out
after sundown nnd every man In It
slept with a loadod revolver ready to his
hiud Tho negroes were lu au agony of
terror every ono of them wearlug u
vondou charm
That nights paper said i So thero Is
no theory left but that one Inhuman
monster has sacrificed a life c ry Imo
ho wished U ujratify a ghastly pusslon
Thinking over this senteucu lumy now
quarters that night t said to myself i
Bosh I Theso murders are hot commit
ted for tho sako of tbeft lor no property
has over been disturbed In tho victims
homes Lust strong as It is as a moth o
to crime is not powerful enough In these
cases as an incentive There Is but one
human passion devilish enough to furnish
tho motive for this horrlblo Berks of
crimes revenge
But can It bo possible that ono man
can entertain equal feelings of revenge
against nlrio persons living apart some
white aud some colored And Is it not
still more Incredible that two persons if
my theory bo correct that moro thau one
has engaged In these murders should
hav o precisely tho samn feelings of ven
geance against precisely the same por
sons unrl should take precisely the same
means of wreaking them
Wo shatl see
1 put my revolver on tho table by my
side turned down the lamp and went to
Tho editor had promised to assist mo
lu any way ho could I was not slow to
ask his assistance on tho next morning
Tho tlrst favor I asked of him was a note
of Introduction to tho coroner From
what Iliad learucd of lilm from tho re
porters I had determined to mako him my
only confidant aa to tho real mission 1 had
como on After telling him tberoforo I
asked whether I might bo allowed to seo
tho records of tho office for somo fow
years back Ho willingly complied giving
mo a private room lu which to Investi
gate them When wo were alone I snldi
Doctor did you conduct tho Inquest
lu tho case of all these murders
I did
Bight victim out of the nlno were
killed by tho blow of an ax were they
Was tho frontal bono crnshed lu In
each case
Then tho blow no matter how sharp
tho ax must havo been a very heavy
Now doctor plcaso try nnd think
whether tho Incision mado by tho nx was
deeper at ouo point than another In any
or In all cases
Tho doctor reflected
Yes it was ho replied
Was it not deeper toward tho lower
part of the faco than towards tho upper
Yes In all cases If 1 temember
atlght But what does that piovc he
It proves that the theory ot the police
that these murdeis aro tho work of ono
man Is wrong You havo doubtless
noticed that In striking a log of wood
with an nx the Incision Is deepest at the
polut where the ax strikes first While
tho heel of tho weapon comes away
easily the striker has often to wriggle
the other end of It two or three
times before It Is released Supposing a
man to be standing up to wield tho ax as
ho must necessailly bo to strike u blow
of such foice as to criih the frontal
bone tho incision would bo deep at tho
point farthest from him If tho deepest
lucislon in these cases has been at the
lowest pait of tho face thoieforc tho
man vv ho wielded tho ax must have struck
whllo standlug beltlud tho head of his vic
tim This proves that two porsons at
least were engaged In the murdeis Hit
one holding tho body while tho othei
That seems to bo so said the doctor
I say nothing continued I about
thu Impossibility of ono man wielding a
sandbag upon two enls in ouo room and
murdering two full rowu persons In tho
next room at the some tlmowithout cre
ating sufficient nolmt to ularin tho neigh
bors That is a circumstance for youi
police to reconcile with their oneman
theory No thero were tivo men euguged
In this crusade ot blnod and outrage In
my belief ono was a white man tho other
colored lerhcps these records will lead
us to dotermluowho iheyaro
An hour or so patseil in searching and
tho coroner again camo into thu little
Doctor I said suspending the in
vestigation of tho records for a moment
tho newspapers declaro that immediately
af tor one of these minders a suspected
man was traced these are tho vorv
words from tho stable across tho city to
whore ho took a hack Tito wheel marks
led up to an alley back of tho cabin in
which tho minder wna committed Thero
haok and man disappeared Is that so
Then there must havo been somebody
to drive the hack This was tho fourth
or fifth murder and of course wus mate
public next day
Wcro the hackmen Investigated or
did any of them voluutcur a statement
that he or any friend of his or auy other
hackmau was tho person hired
Tho hackmen wore Investigated A
proved It lrupossiblu that they could Ime
been Implicated Nobody came forward
to say a word as to his being hire
Crcclsely Do you know whv Sim
ply because this hack tho suspected man
look was not a regular hack but his
own Tho hack of a white man driven
by aiiegro each having his reveugo lo
wreak Further tho newspapers again
say aud tho pollen corroborate it that
on unother occasion a carriage was used
that Its tracks were followed for soino
miles from tho sceuo of the muulcr and
vvivo found to lead buck precisely to the
scene of the crino Is that so
And that when bloodhounds wcro put
on tho track thc v followed tho trail for
somo distance but suddenly wcro at
Does not that prove to your mind that
the old slave methods of confining the
scout had been adopted and that lu all
piobablllty a colored mau drove thnt
Tho doctor admitted that It looked like
Turning to the records I said
I seo hero that about six years ago tho
body ot a wellknown luckmau John
Smith was found In tho suburbs of your
town with a bullet In his head Do you
remember that case
Oh yes perfectly although I was not
coronor nt that time
Had hoover been engaged In litiga
No but hu wis an Important witness
for tho prosecution In a murder trial a
year or to before
Who was the lavvjer ou his side
Mr While Johnson a wellknown
member of the bar
Yonrrecordi here show that this law
vcr after the hacknmns mmder was
fouud ou a suburban highway with his
head crushed in by a stone as In tho
eui o of Griclu Lee last vear Is that so
> Aud thatshortly afterwards his father
was folludllnltrdercd
And then that his brother was found
In this murder trial lu which tho
murdered hackmau appeared as an Im
portant witness and In which tho mur
dered lawyer wan also a flgnrc what was
the verdict
Was tho sentenco carried ont
Now doctor can you tell mo by your
jury lists so far back what was tho com
position of that jury
Not by tho lists thoy are not accessi
ble easily But I perfectly remember tho
case It was a mixed jury somo white
sonic black
What was tho criminal
Thero wcro two a whlto man and a
colorctl man equally concerned In the
crime the double crlrao of outrage and
I shut tho book and the coroner and I
walked out together
Now doctor 1 said after a pause
You have lived nil your lite lu this
town You know everybody in It Will
you without saying a word to anybody
got the names of tho persons who coin
posed that jury about six years ago
Of what use my dear sir
I want to seo whether any person
white ot black who has been a victim of
these Honda during the last year was In
nny way related to any of those jurors
Tho amlablo doctor was thoroughly
I seo now exactly what you are driv
ing at ho paid If thero should havo
been upon that jury relatives of both col
ored and white victims of the recent mur
ders tho motivo Is established
Two days passed and I did not seo tho
coroner In the mcantlmo I visited tho
scenes of tho different mmdors but
gained nothing new from my Inquiries
On tho third day I again wont to the cor
oners office I found him there palo aud
almost trembling
Ho took mo silently luto tho Inner room
and we rat down
You wero right ho said almost
breathlessly lu tlvo cases at nil events
tho porsons who were murdered wero re
lated In somo degree to thoso who served
on that jury I have not had tlmo to In
vestigate the others but will do so at
once Among theso five cases Is there ono of
a white man
I confess that the revelation staitlcd
mo oven though I had expected it
Thu next question Is I said who
are likely to feel Interest onougn in this
vendetta to bo tho Instigators of it
Natmally tho relatives or friends of the
men who wcro hanged
The doctor nodded assent
Do you know if any such exist
No ho did not Tho trial had occurred
a long tlmo ago and ho could uot tay as
to that
Thou wo must find out said L And
depend upon It when yon havo located
them you are uot far from tho utFasslus
of the past teniblo year
Two days wero spent In Investigation
which had to lo conducted with the ut
most caution not only to prevent suspi
cion on the part of thojo of whom we
were in search but to btffle the police
who with tuolr usual fatuity chose to
consider mo a suspicious person and
dogged my footsteps pertinaciously uutll
I choic to elude thorn which was n corn
parativ ely easy matter
On tho iblnl day the doctor tilnmphed
This second discovery scorned nearly
to patalye him
If what you suspect Is true my dear
blr ho said breathlessly It Is awful
Havojou found them
No Onlv ono
Whlto or black
Precisely Ho Is tho man who
wielded the ax The white man domin
ated all through Tho colored mans
cunning bathed the bloodhounds tho
white mans Intelligence befogged tho po
lice What Is his name
John Doa
Is ho lu good clrcumstaucos
Yes a sort of gentleman farmer
What relation was he to tlw mau who
was hanged
Aud where Is his place
The doctor told mo It was at a distance
of somo three miles I buttoned my coat
and piepared to leave
Yon will not whisper a word of this
I nskctl until all is ready
Not a word but whero are vou
To tho residence of Mr John Doe
Man alive cried tho good doctor
you must not You will bo slaughtered
Just thluk a niomcHt You cannot bo so
My good doctor I replica lam not
going thero to tell Mr Doo that he is clis
covcicd Wo aro sure to bo even now
on tho wrong scent unless two things are
cleared up First Docs Mr Doo keep a
private hack Secondllas lie in hl
mploy a confidential colored man I am
going to just casually find out thoso two
things I shall seo you lu the morning
I wus well aware however that the
mission was a dangerous one for I had
now beeu in B long enough to bo
spotted by any who took an interest lu tho
arrival of a stranger But my old report
ing Instincts camo to mv aid aud I bet out
to Interview the farming peoplo wlthlu
tho radius of a mile oa tho prospects o
the spring crops etc I went to three
houses made copious notes was kludly
treated and In all of them was asked
eagerly tho first thing whether there
was anything new In town about the min
Armed with ray notes I uulatched tho
front gate of John Does and walked up
thu stoop
The house stood fully half a mile from
tho next in either direction nnd somo
dlttauco irom tho road It was neither
tidy nor dlityr evidently tho homo of a
Tho man who opened tho door I know
or John Doo Instantly A steelygray
eyed man of powerful build sallow
complexion six feet In height slow
spoken with bushy sisndlugout black
1 this Mr Doo I asked
It Is
I told him my ulleged errand and
showed him tho notes I had taken at oth
er houses
Somewhat ungraciously hu pulled tho
door asldo ami bade mo como In
I confess I felt a tremor as I passed the
threshold Not another soul was about
and 1 was bchilets in tho presence of a
man Whom I belloved the murderer of
nine persons in ono year
Now and again as I was biking my
notes I caught his cold glittering eye
Used in a very nncomtortlug
way on me
But I got through all sight He did not
ask mo to drink Ho said nothing about
anything but what I asked him
preclons llttlu about that
But so fir i riQ
farther thiT nvestlW
wanted to know mT 4
side lane by tho h l
I had
gone lint thhJS
vylth a mop and talti
In hh own wav i H
looking as hlfficr 1 j
now thoroughly i
high road L °
and wn Wi
No sleep that H3S5i
lag all being n S i
c o
No I said U
Is a paragraph ii
murdeis clipScdl Wfl
papers which4 will X
ldcncolfyonclooSftoU i
I road is follows fwhff vl
also n thu New Y k ijSl
criminals did la
not i
against themselves L l
lllolcss fingers had a M
clmlu attached
to a
crystal tho fragments
found near hor body
Tho coroner tho nvu I
ccodedatlastln convl W
a raid on tue KiJtZ
Doe and to secure tbl
and his colored scrvaut
It was done
Mri Doo was arrested atV
that > ia
coachman wuVSi
the garden before he conldffl
pnguutlpatlcat search S
Undis of tho mutilated S
vyhero tho
negro had hto
this hetho colored maSi
Does relative
crctoftheB murder
alyzed au entire J
state wa
UucMcnii Arnica W
Tho best nalvu In tho wofUi
bruises sotes ulcers salt tfm
sores tetter chapped haudTJ
coiusand all skin
tively cures piles or no pay t
Is guaranteed to
give perlcci s
or money refunded Price 8j
box For sale bylLWffjj
HeNo tea at Foit Worih G
Amvrlcnu Knjlisl
Lowell the greatest and fo
who ever wrought In verse
that Elizabeth was still quMtt
heard Yankee farmers UU d
asking that our novelbticjj
scattered centers shall eacowh
In his local didect woarcghib
of every tint any of them pat
pailance ho heats it is mncblt
tho tint ho will get from tb f j
reads Ono need not Invite Hu
company of Its betters tta
slang has been dropping Itj sii
lug lnuguag ever Rlncc uwroi
and Is coituiuly oiiietlm < H < M
forcible bcjond the uacho lit
nry We would not Mto
about for new words but If etj
came aptly not to reject lu It
our novelists to try to Vnte it
from any motivo would be j to
but bciug boru American ti
havo them uso Amerlcanta
theso servo their turn s 4 i
characters speak wo thotilil Jit
them peak true American nj
varying Tuino < Reean lliUjdeljit
tonlan nnd New York
bother ourselves to write wbitfe
imagine to bo Kngllsb Mi
priggish and artificial and till
if wo make our Auieileanstih 1
There is aKo this seiloui els
about Kugiisi that If ire t
best Ktigllsh lu the world prf
English themselves would utt
or if they did certainly woullf
It It has always beca suppoMf
marlans nud jiurlsls that a lu i
bo kept as thoy And It bat la
whllo they live aro perpetuity
God appaiently meant them for
mon people whom Luicolufel
liked because he had made
tho common peep
them freely as they use otitis
God On their lips our
English will differ moro
tho Insular English aud we k >
this Is not deplorable bt
rw D Howells In Harper
An Eastern young man relo
a few ycnr3 from a trip to fw
his health and in narratlnghwi
ho told about buying a il
3000 I knew theyd Kir
exclaimed tho old man Soj
euough to buy a humbug tax
but I U
didnt lose anything
company and told half W > ef
Connecticut man lor
did grasped the old man m
white Ill bet Im the oa
It I know yon rue coocj
tho young man as he crowdPj
trietl to appear very mncn
Alia California
1S17 St Charles StreetStl
I r i 4oit < if two Mrllwl C i1 I
> n t I In th irrtUltie lnmil > l < i
upmic Uiti M ttian uj oib r Tyvrr
uy vpwi w t4 ill rtlrtiMMU
Ihrnli or ltunturff ll M
ItUeiiniatlini nl J
at th Tlirott skin or nono Jr1
ti 9fl noc n unUtftl Kl ntlfi rrt11 l
Sinrmatonhcs Ke u l feWlJSrt
ii u > i j i4i < ir bujio r i HIiii
li l et olbr rvio tod U pl f uutx
iTitu lurojiiei muiIoiI ttiliiMMi
ll43 lt < l h 001 aet llT tH
< lIJtuloM f itiml jMirtr HiST
< in tr OkHtrrr r rt < J2ritVi
ou lh t i In bSi
> T
twi Ceuiaiuiltii at cJlt r M
il udj > > or lili cplilou m l
Alltlrlmtrr KldBexsmdCUdan
u n eotcil tor life
When II1 lutmrnlot to tUll
rtt a U ul br noil or F tittfc
r rphlct En ll horO rt
isitouvedueoiios tnm l wf
4Iuooi flotb
o > tin mat r r a
or enr IWil
klortriul uro trlM < iw l
irrrwio i rtr vrnt3vJika
w or turroat
oMotj ft u of Milliter tiZfil
Int uj W Iter J lit tr
1 It Ii oniii io i rtl r j
P l
nt ln cd koj ronttr uti Ty

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