OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, January 29, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-01-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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Jntinil selection
will ° tnw week at 40c
iTScand 81 B
ifcill > Oliance
To Oct Somo Grand llnrgnins from
ember Early Orders or Callers Have the Glioice
Domestics Cambrics and Flannels
toft finish fine bleached Muslin
aI floe bleached Shirting Muslin UJc
iJatnW bleached Shirting Muslin Tie
Tne Husiln of a suporlor llnlsh at Jc a cut from 10c
Seed Iuini site at He that caut be duplicated lor less than lSic
island C otton at Cc per yard
Islind l ttor I c yards lor 100
elsln this Department Values are Entirely Lost Sight of
Nloto the Prices
Minted rianncls cut from 75c to 25c
r of heavy Twill Flannel In blue brown garnet nnd
j VufiuWi
unci that is every tliread wool of uu extra finish at 20c 25c BOc and 40c
the tremendous reductions In this department t
otfino black Satin Skirts with Alpaca tops cut from 100 to 250
ok black Skirts of farmers Satin elegantly trimmed with black quilted
at from 8350 to 6200
otflno Flannel Skirts beautifully trimmed cut from 300 to 5250 300 to
5150 Skirts all go p 8100
lotblack Farmers Satin Skirts cut from 125 to 50c
Skirts cut from 125 to 75c
Ladies HeavyWeight Underwear
j Vests Silk stitched G5c with Punts to match
i Merino csts Silk stitched75c with lants to match
is JkarlctA ests all pure wool 1 75 cut from 225
ibove goods are worthy the inspection of every one and all should got
f the wonderful bargains wearo now offering
113 115 Houston 112 114 Main Streets
Cu li Capital and Surplus 0430000
ou JB aodwtnM H Loyd J I Itced ZanoCcttt D 0 llcnnctt George Jackson
811 liornou E B Harrold ana K W Ilarrold
Successors to Tldball VanZandt 4 Co Fort Worth Texas
h STOCK IAII VI 813300000
usfpni 3000000
itcnlbuklair business transacted Collections made and promptly remitted Ex
iiswn on aU tho principal cl tics of Kuropo
WioraK U iBn2andtThosA TlabaltN HardlnR J r Smith J J Jarvls E J
303 Houston Street Ono Door Southeast of Second Street
Sold on the Installment Plan
anion and Sporting Goofls
fSvi for Prices
Resale Dealor Oor Second and Houston Fort Worth Tex
Makers and Practical Embalmers
1 ill uHtgt Entrance oa rord Between Mala aid Houston Streets
Prompt attention to telegraph orders day or nlgbtte
XS im i > atoutt > isumi aneet irou Weather
boardlnir Iron Oetllnc MetaUh
manufactured la Fort Worth iron
mP W HARRY BRO 707 Main Streot
lhwes7ini V tt Iron Tin Ilato Solder and mtvaulied Iron which wo oiler to th
rut prices Wholcsalo tho elate of Toxas for
oscnts tor
evis J3ros Co
Wanted an Amended Human Nature
to Put an End to the Frauds
of Mankind
A United States Church Finds n Stogie
Votary Somo Pntcnt Olllco
Employs llouuccd
Tho luternntlnunlCopxrIclit Imler Discus
tlunIrnfsor the Knight at IrftW
Currency Kill
Tlio Dnpnrtmout llnlllot
Special to tho uazctto
Washivotov Jan 28 Tho Ingenious
persons who contrive to tnako u living by
wits and employ tho nowniwpew
and malls to further their HtUo Bcheinca
have been Industriously hunted down for
years past ny > he postoillce tuspevtnrt
they snrrlvo all Mich iinsaaH and huh
up In a now place Ono llrm in New York
conducts n bogus budnoss titidor out
forty names with M many different dk >
dresses Tho department recently has
adopted tlio policy of baln sucn parties
prosecuted liiBlendof simply
postmasters not to dcljver registered let
ters or money orders to them thus placing
three on what Is known as tho frand list
Tho business however attracts great
nnmherH and the depattment ofllcialt
think that unless they can amend human
naturu In > ome way there Is little hope of
putting uu cud to tho fraudulent opera
A petition has been presented to con
gress by the cjtlcns of Arkansas asking
tho election of United Statessenators by
n direct vote of the people
A crank called at the senate dlctrlct
committeeroom Tuesday and Insisted
upon tho construction of a bill to estab
lish a United States church
Senator Camden of West Virginia will
leao tomorrow for Florida whero hu
goes by tho advlco of his physician
Hu wilt bo absent about three weeks
The president has presented gold
watches to Capt V M Hughes and
Second Oillcer Edward V Hoherts of the
British steamship Lord Gough for res
cuing tho crow of the American schooner
Chaptra lu lt ccmber last
Thirteen employes In tho patent office
none of whom were embraced in the
classified service have boon dismissed
The hoarlng of the question of Interna
tional copj right was begun today before
tun senato patent comtnltteo Among tho
literary gentlemen who pioscntcd their
tlews were Mcbsrs A G Sedgowlct
Howard Crosby K C Stcdman J B
Gilder editor of tho Century magazine
nud Georao Y Gteon nil of the copyright
Icagc ami Henry Holt George Tlckncr
Curtis Mark Twain and Horace 15 Scud
Arrivals JB ltyan Honey Gjovo
nt Bjan Farlsj MrH Jf V Adlt Faris
Tiixt of Sliermnns Slhtr 1111
Wasiiinotok Jan 28 Tho following
is tho full text of Senator Shermans bill
to amend the colunge act of February
28 1878
Be It enacted etc that the coinage of
the silver dollar provided for by the fiist
section of tho act to which this Is an
amendment bo discontinued from and
after tho passage of this act
Sec 2 That the secretary of tho treas
ury Is authorized and directed to purchase
from time to time silver bullion lu bars
not less thau 910 line at the market price
thereof not less than 2000000 ounces
per month and shall Issue In payment
therefor coin certificates of the United
States In denomination of not less than
810 each corresponding with the denom
inations of United Slates notes nud tho
bullion so purchased shall be held In the
treasury for security and payment of the
same uud the amount of such certificates
at nuy time outstanding shall not excted
the cost of tho bullion purchased
by such certificates Tho certlllcates
thus Issued sEall be leceivuMe
for customs taxes and all public dues
ami when so received may bu reissued
and the s < cretary of the treasury shall re
deem lu coin the same certlllcates on
their presentation for redemption lit the
olllco of tho assistant treasurer of tho
United States in the city of New York lu
sums of not It sa thau 50
Sec 3 That any holdurs of standard
silver dollars or gold coin of tho United
State In gold bullion ut its miiitvalno
may deposit tho same with the treasurer
or any assistant treasurer of tho United
Statrn In sums of not less thau 10 nud
receive coin certificates therefor similar
In denomination nud legal effect to the
certlllcates provided for In the preceding
section The coin deposited for or repre
senting the certlllcates shall bu retained
in the treasury for payment of the same
on demand
HaenA IJrfcnsft
Wahiiimitom Jan 28 Gen W B
Hnzen today furnished tho following
statement In regard to Comptioller
Maynards report on tho accounts of tho
disbursing officers of tho signal fervlco
In tho matter of tho signal service ac
counts aUcged In tho newspipers to lu > ve
been reported upon by the second comp
troller and of which tills oUlce his no
other knowledge there Is nothing of any
nature or kind but what Is always found
In an ordinary sutferuout of dif
ference of an ofllcers public ac
counts or calling for Hitler clearer
explanation or statement I hao been
told for the past two months that tho case
was being prepared by clerks who have
been dlxcnargcd from the signal service
and It ha been made purposely hostile
and sensational There Is not an act of
wrongdoing In these matters and their
framing and publishing Just now with
which the comptroller had nothing to do
Is purposely hostile and Is intended to
affect the investigation going on In con
gress W B HAKN
Knights of Labor 1111
Wasiilnotok Jan 26 The banking
and currency committee of the house to
day gave hearing to Messrs Paul Bowcn
Leo Crandall and others representing the
Knights of Labor In advocacyof a bill
proposed to be Introduced in the house
by Representative Brurnm of Pennsyl
vania known as the Knights of Labor
currency bill The bill as drafted pro
vides that any person may deposit gotdoi
silver In tho treasury and receive thorcfor
legaltender United States notes at tho
rato 01 1 of liai grains of silver or 258
grains of gold All United Suites note
aro to bo c6ucrtlblo Into coin or bullion
at tho holder option No Inoro gold or
sllv6rcertificates or national banknotes
are to be Issued hut Utoy aro to bo re
placed wlUVtnltod Slates notes
but It in
senate thai
comply w
stood that
tnitlon to <
buhlitet Meeting
Tho proSIlcnt Js undorstoo to be op
posed to complying with the requests for
such Information Ho Is sustained In
that vlojy by all tho members
of his i tehlnct At tho meet
ing today letters wore formulated
In uuswomo tho requests of tho senile
for pahenJUraohliiR tho changes in the
oillccof United Stales marshal for the
Southern dlOtilct of Alabama and In the
odlco ol cojfctcr ot tulerrtal rowuuft for
tho dlstrla
Ipt South Carolina ThoJJxrict
blotters cauuot bo learned
wii that they Inform the
M not debnicd ndvisablo to
tho requests It Is undor
tis thudyjjlro of the admlul
ijreo the senate to state Its po
sttlou n Uhjsi question so that the matter
may be brought up to an Issue uud set
tied as soou ns possible
KutTnltliii Lmml Urmitx
VsitiNdjr ON Jan S3 The house
eommlttooioh public lands held Au ex
tended session today and Inallv agreed
npou a bllljilcclnrlng forfeited nil lands
within tho grant to the Atlantic i Pacific
railway lying opposite tho iincouslructcd
portion of the railroad Chairman Cobb
was Instructed to report tho bill back to
tho house oolnmittce Tho commlttco do
hatcd at length tho question of declaring
forfeited upland grant of tho Southern
Pacific Hallway company which came up
on o proposition of Mr Mcltao of Arkan
sas to declare an absolute forfeiture ot
tho entire grant Without reaching a
conclusion tho committee rose and the
matter remains tho preceding order for
next Tuofdays mooHiitf
Tlje tiililniit Meeting
Washington Jnu 28 Tho cabinet
mcetlug tothvy lasted about two hours
and tvns devoted almost entirely to tho
discussion qf the question arising out of
tho recent liu liu outbreaks In New Mex
ico The question answering thodemands
of the somite for additional Information
In regard to appointments was also brief
ly considered but no conclusion was
Tin Jew Treasurer Installed
WasiiiniJtov Tuu 28 Tieasuror Jor
dan returned to Washington this moi nlng
Mr Jordansays Mr Comin tho new as
slstauttrcashrer at New York took for
mal possession of tho olllco last night
The count of tho moneys and securities
began at oape and will i pushed to com
pletion A
3 III ARcut UnuncetUu <
WAQUiMfroXi Jan 28 The
tcrKiuj < jijtjflvJuiil8redtho removal ot
JBaruer Coliro ffiastransfer tfKut at
Indianapolis Ind nccauso ol Ids pre
vious record
So Cumpromlsn Itriichtnt lij lie Joint
Committee of tho Ohio Semite
Comjmiiuh Ohio Jan 28 The Ohio
senate troubles remain unsettled with
tho opinion about equally divided ns to
whether any compromise measures will
bo agreed upon The joint senate
mot nt 10 a in and adjourned
pending tho conference between tho
joint committee which had been
appointed by the caucuses of tho respect
ive shies with n view to learn If somo
plan could not be agreed upon The com
mittee was lu scsstou all day hut held no
Ivonlng session The proceedings wore
had In cxecutlvo session nnd tho mem
bers have no Information to glvo out with
tho exciptton that they hao ugrccd
ou nothing definitely Tho pro
gross they have inado will be reported
to the Democratic caucus tomorrow
morning nnd was reported to tho Itepub
llcan caucus tonight Tho members of
tho committee felt that they had gone as
far as they could In tho confeicnce with
out lrst consulting tho cnucus for sup
port In their movements The
conference committee will meet
again tomorrow morning and continue
their work Tho senate will meet at 10
a in and It Is tho expectation that an
adjourumint of the senate will bo taken
to Monday to gyo tho committee plenty
of time In tho meantime tho represent
atives of the two sides are preparing
their programme of procedure In case
n compromise Is not leached
niiEiti is KoiuiM3f
So Much for tho UMi VWio Aro Illumed
for mi limply Treusnry
Special to tho fituetto
Austin Tkx Jan 28 The state
treasury suspended cash payments of all
claims today About 2 oclock u check
for 80000 was presented by tho ednca
t onul department for the luterest due on
tho available school fund Payment of the
check was refuxed and the curtain was
rung down ou all claims for the time
being Tho state treasurer stated ho did
not know when pay incut would be re
sumed hut thought before Ion > In fact
the statu Is on tho wrong ride of the
ledger tq the tunc of about 3110000 aud
not a cent In thG treasury to pay It
All this results from the reduction
of taxation by tho last legislature
find which was strenuously opposed by
Conipiller Swain as unwise ami Impoli
tic Treasurer Lubhock seems down lu
tho mouth about affairs The cash balance
lu IhhO as appears from tho records was
over 8001000 hut bus now dwindled
down to 19 000 worse than nothing
and with a big bond luterest ahead to be
settled In July amounting to 882000 Its
funny Oh so very fanny rio much for
the kids
Tho Slater Clnli
PuounicvcK Ji I Jan W At a
meeting of the Slater club consisting of
nearly all tbe manufacturers of Khodo
Island aud representing nearly all tho
JargM llrms held today committees were
appoluted on the part ot tho cotton
woolen aud worsted Industrie with full
power to lake definite action for the
mutual protection lit the labor troubles
The Use of These Adjectives Applied
to Lily Shaws Limbs Scan
dalize the Court
Tho Word of n Sllntslcr to lie lie
llotcd Heforo Tmt of Wo
ijjci of III HfniUv
Itlcli nml Itney Allldnylls Wdeft nr Un
lit for rniilfentinff in n fniiil
ly Xewsiinper
v 1
Atiania Oa Jan 28 The ouuab
> rolug yiemo of conversation through
flrtlt the city today has been the deli
Iiraud church trial of ll Jomus It
Armstiniig charged with Innnoml rovel
iy The entire day has tnwn tafeon up Uy
tod qulbhlloa of counsel over the admls
lon of luitutn exceedingly damaging
j testimony which It is understood consists
of affldax Its from tho proprietor ot tho
hotel In Clnrlunatl where Mr Arm
strong was registered nml whore
It Is iUegcd ho became In
toxlcated heforo slatting out on his
little excursion to dip tho town linor
mllllon Aflldavltsof thohackman who
drovohlln about from one house ol Ill
fame to another In search of Lily Show
aro also supposed to bu amongst iho pa
pers which tho counsel for the defendant
Insist Bhall bo excluded Hon It St
Miller of Augusta was selected by tho
court to act us referee to sottle all dis
putes on poluts of law and tho choice
gives uonoral satisfaction Under n
ruling this afternoon ot this referee
much c ldcnco that the defense has la
bored hard to have excluded Will bo ad
mitted It Is the general Impression In
tho city tonight and after couvereatloti
with dlftereut persons who nro In a posi
tion to be well Informed as to tho feelings
of tho court that Armstrongs character
will bo fully vindicated and that tho eourt
will prefer to believe tho solemn protesta
tions of tho clergyman In preference to
statements made by irresponsible
pariios and by women of III repute It
liis developed that Armstrong was a Pres
byterian clergyman aud experienced n
change of faith previous to Ids appear
ance in Wheeling W Va lu 1SW A
gentleman who professes to bo well In
formed as to wlmt Is being dono brforo the
eccleslastlonl tribunal says some of the
affidavits nro peculiarly raoy and that the
language used Is utterly unlit for publica
tion and will ho omlttid tn tlieofllelnl re
port of tho trial which w 111 bn printed ns
soon as an agreement can be reached Tho
reverend gentlemen composing tlio court
nro suld to hae been quite scandalized
by tho reference to Lilys plutnp nml
UflPjdylog anuxpresslon wUlchU op
pears Is used several times In ono Of tho
nllldavlls Seveinl of tho state pupora
h ive boon giving credence to tho rumor
that an lndepondentchnich will bo started
here for Mr Aimstrongln caso tho de
cision Is adverse to him
roiiLiox Ami us
Vurortn the Iteloliitni
BiiiiUx Jan 28 Prince Bismarck to
day In thodobnto lu tho Prussian landtag
on tho expulsion of Poles from Germany
made a romarkablo speech occupying
two hours In delivery Ho said tho
primary cause of tho governments notion
was tho disloyalty of tlio Poles to tho
German crown They were he said con
stantly engaged lu itlrlgues against tho
government and hud made themselves n
steady annoyance to Prussia by acting as
accomplices to tho opposition In tho tier
man parliament They effected u ma
jority against tlio government and tho
erown could do nothing less than either
deny tho demands of such a majority
or destroy the evil element which mado
the majority possible Polish ngltalton
In Germany Bismarck said nlvvuys ap
peared to him an element of danger and
1 had compelled him to keep a wutoh on
Itusshi Tho Poles had been constantly
i and not always unsuccessfully onileavor
Ing to ftotfotclgn states ngulnst Puissla
henco continued tin chancellor we have
detennlucd to buy out tho leal estate
owned by tho Polish nobles lu Prusshiu
Poland and place German colonists ou tho
property hitherto occupied by tho ex
pelled people In order to nuke cutunlzt
lion Inure permanently to tlio benellt of
the ctuplia tho colonists will be prohib
ited fiom marrying PoIoh The cost of
tlje undertaking will be about
100000000 marks about 80S
uOOOOO but the stale will loso
no mure than 10 per oeutum of tills loss
mado necessary by the exigencies of tho
case baying out an alienclussand resell
tug to Germans while tho gain to
tho empire will bo immeasurable
Tho gmornment said tho clmuccllor Willi
great animation will never concedo the
restoration of Poland nor rt hairbreath
in that direction The Poles played a
suspicious part In Kiilturcampf Wlnnoov
er refuses to help protect uml maintain the
stato Is not entitled to claim anything
from the state s for me I am ready to
save my country although It cost mo my
head and honor If anybody dares at
tack PruslaH frontiers I shall suy like
GlatMonc hands off Jteferrlng to the
lusliiuntloi that the governments ic
ligious prejudices had great Influence In
Its treatment of tho Poles Bismarck said
Uellglon Is lu uowlso connected
with tlio expulsion as a poli
cy ft became mccssary to reduce
the Polish element In Germany and In
crease the German element This Is tho
real reason for the expulsions and the
government has determined to persist In
this work despite the opposition of tbe
relchstag In conclunlon I wlU say that
before allOKlug the fatherland to bo en
dangered I would counsel tho emperor to
mako the federal government indopeT lent
of the obstruction tactics In the rclchs
tag as far as the constitution
nnd laws cf Germany would permit
for I wduld hold any minister to be a
coward who should bosltate to stake
everything to suyu his fatherland from
danger Tho chancellors sccch is the
principal topic ot conversation In the cap
Itol tonlgbt It Js generally conceded
Hi M M > s i1 < r
u im 1 v T 1f i tijtyiatrr raijrjM jyt
that tho speech is oquslly capable of
bolug Interpreted to foreshadow either i
tlio dissolution of the relchstag or n coup
Tho occasion ot Prince Bismarcks
Hpcoch was the discussion of tho resold
Hon Introduced on Saturday last express
Ing satisfaction at tho passngo In tho
speech from tho throne promising mcas
tires for the protection of German Inter
ests lu Kast Prussia Horr Achenbach
moved that tho resolution b3 adoptcdand
tho motion was supported by Herr Wohr
Dr Windhorst opposed tho motion After
Prince Bismarcks speech tho discussion
was adjourned until tomorrow
> e pninir Comment
LoNiiov Jan 28 Tho Dally Telegraph
snys It ts tho opinion ot leading Llurata
Includjng many former ministers that
Gladstone should invito tho nsslstaVijw 01
Mr Pamell or Mr Healy innrr UriiijtU
nontorulf scliomo for Ireland
The Standard says Mr ChatftbvrlAln
will bo Irish secretary In GladstonecM >
ijiot It also sayst All tho continual ex
copt Itussia regrets tho resignation of tUe
Tory government
Tho Standard says Lord Salisbury and
Sir Mlohsel Hicks Beach will nnnouitve In
parliament today the reilgtuvtion ot tho
The Times oorrespondent nt Constanti
nople In n dispatch concerning the nndet
slandlng nrrlvcd at between Turkey and
Bulgaria says the parte will bestow upon
Prince Alexander the tltlo ot paeUfl nd
governorgoiionil ot Kastora liooniKloo
A dispatch to the Times from Constan
tinople says n tumor Is curtent there that
a skirmish between the Greeks and Tpww
has taken place nt Glassora on the Iron
tier of Kjiirnn
Tho LvcnlngNows it his authority
for staling tint Jwl Salisbury hu nil
vised the queen to summon Lord Harlltia
tod to form u cabinet
The Kicomans fuurnal of Dublin ad
mits that Agrarian outrages still occur lu
the remote Jlsttlcts of Iho country tint it
declares that tho National leitgtio cannot
be held icsponstblo for them It adfls
that the leaguo has rosolvcd to do nil lu
lis > owcr to repress disorder nnd remove
every semWauce of a basis for the gov
ernment to reWvo tho coercion laws
The Times urges In view ot tho general
opposition to permitting Itord OrantUIo
to resume tho olilce ot minister for for
eign nttalrs that ho would make Hit ex
c client president of thu lontitjlt
and leader tn tho houfe of
lords The Times also point out
Lord llaitingtons splondtd Ihnnue to
construct a national party of Whia and
ConiuHvathrN opposed to homortuei The
umUirhU for tho fytmntloa of suuh n party
nro uhumlant snys thu Times and tbe
cmorifcnay requires only a leader of sit
ipicliy nnd c Aim so
The Politico < orrespoiulench of Vienna
giiy that a Kuropcait ileet will wsewblo
In Smla liay to morrow or Saturday f > nm
boilng about twenty meii > M > unrntiU tbtst
tlio cominuudoi1 hno received re < ilsit
Instructions for their guidance
Alinoiinrsnicntot tho nunsnnlteiii
1 imm Jatr ea BoW M ffioiWnirs
find Sir Michael lllcliB Beach wore JtiVott
ovations as thoy entered the house ofi
rominons this afternoon Sir MeJinol
lllcks Beach stated that In consequence of
Tuesdays voto In tho house being Averse
to the go eminent tho cabinet had re
signed Tho house thereupon ad
journed until Monday Lord Sails
bury dined with tho queen
this evening Ho wilt return to Loudon
tomorrow morning Mr Gladstone will
probably thou bo summoned to form a
cabinet Lord HatUngtoii refuses toco
operate with Gladstone His reported In
tlio lobby of the house of commons tills
evening that tho queen Is sounding Lord
HnrlltigWm in to his willingness tn un
dertake tlio task of forming a coalition
Ireland Inut Vlneroy
Dunuv Ian 28 Lord Carnarvon ox
vlcoroy of Ireland loft Dublin castle to
day neeonipaulcd by his wife for their
home In Lnglnml Ho was cheered al
most coiitluuatiMy from the lliuu hu loft
Dublin castle until ho departed front tho
IilshcoaH Tho enthusiasm of the popu
lace was photiumcnul
rlopstlicrio Purine
Pinis Jan 28 Telegrams received
this nftcmoon from Athens statu tlhtt
the warlike views of the Greet oaoliiet
have suddenly changed The dispatches
mid that yesterday morning tho Hellenic
minister Issued n declaration that Greece
would Comply with tho wishes of Kuwno
Tiilltlli lki t ArmloK
Cpvhtaxiikoim Jan 28 TJMrly
thou and Martlnlllcnryilil iHfrpia Amer
ica have been forwarded to tho front
Tlio fleet is taking on board three monljiV
provisions nnd a lurgo supply of imt
Hnlltliiiiy Will Visit thu < jlli > n
Iomi0v Jan 28 Tlio queen has Mm
moucd the marquis of Salisbury to confer
with her In Oliornc Ho will dine with
hor majesty Oils evening nml he her guest
HP tomorrow when ho will retnrn to
Clhlo Not
Tlio porte thicatcne Immediate Invasion
of TlicxNily H Is rumored that tlio
llrl ish fleet has arrived nt Crete Tho
fall of thu Kallsbury government In Un
glsud has raised tho hopes of the Greek
lliirjliii the Vf Iscoiisln CougrrMiillin
MaSitowoi Wis Jan i8 Itnmedl
ntely upon arrival here at CtitO just at en
Ing tho remains pf Congieseruan Joseph
Jtankjn were taken to tho episcopal
church escorted by tho congressional
and local delegations The funeral
services which were conducted Uy Ilov
II T Bray were held nt tho church at
lODo tills morning Special trains
brought hundreds ot people from tailotts
parts of tho state and tho attendance was
so large from Mr lUnklns congresMpnal
district that tt was mpo lblu for thu
latecorners to get within a block of tlm
filstfluipanil liiimeillateljr
Nk Vuhk im 28 At a meeting of
thu produce exchange this aiternuuu u
resolution was adopted calling for iho
Immediate suspension of the coinage of
silver dollars
Go to J If Houlliao for liquid bread at
retail or wholesale
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