Kt >
r f r ck Joe Cooley
s i M lo Angeles i U
Pmlssat Vlttr 5j wt
a tdemkk w a uurnux
Sierturr Tritium
K M VanZandt V 0 Turner
Jos II Drown W A Huffman
B It Paddock Chas Schonbcr
Jasf W Swaync
W A Uuffraau W G Turner J W
W h Malono General Manner
Offlfof tabllrstloii Kwoml Kt Blwe IIomUb
ud Ihnxlnorton I l rd At the lort HortB
Ioitofflee SffondCISH n ll Mslltr
batb8 6k suuiomiTioiii
to mail sunsontimnst
Poitnat Prtpaid by tht fiHthtrt
l llr Weekly
OnoV t JIO WI Ono Yesr 1 63
SIxVnth 6 W 6U Moplht 1 W
Thrift Month 8 OOlTliroo Montlis SO
S1 B < J rOAjtBTTB Jlptrnunurapost paid
URLlMltttV BY CAMllltnSt
Per Waek UcenU
Itnlos of Advertising IurnUheil on Appll
tlemUlanut by draff pattoffet money orittr or
Oorrapondence it toHdttd upon alt Mitt tub
Prompt information of trenU anil nw torn
Otfl fl ff i rnl inttrtil laliciM and uMt bt
property ecmprnatcd
AU communication tntendeil for publication
mutt It accompanied 6v tie itriteri name and ad
drtu tat for publication Ivt at an tvidmct of
9 rwtttiicrttlng to Tim QAZirms on butintu
p < r9tllto ticmtcttti itWpUatclncloitttampfor
Three sermons ol thu series now being
fyolhercdbyltov DoWittltvlmago on tho
stlliject of man iage have btien printed in
Tub iaxktth Tito others of this series
trout of the Duties of llubauds to
Wives Duties of Whet to Husbands
Mu Matters ol ltollglou Should tho Wlfo
go with the lluuband or tbo Husband
Willi the Wife The Wrong Wsys of
Wpmeu Costume and Morals Com
petent Housewifery Sonslblo Young
Womanhood Women Who Mill Puss
Life Single Inlluunco of Sisters Over
Urothers Tho Modern Novel and
Woman Uoardlugliousu and Hotel
llfo Treatment of Mauhunaut and
Maidservant This burlos of sermons
has been found of much Interest by
Gaktth readerg and Is attracting deep
attention Thosu why dosltc to read Tun
OAirrru for this niro treat only can havo
tho Mondays edition mailed postpaid
Tun Gaktti is tho Only pajter In Texas
that prlnls the soimons of Mr Talmago
iliaso sormous aro also printed In the
Weekly QtirrrK aud subsurlbors to that
MlltlOtt of tho paper will always tlntl them
lu the ls no following tholr delivery
Tun drummer will continue to occupy
thu country
wast fuur moro dally W
Harrold Ou with tho bust
Mtn mo four more
mcro Saturdays J O
wood On with thu bust
dally and nlno
Gantt Drown
Tim ouly short crop tu Texas Is homp
li wo caut raUo enough ol It wo ought to
buy more of It for our sheriffs
This HtUo city rltnmml tbo moro
Qwryiyj dally and eight more Sundays
Ike WaUlsky Alvord On with tho bust
AnntweiltyHvo more to my Sunday
order nuklnir It u for Sunday In for
the bust Dlok Chamberlain Dcnlsou
On with the bust
Tub way the poor Mormons are being
treated undo ti Democratic administra
tion Is unough to mako llrlgham Young
turn uur lb his grave m
Im j > sri da postal uotu to cover
Mii < rlitlonsto wxekly for lt cn ua mest
begin with Issue Thorna I
Mark Whltt Parktir county On with
the bun
j oiss vatu oyrou um oesiovvwu juucu
DaihtsiJthought upou the character ot Jerry
LvonTw ddIe which pax assumes with ease
ACiKonaiv murderer cjcaped convic
tion liccauso the Indictment ch rfi d him
with houtln his victim In the loft sboul
der when It was proved that It was the
rlgUt aboulder
San AvrONto has the smallpox hut
that Is no uncommon thing In the Alamo
city The Mexican clement there think
no moro of smallpox than ordinary pea
pic do of n bad cold
Tjir absence ol any editorial lncntton
of the lact forces the belief that the Dal
las Times has not heard of the defalcation
and flight of tbo superintendent of Uif >
Dallas waterworks Tho Times Is too
bu y with Port Worth affairs to attend to
Its own
IIkcauhk islvestou has lost Its com
mercial supremacy and U no longer tbo
metropolis of yore It doesnt begin to
follow that tho kutghUi of the grip are to
retire to private llfo ThtTdrummer Is a
fixed Institution May his days bo long
In tho land
Thosk good folks who bavo been cry
lug out that Vlgnaux was the greatest
billiard player on earth and that Jake
Schaefor was nowhere bad to revlso their
opinions when thoy saw bow tbo American
wizard beat tho Fronobman In their last
one junteij
Tnr prince of Wales Is trying to make
himself solid with tbo people aud is court
repiii Htul Amid ing the good will 01 all classes The
Mltlttrt relating ta butintu of any
i >
tioJel 4J lfoTlltUrKTIB Port Worth Tex 1T tlCO 8 tbroffd
DKJiocuvr ImiLiMiiid compant
Parties having bills against Tiir Ga
rrrris wilt please present them promptly
on the 1st of each month On tho 10th
of each month every bill of every kind
will tn > settled In full U fonud correct
OAXirrru iiuanuii oryicia
aUJts T 0 MoKec manaRcr
IB OX Dick Cliamborlalu inansRcr
tVACOA 80Kclll umusgor
ftUBiulASJ II HIIIJ uianiigcr
wyuitKHronu II I > or cy ana I 81 0f
tall aanaKcr
IAMS O II Maioymanager
J YvrMosJ 1 Ktlchcru manaRCr
iUMsiiAit Itobt Kennedy raaiiaser
Aincurru V K Iowoil manager
CLUIUJIWB XT II Ilxrd manager
BlrASO8lt I on tpaniiior
aAtvBVJLix K I III1I nnd J U Hlckson
a > auancr
IWNiiauOKJohn on manager
Howrr Gkovb I C Illll manager
ItAtno Frank Ior ey manager
< 3ttEBSVllUJ W II Wlicelcr manager
COLOIUDO W 11 Ken kirk manager
HtidfOLA V Ilullmalcr manager
a C < > Y V 1nllcy nunager
iVnu jssuoito J 0 Uleuti manager
Ho sues tho handwrit
ing on tho wall It reads like thlst He
reditary monarchy Is a fraud and It must
3 °
Thosi Western cattlemen now In
session nt Denver seem to have a poor
oplulon of thctrKastern brethrens knowl
edge of the cow business They are
quite right What do those fellows from
Now York or Massachusetts know about
roping a atcorj and how many of them
could tell what a maverick was
Ik Sam Jones really wnutcd to tackle a
hard case ho might go from Cincinnati to
Columbus and try his evangelizing pow
ers upon the Ohio legislature Ho might
not do much but be would have a mint
of fun and tho country would enjoy see
ing him roast the legislative monkey
Iv tbo nbsonco of anything clso to write
j about tho Now York papors aro tryiug to
the OAXirrrij aukoad j mako out that Mr flldcn Is laying pipes
the Democrat ic nomination In 1888
uiul To
T GA Ti ui for saleI tho
cities Ho could have had It in 1881 if ho bad but
places named In tho following
Uiuaujo lu W U Htur 1M Dearborn
troet and I SrhatlnorOrnndVaolflo hotel
r Lucis 310 Ilillllp lloedor 9 Ollvo
it root and Jas Overton Southern hotel
Ilomsr U Hull II Illrtbtlrld and V V Urcenc
THE GAZETTE has tho largoot
bonafldo circulation of any daily
newspaper published in Toxas
THE GAZETTE Is tho only paper In
North Toxas that now publishes tho Asso
ciated Press tolcrjrams
said tho word He declined becauso of
ago and Inllrmlty and those objections
will not ho removed in 1888
It In announced that Col Pat Donan of
Dakota is going to Honduras to work n
gold mine No wondur Col Pat is dis
gusted with this country slnco to many
of its leading statesmen hnvo pilfered his
glorious eloquence This has no refer
ence to Proctor Knotts Duluth speech
or Gov IrolandH article on Texas In tho
North American ltevlow
An lutolllguul correspondent of a Penn
sylvania paper pays u nice little compli
ment to thu enterprising llttlo county scat
of Dallas county as follows Dallas Is
a Hue young city of 12000 inhabitants
Port Worth still younger has 20000 In
habitants Had tbo stranger driven over
to tbo South side ho would havo seen that
Fort Worth has 25000 population
Mit II 11 Comuian of Kalnmaoo
Mich secretary of tho Bird Windmill
lhiglno company after canvassing Toxas
tor a distributing point for his company
has deckled to locate In Port Worth Ills
hotibo huro will carry a largo stock of
mills pumps otc It lcqulres several
llgnrcs to represent the llnanclal strength
of this company On with the bust
I in lauhaiidlo grosscomuiUsloners left for
the scenes of their duty jcatcrdsy and it will
bo a great relict to tho pcoplo tn learn that they
got through Tort Worth safely ISan Antonio
Witty but slanderous Tho commis
sioners are still in Port Worth purchasing
outfits and supplies for their trips P
S All men In the West aud Northwest
purchase supplies in Port Worth Hence
tho tears thirtytwo miles to tho cast
Tiik ultra correct llicnbam Ilanucr mlldl >
audb n flunk oporillun Jibes tho Kort Worth
QAlhTTi tor boasting of the Vott Non If Tat
Gvznru takes thomaltvrto heart there will
bo tors ou the upper Trinity enough tn float a
llayon Tceho mud seow f Waco Kxnmlner
No man without n liorn can blow a
horn Timothy 1010 says Illow your
own horn but If yo bavo no horn yo shall
be blowed Ureubam blows not aud
Urenbam IsUrcnham lort Worth blows
loudly and Port Worth Is Port Worth
This word to tho wise Ureuhamltes ought
to bo sufficient Go to work and then
j loit appearing us witnesses against tho
men who murdered tholr father two
youns women In Ii eland havo boy
tailed States ScHstor David It Atchison
Ha was United States senator from Mis
souri from 18U to 1BS3 Upon the death
of Vice1rcsldeht King In 18S3 ho was
chosen president of tho senate thus fill
ing the position of vicepresident of tho
United States Ilo was president of the
United States for one day Taylors term
expired on tbo 4th of March which fell
on Sunday and 1lerco succeeded to the
Odlco tho following Monday making Act
lug VicePresident Atchison president for
one day Ho was at the tlmo of his
death about eighty years old and liad
dropped entirely out of public notice
slnco tho war
m < i
III tjib energy of Dallas this groat granary
of Norlh Texas liiu liccn pierced by railways
ami made tributary to bcr povrer and that
a1tna Indoinltablonlltatid puriKWlietO notr
adding sd tonal llnei to tbouc entering
licre Dniia Herald
Wo pauso to ask If tbo great granary
has been made tributary to Dalla why
Is It special trains are necessary to roach
a distributing point thirtytwo miles
west Why Is it that tho wholesale
merchants of that same distributing
point made hvt year all the way from 20
to 40 per cent Why Is It that tho dis
tributing point Is laying steel rails on an
other outletwhllo tho energy of Dallas
Is as boundless as the four walls of edi
torial sanctums
Messrs Taylor Barr send Tim G
ktik the following note These gentle
men nro among tho very best and most
conservative as well as enterprising mer
chants of Tujas Tmi Gaittk esteems
It a high personal compliment to seo iU
views on this drummer question indorsed
by such men its Taylor Uftrr and vol
ro r IVorrni Tkx lan
To tho IMItor of tbo Gazette
DKMiStU Wo are truly grallilcd to seo the
encouragement you are giving to commercial
travelers Take them as a elaE nnd they are
tho very embodiment nt polltcnoK and en
crgy In our daily contact tvltb them for
the past twenty flto years JVC have learned
tnoro of the true principles of gotllng on In
tho world1 than from alt other sources com
bined All live business men will giro ilia
drummer a patient liculng when It 1 possible
TATUtlt A Hutu
If ttic members of tho state land board
didnt explode with guffaws when they
read this tn tho San Autonlo Times then
thoy nro destitute of tho least sense of
Tho suleldal policy of the stato land board In
declining to adopt G < n Irelands suggestion
and penult the school lands to bo hated at 4
cents per acre Is already bearing fruit In
several sections m hero men hnvo notoriously
violated the lair b Illegally Inclosing large
parcels of tho puhllodomnlnlhu parties so of
fending hnto been Indicted In their respective
district and In every Instance n verdict nut
guilty has been rtlarnod I Is verillct Is
las d upoji the fact that i cents Is the mlnl
innni ratc siieclflwl by the legislature and ns all
of tho oatMcmcn Indicted have tendered this
nmountto the Unit bardcailyin liaio tbclr
oilers refused that
by blgUtouCd nggregnllbn
of linpraclloablcs the tho cattlemen hare
ovory time escaped the penalty of tho Illegal
Inc osuresact ntid tho statu has every tlino
lost the rental which thoy wero w lllng to
pay By tho way has not this land been ille
gally iuuloscd for some two or three
years nnd tondor mado of i cento m
aero And why did not tho governor
discover that a higher rate thau t cunts
was impracticable all this time that it
has been at mid b cents with his ap
proval and conciinencef
The governor Is peculiarly unjortuuatc
in being atltlctcd with such an organ or
In not silencing It
The bill now pending In congress pro
hibiting the passing through the mails of
newspapers with lottery atUcrtlscmcntr
cannot suppress those lustltutlons In
Louisiana and Kentucky but It can limit
their power for evil Power people will
Invest In lottery tickets when they are no
longer tempted by attractive displays in
newspaper columns of advortlsomcuts of
fering thousauds of dollars for 5
No moro vicious form of gambling is
known It Is dangerous because of Its
quasi respectability Thousands of men
Invest their earnings lu lotteilcs who
would not go Into a regular gambling
house and bet on a game of chance
Poor men arc tho victims They read
how somo ouc has drawn 510000 or 625
000 and their chances aro as good So n
part of thu monthly earnings goes to en
rich tho Loulsiaua Lottery compauy and
they got nothing oxccptln rate Instances
If men would reflect for a moment
they would see how remote is tho chance
of winning fortunes In lotteries A little
calculation may Instruct and Interest
The Loulsiaua lottery advertises 100000
tickets at 5 each bringing 500000 Tho
prircs number 10H5 aggregating 205000
Tho profit to tho managers Is 3235000
If all tho tickets tiro sold Of tho 10115
prltcs only twenty aro above 81000 One
thousand or moro thau half of tho prizes
aro only 25 Now the chance ol draw
ort tv tyls to
coll the pries It ho allowed them t wor l > TI
bo protected from tho mob by a detail of
police who escorted them home from
church To puulsh children for assisting
the law to avcugo their fathers murder
era is ouo ol the olllcis of tho boycott
that will not add to tho savor of its repu
tation lit this country
Tiikuk died at Plattsburg ilo last
Tuesday forgotten by all except his
neighbors u man who was oiio of tho
promlncjtt characters of the country from
180 to 18i0 That was Gem and Cx
draw ns much as a thousand dollars To
cquallTo tho probabilities tho gambler
must buy 5000 chances to Insure the
drawing of 1000 His 5000 tickets will
cost 825000 To pay 25000 for 1009
Is not considered a prudent commercial
operation yot that Is In effect what
thousands of people do who buy ttckcts In
the Louisiana lottery
Tho average value of tho 1W3 prizes Is
13 The probabilities aro ns 02 to 1
against drawing anything that is one
mint buy 52 tickets to equalize his
on mo Kngiun language lor imcun imniu o yrwnw eouu meumj utm mm naa
ute and his peroration far oerU > pM about to leavo the bank whenahaopy
his introduction HchadlhoBatlSfactlon thunght occurred to him He reached
chances ol drawing anything His Hi
tickets cost 200 nnd his return may bo
91ISG with tho probability of getting less
than that amount much greater than get
ting more as tho number of small prizes
Is bo much greater thau tho largo ones
llfflectlou upou this subject inubt show
the futility of expecting to win riches
from tho wheel ol fortune In no other
form of gambling is the public at such a
dliadvontagoi yet we suppress gaming
houses in deference to the demands of
public opinion The proposed law will
not break up tbo lottcilos but it will cut
off thousands of dollars from their re
ceipts To prohibit the clrculatlou ol
papers through the malt containing lot
tery advertisements Is to prohibit such
adtcrtUIng for a uowspapcr that Is ex
cluded from the postotllco Is disabled
When lotteries aro no longer advertised
lu the papers thoy Will soon bo forgotten
nnd tliolr lcloiisiicts will bo so dimin
ished as to become harmless to people
outIda of New Orleans and Loulsvllici
wboro nru situated tho only two lu the
United States
All tho do
Vernon Jun d
Of coiir < j Tun GazkttkIs all tho no
hero People appreciate a paper which
has principles and backbone to maintain
Tills Is True
MobccllO 1anliAiidtc
If tho state would give onehalf of its
school land to actual settlors tho school
fund nnd ovory other state fund would bo
And iota Its Klmre
Wichita Herald
Sau Antonio has several casus of small
pox Wo wonder If Port Worth isnt en
vious as tho latter city wants ccrvlhlng
that comes Into the swto
Ho Ii Notr In Our Itvnrts
Hlllsboro Mirror
Somo parties in Port Worth aro trying
to Induce Moody and Sankey to visit that
city Tho next thins we know some un
uprising citizen will be trying to prevail
upon tho Lord to vlsjt thu Port
A Mi o Town
Urownuood Ilullctlu
Port Worth Is to have a jicw paper to
bo christened tho Prairie Queen and
which will mako Its appearance somo time
this month Tho Port Is a live town and
encourages her papers Wo wish the
Queen success
m <
AShiiaeful Uoast
Now York World
Chicago claims tho anything but proud
preeminence of being among tho largod
producers of buttenne and oleomargar
ine lu tho world Ouu manufactory by
no means the largest in that clty4loasts
a sale of 3000000 pounds last jear
adding tuocomfortlng assurance nllnost
ull of which was shipped to the Kastorn
Mill bo W o Do
McicUito McFKjutter
Maybe tho Port Worth GAirmi dont
think Musqulto Is going to havo a cotton
yard Dtit that is just what sbo Is golug to
havetyaybe the port Worth f ukttb dout
think Musqulto Is tbo bust town to Its
sire in Texat but thats wnat she is
Maybe the Port Woith ivyimi dont
know we that Wu havo a No 1 school iu
Mesqultu but thats what we have
To loMmnstnrs
Van AistvmTi Jan so isM
A national convention of thitd ami
fourth class postmasters has been called
to meet ttt Chicago February 15 1880 to
present memorials to congicss etc for
tbo relief of postmasters of the above
claiios A delogato from this tho Fifth
cougretslonal district of Texas should bo
present All the postmasters of this dis
trict of tho nbovumcntloiicd classes are
respectfully invited to attendncon > eutlou
at Shermau Tex Saturday February 7
at 12 oclock a m sharp for thu purpose
of selecting a delegate or delegatus All
postmasters are expected to give from fcl
to 82 to send delegates to tho national
convention and to Washington Contri
butions or amounts each will contribute
can bo scut to J P Leslie Van Alstync
or any postmaster who will attend and it
will bo properly appropriated All post
masters aio Interested and should there
fore send in their contributions at once
J P Luslii postmaster
Van Alstync
S HtJNWJtt postmaster
All papers In this district are most re
spectfully requested to copy
Statistic Showing Her ilnnt Stride Dur
Inc tho 80
lUiriMOiti M D Jan 28 The Balti
more Manufacturers Hecord publishes
today tho uunuul record of tho Industrial
growth of tho South and tbu progress ot
manufacturing aud mining interest of that
section during 1885 noticeable fea
ture is tho wide diversity of now inter
prises which include almost every
industry known In tin country Tho
amount of capital Including
capital stock ol Incorporated
companies organucd during the year aud
thu amount spent In enlarging buildings
and rcplacldn thosu t cstroyed by lire
aggregates 0081200o Summing up
some of the statistics of tbo Souths
progress slnco 1880 tho ltccord shows
that 10100 miles hate been added to the
Souths railroad mileage thu building of
which added to the Investment in
old roads and their improvement fools
up 571000000 tho actual cost of tho
railroads of tho South antl their equip
tnent according to the statistics being
over 81250000000 acalnst 8C79bOO000
lu 1880 Tho assessed value of property
iu tho South has incieased 1000000000
since 1870
A Cnptnlus tortunnto Discovery
Capt Colcmau schooner Weymouth
plying botween Atlantic City and Now
York had been troubled with a coogh so
that ho was unable to Mcen and was In
duced to try Dr Kings Now Discovery
for Consumption It uot only gave him
Instant relief but allayed the extreme
soreness In hlN breast His children
were similarly affected aud a single dose
had tho same happy effect Dr Kings
New Discovery Is now tho standard rem
edy In tho Colcmau household nnd on
board the schooner Frco trial bottles of
this standard remedy at II W Williams
4 Co s drug store
Locksmlthlng at StcrVs 200 Main
Tli Drift of Umntx tn Vnrlon Unnrter of
tho lA > a filnr Stnto
KImo Is to have a tannery
Donlson Is to havo elcctrlo light
Comanchou trado Is steadily Increas
Itusk county scrip Is worth 8G ccntn on
tho 81
Circlovlllo is to have a depot aud ticket
Lockhnrt has live churches arid n
Henderson wants a tannery and wagon
Clcmmouds Waller county now has a
Piano expects an elevator In limo for
the grain trado
Good sprinkle of cotton vislblo last
week lu Donlson
Tho dislncorporatlon of Sweetwater Is
being discussed
Tho public school of Sweetwater Is In a
nourishing condition
Nolan county has plenty of room for
thu man with tho hoc
In Husk county Indications for a big
fruit crop arc good
In tho Panhandle the cattleaio reported
lookiuc sleek aud fat
Colemans voting population lias
doubled sluce November 1981
Tho Henderson Mutual Insurance com
pany Is doing a big business
Sweetwater is overrun with straigors
and a big demand for dwelling houses
In the vicinity of Lockhart cornplant
ing will soon be tho order of tho day
The Methodist Sundayschool at Gntu
bury has just received a handsome organ
Mr Hobort Gray living near Juekson
villc has been confined because 6f lunacy
In Collin county the farmers uro Jubi
lant over tho prospects of tho wheat
Tho farmers around Hempstead are too
busy with spring work to loiter about
Ono gin In Howie county has turned
out nearly 100 bales of cotton during this
Throckmorton has a literary society
which is well attended and ably sus
Smith county estimates give hur 3000
bales of eottou more than any cottuty in
Fast Texas
Ono hundred aud fiftysix bales of cot
ton for sale in Dodd City Wednesday
January 20
Quito a number of bales of cotton were
soldnt Sulphur Springs on Thursday
January 21
In Medina county tho cattlo are lu good
condition there being plenty of grass
and water
In Kaufman county the recent cold
snap has lujtitcd the small gralu crop to
somo extent
Clio anticipates largo cotton crops the
farmers aro laying in big supplies of
weeding hoes
Theto has been a seminary recently es
tablished at Crockett for tho education of
colored girls
Dvery business house In Itasca Is now
occupied only four months since a num
ber were vacant
This has been considered the mildest
Winter on cattlo that Nolan utfunty has
ever experienced
The stock In Illanco county Is reported
in good condition notwithstanding tho
lato severe weather
In Coleman work on twentylive or
thirty buildings has been delayed by the
illsagreeablo weather
in liockvvall county tho lato freeze
killed all tho fall sown oats but wheat was
not seriously injured
A citizen near Coleman City has over
100 acres ot pralrlo broken on his farm
throo miles from town
J IJ Scarborough has sold his lunch
three miles north of Sweetwater to tho
Colo boys for 83 per aero
Corslcana Holler mills now mauufac
tuio their own barrels having inaugu
rated n llrstcluss cooper shop
In Tom Green county spring is advanc
ing Around tho courthouse at San
Angelo tho trees aro bnddlng
Tho citizens of Friendship havo just
completed a schoolhouse tho best in the
county except tho one at Koekwall
Around Colllnsvllle tho farmers havo
been plowing some All seem to bo In
good spirits Plenty of hog and hominy
Iu Coleman county It Is expected there
will be nu extraordinary clip of wool
unless the spring should bo unusually
Cages for the now jail at Anson are ex
pected every day and prisoners from
Jones county in other jails will soon b
removed there
Parker county holds out inducements
to tho Immigrant such as Una farming
lands the best of nrteslnn water good
schools and society
Willy Ellis captured near Hockley nn
Immense golden eagle which measured
seven feet four inches from tip of wine
to tip of wing
Kov A 31 Munison of Fdlnburgb
Scotland has taken a professorship in
Thorp college and will bring his family
from tho old country
llrackctt is clamoring for a system of
waterworks a public hall a church aud
a hotel all essential to comfort cultiva
tion and cleanliness
Tho contract has been let lor a 72000
courthousu to bo built In Morllc tbo
county site of Presidio county It will be
ono of tho finest In the state
About Kemp tho extremely cold weath
er lias Injured stock upon tho range but
little owing to the dry weather that has
been prevailing quite a while
It Is reported that tho grand jury at
Denton found 218 bills ot Indictment
against citizens of Denton county mostly
for violations of the localoptlon law
Not mauy days ago a large train
of Mississippi emigrants passed through
G liner eh routo for Williamson county
whtro a now colony has been founded
Austin county must bo going right
ahead A new lumber yard will be
opened at llcllovillo tho tlrst of tho
month which will be tho third in that
It Is said that during the past livo years
Nacogdoches has nearly doubled lu popu
latlon but still has ample room and ex
cellent advantages for tho thrifty Irani
Temple plumes herself on her many
natural advantages her business men
railroad facilities cotton receipts water
works fflrc department and public
Mount PfcaWt lias plenty of water and
coal at
hO bounds
taken about 1
uSt5 l
riverJJ I
cent valuntiVon
rendered by the rnr1
on company Ni
Most of the
Ion being
her hence it wonito
tho most certain v
wheat J
will lcnrotL <
landtosprCcroS Si
Kemp twT
house or tmreiucd
In town
ThuDcnt onMin
company has MrucH H
C inches thick
Hrst being about cta
It Is about CO feet beW
19 said to bo fine qS
Tho town I
of Mssoa
prove Tht tom
heard from
greet the eye a
prise Is manifest
tho surrounding country
A petition with about
has been forwarded to
guncMl aBklng for tb sTJ
ono In tho
state by Uw
an enormous bear S
poumls Aatognta pwK
that trffi
having no weapon
his lasso aud so
Itorally pounded
large stones
four y are ago ami UliK
population of 252 It noVT
Schools appear to be proaSJ
out the
couuty which s
to appreciation of the In
Kusk needs another
control V1
money so 1 b
same on good security for n
per annum A flmtorco r
Invest profitably on or
dollars on tpsM
estate security
In Williamson county m
been plentiful in the Heidi s
river lor the past two week
our local sportsmen huvebmi
In killing them Curlew i
moro plentiful than they Jw
several seasons
Tho reports from Pm1j i
that tho farmers arc waltttjlL
breeze to blow over that us
breaking up ground for to
crop Tho ground Is laif
tlon and everybody looj I
prosperous crop year
Tho public school of Itca C
grosses finely with an Istmui
attendance Tho city Iticlfhis
prising and businesslike i va
is soon to have a nctr tAb
jail built of brick rajoetV
but said to jo as durwfiV
Tho oldest inhabitants t
county aru still dlRn e to
as to whether the bllnttifi
nnd oth was tho coldest etui
Texas Some aro chimin tit
tlon for December and JsatMjf
when all the pork hogs trass
the pens
Tho Tlmpson Time to
week Mr Thomas Parker wt
marriage to Mrs Wlggla Ti
able feututo of this msrrlijt i
bride 13 sixty years of age s <
groom olghtyilye Mr Ptttai
a resident of Shelby coontjh
antiquity and was a eoldierd
lean war
Five buslucss mend
agreed to invest tbo turn dp
for thu erection of a lucto
ment In that city The bk
cost about 81503 The loll I
purchased aud the ijulldlEg 2
cd in tho spring This ii its
enterprise and should stltna
ers to give moro attcntloatas
Hubbard City has r el
ton yard this season SM0M
a radlous of fourteen miles
ginned about 10000 bales i
havo found a market theKH
do so for the want of abw
press and cotton seed oil b
field for enterprise and here
endeavor to enlist capltiuw5
advent of nnother season
Lampasas county will WJ
the hunters paradise ill
eloping as a farming o
are constantly passing thrpW
of tho hlecksraith and f
nlng to push them prep
Small grain Is looking w
Most of the stock is ow
scarcity ol mast has we
hogs still there Is a good f
Wngonloads of cedar po J
through Sent
aro passing
nuw pastures and extenw
s ft tin
TMECIIlllLtt A10klU
Wo are wctW 1
menu ol
Oy er ndrublJ
ItlehardUmtTs the Stato from Gray B 7 W l 1 I > V VI jVy
son county case oLbnrgiarjs tho lower Wp i W ltoikvfe V iJBfl