it this
it sales of this house is their guarantee of the present
11 l as it is represented with the additional recoin
v t bale is of this seasons pnrchasowithuo shopworn
jthing now fresh and oloan
cut hom OOcloflo
> tb m ra hadia
n > v iac in popular shades cut Iioui 8125 to 7Se
ljs jo i >
Timo of i la asr > ears price 50c go this week at asc
nielcCUtf > I Hi to 75C
ttL la all in in < dvcsi lnt lrom 1 5 85c
st colorings cut from 73c to 50c
m > la all the lat
pmoroid < x t ur < s flannels cut from Slr0 to 8100
I lino of w 1 cashmeres reduced from 75c to COo
created such sensation will this week at
VdiaKonals that a go 8Cc cut
camels hair we have cut to 100
The popular
silks mluccd in the face of a rising market grand annual clearing
following list of prices will show a few of the cuts made
l etra cut from 200 ta
mi in rich and elegant patterns cut from 125 to rOc
We sUks cut from 8200 to Si 00
in all tho nuwest shades cut from 200 to 125
brocade silks
from 1 50 00
in in all the latest dyes cut 81
tiit ci Win tills Je aiinont Vnluos tiro Entirely
JELS JbOHtMlltlitOlW
Will flannels cut from 75c to 25c
1 selection of hoavj twill ilanncls In blue brown garnet and greou cut
ioc KeJ flannels that wo guaranteo all pure wool of an ox rivtlulsh
ts silk stitched O c with pouts to match
erlno vests silk stitched 75c with pants to match
all wool 175 cut from 225
artet vests pure
e time to make jour purchases
oases at least per cent
113 115 Houston 112 114
Sold on the Installment Plan
KrerWcck nntll Jlldnight Xo 5W
Itoom for TranslonU UpStalrs Open
Mala strc FoH Worth acas Opposite loatofflce
DANIA Proprietor
3 >
Mason Hamlin
733 and 735 Main Street DALLAS TEXAS
All Leadlno Brands Clrjars Imported and Domestic
WARD Malinger > MA1JV ST
Tho Finest Living on Two Hemispheres
I1Y1E tllo iravorlto Cntovcr mid Xxopriotor
esh Oysters and Game served at all hours 310 Main street
iBo > <
ota aud Sbl toesv
Auditor Jlienowoths Decision In lie
nr l to tho Fish Commission
Accounts Overruled
record t
every jart
Grovers Last Note to tho Senate
Likely to Result in a Truly
Partisan Controversy
u e Hlilpmnnt f CiilUUTln Demo
Seimlorj liMnllo to StHwl
A Cliuli With tho S tmt
Special to Ilio Uaiette
Wamiixiitojc Jan30 The declination
of the administration to comply with the
resolution of tho senate calling for the
papers bearing on the olUelal character o
the district attorney lor the Southern dis
trict of Alabannv was tho topic ol dlscwi
slun at the capital aud places of public
resort today There appears to bo every
Indication ot a bitter contest onr the
matter and before the end M reached un
ices rematkable skill Is applied
It will develop into a contro
versy of a truly partisan character
ovKnnurieit curNoyvmiis hkcision
Comptroller Durham has overruled tho
decision of thu llrst auditor who disal
lowed tho accounts of tho Halt commis
sion In expeudlng money for the creation
of summer platters at Woods lloll
Mass Tho comptioller holds that as
congress had apparently approved the
Woods Jloll house by appropriating
money at three different times tor It
thero was no reasons tor disallowing the
ltxiicrnvx ouoihncy
The president has pardoned Win
ship Swift a former employe
ol the j > ostalsorvlce who was
convicted in Maine for violating tho
postal regulation in allowing a mail bag
to be stolen Hirough negligence
codfish von rumiiu
A shipment oi half a million of Qulncy
ooUilsh arrived iu this city yesterday
Wo are discounting the ptlcos asked by m ° r mf ff ° ra Woods lloll Mass bound
for lVusacow whence they will be taken
Main Streets
Jbmklni Inslnoss trnnsaetod
Onnb Oapltnl nnd Sitrjiliw S r0000
JS Goairln M II I yil JDnecd ZanoUettl D O ltonnett George Jaofceon
8 D Burnett E B Harrow and K W
Successors to Oddball VnnZandt Co Fort Worth Texas
Collections mado and promptly remitted Ex
lirinolpal cities ot Knropo
VanZaudt T > oa A TldbaU N Harding J P Smith J J Jarvls E J
303 Houston Street One Door Southeast of Second Stroot
out to sea aud iauoslicd on the odgo
tho cold deep watertxisut of the gulf
statiomi > at hot siiunos
Maj H S Vltkery Surgeon of tho
United States army has been assigned to
duty at Hot Springs Ark iu connection
with the completion oi the army and
navy hospital for tho rctwutlon of
patients >
a khw noitsi i ou anovun
An addition to tho Whlto Ilouso stables
Is daiij expected In the shape of a seal
brown hoiso to match the presidents
wellknown pair
Action r Suunto Cmmuttlcf
Wasiukotos Jan 0 Tho senate
committee on public lands today com
pleted a bill lor the repeal of the preemp
tion of timber aud culture lauds mid the
measure will be teportcd to thu senate on
Monday It repeals tho two laws men
tioned outright amends the def ert land
act so as to give tho clalmaut SCO acres
on condition that ho make It thls perma
nent residence and shell lrri j v4lalh
at it iuX > > Jv itv jfcBrta tnjin tho
date of lltlng of the claimants notice
of his intention u also repeals
tho commutation feature of the
homestead law aud UiMJts tiu tune with
In which the government ca u > Cal a
patent to live years
The senate committee on public vmj
today amended Siuator Horrjw roao
tion so ns to make it declare that in tho
opinion of congress the leases of bath
houses and hot water prlvlleces at Hot
Springs Ark should not bo renewed by
the secretary of the Interior until tho
Fortyninth congress shall have legislated
with refereiic thereto Tho lobolutlon
will be favorably reportid to the senate
SinMortlnR tlio liPillco
Wamilnotox Jan SO The Demo
cratic senators met lu caucus today at 11
oclock and adjourned at 115 oclock
Thoy discussed the pending Issue between
the executive and the senate fully nnd
hunnimously ndouted the following reso
lution which the secretary of the caucus
was authorized to make public
llesolved that wo approve tho Wows
and actlonof tho president communicated
to tho senate through AttorneyGeneral
Garland In his loiter of Jnnuary 29188G
aud that wo cordially support thu etcu
tlvo therein
The letter r f tho attorneygeneral was
received by tho piesldentol the senate
yesterday aud was seen by tho senators
bdtas theiowasno oxecutlio session it
was not foimallv laldbefoio that body
llio While lmi o Itetcplion
Wasuikoton Jan 80 Tho public re
ception at tho Whlto House last night
was tho largest of tho Mud over seen hero
The hours of the reception were fiom I
to 11 but long before ii a closely packed
crowd of people extended from the matu
entrance of tho oxecutlte mansion tho en
tire length of the carriageway and for
half a block up Peuusjlvaulaaveiiuu Up
contlnUHd to Increase
to 11 oclock tho crowd
crease and it was longultor that hour bo
fovu the lat iu tho lino had passed
thiough The president was assisted in
rtceivlug by Miss Clevt land Mis Man
nun Mrs Whitney aud Mrs Vilao Sec
retaries Manning Whitney Kmilcott and
jUuiar weto also present Col ilsou
made tho presentations
Wnr ttuinon Iron tllo l timim
WASiHNcnovJan SO Tho secretary
of tho navy has rccelrtd Information from
tlie efitct that
I a Faclllc Mall steamship to
another revolution is threatenod on Uie
isthmus of Fanama Hear Admiral Joiiott
commanding the North Atlantic station
1 was yesterday directed by telegraph to
1 rcraalu at Aspinwall with tho Tennessee
for tho present It Is posslUlo that the
Tennessio sailed lrom Aspinwall for hey
oi theoo instructions
West prior to tho receipt
structions in which eient sbowllllw
ordered back in case the situation demands
it and other tcsela will bo ordered to
his assistance Not much importance
however is attached to tho present re
ports of damage
Reiiriuiauiline UnzeuM Henclincu
w < iistTON Jan 80 AdJGcn
Drum has wrut en ft letter to Chief Signal
Ofllcer Hazen lu regard to the leoent
conrtmarUal convened at lort Myer
vV In which he says the secretary ot war
lYstrucU hlui to express his grave dis
nleasuro at tno conduct of Lieut Greene
who he says has
ni the slnal corps
mauHestWcd so Win his career to
wmprohend lie duties and respomdhlll
ties of a conitnlf aloncd ofllcor The sec
relary of war alio dooms It hUtfuty to
roprohate the rude and canrsu muiuerltt
which the olllcors composing tjweoourt
treated the counsel lor the accitMfl Such
conduct Is utterly uwplstlsablo In wJliws t IU r l T Ttl >
Talks antT ThlnK3 that
Mtunc iu imutary oowta in tho oajwotiy Sawyer Frcoly
ot judges
All Unlawful Tw > for Cent I
WtsiihNirow Jan so Tho Mleltoraf
toe treasury Imsulven hi opinion on the
qooatton as o the right of a Unite 1
States attorney to retain per cent o
the amount collected on ummtlsfMl war
honso and oU r customSows honde
which may have been turned
over to him for action but
which were settled by fto parties
without mlt Toe solicitor holds that In
euch cases wherts no suit or proceeding
lu the nature of a suit lias beeu brought
oroooducted by the district ntloiriiey he
Is not entitled to tlie a per cent
Tim Mui llR wnr Trraljr
I vnts Ian 00Dispatches fcv > tho
capltol f ftradnftaacar aUtu Mvimn tlto
treaty Jrt poaocbetweon Ifranw KM Mad
agascar Fnfnoo waives all claim m pro
teatorat over the Island orjto an
indemnity Madagwicar agri
pay aud Wranoo agroea t
2000000 for release which
all foreign clalma against A
both thoseantudvtlnis tho recent
those growtng out of it Krance
cupy Tnmattne tiutli tho nionoy
The treaty also emiiowors Kran
Hon a French rnaulont In the
until the rights of 1ieuchinen a
defined and In the meautlme to oi
leaguo limit around Diego and
KIiib Qnurftn AVntit Deny
tho matter to his government
AiiirN8 Jan 30 Tho king of
tpititbiy ou mi American Ship
London Jan 30 A dlspatoh to the
Dally News from Madera states that a
German vessel which arrived thofO from
St Ilolon reports that a tcrrlhlo mutiny
took place on board tho American ship
Frank Y Thayn r Capt Clark from Man
illa October illsl for New Yotk which
as bufcro reported burned at eea Tho
inutliicih arc said to have murdered some
f thu olllcurs and then to hn o set lire to
llie iilo
Irom Inru
Lima Jan 30 r jrola haa lAlird a
luaulfnsto declining canukisturajov tlie
presidency lie dielarea thilr psjnc Is an
absolute nccosNlty and proinlsuato oo >
ojiorate to maintain It This leaves tho
flold to Caceres
The next congro B will faitlifidlrepre
sent tho views of tho people
Tho government is now lnt
new Impiotcd typo ol rcpcntlu
use in the nrmy
Cub hi KiiUj
otng a
Do for
ftrjamhr TtTW RHniiW > tho
American legation at Vienna and charge
daffalies was presented to l inpetor
Frauds Joseph and tho ciupiess Friday
otening at an Imperial court ball
Tho terms of the treaty ot penco be
tween France and Mudagucur have been
agreed upon
Tho Spanish budget shows a dellclt of
than 22000000 pesos Senor
Macho the minister of llnauce pro
fvJho Inauguration ot reform through
Snni cIa mUly Uo Is conUdtnt that n
IllS 0 CbftbUslod
M ux2d
enTSre t uhVntUhons correspond
como tired of the politic t A
and especially of their pfl c f
attitude respecting the llulg1 ul < °
Hon and that he will likely 5oB fJt
catc and totire to Copenhagen ml
Tho Hrltlsh authorities are emlcnvorlnt
to ralbo a number of native battulions rt
Cairo to garrison Suaklin nud lejilnco tho
Hrltlsh aud Indian troops now stationed
Tho olllclal journal al Athens donles
that the attitude ot the Greek cabinet has
changed >
Lord Snlsbtiry haR Instructed Admiral
Hay commander of the Dngllsh Mediter
ranean squadron to omploy forco analnst
the Greeks whenever they attack tho
The duko of Westminster has retracted
his recent charge against the Faniellltus
of squandering lilsh donations In de
bauchery Ho says lo Is nuable posi
tively to pro o tho charge
The London Dally News says that al
though Lord llartlngton has not ludl
cuUmI his Intentions it Is c rt lnly pre
mature to assume that ho would decline
In event of his belug ashed to assist Mr
VreWons to Mr Gladstones being sum
moned It was reported that the queen lies
Itatcd between tho oxprcinlnr aud Lord
llartlngtiiu and had ordered the minis
ters not to surronder their seats of office
until Monday
The committee Of tho French chanibi r
of deputies ia which M Ilochefrths
umiiesty propowls wore Bubinlttdhis
rtleoted tho proposals Irwinlerde i y
cinet promisml the committee that the
governor would grant tho widest aitiueety
Gladstone will visit the i en at Oa
borne Monday
A icveresbock ol earthquake was felt
on tho southern coast of Spain yoaterday
1 1 1 I
Michael Kallln of LouUvllIe who cut
his wifes tbniat and attempted his own
life was sentenced to bo hanged yester
day on March 18
Gandaur has agreed to row a sculling
raco with J A St John of St Louis
A great cocking main between St Louis
and DallasTex haa been arranged to
commence at Dallax February 2a and con
tlnue a week The slako Is 82000 a side
and 200 on each light
The jury Iu the case of Chlto Chock
tho alleged Chinese highbinder ol St
Louis returned a verdict of murder in the
first degree last night
Over 5000000of tho Ppercentbonds
embraced In tho one hundred and tvyenty
thlrd call for 810000000 which will ma
ture February 15 have already been re
ceived at the treasury department for re
t > einpten
Mntiory Didnt Say What
is Reported
Tho Ilrailrjt Itislcnl Itwhiunenl
Ilnuse Ii > tho filnto Says Ship
by th Slergnn Ifnc
Jttio llojonlt Wil Agrrcd lxiu In Cttt ro
tun lmt Wi THlmliiHiiil fmm >
n > ic Wovtli
> l l IU tllt < UK7Pll <
AtMSsYox Tr Jan so ItoKott
matttrs are still in statu quo ami not
withstanding the edict putting the Mat
lory line under the tan is now three day
old no olllclal notice to that efltcftl has
be n served on the company or any af the
other parties in Inttroat One the
probable causes for tide hanging lire of
the order in forolnK the refractory eom
panp iuto lino ia said to ho the
premature publicity given to the bsycott
proclamation Thla provlousnoaa lias
conetdoiably oxoiclped the Knights and
been the subject of close linestioatlou
JtiM how the information was obtained Is
a secrot but tho faot of Us authority ir
not denied The nsnortlon hat It Was
Issued from OaHeston wlthlu lllteen
mlnutea niter tho final adjournment of
j district nssoinbly No 7s is hardly recoil
I cilablo with thu otatoment that the en
velope in which It was for
Iwardod boro tho ioit
has refused the request of Sir atoracepo8lnu lna tW8 n8 t jny thu
llumboldt tho lJritlsh minister tp deny boycott order hasbeen given to tho pub
al alleged fanciful accounts in the Mint 0J nml l8 osUHlMbly lu effect though no
odea no which aUttc Uiat the fn
wspapera re8 uUs aio yet ipparent except tho
Drills minister In Imparting to tho Greek
wu0 ot Mosais Tl > mas Gogsan llio
govcriiment baUsbmy a note lutornjUH Coaler in pianoa and musical Instruments
Greece of attitude used laiK
gnage tendingto break tho telatlcns e ntont front S ow
of this city who yesterday changed ship
voik from tho Mallory to
ltlng between Knglaud and iitfCo Sir MorRln llnJl Mr loggan sajs his action
Horace denloa made offensive
hating any was miy IV niCasuro of Bcltptotectlon
romatks on tho occasion aud has referred I ly 1I19ur InK J tll0 rapid transltot his freight
which via tho Mallory Hue might
meet with dulays ns a result
of tho boycott Itulatlro to tho
Initiatory steps taken by tho Messrs
GoggauCapt Sawyer said These gen
tlemen are rights thoy nro doing tho very
sanio thing tho Mallory Line company nro
having all tho trouble about Thoy are
oxorclslnj the right to control tholo own
business Of course we regret that wo
lose our part of their shipments but
then wo have no right to object lo thelt
action In tho promises Whether with oi
without yeasou no mattor what
the controlling Influence to
tho Messrs Goggan I lliluk nro
douig what they conscientiously believe
to bo lor the bust for their business at
present His their preiogatho to do so
and no onu has any light to question
j thorn This Is our case precisely Itela
I live to tho lnlen lew had lu Now York
with C II Mallory published
this morning Capt Sawjer said this
aftoinoon that from his nndcislnndttig
of tho history of tho trouble between tlio
Knights of Labor and tho company hu
thought there was some mlsiako lu tho
publication TJie Interview was not a ir
rect version and had an li rltntlng ten
dency It Is rumored that there will be
a big meeting of tho order tomorrow
night and that regular boycotting will bo
gin thu next morning
Special to tlio inretto
< < II MAIUllt IAllts
Nbw Voiik Jan HO C II Mntiory of
tho Malloiy Steamship company seemed
to bo little disturbed today by the boy
cott placed ou his lino by tho Knight of
Labor iu inhesion Ho said ho had re
ceived it telegram from Capt Sawyer the
agent of the company lu Galveston nud It
was stated lu the telegram that thore
had not been any delays tu the delivery of
freight by the lallroatl companies so far
but what action tho labor unionists
might take In order to In tor
nipt tialllc was as yet undecided
The wholesale merchants of Galveston
sympathlru with the company In tho light
c l would give thorn their support Ac
cohiyj l0 Mullory tlio aibltratlon
boycott 011 t which wns referred the
bei and wflF1 the compaii last Novem
jointly wlthitcoinRJleitd tho question
of Labor are opposed > f the Knights
boycott The Knights otio prevent
said ordoted the boycott withoir hu
suiting the members of tho arbitration
commission Today tho steamship
Alamo was loading at pier 20 Mast liver
for Galviston and the State of Texas was
unloading at pier 21 lloth ptcra were
crowded with trucks unloading und load
ing freight and u small army of long
shoremen woto emplojed ou tho
piers Capt Deorlng who has
geueral charge of tho companys
piers said that ho had 160
longshoremen employed ou the vessels
Them men have been lu the employ of
the company for n It ng time und he
thought thoy could bo depended on
They did not belong to any labor union
as the company did not omploy uniou
men The men are paid thirty cunts an
hour forday aud nlautwoik Tho union
price is forty Cent an hour Under these
circumstances ho did not sou how the
boycott could affect him If however
his men ah tild join u labor union and
go out hu would do as ho did once bojoui
on a similar occasion ndvertlso for labor
ers and employ tho e who answered th
advertisement The companys steam
ship Lauipaens Is due at Galveston and It
Is expec od that the Kulghw ol Ubor will
Iwgln the flgiit by endeavoiing to prevent
the railroads from cotivoylng freight to
Jherolier JI1K tci tin Hnterlnlned
With it lliiiiKliiir
Special lo tho tlatelto
Vikita I T Jan aoTho Cboroltccs
are promised by tho judge of tho Sallue
district a novelty in tho toape ot an exe
cution but it Is feared that Chief lluhhy
head will step In aud spoil the show
the 2Gib of December Fete Scott shot and
killed Dick Cochran Ho was tried con
vlcted and tho sentence of tho court Is
that ho bo conveyed to thu national pris
on and thero securely kept until the IStn
L I I wtA ItU till
poses 1
In order that tho aul > culol may
ot the white mans lire water
n l lf iw > lAMIIIllllMi < tlgii > iWlf m
ciuoAuo scvu > i
ltortcmliik Tlircntoiinl with Dynnmtte hy
tho Hxrlullli
CJrrtnrt Iu Jan 90 Tho following
blootlthlrsty olroular printed In the
loll h hui8Dajxo tvitfl translated this
morning According to tho Dally Newa
similar ouos Iravo been scattered among
tho member ot tho Soolallst clubs
throughout the city and n decided
attempt Is making la carry It
Into effttct It h antd li >
seems thati a masquerade ball Is to bo hold
this evening The lloliemlans nro to dis
play fJgua which nro said to reflect on the
tho tin n
ho said
have taken
no surmising
what thu results will lie and if tho police
begin to use their clubs or overstep tho
limit ot their authority theauarcblata will
not to say tho least Btiimlt
tamely to It Two can play
at that game Tho Terrorists
ho said had no love for
tho police nud ou account ot tho way Urn
police looked upon them as a pack oi
tluovoe and rogues they never lost an o
porlunlty to glvo thsin a rap Tho Ho
bemlans nro determined fighters Mr
Spies says nml will no dtvnbl
be fully armed ou tho cccn
olon Neither will tho Anarchists
go emptyhanded Tho lloheinlan turners
nro reported to ho an offshoot from
socialism nnd nutll two yearn ago weio
in accord with that organisation
Thore Is a bitter feeling exist
ing between the two societies and
it was feaied a serious affray would
result tonight Yes tho IlohuuilatiB have
asked pioteotlon from thu Anarchism
said Chlei Kbersold this afternoon We
shall have three odlccrs detailed thore
to prevent tho threatened vloluiico but If
necessary tho entire department can
lie on ground at a few momenta notice
I dont think there Is danger ol serious
trouble the superintendent added The
AuuvehMtM an sot hi foolish I think as
to Imagine they can dely tho entire police
iorco oi tho olty mid the chief laughed at
llio Idea that there would bo serious
rollI ltlnllntluii
London Jan so Tho Polish mer
chants nro making arrangements to boy
cott tho German trade as an net of rotalla
tiou fur tho ldllsh cYpulslnn
Attmlil t ill Wills Point
Special to tlio Uiirettc
Wim h Foist Tux Jan 30 An at
tachment ot 911000 was run ou tho stock
of Gilchrist Wlngo merchants ot this
city jestorday by Mrs Anderson
motherinlaw of Mr Wlngor The house
was closed today
rroni Pilot
Special to tlio Uatettc
Pilot Point Tdx Jan 30 Mr 8 II
Jores has opened a crocory and confec
tionery store on tho South Side
Air It S Key tho North Side confec
tioner sold today his stock of goods nud
fixtures at public sale DJ Kendall In
lijti usual good humor auctioneered
Spcclrdli Vrmii Mcsqullo
family grocur soji < ro S A Coat
other day JDIIrowdm his stock the
chaser thu pur
D W Housloy u small inercha
Hoso Hill has been boycottcdb tli
llauco for abusing tho members amTprln
clples of that ordor
Correspondence of tlio unzetto
CotniiAt0 Tkx Jan SKCnfvdns
llros sold today to n linn In Midland
thrcocarHOfiom two cars of oats and
one car of hay This Is but a mal Mle
considering what they have sold durlftg
tho month
Itros dry good Cm from
Abilene will open In a low days iu the1
lliler block with a large stock occupy ug
tho two largo rooms former occupied
by Geo Mllioro hardware storo
Trnninrtluii lu Hj
Special to tlio Oarewc
8iiiitJUNTixMn IWAa u evi
dence that business is W > t dead In Slier
man tho hardware noise of Huberts
Hardcwlck Taylor chipped yesterday
and today to dlfTercntpartB of tho state
Mt dozen hoes toother with a largo
amount of other goov Seven thousand
one hundred and tvvuit > hoes In thirty
alX hours Is doing prftly well tor Sher
man nnd wo think It perhaps the biggest
similar shipment AC iado In the state
AVIS Hulo <
Special to tho OatHi
Dkcatub Tvx Jan SO Tho great
salu of the goods wares aud merchandise
of tho kuo C4rpenterlthome company
will begin Mtuday February 1 at Dcca
tur Tho dr goods will bo sold llrst lu
bulk to thy highest bidder for cash and
the hardwire ou the same terms There
Anarchist and Beclallste This looked j
out Tho eircular tminodtaloly followed
It Is understood that upon the assembling u oimvkiwa the r ir t > o edtrtiic chiit
of tho Socialists ot Hvd Mieetlng plaous r
Btttde < n t imh nt th t
icsolntloue will bo Immodlatoly adopted
Hu >
to blowup the hall o cUuUohouiWa
i refuse to rctxtct The circular sajs r
i liall Moikmen Tim UoermlMturtivt t l P e l to ihfrSMOtto
lur lreet will gl oa lUatqueradu will tor Uio < ATLVNTA Ua Tilir
pnni o ot < taliili tlielr trl enil Thj Mav r0H < q Armstrong
uroframme > ime tlmt Imcu win iw a grand
Sl pln > ct < rleloUn n dm the uroRtammt
lliu tnracm lima Inutod Urn wutkinen ot the
pntlrneoullnrut reviling lhain lu euniem tu
mn andMllUsltwumnn Sow then workmen
tru Vu tiiotetoio r iiiM all
poorrlrmimntituTO lo tliaw up In full tl > re to
ivRlit at llw lu > lt and Uiure iIpukoh Hint tlie >
Hall recall their Inulu
Chleago lloe ctailiu and VWt r1h > m an > net
iieoofnry Uuoglv Imnil auud itnmlle are all
renalremenla Tlio ulxlli ward men will n
BCinlile ou iilitivmli tn < and lloOo tlio
I glilli wattton Uekuven nlvvoi hl urd
Joist ooiamm w Socurrlt oi LllU < io
The lloheinlan society sent a committee
to Chlol KborsoUl to ttsk proicctlon and
Capt Simon 0 Douuuli ol tho Twelfth
Street polli e station has been asslgnodto
look after thu nmttcr Tho word iwvu
lotru Is said to mean thief or robber or
A rcpoitcr from another evening paper
called ou August Spies vogMvUng
tho pioposfd display lu salit
It was not contotuplated by thu nnamh
Ists originally to tnko possession of tho
Shall Thoy only desired to protest
jugahist tho action of
ors Kuw how vcr
since the lloliemlans
tho cowardly step of
aid ot the police thero Is
Tlie Clouds Hanging Over the Devoted
Head of Parson Armstrong
About to Vanish
lilsnppoArnntO of Witness M < imi Kc
giUded ns A Virtual Triumph for
iVo Aocimcil Minister
luunoral conduct hna been pofefp4a ffi t
Monday In orrter to ot l v thacletpetiien
constituting the eeclea utiical court ftflU
aiio theinawi tair RuwuTilo mmV S ota Hr mvv VX lull > ts Wrttlw JJrj >
MmtiiitiK l ll n < > iitv theu genuine ntiolo vlous to adjournment Sk Vtiii ttuig rcBd
worktitau tttjaouiufully written uu ja c M > tflw
bistrip to Cluclnoacl mi lnvr Mtio
wltli thu feeiniittiig 4ir n tuy im
Armstrong twewtn1 stou u
rigid nud nmwtn > xaaim a
by the > t < < utui atiorusj in
Monday tho piosecutlou jwill
place ou the utniul Imiidriuut
witnesses In rebuttal and this will close
tho testimony The atlornej s wllV then
begin thetr arguinentn and the case will
be decided on Wcdueday
A complete resume of Armstrong <
tcstlumny has been iurnlshed youruoire
spondeat by it gentleman cunuectod with
the ttlal In his statement Atitutrung
gives ft complete history of his life
and declares he la not Wilkes Booth
Hu touches upon several other lohiuiIs
that have turned up about him bhicotho
trial begtu Onu lopott was that while
in Virginia ho addressed a Sundayschool
coirjcullou while lutoMcated This Mr
Armstrong sajs Is lalso Tw witnesses
testlllcd It waa true but he avers tnolr
leatlnioiiy is atisolnuily fitlHe He also
stales that wihtlo Iu Clnclpijatl hu drunk
beer with hi dinner but was not at
nil Intoxicated Ho said he did
visit siventl houses of Illlame during
his stay in Fotkopolls but that whllo
thero ho was not guilty of any Immoral
revelry as charged He went on a gooilly
mission In nil endeavor to save a lust
soul Tho sudden dlsuppiaruucc of
Maun tlio principal wltiicxs has com
pletely demoralized tho prosuciitlou aud
Armstrongs ftletuta aiu more certain
thau ever ul his ivuquiltal As the trial
now stands only onu reputabio hIuics
lias Mvorn that Mr Armstrong wns atox
Icatvd whllo In Clnclnniitli Out witness
vvaa ono Mr Footo an luthtiaH friend oj
llevortor Mauu
llpun crossexninbiatlon Jooto said ho
was not poAiiivo that Aimatroiig was
drunk but said hu did nut believe the
1 doctor was sober
lojlo highest and best bidder for cash caudev
ttv and In good shape
Heveial vestrjinen of tho church wore
Interviewed lonlght One ol them saliti
I am sure tho vvtdlct will be for
acquittal This story of Armstrongs
chiicklug Lily Shaw niider tho chin mid
lolling her sho wns pretty Is palpably
made up for tho occasion The credibil
ity oi a witness Is the main tulug in it
triul like this and the Comt Is fully fiat
lulled that Mr ArmsttoligtrY6ra0horihe
affair Is true
Public sentiment lu favor 01 Arm
strongs acquittal is growing fast since
Mann ran away mid tlieicaro very few
lnAtlanta tonight who think tho charges
will be sustained
8KYKN llLAtli lltOlitf
I hey Will All thing on Ono Tr lmllnit
Ivrrlliiry Mntilrriin Menlouiid
flpoclal lo the loicltn
Foiit Smith Auk Jan SO James
Miissou Meredith Crow Joseph Jackson
itobert Wolf ono Wiley Lueo JIammon
and Tup Wnh Nuclt were toilay svuienced
lu thu federal court heioto bo hanged on
Fililay AprlUS I Hd lor murders com
mitted lu the Iudiati Nation ItubliiBiiu
Kelp who wits tilso to have heon sen
tenced was nllowed two weeks time In
Which to product ulleged evidence lu sup
port of tho motion ior a now trial Ho
will bu sentenced to go with tho balance
ot tho boys unless tho evidence is lorth
coming nt the proper time The court
room was crowded with speotatori biittie
doomed men tool the matter remarkably
cool Crow pleaded haul and In a manly
way for a new trial but the court over
nilcd a wellargued motion and bin doom
was iitiuoiincd The jmlgo was per
ceptibly affected by the disagreeable duty
his position compelled hlin topurlorm
1ruin the IbIImiiiih
Panama Jan 80 rrnohtoCorrustLan
llullaii wun tahoiiusu political prisoner
cunitboard the Fuclllc Steam Navigation
tlth Coluiiisteaiuer Ilo in Iananu bay by
M Chorion uuiioiltlcs
In Colon today os g duo to arrliO
IVnrn uf 3Inl > lnw Oim n Putpoii > iii > iit
huiiiii HfllisllilM View
Hpw lat lo tho Uarettr
IirNiuuTiA Ttsx Jan CO The case
of William Taylor who stands ehaiged
with the commission of thno offenses
ouofovassuultlng his wife with latent w
murder her aud one wlUi assault with in
tent to murder his daughter and one for
rape committed upon his daughter was
called for trial in the flffltualiifd ease this
Kiinc county jiuijro of
morning by l M
Clky county but the comity attorney
Miiiuly was told that a plot Was on foot
to mob the defendant If the facta showed
ho refused to demand
Up sulllclcntly fitiong so
mand tho defendant brought opt todsy
but let the matter rost for awhile
Tho defendants attorney claims that
ho has seen the prosecuting > awes
and they have denied In ItU P
existence ot tho facts upon w 1 °
county attorney relies i E
Tho county attorney say VVArfia
pie cannotlet thoomcers ge J J g ° ft
the discharge of their duty J
have to let tho fact upon which f Z
remain hidden and that by
witnesses are liable to < cr fa i
dated so he will not be bo to lct g y
The pwpfo i wow
thing out ot them
remember that it would fifcf fK
name abroad vj
aveiybad n
mobbiug In their
discharge their duty the la wan
Tho people should ukt an V1f small a
lulling crime In alt Its 1 Xl
thfy can M w
well as grent amlsoon
jurle on whom ttg
o rely upon getting
depend jS
fear of Uifl UlQh IftW