thewkw Fom1 UuUy ° f
2U TfMe m
M tlte TcrrlloT
r ° m °
nt r lh rler
< f0Cv Ian aoln tlio
fc wneonUctctl of tlio murder of
i Wyrlck I Flint dta
ViSkSW Tl jury failed
ACterok e Christie his at
Imtlloc in the crlmo who wan
3 fhr TbW stood eight for ac
4 itoitfor comlctlon and Wcro
Si rso lurao of testimony lu
W3 on tlo 3d day
rEluo d Christlo
L lntk
i1 other ro at tlio houso of
Ltnwo > le from the scene
lr all more or lets Intovl
61 ether ami nqot to thohouso of
wliere Wyrlck was
f BwVw too <
ikmsi P y drunk Christie
iD EJta ent to Hoppers to net
ffie changed at a meeting of
Kday previous Hopper was
ViSSffl bat Christie said howoull
cYmo and accordingly ho
It o
ffi MtoB lllJIr lo and
fiftje house Illuo IJuck remained
w minutes when ho remounted
ftBdMnIlopiKrwont to tho
< Am MO vnrds distant for a
rwc ater cfoio sho got back
Saw Ave gunshots were heard In
K where Wyrlck was at work and
Slitelj afterward tlio horso ho was
Xctmo running up to tho houso
J the Plow attached Presently
Dock camo up from tlio
dlrtctlon a 1th an ennjty
la in hH hand and asked Christie
Veblmeomo cartridges to reload It
then and there of what
j Hoboastid
bid done telling Christlo and Mrs
r where they would Unci Wyrlck
fait refused to give him the eart
a hen he wont ofl down tho road
left his horso and soon
litre he bad
mi with he aulmal Itc ngaln
rf for cartridge and Christlo llually
ijtoarounil He then mounted his
tedstarted off but it scuiis ho was
rtlog for more blood for justas ho
ted off an Indian boy named Hilly
U cime riding up and ho
Utblm Then o piocceUctl to tho
koI Hawky Wof and shot at him
lorthree times wncn Ilawlcy took tho
1 asrjy from him When Hopper
Mladic soon alter tho murder ho and
Utfc went to Hie field wlurc tl ey
id Wjrick lylnj u a furow thot
itimesln dlfinint nana of tho body
the imlktn lwlug passed clear
ongl TttamattiT nas kept so ciulot
ittatfeirhadauy Idei who did com
the murder und the marshals who
lt d the locality to work up tho case
si It a dlillcttlt matter to get
jilcnttestimony to wariant them in
tirlojoutnrJts for the arrest of any
4c suspected parties
Mly Hopper himself was arrested
Ibroughthtre charged with compile
la the mnrdir hut was teleased by tho
ItedSUUSfommlsiloner for lack of
4ko to bind him over About this
the officers obtained Information
Jdmlklkd tliem thut Illtie Duck was
< i the xtillly partly if thoro was
tt thsn one but he had commenced
tHttla to k < cp clear of the olllcers and
IBsjconjI erod a dangerous and ties
pie i ° w It was soino time
lore they succeeded In maturing
a for his capture Christlo was also
Jtttedas being Implicated and the
nhadawritforliim on a charge of
atabif nhl ly In tho Nation They
nm that If he would arrest Blue
tJ for them thoy would have tho whls
twi against him dismissed on arrival
ratsaltbtclllns him nothing of their
Picons as to his count ctlon with tho
m Tnls Christie agretd to and se
ns assManco of tvo or three
MMoon plac d Dluo Duck In tho
M if t marshals At tho examlna
we the commissioner enough
Wght to light to
holding ocr of Christlo as
l Blue Illck > l lo a
Wed to jail to await trial wtilch
Ha Thursday last In tho
shape of
thosecrossAre or threecornered
Mcadelemlant having his respec
ehwjers whilo tlio I nlted States nt
i2edea t0 botu of lhcm
Ahnt0rUuoMllll j0t ro
testimony being corrob
Jrseveral witnesses Uluo Duck
TJhi thc opposite but was
tflS y any of tl10 testimony
° olu toveral parties that he
JoZlk au 1 lhey l < tll < l to tho
Ptai As Hopper Is tho
now on
Li w suJTostl lio was tho
L ° l lta WMB S5 PIH9
lr H n 6rokc n l0 Christlo on
IWmuW1 01 kllllu8 Wyrlck
of tho
w2jJnfcnanMkert IIoPP for
5eS w hinah0 wanted to buy
SdXn aUl b0 woula lvo
W t2 t0ast hlm ttH l0UK
Mother w def 1e lauts piosccutcd
Wmul tl V5 B ° ve nmeut at
J PhViM 0 10 Christies stoiy
tat ° WB supported
4 esSl1 1011 llls innocence
R wSS a Woo l ty nature
lelllto X ntwBrown nest
800d8 aul
sttt a prices
IIi T > lCrowley
fWstfSji0 0 Tll after
toltowl dolCral
> and fa
sd Ja Tttf 1 VC8ton gambling
hub 5 JVIy a wellknown
fitW inS1 flvo nes and
i08 n his
frlotionso1VV cl
Jki taidiBl l mma oI < an
ShVtIiotel ° or the
Uelh ntho h0 t illd
i i
Wtt iron luforma
UT 1l1 hU dresses
a become tho
wedding was to
tiko placo In a few dayn During tho past
week Criwley had been drinking heavily
Titursduy ho visited Alias Do Iautioy and
told her ho had taken tho pledgo
and agatn urged his suit asking
tuathobo permitted tolslt Oalvcston
sco Hanlon and ask him to break oft the
engagement This It Is presumed was
consented to Crowley left for Oalvcs
ton last night and returned to Houston
this afternoon Hanlon camo up on tho
samo train Hanlon took a hack and
reached tho ladys houso ahead of Crow
Icy On tho latters arrival Hanlon
Was atandlug at tbo gate A short conver
sation ensued and tho men walked In tho
houso together A few momenta after
ward tho shooting took place Hanlon
claims that Crowley tired first Nino
shots were fired six by Hanlon and three
by Crowley Klther wound received by
Crowley would havo been fatal An In
iieat Is being held nnd will ho coucludcd
tomotrow Tho young lady Is well
kuown and highly esteemed and her con
nection with tho unfortunate affair Is
deeply regretted by her friends
Teleptionn Your Or it era
To Turner McCIuro over cither phone
nnd your goods will be delivered prompt
ly Try them next month for a change
Two Men Arrcntml ut Mntnmoros tor tlio
llrutal Mock Murilcr
Special to tho Oazotto
Matamoius JIkx Tan 80 Tlio do
tectives havu been Jealously working on
tho Block murder nnd made two tirrcsts
tonight It Is generally believed that
they hao apprehended tho guilty par
ties Theodore Dtiran
u butcher of
malodorous reputation Is one tho other
Is Francisco Aguern a gambler who
lived near Blocks placo of business who
when arrested hud a large stain ol blood
on his right skwo Wiien asked to ex
plain Its presenco thereon he made sov
eral cottlllctlng statements Tho authori
ties evpect to make a strong caso against
theso tvto men
Our full complement of ordertakers
nm wagons will bo In tho ring Monday
without a doubt MoVTaoMruv Co
Cash Grocers
A Young Photographer Hnnl Hit by
Cupid lets Into tho Slier
ifis Hands
Tho Storn lnrciit < > l > J < tcil Iliijiult of n
Waco 1lrni Thrrntrnril llclirtu
Ccremuiitiil Tlio < litillcllou
Special to tho Oazotto
Waco Tix ran 30 James 1aunell
a young man who camo from Fort Wotth
to Waco a few weeks ago and who Is a
photographer nnd artist was arrested to
day on thu complaint of Mr O T Baker
nu old gentleman who keeps a boarding
lioito on Franklin street Mr Baker has
a handsome daughter Mattlo by name
and It seems thu youiig artist from Kort
Worth had become smitten with her
charms She reciprocated but delayed
consenting to a wedding This morning
so the old man Baker alleges Punioll
wont to tho girl and told hen
If you dont consent to many
mo and llx tho day bv noon
today Id kill you and then blow my
own brains out The old man Baktr
heard of tho threat and had runnel ir
lested as abovo stated the county at
torney Informing tho prisoner he must
gtvo u bond in tho sum of 6500 to not
tiioRst or threaten Miss Baker 1anncll
admits that he Is badly mashed on the
girl and sas he did urgo her to say she
would marry him but says ho didnt
threaten to kill her Ho says ho
told her If you dont consent
to marry mo I will make my will
benueathing you all 1 have and then I will
ond my mleraOle existence lio says
shonnfiuerodi No dont kill yourself
but tnko your pistol nud shoot mo right
hero placing herlmndou her heait Tho
general opinion Is that the old man Baker
Is cruuky about his daughter being also
opposed to her marrying Lnnnell and that
1anncll was a fool to even threaten to kill
himself conceding that he made no threat
to kill Miss Baker l p to this hour he
lias not succeeded in finding sureties and
Is In tho hands of tho sheriff
LATittt An appeal was made tonight
to old mau Baker to withdraw tho com
plaint against lannell which ho ngiecd
to do If lannell would pay him SU5 and
lcavo Woco lannell declined to do this
Tho county attorney then reduced lan
uells ball to 230 which the young man
Col John W Hall latoof Carson
Nov has uudertakcu tho tnsK of collect
ing and compiling the Texas contribu
tions to tho history of tho Southwest
which Mr Hubert Hotvo Bancroft tho
historian is preparing for publication
Mr IIill who is 11 brother of Deputy
United States Marshal Van Hall of Waco
will make his headquarters In Waco and
renia lt hero goinc Umc
Master Woll Sallgef aged thirteen
years son of Mr and Mrs Lehman San
ger was coiiQrmed today according to
tho Hebrew religious ritual A laigo num
ber of guests were present and after the
ceremony on claborato banquet was pre
It Is rumored that tlio Waco assembly
of tho Knights of Labor will have 11 meet
ing tomorrow and It Is surmised they
will tako steps to Institute a boycott
agalnkt Sanger Bros of Waco unless tho
firm ceaso belling Stetson hats
Another large delegation of Odd Follows
left for Paris tonight to attend the ses
sion of tho I O O V grand lodge
Architect Iarmour has received tho
ground plans Of tho federal courthouso
aud poetolllco to bo erected hero
Now lrlo LUt
Kxamloe be lort Worth Grocer com
panys new price list before buying else
Illu tho Iny < it tlio lnuit forllic i t
Line Inr Itijiaecttuii
Special to tbo Gazette
Dknton Tkx Jan 80 Tho commit
tee appointed to accompany Maj Wal
thon to McKInucy to view out tho route
for tho Kast Lino railroad report that
the major was exceedingly well pleased
with tho lay of tho land Wo venture the
assertion that ho never saw any better
farming country nuywhere than lies be
tween Dentou and MoKlnncy
Hon O P Poe mayor has announced
as a candidate for roclectlon
Farmers alllattcc will bo held here next
Work Is progressing rapidly on tho two
new brick storehouses on tho oast sldo or
tho square one oy A K Graham and tbo
other by C If Williams
Our otdertaUrjMvlll bo on hand Jfoit
ilay morning with rod hot prices
Montoomkhv Co
f Cakb Grocers
Tty TJioto Camllct
Try those handmado cream candlefl at
tho Fort Worth Grocer Co s
A Yoanir Tcrrltorlnn Arrested for Theft
nnd Considered by Onicm n Very
Had Mnn Money Homered
Krlerueil nnl ltonrrs telAaio t Ilonnnnt
Sellout lliliitiUionThp County
Snedalto tlio Gazette
SitKitMAN Tkx Jan 30 A young
man lmmed Hobcrt Adams whoso mother
lives In tills county aud who passed un
der tbo alias of Charles Pearsons near
Bloomllold academy In tlio Territory was
traced to Sin rman yesterday and arrested
on a charge of robbery from the person of
an tucr at tho hoitso of Mr Webb near
tbo academy abo > o named Tho ofllcors
took him in euargo on tho square and ou
searching found two knives a pistol be
sides a Colts rule that huug outsldo aud
97750 In cash which Is claimed as tho
money stolen Ho had just purchased
tho rifle from Itoborts Hardowlck
Taylor who pentdtted It to bo returned
an t rcstarul the money ho paid for It
Adams claims that ho found tho money
near the woodpile on Mr Webbs placo
but tho complainant charges that ho stood
him up nnd forced tho money from him
out tho muitle of a sixshooter The
olllcers think Adams Is a bad man from
Bitter creek and the armament ho boro
seemed to point that way He Is Lot over
nineteen years old and looks like a boy
Wm Wells who had charge of tlio
county poor farm last year finished tip
his report today nnd filed it with tho
county clerkT Ho shows that tho expenses
of this eleemosynary establishment for
1885 foot up about 2275 which Is a grand
ect uomy when compared with tho tliou
fantU expended to support our paupets
before tho farm was established Under
thu old contract s > stcm wo were lucky to
get off with 810000 but wo now tako
circof more paupers for lees than one
ilftli tho cost and they are far better cared
W M Dixon who hai been on exam
ining tnui before Coiiiiiiltsloiier Blcketts
all week for stealing hogs anil fence wlro
in thc Nation was released today but
beforo be got outside tho Jail was arrest
ed on another complaint for stealing
Our jottng friend Lon Merritt who
has been confined to his room for several
weeks from hemorrhago of tho lungs was
out today but looks palo and
weak Ho will go either to San
Antonio or Fl Paso as soon
as poshlblo to got tbo benefit of purer air
aud milder weather than tho Bed Itlver
section affords
W K Held Esq of Denver Col Is
here on a visit to his brotherinlaw Maj
It M Orttbbs and Is so well pleased with
our city that ho thinks seriously of going
into business here
A largo consignment of commercial
travelcis landed In the city today to
spend Sunday Among them wo notico
J O Gooch J A Scott nud T J Black
well all of St Louis
A very pleasant school entertainment
took placo at the chapel of Sherman Insti
tute last evening and was honored by a
largo attendance of friends and patrons of
the school After nu Instrumental solo
by Miss Emma Sewcll tho rollcall of
Slgorney chapter was made and the an
swers were both instructive and amusing
to the audience Aunt Tabltha as re
cited be Miss Maggie Ely was well ren
dered aud this was followed by a vocal
folo Pictty Pond Lilies by Miss Daisy
Potter that was well iccelved
Ml > s Nellie Blrgo recited A Koyal
Princess very well Indeed and the
otinrnilng little Pearl Dryo followed with
Grand Match on the piano to tho de
light of all who heard It
Tho Instltiito Miscellany as read by
Miss Graco Jackson was very Inteiestlng
news to nearly overybody
Tins was followed by a ocalsolo Tho
Ittturned by Miss Field who has charge
of vocal Instruction In thc school and
was most admirably snug The young
lady has a voice ol superior sweetness
which Is well cultivated and captured
the applause of tho house
The recitation Truth In Parenthcls
by Miss Edna Caruthers was a striking
exhibition of the two sides which society
people wear and brought down tho
Miss Blujdcs teacher of elocution re
cited High Tido on tho Coast of Lincoln
shire In ti way to please and exhibited no
moderate elocutionary power In present
ing Us lino points
Misses Mary Melton ami Etta Darnall
recited tho nurso scene from Bo
rneo ami Juliet very acceptably aud
tho exercises closed with a wellrendered
cliot us by tho whole vocal class led by
Prof Gray Wo lovo these school exhibi
tions nnd only wish they could bo oftcner
Introduced to break tho dull monotony
of tho study louin Thoy furnish 11 pleas
ing relaxation to tho work of ordinary
school life and make girls brighter and
better women
1080 Ivnf Simi >
Boseleaf toilet soap at 0 cents cakn
at tho Fort Worth Grocer Co s
A Dlfforrneo of Opinion About the MAN
I lio Drummer Want
Spcrlal to tho Oazrlto
Pirns Titx Jan 30 As will be 6cen
from yesterdays Gazhttk there Is a
little squlbblo between tbo Paris stock
holders and tbo Marsha Paris North
western Itallroad company which has
caused a good deal of Interest on both
sides which resulted In au arbitration
meeting of Superintendent Lloyd
nnd tlio committee Mr Lloyd
iubmltted a wiltten proposition
saying tho company would accept 00 per
cent and turn uo remaining 40 per cent
of the 6ttbsldy back to tho Paris people
to bo given to tho Santa Fe but we did
not learn whether It was accepted or not
Tho cause ot tilts is about as follows It
Is claimed by those who refuse to pay
that there Is no guarantee upon thc part of
tho railroad company that It will over bo
built to completion that they only agree
under the contract to expend the 6000
given by Paris on the first twentyflvo
miles out of Paris aud pay themselves
out of said expenditures for their tlmo
and trouble
2 That thoy let tho contract to tbotn
sohes glvo their owu estimate receive
tbclr own work and pay themselves with
out any check upon their action whatso
U That they can forfeit said contract
at any tlmo without any forfeiture or loss
to thcuolvcsI That tho subscribers UId
not authorise any such contract and did
not authorize any ono to deliver tho sub
scription list
had meeting at
Tho Democratic club a
last night in response to a
tbo courthouso
made J V Collins chairman of
call by
tho Democratic county executive commit
tee Tho houso was called to by
Mr Collins and ho explained the object of
ihc meeting was to perfect tho oivaulM
tlon of tho Democracy of Pari Col 1
if Bowers
II Cannon secretary A few MylottoM
were adopted and the meeting adjourned
Urookflhowod Tub Gazbtix
Prof 0
reporter the total expenses of tho school
for the month of January and hot teach
ing our 1000 scholars for It5 per
month It Is claimed for Paris that she
has the best school anil tenches more
scholars for less money than any school
In tho state
Bev 11 W Ofllces ha returned from
Tennessee where ho went after his wlfo
Ho will tako charge of tho Christian
The drummer nil want Tun Guuttb
when Uiey come hero
An elegant lino of embroidery Just tt
eclved by II C Evans Co nnd will ho
ready for Inspection Mouday morning at
popular prices
Stoi U of llooki lliirntil
Special to the Gazette
DvuibVTkx Jan 30 A flro broke
out from it defective 1U10 In tho room oc
cupied by Paul F Erb a book aud sta
tlonery dealer on Matn street at uu catly
hour this morulog The flro department
was promptly on baud nnd sucei eded In
extinguishing the flames before they had
ilono mnch damago to tho building but It
resulted In much damago to Mr Erbs
stock His stock consisted of books sta
tionery and notions which nro very easily
damaged by such an occurrence Tho
room was under nud adjoining tho St
George hotel It was early and not many
of tho guests had nroso for the morning
Whcu tho alarm of flro was given most of
thentforsook tlio building without much
formality ormuch regard for tliolr moinlug
toilet Mr Erbs damages amount to
83000 Insured Mr Taylor who owns
tho hotel of which tho storeroom was n
part was also Insured
Country Uvulitciuo lluilicit
Special to da dinette
Gainisviiii Tkx Jan 80 Tho
houso of W M Anderson who lives
about flvo miles 1101th of this city was
totally destroyed by tiro on Thursday
afternoon together with his household
goods Mr A and family wcro absent
from homo at tho tlmo nud knew nothing
of tlio flro until they returned nnd found
their comfortable dwelling In ashes Tlio
flro Is supposed to have started from ti
bed of coals left In tho fltophtco Insur
ance it any not known
Tho Watch nml Jewelry Shnrp Still
ou His Bounds Swindling
tho Innocents
Iltoly Itmil rrmmnctlons lrofnrs lull to
Inj Intr Out Money Tlio Ilro Jury
Mill DiillliiirutlniMnrrlvil
Special to tho Oazotto
GviNKsviiii Tuw Jan 30 Tho
watch and jewelry fnklr displayed his
wares on the public square here yester
day nud succeeded In gulling the people
to tho extent of 16t or QJOO Ho
noticed his timepiece closely nud when
tinln time arrived drove immediately to
tho depot Bo tried to best his livery
bill but was arrested ou tlio train by
Oillcrr Houovcuttnud made to selllo His
gamo Is a shrewd one and cltlens ol
other localities are warned not to blto
jit his appaicnlly tempting offers
Texas Charley gave another ono of his
dances last night und a large crowd was
In attendance Old Charley Is nu old
tlmo cowboy nnd 11 numbor of the fra
ternity witnessed the entertainment last
night Tho best of order prevailed and
every one enjoyed tho evening
Tho real estate market has been quite
active for the past week Tho following
transfers wero made 1 JT Wlnley and
wife to J S Powers tract of laud out
of Chas Lockhart survey considerttluu
810 W II Cox and wlfu to J S Powers
thirty acres onto Chas Lockhart survey j
consideration 9 00 tJ H Collier to A
Goldstein undivided onohalf Interest of
thirty acres lit Jos Boylcs survey con
sideration 6200 K W Conrad nud wife
to Tom Williams Jr west half block l
Clements addition to Galnosvlllo con
sideration > 25 It C Nclsou to B A
Ware twi ntytwo actcs out ol Jns Ham
ilton survey consideration 160 The
Texas Laud nnd Moitgago company lim
ited of London England to D
Bowder 1470 acres out of Jno English
survey In Montague county consider
ation 85100 Byeis Bros to F Lister
ctal lots 1 and In town of Calllsbttrg
and ono aero school land consideration
81200 Fnuuln county to S II Hargls
lots 1 and 2 In Callisburg consideration
10 W N Leo to J M Peery foity
acres out of Edward Bradley survey con
sideration 8240 A II Cravensto A
Surratt lot 4 In Cravens addition to
Gainesville consideration iil00
Authority to solcmnlro tho rights ol
nutrlinMij between tho following named
ItidivlditaH was Issued by County Clerk
Thompson this weeks
C W Cunningham nnd Miss II IJ
Jones John Black and Miss Annie Miller
S J Boyntou and Miss Bettlo Petcrmau
Georgo Boss and Miss Justliia Wester
fiian W B Johnson and Miss Annlo
The now hoso company of the Fourth
ward met last night nnd went Into per
manent organization by selecting tho
name of Protective Hoso company No 4
C II Keller was cJcctct president and
Sam MeEuni chosen foremau of tho com
puny A committee was appointed to
notify thu chief ol the organisation and
make a requisition on the city council
for apparatus and tho necessities of the
Married in this city Friday January 20
ut the residence of II G Bohuy Mr
Georgo Bosh and Mifs Justliia Wester
mm Bev KathorLevy assisted by Father
Guvat Of Fort Worth ofllelutlng
Wm Palmer who was convicted at tho
last term of the county court for tin ft of
a pair ol gloves was endeavoring to make
arrangements for his release this morn
ing but we learn ho was utisucvcsUul
The ufUccr says Palmer has property with
which to pay his fine but prefers to lay
it out behind tho bars
A doptity sheriff of Denton couuty was
In the city this morning In settrch of au
Individual who had committed somo
offense In that county but was unable to
find his mau
Tho jury of Inquest In tho tiro caso
have reached no conclusion as yet Thoy
bavo adjourned temporarily
A contention of the W CT IL cm
bracing tho Eighteenth senatorial district
C00U0 und Grayson counties will be
held nt Sherman on tho 30th and 31st
InstO A McCall an attorney of Weather
ford is u the city on business
Moran Scott and Judge Geo L Hill
left tor Deltas this evening on legal busi
Jno B Townly of Virginia brother of
Carter Toivnly of tho Lindsay house Is
la tho city
W F Cherry und It D Alexander of
Tyler nnd Ikard Haggs of Fort Worth
wcro seen on the strocta today
Blowing Is cheap flggets tell Com
pare popular SQday prices and Montgom
ery Co s cash down prices
Your goods will txi dgjlvored In time
for dlnnar from J II Bonlhactf 811
Malu street opjwsite thc White Elephant
Doings nud Hnppenlngs of tho Day
Occurrences for Weal
or Woo
inthfttntu from tl cr tlio Stnto ltrporloil
Speclnllr or tho Umotto Xij lit
On n Corr i > onitrnti
Stulilfii Donlli nt l t lnun
SpecUl 10 tho Osteite
i ij IAso Tix Jnn 30Mr W B Sntmcn
Mlrd unlit lily Dili ntlcrnonn 8ho riicuiUr
enino thin nt nnd
lludvrlilia negro man
A New JMItor Taken Clmriri
HpoolM to Ilia Oazotto
niit8fmNoTixJ n 10 the PantnitniBli
of thin placo made u npppnrnuca today under
tlioold inaniiKiMiieiitMr It M HinUon lintuff
dUpoud of the paper o It V Walter
Oorroipomtcnco ot the Uaiotlo
CitlotiAiio Tnx Jon M Tho yoiinjr neoiilo
Rfio n tolroo tn tho out Knlithli of Pytlinu hull
m tlili city lii t mold them were u t enough
on tho noor to nmVo dancing comfortable All
enjoyed theinxlvct
tho clothing drummer l In town faking
prlng or lem
llvtlet lie
Special to tho Gazette
llKitivt 1 Tkx Jan 30Tho bchiinlcr
brother have nrrlvrd with thulr fittnlllra and
liouelioM onYcta They lmvo putelmncit Inml
from tho Ited HHer comimii and nro building
lliey nro from Imvn nnd prupoxo to Incut icv
era other fniulllcit In tlio vlcfnlly of lklloviie
Stock la doing well
A NiRm Klllrl
Special to tho Qazctto
llorsTOv Ti v Jan 30 A licproninnwai
run over to night nnd killed put heforo mid
night near tho Ttia Now OrlcniiD jrllwny
look pen two mllra from tow n lit tinnin la
unknown ludgo llrccdlng la now holdingnn
lut In fur Itrpnlrs
Special to the lazotto
HfviiSioN Tt Inn 30 Tho hark Iter
hurt nenco Khoiit twthodayn ngofor llTcrpool
w It ti n canto ot cottonoil > nVo nnd Hour In 10
iiortod put In nt llntnua leuklng Tlio llertwrt
la mined hy > nminm Ileldcnhelmor of till
city Tho icmcI la iinliuured but tho cargo la
Special to tho Inzetto
iicosTrx Jnn so The coiilrneiori began
work on tho foundation ot tho court li < < u a ntid
lull and expect to httio tho latter read for
ocnuian by April 1
Our town n rnlhcr lively today hailng
opened tip with two spring lights No one w a
cerloualy dnmnged n mtnlka of sugar cano Wuro
tho principal weapon u cd
Cntllo nro reported to ho In good condition
in 1 > alio tlio nuige
Xn Moie linnnlty DoilRe
Special to tho Unzetto
HAN Antonio Tkx Jan 80 John Mnao
nllua John Walker of lrln rouiit hna hevn
captured hy Deputy Miurllt linker At Iorim
Matn Mitno wn rhnrged Willi hnrathoft
nnd In order to oaeupn i > iiiilaliiniinl Ian feigned
lunacy Ho wan nilpidgod liunno While on
route to tlio nullum ut Aitatln ho got nwny from
tho Kiiinlnml naalnted nlioie ho niarvtnkcn
nnd la now In lull nt IliiteaviliO An lio la not
nt nil oray lie will donbtleaa go to tho mini
tcutlar now
llnrlrit In 11 llliilng llov
Sncclnl to tho Inrclto
htN A < tr < > sioTix Jnn soTim akolctun
remain otnn tnfnnt Mnvlcnn child wcro e
Iniined hy 11 ninii mimed lloilrlguoz tlilu < onlng
while diggingImleaon hl iromlie tor n Imco
The eorimo hml tic mi deposited tn n hliilng Inn
It la supposed the lainlly wore too poor 1011II011I
lliccxpiin nf nfuiieriu nml took tlila imam
ofnvoldloglt The lury remlcred n lonlli l
thnt thc unknown ch Id camo to Ita denth from
nn unknown euuau
Mt < alllltn
Special to tlio Uatitto
tlihOtliTltTKX Jan10Mrs Maya dlo1 at
tlio rcMileniu of lnlm W Anduraon nnd her
reninlita wero shipped to Arlington for inter
mo tjpateriinr
lira ItvnT Selinnn formerly of this place
Initnow of Korno lia liCbu vlalllnghcr mnny
irlemta hero Ihla wetk
Jontnlilo Intea nnd Mr Anttluot Iornoy
were In our burg on hn lnor toilny
Tho Knights of lnuor nro anld to ho rapidly
Increasing tit ihUidneo
J lio liiifUolormlo X snnta Ku ovtemlon from
Dalian proccedeth tlon I
tt Ufia llin Kior Itindy ll tol
Special to ilioiiaetto
ItinnioNii Tix Jnn IJOTodav J K I
Datla killed J dom J ho ivrdlct of tho Jury
cxonerutiil Dnvla Mail hlood had otlitcd ho
twcunthi purlloa for aoino tlmo It nppinra
thnt from went ton livery atiihlo ninUolu nla
lol anylng ho itnaftolng to kilt Dnvla who wna
luf oil of tho luntltirand atood nnthoalilo
unik nenr the hunk corner Urom noon appeared
tvlth putol In hnnd Dnvla toldlrom in ilrnp
Ida pfitol two 01 tlirrotime from ttlll ndvme
tng when Davla fired nnd from full dend not
apunklng a word Dnvla la n very pilot order
ly man well llkod hy tho people
Ullla llilnt
Special to thoflnzctto
Wim s Point TKx Jnn SO Sovcrnl eatce
of puuiiiuonln nro reported but uono havo
proved fninl to fur
MlatoaMary lnrl h nndConnlo inrrctt wcro
Visiting frl < nda at Klinovratoiday
Alia Molllo Cola of Uolhgo Monnd I hero
visiting her rilallves tlio faultily uf Mr Sam
DrJ K Votvcll formerly of Oreemlllc hna
located In thlaclly hh ro ho will nrnctleo Ida
prore lon flu fit of tho eclectic tchool
nml la warmly welcomed
Mla Molllo Itodgira of Mndnlo la vllllbg
Mra ONeal of thla city
apt I It Kntng nn old newipnper mnn
nni prnmlnunt pulllrlnn of JcHerron OHr
Jlo wna hero for aoveral nnya thla week on n
general hunting expedition Ho pr laea our
hunting ground nahulng tho boat to ho found
Shooting Affrny on tlio Htreeta ot Well
Special to tho Gazelle
WkmiioknTkx Jan W A aliootlngacrnhu
occurred here thla evening which nuatd con
alderahla cxcllemeni though no hlood wna
j licit Frank Mcyora nnd una Parker hoih
tlo contractor hai a mlnuiidcratnuillug
which reunited In tbo former knocking Parker
down twice after which Inrker ran Into John
Hoi dor store w hero ho had leftnahot gnu
and coming nut IIred nt Mcycra who w
walking oil ateoinu dlatanee After pittalng
Ida man Parker throw tho gun up to Ida
ahouldur nynln hut did not lire Thoro wcro
toieral men atntidlngeloao toMeyer nnd had
tho accond load hcen rlred aomo ono would
moat likely have linen killed Parker aat en
hla horse In tho atrout for aoveral rnlnutea
f orahootlng and then galloped ott toward
hla home Ifo ha not been nrrcatcd jet
Whlaky nm tnatruuuutnl In bringing ahout
the dlntcojty
Clcrliavllle lviing llei
Epeclnl to tho uazclte
Cijiiimviiiit Tex Jan 20 t v It O
Ilcraon tno Mtsalaalppl cvangelltt haa hcen
conducting a revlinlttiiho Cumhcrlnnd Irea
hytoilan rhureli during tho wt ek uud has ho < n
stirring ep Clarkavlllo a It hna not boon atlrred
within tho memory of tho traditional Idsatln
habitant Sir Ilcraon la n believer In that
doctrine generally applied to temporal ntlalr
Hhiitatoning at thu bcgliilng end rotten
hypocrite together with alack twitted
church mombcm received a fair ahnre ot hi
attention flrtt A sermon on regeneration
which was to lmvo h en dnlltreicd Tufdny
night wna Indefinitely postponed Clarka
vlillan wero hot ready for thnt yet rhurcti
incmbora teemed to have an Indlatlnct run
itptlon of It aud before alnnert
would Intorctt themielvca upon that
nlilert tbey muat havo an example
act muat tec the church regenerated Although
omewhut ihcn to tlangplnatcannd to 01 pre
lnn < u la Sam fontho 1 a captlVKtlng ear
neat and forrlhle albeit plain and untiollshcd
speaker and moat Indisputably a clear and
lucid rcoaoner Mr ilcraon la a devoted ad
jioronlof tho Cumberland lreahylvrlnu faith
yet it would ho Impoaalhlo to gulher It from hla
acrmont lln would rather lino seven ilcvlli
In hit meeting than ono proselyting mlnlitir
Much Intcrcai la being taken In tho meeting by
nil elnsnoa and aoveral profession of conver
sion have already Uccu made
if you want a good hair nail clothes
tooth or shoe brush second to nono ut
tho very lowest prices call atK M Wells
drtiR stores cou Houston and Fifteenth
and Houston
Now U tho tjtnq for Col LIbohs
friends to cotne lo thc front and Klvohlm
a trial for tho month of February at Itli
jr ln street opposite tho While Klcphnnt
im ± mm < mamndimSmHVu i
Will close ho cud of this week nml all who havo not mulled
tlioinsolves fully of lio gipnt bnrgnlns oftorctl will tlo well to loso tio
timo In ilolng fio 0ir exceedingly low juices or former weeks nro
still hi force nml liclow you will Und Alders
Hosiery and loves
nsx smY
TLar 4
JLvfav JL JL Ut
M III W Tnhlc DamaiV worlli7W for ln
U 0dnnd n Mynnr ehofcofor fin
Onuluihtnnauovpra reduced from ViE
to ion
One lot of fringed Tnhlo Ilolln coloted
tionier lenglli 1 tnlyaidsatonc ialf
runner price
p lloa Pflshmoro ninica at Be w rllif
linitltMtUAaliinnro Jersey uiove at Mcworih
Vio Wo and in
f dlea 9 nnd 7 hook WtngUlnveatftOcworth
Jl M U a nhd n at only aires tpJni
tjullc Ituitions hlk titntrossed Kid lilntea at
Hoc havo heon sold at 5100 and 17 only
alia Bt >
Mlsea rognlnr wool mndo Hose at SJo ill
sljea ha e hetn told at Wo nnd too
MliisV ribbed cotton Hojo at 15n unrth Mc
Mlsioa full reglnr cotton ifosc at ilewpttli n >
T luriotk HriarlniMit ne mtVt one > n rrrf
fort In rloseentlie I lie follonlng lined
Ono lol snort Wrnpa vcrj lbia goods atjIUhlr
trunmnd nl inuti furiinrprlio UIM
A lot ot short Wrnpa In UUonOlolh lUtrnom
trlunii ngnllUM rodueed fjomllSDO
Alolofsiiurt Wrapt In llotirle Aitiacnn tilm
iiilng a very stilish gnrinunl reduced from
U01Wti > lUO
A large M of odifa nnd ends la JltUfslr ta
rlouastv us ntilnuillllsIbis sen iii KiKiil
at ftoo und moo among them nro good
worth not less than fAVi aomo m much as
A < iii nttty or WlssKSNewnaikete al30i
suonndvowi hai o been red nwl from ti
to ft per cent on fonnnr iiHcpi
In MISHKHmill llllIHirNS Ulonka Wo ttlll
have n ipmi Illy left which If pfisalbk we
will nloso out nt such Mtriineloir price lliat
should Itidneo ciuiviiicis to buy whether
wnntud for this or next icaiiin
Irilorsujsno hale opened rccfiilljrauowlot
of i II wool trimmed In Astracanhrald snrtni
tiling entirely now In colocd and black
marked flW well worth WOO
A lot of MissesJerseys very Ann mtatlty lo
hiown and hlack only sires 1 Sand a nil
dueedto75e fonnerprlcoJIOOJliaatiii M
Apiantllynf very rlno Jerseys no tno alike
only In colors which vtcro honghtata great
haruahi from nn Importing honte tiding ft
NAMlIi I OTand nr orrcreilatlhu tlnKuiiil
prho of iff on torth 05 7J9 no tlW
A lot of knltfiklrta At 8H0 a tpleudhl Clht
lotoVVJidloT iothfillrls Ingrcch btown
navy hluo ami Hack at flM former prlie
aVihu u iiantltv of Hlhklrta tlthca Mll l
nnd satin rtinllng ai hottom at V ww
aBSi of SBtcn and Sattn QolltJ SUrU
reduced fromHM
A lot of nil tln Skint 11 InfJifi oulbeit at
iiotfoni nt H W rcducudfrorn W
in1 ritia
Gents Fiirili Dei
weok In tfio following
Wo offer some Extraordinary Bargains for ono
lowing linos
wdl l1 <
Ono lot of Alio whito open front Shirt 2 00 linen Now Yoik Mills mollis
havo hcan reduoed from S185 to 136
r < ni bo to 8110
m t
A lino of fancy Poroalo 0 B Obirte lmvo beon marked down ff6in J1W
Ono lot of E It W Ouffu S360 por down
A lino of turndown and standing B W Collars S200 jior m
100 dozen Balbriggan IfalfUots worth 35o i rodueed to 20c
from S ou to ai
Whitfl Shaker Flannel Shirt and Drawer Star Brand reduced
Scarlet r lannel Bhlrtu and Dwworn Stftr Brand reduced from S260 to 200
conns aisti be cowimjidp