1 1
5src >
Warned to Savo
Sfcl ISotDoAltonclto
npjjer mcnl
jn iot tho Garctlc
jSBUeroV that this was o gov
ralher lhi °
SdieUWtlBl power Never
for y wuntry has there
reasons for the frco
lo0 rkV > oh Ic judgment than now
< Jtffl < S 1 such a panic In com
revulsion In thopupu
cWnmvoko tho passago of c
SJStfw bywore tlmti tho
rVrtTOVcr the votes of tbo
8t °
P a
i tho assertion of
llecurrcocy of tho constitution
7M South and West march
sjrfte oI tc mprrIed
J vl nlSlUnw a victory In tho
WnornyhfliHled sons of toll
utXui Is over true to prln
kddes houl < l ho courteous
K ufar as possible a schism lu
Y ° tl > ranks The president
We lvcrIssue represents tho
tt and In this first
ou par y
ltd Static administration It
ViVo of a quarter century
to keep their powder
oar people rather
So pofttlcal adversary
U frlonds iii dlsseut
co r
tho mowh of tho
Ills as tin
atind bis secretary
wF y appropriation lo tho ad
Sb I H cccnl P0001
j kinblf upon my ears as I
> < my political
Ilcpubllcan lcadirs
t it nib CefUlnly bo capital from our dlsu
t nub the president for their
taUhJve uolformly been hostile to
Tnrlcc Ikltrr that wo
is friends minuting no wrong
lo the administration In Its views
e mnlect Uoth of your sen
i d JtMsau of tho Iioiiho
wokca ivltli wonderful
M this e < it ng subject
trntmben mil follow as soon us
spoficnliy Is prcrcuti d Ah an ovl
tJtlwlaieroP ol the people to
jfenmtlofl on this momi iitous topic
Btmiriiiguicdti thfuaturMttxiy
itJoMirafor extra copies of
puto Without lu > wlng the fact
tirwrnv applied as well to Senator
itdJsdge Reagan I venture
Dimtliitol Pie thirf i Ight ststcs of
t olon Pun i not omi
iUHl wiiiCiatcd in ouijross than
a It was ti < remark of
laVIM la forinlnz IiIh commit
tht lie bad more dllli iilty In the as
Ktlol ttn > Txih representatives
iif otbi t natu h1 had to deal with
UMruu lh f there wee bo
jtMrttiea compoilna the delegation
Vnhifl Tit appointments made
Ui ipimiatim of iiielr mitrktd
Cnlberon Is the third on the
ItVjadliliiry committee and fourth
Hnidiums of lint Inteilur de
MtL Tin re are few II any lawyers
Ho Irm and mine his superior In tho
d npnintatlici Wellborn
< s JMttrjr spnch favoring tho
tJeaolf the new rulen was received
ippUase Is chairman of
UQuitiio on Indian affairs
aereliiiiHrtatit now than ever bo
enader the n < w t ules It carries tho
oprfctlm wuli itorthat department
jirrnofut Ik i alvj member of
toamjittti on tiihcauf Texaus aro
twatlcuffieBt hw c iinmltliCroom
M > JMiuttol the Dallas Ncivb
i m derk Ktagan as of old
huttetietdof thf committee on
m Jocrs nanli prominent on
ssiultteooamlncsand raining and
tos piutofllrf and po t roadb
wstiiton us before Is chairman of
wtiitueon PacilV railroads At1
atfMswo for three lone months
attt laitjrers worried tho
to ddeat loglslatlon
i these roads to n proper
w Vuy to tho government
utm to Morrlcon on tho com
i jiiaul mean nnd also third
lRcs Amorlcau cbliibnlldlnt nnd
Atr AB
B nl affalrf a < well as on
WsQltieeon Vv < alcoholic liquor
M ami lmibori
2v l0ln1ltec ou ventilation and
bm Jwhsm is on claims and
ttirmin of tio coiumittco on
li Jube > Texas mom
3 nmandu4 poiltlous on
J l8tUoitandini committees
ndon three of tho Ave e
SUIU Wuen It In known that
to h
rcs ton and
uat Mi1 < ivislons are
lotiiwV T ri8 <
SLnnkh Individual mem
omeoi tho most Important
WMud tlut Ttias has a 1
rtrnl of to entire
l 2 i J iltwilllie Bl1
> 3rti Vb v < u
< e dirV
i < ran
sf reading
S Sril tca w back to
rlous o the public ervlco In a
recxs vl transaction with tho ecrt > ml
auditor of tho treasury lu which I o k
tilucti an allowance for a soldlora badk
pay 1 wa Informed that Hiving 01s
patch to tho details of tho claim would
do mo no good sluco thcro wns no money
appropriated in the treasury for making
those payments That tho oftlco has
asked for an appropriation of C73000
to meet its demands and that lUudall
had coolly stricken out of tho npproprla
tlou bill 300000 of this amount That
thoreforc nothing could bo realized until
a deficiency appropriation bill should b < t
passed Which might bo as lato as July
This must strlko tho average Union sol
dier who has audited claims for moneys
long Mnco duo us n great oiitrano
Hon Kilns Hare after spcudlng a week
nt tho capital left last night for his homo
at Sherman Ho Is one of tho noblest
Komansof them all and his coming 1ms
been greeted with warmth by tho
entire delecntlon and numerous uutsldo
friends Ilia mission was to fonvird tho
views of tho peoplo of North
Texas In obtaining nn act of
c ngrcss for tho csta1llnhmcut
of the now federal court district Includ
ing portions of North Texas and a part of
tho Indian Territory this court to havo
civil as well as criminal Jurisdiction over
tho people embraced within Its limits
Ilial provision of the constitution giving
concreaa tho power to pass all needful
rules nnd regulations over tho territories
would seem to cover this case For as
matters now stand there Is absolute Im
munity from peoplo dedrlng to evade
their civil obligations by crossing with
thulr property the Ited river lino
Into tho Indian country Hills
meeting tho views of Judgo Haro
aro iendlng In both branches of congress
nnd today a subcommlttco of live of the
judiciary committee of the house will bo
appointed of which subcommltteo Sen
utT Culhersou will be made chairman
having nlltho bills in charge on this sub
ject Ir It V Hall ami another attor
ney of character ore hero from Gnlues
vllle In tho Interest of this legislation
Gov Throckmorton has been somewhat
worried ut tho Intimations of the Galves
ton NewH of a secret wish on his part to
offer for tho governorship of
Texas This he positively and
us we know Tduccrcly denies
lie has uo such aspirations nor would
ho surrender his seat In congress with
tho prominence ho occupies In that body
for the ofllce he once honorably held It Is
conceded here by thoughtful men that the
most prominent subject coming under
tho guicrnutorul Jurisdiction in Texas Is
the land question aud It Is liclloved that
a man should be taken having tho highest
order of qualification In this respect and
one who Is Inn In his conviction and ac
tion nnd enlightened nnd conscientious
Where I ask can ono be found more
thoroughly answering to those domands
than Hon W J Swain tho prcsentcomp
ti oiler of tho state
I visited the Corcoran art gallory yos
terduy in compuny with Jtuluo Hare and
Mr Hell and couldnt help but notluo his
admiration of Its Sotithoru cast Tho por
traits of Hubert K Iee nnd Stouuwnll
Jackson occupy u commanding position
n the hull wiille thero is a noticeable ab
sence of others The New Voik Tnbuuo
continues stereotyped uHuso of this
choicest collection ol art on the continent
from this cliciiinstnncc but tho old
pbllanthroplslH rent In not disturbed
from this cuttftit who founded this prince
ly establishment for tho beuellt of tho
Crnlu has won laurels In reversing Aiclil
teet Hell and iiuihlng woikon tho Galves
ton ctiitomlmuke Sayi rs will certulnlvob
tain the pancttge ol an act for an appro
priation for a prJhTlc building at Stiu An
toulo for ho has taken the parliamentary
stepb that ulll nsstiro Hn passage ou a cull
from tho table of tho Iioudo of senato
bills He Is luboilng very hard ou tho
naval committee posting himself Inti
mately and thoroughly on this great ne
coHslty of pit die defense
In my next 1 may gvc you jiencll
sketches of the senators frrfin Mississippi
and Colorado as well as tho Inner work
ing of the pension anil other committees
in which tomo of our Itepnblicun friends
deserve Infinite credit notably KN Mor
rill of ICinsiis
Col Jones has acquired big reputation
for Influence with the president and post
Tlio Uriml Boutlicru It nieily
HOSADArJS cures scrofula rheuma
tism whltu swelling gout goitre con
sumption bronchitis nervous debility
malaria aud all diseases of a kindred
nature urlMug from an Impure condition
of the blood After physicians have
failed to cure a slnalo bottle of HOSA
IUIS seems to effect such a marked
change as to give now hope and life
Head tuUlullcr
I havo been a great sufferer with In
flammatory rheumatism for the last
twelve months I was Induced to try
yo ir preparation Itisadalh and I have
boon greatly benefited My hands and
feet are still enlarged but I feel so much
b < ttcr that I want to coutlmit taking the
Three himdretland that be was unable
Sfits M V TiMiCii
lichoboth Va
Tmllle In Imllnii UlrM
Touovio 0X1 Jan UO The special
correspondent of tho Mall In tho Black
feet country writes from Tort Mclcod
and makes serious charges against tho
Indian agent and contractors of syste
matic plundering and fraud while the
settlers aro charged with smuggling
whisky Into tho Northwest tcriltory and
carrying on a tralllc In Indian girls who
are bought for from 810 to SaO each and
sont to the frontier towns for immoral
A Cnplnlnii rortuniitc IiMrtmery
rapt Coleman schooner Weymouth
plying between Atlantic City and New
14to U r ur0 s thoTork had been troubled with a cough j
4 cumya 0y la10r lu system duced to try Dr Kings New
fclthniv aii1 lU0 u cw rules I for Consumption It not
sleep and was in
only gave him
rns able asalstatee liwtant relief but allayed the extreme
ggtproinueBrethaVrever Ilia children
boforeIwmmaTn MH reuM
m Suwi inmtu ac ons Sam were similarly affect nnd a slnalo do e
f m crllt or tho had tho same happy effect Dr Kings
tLi mnia 0I > the New Discovery is now the suudartl rem
ijyf rt without Lamars ody In tho Coleman household and on
bottles of
ItU c W0UI < 1 aVe board tho schooner iroe trial
httitivJ 0 nar i0 ought this standard remedy at If W W Illlams
a iteiW Ia < 1 a > llltT tbo mure
n crisis
ht hi70 W l t the rules
lttfiSiiri y niBbti had
Jl Uk or t Iamarstag
k C fit rNl ttoul thecorrl
Moa whrc tiuHe to his
ud on hl8 i Jooted
ittJT mt > WM ondedthe
l nX u n boat
t 014rtIg
It tVn Only n Umitnr
Nmv YoiiKJau 80 It was rumored
this afternoon that burglars suaccedod
last night lu carrying oft the books of the
Hroadway Itflllwav comiwnys oitlce
There Is excitement down town over the
JvTKitSoporlntendcnt Nowell of the
Seventh Sttset Hallrosd wwpoiiy waa I Jioman w
session the best blood purifier
ug Ui ad1 I nut j A IS Held
i l
drkUlwiurr 1 UHjtmo ufutlBitrtcHitters
itT lot > rin V T7uuu anr kidneyaSectlon and
rtoWMlttl bu coil1 Hitters dou
MJMl ° H
ntImes injc w Williams Co
I seen at bis olllce and denied that there
was the slightest truth in tbo rumor
Iiitorcitlne lliperlnce
Hiram Cameron furniture dealer of
Columbus Ga tells his experience thus
Ior three years have tried every remedy
timch awl kidney
on tbo market for
fc lV The call disorders but got no relief until I usw
4wi u < le which meclrlo Hitters Took tiro bottles and
u c ed three dats lats now cured and think Klectric Hitters
loseJ the lu the
Wect I Iberty ICy
for an olditaudlng
Christianity a Morn Mtlmulni living
luipuUe lo Service nnd Hopeful
ucss to lreaent Effort
1nranrMiililcnl Collation at Church Mwi
from KlngiliiiiM nuil KcmiiIIci lroui
VonlluruU nnil Itlri
loau ciiukcii NoncLS
Trinity Million corner St taula nnd Annlq
trects Humliy iciooliU3SO > in
ilorman llfanirellral < t John cliureh
hlouiiili anil Cnllioun UritU Unx Tli I
MnlliMiiitor prvnclitng at IOJJmiij fiun
< t yiclioolnl3pm
fier lcc at llroadtrnr Ircibjrtorlan clinreli at
II o clock am nnd it jso pm Ijt list Dr
MllchPll Miblutli uliool nt 050 a m J mc
U Ito
ltoJ It Itayof nistrtrclonn will pro rli at
lieinnnln hull IhU inornlm nl 11 ocloo
lnitnml of at tho Klrit lUptlil church In tlio
OTcnliiKliewl I oiUclstc nt tbo Fonrtti Street
8tAiiclrow iliurcti corner llmk ami Knit
JIWi ilrcit Jloly cominnnton it 7 W m i
Hnnilny trlionlnt o J0 a in mornloR prayer
litany nnd icrmon nt II am crcnltiR prnycr
ana ncrmon nt 7 so p m
Second Iroiuylertnn rhnrcli Jonci itrcet
ntnr 8ccon < J llev I M Jlooro pantor
Ulvlnoiervlcontll n m nnd 7 p in Sunday
rhool BID i IrorJ W Mparkllii unortii
tonilcnt A eordlnl invitation to nil
Oumbcrlnml Piuabjtcrlan church corner of
lIMi nnd Tnylor trcct llov It SI Tlnnon
i unor Hiirxlay nrliool at 0 JO n in W T
Ikkon iiiiiirlntcndcnt rriiichlMg nt 11 n
in and 7 30 p m a lecturo on lcualty
Tlepulillc cordially Invlled
Kort Worth Pretliytcrlan church corner
tourthnndunllioun ilrccti l mnl Kirrlcin it
tnltchirch lo ay Irunolil r nt it oclock a
in nnd 7 10 > m Habliathicliual nl 030 oclock
n in 8 SI Iry Ilporlntondonl Irncr mo l
nis Wcdneidny t 1 SO oclock p in Uo t II
nlin tor
Sunday icrvlco at tlm ronrtli Street Method
tit ii > UCipal church Souti corner 1ourlli nnd
Jonen Ktrenti llov A A Alllion pnitor Sun
daytchool Icnclivn mectlnir utlium Sunday
choolntO l a in Uco II Mitlkny iupcr
Intendunt Ircaclilnir nt 11 n in Iiy the
> a t > r at 7 p m by Uov M > Win vt licorgo
SI IaiiIi Jlclliodlit Kil coiial church ror
nor Ninth nnd milii urenti llov II J Orl t
pallor Sunday ictiool 0 a in lr f I 51
wlilluiinpcrlntondcnt rreaclilnir nt II n m
mid 7 M ii in Morolnir luhjcct Tlio t io nnd
Atnlia of tlio foclat lrmvrof tlio lunch
KwiiiliiKiuliJ ct Tlm Limit of Irubatlon
Stmniicr nnd thuio without n church homo arc
speclitlly invited
South nlde Kuptlit church cornnr of llrond
tviy nnd Si ltuli nvonuo fcundnyiclioul at
i > S n in J I Itnlmvnlor riipfrltiUiidcut
IrenrliliiK by tlm paitur J J > illlu plc nt II a
m No nnlcv at ulitht lr r inoctlns
Wcdnoiday nlchl Church ioelnlua Thuridny
nliclit nt Mr nnd Mr Illnyon on ItuiuliiKi
a uniie ioiiIIi of llroadwny
The ltov Dr Itugg writing under this
head sais What the world most needs
Is a religion charged with power a relig
ion capable of moving the hearts of men
so that thoy will become Imbued with tha
utmost of energy mid persistence with
which lo a iplv themselves to the true
woik of life The demtnd Is for n relig
ion that uill stir tho Minis of men lo their
profoundost depth that will quicken all
right Impulfus and dispose to heroic
action thus insuring a fiilthfuUervlottout
of which proceeds abundant joy Chris
tianity presents Itself an such a force of
moral stimulus and blessing It appeals
to inuii as a child ol God as hiving vust
possibilities of good an cwaled for an
Immoral even a heavenly ilcatlny and
on this ground It asks him to do tho most
nnd In f > t of which he Is capable Itaaaures
him that ho douH not Hork alone In tho
rendering of true senUe but that God Is
wltli all faitlifu1 aouls to uphold and aid
as the nine giiiey may require and there
fore tbeio need be no lack of conlldence
because there seems ofleti so painful a luck
of strength and resource It points to nu
Ideal state the nidlaiicu of whose glory
traoMtgurfis any present condition how
ever dark mid unlovely it may be It
mliiUlers to a fallh within the soul a
fulth which U Indeed the evidence of
things not seen and thropgh this jiower
holds the life to most abundant tabors
Kxerclriug so Ital a force lu the way of a
direct pruductlveiieMi of moral iflort It
also carries with It a potency of light and
sweetness thereby imparting a heavenly
wearing Jowelry nealsklns and
Slames HyUio nay of commoat tho
ow Vork Observer remarks t Whllo wo
think tho aim of the pastor nnd of the
church is well Intcndod wo doubt tho
Wisdom of specifying what Is plain attire
and what Is hot Tauten and opinions
differ sj widely In matters of dress that
What appcara rich to ono Is simple to
anothar Wo havo seen ladlen in tho cos
tumn of tho Quakers who wore far more
richly clad than any of tho neighbors It
Is a pity that anyone should over dress
for display or In any way that Is not be
coming It Is also desirable that every
ono should be decently attired ou Sunday
and no cine can have anything too good
lor tho house of God Wo do not bellcvo
that tho poor aro kept away from church
by tho clothng of the rich They aro
kept away from any place whero thoy find
no welcome and clothes cannot bo niado
plain enough to conceal selfish coldness
or to supply the luck of gonulno Christian
Tho Uevlsta ChrMlnnln a theological
periodical published In Madrid furnishes
tho following Information regarding the
progress made in Introducing Christianity
Into tho Caroline Mauds Tho llrst at
tempt was niado In 1H1 by American
iroto taut missionaries from tho Sand
wich Islands In 18S another mission
followed coming lu their own vessel and
landing at the Islauds of Ktisalo nnd
lonnpc whero they were well received
They havo Mnco built churches ami estab
lished a printing olllco at the lslniul of
lonapo About a thousand ottlio natives
have learned to read and write tho mis
sionary ncbooln bolng tiollpatrouUod and
Sunday religiously observed Tho king
Tocosn and wlfo aro Irotcstnuts and
spoik Hngllsh fluently Tho whole pro
gress in elvill itlon mado by tho natives
of tho Marshall Gilbert lelow and
Caroline Islands is entirely duo to the
Americans In 1870 there were In lonapo
Island t50 Christians nnd lu Kusalo JiMi
Among the different Islands of tho Caro
line group tho Americans hate planted
four missions nineteen ministers nine
teachers thirteen foreign and twenty
thriO nallvfl Itinerant preachers hnve
built fortythree churches and have mem1
bershlp of flbTO with three higher schools j
for boys und ono for girls and fortyulne j
elementary schools wtUi an attendnnco of
1100 pupils It Is ucedlchs perhaps to
add that these inirMonarloH aro very
much opposed to tho swallowing of the
Caroline lMamls by tlio lnlldel Germans
The colored Catholic population of tho
United States Is estimated at 100000
The societies for the propagation of
the lrotcstunt faith uro numerous in
France nnd uru doing good work
Tho lay element Is coming mora and
more to In front lu the KpUoopal church
Nearly 700 lay leaders woro lloenaed last
> car
Tho missionary cougrogallou at
Antyum In the New Hehrldts group has
Just Mint to Scotland 2386 pounds of
anowrootas Its annual contribution to
tho funds ol tho lnte church
While the nvenigd proportion of
churuhua to the imputation In tlio United
States Is ijiii church to evury BIO people
11 U In Hostm oni t 1000 In New York
one lo M00 hi St luuis one to WOO
while lu loiui elite It Is but one to every
The lreshjterlnn church follows Scots
mdn wherever they go In Victoria
Australia where Uhuv uu large KcnttlMi
aud north of Irelsnd representiitlou It
has been stioug from tlm llrst and Mel
bourne Is a powerful lresbjUrlun center
The Denver churches havo adopted a
rule by which Instead of having their an
uotinceinetils pilntod 111 tho Sunday
pipers as has been their custom thoy
supply standing advertisement for the
weekdays which they pay for Tbo
papers appear to like the cluing
Philadelphia Is justly entitled to tlio
proud distinction of being the lending
city In the United States fur Sunday
school work Thcie are lu that city 656
Sunday schools with 1581118 scholurs
11111 KviC teachers constituting In all
blessedness This
Warren of the Mothodist Kids
that helps the world to better things Hlshop
Without It Impulsion there would bo less oi church says t tab Is the hardust
of worthy service and less of uchle aeoom jnl lon yir tj tl church has We
pllshraent Tsko a ay Its constraining e > d llfty mlsslunarlos whohavo from
stimulating power and the work of life I time to tlmo gone thero full of zeal full
becomes diudgery for the charm of hope and the Holy Clhosl Oim by one
Is no longer present aud there Is uo lofty they have been discouraged Hut tho new
consecration of t l such as now constt jdaylia dawned the government Is asuert
titles Its redeeming feature Let us belig It l wer
glad then that the religion vvhlch Christ i The sale of blbcs lellglous books nnd
Utuglit und Illustrated had this vital force
that It moves the hearts of mon so effec
tually nnd rouses to a sense of duty that
thus it Is evor a source of blessed Innplra
Hon Oh tint man might realise the need
which trim religion supplies tlio helpful
ness It imparts the fullness of llfo which
comes ffom the practlcil following of the
Lord Jesus Christ
magazines through tho colporteurs ofMr
Spurgeons church amounted during the
p t year to nearly 15000 Soventy
olght iiihii wero employed In the work
and 1S00 towns and villages wero visited
At a late mooting of tho rrosbytorlau
synod of Dakota tho Indian Women re
potted having raised 00 for missionary
work among their own people tho past
1 yonr This was mure than all the money
Tin laniia ji or cmtisr j raised by tbelr whllo sisters In threw so
The language used by Christ was the duties
Aramarlc the dialect of Northorn Syria nov I II Jenklni of r avouwortb
Iraclltes wore much in contaet with tho has adopted a novel way of Interesting
Aramaean populations nnd some words tho boys who ore beyond the reach of
Irora that tongue becamo Incorporated church and Sundayschool Ills plan U
Into tho Hebrew at a very early date At to orgaulo them Into a military company
tho time of llceklah Arsmalc bad become TJio mntlc nnd drill will hold thorn
the official language of both Judea aud together the discipline Mill teach them
Assyria that Is the language spoken at
roabyterlans of Scotland mlghthavebeentt alnsiaici last year and the total of
Catholics and no doubt would pupils is 4ViiiJ Indicating a gain of
the courts After tho fall of Samaria tho
heathen inhabitant of Northern Isabel
were largely carried Into captivity aud
their places were taken by colonists from
byrla who probably spoko Aramaic as
their mother tjnguo The fall of the
Jewish kingdom liast uod tbo decay of
Hebrew as a spoken language as Is gen
erally assumed but after the return to
Judea tho Jows found themselves a peo
ple few in number among a large numisr
of surrounding populations using the
Aramaic tongue When the latest books
of tho Old Testament wore written
Hebrew tbough stiU the language ol lit
erature had n en supplanted by Aramaic
as the latmuage of common life Krom
this time on the former tongue was the ex
clusive property of scholars and has no
history save that of a mrc literary lan
li come
order and thoy become responsible for
each other by their mutual pledges
It Is shown by the statistics of Iowa
that that state has a groater percentage of
women ministers In uctlvo work than any
other aud also that it has a larger percen
tage of joung men connected with its
churches This would seem to answer
the question so often asked How to
reach the young men but It will be a
lung tlmo beforo women will supersede
the cloth In tho pulpit
The growth of rreslyUiiflnlsm in
ada Is a spoctal and remarkable fnature In
the general progress of that country as is
shown by a recently published compari
son bstvveeu tlio church as It was lu 1877
aud as It Is today In that period the
Irekbyterians have Increased stxfold and
in New Ilrn nswlck the lnertsse has been
BOBee Tlie tMowius aiutiuUcs allowing the
iinLifiioVANimoiiwiiv growth of the Catholic church In the
It Is not often now tnat Dr Clalrd lb iiilted Htatta for the M t year havo > eo
einlneiit principal of llaskow university compiled from a recently printed directory
preaches away from the university When 0f the church and may be regarded as
lie does he always says something and he I authentic Thero ate now C756 churohss
U Invariably IlsUned to by au eager au increasoof 120 during tbo ywn 1071
crowd A few Sundays ago ho preached j chapels u gam of 1 8 and 1733 stations
In Greenock bis native town Ho told against I syu last year Of colleges there
hearers that religious belief wasgenoratly I aro no fowerlucn W an Inereaive of 2
so far as the Individual was concerned a Urn of academies CIS an increase of 37
accident Tho Protestant and I The parochial schools iiumbor 2WI
havo been had they been brought up In about 500 Tho column of charitable In
Irance or Spain Hut apart from creeds
there was the pure and there was the
impure the selfish and tho scHsacrluc
lmr Tenderness uprightness
and civil purity were not always mouopo
Used by men coiiBocted with Ute church
and after all these were the tests of
ebaroetar At the muip time trus rellg
and high rooralitywere ImpMUr
ion Weighed In the balanco
Snorr nt
stltotlous now foots np 44J an Increase
of 28 The number of piiests returned
this year Is TJ9D showing an Increase of
253 and there aro HILl iccolaitJcnl stu
dents as against 1W7 last year Of semi
naries and bouses where candidates are
prvisuttl for the ministry there are > >
Hit time to
f tt haf05U
la a
faAZbm dm Main
and not found
lrlce 80 cenUj
Dont lorget tomorrow is the Jot and
make your ctumge In grocer
ow would It do to try Joe and
street opposite the Whit
wltbout 1 Mepbant saloon
fe krMk Mti
An Upward Tendency Wns Manlfrftlcri
n Wheat Ycstcrduy Hcller
irlccs Wero Itculixed
Money Mni inayIto Stock Trnninctton
Were HrUk Supply lViunl In 1 >
innmt rtin Jiiolnllont
Kkw Yon JanniWxioneyon e i c y l
JWD percent prlmo mercanllle piper 8i
leiltnit oxchanireriulot but iteadrat II Hfor
ilxty day and U J for demand
texmUli consols
Ionhun Jan A Uonioli ciotodat lei for
NKW Youk Jan SO The lollowlnir Horn the
imnlnl rlo lnR nnotalioni it tho Naw York
Stock nxchanuo thliattcruooni
Hultod Siatei lliruo 1001
four nnd onohalti iijl
New fouri ill
Itclflo iliei ha
Antral riiclflo flnti ill
Toiait racinelnmlKrnnt 39
Tmai A 1 oki ItliXIraude land grants M
Union racldo In 1 I
Union tacllioilnklnir fund 1Jl
Uentral 1aclBo < 3
UIiIciko A Alton 111
ChlMK A Alton luclcrrcd IM
llurllnitoutOolncy las
Delaware A Ifudion
Denver A Itlo Irando
Krlo preferred
Illluoli Central
KnniaiA Toxai
Ijiko Shore
Loulivlllot N > iihvlllo
Michigan Central
Mlnourl 1acIiIo
NenJcrirr Ocnlrnl
Northern 1acino
Northorn rnclflo prclcrrml
Norlliwcmcrn preferred
New YoikOcnlral
Oreiron Tramcontlncntal
taclrloMall e dlvldond
Itock Inland
St laulov < llv
Nt PauI iirclerroi
SI Paul A Omaha
It Paul ft Omaha preferred
Toxai t icino
Union Iaclllo
vVnlmili preferred
Uolli Karuo
Waotorn union
Ill Id MtkOd
SOl l
Ill M
rvrelpta lit All tlnllcil Nlntm Iorl
Hew Oll n
It Itlmoro
Sew Virk
Won Point
Other PurU
Tills I iltll
tveok j < on
lH lh
1 < 3
45 < W
Bi ll
i Mitte
V 137
Tout V1 41flBlfll 4li o
Lnityonr I 1UI3 I IUo i
Itpuru Iidiii all Onltod Siaiui jMirin ihu < ir
fnr llil wank
Oraiit MrllHln n
Kranco hub
Ofliillnont IBM
Stonk at nil Utillod HIuten porti
ThU < l y nS7rB4
Tlili day hm year S73lrti
Now i limn
NKW OilIBAiiS L Jan SO OiltonSpot
oloicd iliiiliilcriril cd ornlnirj BtUulonir
SuodordtiiAiy aud low middling 1 JOc lovter
ilea PHD Up it ordinary etc ordiiinry 71c
eooi onllniiry 7p low mtildll g Sic in Id
dltiiK c gooil mlddltne Vt nildillluK fair
uijcfalr lijo
Ililura oponeil ileaily ruled dull but Untidy
oloaliiKMoony and t UiBjhiIhU lownr
1 April
t May
1 Juno
I lntnfiTi M rl I I ionium
I liouiliial nominal nominal
8 TWH SI 774 S SO S 7B S M
S sou S SI S Mm a 77 77 S 7J
i aiw w mm oi s tu s w
fl l D ft 0 < U U 00i B i 0 10
0 t > U t DJObld U ISO 0 M
9 31 0 t7 3i 0 11 m
n as u ai 9 ssi si > in
teptonibur 0 5 a m
Ootobor imiiW
November 8H s S3
Totaf leiSi Oo
S 04 aiked 9 OS II M
s 7 an s m i s so
X 77 V S Jil s 7 S 7l
N Vol
Youit Jnn oCeiton Spot oltMitd
Ordinary Me if0011 ordinary sjoi low
middling S IVJilc middling Mil good wild
MluKllpJ iuialllHT fair lOjo
87 i < M3 bnl
Iutur clOHid sicady 3 to A point low it
Saint IMIftMh l
M y
0 07 ues
w ltt 1 > 17
lSfi 937
0 S7 B is
V I7 U4H
0 74 > 0 Bx
U4l U ID
bjims ass
Xkw OBIl Jan ifll lb apply of cutlon
In thu world on snlurilay January mi Record
pit to tha New York Uhronlelii lani oIiomk
Tola iiipnly toduy nfiiVfitl
Sumoda urn rear smwsis
DlrTereuiMi ducrenis n 177
Llvar > noL
Ltvnuioor Jan > Cotton Sjiot nlo od
iioletloioliiary 4 SlCdj vnod Otllaary 4 Blitu
Iimv iiilddlln < M middling upltbd M mid
dllnn OrloanBd
Total tale nSJOi Amerlsnn 0700 Import
MM American D0CO
ruturo BinMKf Hat and 3ielnl lowir
jAnimryIVbruary bb d
Ichriiaryllatcli 4M bid
ilarrb April 4 SO bid
AprilMay 4 i bid
ilayJuno 6 00 bid
JunoJuly 1 0 bid
JiilyAueutt BOB bid
Angmtftcpltmiuej 109 nuked
OafVKsrow Tux Jnn so Cotton Spot
sluiiMl julelnnd 1 ICalOWSr
Oroii riMipw VIA balei
Saloi 4
Bxporw 111
8blluimiiUnoo tHUe none
Slo k 1tV bale
Ordinary 7 j ftood ordinary hcj w
mliiillloif Un middling Sic xood mid
dime SjoiuiiildllDff fair t
HllllUOi lI OriNlOKH LIVU HTogu
nt Loin
Sr f Dis UoJsn Bo nourijutii nnd
leadyXXX nWnB fainl 1 HOvt W
ixtraM 7 4 SBUtenUt 1041
VVb si Qnlsiaiiil flroiir llm market openod
naalrr bat Mioti Improved and savaneed y > bu
fell off le sad et 4wi Iilrtuirl ni inM
So 7ro4eU KMllnAn Jannsry I obraary
Me sisica < M Bsr May soj < cloilof
Wj tl >
Corn Vary < iulel boi Arm i sbool uurbanacit
prima No J mined rwib xtiv Januarys
rvbruary aSfo Jtarcti Mr May 37 371i7i
ilOlng J71
0 l Jnilklagitoue vo mKed cab 3c
lllOVI l < >
JornweiOHriii at II M1 W
HSlikynnnatl 10
Wool SltiadT and tlrm tub wsibcd ivilj
unwaibed 17 4tc Tex wrool lev tie
PiovlilounnriD and generally tilsb r
1irklll m l M
I ra 4 i
lluik JOJil > Kie lot long clear tt tb
ibort ribs ft 34 ssurt cisar U ti lxoi loll
ioiik elaar IB 1IJ l or rtb tt 7i ilwrflenr
fV >
Iticou 1tns el sr
abort cloar M OS
IS 71 tbort rlblltM
Cftltlo ItecclpU Mpm nli 100 mar
fcclMUlot aotxfto cJioM iblppliijfti w < 61t >
roMisou to fair M4I 40 buioficr ita r
I13VK4 V > coiraand hslfer UtflSMOilloBk
tr < uSf cltnKW 4 vfl
Hog Itoctlpu vl attlve and a ilisds
itrongtr i WW84 ut
tMie p lw e pl rionsiihlpcnMU BOii twin
lually Aria and anebssssd
i voru
VkwYhkk Jan ts MoniDnil
HlKal Spot dull Bud Hi r a > rj >
oilloii > eurd itUT orl rued lroi <
< rrh l Klia4 pjt So t rl t <
l uoary WM K < ru ry > rirtng l < p
tUrrh Sljwlfije doli lc Ms > JSIAll
vt 1 lev nlotinx i > < Jr
j i urBMnotibTui optlvo modTSUij i < l <
I January l < o r oilier xT > cr llj t ily
j l > o 4 vfjcsi J v tpr Jaumr ni >
KKc nfrf4lf f eloilnir t c March
i fiSJocloiliw < Sfo Mny4Mo
toffee Hprit Iilr Illo Onll at Sir nnllons
loady nd fairly notlva unlet 311V baKijKeu
11W a wt M 0 rin > AprlMilfil M y
toC3 JuneW7n Iiilyf 75
SiiKorDull and rather weak lair lo rood
reflnl cB7ioosfoi rrflnodilnllntfllMRlo m
RJ1 h ° oi innlil A 0J0 confeclloneri A
l 7 l o powderedo 11 B njc crannlnted
Molin e iuU i nn ten tie
Itle steady and demand fair
Tallow Ito
Pork Dull at to W 10 73
ut Meatiriiin
and lemtoln February 10 < 1
flM MarchjBpwo j May 7it B0n
Knniit Uttf
nAs A8 mMoj n an WnoathtioMg I
ernili janlilili rebruary JOoldil March 731 t
7il > 7VJe
CornydlctiwuhSile aikeit Kabniary n
bid Ma Bl o bid
0 t Nominal
V arooa
Tho Ilv stock Imtlcalor report
Uatllo llvrelptl W lilpinumi nono Lent
co in I no n iljll and lower mnmrler
KUid tochnlca
in iHedlum ta v toi aUicken
row IH0W3 WI
Neiv lilvniu
riKihron ihoviiioss kto
31 roininon
H0 3 73
iMiV ccl 1 itronK and active at
Sheep Itecclpuisi
In cholen
Oiiiaioo Jan
SO flour steady nnd
i 1 > > tlfnJff lrPrLJ lai had
AHrtKilc cloiVl H Jftsoi Xtnrib Jt
ruary > < < t
311C clo d
Kijn May M l < Be oloiftrt fctto
OornIIulod ibado ilrncn caib ml Jan
iiarrnnd rehrunry iM30n rloiMl 3Clc Mireh
3 > l43ajocloiid Mlc 3lny Oiioiuou cii tOj
IMrktronRer j caib il 00 Kobraary HI 00
March SII UMny IIIAMttlrii
I nlKlnn cniili lil Uiiuary and Peb
mnry rt nji Mnrcti IS May ia5iro7L
lloicil JfosUWlenilvi ry milled moulder
MUMil > Abort rlbW 4UwlM liirt clear
p nnfra 70
itvn STOCK
1r > 0 Drnvcr loinnnl report
lnllliillecrlpt 17W ihlpmunti 000 uleady
blppilllV r ofU90lo IXjilnnuuiMiaoOJ 5 l I
stock n and feederk K i4 so cuw tiulli I
nnd inlvailfl 6033 71 bulk 1538 i i
iiogit wii > ii iivn truuf at t no
flic pllei lpu tl Xi bliiinrnt lkMj niurkwt I
flriniff imtlv j wi 47n Toiatu 13 W 4fl0 i
liinb 4lWnJT
NllW liilMSi La Jan ail sn nr The
blgjinr Klfti
yti nr ullelo u
Hearing ofbflnW I JM m
Ortio of Tnr urnrnt i
Jan so 1BSB i
Tbem n tlr nniitunt o iniilnnia lr u
noted l < tdj wbleli cln d nwoukof ourked
miking j > iruliHvoa of apilnir atnek I bey
rally and wuru nearl unnnlmoini In
s good trade
Thero oiin lo bo no eauie for rilicouragi
muni anioaa tho p snter tli uh II la k < oi
uially ndtiiltKrd thai Ih itaniax lo the fall oata
hn boon guimMl The o
fatal loibliffrcat and
iluea ho apiliiR
oiiMjiiiinlty im
Ifiii pleAMnl
Je III ia 7ci B can su
IrlnUdtandarol prlntf now alile An M
anolM Blei Amerllisn Ho ArnnM 60
lnliBont Be llnrwlck im Ctisrl r Oak li
Um loji 61 Dsuklrk < i DatinoDJiui
lasril 7a Iuii II stls BJe oiout r
Sis llainllUvn lpl iiyto Sir HurtI e
IysJI41et ll Is iirliol tff H PiwIBo
brldgs U Klmt TflvsV Bf
finliT sir VVInitxir 6c
Water aolldi > le Ioabod >
solid Ble Durbnio mtlldi
ftp t irillvtr ohlnl Cje
Heavy llrowii SbmsliiigAtlanlis 1 44 sji
AlbaayA AI4Sfe AtlastlcAAl I ci Cllffira
0004 4 Co Ijiwrtstifl Li4 4 t HollandC
< kJ dc
kin lie treat Hoatnm j V 1
Oanonlint Doe lln i toS WwKRi Dlcj
llrm aMt UltNlteW
o to 1 Mi bor r toH
1101 blcaibonato of lodi8
copperai 8o to 4ci mtSuHS
wWsoiraitl ancipner nitoSi
fl to
r aj
8 botlle Included 100liVlOl ehlJTftv
per t JO lo 17 i chloroform VmKTJJh
c odod71 lo M iwniwiuoB W n i
l B ftt l ly urn tvbllfl ed fit IaaU
prlco frelght cnunl i di iplilli PwinaMe
Wo boiled oil
Tho SbOrman Wllilami J lorlvor
black la per ft 10oi Knglim esoacVl > jJIK
Ik 180 lamp black i pir icoi iiiXriVVfl
biuoli iitfl iIiub pini4raw
umber it le burnt Tai kr
omi j >
ilileniperiiilor lvoryrtropliU k toe
Turkey umber 3u burnt Wkiytonuw rtr
raw Imtidii tinua a cr JtnumLZ u JJ
vviieatriaetiiatc liblnaraiieaii icelot VaadykBhrowoiSo p
Ciinntry Iroitiir nnd TrulL
OraiiKnslallfornlaperliox D Mai CO
MoiMiia Irfimnn IerlMivftoo
Apiile Northern 3 ttts w per Mil
ioatna rih per im California Woln tieVa
Onlonit llloriila 3a per B >
I licamNavv shjioj med bbliSoi lirrs llmi
butler m
Sci amall 31a
i Iisnuu laso
1 llderllnlfbbU K >
OalibnKoIVr lb California lie
roultry llcnat M per don younir ehlekena
9 23s turkey MM lo 73o cens ws ta Boat
dueki per tins 1 7Uostio
Kkk Per do iv lie
rC liOountrylliitt rUhole to jeaolC
Weiicm dairy lBoi fanny creamery too
Iolatoo liweei 3e < if uo per bu
8auor Krant Pur halfbid 3 73 <
llanann ter banch 3 23 to 3 23
Sow llKana Co
Ilrnill Kill l fl
Almond 3oo
Miilldlni Blftlerlnli
u rrtAKj M Jlir bo xln 13 Inchei
liiilarprlso It
C 44 01 llendal A A 4 4 Bc
1 44 die Tain oSbanlor 4 4 Bio Ol
44 Jei Jtelfait It 41 Bio lloo rflwy
Oospntan A
4 4 70
Klnt lriie 41 0 Arglo 41 01 1 IJ y Ute
I4 Co
Wide Hrown b M llngfvrll IB 4 ISc Pern
broko 1041Jc llonadnork ID I l o Ijinoaitcr
lloUired Duck Monisup 1 ISpawa
IMc Kvwwt II b Ho InjiMoni 10 0 Klw
Kilgl brown lid Warren mill lc
Tieklnya Aiiioskiag A O A I2a Arailpha AA
loiftirnwalill StO Whltt nltn UXl
Illddlo7o Uwlitou 30iucb HtoiOciaD
be r < untii
putrln IJoo
n aetia7l i
Ton limierlnl 0 iK > e1 gutpowdorBU7iio msmpai
SnjtarFlMDimwarwtbClt Mo do half bbl lur ul l
H I ml 20
pr1 roinmon wlilla plnii SOCOi
SBOtinil do21 fa third do 38 tfl miiM ii oj
jrrlWi iinltvo pine I 1 Ulj native tilna 1
i700ijjii ijvo numb in oo
ilrnM mid MnUnmi JlooilnKriratalai
M CO aecond elnai 33 BO
Drosiaii Lnmlmr Hoxlnjr 12 Inches and an
durlB oo iliiis v > Mi Mumiiinffioiiinr any
ooiiiiiion lumber v IB Ki IioMiik ntcr 11 Itelmi
mirortMM l tho local trade Harm SJ iS Wol W m4i > l e 4
neek llierc bfiilieen an IiicmimiI number or r l vvitltn Ilno Luml > r HHand2
lat ekof cnnnirt marrhnuta if ibn ely
Itieii wide wlills pins 70 Mil 1 IneJiUaB
ivillnif Ituadud or PlainKlrtt eommdn
< tilteplnu 30 On MiloJ Aoiddo2li ponlir
SB 00 lo 27 BO io catlti
bold on lbs illiiliily injurnd iTOt i me Csmopt l jIJins Aniiln tee per
will invlvi suit eome nut Ut the aallfiie Ion of T l lX r llii J1 1
llm plsnli Tliort iiinfleloliiiiicklnlri i anil BBpar liWi > laileyitajl haw
ba limn fxiiinfumteU but en If II bud I > rkor MlrhUan fdflpor bid plottertmliUf
iiiueb sreaUr inert1 llllw tobalillli Hint an i
advaiKHt In luil rnlllo would hnvu ukeu pin u
Thu urem nbuuduniii of h H It I thuoghi wilt
Ciinlnil lo Knoji itKiire dnprvwrd
iirain iliow iniire llrm < urnlvr iiiriciiiu
diiniaiiLitaiioclully hir Tuks rum pr olnaia
tioin uornu and lunimnrwo uhlch id piOr
aro Mndlntt out nt a prrlly llvidy rlo at ifosnu
Si cmiti pei butliol lluiall prlcun rvmalu uii
olmnged n iliornlb tiHb miiicwhat mronaur
Imm iinntablv blshcr
luiiiiulry prtnnec ess iliovv n bills mum
puphir 1 HI DO 30 00
pine is oo do no <
dlilnsleo Whim plnn A SOO do ilildcd A
4 A do intra No I ri ejpicii licit nor
Ja do Vo a 15 natlre
drrnod and lnoJM
ii r plna do 300 Uthi
triMgib thobili lbs rufiiiir prl n M pii i l V a11 1 600 wli
donoitfan hardly bu clmiiEed be n l innr L
< i < k i ilonen 300 I
k t Iabout tli ame nnn a plenillnl wpply per
domn i 1 S
oulilPkensiidturkt > nf far < iiain > per
I IliriirnId nn tie IBWIoSBOnilu
Oroe re
Meat Sugar mired liami luiti iniitr rurcd
broakfait iiaooii via short ulnar baeon 7o
bait olitui dry utltto
1llhilhiki rel lu It kite No I Jnc No t
S 0 ho
v x i i half libls No
1 1
horrlug nor Itot 40e w flib He
i cm
lirillli ic 7o BO U cam 7Jci SO1 cam
Ilrbk > lre proof 7Mier5t
Liiiiiirnnii ciann
Wblaky Knciinnil 110 lo I Afl si nor iro if
amirtniirh Im > i nr nbl lw to 10 three
i > iir iilill ii > to fanry cilrs Old Wlihky
on io < X
IVInon Inn lpnreaiu 4 30 lo 10W per
innllty fni oit per gallon 90o io 1 Go port
ISO to3iHi iliirr > psr albiii 1 W to tliei M
whllo wlnu la
to U pil
boy Herl ti l
lo lliioo d Ml 00 to IBS Ml
Ibamiiij in ii M Jlunuu A iJo cvlra ilti
solo a I oil Keiiiiik Inboikit VI m tr > twooi
i Km luhakit > m to SO domrilln rhlo
e70iiio oUouliLsxuadry pint
ipiirti II BO io 1iki
1 nloU 3 < l Krlssser
m piotalStttiScli lliJHItsuliee
Ill Cla
i Will Claiiiiin A Son i
rtii M pint IS tfl IKo
So out loaf Sic ursniiktoil standard evi
Uiultlniw DruiiulntBil 7o atandsrd A 7at I HiuMIry
limit wtillo 7t liul lBiin r c 7mH ssddlnii Itnl i ump fwjlfornl 40 ooan oo
llloeIinb > l n JJIoSpnow plain Onllfornm usiBOOBi kwis enra
SilltOouras In J tl 40 linn In
lake In Hat hoop barrel 2BB pockui
Sods tllosrbnnato In keg 4 < fm blearh In
csteaBti lumii l mdaln kngii4iiji ruim
lated l audit In SO lb driimi liu
Molmuiuit Olioloo lAiuUlann BfiKMn now
crop fair to good SBc com syrup Son
Ciilfiit lllo fair Hl tUn prima lul
oholi o lllwlto Ijaiiym ljii Javs 3tc tjuid
< tn IIImIAc 1ralierry i24fl
Iluklu gal pnlla inUnl oleklo I V flan
pnllllgl iuarl I 7B Klnaslimf ul ou
Klsiil gal 4CBgla biXnal n7S
WraiiliiK < papor Ibiji and atittw 11 to M
Snullliirn > U l o II ISpareiii tt at 0B4
1os9M Uulphafi Ol II 73 1 on 3 i > 1 ot
4 00jdtintalfli 10 nl or 4 00
Canned ttiHidiPrlciti pur doon1 Pino sp
iloiiintid rd31 sii ponubui ttanilard 3 B >
lBBi3lla2ls t0i iynrt i nn 1 llltUa
173toinnU0Undnrdt Bi 1 not second 2
tl is 61 Ml green corn 1 IU 1 Cli grnsn
pea 1AB eonsoborrlfl ItSi rsMilmrrlo ISO
oyiUn full weight 1 tt > I IB i 9 I0 ligbt
weight I is 2 Bi million l tt I nan
2 B j mackerel 1 ll > iXMol OU nnlliius
Amirliuin7 oonasoi imported 14 Woain straw
bcrrloilt Bi I Uii hlAckliiftrla f JB irwii gago I
8oap4 7 4 80 per cno
llflKC > ngHli standiird lUolTh He
Tlo Anoiv and IKiiit I Be I
Hour licit patent 32B per W IM halfpat
H 17k One
Iron jomasum mi sntui of Aumln T <
lOOOn iMitO fn r H I3M1 rlga Mi k
idled OU a In ik I io Milillei 4 WttUW
Ioikiir 111I8 I OOurtWIJouiaK1
600 Spur Kuraks iilrtd wltli itrspi 8 i
dlnnoln I 7A
Team Whip perdotfDO 10IBM ipiltti i i
do film tit II111 brraal ktrapa Willi ildva mo
annpi inr don n mI I01 illrrup Jpitber n
1 ilrnapernor 7noloI iwglrlSperdu > u
IMWI halpT ivh peritm 2 23 linlternlmillir
per dor 111 no 11 Irnoi udillabngijierdi I
loia platnl bolauri nir dm 4 Hi to J1So
carlrldgn India per lullBP to lltOOhUBifl U i 1
ior ilo < 1 00 to 1 M
Dollar Duck 3 UOi leallirr IBM to U l bell
Mcoteli ihang modll 1 Wi lisaty nn4rL U
and dunk 73
Wool and tlfdei
Tnrnlvo innnlhiellp light lino nd ntCAb m
UK tnomhi
mnilluui loaijo fall
IIkIU flue 10
heavy I fall light ll 0 MedlUM
o < iari S < llo
llldo 1
2 Ii vy
Ktccii lallcd 7o batofierigrecueo
o 1 bnvy I K I1MM1 lucrer i
13 1 No I light IBs Hefj 11
Isllodioalte bull hldia lW rlmCy
Norw y 6 Ko 22 sheet Iron
lye tt
glnuiri Ho per gal Lrosu glaiwl Me pur gal
Iirloi pusebs S to ino Indlgt TBn pr B >
llluidng SOelSl 10 do n ITolomsn ninalnrd
1 Wi 160 dnian Maeesionl loirioUsil loo
Vrnsilcan 73s bo Ilucket ldn boopi 1
n bor lio
Mill K 4 Wie So 3 Ce Xo B JJVJfJ Jls
Vo m iJikei No I 41c Afty
2 c No 7 VX No S ll l Au aldc < lVo4 IV
t > Bile No < lcNo J JskjKrt l
J2 > M1ac lnM > uTrss oi l WO X > VKl
Hlnjilii Dry Ooodi
Hd Souls
Bjo slmiiwn linen
< oBru 11III140p rrmt offi blind hlgos tIMi
per witt ntt carrlagu bolteDand JBrsr jnji
on plow boluiBMrenl of pUfollrfVoir
per ejint ottj deep it r lid v io 0ps Sl4
ibsllowr itaoipCMl sraruSuper untell
drain and PsedilRff
W > tCbolr No 1 7V raidloia < W f
low Rrad se we 0 t l < Jfl
fgwiy rdnki Bio ate lly mo ttn T
Mlldi < t Iltrrlm May loJi frmfi U wagon JW V JWJ
lt > i viiAuri blas b l bySoWl2i Uraii m f < r1ft 52 B
lWinion i from meal fliio bol > i r i
ioo Hominy and grit 30 per
AUw > rr
I7 IiejirUl ISo l rolngwn JSjoJ A rlcaa I T Tptf9 pU
l > ist ya < tiiiHHianiiii i uaisaciiwei rair
Ibty n lip 1mi Ha Jenvri IBM Adjrlstlc
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