> i
u n
< i
Airu i >
Ycst rAaj Kales of Hallway Ilond <
Cat Urn Uclhe t a Declino pf
Three Points
btoiMon 11 loom Itie Cloilnk Irlrr den
ernlij Die IllRliciit o id tony
Tlie IJuotiilloU
BpocUl to the Oarfotle
UkW Tonic Vol o The railway bond
sales today Included 1000 Vort Worth
L DcuYcrOlty lsat88Ai uOOOO ditto at
SB 1090 Gulf Colorado Santa Ve
gold CsiiHif 8000 Houston L Texas
Central general mortgage at 5C 6000
llouttoa ft Texas Central 1 inalu lino
coiiKn 6fintl033 8000 Missouri Kan
sas Texas general fis at 78J i 1000 Mis
solirl Kansas Texas general < s at naif
J0OO ditto at 0M 2000 ditto afilii000
do at 91 3000 Missouri Kansas Texas
coupon 7 nt lifts 10000Texas Pacific
lucome land grants ul l JC00O ditto
At 42 10000 Toxas Pacific ls Itlo
Graudc division coupons offatf 5lt D
000 ditto nt 654 88000 Kansas Texas
Iant 1151 0000 Kansas Texas general
mortgage atasj 10000 ditto nt as it 10
000 Texas Misslorl Sabine division at
1021 10000 Texas i laclllc HloGraiidu
division oxcoUpon nt C54 C0O0O ditto
lit 561 MOO Kunsas i Texas gen
ial mortgage at 4i 10000
Knnins Texas fls at 79
4C000 Texus i lauillo Incomes at 414
10000 Houston Texas Central lsatu
11000Houston Texas Central l at
8ii C000 Missouri Pacific coupon s at
1114 10000 Fort Worth Denver City
ls nt 88110000 Gulf Colorado Santa
Vo tifl ot 034 10000 do at 0l4 10000 do
nt Ms ii0000 do atM1i 1S000 Galveston
Harrlsbtirg Snn Antonio ls Western
division nt ill 10000 dout Ml 8000
lort Worth Denver City is nt 88 20
000 Missouri laelfle coupons at 112 20
000 GUU Colorado Santa Vo is at DL
Wheat opmed nt lc decline and closed
dull but easy
Cotton toll of 3 points but was quite
Oil opened at 7tijc and closed nt 77jc
Hvw Youk Veb 0 Gov eminent bonds
wcro actlvu rtnd strong today
lidllrond bond sales showed widely dis
tributed business with inndurate activity
nnd priced generally hl hcr
Ktocks wero very active ami strong
with continuation of the boom on the
ol stocks There was little alloat but
the public Is beginning to take
inoro Interest in the maikct than
nt any lime since the culmination ot
the dvanco Inst November The market
opcued Strong the active slocks gener
ally showing gains of from J to j which
Wits soon followed by n moderate reac
tion nt which tlmu the lowest figures of
the day wero reached Itrnewcd strength
was developed before the uid of the llrst
hour end the market continued strong
during the bnlanceiof Uie day Although
considerable fovorlshness was developed
In curtain stocks late In the altcrnoon
the final figures were general
ly near the highest of the
lay Lacknwnna led the list
with aos of 08883 and that stock and
Jersey Central Lakfl Shore St Pan
Western Union nnd Krie coutilhutrrt
r 0V00 suatcs The tint prices show
only fractional advances compared w Itli
last ovcnlng except Lnoknvvannn which
closed witi a net gain of J and Delv
waio A ItuttMiti with a gain of 14
This makes n net gain during the past
two dayij of 04 per cent lorsoy closrd
wllh a pdii of per cent Although
there wow sales of 5 0 shares St
Iaula duelnatlons weio within I per
eenl aiid closed higher at m whllo
Northwestern on smaller im lm > s < nd
a eedl
Hi 1 n 1 m
Nusnr Sltiiilratiiit ci Dull mil > imlinl
N > cilidtolheUntctt
Nnw Jiiuuxs Ia Pub t Sugar
Opel kuttlo molasses dull and nomliml
Centrifugal sugar dull Nq chnngus
lioni yesterday ocopt iirlme yellow
C 10lC toijlei seconds 13 to 54c
MolassesOpen kettle good loprlme
Jfi 10 27c prime i 0 to Jio good to fair
17 to 18c fair 10 to 10c good to com
jnon 1R to Uoj centrifugal molasses
prime IP to I8ct lair lie eommcsi
llcllnury Hugars Locjilrcllnerlcs ijuote
for round lots 4e hlghor than for small
lots Demand better CnUoaf 7o pon
dered G 1010 to 70 standard granulated
fij to 6 lildct confeolloncrs 4 to Ole
standard 0 fllfl to Clo
ItlcutpiletBiul steady no changes from
offeO steady cargoes prlmu 0c
ood Pc fair 4ci ordinary 7Jci torn
won die j jobbing 0 to 4c higher
lrr h ArrlMil
A carload ot choice vegetables the
latest thiug at the tort Worth Otocer
CosCabbage eaiillitovvcr celery par
snips cauots beets rtverred potatoes
onions enily rose potatoes etc
IntFrmtliiR ltnlch nt Jfuun NiikbhU mini
Went Tnuii
uioM Wlho tlnictte
MkvUTTi x Xeb i > Mf last after
aOniuKuM exertion
011 thiuri of oliV
ymuig imiVJ we lmvtiiiufcteeded in orgnn
jyiiig a hook nnd ladder company and at
tho luuutlng last night the following oil
eers wore elected 1 11 u Neighbors
presldeut V lioseubaum vlcopresl
jlcittt Tom Johnson foreman
Kll2 1oimj axt forcmmii
leRfIolgniou1ieerotaryuud A S Denny
tveaMlrer Vcommittce of tlnee todav
waited on the cltkens of the town solic
illng subscriptions for the pun > o o of
imrvihMlntj a truck etc and met niib
no ililiroiiI y 1u raising Alio dvalred
tiuuiimt The name of tnu now orgunlrn
tlon vyllUia Hope Hook ami Ladder com
tuiny No 1
V recent rldo in the country by your
correspondent revealed tho fact that our
farmersavo making extensive prepara
tions for tho caning crops and that wheat
is looking remarkably well
itehstv leavy Coffee purchased a
smtill herd ot yearold thilves recently
tmt ivoragod wheu weighed 825 pounds
a < l Hie eaUts vveiu raUed In this
A nvliliberul ourcHlrciiA aionovv busy
otllug nut shado trees ami othetwlso
bbauti fv1is their yard
t Don Louis Krssler oxve > fc uutlve
roa > frUmunfels wa in the ctty es
tordUyaud epeut tho
ilay prospecting
the country urouud KjIoavIUi tlm iow
Of establishing a German colony in our
community at an varjy daj
County politics wlU bo iinutiiuallv lulu
oatluK this year as Uesperalp effort will
life niK dc to down tho present admluis
tratioti vvhfeuiias been In power tor a
long time
The Kvvulu men In jlhls teeiIoii a e
olamorlac 110 Utile while the Itoss meu
n lite flying but mtlc and thinking
sa great deal it 43 thought
JJ4t lie tw > rh riamnved down to
wttn ami Nom and South Texts seems
to have forgotten that there Is a North
Numberless wild ducks and geese are
now on the lllanco a short rtlsUncc west
of here whllo fishing in that stream was
never bettor
Bcvernl carloads of Johnson grass
which brought 920 per ton were shipped
from hero yestorday
i i i i 01
aite Town Overrun With llurglnrnljetr
SClio1 IIuIIi1Iiiji HirrUed
Special to the Gazette
WiSATHHiuoni TkxJeli > bome
tlmo during last night burglars entered
the hntdvvaro storo of If K Hell and
drilled Into hlssafestrlklng tho main bolt
of the combination center buistlng It off
withouthavaig louse anyoxploslvouud
succeeded in lifting the safe of 01 10
Tho burglars also took every plstolln Mr
Hells store amounting to over 9100
worth Nothing else has been missed
so far
The lecd storo Of JU I Tockttt was also
entered and his safe drilled but only
through the outside sheet of tho door It
is supposed that tho parties became
frightened and ran awoy
Tho school board today received and
settled Willi the contractor T Jb Smith
for tho ueW school buildings just
completed at this city Tho cost Of tho
building Is over 21000 one ctntral and
two vvaid buildings Wcathorford cant
be beat In the state In the way of educa
tional facilities
Mr111 IJownc of Jack county pur
chased the beautiful residence ot D C
Kyle today nnd will nt once move to
this oily Mr Kyle will movo to Socoro
N M In March Ills ranch is located
near there and hu wants to gel ncaror his
business which is his only reason for
leaving Wcathorford
Senator John 11 Truylor of Granbury
was In town today and left for the Hast
this evening
apt J J Kane of tho Fort spent yes
terday and today in tho city Tho cap
tain is architect for our new school build
ing ami has been hero examining
tho work which ho pron ounccii
good Our people are always glad to sco
him tu our city
TIik hell iliKtlimMur Itriclio lilt Clint
mixtion IVmiiiiii Hotm
Special to the laiolto
Honham Tkx Kcb OCapt JW
Duncan received his commlNston yester
day as postmaster at this place for tho
term of four years Cnpt Duncan was
appointed to till the unexpired term ot
exPostmaster II II Taylor and that
term expired yesterday Capt llelston
who has been assistant postmaster is
succeeded by Miss Uoulah Iullor whom
wo are sure will make a success and glvo
Tho postofllce is being rolllted and 100
additional lockboxes arc being put In by
Mr II It Stevens We will have tho
neatest and most loomy postofllce in
NorthTeos when tlnlshecl
County commissioners court mot yes
terday nnd will likely hold all week
They Imvo received tho new jail built by
Sherman architects as agreeing with
tho contract The jail will have
all Its lxtrres In place to
ninnovv The court changed tho
voting place In tho election precinct No
12 from Kamly creek to Uavonnu They
will employ a good part of tbolr time in
appointing loail overseers and looking
to tho countrys InteiCHt in making now
and good roads
Mr Wash Hughes has bought property
in Denton and will move to that place
this week lie and his sou wlllcngage 111
the confectionery tobacco and bakery
business having bought the confection
ery of O I Ioo mayor of Denton Mr
Hughes was engaged In tho multure
business hore for a long time and has
many warm friends who will greatly ie
grut his leaving here
Dr Cooke returned from McAllister
I T jestorday mid has opened his
duntlsl ofllco in Dr Martins otllco 011
Main streot
ATurrMitnYcvlilflitt lu 11 ChlMv lliinttts
TrnplilciiTlui inn Club
Hpcclnl In tlivt liueltc
GviNUhvtunTKX Kcb ulntorina
tlon has boon received hereof tho proba
bly fatal burning ol tho Infantchild otMr
Ieirylln who lives in the Spring Hill
community on Wsh ortek Tho acci
dent oceuued last Sunday eveulug and
was about as follows Tho mother had
gone Inlo tho yard and left tho child who
was Just beginning to walk by holdlug to
a chair lu charge of a llttlo girl During
tliu absence of tho mother tho child got
Hear the iliaplace and fell backwards lu
tho lire pulling tio chair nftor Tho
mother alauned by tho screams hurried
into the house and found her infant
lying lu a bed of coals with its clothing
Oil tiro Tho llttlo 0110 was picked at
ami ovurvthing done that human skill
could do torelloo it but it is thought
tho child cannot possibly recover
Deputy Marshal Johnson yesterday
afternoon arrested one Savvulo Ilobort
kou colored charged with unlawfully
carrying a pUtol Itobeitson It seems
had a settlement to make with ono
Mntloty for some alleged insult nud was
on tho warpath when taken In Ho was
tlned 10 and tiliiinilngi nnd in default
of pnj montiwna lodged lu jail
Mr Wesley llawllh has In his
vision tvpalr ot gray oaglu claws tho
eaglo having been killed on his ronoh
about eight inllcs west of this place It
was shot with a Winchester and mcas
mod seven feet and s Inches from tin
to tip
Tho gun club luul a match shoot at
thelrgrounds onstut town ntt oclock
this afternoon Tho shooting was at
mine pigeons and bluckbtrds both of
which wilto furnished by Cottramp
Some excellent shooting was dono and a
larso ciovvd witnessed the sport
ThofarmoiH say that wheat Is putting
out again and Indicates very llttlo dam
age The weather continues favorable
Hon JW llalloy returned from Wash
limtou this morning whom ho has been
for sovoral weeks looking after the fed
eral court mnttor
tot > r Tultcl Suni
Atthu Tort Worth
Gtocercompaiiys at u
cents a cake
A IVininn Armlgiiaii tor UortcMenllnc
ivclal to llid lasallr
Von j Smiuu auk Feb The noto
rious Hello Starr of tho Cherokee nation
was arraigned In tho United Stales court
toduy on thvno charges of horsestealing
She ontuivd pica of not guilty m each
Instance and got her ttlal con
tluuut until May uoxt she at
Irncted gieat attentiou as sho
sat lu court with a bioadbrlmmod white
mans hat fastened up at tho side with
rod feather iauntUysltting on tho side ol
her head Klio Was accompanlod by her
daughter leatl Youuger who Is tho con
stnnt companion ol her mother
1 I MM
< i > wT > li r l < itl
The now hotel recently optned by J
Gatllnklu offers tho lieu Inducements to
drummer Vlrstolass hrv nloau beds
and an excellent Aapiploroom Free btu
The Kiilghlsof lorl Worlli Canvass
the City In Hegnrd 0 Tlicso
Two Gentlemen
Tlii li ciillv C < imiulttro Hnlit 11 lln II rn
Trnntiirtliig V ry Inuiortnnt im
ilul iluilnrM
The Knights of Labor In this city mini
bor nearly 1 COO belonging to seven local
assemblies nnd naturally they Imvo been
very active in the Mallory and Stetson
boycotts while at tho same time very
quiet nud discreet In their actions
It was learned that yesterday evening
the joint committees had completed their
work and wero reatly to report their suc
coss to tho local assemblies It is under
stood that the canvass was general no
houpo being overlooked but it Is known
positively that such houses as loseph II
flrovvn MartlnHrovvn Co Max Kiser
fUndall Chambers Co Taylor Ilarr
Huffman Implement company llatcmau
Bros Malone Waller L Co Kort Worth
Gioccr company W V Lake Dnhlman
Ilros 11 C llvans Co It V Tackabory
Hills Kcllncr If N Connor Washer
Aiicist wero visited by the committee
and Tiir GvzirrK has it from undoubted
authority that no refusals wero received
but the merchants putting tho matter
purely on a business basis said they
would order their goods sent by other
routes than tho Mnllory line Delays at
this time of the year In receiving their
goods vvares and merchandise wore very
injurious ami they would tako no
chances ot having shipments tied up at
Galveston Bomo of the merchants In
formed tho committee that thoy received
very llttlo freight by Mallory steamers
but wero willing lo have that llttlo come
by other lines It Is known that
orders have already been ont
to Lnstern houses by our mer
chants to change tholr shlpmiuts from
the Mallory lino to tho Morgan line to
tho Cromwell line lo New Orleans
thence to Vort Worth by tho Texas
laclllc nnd by Merchants Dispatch to
St Louis and from there by the Mis
souri Pacific to Tort Worth
Tho dealers lu Stetson hats gave tho
committee equal encouragement without
exception promising to buy no mora
Stetson hats uutll the boycott was
raised In this matter tho Knights
acted sensibly and very conservatively
raising no objections to the merchants
disposing of tho stock of Stetson hats on
hand nt present In windows where
horctofoio signs wero seen Stetson hats
for sale here they are seen no longer
Welidollned riimois current yesterday
that all members ot tho executive com
mittee of District assembly No 78
but Messrs Connolly and Golden wero
in our city proved true but the gentle
men were not to bo lnienlowed thoy
wero hcie on impoitaiit business
having como from Tylor to
have printed tin Important cliuilnr
and from tho fact that the
district scciotury lives hero it Is a fair
conclusion that ho will hmii these elicit
lais to tho local assemblies lu the statu
and In a few days wo may expect another
lurn ot the crank in tho great boycott
Tun Oukiti hns It from good author
ity that tho Knights of Houston and
other cities have been as successful as
they wore hore and that Mulloiv ship
ments will decline noticeably In the next
ton days
iiui itiiiM < m nr tim i t tim > it nu > j
from SlilCluuey Aiiurul
Special to tho Untelto
Dkntok Tux Vob 1 A tallroad
meeting was held today at tho coin t
houso Judge JA Canoll chairman 1
N Dndsoit secretary Tho object of tho
meeting was to tako Into consideration
tho proposition madu by Maj Herron of
the Last Hue thai tho loul would bo
extended fiom MeKInney to Denton Im
mediately If Denton would donate the
necessary depot grounds and tho right of
way to tho Collin county line Tho
proposition was unanimously accepted
and a commlttoo consisting of Col W
T AbneyGcorgoOatman Tr Douglass
J M ltoark A M Hush and Matthew
Kobliisou was immediately appointed to
tako subscriptions and secure tho light of
way Tho committee think Unit nearly
enough already been subscribed to
secure tho road Denton is novv expect
ing tho Last Lino from MoKluney and an
extension of tho Mlssouil laclllc from
Gainesville via Denton to Grapevine
and on to lort Worth It tho Santa lo
has gouo buck on uswo bellevo Jay Gould
will como to tho rescue as we ate bound
to have more railroads lu Denton
IlioltnuU llotiRlit II
8 < cclnl to the Oaiuttn
AMMtNK Trx Tfob ti Tliu stock of
groceries belonging to Mr 1LM Daugh
orty on which the Abilene National
bank Issued an attachment 011 tho
23th ot January was sold by
sheriffs sale this mornlug to the
highest bidder and was bid In by
tho abovoinontloued bank for 81850 to
satisfy tho claim against 11 M Daimher
ty lor S1P0078 An inventory was taken
and tho stock valued at SiiOOas
An Attachment at Wuaihciturit
Special to thcrjnicttr
W ATiiwtKoni Tiix tob i Last
night about ll oclock an attachm eut vns
run ou the stock of china and silverware
and watches aud clocks of J I Doherty
5 Co ot this place by H U Mllllken
manager ol tho Wcatheitord Viirulturo
and Carpet company nlso ot this of
whom Doherty f Co purchased the stock
of china and silvern arc lu November
last The amount of tho attachment
was SISUi 4s as balauco purchase money
on stock ot china and silverware The
attachment was sued out on the grounds
that Dohcrly Co were disposlug of or
llxlng to dispose of their stoels ot goods
for fraudulent purposes Mr Doherty
Claims that tho liabilities ot tho llrm will
not exeiod 88000 and savv there aro
goods lu tho houso to reach tho amount
ot 111000 and tlw debt on which ho was
attached was none of It dno until tomor
row tho 10th Mr Mllllken claims that
Doherty Co failed inpaitto comply
Willi a certain contiact entered into at
tho time ot tho trade Two other attach
ments uvo been run today to tho amount
jit 150 It is supposed Unit others yy111
tie run very > oon Total amount of at
tachnents run to this time 853HUS Tho
olllccrs are now taking an invoice ot tho
stock and In a day or two It will bo
known what tho total liabilities and assets
Iho tltt iii Dcuouuca Hid fo of atnli
I lu Hi Cno of K T Jiurni
Special U tho Oaiotlu
1ahis Tux Vcb oIn response to
the call of several of tho cltUouh of
last night something near threo hundred
people gathered at tho courtboiio to ex
press their oiviu and feeling In
regard to
Uijj mobbing of tho desperado SI Gar
rctt op the night qf VebrnaryV Jo
Hodges stated that the object ol the meet
ing was to enable tho peoplo to say
whether or not they condemned tho
lynching of Garrett
A resolution was mttdo and adopted
that every good and lawabiding citizen
ought to take every legltlmitc sjep in his
power to bring the perpetrators of this
ontrago to the courts ot justice
Capt S J Wright has returned fronl
St Louis where he went to confer with
the 1ilscn road Ho Hays that tho pros
pect Is as good or better than ever and
that it is a fact that tho company expects
to build through to larl at once
The hook and ladder company held
their regular meeting Saturday night
Tho committee on finance asked a con
tinuation of their report till tines wero
assessed on C It Hrood and Henry
Consoler for being absent at regular meet
ing II L Seles piesentcd Ids resigna
tion as a member of tho company It
was accepted There being no other
business tho company adjourned
Tho city council met last night all
olllccrs nnd members being present Tho
minutes of the laM meeting was read and
adopted Tho rnajprs report showed
tho amount of tines levied during tho
month to bo S7 50 The fclty mashais
report showed the amount collected to be
815S0 turned over to Htrect commis
sioner 01 j collected On sale of llsh ffJ
Opening ot tho Drlilsn Ot r tlK > lrh in n < <
ItlvT fit Villi Huron
Hpccisl to the Gaxcttc
Kout SMnn Auk Vcb IITho St
Louis H San Frauclsco railway bridge
over tho Arkansas river at Van Burcu was
opened this afternoon and tho passenger
train from St Louis passed over it load
ed with enthusiastic persons from this
city who went over to meet tho train and
bo among the tlrst to pass over the struc
ture The ev cut is hailed with delight by
all on the south side of tho raging Arkan
sas Tho train came thundering into tho
city amidst the screaming whistles from
factories steamboats nud locomotives
accompanied by tho ringing ot bells
cheering and greatdemonstiatlonsof joy
Gouural Manager Dunn of tho Frisco tho
bridge contractor and Bcvernl other rail
road olllclnls are In the city tonight
A mil Indian Kills 11 Cntiutry VViiiiKiu lur
JleiTitdilng Illi Chllil
Special to the Jnzcttc
AiiaijiiHOii K M Vol 0 Nanl
que a Zuni Indian was brought hero
this morning by Marshal Chavez charged
with murder The crime occurred In tho
rcservatlou about 160 miles from this
city Ho killed a unl woman whom ho
recognized as a witch lie accused her
of causing tho sickness and subsequent
death of his little daughter by witchery
Tho instrument used was an ax and tho
head was severed from Its trunk
Ohlnir Succor ul Hen
llurvni iHUA l v Veb > Tho
steamer Kdlubuigh Capt Johnson which
arrived hero yestorday from Itlo Morlna
reports that on Januaiy 23 sho sighted a
vessel with signals of distress llylng A
boat was lowered and sent to tho vessel
which was found to bo tho brlgantlne
llaunah bound to Antwerp from itucnos
Avros with a cargo ol hides Her crew
of twelve were almost oxhsu ted from
starvation The vessel had 1 en sixty
days out and for seventeen du tho men
had nothing to eat but a few crackers
Tho Kdlnbnighs boat was lo idcd with
provisions and sent to tho brig and tho
Ldlnburgh than proceeded
3tmiloiiil Her llmlmiul to Miury Iter
London Vol P An inquest was hold
today In tho cause of U10 death of Mr
itartletf u morchnut ot llmllco who it
U alleged wus killed by chloroform ad
ministered by his wife who wished to
marry Jtuv Mr Djson a Wesleynn min
ister This statement by Mrs Hartlett
was read at tho Inquest by hot physician
Sho was slvteen vears of ago
when she married Hartlett They
made a compact to live together
merely aB lovmg friends This agree
ment was adherod to for six years when
the husband began to encourage her af
fection for the liev Mr Dyson Recent
ly Hartlett bogau to manifest renewed
affertiou for ids wije but sho feeling it
to ho her duty to tho minister to
lcfcist her husbands advnuces ap
pealed to him to desist as
ho had alllanccd her to Mr Dyson Tho
appeal liad only a temporary effect so
sho resolved to protect herself fiom her
husband by waving chloroform in front
ot his face On tho night before his
death as her husbnud was lctlrlng she
produced a bottle of chloroform
which her husband took from
her and upon awakening in tho night
Sho found her husband lying dead by her
tide The affair has created an Intense
sensation nnd Is regarded as likely to
culinlnato In ono of tho most promiucut
causes eclcbre In the criminal history ot
this country
rnrucllH Wonderful Toner
Dtniuv Veb OWhcn 1arnell O
Conner and Ollrlen arrived a t Gal way
where they had gone to support OShca
Iarnells notuiueo for paillaniont
wero met by a mob who j Ucd the Irish
and cried To in l with OShca
and lainell Healy wh
had arrived
spiuethuo prcvlou8lyhttrri t to the seono
aud hU
pushing way through tho ciovvd
said ho would break tho head ot iniy man
who dared insult Paruell This caused
order for a time
During tlio general meeting hero to
tako action on tho canvass Lynch tho
opposing nominee made a speech in
Which ho said 1arnell acted llko a traitor
to Galway In Importing Capt OShca as a
candidate of tho city When thoy had plen
ty of good native material Ly ucli added
that although rarncll was a great mnu
tint Ireland had made him This remark
stirred the faction present Into wild o
eltemeut 1arnell then invited Lynch to
a quiet talk nnd tho conversation was
not loug over before Lynch said ho had
decided at Ianiells requestdo withdraw
from the Galway contest
Olumiliig Ioiicii
llint tv Vubi lu the lower house of
the landtag today the government intro
tluccd a bill appropriating 825000000 for
expenses ot colonizing West Prussia and
llonril of Arhltrntont
Alihn N Y Veb P A bill ema
nating from the Knights ot Labor will bo
Introduced li the assembly tomorrow
It provides for the establishment of a
statu board of labor arbitrators In
ease ot a dispute between em
ployor and employes it la provided
that primary boards ot tlvo aro to bo ap
pointed two each by tho employer aud
tho employes theso lour to cbooso the
ilfth Appeals may bo taken from tho
lower board to Um state board
whoso decisions shall be final
This board Is to consist
of three members to be appointed by the
governor and the Beitato two of whom
aro to be selected from persons recom
mended respectively by tho Statu
Trades ussemoly and one from the lead
ing manufacturing Industrie of the state
The Council to Meet nnd Hear iho
Deep Water Memorial to Con
grcss Cralns Lelfer
iluilgr Inrilee A tonl ha llm Iuivjrprn bf
tvltliliolillng III Hetlilon In ho
CoiitimM Umcft
liKtl WVTKIl Sl > A IUllIie llCIIllINli
Sliocinllottio Gazette
Oajvestok Veb P Tomorrow even
ing thoio will bo a special meeting of
the rUv council This meeting is called
for two purposes The ilrst matter for
consideration will bo tho report of tho
special committee on deep water nnd
harbor Improvements Tills committee
consisting of Aldermen Vovvler nnd Weis
and citizens Sinclair and Havvley
was appointed nt n meeting of
tho city council several weeks ago
and was instructed to prepare a memo
rial ou the deep water questlion for sub
mission to congress to cnabio that dis
tinguished body to act Intelligently ap
propriate generously and legislate wisely
In behalf of Galveston and deep water
What action tho council will sec proper
to adopt to lay the enlightened views of
their special committee upon tills
vital subject before congress is
dllllcult to foreshadow In view of tho
conflicting opinions prevailing here ns to
how and under what direction nnd su
pervision tho work to secure deep water
at this port should be placed
Tho secondmatter for consideration
by the council will 00 the conteuts
of a letter from the Hon William
fI Crnln addressed to tho Hon It L
Vtilton lu which the distinguished con
gressmau suggests to tho mayor that tho
city thioUgh its council muko an appli
cation to buy tho present liostolllco
building from the general government for
the sum of 50000 That If the city will
agree to make this purchase from the
government aud thus secure n building
adequate in every icspect for a
city hall Mr rain says it will cnabio
him to got an appropriation through the
present congress for a public building
that will accommodate and provide facil
ities for tho transaction of all govern
ment business nt Galveston both judicial
and civil It is doubtful from tho opin
ions expressed by a number of aldermen
whether tho suggestions of tho rising
young statesman lioni tho shoestring
district will be concurred In At all
events the called session will be aii Inter
esting one
The hearing of the contempt charges
brought by llccelvor Dillingham of the
Houston Texas Central load as an of
llcorof tho United States court against
Mayor Uaker Cashier Wcems and
Directors Urcvvstcr and Mcllhcunv ot
tho defunct City bank of Houston
was renewed this morning before Cir
cuit Judge Pardee The evldcucc oil the
part of tho respondents went to show
that they as olllceis of the bank had per
petrated no Intentional finun upon tho re
ceivor or any ot their depositors but
that heavy Josses sustained by tho bank
had seriously crippled them aud they
had suffered far 111010 than any of the
banks other credliois In their argu
ments to tho cuurt the attorneys for
Messis Ilakcr and Hrewstcr held
that they had never iccclved legal uotice
that their bank had by an order of this
comt been specially designated as a
depository for the reception of funds
belonging lo the contt that such a no
tice to each olllccr and director was
noccharv In oulerto bring them within
tho jurisdiction of tho court In tholr
Individual capacity It was also
maintained that no quasi cilnilnal
proceedings for contempt could be
against respondents until the debt had
been established by civil proceedings
Members of the bar listened to the argu
ments with great Interest as the caso Is
a very exceptional one and the question
puoofvltul liuportiinco to fom well
known cltlens ot Harris county Tho
judge dually announced that ho would
lender his decision at the mnich term of
court and tho special session adjourned
This disposition of the caso was some
thing of a surprise to tho attorneys on
both sides as they anticipated an imme
diate decision
Judgy Vardce Iteceher Dillingham
Mayor Baker and others left by this even
lugs train for home
ClvvclniulM lroiliimnlloii
WAsniNtrrov Veb ii Tho president
has Issued a proclamation setting forth
that domestic violence exists at
Seattle ami other places in
Washington territory nnd warning all
persons engaged in unlawful acts that If
they do not disband and retire to their
homes by 0 oclock ou the evening of tho
loth of February the military forco
of tho government will bo used to dls
perse them
Tim rKEsiDiwr Nonnii >
asiiinktoN Veb 0 The mosldcnf
has been fully advised of tho sltuaUon o
affairs lit Sialtle W T but so far has
received no formal appeal tor executive
luterfirence Ho ivcclvcd a telegram
from Gov Squires last evening notify
ing 1dm that tho city had been placed nil
dcr martial law and that tho governor
had called lor volunteers to assist the au
thorities lu preserving peace
A telegram Was received this mOrnlii
saying that the situation remained uu
changed The secretary of war and tho
attorncygelieral have received several
telegrams In regard to the tionbio Tho
matter will be considered at tho cabinet
meeting today If It Is deemed neccssarv
an order will be Issued for tho United
Slates troops to proceed to the scene to
assist the local aulhoiitlcs
NO TliOOls Will III hUST
vsiUMJiov Vol The situation
of affairs at Seattle W T weio dis
cussed at the cabinet meeting tody
All Information by tliu government
showed that the authorities lad S
V 0tr fa lt Wt decldcd not to send
l nlted States
troops thete at present
in statu oro
SjUrrn W T Fob P There Is vb
solute y no change In tho situation to
day The militia aro still on duty No
fedora troops have arrived as eCpectcd
fiom the urgent appeals sent to Washln
Cnnunu Snten Wive
UT K1 VtHI lcb
> As a re
Milt of tho raid on Geo Q Cannons
house yesterday seven of his wives wore
required to giro ball 1 tho sum of 82000
each ami members of Ids amllles hi the
sum of 500 each United States MIl
shnl Ireland seJrehe
a number of
houses where thq Mormon chiefsTore
mostly supposed to bo Ho had a S
of fifteen men but nobody foanTi
y was n
V aTT t0hy rSy a o vardn of
S500 for the
capture ot Geo y Cannon
Mitchell Bros at their old stand nr
poso to board horses f S uS Ku
> yl °
lor Sts30 per month TryTts
lietluced to Co t
tkfca i
Coriu ClirlII fet There
Sncclfd to tbe Jnzcttc
Sax Antonio Tkx Veb > ol
Lott and tho railway committee at Corpus
Christl today signed the papers which
secured tho building of the branch of
tho San Antonio Aransas lass road
to that placo They niado rt strong do
terminal pull lor It and have succeeded
at last
J ft Thc fl Sfiiiulnnn Shore
special lotlie dinette
HoUbTOv Tkx Vob J As tele
graphed Tin Gazbtti Jast night Albert
Schema the old Gcrronu cltion who
took morphine yesterday and was ex
pected to die breathed his last this morn
ing IIo was burled by Germania lodge
Ancient Order United Woikmcn and tho
Deustcho Gesellschnft of which societies
he was an honored member
Inmm Uiiuhteti Agicn
Special to tho Unzctto
Svx Antomo Tkx Feb P Tho
Ilurkart mnrder case after n day nnd a
half spent In speechmaking went to tho
jury at 11 p in today At 10 p 111 tho
juiy announced that they wore unable to
agree aud wero loekedup for tho night
Legal gentlemen who have watched tho
case say that the defense has made a
weaker caso on their plea of insanity than
thoy did in Hie llrst trial vyhen lluikart
got 11 light penalty
Special to tho Gazette
Wiinisiiono True Veb 0 The Bap
tists 1rcsbyterlans and Methodists ot
this place held tho llrst of a scries of un
ion missionary meetings at the Baptist
church last evening A good deal of In
terest was manifested and some very
good tenminute speeches wero made
A petition has been cli ciliated hero this
week and has been signed by many lead
ing cltlon This p4titlou asks congress
to enact laws tu require ail schools sup
ported by tho government and situated in
tho tcirltorles to embrace in their curric
ulum scientific study of temperance and
Correspondence ot the nzette
CoiOivi > o Tix Feb 8 There are
no new cases of smallpox nor do we ex
pect any new ones a strict quarantine
being kept up
Laponskt Bros of Abilene moved into
their quarters today
Mr J W Snyder has just arrived from
his Tom Gieeii county lanch
Mr Winllcld Scott has gone lo Sail An
gelo on business
II II Campbell of tho capltol syndicate
left today for their rarMi by private con
There wero a good many strangers in
town today Inquiring for houses to rent
The Knights of Labor arc growing vciy
fast In numbers Some of our prominent
cltlens nro members of that order
Correspondence of the iaiottc
Hamilton Tix Veb 7 The walls of
our courthouse look dismal since the
lire Commissioners comt meets Mon
day and will some time during tho week
do something towards rebuilding All
seem to agree that tho walls as they stand
are too badly cracked to bo of any further
use Tho houso just burned was built by
Maitln Byrne Johnston and it was
good woik but tho lire completely
rulticd it Lverythliig of impoitanco was
saved except S Loyds justices court
tecor Is and County Judge C W Cottons
books and papers Thero was not room
for them In the vault Vour of our county
olllccrs have taken possession of tho jail
to use asolllccs theio being uo prisoners
linn it
Special 0 the llazolte
Bowii Tia Feb i A rousing rail
road meeting was held last night lu the
mletest of tho Montague Southwestern
tallroad aud also lu thu interest of a tap
fiom Ilovvio to tho Stephens coal mine
Pioper committees wero appointed to sco
If some agreement could not be reached
between Montague and Bowie so as to
bring thu road here
The Varmei salliance held a lneetlUj
at Moutaguo Saturday and passed resolu
tions to petition tho board of directors of
the Missouri Southwestern railway to
come to Bowie We understand tho alli
ance used very forcible language lu tho
Thoy also passed resolutions to build a
15000 roller Hour mill ntsomo point In
the county Bowie will do her best to
have tho mill located heio
A mcetlnghas been called for Thursday
night to oiganln a bulldlug and Invest
ment association
Capt Delugh and wife of Indiana aio
hoio prospecting The captain says tho
papers have not oono Ilovvio justice
Special to tho Gazette
Jkitkksov Tkx Veb i Federal
court conveued yesterday mouiiug at 11
p clock Judge Sabln preheat and picsld
g iho graud jury composed of twentv
ouoinen was organized and proceeded
once Tho jury commissioners
met also Court adjourned till today to
complete the petit jury Tho court an
liouiiccd that ho would glvu tho civil
docket tho preference at this term Tho
r ln 0 1 1118101 a ailst Texas 1
I aclllo Hallway company was tried todav
esterday afternoon A tllO oclock at
the residence of Col D H Zachry ids
a lUcr Mi3lMlril was led in tho
hojy bonds 0 matrimony to Mr j j
Sims liev Charles Lamb olllciatlng Tho
wedding was a very qlilct attain only tho
immediate members of Mr Sims fauillv
and a few invited guests were ptcsent
Ml Sims is aw 01 thy young man and Is
tei of iff ° Prl ° 1 ° lu l10 t
Co uniy commissioner court Is In scs
Uuecn Jilj
Special to llioUaii ttc
Qiniw Cm Tix Vcbii
jury found four ttno bills
for a divorce
Tlio graud
alust ono of
Mo i0 1 n 1 lnilt eo against another
r c us was indicted last fall
fat assault 1
with Intent to murder and
was placed under
bond for is
thk ifr H ftrm ot o court lWB
unity and lined for carrying a pistol
J nS 1 iUry nna r other bills
ar bnV nuKlBK l all sW cases
against l this court His
1 1
0 r organlMd
with l
thirtytwo members thirty
White men
nut two negroes
peel to double this number
Thoy ox
m a short
111 rcl1 ls rfllt y car
In 1 m
ng completion It
is an elegant and com
modious house and speaks well or tho
of mem0rS ° f th t branch
It afl V0 01 SUver Tost < < < 5 > ve
neVr 0 ll ° tlls J01111
re rot it f
faltSJefin S JiV iIow nau disastrous
fFn njnkljig bread cause ttoublons
I rl rcntlc Vl > S
mtll iH r s
Ho has obiS
until N
roin hundred
rtoln business tA
respondence froS 1
loxas nnd adjoining
performs opcmSu 1
without pain tStV
ourto do S l
ureliagonllag rS
svrrn cl l s hoptiAd
orevcrcJrfdfi E
the knife eaffiS
gauroor crushiB
Mliliiielnjnstonor tt2J
fronted yvlthnaS >
aiidinlraculonscnr ptt
to otrs
almost entlreiydeaTOC
years has been cnnul1
leaf by many cnilnfentnhSL
all of tho old dntarsolj5
nor caso
and k6o2ii
al nZ
alinostentlrclydcal i2L
only ono weeks irdVli1
has been
better without cartmmSn
tm treatment Is keWapS
that uho will be cntlrcl ml
Dr P au
other wonderful cures if W
i > > tho city llh ra
stow upon him sincere C3
giatlttule which Is ofeofU k
pulses mason of our natare fr l
Dr Freatfa
Sir M cl Kenncdv yfa
with Mrs Walker at thf
aud Calhoun streets It
crosseyed in both moZ
Yesterday Dr 1rentice strtSE
oyo in the short space of oaT
lgut Is my ranch ImproHi
can tell that his Cfi
crossed MrTIdJSmlth j
witnessed the oMx
tho eyes of John JlcCaWn
years old who has been 1
tho ago of two years vreiti
by Dr lrentico in lesj lkBi
Mr McCahan is cutter forte
hoube of Dahlman Bros to
also Jlr Wint Elklasdatetari
seventeen years eld ie
crossoyes all her life J >
straightened her ejej ul
handsome lady of la 1
minute Jlr Llktas iitta
foul Tarrant county Tra
James M Jordan of Cirlsti ch
couuty Te says ho taj id
piles lor eight year tad V
with the knifowlthontacj I
Vrontlce cured him inoMtrt
out cutting burning or hypo
jeetipns Still anotner the nfc
Mclhall notaiy public cl Rtd
has been very deaf for abosi t
being obliged to nso an torirsa
Vrentlco treated hcrODiiiMli
could hear better witTont tat t
than she could before wlU it 1
ncss lcfcrcnco Is also olilpb1
tin of tho MartlnBroira 0t i
wituesscd some of thu tmn
of Dr Prentice now at KoM
The doctor also refers to J KJ
Vort Worth Mr NtcaOWlfcO
tpn miles north of fort WnCy
oyo put out by a fence vylre sM
rapidly recovering blghtvaiir 4
mont of Dr Prentice
VSi Turned 0 V <
I am now twentyonejm
I was live years of tip liad fe
of tho brain Since that Use
have both turned outtrarJ
opposite of crosscyes Hek
ward irom each other at
least 10 degrees It dl9ltr
much so that from prld
avoided society was if
tttno to mother nnd mjself w
been told they could unci
straight But thank the W
tice at Vort Worth has m I
fectly straight and greatly or
sight No one can now tea
ever wrong 1 am evct f >
Dr Prentice IIo did to
two minutes Miss LncjW
Worth witnessed It W
FoilT WOMlITtj
To thoso who miTl
have been lor two or w
catarrhal deafnessi Goft
tlco now for waiting will
be tho utter destructions
a sense as tho bearing
cured lor I can and a
recommend Dr 1rcutic
treated by him I know
N IL 1 would
svvorlug any querlcrcl
Wluit Anutliar tix lrt
To whom it juvrojHl
suffered threoiyeari eons
eyes until mv sight liccii
have been under tbptwag
oculists but Dr irf 2
from i l i
nioro relief
provemcut of sight in Wl
ever received at the W J
physician can
as a gentleman andpojf ji
inct > Sn
Mr Geodiapmanfaf
Beitordayhe visited rn
worked at Jlr ChnpWjM
the L
conversation with
entirely deaf MrOj a
ment and delight were f
Investigation of DrFf
ist of Eye Ear Cj
Tho president of j 0
health Dr JOn
ascertain for himself f iJ
tlco were true S
number of PbySlcJefrf
Prentices office
ply astonished litldf
Prentice stralghtecf0 j
Not a moan or fiJJ
each caso took the doc
minute Jo U T
too much of f
and thorough ray i rt
cure auy
many that
from the grave
W State B