OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, February 14, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-02-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Security Markets Were Dktirt
grid During tfi Week by
Unufcua Strength
HftlM and JneUltoiM n wool and Hllo
Markets Ycsterdnjf Sales of
Hallway Bonds
> Keftetlon In Mortencea ifenoral lint of
Stock Market Shown an Improve
ment for the Week
Ww YoiiK t Feb 18 The following
were embraced In Hie railway bond sales
today t 1000 Fort Worth Denver City
firsts at 87 1000 Houston Texan Cen
tral Irian rrtillu lino cpupdns off at 105
10000 lull Colorado Santa Fo gen
sixes ntOOtt COOOdo at 00 23000 do
aCl t 10000 do 0011 1000 Fort Worth fi
Denver City Units at 88 16000 Gulf
Colorado Santa Fo seconds at CCi
10000 Kansas Texas general mortgage
itt 01Vi 000 do at Ut10000 do seconds
at 94 1000 Kansas Toxas general mort
gage at U8 C000 Morgans Louisiana
Texan firsts at 18it 6000 Galvcstonjlarrls
burg Sa Antonio firsts west division
at S4J 13000 do 981 10000 Gulf Col
orado Santa Fo seconds atOCJ 1000 do
Jtiat 10000 Texas S Pacific Income 1st
aUOis 47000 Texas 1aclflc ls rfc lH
tcrod coupons off at 03 11000 Texas
PaclllaIncomes at 101 6000 Texts
lnclflq Incomes ttt 10 1000 Texas
Pacific Itlo Grnndo division oxcoupon
at 53h J 10000 Texas lnclllc ltlo Grande
division excoupon at 621 10000 Texas
Pacific ltlo Grande divisionexcoupon
atCiiii li 000 Kansas Sc Texas 0s at 81
3000 Kansas Texas Ss at 814 10000
Kansas Texas 5s at 81 COCO Kansas
Texas fis at 814 10000 Kansas Texas
general mortgage at 01 J 3S000 Gulf
Colorado Santa Vo iis at 004 11000
Texas luolllc ltlo Grande division ox
coupon al53 10000 Toxas Pacific In
comes at 401
Wheat was active today
Cotton declined four point
Oil opened at 77c ami closed at 7CJc
Tho markets for securities during tho
week were distinguished by unusual
Mrongth Hallway mortgaga expi
rleucud no reactions of any amount
and while somo Issues recorded
n gradual advanco others moved
tip sharply on largo transactions
Tho demand wan especially actlvo for
such bonds as yield a net nunnal Income
Of 4 to 0 por cent on tho prices nt
which they aro nov selling Somo
of tho speoulatlvo bonds which do not
pay anything but which woro likely to
earn Interest II the Improvement In tho
railway situation continues were also
taken freely and secured higher figures
Jn Uio stock market the coal shares
Wflru tho great feature and advanced 7 to
ILi por cunt tho formor for Heading and
tho latter for Delaware Hudson
The general list Improved to tho extent ol
1 to 11 per cent tho advancer being
pretty evenly distributed During tho
latter part of tho week thoio woro fre
quent reuctlons and at tho lowest
point tliu whole market showed a do
ollmi of I to li por cent from tho
best figure but a general recovery on
Hiicd nt the close
Governments wcro very strong for tho
longdnto bonds which made a further
mlvnncu under actlvo buying for tho
account of financial Institutions The
forelgu exchanges ruled Unit und ad
vanced u fraction near tho close which
led to on outflow of gold Tho offerings
of money continued largo at lj to 21 tier
cent for money borrowed on call
apodal to tho laictto
Wisw YoithFcb 13 Tho Now York
Wool market lias been devoid of special
features this week There Is no preva
lent speoulatlvo fooling Manufacturers
havo secured u fair amount of
stock against their booked contracts
for goods Forolgu grades aro reportod
as steady Tho sales hero tho past week
embrace 12000 pounds scoured Texas at
18 to 83o 28000 pounds spring Texas
000 pounds ditto 0000 pounds fall ditto
00000 pouuds scoured ditto
In tho hide market thoro Is considerable
trading Tauners ore cautious and buy
ing sUlllelunt to meet demands Dry
Texas Is quoted 2Q to 25 pounds lCoi
dry salted ditto 21 to 110 pounds l to
Wot salted Texas ox and cow 00 to 00
pounds 10 to 104c
Nkw Yomc Feb lJIGovornmQut
bonds dull and ilrni
Hallroad bond transactions woro larger
and tho market was very strong allowing
generally decided gains Tho miles for
tho week amounted to 810007000 a do
crcaso from last week of 8670000
Stocks woro comparatively quiet with
only slight fluctuations until i oclock
Tho coal stocks howoverwcro feverish
and showed llttlo more strength After 1
oclock thero wus a very decided luoroaso
In business tho local stocks leading and
prices advanced In many cases over 1 por
cent Tho higher prices of tho day woro
generally tnado about 2 oclock During
tho last hour thoro was an Irregular
movement with
somo disposition to
weakness but tho market closed steady
to firm ami generally higher than last
evening Thoro was agalu somo talk of
rato cutting In tho West which was not
confirmed Comparing prices this
evening with tho closing figures of
a week ago nearly everything ou tho
iiotlvo list is higher The sales for the
week amounted to 2713070 a decrease
from the preceding week of 2818 shares
London Fob IS Tho wool sales
Closed today They will bo resumed
again March 23 It Is estimated that 21
000 baits were withdrawn or not offeted
for salo Of the 203000 bales sold about
01 por cent woro exported Including
129000 bales to America The sales
woie marked by a weak tone and groat
varieties of prices All except tho
best wools wcro fully o yd
lower as compared with the
sales of December last At todays
sales tho sales aggregated 0500 balei as
follows j 2300 bales New South Wales
700 Qnecnslsud 1000 South Australia
I80O Victoria and 2800 capo Now South
Wales fcoured 0t at yjt t0 9 l
greasy at 4 J lo lljd greasy locks and
pieces a 4 to 7dd Queensland scouied
t Usd to la Hid scoured locks
and piece at 81 to 0ad greasy nt
SdtoTld ontIi Australian scoured nt
cuU 4 mltwraj
fas Umm H
e <
jMdtolftdjVoured locks and pieces at
jd greasy lcks and pieces nt 10ld to
J OdiVlcWrJ scoured atl0dtols7d
ftCooTCd locks d pieces at 8d to is 4id
WNwy t4MtoOdj greasy locks at lilt
Oteoe at 4id to ftjdt Cape scoured at lQil
to Is 8d greasy at sjd to 7ld
j J 0m
fcatoct your pixw ta from tho Fort
W4fe CWb cobjw ty They havo for
Wl Way Ufa ante at dUtyrca M < di
wr at K
t W Vrj
Biicar Molastv Coffee ninl Klco Quotav
Special to tho Garclto
NkW Oruuns La Icb 13 Sugar
Molasses steady no changes
Itetlucd sugars dull Local rcftacrlvs
quote as follows ic higher for small lots
cut loaf 71 tu74c powdered CI toc
standard grahulatcd 01c confectioners
Cc standard G to C 3lUc
Coffco steady prices unchanged
Klco quiet and unchanged
Ladles misses and childrens hosiery
of all kinds Just received by Katidall
Chamborg Co
Icocoldsoda and mineral water at K
M Wells drug storo 600 Houston street
Tho merchant tailoring department of
Dnhlinan Bros establishment Is stocked
with the finest lino of goods over shown
m the 180 different styles and shades of
color to select from at Dahlman llros
Dont order a spring suit until you havo
seen their stock
Go to tho Kort Worth China companys
for silverware china and glassware
They arc offering extra Inducements to
purchaso at this particular time
HrrtUt Heeiln
Garden nnd flower seeds of all kinds at
J II Honlhacs
A In > > y TJironjt 1our Itnrom nml a
Iomleil lteienter llinnliic rioxpocls
Spoclal to tho llfiicttc
IIkijjiioho Trx leb 13 Last night
a gay throng embracing almost all the
society young pcoplo ol Ulllsboro wcro
assembled at tho largo and commodious
residence of Capt A V ilcKlnnon to
enjoy a social dance It was a delight
ful occasion to almost every ono present
Tho Immense number precludes tho men
tion of Individuals They wcro alt
On Thursday last at tho rcsldcnco of
an estimable cltlen living near Abbott
throe small children nged live thrco and
ono years two of thorn visiting tho fam
ily with their mother found four razors
and n loaded repeater In it washstund
drawer nml taking them out proceeded
to uncase open and Inspect them In tho
stylo of thoso who didnt know It was
loaded When tho horrified mothers
found their darlings all tho mischief that
had been dono was a slight cut on tho
hand ol the little darling ono year old I
Farmers aro cntlruly disheartened In
relation to thu wheat crop It Is a failure
Uut unusual preparations aro perfected
In early plowing for tho coming ciop
All aro expecting lato frosts and a nip
ping of fruitblossoms because of the
lateness of Kastcr this spring
i Our streets today were thronged with
a busy crowd of people from both tho
city and country visiting shopping bar
toilugand trading Ulllsboro Is one of
tho most thriving towns In our county
ColuriKlo City
Mr David Kenrsu of Colorado City
Tex has suffered severely since tho war
with piles Ho says ho has tried every
kind of treatment oven to burning them
tuvay but has never hi en cured until Dr
Ireutlce of Fort Worth gave hlni only ono
treatment which has entirely cured him
Ills praise of Dr lrentlco Is almost un
Mr T J Key of Hunnels Tex has
been troublod for years with piles so he
could not rldo or attend business Dr
lrentlco cured hliu perfectly In ono
Mr W N Waddell of Colorado City
Tex can glvo Information of a lady who
suffered for many years und was cured lu
ono treatment by Dr lrentlco of Fort
Mr James M Jordan of Christian
Ialo Pinto county Tex suffered many
years with tho piles was cured by Dr
lrentlco of Fort Worth in ono treatment
And others among whom aro muny la
dles who havo found permanent relief by
ono treatment fiom Dr lrentlco
See Dr lrentlccs ctitlro column In
this paper
TrtMnest Triune
Tho best and cheapest In tho market at
Waterhouses drug storo
tiny Iottml
Of pure baking powder and got a lino
plcco of glasswiiro at J Lewis corner
o Sixth and Houston streets
llleli Clturvh DiRnllurleitOn lto AVII1
H > f l lu Time Sonny nioaely
Bpcclhl to tho Uaictto
Waco Tex Feb 111 Tho shorlff of
Parker county seems to think our safe
burglars were In Weatherford ou tho 8th
Inst as ho telegraphs to Sheriff Harris
to that effect stating thoy broku open a
safe In Weathoiford on that date Ho
must bo mistaken as both of the men
wcro lu Waco ou tho 8th and Kmorson
Was tried and fined In tho Waco police
court on tho morning of tho 8th
Bishop Alexander C Garrett of Dallas
arrived at noon today and la tho guest
of Hov Mr 8tarr rector of St lmils
Other prominent Dplscopallan clergymen
aro expected within a day or two among
thorn ltev Mr Sartwollo of Iort Worth
to ttend tho meeting which opens to
Ike Phllklns of tho Snti Antonio Ex
press was In town today and struck
Jon 1 llosa Gcti I toss told blmi
1 am glad to see you but dont want to
ba Interviewed today I will have somo
thing for tho press after a while It Is
hardly necessary to say that Ion ltoss
when he Is ready to speak will want the
pcoplo to hoar him through Tin Ga
Olllcors from this county havo been In
Falls county all day on a Millhunt for
another outlaw Sonny Mosely who
Is said to bu lu that section of country
and with whom tho sheriff of Falls county
had a brush jestcrday
Iostiiatter G It Gerald got his com
mission from Washington City todaybtit
will not tako charge of tho aillco until
Monday morning tho 18th lust
Mr Geo N Teo of Chicago thu qui
ployer of Will lamb who was killed lu
tho McClelland hotel last Week Is In tho
city v
For Hamburg odglugs and Insertions at
extremely low prices go to
Hamuli a Ciumhiuis Co
Icecold soda aud mineral water at E
M Wells drug storo 603 Houston street
Ornament your homos with audi beau
tiful attractions as can do seen at tho Fort
Worth China compauyS This Is tho
beat and cheapest tlmqto buy
He < U gceitut
Garden and flower seeds of all kinds at
Si II Itaulhacs
5 fltucotho reduction lirprlces you can
get wonderful bargains iu quadruple
plated silverware ctjua and glassware
and tr HInoplaques and vase This
Js your best trao to buy
Icecold soda and mineral water at E
Mi WthV drug store 609 Housto street
n Vs
Deltigs mi Happenings of tho Day
Occurrences far Weal
or Wee
UMIieridgrf from Over he Statu Ueported
Specially for lie Gazette l > y It
Own CnrreaponcleriU
Couldnt Make IlURolitt
Special to lite Uarcttc
AntiKNi Tax Feb 13 Tho examin
ing trial of Lon Morris who was charged
with theft camo off toniay Ho was
bound over to the county court under a
bond of 8400 which ho failed to glvo aud
was placed lu jail
Meetlnirnr Uvnlofi Wve Stock AmocIkUoii
Special to Did Uardto
San Antonio Tkx Fob 13 The
Uvalde Live Stock association held Its
nnnual meeting this morning elected
ofllcers and arranged for thu spring round
up to commenco on March 10 Stockmen
appear cheerful over their prospects
Cmiclit liy tho CmrCntcher
Special to tho Uszctte
Jkitkiison Tkx Feb 13 Louis Max
a whlto boy aged about seventeen years
while plajing around the Texas laclllc
switch got his foot caught In between tho
ties Tho cowcatcher of a passing
freight struck his leg crushing It fearfully
He Only Wwit Out for Kcerclao
Special to tho UnzoHo
IlKliniKTTA Tkx Feb 13 Oscar
1illls who made his cscapo from tho Clay
couuty jail yestorday footed It south of
this place for aoout twenty miles and
hired a man to bring hlni back to jail
He says his fcotgot tired and sora and ho
thought ho would como backand rest a
week or two Tho officers were looking
for him but had not found hlni
Intnl Kick of n Homo
Special to tho Uazctte
San Antonio Tkx Fob 12 W H
Eastman a prominent young lawyor of
Del Itlo but recently appointed county
attorney met with a fatal accident this
morning While out riding his horso
throw hlni to tho ground aud kicked him
on tho face and back Inflicting Injuries
of such a nature that ho cannot live
through thu iilgnt Mr Eastman leaves a
joung wife and one child nnd tho entire
community will mourn his loss
Special to thoOntotto
KorwsiiT Tix Feb 13 Mr W T
Hudson bus sold It Hackctt of Fort
Worth a lot of hogs averaging 4C0 pounds
the Jersey Heds going over 000 pounds
each Mr Hackctt shipped them to St
Inuli tonight About twenty cars of
hogs havo been shipped from this point
this season Shipments of cornfed
beeves have jtiat commenced SJWilson
shipping tho drat two cars to Galveston
Special to the dazotto
mini Tix Fob HI Mr Herman
Schwartz camo In on the westbound
train this morning and brought his wllo
with him This Is tho result ol his visit
to Toxarkann
Tho Texas Pacific railroad paid Us
taxes today on propeity In Callahan
county for 1880 tho amount being
83102 00 Mr Yongo tho agent in
forms us that freight traffic is Increasing
The mito society mot at Hoy Mr
Utirkos residence last night aud nil bad
a pleasant time but tho nttondaUco was
not so largo as It usually Is owing to tho
fact that a number of tho young pcoplo
had to rehearse for tho entertainment
ji rixo
Special lo tho Cniottc
El Paso Tkx Feb 3 E Ferrand
of Franco assistant engineer of tho do
Iesseps caual who camo by wntor from
tho Isthmus to Hau Francisco arrived
hero today on routo homo via New York
Tho total valuu of goltl nnd silver
coin nnd bullion Imported Into this ens
toms district from Moxlco for tho past
mouth amounts to 828880
J Mast Ilia Clark editor of tho two Hc
publlcs who has lust married tho daugh
ter of Col II O King of Sun Antonio ar
rived today en routo to tho City of
Travel Into Moxlco has been materially
Increasing tho past month Tho tralu
goes out lull every day
Shot lll Heml Off
Special to tho tiuictte
lAMtSTiNK Tkx Keb 13 Yesterday
evonlng ou tho farm of Mrs Adams In
Ilcavey Valley neighborhood twelve
miles north vest of this city two young
men named Garrett and N wborry quar
reled about feeding some stock Now
berry slapped Garretts face This morn
lug when Nowberry went to tho lot to
feed tho stock bo was confronted by Gar
rett who leveled n shotguu nt hlni Gar
rett llred both barrels tit him blowing
Newberrys head almost off his shoulders
From tho meager reports It Is learned
that the murdcicd man becged plteously
for his llfo Tho murderer quietly walked
away after committing tho cowardly deed
Deputies Seagler aud Mlchaux havo gono
to make the arrest
Special to tlta Oaicttu i
jKtTKiisoN Tux Fob 13 Harry
May onco a resident of this placo now
un ovnngcllstio preacher Is In tho city
nnd will occupy tho Mothodlot pulpit to
morrow A great many of his old friends
Who do uotattendeburch regularlywill go
out to hear him
Federal court has somewhat enlivened
things here Thero tiro a great many
strangers hero vnd our hotels aio crowd
ed Court will likely adjourn bv tho 2Cth
Hov JF HardlUckoof Paris Temi
brother of thh pastor of tho Baptist
church hero has arrived in our city and
will conduct a series of meotlngs at tho
llaptlst omircb every night lor about ten
nights Ho Is a good rrcachcr nnd a man
of much learning
Collin Uo
Special to tho jnzeUo
CuiMNtjviiXK Tux Fob 13This
was a busy day with our merchants
Farmers from tho surrounding country
were lioro In largo uumbers purchasing
their seeds aud spring supplies They
report much activity going on lu their
districts In preparing for tho spring
crops They say too that a large por
tion of tho wheat crop Is coming out all
Work on tho new towu squaro Is still
in progress aud It alt tho buildings aro
erected this spring that aro constructed
on paper aud Ulkcd of this will bo a
profitable placo for a fow moro carpen
ters and bricklayers than wo now have
DUlunan Strickland hro now moving
Into their now brick
James Wllfion is fixing up to burn moro
brick than ever
Ms Xaura Waldo of Sherman lias
botn spondlug a tow days with ior broth
er H Wsldo
Our pcoplo were treated to a very In
levelling entertainment last night by
1rof St Eiwrcnce a blind musician and
Special to tho Gazette
IIkItov Tkx Feb 13 Col A W
Dunn of Colorado City and Judge C It
Hrecdlovo of llrcohsm have today
through an agent purchased lots near
the site selected for tho Halor Female
college It Is their purpose to build
residences and removo their families to
Bolton Helton bids all such citizens
welcome Other vacant lots and somo
with improvements on them havochangcd
hands In the samo location
The building committee will award tho
contract for building tho Baylor college
on next Tuesday
Tho contract for building a 310000
Methodist church will bo let sotno tlmo
this month
County court will convene next Mon
day with a largo docket There aro over
200 cases on tho docket
Dr J W Ernhrco Is negotiating with
capitalists In retcrenco to building a lino
hotel here They want to buy out tho
doctors residence near the square on
whfch to erect tho building Tho doctor
thinks Uio trade will bo closed in a few
AH the stock of tho proposed roller
louring mill has been taken and the mill
W1U be erected this spring
For some tlmo past there has been a
great ca In Paris for Japanese art and
tho most fantastic prices have been paid
for vases and netzkes and Hokusal
albnms Lately tho craze has been declin
ing twocr tbrcu collections hao sold
very poorly at tho Hotel Drouot the
commercial amateurs who buy lor specu
lative purposes havo ceased to collect
and so the dealers aro left with heavy
stocks on their hands
For Hamburg edgings nnd insertions at
extremely low prices go to
Hamuli a CiiAMiinus Co
Two carloads choico Now York Early
Hoso Seed potatoes justarrlvcd at Talbot
Want L Co s
Tho finest selection of piece goods lu
thdHtatoat Dahlmau Bros
Dont wait until you want a spring suit
before giving your order Call on Dahl
man Bros tomorrow
The following aro a few of tho cross
eyes that Dr lrentlco has mado straight
D J Utloy proprietor of omnibus
transfer at Henrietta Tex Both eyes
mado straight in less than two minutes
11 8 Spnugler agent Texas Pacific
railroad ut DoKalb Tex Eyes made
straight In less than a mlntito
Judge M D Priest Fort Worthtwelve
year old daughter In less than one
Miss Amanda Elklns Bedford Tarrant
county Texas Both eyes straightened
In ono mluuto
Mr E M Young Burleson Tex Ono
oyo one minute
Mr M J Kennedy Fort Worth Both
oyes In one mluuto
Miss Jessie Sams Two eyes In two
Joint McCaltn cutter for Martlndale
nioiohunt tailor Fort Worth Eight
year old son crosseyed Straightened In
a minute
Dr Heldlngsfclders son of Houston
Tex In less than ono mluuto
Gttss Wilson Avenue hotel Fort
Worth One oyo less than a minute
Mr B T Willis witnessed tho above
Heferenoo Is kindly mado to Sidney
Martin ol thoMartlnJJrovn Co Fort
Woith who witnessed some of tho suc
cessful work
Seo Dr Prentleoa entire column In
this papor
Cannot fort IVorth Unto lie Toner Sys
tem of MthtliiR
The annoyances peculiar to now
machinery havo now worn away
as far as tho Fort Worth Elec
tric Light company is concerned
and our homo pcoplo who own tho patent
and operate It can now point with prldo
to tho fact that tho works aro running to
the lull capacity of their two dyuamos and
thu elghtyllvo lights aio giving en
tiro satisfaction
Tho company at considerable monthly
oxpensohas employed an electrician Mr
W P llyland who nrrHea here from
Chicago Friday and took charge of
tho works yesterday The railroad
companies havo mado implication for
soven or eight lights which will proba
bly be put In as spoil as tho matter Is de
cided on by tho officials of tho road
When this Is douo another forty
light jlynamo will havo to
bo put In making tho capacity of the
works 120 lights Thero Is a demand
among the people to havo our city lighted
by tho tower system and tho company
says It Is ready to intiko a contract of
that kind It Is proposed to
erect fivo towers from 100 fcot to 123 foot
high ten lights lo a tower nnd this it Is
said will lllutuliiato tho entire city Tho
president of tho company says this light
ing cau bo dono at a vory reasonable
Tho salo of pjated silverware at tho
Fort Worth China companys continues
unabated There aro acholco number of
articles romalulng that will bo sold dt
very low prices Now Is your tlmo to
select your tablo ware while you can
savu money
Order spring suits at onco Dahlman
Biob havo an lmmcnso stock of hand
some pleco goods
Thau mixed tea for 60 cents per pound
nt tho Fort Worth Grocer Co s Is won
derfully cheap Try It aud bo con
Icecold soda and mineral water at E
M Wells drug More 603 Houston street
Vnrcluo Vlru >
Frosh and reliable 26 cents Liberal re
ductions to physe Iau r and druggists
Sent by mall ou receipt ol prlco O M
Watcrhouse druggist Filtecnth and
You never saw the like of torralluo
plaques and roses that aro being oold nt
tho Fort Wotth China companys Thejr
sales havo Increased wonderfully since
tho reduction In prices
Two carloads choice Now Yoik Early
Hosu feed potatoes justanlvcd at Talbot
Want t to s
Secilat gent
Garden and flower seeds of all kinds at
J Itoullmos
Silver Irfint Unking Vumlcr
Never falls when tho directions aro fol
lowed hence thero Is nuverawonl of
complaint hwnl against It The Inexpe
rienced coo is able to toaku as good
bread with It as the professional bakor
simply bovause its Ingredients aro sqcoui
ponnded as to make failure impossible
wlion tho dlrectjoaa r followed a trial
la all that U necessary to make It Indie
peusible to aUvrclliTgulatedhoujehQlds
Ttto Heavy Cattle Salts In tho Federal
ohrig Ono Decided the Other
Now on Trial
Nuoliio Im for Deep Water li tlie Wlnh
ot Mnoy nt the Three Fork
Accidentally Killed
Special to tho Oszctlc
Dallas Tkx Feb 11 The sad In
telligence of tho death ot Horatio Sey
mour which reached hero last night
was received with general expressions of
regret Ills advanced years mado It not
so unexpected as It might havo been
Tho general acknowledgement of all re
gardless of political creeds was that his
useful career had been ono devoted to
tho welfare of his country and ono which
had endeared hlni to tho hearts of tho
pcoplo In tho death of Horatio Seymour
New York loses on honored sou the
Democratic party a brilliant constituent
and tho people a devoted friend
In the federal court last night tho jury
rendered a verdict for tho plaintiff lu tho
casoofW T Holt vs tho Toxas Invest
ment Company Tho verdict gave Mr
Holt 14820 the sum ho bad advanced
for tho purchase of tho cattle and 64 tO
damage for uoncomplianco with tho con
tract A similar case Is having a healing
In tho federal court this afternoon before
Circuit Judcc Don A lardce and District
Judge McCormlck It being tho caso of
Win Wyhth et al vs J G Halsell
to recover 130009 damago bo
cause of an alleged falluro to
deliver a specified number of
cattle In a sale negotiated between tho
defendant nnd plaintiff A jury was Im
paneled this forenoon aud testimony Is
being taken this afternoon The pro
ceedings of tho trial will bo watched with
much Interest because of tho sum of
money Involved
Messrs Frances Granger aud Will Levi
ol Fort Worth aro In tho city
Mr W D Wyllo has been appointed
right of way ngent for tho Sauta Fo ex
Ma > or Brown has received from the
management of tho Confederate homo
movement eight mito boxes which will
be placed In conspicuous places of tho
city for tho reception of contributions to
that charitable enterprise
Yesterday afttrnoon Abby a son of
Mrs Bally living near tho gasworks
was run over by a wagon laden with
brick From tho injuries received ho
died nt 030 last night Ho was his
mothers main support nnd highly
spoken of Tijo jury after examining
tho remains and hearing tho testimony
rendered the verdict that tho deceased
camo to his death by being accidentally
rttu over by a wagon loaded with brick
No blame Is attached to anyone for tho
sad occurrence
Col Tom Brown attorney for tho Texas
Pacific Is nt tho Grand Windsor
Tho Knights of Labor gavo a ball
at their hall on Elm strcot which was
well uttended and much enjoyed by thoso
Mho funeral of Mrs Carrie Do Stcfano
whose death was announced In Tub Ga
i ttb was largely attended this after
noon at tho Trinity cemetery
Miss Besslo Moutsomery of New Or
leans who Is attending bchool at tho Dal
las female college was taken seriously HI
yesterday afternoon and died this mom
Ing Sho and her mother had recently
moved to Dallas
Tho soil has been broken for tho con
struction of the Santa Fo extension
uoith aud the work will be pushed with
Tho petitions being circulated favoilug
deep water at Sablno Pass arc meeting
with hearty indorsement nnd encourage
ment by nearly all Who aro approached
on the subject
Tho valentine market Is actlvo this af
ternoon prices fluctuating according to
purse of Imrchascrs
Kortr W onili TKX Fell 10 1Sn
lor the benefit of suffering humanity
without any request ol Dr Prentice or
his Knowledge I make tho following
statement I have forycars been sorely
allllcted with catarrh In my head nnd at
times my stiffei lugs wcro almost Insup
portable attended almost every night of
my llfo with paroxysms of sleepless nor
ousncss with fearful concussions In my
head that woro truly alarming I havo
been under Dr Prentices treatment for
threo weeks uud from my feelings and
symptoms 1 am entirely freo from tho
disease aud my health lu ovory particu
lar seems to be as near peifcct as any
ouos and to ail who are suffering from
the samo complaint I can most sincerely
lecommcnd them to go to Dr Prentice
lor treatment Brv W D Wiuit
Tho finest cutter In tho South presides
over tho talloringdeparlmcnt at Dahlman
ltandall Chambers Co aro headquar
ters for embroideries laces hosiery and
white goods of all kinds
1 m
Bcforo yourorderforn spring stilt Is
given Intorvlow Dahlman Bros
A mil llntiHO
How deceptive arc appearances and
how true tho saylug Things aro not
always what thoy seem But for tho
balmy weather aud tho record of tlmo
visitors at tho popular confectionery es
tablishment of Capera Bro could bo
made believe that wo wcro In tho
midst ot tho holiday season Their
stock of lino goods was never more
complete or embraced a greater va
rlety ot Importations In their show
cases aio arranged as only an
artist could placo them trays ot fancy
French candles that rango In price from
3o cents to S3 a pound Lovers ol candy
for candys sake can supply their wants
at smalt expense whllo tho fastidious
will find everything tholr dainty tastes
Capera Bro keep open houso today
Tho Fort Worth Clilua Co aro still
dlsplajlng elegant styles lu tcrralluo
plaques and vases Their trade In this
line for the past week has shown tho pub
lic appreciation ot this line of goods
Dahlman Bros tailoring establish
mont surpasses nnythlus of tho kind in
tho state
Bandall Uhambcrs Co aro heatlquar
tora tor embroldoilcs laces hosiery and
Whlto goods of all kinds
Standard granulated sugar IS pounds
for 61 at tho Fort Worth Grocer Co s
T h0 J r ° rf Lori1 Is h bost Sccm cigar
made Sold by J II Houlhao
Quadruplcplated silverware cheaper
at tho lort Worth China Co s than
elsewhere In tho clt
Whlto and fancy shirts mado to order
at Thomas Fourth and Houston
Hmjp a INjoml
Ot puro baking powder and get a tlno
of falxti and Houston streets
stop ax lags
LAMAE > 1ea
In the year 1840 while Texas was yet a
republic there lived an old man Squire
Umphus by name lu Shelby county Tnc
old gentleman was ota mean and miserly
disposition he entered into a plot with ono
Thomas Boatwrlght in which they pro
posed to steal somo horses belonging to
Peter Stockmanan old farmer living near
Shelby vllle It was tho 31st ot January
1840 when Boatwrlghtaccompaiiltd by his
pals James Turner aud Henry Sylvester
entered tho pasture lands of Peter Stock
man It was a stormy night aud a driz
zling sleet fell upon tho heads of tho thico
adventurers as they wended their way
conversing In whlspersto tbc placo whoro
tho horses wcro kept Selecting thirty
two of tho best horses in tho herd tho
three adventurers drove them into Aruan
sas Intending to sell them Tho next
morning Stockman dlscovord the theft and
sent two ol his agents Louis Henderson
and Henry Brown in pursuit Tho two
agents succeeded In capturing about
fifteen horses aud with these returned to
Stockmans ranch Much ludlgnntion was
expressed nt the theft Chnilos W Jack
son a prominent citizen of Sholbyvllle
tormed a little company which he called
tho Hegulatois and took Squiro Umphus
out on tho square and publicly whipped
him an event of which the Texnns of
thoso days called Black Jacking After
this Jackson Informed Umphus that If he
did not leave tho republic within live days
ho would havo him shot Threo days
after tho squire fled to Panola couuty
aud there joined James Strickland and
William MacFaddon familiarly known as
Tiger Jim nnd Buckskin Bill Ac
companled by these wily rufihns Squire
Umphus reentered Shelby county aud
thero waylaid Charles Jackson who was
riding with a German Sydney Latter by
name Without any warning Tiger Jim
and Buckskin BUI began a merciless
Uro upon their victims Jackson never
said a word but fell to tho ground shot
through tho head But not so withLauer
Though mortally wounded he cried
Cowardly murderers you have fin
ished me but beware for justice
will At this period a torrent of
blood poured from tho mouth of the
wounded man and choked his utterance
With tho word mother on his lips
Lauer fell back dead Even theso har
dened riuilans could not refrain from
shiiddorlng as thoy saw tho coudltion to
which they had reduced the young man of
twenty But Umphus with a rough luugh
walked to tho prostrato form of Jackson
anil kicking the body said In a brutal
voice Wovo finished the old fool
now and tho buzwvds will have a banquet
tonight fit for a king So saylug ho
landed his two accomplices each St00
remark ng as ho did so Keep mum boys
and well get rid of the whole gang of
aristocrat Squiro Umphus now col
lected fortyflvo of his friends all tcckless
and ready to fight as long as it served
their purpose Theso daredevils called
themselves Moderators and each member
of tho society swore
Squire Umphus now feeling perfectly
safe whllo guarded by theso Intrepid vll
Hans litcamo careless and on tho 18th
pf 1ebruary was surprised and captured
Henry brother to Charles Jacksonand
a small party of Hegulators The poor
wretch made a confession bcforo some
three hundred inou in which he said that
tho three Mac Fadden boys Frauk Wil
liam and Htiftis were tho murderers of
Juckbon and Lauer Mcanwhllo Tiaer
Jlni Buckskin Bill and Frank iiiac
1addcn proceeded to tho houso of
Benjamlu Mac Cluro a
couslu of the
squlrus called hlra to tho door and shot
at tho samo tlmo remarking as thov
dldso Take that youold cussforyour
traitorous old couslu and remember that
way Saying this tho thrco men coolly
mounted their horses and fled Into Mont
gomery countywhero thoy were joined by
Lonoi l h0 ° yn Jamca Bledsoe Ou
tho 4th
day ot March Jackson with a
largo party of Hegulators entered Mont
gomery county and ufter a fierce scuflle
vXP Iu e altuflP U < e thrco Mao
Fadden boys tho terror of many of the
inhabitants oJ Shelby county TJger Jim
m Jwnca Bledsoo was killed In
thu fray ihoy weio tried by lynch law
by 300 o the citizens of Shelby county
tem byh 00 U18croVl Frank and
William were led luto the neighboring
woods and hung As for Hulusowlug to
the magnanimity of his judgeshoescaped
ater receiving twenty licks from thor
a nLJSCl mCe 0r f0llr > C S now
elapsed Ou u
the 14th day of Feb
niary 1813 Henry Hall an old farmer
was shot by James Seldenberg at his
oi ilal s enemies openly expressed his
approval this angered Alberto Hall son
of tho murdered man aud on tho Ifith of
Icbruary ho met Judge Honcll and pre
scntlng u pistol at his head said mycs
rnly J0U savo ymJl lWroval to tho cow
ardly act
committed by your friend James
S Today I shall glvo my fJtaSds
an opportunity to express their approval
at tho act about to bo committed by mo
As ho sad this Alberto shot Honoll
1 ngbt Albero and his brother
Spencer vrcro camped at the Bayou Castor
a alZlT on th0 road to Shrevcport
E roJ 06 vmm
wayj Alberto answered lu tho negative
WhiM 0 afHa meVatei
WWlo Alberto was absent Joo willlasia
ViiVi < fart >
Headquarters for Commercial tfj f
It Once and be Coi
O W McKINNEY Propria
A Revolution rTl
° e
> tlir
ana niii tiBf0
JJ wjW
Colts bin ina8
Captains Dacgett John
5 i
sunjclcnt money toi
thp mmic t article
Seizing a large knotted e7
companion felled Kj t
blow to the earth WhLTfJ
soon lay on tho award8S
bathedi m blood n8W
far as LogansportL CJ
a little fighting wafiZS
g nto nc ltobohungoJSdl
Marchj 1843 Wtfc fc
Hams stood on the sSkS 5
erect and a bitter syi f S
lips After nooi2JT
mado tho followl 8r J
son of JudgelioBcBu
8600 to kill Alberto aTsZ
the ranrdcraffi
to offer
up my llfo as a l j
sins I no declare 7 <
th >
111 ams and will never balL
hank QodI from tho IntnoA
heart hat my aged inotb
know tho fatq of Iter
After saying lid the drop 1
after tho unknown crimln lWi
iito eternity The Modeo
Hegulators after the morder dl
boys had been rcorcanlitd TV
latora ordered twentyflveofWl
tors to Ieno the republic and t
orators lu return swore to mm
thu Hegulators Thfy prOeeeW
houso of James WatMnslleuto
Hegulators and shot him lotta
not kill him This angered L
nnd they appointed t aa
twentylive men to racet In tie
their former rendezvous Tlw <
tors consisting of 250 m m
tho cqwpcns nt 8 ocjqck os tit
of thoierhof June I8l3i itm
ensued which lasted untlljmif
battle was called the battle ofte
pens CaptCharlcyDaseit il
lators crept through a corudeXtH
teen men from Shelby vllle asdb
besieged lu tno topcn A
forcedthe Hegulators Wl tH
miles and went luto camp atH
Sprlngswhere lhey soon amoasWn
men These they divided liit4h
panic whoso rspectlre
wenr Inman and MorenwuOTStf
of action was simple OtpWoM
nt tho head of tho sccmlln pjrty
attack The other our campmt
up and sui rounded the Modwttoui
sides A terrific battle wsfc
forty men killed In this tattltli
erators suffered great toss 4 >
6unsct before the Kegulitorstelfi
next day waR spent by botMMaM
Ing their dead and seodlogthelitf
to places of safety The BOdonWM
retired eighteen miles but ratf
hy tho Hogulators > bo wext ft1
mounted The KcguktoH to
the Moderators on all eldw N
nbout to commence the Attack
courier arrived statin tWlC
Houstou and 1lerson wreraj
miles at tho head ol a hrgetteo
tla The Hegulators disperses l j
homes but tho majority oUtM
tors were captured AooortWB
nnd n grand jury competed
tors und Hegulators An r5
mado which was spread on tS <
tho court Thus ended w
Tauahaw or Shelby crmntj >
tho Mexican war broke pat m >
tors and Hegulators united M
greasers Capt Daggett m
tow survivors of tho Tens
lives In a beautiful house mtw
miles of tho Fort
Cleansed Purified and B
tho Cutloura Rem 3
OIt clcamlnK tho Hkln wd >
I ylofn
symptoms of Kciema laO1
bealll HeadSerofuln naJ oW liJJ
ud Hlood dieciwes Onuennv
Cure nnd Outteara bclJiMJ
Iteatttllicr externally nndW
Uio now jilood Iorlflcr latin
jrvuaiiT uCToogP
Wo havo Icon eclllnj yotu Cj l
for tho jiabt thrco or tear tMh
huird aualt hut food decldcalf w S
Cutlcura oap
mcdlclnals ap w ian < l i 0 i
hero for Ita aooHilnaM ofWp
Winchester Va
Onr tafoa of Ootlrprt sja H3j
larger than any widWfVjy
eurn yon that wehavo Jj
stance li which the Piw YdTmi
As to your soap wo can je t
hody wants Catieara tiiij
Louiati Mo
Two of tho wont cawj
saw worn cared hy y tW0 t t
rcroedlea tecll very HiiW
clnal aoau than OutlcurailTttgxjmi
GKOUUK t Il iJy4l
Kowonee III
Tho Ondoara Itcinedlj ttaW
dlea for fit JfjSgSf JtJXj
Aro told rverywhere iifr
for llmr to < r
scros tha WfS tni
thfoqgh the < fi5SSS
AaUi t
tho eatlcata
driigglsta 8Jc
Buy a package ol B rfl till
Jta fair UlalU 1 4
never regret lt < 5S5
failures In making brw 5tf
vexation lu the husfo W8
bo obviated by a trial JSd
ir Brown guarantoM IW
and efficiency

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