OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, February 14, 1886, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-02-14/ed-1/seq-6/

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I i
< it
Gradual Change in Church Customs
Friendliness of Ono Denomination
Towards the Others
The erth find Extent of tlio Chatan
qna Literary am Scientific
V > plrclo Manifest
IngortoUa Opinions Count far Wnuglit
Clitlstlnnlty Btrenutlicneil ns U
Orotrs More lraottcal
Ppcalal Correspondence of tho Qazetto
Woildb vvhllna uro llko Uto whims of in
dividuals variable Ono KOiicrattuii
tends toward simplicity In ever thing the
next tolerates simplicity la notbluff Inst
oiler tho revolution tbo cbuicb of Hti
Blaod found lis iiilsclotis In thin country
wcllninh wiped out Iuulcnlarly wus
tblH t ruo In Uoston Kltitfa cbapel on
Trotnont street In that city fell Into tbo
hands of tbo Con reKattonulists or Or
thodox as New Ktiglumlcrs all them It
had once been the pilHclpal chuteh In the
city uud was thoroughly Episcopal In be
lief This donotnlnation has never been able
torcguln ltd lust nround In Now Kimlatit
Aside from Ibllllps lirooks It has no
rcut divines In Uoston and In jminber
ship and lufluenco It ranks behind UnlU
rianUuu and Cougregatlunalism Quite
tho opposite la true in Philadelphia
J ore the Kptscopnl amounts almohttoa
atatochureh There are as many puilobes
of that denomination In tho elt > as of
nearly all other denominations except
Vathollc combined It maintains the
principal hospital In thu city and has
ytindujaciiools almost without niitnbut
schools that In tho number of pupils
quite take onoa bnuth itvvay
One Imly hero of my acrpi ilntanco tcu
years ago went Into Kunltigton u inatiu
lacturliis quarter und in a small second
atory room tatnrtod a Sumlday chool
Today there stands upon the sjtu of that
scconduory room n church valued nt
3B3000with a llniirl hln congr gallon
a rector aud assistant rector Adjoining
tho church Ih n pariah building tlmt coat
til000 Jt Is paid for anil la Utted up
with all Sundayschool conveniences a
ball for entertainments and clasarooma
ior Infant scholars Tho lady has now u
young mens blblu clas of SCO membera
nnd a btinduvschool with un overage at
tendance of 1100 por Sunday Not u dol
lar la owing on either church or pariah
building ami yet the parish is made up of
will opeiatlves and people In very mod
erate clroiimataneoi There Is not a
wealthy man in the cougn nation Strikes
liava greatly Interfered with the progress
of tho religious work and only a few
days ago over twenty parishioners were
turned out of house and home by a great
lira that devastated that part of tho city
while moie than a hundred mem
hern of that communion were
thrown out of dally employment
Vet tho ohuich work will not flag for tho
reason tlmt It has behind It atlil this sumo
remarkable woman who planted tin Urn I
good seed Hlio Is a prodigious worker
nnd can call every ouo of her 1 too Sunday
school Chlldicn by their given iiamea She
Is tt nialdui lady of sixty or thereabou s
Who la a modest laborer nnd no ono who
dona not search her out will ever know of
her noble work among tho mill operatives
of Kensington
An older alsterof thla same lady la at
tho head of naother Sundayschool which
alio built up herself In thu flame quarter
ottbooty Her school bus un uvorago
Yiittendanco of 2100 pupils These two
iioblo women have spent their lives among
these Kiiislugton poor Nor do
they stop with chinch work
Thoy nro on tho coiitrnry always
on the lookout tor tho temporal wants of
those who may bo In need They nro
cvnngollsti who belluvo Intho Christian
ity that can KH a loaf of Dread In one
band and a tract In tho other They re
lievo tbousnnila of suffering fnmllles every
winter and just now with so mauy out
of employment they havo their tnaUa
greatly Increased
Hut I started out to show how tho re
ligious world is gradually but certainly
altering Its views Like more mundane
things It goes from ono extreme to
another A half ceutury ago tho tendency
was nil toward services In churches from
Which every effort at embellishment hud
becu zealously repressed Kvorythlng
was of tho seveiely severe Tho
< JuaUors of lbllailolphla nourished
na did also their religious brethren
tho CongrcgatloniiHats of Now England
lloth ol them lookod upon Humanists na
oinlssarka of an unending purgatory and
tho popii as thu vicar of tho devil Tho
former Insisted upon extempore preach
lug or none at all and tho latter upon
extempore prayers at all hazards Tho
former had absolutely no form of olmrcU
iVOfhlp and tho latter wero not fnr re
moved from them lloth condemned
novelrcadlug Doth abhorred thoator
AH this lias now been changed and tho
Quakers and CongrcgatlouallHta hae not
bonoflted by tho change either Tho
Quakers ot Philadelphia are decreasing
In numbers Their young people do not
tako kindly to their peculiar customs
They aro ashamed of tholr thocs and
thGua because it makes them appear
different from othor people Tho
oWfcr persona nmoug tho sect
are In hundreds of casos laying
aside tho peculiar dress Of course tho
Quaker Inuuouco la still felt hero In Phil
adelphia but It is nothing llko what It
onco waa and every year It grows leas and
leas Somewhat oddly Hio younger element
among tho Quakers wheu they desert tho
religions tenets of their fathers Invaria
bly go over to tho Episcopal church
Tlwy go from no form to t great deal of
olfonn from ono extreme to tho other
Nor aro the Quakers aloue In their ten
dencies toward ritualism During the
past ten years a great chaugo lus taken
placo not alone among tbo Protestant
ohurehea but umoug Episcopal and Hu
man churches aa well AH havo become
far moro liberal toward ouo another than
over before Aa each has grown moro
familiar with tho other all havo
coulo to know that their various
forms are but means to an eud nud that
that end nmoug all denmnliiatlons
alike la tho upllftlus of mankind
I hav no ort ° patience with thoso
people who continually carp about tho
worldllnoss of churches Their talk la
rank rot It Is based ou lgnoranco nnd
on prejudice lit thla city tiibro aro some
of the most arlBtrocratto churches In the
world Id Uoston there nro others of tho
panic cast All aro enormously wealthy
Trinity Krlscopal church Uoston cost
1800000 exclusive of the land on which
It ataitds U coata a heavy aura to belong
to its membership A poor man la shot
Well WUat U Ho la Cannot aUch poo
na liayo s rick chutcU provided they nay
lorHf utTrl ttJlB Boston andTrln
Jtv in Plillw lphl rich and arlnooratlo
> hWm tb r ° not hide tbelr relic
vJtwTl fc dcr bual Js Tbo Bplr
< iai Uf rfhtrco sre HW3 l bwUhy
M ri Iff
and vigorous They contribute auma of
monoy toward tho support of poor
Churches In their own nud other cities In
amounts tlvU would simply appal similar
churches In towns of from 100000 to
200000 Inhabitants Tholr means aro
great so aro tho number of calls upon
their itcncroslty
Aa for saying that poor pcoplo aro not
welcomed In faahtonablechurches It W all
bosh It has come to bo tho fashion
Itself to talk bo In any of our churches
here strangers whether rich or poor nro
welcomed with all tbo cordiality
posslblo nnder the circumstances A
stranger alwaya Is a strangers for when
ho gets acquainted ho la no longer a
stranger Hut tho stranger as such Is
shown Invariably a consideration not
found In any other public or private in
stitution of human framing This Is truo
in tho Eastern cities and Is I have no
doubt equally truo In othor parts of tho
Not long slnco a certain Presbyterian
congregation In this city was offered
5I03 tho proceeds of a ball given by a
uncloty having charitable objects lu vlow
Now thu popular remark would be that
of course tho church febut Its eyes and
took thu money
As n matter of fact It did nothing of tho
sort It refused tbo monoy but thanked
tho wellmeaning dnnum A few dnya of
terward a lbman Catholic priest sent to
the chtiroh 8100 as a tribute of pornonil
rutrriu and to hclpftinako good Its
hypothecated loss Think of a Itotnanlst
Riiidlngn Protosmnt congregation 100
fifty yeura ago I Tho world moves
It moves lu moro than one direction
Col Hoberttl Ingersoll whosoomed des
tined for an much power a few years ngo
Is todjy not even a respectable cipher In
current thought Ills views receive no
attention Uosimply run bis gauntlet its
thousands of othersbao dono and ban
now disappeared Kor this tho chiirohcs
ih m clvoH are largily to bo credited
They Insisted upon trying Ingertoll nud
hltaigiimcnts not thu Christian church
aud lta uillef Tho remit was aa might
have been expected IngiTioll was found
to bo on the side ofthe balance that was
found wanting and that fact settled thu
whole controversy
Another noticeable thing about modem
Itotistantlsm Is it giovvlug tendency to
ward ritualism Piesbyturlan Baptist
and even Methodist churches throughout
tint Eastern states ure beginning to adopt
Episcopal forms They uro learning thu
Apostlea Crted the Lords Prayer and
thu Ten Commandments not 1 donot
uicun as thevonco did to bo heard only
on certain occasions but to bo recited us
by the Episcopalians In their Sunday tierv
lci8 Tiioy read thu responses to Psnlms
and In sumo sections have Introduced
boy choirs
Nor do they Btop hero At a irccnt
ennftreuen of Methiidixt ministers held
at Hprlnglleld Muss thu thirty odd as
sembled divines actually went Into n io
treat a vorltable Humanist thing and
moreover tiny called It by Its right name
and although on tho soil that onco lapped
up inartyrtd witches blood they wero
not shocked by their own tomeilty nor
reptoached for their adoption of Homan
1st practices Tho woild motes
Episcopalians In New York havo a well
drilled and wclldlbclpllticd sisterhood
called not slaters of meiuy or slaters of
charity but the same thing by another
name tho Sisters of St Margaret A
vory flourishing branch of tills order ex
ists In Washington There aro In tho
English church suvornl very prominent
nud Influential sisterhoods notably St
Margaicts All Saints St John tho Dap
list and St Marys tho lastnumed having
originated lu America These various
sisterhoods have houses lu England
Scotland Canada South Africa the
United States India nud various other
parts of thu world Thu number of tho
sisters and their Inllilenco Is said to be
growing dally thtoughout the church
Tlio Hlsteiliood ot St Margareta was
founded by Dr John Mason Noal about
forty years ago but It never amounted to
anything until the reaction In liberal son
tltnent which began n decade or so ngo
The chief duty of tho sisters Is tho nurs
ing ot tho sick poor In their own homes
and lu thu performance of such duties
they me constantly exposed to danger
They appeared at Memphis when tho yel
low fever ravaged that city and several
membera ol tho order have been detailed
for woik lu Canada during tho prevalence
of smallpox there
In addition to such duties hovvovcr
they conduct schools work upon church
embroideries and engage In various
charitable works lu thu parishes where
their houses nro to bo found Their prin
cipal Iiotnto in America Is In Hoston
They wear n habit of dark brovvu cloth
with a black vail to drapo their heads
There nro unions tho ladles of Va lilug
ton several assodato members ot thu
sint > ihood who nro not uudur tho discip
line but enjoy certain of tho privileges
of tho ststoihood Tho membera of tho
slstorhood take upon themselves obliga
tions ot celibacy and mo undor discip
line very much llko that ot tho sisters of
charity of tho Homan Catholic church
One Ot tho most successful Kplscopal
chinches In Philadelphia la under the
charge of a rector who calls himself
tather IIo Iiiib Instituted thu confess
ional burns lueenso durlug sorvloo and
candlea every day In tba year Ho la a
celibate ns are also nil ot his assistants
Taoy belong to an order slmllur to tbo
redomptorlstot tho Homan church and
have their headquarters lu Ilostou Their
church In this city Is always crowded
They work among the poor and do no
small amount of good
Another sign ot tbo lellglous times is
thu gradual breaking up nt least lu tno
Middle nud Kan torn states of thu old
Methodist Itinerant system To bo sure
thu system Is still lu nctlvo working
Older but only for tho poorer preachers
Wealthy city churches call their inlti
Istirsaud nave whomsoever they want
jiiht aa much as do llaptWts or Presby
terians Methodist conforcncca are
divided as regards their members Into
three classes 1 First those ministers
who practically havo their own fay us to
whero they shall go uud what they shall
doi second thoso who aro generally
given their own way upon applying to thu
presiding blshopi nud third those un
fortuuates who havo to go whero they uro
sent These various classes nro paid ac
cording to their rank and worth Tho
llrst live on tho tat ot tho land
the second live moderately tho third
tako what they can got
Wiong Not at all Isnt tho laborer
woithyof his hire And arent some
labortra worthy ot moro hlto than others
llecaubo tho religions world Is growing
tuoro liberal It doea not follow that U la
retrograding On tho contrary thn op
posite la ttuo Tho Christian church was
never bcfoio so strong It cover before
hold tho confidence of the people that it
baa today Many nonchurch goers you
say Certainly thcro aro Wasnt It
alwaya bo Christianity broadens Its
river as It liberalizes Its sentiment
Years ngo It used nil lta effort to bold
Itself aloof from evil Today It seeks
out evil In order that It may reform It
aud turn It Into good Formerly It ap
peared to think that tho only way to keep
Its skirts clear was to keep Its millinery
llnory lu a perfumed bandbox It
wouldnt touch n novel because a nvcl
was bad It wouldnt administer tho
funeral rites over a dead aotor because
tho stage was bad lly and by some able
man whom I doubt not dictated his
own aalary nnd bow and when ho should
receive It got up and Inquired If that
waa going into tho world and preaching
tho gospel to ovcry creature When this
query was anawered tho world took a
step forward Christianity became
rnoro practical tho novel and
tho stnga were benoflted nnd
Christianity Instead ot being contam
inated grow stronger by tho cxcrclao of
tho muscles and brains given It to work
with Tho religions along with tbo ma
terial and mechanical worlds la making
mighty atrldea forward
One ot the most astonishing successes
ot modern times la tbo scheme of home
readings Inaugural < d by Dr John II
Vincent the founder ot thu Chautauqua
lnstitututlons which derive their name
from tho pretty llttlo lako in Western
New York Hero 800000 people gather
ovcry summer They como chiefly from
tho West and South and Texas Jh nlwajs
well represented Chautauqua let
me say at tho outset Is not
a moneymaking Institution nor
1ms It ever been conducted with that end
in view It is simply sought to mako It
self sustaining Dr Vlucent has given
twelvo of the best years of his llfo to It
and received not a penny of pecuniary
reward beyond his baro llvlug expenses
In a great audltoilum located In a beau
tiful grove at Chutitauqui soma of the
best lecturers ot modem limes have op
pcaicd and have given current to some of
the ablest and tbo best of modern
This mental treat lasts but ono mouth
of tho year Dr Vincent undertook a
plan lor homo readings that might be
pursued throughout the entlto year He
Invited such men as Noah Porter pies
blent of Yalo college tbo lato Bishop
Simpson Ur Lyman Aobott and
olbeis to recommend a course of
homo reading that should em
brace tho best In tho greut range
of literature They complltd with Ids
request and Dr Vincent named tbo per
sons who should pursue this course ol
readings Chautauqua and their oi
gutilzatloii tho Chautauqua Literary
and Sclentlllo Circle
Thu Idea has proved Immensely popu
lar No less than 100000 pcrttoiiB are
now regulaily following this course They
aro perrons lu tvery walk of llfo resident
In every state and territory lu the Union
In Australia tho Sandwich Islands thu
Urltlhh provinces Japan South Africa
und In every country lu Western Europe
The course of rending Is mapped out
for each week like a college courso and
examinations nro conducted from a bend
oiico located nt Plalnlleld N J These
examinations cover work done find nio con
ducted by postalcurd Tho course em
braces history the sciences art poetry
und every dccrlptiou of sound rending
It Is not churehly nor sectarian ft
covers four yearslime and nt tho end
of that period If tho work has beeu
faltblully performed diplomas are given
similar to thoso given by colleges
Tho benellt ot tho examination Is read
ily seen If ono has no taskmaster he Is
very opt to havo no stinted task and the
best of resolutions come to naught Tho
readers of this courso aro housowlvcs
teachers students clerks In fact anybody
who wants to Improve his mind at his
own home to husband his spare
moments and to do It all under
and by tho advlco of some of tho best
minds of tho nation Last year tho grad
uates wero nearly two thousand In num
ber They weio what got through out of
thoso who bogau to read four yuurs ago
Since then the movement lias so enlarged
that tho class that began reading last
October aud which will graduate In 1889
II all aro faithful to the end number
10000 persons
Tho expense of pursuing tbo course Is
vory small Tho cost of being enrolled Is
only fifty cents a sum that baiely covers
thu cost of examinations Tho books
while they aro standard nnd often familiar
wotks nio especially bound In an Inex
pensive way on purposo for this great
army of readers
Tho Chautauqua Literary and Scientific
ctrolo Is n great Institution nud Its luflu
enco tor good has only just begun to be
felt It has a future Ai > miuai
Dllrnculoiia Kscupe
W W Heed druggist of Wlncbcbter
Intl writes Ono of my customers
Mrs Louisa Pike Hartonla Randolph
county Ind was a long sufferer with
consumption nml was given up to die by
her physicians She heard of Dr Kings
Now Discovery for Consumption nnd be
gun buying It of itfo In six months
time she walked to this city a distance
ot six miles and has now so much Im
proved she has quit using It Shu feels
she owes her llfo to It Preu trial bottles
at II W Williams Co s drug store
A lturoClmiioo
To purchase a wellestablished business
ono of thu best stands In this city nt n
great bargain Tho undeislgned offers
forsalo tho clothing gents furnishing
nnd merchant tailoring business comer
Houston and Second streets for cash or
on easy terms or lmptovcd paper This
stock Is complete In every department
and putchasul tit bottom tlgures from
llrst bunds and a fair reduction will bo
inado from tho llrst cost to anybody who
doslrcs to purchase tho entire business
To thoso Indebted to mo I beg to state
as I am about to discontinue business lu
this city I will bo thankful If they will
como forward amlsottlo tbelr accounts
Without any further delay otherwise I
will placo them In the hand ot my attor
ney lot colli ctlou K Mounts
llloolnllou Nolle
Notlco Is hereby given that by mutual
consent the partnership heretofore exist
ing between J M Kuhen and Cottrell
Kemper Co under thu llrm name and
stylo of Cottrell Kemper Co has on
this the 10th day of February 1880 been
dissolved by tho withdrawal of 1 M
Kuhen ruin tho said tlrm of CotUcll
Kemper Co
Tho now llrm which will continue to
bo known as Cottrell Kemper Co will
assume all responsibilities lu the way of
accounts agalust tho old Arm aud all
outstanding claims dile tho old tlrm aro
collectable by the new tlrm Tho busi
ness will bo continued at tho samo place
under tho llrm namo of
Commix KKMrrrt 4 Co
1urti rowrter
Puro baking powders aro ono of the
chief aids to tho cook In prcparlug per
feet and wholesome food and tho house
wlfo will do well to bo ou hor guard
against baking powdor tramps Silver
Loaf Ilaklug lowder la never peddled
from house to liouso as tho manufactur
ing establishment ot J II Hrown Is
taxed to lta uttermost to supply tho de >
iniiulo that como through legttlmato chan
tltu l ttm Luao
Hound Hock and uietln Ilmoworks
manufacture whtto llrao ot tho very best
quality Orders solicited For prices
etc address Maktin Walsh
Hound Rock Tex Proprietors
For sale by Gt W QUlesple ageut
Kort Worth
N W Tjlor tlotft
The now hotel recently opened by J
lartlnklb offers tho best Inducement to
drumroore Firstclass faro clean beds
and aa excellent earapkroom Iteo bus
Tho Mllllnry Mlnalrch a Sncms
tho Credit of Themselves nnd
Delight of Friends
Tho T > Bclier In Her don Trnimnet llu l
neM of lutMeot Io tlio ProfoiMon
A Hunt
Special to the Onzctte
BiiMiMAN TKx let13Oof brief mcM3irc
at 11 clock Uitnl htfcltinft an scconut of tli
euccc < of tho military mlntlrcl emortatnment
wa neeoeMvrPv too abort to do tlio tnbject jut
lice nml wo claim farther paco for tpcclal
mention of tlio moil encccMtul and striking
featurca of i bo plar
The opening feature wan p grand overture by
the orchestra led by Jlrof J II Kohlor ou tlio
Tlollnwl h Max Cppttcln at tho wlano Nat
Unntr on lhoIlutoJo Ttlak on lne cor
net and Mauler Guy llrltion t o llttlo prodigy
In charso of tho tenor and ban dram and c > m
IihU vv tin audi an a ray of latent
tho mutlo could bo nothing leM llisn
excellent and wm hlglili applauoed
Tho turtain r > ie en a flno array of ebony
irtUU ft JIare tr was tho con ml flgura
nml Inlcrloeunr Krai k ltnn Hurt It < Cnrd >
uiiil Jlmtne UlcbAidt manipulated the bonus
and Will ivnlaco lta uaruVnlilro and uus
loutc loiutlinu on llio other cndulth tainma
Mlli WallaceMUgKooMerIn the Hanilite
ntcturni olUt nnd when iho u < y nil Joircd
In tlio chimin wecouid hnnll reallio that l >
wait an nrra of novlres doing thu thing up
well AltT gctilng eovera gag ami treb
hat highly preaicd iho an lenco Krai k
Ityun ang ivhlnkera on tho M on In g > od
Kiyiand was tuliowcdbs Iho Iente < t voting
tenorOU lolumvl In the hiiiudlul ballad
Wo It a Klovvcr with Ityan Wat ace
louio aud Uharliy Dunn to Join In tho
Noxt wan th I ck on tho ChlckoiiCoop
Ooor by vviil Wntlacaln which hit tplnndld
voice and happy IMilopla atcnu Copland
greut ui plauno
llchardt rendered the
luticrtly Jliido very well Indeed
and Jim
mlo IVyhir full wed wltti Ah llitrc lav
lieru rt In good otila Mnllaco Dullu
nniltjnn tncngatoa ruo Hoy trio vv th guitar
aceomiianlnio t that was aKO well received
Thu boy then gavo un their dramaiUed vcr
eloii of Iho c lehralud pmlng match for n JhO
a aide that wo reported novurnl month ago On
tnicnJa 0 V 1vvy i q and n sharp coun
tr man ulioso inula vvns engaged to pull SO
pounds f sund lit tlio enilot 600 fct f rope
nnd did It with iui to tho astonlnhuicnt
of ovcrybody who wn not In tho eicrei The
whole proceeding and every man who was
priinineut In tno or anlzcd transaction uaH
fnltlifully represented cvi n 10 vnlco and ma 1
nor and It fairly carried Iho house bj aiorm
Tlio gentlemen who wero made tho hati ol tho
lolo oio all ilpro and whllu they langhrd a
llttlo dry tlicmecl c see ou toenoy seeing
everybody olso napi y Will Mallaro repr
bciiIm I Jako Lev CImiliy Dnlln was Jakos
filend Jim Harrison Chss Wnltniarah ns
tico llardewlckth rcfereo Itat Uardenhlro
vraRalXhiiia katJIiii llaltlluwasbtottCay
tun tho siakelmlder Artnur VValUro laiod
th countryman gra dlv and tho Imo mill In
prop la persona snatched iho sack of bran
nerosa tho a ago In good stvlc 1 hi vaslho
graml local hit of tho evening aud was well
put on
Tlio ellTt drltl of tbo champion Eqnad of tho
Irayson Itlflo was made up of Will and Ar
thiir Wnlhco Davo 1 horn ltaaardcnhlre llm
llnlrilp Morris Jouvonat Uhas llulln Jim
Taylor Chns Whltlunrsii nnd Kd lmerson
coiumndcdby Oapt KrankA Itynn Tlio ojs
wero nil on tin Ir metal I tho pica ncn of their
voting lad friends nnd tho menbtrB of tho
lhilliis Light uiinrdswho occupied seals ol
honor In tho privaio box a and went th 011 h
tho evolutions and luminal with a prod Ion
thai chulcngedtho uilmlratlon ot all Their
soldcir Irlends wero first and loudi st In giving
nplnuto aa they woru ilret to > icosnUo Its
nicrlla <
Messrs Kvnn Will Wall co and Dullu ap
peared In a burlisnua ou ho modern opera lie
rubshoppur and ultn inot cxicllcnt
singing to most ridiculous llius drew forth
a fair sharo of compliments liamon and
1vthlas or Tragedy In lllacklnwn was a
successfulburUsquc In which Arthur Multa 0
n < Damon llavoT oru as tylhlasCharles D11
lln as Uonlslus Krank Han ns liumoclo Jim
Taj lorn Liuullu Leo Less ns exerittlniiar
nnd Hurt Itlcharils ns Oalmitho each took his
part with great satlsfa ttnn Tho rugged m
iiiUu Hut liamon gnvo tu Lucullus forsiowln
your mulo nld de gnrdln 100 was well aeteil
and brought out al Iho vocal p vvcrsof tho
gulltry tu approval of tlio sienu When tho
curtain fell > r Jo Lask stepped t th loot
llghianndgavoatoriicl solo that many a pro
tessloi ai might us proud to eq al Jo Is a
natural inuslclau and loves his horn with a do
voilou that nohody but his brother
Oharlcy of Kori AVor h can rlvjil
Tho evenings perfurmnneo concluded with an
orlg nal mlcMiuo ot MILado wors ar
ntnued by On pi Ivan nnd inuslo by Irut
Kohlcr In which thcro vv ro many happy local
hits sumo very go a actlnvand many laugh
ubln Incidents interwoven to pleasi n bhetmitn
nuilieiee tlio sovcrat parts wre taken by iho
voting gentlemen named In the preccdlug per
formances and Mr Ah lvlrkpatrlck who only
appeared In this on net
Irout thu succiss of last night and the sub
stantial Toward that camn Irnm tho tlckct
onieo our > nung men havo a right to feel proud
ol their ortons Vv hllo much ot iho nlay was
local there wero still mum features line would
ploasoauy auillcuce andvvllh omochanHCS to
suit our neighboring tliles might hu success
uly presented al oilier place
Iho Uochcrsln tltnloinciai thocourthouso
this mi rnlnv al II oi lock and proceeded to or
Kiuic ullli Prof J O Kitmunilsof Austin col
lege in tin chair nnd J II Itnsiouns secrotaiy
1iofi suisJ MCarlitluof Whltvshoru J i
Ittusoilof llollsand J 11 Haslon of Sherman
wero appointed 11 pcclalcommittee to preearo
a report on oigxnUniton and by laws and tho
illng adjourned till 1 oelowk
ihoirreport At 1 oclock th report was sub
ml ltd aud adopted They provhlo for a q ar
terly couvint on of tiachers and occasional
m 0 lugs on tho call of the president or county
ndgo when noctsslty demands Tho
leochera present from tho county wero
thin reipiostcd to cnioll their
names nt numbers nnd twenty iho did so
Owing 10 tno Imperfect notlco given tho num
her present vva very gratifying nnd tlio bo
llevo that n much larger nttendunco vrlll ho
hi ro on tho Drat Saturday In March to which
dale the adjourned
Tho supitlntcndouts rf district and ctty
school aUo held an Informal meeting after the
llrst liadelosul with tho view of Having fro
ipii nt conferences 10 disciws sir h questions nt
management and dltclpllno as uin > atlm In
llalrtiperlonco Thev will not organUo fnr
ther thuii to appoint some ono to < all these
meolugs nt such times and places an
ma be most euitablo to those inter siod
Among tho friends of educa Ion and tho teach
era that Wi ro d awn hero to day We nolo 1rof
11 taiiamhergof irccnvlile J Frank M
Mlirry uud T V Iluhns of Denlson 1 II
binlthutid wlfo ot Whlletbnro Dr A W Wit
ton of lo > ld 1 lly and A VV MtrLtns of tho
Houston ehool Journal Sovoral lady ttaeh
urs from thorount enlivened tho proceeding
wllh tlielrarallvs nnd tnrolled as members of
tho teat hers Instluuo
A party of hai < terscomposndnf Dick Walsh
1 ritoldl Jama Itarls Vm MoMahan and
Loulsli unor ot this illy and Mr IM llur
lelxliot St IaiuIs left this morning to ipnnd a
low davson Iho shores of thu dipk ponds up
Itcd river
JainoK < iacra of tho Indian Territory and J
M Potter K qol Ualnesvlllo worn visitor to
Piot J K Kyfcerof llasln Springs was vvlth
as today
0 arliy Chapman camo off tho road to spend
Sunday wllh hU bos frlcnns
Advlco to Mothers
Mrs Wluslows Soothing Syrup should
always bo tibcd for children teething It
soothes tho child sottens tho gnms nl
ays all pain cures wind colic and la tho
best remedy for diarrhea 26 ccuts a
The IMuest llnsnrn In tlio World
At Andersons gun store
Genuine BT Babbitts puro vegetable
oil toilet soap at Turner S McClures
Just received latest styles in cassl
merea for suitings at Dahlmau Uros
Cull and examine bvforo purchasing tor
spring and summer wear
Unjr Hoarder Wruitrd
Flratclnss board at No 801 corner
Third hnd Calhoun streets onu block from
opcrahonao Mits ffst Fiiukmak
II Shurter contractor for ceracntlurt
walks and cementing bulldlega 1107
Main street
Kudueetl to Cost
Turo buckwheat for tto next few days
3S pounds for 1
Fout Wonnt GRocKn Co
Iadlca misses and childrens lisle
thread hoso In all thu now and dealrablo
shades very cheap at
Tho Merchant dealing In Unions 1tonoor
IJlood llcnewor Is hereby authorlicd to refund
tho money If It docs not euro tho diseases for
which 111recommendod nnd when takon ac
cording to directions
Cures Rheumatism Mercurial Poison
Scrofulus Affections Glandular Swell
ingaSkln Diseases Sores of all Kinds
Blood Polaon Female Complaints Etc
R Gulnn first manufactured and sold his
Ucdlclno from Perry Ga In an lmmblo way
nsfng an ordinary Irou pot for boiling The
business was run under tho name of Swift 4
Galnn Perry Ga with tho caution printed on
each lahol None gcnnlno without tho writ
tou signature of I Gnlnn 5 aud the medlctm
was told at 55 00 per bottlo
This copartnership was dissolved by Mr
O T Swift retiring and Mr It Gnlnn contln
nlng tbo mannfacturo of this Oclobratod Vcgo
table Wood Honowcr from Southern forests ui
to tho present time IIo has now sold bis right
thcro In Io tbo Macon Mcdlclno Company
Macon Ga
Kssay on Illood and Skin Dlaoascs mailer
Mai on la
Price per bottlo Small size JlOO large sire
J175 For salo Ik all druirgiats uliolui > alo by
II W Williams CO Kort Worth
Prlea 50c Sold by OruRRlntB
No Cure I No Pay
ltcpcatod chcmlo
al tests havo placed
llrst ono brand ot
baking powders then
another at the hcao
or tho list hut Uh
most satisfactory test
ot all Is that of tin
practical hotiaowlto
who uses Silver Loal
a d novcr falls tu
make light and
wholesome broad
she cannot ho Im
posed upon and thi
powder pddlcr who
nttempts to pal a oil
something also on
her ns n better gradi
ot goods wilt hav <
reason to bollcvo thai
kuho has missed hh
SIS polling
maMk jTunTn ur
FYiit Worth
Improved Western Washer
lKIOK No 1 for family of C 8 no
No 2 f r largo family UOO
No 3 for hotel and laundry 1C0O
Do not fall to try ono of thoso most valuable
of household articles COOOO families now con
firm the merits of this machine Tou will not
do without It ut any rcasonah e price after you
havo learned Its good qualities With the
WUiTKltN WASH Kit you aro not compelled
to stand ovor a hot sluve to do a washing It Is
far superior to ull other machines made for the
purpose and Is warranted 10 please Agents
wanted Address
Fort Wayne Indl H A
nc tmalorUlperfect fitrqnals any 13 ortdihoei
evory ptlr prarr mtrtt UUu none unlesa iiamn c
VV m Dougliv 30
BhoowarranteU 1 Con
gross llutton and Laco
If you cannot get tlirs
shoes from aelera stntt
adilrcw on postal rani
to VV 1 Douxlas llrock
ton Mass
lt hiU l m JriorUMrtoo1plaiouaaliU
k atltiiiuM or totr oouOaloa of Uia Lhm uTDra cauMo
tjwa Coulltalk > n BitKSUll JaitoJwL lf4datZa
55 ttJBVS < h lloo
thouirTcBof t7nionra
tendanco M loar departmcot bhorltoand
and tTpevvrltlng Stenograph lutMdaced br
u I aclinic unsurpassed In tho soutli eend
fnr peetniea of n qmau > hljv Catalogue and
OoUcgeJonrnMUec Addrots
Y T IllKUlIT ItciMcnt
TONOA U a product of the Tonga or t rlcadly Am ml c i ttt
whero It ha lonijbecu used as aval rn i ldtiSl
iaWeremedy WftniH by the natives H hfmittoKA 4
WrvWVvvVtt t a compound of Tonga with VutmiSv
otitT ingredient cur t < ted To oli lvt >
ntlvo properties have been thoroughly tested ° irit SvIii
< Wn r n I l1 Internally and pro ° Ii o iS i
aOCwVVl duces no uuplcawnt ouctauil Kh TosoAUy J
It coritilnn no Opium or V or phi Waft >
i Oil 8AIJ5 BY ALfi DUUOplSTS PJUOE ONE Trnr r 1V5ts
A A yvfelUEK M PwurlMw 700 pj 711 WASUIjqtoh >
J P SftHTIl JProHltlont
ORIcb 511 Houston Strut Fort Worth Texn
Gas Fixtures Pipe Fittings Ek
Scie for the
Aleuts Ootobrated
McAllister nation ooamhe
Wholcsalo and Itotall Doalcrs In best buna
In egg aud nut sties alio standard brands ot
3S Xa uSk O 33L S = J IVIX O DEE COAj
At favorablo prices wbtch will bo shipped Id any point In North Tcras JL
satisfaction guaranteed TEKM8 OA81I Hi
CIIOICK uuslncss lot In tho city qf El Paso
CHOICE rcsldonco luts In all parts of tho city
FAItMS In the Itlo Orando Valley all lios
FIVEACltK tracts valloy land under Irrlgntn
SUIT 11111 for growing grapes cereals or veg
CIIOILK grailng lands in Mexico Toina and
Now Mexico
KANOulIS with or without stock
MINKS and mining property InMexleo
HAS over COM pcoplo street cars gas
WATEUVVOUK Uno churches and schools
CLIMATE unsurpassed for hcallhtutncss
AlTVroDK3SQ0foet No malaria
11V trunk lines of railroads center hero
THE sixth one commenced to tho coal Hold
WITH cheap coal El Paso will manufacture
And bo iho entrepot for Mexicos mineral
General Agwil j
Knabe Ivers prf
Vose and Hale Pii
> IVIason Hamliiij
and ShoningerOrj
311 and 313 Hmaton Streot Fort Worth
11 w oor JNEK co
BookSellers and Station
aor Houston stiiket kort worth
Velvet Frames Albums and Baskets
Office Supplies
Accordeons Banjos and Guitars
Commercial Printed
Stationers Blank Book and P
312 Houston Street Fort
Jht ESI 3 = e SC > Tex
hnd continuing dnrliiK vieek following nt Irlrnts S l
Inaurcs her > < H
THE loiatlon
THE raotiopollaof tboSO11
INDOIlSEDby theleadlogri
TITLES perfect futl wa TntJ
MAIS ana plats turalibedo
AMOUNTS exceeding P
11 vIJVNOE In ono hnd two j
ticket W
will sell roundtrlp
the lhv
principal points on
each way From
tnrntbofarolJlS iI
nonnced later irtaJ
ThoMIssunriPaClflC s
roud will sell roand r i
and good to stopover
Io further Intormntlon nddrfss
and State National Hank at El laso Tox 1
i o
ra l ami Hivo Stoolc AtxcatH H31 3I ° M
Refer by permission to First National Uank COL J A n
W > °
no 12141611418 west setsii St chut TirKa
1 JPort WortU

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