OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, February 14, 1886, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-02-14/ed-1/seq-7/

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I Ftp
itm will rernalu at Hotel
r urrh l Tho doctor has
no has been obllRCd to
W until March 1
52 coming fctay to hini from
ft miles dlatont Ho la
kv u or and receiving cor
Il mm many physicians of
tS5gSat l5r lrentlcc
nSritloM lnono minute nnd
i that many surgeons take
and Jrlcndh
s w o while Icar as to tho result He
JfS w athat havo bcon
pi hopeless by the boat surgeons
Tiirnod Oat
twentyone years old When
KSrn Slnco that tlmo my eyes
iStnrned outwnrd directly the
A crosses They looked out
JhSmfach other at an angle ol at
fSd rec dtsllgurcd mo very
fflStftom prldo I have always
painful mlsfor
Ti srSrty was a
Sor nd myself lor wo had
M they could never bo made
lu Bat thank the Lord Dr lreu
Ttiort Worth has mado Uicm per
IfitrtWtand grcaUy improved my
7 Soonocan now tell they were
ine I am over so grateful
Si o m th ° ° P ra tIo n I
Sautes Miss Lucy Leo of lort
What Wyslclnu Thinks
those who may bo suffering as I
beta for two or thrco years with
Dr lron
Jttoldeafness Go see
now for waiting will sooner or later
Matter destruction so Important
as the hearinc So go and bo
j lor I can and do with pleasure
aWd Dr Trcntico Having been
udbrhlmit know whereof I speak
James C Baiiid
Gatcsvillo Tex
jjI would take pleasure in an
tin any queries relatlvo thereto
Nicholas McCoy
t Nicholas McCoy living ten miles
Hi of FOrt Worth was repairing his
efence six weeks agoj a wlro staple
rout and Btuck both points deep Into
This was tho only tyo ho
the other being blind From this
Jeat he saffend tortures for three
t not being able to siccp at Ml Il
j he went totally bllud Hb was
ntcraiy with grief and nervous pros
aon Two weeks ago ho was led in
icondition Into tho qlllcc of Dr Prcn
at Fort Woitb and marvelous as It
f seem he is restored to good sight
Ja by Dr lrentico
wr Cured In one treatment without
a the knife caustics or any burning
tore or crushing Suffering Is re
red at once and tho dlseaso cured for
time in just one treatment
A lact
our day and time we arc hourly cort
eil Hltb advertisements of wondrous
uSi HB1 miraculous cures performed by what
tire been compelled by actual obser
ion to term quack doctors Wo are
< compelled to alter our opinion In the
° fH Ol Dr Prentice now quartered at
Pickwick hotel In this city Mrs V
HcPhatl wife of tho late editor and
brletor of this journal who has been
host entirely deaf for eleven or twelve
nfAriW Decn ooffcldcred hopelessly
nicilflN mlny eminent physicians Almost
old doctors of Fort Worth kuew
iercase well and know that she was
tat entirely deaf Now however after
jone weeks treatment her hearing
Mecea greatly Improved and now hears
t without cartrumpet than ever be
ehyltsuse She feels conOdent that
the treatment Is kept up for one month
it he will be entirely restored to her
Dr lrentico has performed
r wonderful cures since he has been
fecit Ills pitticnts everywhere be
ll tr ° a hlm 8locere heart offerings of
JjjjMttide which Is ond of tho noblest im
i of
our nature Texas Free
Dr Prentice
o > who Is stopping
rs Walker at tho corner of Fifth
Ulhoua streets has been badly
ied In both eves slnco infancy
wrday Ir Trentlco straightened each
ia the short space of one minute His
much improved and none
ku that his eyes Have ever been
W Mr
Ed J Smith of tho Sunday
r witnessed tho operation Also
L u 0tL John McCahans son eight
who has been crosseyed since
5901 two years wore straightened
W < a in less than a minute
u7nJs cuttor or 0 clothing
J Dshlman Bros Fort Worth
lif WInt Elkln8
daughter Amanda
wteen years old Sho had double
JitL nhor llta Dr Trcntico
ftoaed her eyes and mado a
iwme lady
0 her ln ona
cVMr rMas address Is Bod
1JM5 Texas Also
mi tordan oI Christian laio Tinto
eY i l ys ho nas Buffered from
lathftl lf Jcars had bccu treated
S without any benefit Dr
ittMHrtdhlm In onc treatment with
< rnn or hyperdermic In
iwi Rm
S anotner tho wlfo of It C
be0ta7 pablIc 0l Fo W ° rth >
beotiuijcior aboat to ars
tto 2 use an car trumpet Dr
A eStc dhero10week when she
< niwL i tlcr L without tho trumpet
a fcld leforo wWi It By kind
tiied rtn Brown Co who has
Dr pl me 0I tho successful work
m i flow at otel Pickwick
tSprefers to J K Ashby of
HwfiL Mr Echols
McCoy living
ajSacncowito staplo ho Is
4n rtBMgBtnnder tho treat
Bour V h 1 < > nn Tliluko ot Dr
To l ntlce
td 0Ui T MtY conckiuvj I have
Utatl > era constantly with my
SaSS became very bad I
S h S tho treatraentof eminent
Sli tDr 1 > rcutlce
f t has given mo
eL i 8lsht In a ow days than I
paired at the hands of any other
ttttiMMnjlKhly recommend blm
L Holt Bloffdale Tex
X °
l rt rB Cliaiimnn
sriUrflreman on the Texas L
tUT Who resides atBonbam
Wl W Or lrentico at Hotel
N Li Worth Dr lrentico
JPlans case less than
> u l conld hear ordluary
te3 th ear that had been
mddfift Chapman3 astonlah
r B
were Tjabonndtd
ranllno LcttcrsXo iBfalllbltlUes
Moral Elevations Through
Clmtnplopi of Itellglon 3Ju t OoOnllnnti >
lt Doctrines With Trutlm Trom
Clodi Ilevelnlloufi
Trinity Mlaalon corner St Trnla nnd Annlo
trccU fiandaytchooiBtSaopm
Qcnnan KranBellcal t Johns clmrcli
KloTOutU nnd Cullioun streets Ucv Th I
MqclIcriia tor preaching ntlu40a ra Son
daycchool at 3 p m
BrrjIrje at llroadwny Prcetytcrlan clmrch at
iy k j1 ftdal 7 M lm by ltovDr
Wltcholl SabuathMhool nt 0i30 a m James
a ltoc
Ohrl tlan clmrch cornorof Sixth and Throck
morton BirecU
OW a m
prcaelilBcatUa msnl 7 no p m by Elder
It W on ccr Tho nuullo Invited Stranger
will rccivo a cordial wilcorao
Second Preabytcrlan church Jones Btrcct
near Second
Kev t M Moore pastor
Dl lno trrvlco at 11 a raand T 10nm Sun
Inydchool at 9J5 a m Iter Itlco llo uinn
I III preach morning and eicnlng Acor
dim Invitation to nil
St Andrews chnrch corner Itusk nnd llaat
fllUistreets Sixth Sunday aficr tho Knlnhany
Holy communion at 7 30 a ms Snndayschool
at 930 a in JlaJ llagirart enpcrlntandont
morning prn > cr litany nnd sermon at 11 am
evening prayer ami sermon at 730 p m
Tho Kort Worth lr sbyicrlRii cJiurch corner
Calhoun nnd Fourth streets hov Itobert II
Nn I pastor Services at li a m and 7 SO p mt
Sabbathschool otosoa m S M Fry tupcrtu
tundent pracr mco Ing on edntsdav oven
Ingnt7 iOodock All are cordially invited to
nticnd those cr ices
Southstdo Baptist church corner of IIroad
way and St Luuls avenue Sundayscjiool nt
9SO n mJ I Italnwnter supcrlnendent
Preaching at llam by the pastor J Stilllo nl
Church sorlabln at Sirs llodusons corner of
UiUveston nvenua and tho railroad reservation
Thhrsday night
Cumberland Presbyterian church cornor of
Fifth nnd Taylor streets Jtev It M Tlnnon
pastor btindayBCtiool at I 30 a in At 11 n
in a sermon on Orowth as Illustrat d In the
MnstardSotd Ai7i3iii > 1 cuireon The
Material and tho Spiritual You aro cordially
Invited to attend tbeso services
St PaulsMJCcli rcn corner of Miln and
Ninth stiects Itev 11 J Crist pamor ra1
dcucc 911 Cherry street Snbbsthech olntuao
n m Pro P M White supcrlniendrnt
1rcachliir at 11 a in nri730p m Youngpeo
plos meeting t 030 p m leu by Prof Petir
son All services are pub to and strangers aro
Sunday ecrvico at tho Fourth Street Mothodlst
Kplscopal church South Ucv A A Allison
pastor Preaching at II a m nnd 7 p in by
Uov M 11 Weils Sundsysch > ol teachers
meeting nt 9 a m Sundnvschool nt 9 < i n
in tlenrgoll Mullioysu oilntendont Prvm h
lng at night during tlie week Tho public In
vhud Scat free Christians of nil denomin
ations Invited to thcro services
Dr Stcbblns has Oecn delivering an
admirable scries of lectures on the
epistle of this npostlo Of tlioso addressed
to tho church at Thcssalonlca ho siijs
Thcss letters were supposed to havo
been written from Athens btt the gen
erally received opinion now is they were
written by Idukwhlle ho was ln Corinth
After his experience ln that city his ar
rest and hearing before Galco the Roman
proconsul and his dismissal Paul begun
these letters to tho congregations he had
foundedwriting fourteen In till in his
lifetime addressing tho first to the
church ln Thcssalonlca The people who
formed these churches had been Idol
atrous nnd had recdved soma glimpses
of Clirlhtianliy crude they may tiavo
been but their Inllucucc was enough to
bring them together Pauls letters
were n most Interesting seiles and they
gave blm a commanding position In tho
history of Christianity lu the opinion of
the speaker the apostle was not an ac
complished scholar or a philosopher
though ho bad been taught by an eminent
Jewl h fcholur Ills chief ability was his
moral instant his ability to appreciate
things spiritual moral and divine and
his Intense enthusiasm lie had these
qualities in such degree that they melud
all his thoughts Into gold Ills writings
were not the elaboratecarelully prepan d
utterances they were formerly suppi sed
to be but were rather the otitpotirlugs of
his soul Of the first two letters Paul
wrote tho question arose how came ho
to lndito thetu Ho had been told there
was some trouble ln the chinch at Thus
salonlca Tho congregation believed that
Christ was coming a second time and the
end of tho world was near Where they
got theso ideas was not known but proba >
bly from somo one who wrote
a letter in Pauls narao and
It was to encourage tho Thessalanlaus
that tho Jlrst eplstlo was sent them Tho
main Idea embodied In that eplstlo was
that Christ would not again appear ln the
flesh and that they should uudcistand
their religion was fuunded upon tho
estence of Christ and not on an historical
person The two letters begin with tho
blessings of Paul and his companions
then thoso to whom they aro addressed
aro told how well thoy aro doing and en
couraged to keep in the good way then
thoy aro admonished what to bellevo and
what to avoid and Anally the writer
gives descriptions of himself and of
things Interesting to his hearers Paul
thought tho first letter would answer his
purpose but it did not and then he sent
them tho second Ho advised the Thcs
salonlans to bo not troubltd about tbo
second coming of Christ but to mind
their affairs During tho course of tbo
lecture Dr Stebblns cited many passages
ln tho two epistles explaining their mean
At a lato meeting of tho Wisconsin Con
club tho subject of tho even
lng was the Relations of the Newspapers
Public Morality J R Bngham who
presented tho paper asserted that while
newspapers do much for morals they
habitually succumb to tho demands of tho
and lower their utterances below
reputable morality A corespondent
of tho Advance says W K
nn editor mado Indignant protest
against the idea that tho newspaper Js not
conscientious or lolls to support cssen
tlal Christianity It olten scoffs at that
comedy of errors professed Christianity
only that It mav more sincerely defend
applied Christianity or tho spirit of
Christian practical life J h Vane au
defended tho Sunday paper
othcr editor
admitting It was nut elevated but It met
a demand and was higher ln morals than
those who read It and tended to bettor
them Farther earnest but friendly d s
cusslon brought out the fact that while
tbo church needs the criticism of tho
paper to mako it more practical tho paper
tho influence of tho
exceedingly needs
church to make it ruoro moral
In tho January number of The North
Farrar gives his
American Review Canon
impressions of tho American church On
tho special work of the church nJJheso
llko true
True religion
days ho says
eternal vigilance on
liberty demands an
Wo can not
of Its defenders
the part
withstand tho skillful arms
agnosticism with tho bows and arrows of
mediioval warfare nor with the mud
rTmparts which alone were possible Jn
the trc
larkcr aces bold out against
of Won s
I bold that no
possible which does not i0ilj
bf God B
doctrines with troths taught us
science and i his
other revelations in
tory No one can be a champion oi
who doe not keep abreast of tbo
V >
times It th church chooca to stand or
to fall by the doctrines and command
ments of meu which sho hag sometimes
rteW to bo Infallible If boo clings with In
obstinacy to sacerdotal or sacra
mcntarlan theories which aro only per
missible or posslblo as lddlvldual opln <
ions it sho attaches as much importance
to apostolic succession as to spiritual
conBccratlou it sho determines to abide
by exploded systems of exegesis whether
borrowed from tho rabbis tho Alexan
drians or tho fathers her days aro num
bered and her institutions will bo
trampled down by tbo hurrjlng feet of
adancing generations For tho church
to f ulail ber duty as a moral guardian
and a spiritual Instructor ho holds
tbrco things arc essential Tolerance
freedom and progre s a tolerance
which recognises that though there bo
but ono one tlock there must bo to tho
end many folds a freedom from all am
ecclesiastical tyrannical a progress
which will lend not hinder and detain
tho advancing knowledge of mankind
Tho london Christian World has
reached a point whero it confesses that It
distrusts nil Isolated and exclusive In
fallibilities be thiy of reason conscience
book church or pope Wo bellevo that
a crowd of witnesses bear testimony for
God to tho soul of man and that It is a
mistake to silence any ono of them Tho
wisdom of God has been to let the light
penotnte to man through a thousand
channels The wisdom of man has been
to drill ono hole lu tho shutter of his
room and to cut his brothers throat or
at least to threaten him with hell if ho
alleged that light could possibly outer by
any other orifice Tho forcoof such tcs
tlmony from the largest and most widely
circulated religions newspaper lu Knglaud
is not to bo denied
Tho Jews of Now York aro making an
earnest appeal for means to found a Jew
l h theological synagogue In that city
This Is an outcome of tho recent conven
tion of strictly orthodox Hebrews and
Is part of tho movement to dam tho cur
rent that has been sleeping young Jaws
Into unbelief The plan Is to train rab
bis who will keep conscientiously to tho
old faith and oppose thu tendency to let
go of traditional usages and doctrines
Only 20 per cent of New Yorks Jews at
tend Jewish worship ut all and tho rest
do not become Christians but lutldels
Tho orthodox Jews expect to ralso tho
desired fund without difficulty
Tho death Is announced of tho Hov J
C Bennett the oldest missionary In llnr
raah und ono of tho very oldest lu tho
Indian mI sIou Held Mr Bennett went
to Iiurmah ln 1829 He had reached his
eightieth year at tho tlmo of his death
Willi tho exception of llftecn years his
career in llurnmh covered tho entire his
tory of the Baptist mlslon In that coun
try Mr Bennett made it his business at
tho outset to master tho Burmese long
uago Having done so ho made good use
of it To him Is given tho credit of
having created and put ln tlttiug circula
tion a religious llteraturonmoug tho Bur
mese people
Rev Robert Taylor moderator of tho
Kngllsh Presbyterian synod Dr Mono
Gibson and other Presbyterian divines
leave London next month on a tour which
Is to lie coullncd chtetlv to the Holy Iatid
Rev Newman Hall will accompany tho
party as far us Jerusalem
Tho Methodist now have in their Bervlce
In Mexico fortyone native mlulsters and
aro regularly established In thirteen
states They havo also on extensive
printing ofllco in tho City qf Mexico to
issuo literature in Spanish
Thoro are fiftytwo colleges In America
under tho control of thu Methodist Epis
copal church with an endowment of < 5U
000H0 Tho next largest show Is by the
Baptists who bavo fortysix colleges
with 10300000 in endowments
The gospel Is preuched in tho Lutheran
churches in this country lu thirteen lan
guages English German Swedish Nor
wegian Danish Icelandic Finnish Bo
hemian Polish FrenchServian Slavonic
and Bohemian
A new sect has spruug up In Canada
whoso doctrlno Is that women havo no
souls because tho blblo nowbero men
tlons women angels Tho leader Is a
Twentytwo Presbyterian colleges In
cluding Princeton New York University
and Hamilton contain 2007 students of
whom ii03 are church members and 341
havo thu ministry ln view
Tho fifteenth annual meeting of tho
Womans Riptlst Foreign Missionary
Society of tho West will be held ln Terro
Haute Ind April 14 and 15
The Fljlans have just been celebrating
the jubilee of the Introduction of Chris
tianity into tho Islands
In the Ounion oj Kilen
It Is said that our first parents wcro
not troubled by dyspepsia and that they
knew nothing of debility liver complaint
or malarious diseases But tho children
of Adam from Cain down to tho prescut
time have Inherited bad blood and other
disorders most of which can bo driven
out by tho timely me of Browns Iron
Blttcis Mr J DRodcferof Greendale
Va was cured of a had caeo of eczema
by this valuable medicine and rccom
mends It to cvory ono ln bis neighbor
hood for any dltordcr of tbo blood and
as a general tonic
Dont Chew Pollon
You will never suffer from tobacco
chowers1 heartburn or Indigestion If yon
chow only Finders patent Havanacured
Turf plug Seven scpara o points of
superiority Pure brandypeach flavor
thltty per cent less nlcotlno than tho
mildest outlasts tho strongest plugs
always pliant no bitter aftcrtasto not a
grain of grit For sale wholesale by
Josoph II Brown Fort Worth and at re
tall by all dealers In flno tobaccos
Tho famous Stlllwells hams at Turner
do to ltttz Uo to Ilftr
Ten cent store for windowshades tin
ware washstand sets and other useful
tYe showing this season tbo hand
somest lino of embroldnrlcs ln tho state
Call and sco them No tronblo to bow
goods IUndam Chamuik Co
Kxamlne tho latest novelties In silk and
ca9simere hats at Dahlman Bros Fresh
and new spring apd summer styles right
from the factories in the Kast
Garden and flowers seeds now on sale
at Turner McClures
1olk Stock Yard
Hereford and shorthorn bulls
ono and two years old Polk Bros Fort
Wo aro showing this season tbo hand
somest lino of embroideries in the state
Call and see them No troublo to show
goods JUMAU < Chambers Co
i Lnmbtr Kcductlon
Goto 11 M Pages KcIlp olurobryard
for bsrgainsj ho is the first to oKer the
peoplo lumber h doora shingles
etc etc at reduced pilccs He has a
Imawaso stock
Mnlldons rrosecntion Cor Clotting a Wire
1enc Sfhuot nmls PurNItetl
Cotresr > ondrnco of tho Osteite
AShoV Tax Fob It Yesterday PheilB
4arbordngb arrested Dodd McCauiroantUook
srya Hoota and KmrultMtCammsnt charged
with cutting wlro fenco of UHtldham and
they are nnvr undergoing kn examining trial
lictoruvustlco ord The cvtdcttuo so far roes
to show a malicious prosecution r the facts
aro that tho defendants vrcro moving a honse
lop on two wagon and they went to the bats
and by measure eat found thoy could notpms
through nnd then cut tho frnco and drove
through Tho evidence further discloses the
fart that tho Und vrai owned or claimed by b th
parties prosecuting wltncses and defend
nnts und that the two wire fenvet
wcro pat up to seep tho defendants
onlsldc anil that lha defendants
at tho tlmo ut lb cutting llvrd Inside of the
fenrc Tho whole thing glow oat < t au old
lead and this makes about four times the
pm vcutluK wtnai 0 Stldhsm h worn
out warrants for tno defendants and tho ver
dirt In each case has been an oniultta
The laid board has taken forfeitures an
fourteen and a half sections of srlioot lsuds ln
this county fur nonpayment of Interest h 1st
pf August In each cao they aro uur best cltl
tens and tho all undo their paymnnts of In
tcrist before tho torf Itutca were declared
There aru sonin Otty sections In tbo county
bought by tmnrcsldenta solely for the pur
pose of speculation I hoy bavo never be n on
the land and aid n t intend set ting on It but
hn > e placed It Ij Ihehan > s of agents M ro to
sell at a bonus of f9 a section ill 1 tho land
board r fn > to tako any action to ronu > el
th m to romply wl h tbo law audit has driven
Just that many good and substantial farmers
out of our uounty
Angostura Bitters Is known as tho great
regulator of tho digestive orpins all over
tho world Havo It In your houso Ask
your groqer or druggist for tho genuine
article manufactured by Dr J 0 11
Sicgcrt Sons
Ladles mUscs and childrens llslo
thicad boso In all tho now and dcslrablo
shades very cheap at
Randau a CiiAMiirsns Cos
Pure May Uloisom chop tea at CO centi
n pound tit Turner i McClures
Rnst Texas yam sweet potatoes very
find Indeed at tho Fort Worth Grocer
Tho Montrose Kestniirmit
At tho request of a uumbor of gentle
men wo shall glvo a regular or square
meal for twentylive cents or twentycue
meats for 85
This Is In addition to our Do as you
pleaso tickets which cost you 4 73
for 8 worth of eating
All Kinds ot Seeds
I have a very largo stock of Johnson
grass seed nnd alfalfa seed and nil kinds
of grain and feed which I ain selling nt
very low prices Special Inducements to
the trade W F Pattbiwoh
Fort Worth
Sphinx Problems lmmreil Especially for
The Uuudny Gnsette
All corrcsponncnco Intended for this do
should bo addressed 10 M It Chad
No OS The Inlest Unco
Two dnrkles 1 near a Certain pIsco Z
Tbo other day bad qultoaraco
And our reporter ho wis theio
Has thus dvsrrlbnd thcpla onnd pair
1 he rncu tr ck 3 was ss smooth and nlco
As driven rnnw nr frorcn Ice
A place tiat filled a long full need
lor icstlngllmn ml me or steed
Around Its edge a tworailed fenco
Willi tnee score posts I rcrved as dofenro
While near tho comer ot the ground
A ciid spring A geuly nonud around
Thfl stand thu Judges occupied
Was sla toned in ih hluher 0 side
A frail concern It snrely seemed
Vet stated by uprights nnd well cross
It furnlhod implo room tiildo
Where full a dozen 7 mluhl nbltlu
And frum this stanu a wlro H nas drawn
To mars ihu tlmn a nice < vno on
While on a belt prepared below
Was Ign led when or not to go
Hut wo will not into tlmo and space
To write In detail of the pluco
lor mosi ot you hao seen tho eamo
And hinguiige to describe ll tame
Tho r ccr wcro as lllmulchou pair
A ever run ut county inlr
And fnrtho more lo enp tho shcttf
Tho one w i blind tho oilier deaf
Vet when tin y entered In tho ring
They Doomed like old linndat the thing
And prett soon commenced tho fun
Tosoehsedsr Ics start to run
Atlat a warning D to pro aio
w as sounded on the gentlo sir
When like a deer > for thu hound
T ofirst nns off with sudden bound
Ileioru tho other one could reach
The t rtlug point < 0 motfnlr lorcachi
And though the hell 11 struck loud und clear
The dai ky was too deaf to hear
And ns ihooheronc Hits Und
lie could not tell whli h w behind
A d so they rati nor lackcncd pace
Koch one Intent to w In the race
Twas thought al first that number ono 12
Wa < g Inlng ground so fast ho run i
it in number two thoitKli furtner ba k
Had somehow got he Insldo trmk 1 <
And of tbo numb rsil ihnl were thcro
Not ono would baton tho nITalr
Ilcforo twns oer o Came away
Who bea Well thoso who watched It say
The tall ono swiftly kepi ahead
lor halt the distune ss tnovsned
lint toward the lust lm got behind
Tho one described at tlrsi as blind
And as Die bell < 16 > called In the race
They both together reached tho placo 10
Kofl3Not for Joe
Although a human shape I wear
Yet 1 a mother never hsd
Nor yet In life nor a nse I sharo
Hut am In Uncut silks oft clad
Ily every miss Im valued much
lleiQvod nnd hlghlv urUcd
And y < tmy cruel fato l such
llyboys I am despised
VoAlA Charade
Afflicted sore or trial keen
Is what tnyfint maysomollinesmoan
And srroriif Mfion fills tho station
Of a uefiil crnilnatlon
irimlt carries powder torch and brand
And neer Is seen upon dry land
rncearalamlt belnll
T c jfcoiuf and tho vhvlt as well
irote was njlttt and ontrtt too
Of second this Is also two
Andwhstm seem a little droll
> Vr f was In iccoiul and III irftofi
Wo 03 A Iallndrome
Head mu rightly and youll sno
With my own aid ray namo
And If yu tnrn mo ipilto around
Voull find mu Just the same
I feint nu fair and splendid thlngv
Wlifn their dilights Isoei
And nuny lain Imaginings
Aro In me said to be R
Hn OflA Crime
A fearful deed has stlrrod tho land
And I between the peoplo stand
And twu simple stupid creature
Hough an i brutal In their features
II Is not these have done the deed
Not guilt they may truly plead
l ttlicm retain their n nalftailon
Whllo I reninln before tho nation
To hi Ip vi n ferret out the crlmo
8o plainly hinted In this rhyme 8
No IT A Inrndox
A thousand coolly came ono day
And near mo stopped nd stood
They covered last ft little spaco
As any tboutsnd shonld
A mile In length their resting place
A paradox this rlddlp
Thry oCupled but half an Inch
Yet all stood lu the fiddle
Enu llr in lha cenUsr all
stood still and nouedld nneb
To < from tha renter put I ween
Was loss than balf an Inch
While looVlngont from any point
To the llmltof tho > llo
Ws half an Inch ytt I could awcar
Twas lust onohalf a uille
38 lold
35 Hi nationalism
< 0 The letter It
41 1 pear fpalr if
4 A luclfermatchv
13 IrcadpolBt
ii Ttw cat ate
axletree it
c ft w
New Orlen
II Itlniora
New York
West 1olnt
Other Ports
Gotten FtitHres Were From Ono
Four Points Higher Yesterday
Money Market Easy
t r jh 4 > l tt f
Tlia atwill Mnrlteta Flnrtunted nnd
Closed nt the Opening rrleeSLtva
Stock Trade llrlk
Naw Tona Pet lSMony on call easy at
IS S per centjprime mercantile paper sesj
sterling exchango dull but steady and un
IOND0X Ieb 13 Consols closed at 100 tor
Naw Yoka reb IS Tho toUrtwIaa wore tho
omclsl closing notations at tho New YorK
Slock exehango this afternoon
United States threes
Fottraod onebaits
New fours
1aclOo sixes
Central Iaclflo firsts
Texas 11acino land grants
Texns < t Iactoe lllo Uraudo Und grants
Union Inrlflo flrsis
Union IbcIuo sinking fund
Uontral Iaclflo
Chicago ft Alton
Chicago A Alton preferred
Ilnrllngton > t Onlncy <
Delaware A Hudson
HenvorA Itlo Urande
Kilo preferred
Houston A Texas
Illinois Central
KansasA Toxas
Late Shoro
Uiulvlllo A Nnshvlllo
t S
l V
12HV <
> I M
xS > i
Michigan Central 5 >
Missouri Iaclilr lll <
Now Jersey Central M > <
NorthernPacldo Vi
Northern lscino preferred CU
Northwestern Ill
Northwestern preferred 1374
Ncft YorV Central loi >
Oregon TransoontlAental Sii
Iaclilo Mall ox dlrldoud 87
Heading V3N
Jlock Island
bt IanUexdlv
St Iaul preferred
st Paul A Omaha
st Inul A Omaha prefcrtod
Texas Inclfla
Union Inolllo
Wabash proterrod
Wells Fargo
Western Union
Did Astcil
n >
10I > S
> t
Kecelpta at All Uiilleit mates lnrts
Total mali Ifliim ificxtii
Last year 9fiK v < ffl > t
ilxiuirls fiuuriUTulilted Sltalos ports thus far
for this weeki
Ureal llrltaln 8111
Continent 12100
Htock at all Unltod Slates ports I
This day lMlttK
This day Inst year 8711
NKW OHIKANS lM Feb UOoltonBpot
closed quiet but linn
Sales ww
Iiw ordinary o SlQo ordinary 71 lfioigood
ordluary 7 II ICo low nilddll g H 1 I6 i
middling B Qlliii good ml idling liHO mid
dlliigto fnlr IV Vl fair ll e
Futiiro opened barn y stviul ruled dull but
stndy closliu sicnuy
hlgiier August i points
S Ci s K
una s n
S 7fl 71
S 83 8 81
e u i s 7
0 07 9 t > S
9 Put B I
8 81 nsVeil
8 li S n
S 0 8 01
Total sales loo
icuilally 1 In 3 pulut
Vd cull
S nd bid
8 am s a
S lint 74
S S7tt 8 8ii
u 0oi til
ii no ii u
U HV 0 lu
8 Mi 8 M
8 71f S 71
8 cam 8 87
8 Wl u > S 70
S ri 8 la
8 7IM 8 711
0 OH 11 ill
u l a a 13
0 lidi 9 10
8 8 KS
8 7l 8 7
8 07U 8 119
New VorU
Nkw YoitK Feb 13 CottonHpot closed
OrdinaryOJoj good ordinary 8oi low mid
dling 8 18lGo inlddlliig Wioi good middling
9Voi middling fnlr lU o
Hales 101 bales
Futures riosml firm 1J points higher
Sales 101000 bale
D 07 0 Ol
I iim i 11
0 linu o Vi
II W II 80
9 ija o 40
9 4i 9 47
9 MU 9 Al
0M < r
9 IS 9 14
9 Wit 13
Visible supplv cotton In tho world on atttr
day Fehtuar IS according la tho New York
Cnronlcle Las follows
Total supply loday 3011000
Hamu day fastear iWJU
Dllfereuco lncroaso 110J71
LtVKiiHOoi Feb 13 Cottoo Spot closed
dull and In buyers favor
Ord i > ury 3 lOdivood ordlnary40 lCdilow
mldJlng IVdimlddlliig uplands4 ItlOdj mid
dling Orlca sCd
Total sales uooi American 0100 Imports
20OO Amcricsn IO300
Futures Ilond dull and 1 point lower
FehrnaryMarcli 4Mbld
March April 4 Masked
AprilMay 4 7 Idd
MayJune 1 09 bid
JunoJuly 4 01 bid
JulyAugust BOO
AuguslBeptcmuei fi at asked
OALVKsroM Tax Feb n Cotton Spot
closed Arm
dross receipts 1693 bales
Bales 113 bales
Kxporis2 > l bales
Hhipmonl coastwise bales
Stock ctvooa bales
Ordinary UVo good ordinary 7Vci low
middling 8 3 iflo middling silldo good
middling OUoi middling fair O c
puouuck llioviHioNa uva btouk
at Louis
8T MOUIUO Feb 13 FlourDull XX
11 oo 313 family J > 33 extra 11 liii 73
Wheat Kxtrnncly dull and prices about tin
rhangedj Ibo minkrt opened esv but soon
recov red and after Hue uallng slightly closed
a about yetlerdsy figures No z red nusb
VOVo MaichVloMar W iajicclosing atOTV
t rnVury iulct and trading principally In
Slay nelltcry ibe market opoxed weak liul
rlflcd and closed steady at yesterdays ffg
ores Nu i mixed cash 31 aMoj rebriisiy JtliO
bid Manb U r IJc closing iV4 < S lay 30 >
OS l > closing MVo
Oats Very p Iei and barely steady No I
mixed cash Mia bid Fibruary WiO Hdj
March 31casked MavSITfo
Cornmcal Actlvu and firm at II 391 90
IVoolQulet and stAdy tubwashed27 133o
nbwa hcef 17G2SO Tex wool WiUc
sponsions Very nalct and about steady
IorkftI it
IrdW 00
Hulk Meals loose lots long clear 3 43
short ribs 5 63 short clear Kin boxed lots
long clesr 3 90 short ribs 0 Ou short clear
llaiii rwig clear J3 00 shorl rlbs0 03
01 1 short clear Q to
Kansas City
Steady cash 7Wobd74 Jfcasked Mardi JSJiej
Oornxleady cash S9 c bldtt > Jfc asked
March JS r MaySlfi > Md3I asked
Oats Ao iiqotatlons
Tho Livestock Indicatorrrporls
Iktllo y tli 77J shlpmentil r active
and firms ejiporwr t 101 01 lfO < l to
cliolco stlpwtng KIMlWi common lo niH
dluiu If ilsiJO fttoekcro and fceder4 > WW
Hogs KecoMils J700cliolceshsd bkiir t
lto 4
3ep KeClriU4M shUiweBts svoao
to Choice W43 MJ i i 14 a s H w
m f ts mminj mittttHn akM Bt
OmrUao Toh Float Steady and nn >
wihral tlnlot and steady February 79
7SVf5eJosod Vital March 7V S0Vc cl od H
FOoj May8 j iSJC closed Hue
Ctirt Mrmornnd SahlihurrashS7 > 09Vc
JVbrnary S7 17Kc closSd S7V I Msrelt S7t
SJVe < yoserts7K May 40 ll KKtfO 15 ldc
IVirkOulet hna 0 WSo lower cash 1110
J1 5 AKhV Z nA March closed < u 10a
11 IJiJlMsj U l7 l < Ht80
lArdiieair > h f l2W FchrusrT and
March fa lows itii > May closed W vosM UH
lloxod Meats steady dry salted shoulders
11 < cos short rib > 3 3045 6Ji hort clear
3 IV S M
ThnnrotorsJournal reports
Cattle Uceelpls o shipments MMi steady
shipping steers M to IW pounds 3 Cuvi
A7l > lock rs and feeder i3u a1 tows
bulls and mixed II Siimix buV 175lrAo0
Hogs Keeilnts Otisji monger at 11 0 > 4 so
ShceivItccelpts JiWl market sleadvi natives
yioo Toxans flwm 60t laintisf 004
a oo
Mew York
Nijw ortrtVcb 11 Flotw Dull
wheat Spotdul opllonsopcncd UolioUcr
deollnod i > n rallied to Highest prices leat
r fmi l > < Jt
March 9K mc closing OlKot April Mth
WJkO closing W 0i Mny Mj 8tAi closing
Corn Spot lower and less nctlvo options
hlihcr closing fltini No a red February
MjrMe oloslng MVoi March Soi a Vo
closing W < o prlHl t a0ei May W 4i > o
CoffeoSpot fair lllo nulol and stcadr at
Sa op lous < pilet an l steady sales llOvo
hagst M rc < < iiM ncA May jn M
Sugar timet tatrtogood rellnlng S aM ci
retlncd steady j grauulsiudSWo
M > l esqulet and steady
TrtliowDull and nominal
Turncnllne Firmer lI Co
lork inlet juir < auiiixi
i March 5 1iuon0Apilltd 0HM jl
Fltlir WOKTII TKX Fob 13 1 Nl 1
As will bo noticed by our rovlsod ouotatlons
epgs nnd chickens are both marked low er the
foimor being voty plcnllful at from US lo 15c
and iho taller having declined Wo on thodnien
owlK > suporabumlanloirerliigs ThU Is tho
seasntilmWiivcr when both those productsrulo
lonerwinter scarcity havingpa cd Putter
Continues dull and plentiful nnd notations arO
barely maintained Theioweto largo roc Int
of eom ind nnts to day making Iho market
easy tho igh prices were kept up shippers tak
ing all tiiti rings rtndtly Their trsuo Is how
ner iittho present Mno chiefly eon lined lo
I cai customii a tho foreign denind boltgnl
niort i elu l0IV for seed which Onmnitd hai
been euppllod for the most putt ns iho sowing
season In the east Is nearly over
I ho trull market has ben < ulot ot Into iho
soverlty l > r hu weather having prevent d lilp
menls llniiHtiis of which Iho market nas
Inloly bniu uru oneo moro In good supply and
ol lnlr iptnlllv Ihiingh ra her it derslred
Iliivpplusntotilrii coming In In flnnmmnll
tlim And tell ut tasy jirlces Poialoe nrn In
good demand both tor seed and lablu use
prlics ruling firm with nilier nn ndvarclig
iendence A large supply of this vtgeiablo Is
from Cillforiiln but lil o Itisrtgarded with
soma fiuor for tho utile It Is atlliely
r Jertnd f rplsiitlng tabimgns of splendid
i nlliy luno been very plentiful and weio
niwer known to sell faster
I ho M intern nhiiu mirkcls bavo lost the
tionglh that animated Ihuin al tlie date of our
lastr iluv The lulluro of ovpurters to take
bold and n slUbt liicteasolu the visible upply
In sidlniif npecinilonsiti Ihu run rnry rllelted
Ihelmlllsbleiidiiiey nnd opened the way for A
reneilon wheh brnught prloes iloun a few
points Thohtind lo month polhw Whtihpru
Mills even where and whltb promlsis toeatino
European buy rs toaVold cnrrylng storks Is
111 el uituriult its logulntoniiuw crop with
a vtlbn supply of SO 0Di 0 bushel w Inch al
low for Utile tnaigfn hIhiid presenl prices
Nows from tho W hum growing iecil t repotts
tho plantdoing will huicourtdernblftor Iho
ft isnrotul of suowund > p eh nslonsorn
ilninngo tro n lulu frecta are univalent Tha
flour market nl nil points Is dull
lte ardlug sugar nnd mulssms Ihu PlcaVuntv
of iholllh sis Tnos gar inurkul during Ihu
pist wtek h is continued ipilet but enntriny lo
nxoicla lot a Ihu declltii llintwa i xiertud
fulled Utlnko plncu I his ronllnuod hi etui I
nii In thu mnrk t was or twurse the ligltlinmo
iiutromo of n slight ren lon In l mton find a
siiMidior feeling In NovyYotk uused by Iho
deluge lu Iho nuirki ling of Iho Cuban crop
Ilerelpls fiom iilniilailon bnvo r > inlnuud
lluhl ii d the demand has been sttfili lent to
nbsob reih arrlv 1 as the tin ngsof n liners
hhvu cohilnuott fnlr and Iho hicnl grocery
Undo owing to the nooning of tho
month tin mini moro freely The largo
MkIoIo suppit of courso prorunis nnv specu
lative moiemenl but tho holders of thu
largo stiicss in wnn buusu seem more encur
aged to hope for higher puces In tho spring
miiitths as i onsumptlon bus siown slgus of In
rmisln > the riiban cruti Is rrporled lo
hay been Injured by cold and cxcrsslvo ruins
and Isretaiduu by the senr lly uf 1 hor Lnenl
dean rs report a belter uomniid from thn Into
rlor nnd rellnory good npp ar nlotoboinov
Ingbctler Iliedilas In Iho markillngnt tho
Cuban Crop lmo enrolimged selcrsto bopo lor
a contliHiiince of ihu refinery dtmniid or soma
time nnd henc prices for fresh arrivals hate
brenwel malnliilnetlnnd show again uf I ldc
compared with lint w ekon certAln grades
Open kcllluKr desroiiltuuu lu only modern
supply especially iho letter grades and lie
leinnnd Is good both for grocery and
r lining pur oses All Ire h it rivals
nro promptly tsken up nnd holuers
nflocksliownodlspostlnii lo press ales at
present iirlces Tho assortment of clarified
nnlvlng Is pnornnd iho beilor grades of wnlici
nro renr e while cliolco jellons nro far from
plentiful 1 ho diiiinnil Is fnlr and sulllment to
rlenn oir nil frcsli iitrlvuln 1 hero In somo do
tnand lor good seconds
Crop usllmniei nro now moro con rrvnllve
nu lvuo0 0loll0oouhbdsniogonnriill > nrceptid
nt the correct flores Ihu rt c < lits alrond In
w > uld not therefore IndliAto any gcnornl
holding back by planters and Ihu recent dull
ness mid the utuertnln oitllook for prices
would > rarcely warrant any mi ill action Tho
outlook Iscerialnlv not Ibe most promising as
the visible supply never was larger mid unless
consiimp Inn Incrussesraphlli icry lltllo room
Islefllo bopo for higher price b fornsiiinmer
Iho consumption liicrensi d slightly Inst week
but is still far behind Instyenr
The uickof raw sugar In iho four pilnclpal
purls wa > Inst F Ida morning f0319 tons
cornniirulwith61281 tons tho previous week
and 8J2M tons In ItSl
The following Is the total ilslhlo supply a l
ovi nlngiundo up from latest mall nnd enulo ro
im Ions lW tons l H tons
Ustwoeh 17301711 11WM III < Al
Weekbeforc20160 tflteM HII2W
Tho molasses mnrkot has ruled very drill and
weak and price havo hien ipiolod down ron
sldcrably The demand at en at the derllno has
failed 1 < IImprovemiierlniljand bnrely more
than tho fresh arrivals nsve been uiiVnl Tbo
scks continues largo although good grades
aro scarce
Tho quotations given below ore rorltud dally
and may be relied on nsaccurntei
II TrKIt Fresh country butter choice 15c
choice Wtftcrn dolryMo fancy croainrrf 80o
COIFKI Ulo fairUJ41 loo prima lu > j Jlo
choko 11Jnc UguyruHSii JavftCOjjUold
en lllo ViUtt lea llurrr 12X 130
OlllfKti Tho heller grades and Ohio factory
lOiiioxo full cream twins 13Ko
OANNKIlwOOim fncesner dot 1loenp
plus StaiiiardIISli peaches slamlnrd 2 tt >
it 30 1 as jriawfxseconds siin3n
I 73tomatoes standuidil Iktfll0 soconds
j 0s9 13S123 grucncornllri firOgreen
p aII 113173 gooseberries 11 2i raspber
rle fl30 oystersfullnelghtlibllu f Hs
II on light weight 1 Ik t Iks salmon
> I1 < V > 2 > > mnchcrel 1 iWc JI00
sardinesAmerican W 0enso Imported 114 30
rasa strawberries2 tit 1130 blackberries
tim green gascs cagiO condensed inllk
KJiSlf > 13 cents per doreu
f Olllleslpalenlsl3 3por 100 Bs halt
patem ti 73 third grade < 1 30
UUAINQiolatlons nro based on the cost ot
grslu on truck In car lots Dealers selllngfrom
store or elovaior are from 1 lo f cents higher
Ost KldSAcper bushel
Corn 3 i3 c
Ilarley Mc
Itye lo
tIAMKVenlson 10313c nutelona 1033n
eu 73o per Cos wild tnrka > a 4473c wild
3nail SAUsMai sdiilrrtls loo aplico
IllllKS ANll 0KINKNOI heavy DI hides
15opemjNo J heavy 13o No 1 fight 110 No
Dry Halted Htc bull hides So gluo Oc
green suited 7o butchers grreu filfo sheep
skins 13VI90
KHUITS and VKOiTAmKSOraniros per
uox33 < t4Messlnn looionspcr box fi until Wj
California 13 fiO apples Northern per bbl
II21S33 Irish potatoes per lm California
M oo in sak r early rose 4113 nulors Call
forolo3 oper tb imry liotus3f Umeilluii >
bbls sci Isrgo Lima 4 > ic small butter 3X0
rabbaga pr B > California Us sjuact potatoes
fiaintI ai Toe
fl 0o l
II 30 pur bushel union sals per basoej U es
KltAUTFortytWl bul I7j half IW
MO4 Sli1Cbolca J alsiaaa aAia new
itrop fair to hom nee vihii sirMp w
NAWH7 koW basis 4sJ
ioper tnrulp per bushel
California 1 30 per bavbol paMolps
V 75 per butliel beoi iiiiloinls
lidliurois horse
jooperkfr 4f frkln4 d si9 WsJIrnr 40
t Mi MirfiWnWofp JfoJr
stioe nalis No 4 tmeM U HsvKo
its J lm mt
AssMtl < lfte a
Nli W f llf
Mo S greVl
breakfast ssseoniwp
hoit clear dry tstiOe
eaulmpsrlal ttMtSOci Mi
rt kM iker lluEkrJs Xo 1 sss t JJj
xlgs per nx loo om a 3iw
Ird Tltrco7o30fc esia <
Vt0110 raws 7VoS t Dtsn
SaltCoarso In baas l aMlllil
UkoIn flat boop bsrrio t
Corn raeal Per tmsasil ft
Hominy and grits Per bM M st
OatmealIor half bbl Si 7a
Cracked wheat Per a
lrg8iiio WeainossJ
x > 2irsioaXi
nYoAn tW d °
rilOUi NOOA I3
onsMoma enoe
wollo lh jm
Tors Ueaihs voo
Crackers A soda ot xxx sods
8Wo singer snaps 8011 woa orsesss I
8undrles StareU 4ei cndi botas
18 > < 0 halves quarters j si ekeaBd fir
ISctlaiieyiOalOo rop i tUsC4V ottoa
l herring vitUS
iajer SlwTi elder crab appl SSTJ
8ei vinegar 13 5ot couecntraMi MS
400 Jngs alaiod lie Pt ralKCK kssCiiT
lOo gairdrlcd
per peaches H liii ladlwTfclS
ai lduoini soottiioo per wninrCUsiuPf
mustard ll 30 KV > per ioien ii wJJSTT
litre Ionislara6i < uoVo now
Sugar Flna iwwdered bbls K l do 4i f
bbU ikj cut loaf Bjiot graijulatcd su d rt7 > j
Louisiana granulated
IMoj standaH A j2 t
chnlrowliltolsoi ublanaya 7 JW
1OULTHYTho market eonUnasi ll
lower Wo tpioto liens Jt 3i mT
jonng chickens itO iurte s W s7
t3 80iduekspedo N7JK30O
WOOL Market nominal wo imfllsi Twei
inonihscllp light rlnu nnd mcdlaii listll
heavy six moot
flno tn medium 10 < M3o fall Ono he v
fall light flno medium i coirto Mile
HlsKYllCCtltletl 1110130 as nWwwt
sour mash twojear old 11 ooai 7 thrsfj
Jl oJ 5tV Wa2 wiuold wklsly
13 3E3 OST X I F
Utsr Poilofflts
jftHBEk claity Alumnnra m
InfW W Uso NItrotts Oxide ems fer pala
ie oxtraetlon of teeth
All work sclontldcally done
Telmi te 831
J3 3P 33 O X JX X X
Practice conilnoil iq dUcnscs Of
33yo aattv XVtiwo uut antrrint
Ofllo over Kings ru RWre
Ofrinenvar rtrst NationsHank rfWOrtli T
Attornoya at Xjirtv
fHflenveT nity National Itxnk Ft WcrthTst
iVttoxuioyH nt iTjpw
OfoconvnrFirst Nsttontl Hank rt WonbTfv
N wHUii viNirr liuuusa w visir
jTiiTSxaivv imoxiiiaitw
Attornoys and Counselors at Low
Np 401 corner Main and Third strroU orcr
Steins Market Fort Wojtli Tex
ltoferencos In every Important cityfarotsiiid
upon reipjost
Special stiontlon given ta l nd litigationand
tonxaiilnlngaudpeifecilnglfliiil titles
Ontco tonihwusi cnriier Main and Second
Slroiuii Fort Worth Tiixus
II cck JJiilior
Will furnish estimates of coil on all kfsdtot
Ilullding Dialling Coanlers elo
1ort Worth Tf s
Ymi aro allnweit niVfi frfdlof flrfy ilnyiot Ike
nsffl of IJr lires CekiirstcrVoltsfo Iiell will
llertrlo KusrHnsory Arrllnjiers frja i lfdr
rsllel and ixrnmni iitcufHurArfivssJaMfaguiM
nf Vitality ndWiinfMmfulidnlUliiiliyiltrouUes
Also for runny other duesses Complols rrstorr
lionto Ifsolili Vigor and Msnhotsl iruarsntsnl
Ha risk Is lm urrnl Illu tr filpsmplilct lasrobd
tnttluj rimllml froe braililmsliig
VOLTAIC liELT CO Marsluvn JUeh
t r U UU SV f F
larsniinuni roe
Jfclnul rsB4Trliirk
pjs swl liars JrP
imi Rfor U HMt
T lS
Biom1 riwWktrs s
ICIMIKD llwo nitl4S
t t TSl mlsrsf ril
lbs si < rigstrntsi
B f rrfl rT jSC Tl4
llifMII nli M > rw < wl > l
hUBtllUI ir l l >
nnpli suj sa l > ittrt
0014 W Tsotn fit OT MOB J
r > 11 OTUtlKU PEBOONBlMni f r
11 Ur AXror trms efoir Xpillsjc
5isn > < 5Va via wss isa iA
Cl 7 Bt Charles Street Sf Lnu
Iis < M I Iirriis iLVfflSttSSSJaLs
llss sr isw rfc7UItt m ip7
3KI v s irVU si SI lrMHs Vs
7l > kllli fienerrates S SrSS
Ksptars i il 7EV25
< s4
ills I
lf J >
fr rZZiLiSkl
Mir s r ifi l l ssd
ilwi kissi w s i iRS < pSSwi
jktslMl 4w j M IS f H S uAi
I < rrtru
Km CssssruiUastsaisssf >
> l dly l i r W srlslss r ls
ill Drlssry
its esrsd f Ilh
w s ll l Issssrsalsst IstWI IJJjW
sw rssuef
t st sirta ssJ
l a V J fJjuS r MWa H
M l

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