OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, February 14, 1886, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-02-14/ed-1/seq-8/

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K 11
1 fi V
ir voo juo hot oht tiik mazkttk
J For Mayor
TUB GA turns l > authorized to announce Iho
unmu of As J Obarnucra ni a candldato for ttio
omco of mayor of tho city of Foil Worth nttbo
oinning election
tllR 0A7KTTE 1 authorliod to annonnro Iho
name of Dr H S llrolloa as ft eandlilato for
tlio offloo ot ni Tor of thu city of rort orth nt
the cntulng oloctlou
At tho Grand Rlowart llarrlnon rltyj lol
tcrKlnhorHan Francisco T C ItcmV till
Tinlsi John McNcl Kanifta Iltvj William
llftrillnpllllnnl O Jt lA > oOMnK JIjitmii
U > n W I Itnimiaii Iir W II I avl city r
K IHaioIl Denver A ro t tVorth railroad It
tMllnliop Doramr 0 Crate II A Oialn Ton
n ooi J > iiumcr William Nut Miauls
Attliollckwlck llTty J tntiatt Saliov
ton M K OirrtiK Dayloa Ohio K Kortifty
IJHIiviOlnMft II cnnaril T A i It It l >
Martin uitalloy st mihr t w Jonien
ColornU Tax i J lamllot Nlnr JorkJoh
ItJrownlnz Cinclunall F v llctluir Now
Orloaiu > Huffman NowVork M F
icllo Mmnplili W F Illanilo nxPril IIMvuilln
IrftuMnnn ttidckcotflfian V A Stark N
YorkiM A Oaton i Ichurnc J I fltwt In
tllli > Territory tt Jlorrl oii Crocnvllio Dan
A Httiart Dallas U a I xo Hinvor II
Sanlwrnioitstnn lri W W Iyli Mliw 8
Mlon llnawlivlil Ky J A < ordonorn ur
M If llaluurooil Hunrkim I Kchurt Allen
Urtroltt J 4 imiplotmi It Ilomomt Hen
rlctwrwil aw 0 JNrrlsi ncratnriT N tinnil
lDu J y Wllltlntonbl Uiuli John Hounnl
wlfoiuvl hlltj oly 0 0 Ilumrlll W II WD
llama UalnosvlllniO ACunwell St IaiuIii l d
Minrji Mrrlrtlatt F 0 liurko 1 U Jolin
Dallns If J I Inorlfro jalvonton r D >
l r DatlnnOhlo Juliii J ildillnia llnnU
11 D DuliotryOalncsvllloJohn liuiler Clu
AttboMamlnn It M Mnyra SanAntofllo
T 0 illshoi cltjl A II > mllh Now York
Kilfwr Johiulon 81 Ixiuli M F Oo ullo
Muiiilits J H Tlmlall anil tlaiiKhlpr Itowlu
Tax II U HoilgoiloljurnoT it jJ W Hay
ftiilllnoJIoundTox W llHlack Hi 1iula
W Y I Jiunclfi tlaltiniurts W llln wnrlii
WI1 llritnCtfbnrno NuU AnJrrton Hnr
roldTox iJ W llnoth Dofntiir Ttlfl F ill
Davla Wichita Fallai IT Doiipln crnon
T Jt OonnorJtoluRlo W It llimon imntal
Jprvlooj John Jonnson Willlant llowanl
JIlR Rprlngj W II Wllllama nlu > s lllu
T I Mnrrr Iirapcvlno J lllci rilalaUr
tOll HufnaV Klnjj llcltuni II llomit > r Hal
vnntorti M Ioiion Dllaa John i Union
Uotbnrlnjra Ark J B IoHiill onalliiMoi
N II Ilo fir loxas Crntnarallrouili J T
WoodfordCudar Koy Ftai I AThominon
Tnllahanco ria uro Mullor Thutnan
ylllo Uat 0 It Klnjr Hun boll Tonn
Goor o T HnndtraoR illrmlnglmm Alai
A O Koar WUrlilt J T Llicrbak
l uUt Jamoa V Kolicrtnon Wcrlillnn K 1
Andir on tt IouUj j mos W Donald on
IHfatuij J 13 Polloa Detroit J J Maua
rtolil AthensTtnn J W Hale OhlcaRo J
Y llurKiia lliau Mound J K lllKKor Tex
avkanat W D o o J I Io o Docalur A
N Hl P < Lr r > J olou > John JUIddlngskn
nls WT Fcnn Jlovtlo
Ad unufiial number of commercial
tnuclors aro rcRlatctud at tlio Grnml Iio
tol totla >
ff bo nvoraso email boy will Hoon hhU
tho mntornnl consent to ko1 k bnrciootcd
It this prosoDtwuatlior holds out
Dr Ilowman n promlnuut tllvino from
Oaliicsvlllo will nddrcB tho Yomm
Mens Christian association thin aftur
noon nt 8 jHO oclock
0 W Aloxandcr secretary ot tho
Mechanics Ilulhllng and Loan nssocla
tlou haa moved his olllco to Klr t street
ootweon Maiu and Uotinton
Tarrant county will have BomcthliiK to
ay regard o tho olcctlon of a BUito
senator this fall mid there lsji worthy
and compotout gentleman mentioned for
the position
Oflicer J W OollluH Injured his rlcht
leg quite Hcrioii ly Friday nlcht falllnir
over some bngKaKo at the Union
Ho wib tinnhlo to continue on duty but
bo out
may tonight
ltev 11 M Tlnnon ronmrVod yesterday
that tho subBcrlptlous to tho proposed
i > 0000 church wore Htcadlly augiuctitlut
and that tho friends of tlio measuio wcro
never moro nanguliio of succosh
Uusk street Is bcliiR beautifully Im
proved no 1h Wonlheiford so la rast
Vourth fltroet Tho work la of the sort
that will endure nnd la only another
uvitlonco of mctroolItan grentnosa
Thoownoraof the llcktvlck are llkoly
pnt on thoso two additional atoriea ut
un early dnto ami thua rIvo tho city what
Ithaslonu needed In thu way of a llrat
elasa hotel Apropos of thla mnttcr tho
work on Mr Kills bulldlutr Is belna lap
Idly pushed
Mrs JM lou living ncar Crowley
had her pocket picked on tho amiaro Vrl
day ami 85 and n gold ring stolen Two
Jialttlollara In tho pocketbook were
joined in 1888 nnd through them the
thief may be caught
Tim charge of swindling ngalnat 1 A
Odonholmor lm been withdrawn by tlio
complainant Luke Short tho matter hav
ing been compromised between thorn
Odcnholmer pavo Short a cheek for 8500
Inlleu of the 8700 lnrolrcd In the cnae
Mr l M Olea tho popular uptowu
barber has rooponetl a new barber shop
nt 30G Houston street botwecu Flrt aud
Second He has lltted it tip with band
dome furniture and with his corps of
tounorlal artlsta will conduct just tho
kind ot a shop that tho public delight In
Thoro aro a number of wellknown
citUena who have been urging a certain
prominent young cltUen who not many
months ago huld a city olllco tn run for
mayor but It It tindoratood that up to
prcaont time ho his declined to run Tho
gentleman however appreciates tho
good will of his many frleutla
Tho evening school at tho lluslnefs m
lego tsi well patronized na It should be
Thoro nro n great many young men and
boya Hi tho city that would bo grititly
benefited if they would only apind their
evenings In thla way 1rof Irultt lu
forma uh that all of the Ungllsli ns welt
uh the commercial branches are taught
Our yonug mon should not let this op
portunity pass
Mr K M Van Zaudl who has illlrd so
creditably tho place of tenor In the Kpls
cOpnl choir has rcslgued and will buauo
ceoded tOday by Mr Y T Maglnnts
Tho latter la recognized In muMcal ot
olea rb one of the best tenora In the city
aud thus St Andrews gains as It also
Joaea tin excellent voice Mr Maglnuls
will contluuo his connection with tho
Catholic choir
lFnsot < Aii
1IW Frank Bntwor aud Mrs Coleman
raturued ypaterday from a visit to Jtowlo
Mr F FVator n clover aud outer
talnlnft traveling man representing tho
Atlas Knglno works of Indianapolis was
ucallur hVTiik Gaskttk olllco ycBterday
Mr Qodfrcy Ilsbcr a knight of the
ngrip rora tlio j oldon gate and a capital
representative of that noble army waa
jiiyqui the visitors at Tim OiruTrK
rooms ycsterky
Mrl > onOi KeodUam whoso homo Is
Ut tho twr l land til Dakota aud Yrho
Would Hot Tcsas if the people down
litisWjr > k > uM only consent to the ad
rtissiioB i Utt lorsa territory Into tho
Moo t > W M r t this olllco
m < rJ
Rovlrol Kz rclarS
Iter A A Allison ot tho Fourth Street
Methodist church announces tho opening
of revival jneetlngx to be continued at
his church througnout tho week ltev
Mr Wells of Wcathorford will preach this
morning nnd tdulght Tho public la
heartily invited to como out
Ptutur riro
Yesterday afternoon the lire alarm was
given from box T that being tho nearest
box to tho wellknown pasture of Cnpt
Evans where tho flro was This la one
of the richest bodies of land In tho coun
try and a portion of the line grass was
turned oil Tho damage douo was not
Yfnnteri In Illinois
An Important arrest was made yester
day by OUIcers Scott and Iluchaunn who
brought In from Smltbfleld In this
county William alias Dug Wilson
wanted lu Salem 111 for grand larcony
Wilson was nrrcsled on n telegram from
thu sheriff of Marlon county III who
will como after him at once with extradi
tion papers
MrssliiH Uehinranls
The Choral society will rchearao tho
Messiah at the Cumberland Lrrsbyterlan
uliurch tomorrow Monday night liud
at tho operahou o next Friday nt 380
p m with tho orchestra Tho result of
last weeks rehearsals waa most gKitlfj
lug to Mr Summervllloaiid all concerned
being Htrcngthcncd by valuahlo voice
nd u largo attendance Fort Worth and
Dallas will both furnish material for tho
Tim rosllvnl linrilo
Tho closing night of Klrmes was at
tended by a splendid gathering of the
youth beauty and culture ot tho city
and was a happy culmination of n social
event ot no ordinary brilliancy An
elaborate description has lo bo omitted
ilnoimli necessity until Mondays Inane
Tub Uuith eonsratuktes thu lidiea
of St Andrews on thdr triumph for It
waa n triumph brought about by their
consummate management exquisite
good tuate and benevolent hearts
lloiinil Ovor
The examining trial of 0 J Kaalman
and Dan Cmmnlngs charged with rob
iilnc Ambrose Parks of something like
S200 took place beforo Juhtlco Zlnn ye
turdny afternoon MUllo Davenport an
accomplice In the crime wus permitted
to turn statos evidence and her testi
mony charged thu crime against Cum
mlngs Tlio latter was bound ovor lu the
oim ofSlOOnnd Kastmaus bond llxed at
S300 In delimit of which they wero both
remanded to Jail Tho woman was re
quired to glvo n bond of 9200 to nppear
as witness In tho case
Dinoilllcn tho llllCK
Friday night Joo Mlgnon went Into the
St Johns saloon on Maiu nnd Thirteenth
street and engaged In some game of
chanco with one or moro of tho Inmates
In a llttlo whllo a quarrel arose about 40
cents when one of tho men who hang
around tho placo drew a pistol and ilred
at Mlgnon but fortunately missed him
Olllcer Cokor was quickly on the scene
and took Mlgnon In charge and states
that whllo ho had hold ot him one of tho
men tried to jump on Mlgnon to beat
him but of course Cokor would not
stand thla and would have taken severe
meiisurea had tho attempt been pushed
Olllcer Cokcr aud In fact all the oillcera
denounce this placo nB a torrlbly bad
den which should bo nbated Mr Coker
made diligent Inquiries ns to who tired
thu ahot but wns unsuccessful In locat
ing tho mau
IVlmt Dors Fort Worth KnyT
UniTon 07BfTEi The committee np
pointed by tho Tarruut County Farmers
alliance to select n proper slto for an alll
auco cottonyard visited several of the
nromlneut busluoss men In tho city of
Fort Worth on tho 80th of January Tho
visited parties uro aomo of the strong
est business men and propurtyholdors In
the oily Tho commltteo Informed each
party visited that It Is tho Intention of tho
ulllanco to establish a cottouyard so that
farmers may have a placo to stoio their
cotton uud that farmora may keep con
stantly posted as to tho state of tho mar
ket Qticatlons its follows were then put
by tho committee t
1 Do you think that by having u cot
tonyard and overseeing tho snlo of their
cotton farmers would have any advantage
over the old methods of soiling to specu
a Do you bellevo that by the cstab
llshment of aucluiynrd Fort Worlh would
receive any direct bunelltV
a Aro not farmers Injured by depend
ing on market reports which tiro pub
lished by parties who speculate In their
4 Would there be any saving to farm
ers If they Huouldnrniugotosull thelrcot
ton direct to spinners and thus cutout
street buyers
6 Aro you willing to liolp lease or buy
it cotton yard for the alliance In your
Tho llrat four of these questions wero
uniformly answered In tho ntllrmatlvo
Uut the lust question are you willing to
help buy or rent a yard waa
not so readily answered by
all One man said ho would
help rent but that ho would not give n
cent to help buyajard This was lu
substance tho answer ot two others
Tin so pal ties admitted hat they halt
paid largo stuns ot money to rallioads
ami other enterprises but they nro not
willing thatthoalllaucoof farmers should
own u cottonjatd In Fort Worlh hy their
help How does thla sound Onu man
who has made himself rich oft of tho
farmers said It la owing to how It Is
managed whether t will glvo nnythlug or
not The committee Informed him that
It will bo managed by tho Fanners alli
A mojotlty of tho melt visited nuy they
will help Vet tho question Is tiefoi ° u us
What wilt Fort Worlh do Tho Tar
rant county alliance Is dotormlnod to es
tablish a cottonjard at Fort Worth Dal
las or some other point We ask the
parties In Jort Worth who nro Interested
lu the coining cotton crop to agitato this
question until It can bo determined
whether bort Worth Is for the farmer or
tho coming cotion sharks Wo sugaest
that It will not bo well to disregard the
wautMot an organization which Is 8000
strong In Tarrant county and whloh la
rapidly enlisting every good man who
tills tho soil itvspecttuUy
W It WltlOUT
11 F Mount
When Mlui Annlo llxley came on tho
stage of the Grand operahouse In her
raga as Mllss last evening it scorned as
It the walls of tho massive building would
crack so deafening wus tho applause be
towed upon her She was so affected
by thoVarinth of tho reception that she
could hardly speak her lines Tho drama
la In slang parlanco a chestnut but
so good n ono that the public will not let
her drop It from her repertory Every
body lias seen It and yet evetybody
and their cousins go ngdn and
again to see It and laugh with
and cry nt Mllss und her eipcr and
troubles Mtes llxley Isloottlug spkn
didlyhcr sojourn abroad evidently having
agreed with her As Mllss she was tho
same jolly goodbcarUid harumscarum
girl and acted with more spirit than she
bad for some time beforo leaving homo
Her singing voice always a charm la now
better than before showing that whllo
enjoying recreation shO bad not
neglected her art Tho drama went with
a pitapat without bitch or wait every
body being upon their mct to do their
best nnd it was douo Mr Harry Mere
dith sterling actor was as humorously
forcible oa Yuba Ulllns could bo wUhcd
for and made tho most ot tho points lu
tho character and play that fell to his
shareNew York Dally News October
JO 1886
IKO 61000 HOT
Tiik Oazfttf s readers will remem
ber au article In yesterdays Issue nar
rating tho alleged loss ot n roll contain
ing 810BO by a Mr OIn of Farkercbunty
It will bo remembered that tho money
was tho proceeds of forty head
of cattle which Oinsold to Messrs Stone
and Ootzandancrof thla city Gin did
not represent the cattle na his own prop
erty but claimed lo be acting for Lalug
Taeltltt of Wcathorford tho owners of
tho cattle Ho left Fort Worth Thma
day evening and did not as ho says mlsa
his money until In tho presence of Mr
Tackltt lu Wcathorford On reaching for
his pocketbonk to hand over tho money
It dlont materialize Then carh
the next morning ho and Tackltt came
back to Fort Worth and tho latter picked
up thu lost book on tho platform ot the
Union depot but lu It never a cent
Then some criminations and recrimina
tions occurred but nothing was done
till jeaterday when Mr Jas ralug of the
llrm mentioned above camo to the city to
seek legal advice whereby bo might got
bick the catllo that Gin sold or their
equivalent lu cash
Mr Iulng matto no bones of express
ing hla utter disbelief In GIna story aud
loudly raised tho cry of fraud In fact
be created qulto a little scene In a store
on thu square and a policeman thinking
there wus going to bo trouble Inter
fered to maintain tho peace Tlio
gentleman then brought suit for the value
of the call In and got out sequestration
papers which tho shoilff executed during
the d ty It Is understood that Mr Iaing
claims thai Gin waa not authorized to sell
ho cattle but waa only given charge of
them to pasture Gin on theotherlmud
accrtu that he bought thorn on a
credit and had a perfect right to sell
hem that his loss of tho money was a
misfortune but no cilmo Of course
Mestri Stone and Getzaudaner being In
nocent purchasers lining paid for thu
cattle In good faith dont pioposo to sur
render thu cattle without a contest ns
that would throw the loss of the 81050
upon them
It Is but just to Gin to
say that ho Is spoken ot by
hia neighbors as a squaro man aud
It la by no means lmprobablo that it was
an honest loss Still that will bo an ex
ceedingly dilllcult matter to over settle
satisfactorily since there Isnt ono chance
In u hundred that tho money will over
turn up The light will bo between
Lalng A Tackltt and Stone Gutnndauor
lu thu district court nnd tho whole ques
tion hinges upon thla Did Gin really
navouuthorlty to sell the cattle That
Is solely a matter of proof that n jury
will have to determine
AN lilt 1 OHIO DAY
Tho date borno by this mornings Ga
zi ttk marks tho anniversary of a day
which without commemorating anv sin
gle great or noteworthy event so far as
Is positively known nevertheless has
managed from somo causo to retain u
llrm huld upon humanity Us place lu the
calendar ot memorable days seems pretty
well established although tho manner of
Its observant has of course grcutly
clmugetl wllh tho centuries that have lied
since the birth ot tho Institution
Thoro la a tradition that ascribes the
cejebratlou as having originated In honor
oi StValeutlnua a bishop who lost his
head A D 270 at tho time of tho Claud
Ian poiseditions at liomo Another
authority says that tho connection
of tho day with tho saint mentioned la
purely accidental There aro btlll
others who think that It waa handed
down to us from tho old llomana who
dining tho IuperCitlla which took
placo lit Fobrnary wero wont to put the
names of young women In a box and
hnvo tho jouugmen to oraw therefrom
each gottlng such a partner aa chance
might allot him Hut It Is
Inr moro probablo that thu
real origin of thu day comes
from a universal principle lu humanity
a sort of natiiit religion which sprunu
from it recognition of tho season as theu
tho birds aro said to mate and the whole
world awaits tho coming of tho truns
tormer spring
In merry Kngland far meriler than
now tn Scotland and In parts of
Franco tho tlay was festal
ono and brought about no llttlo
rejoicing among tho youug Tho custom
waa for a mtniber ot yoims folks of both
soxes to assemble and write upon little
bllleta tho names of nil equal number of
maids and bachelors of their acquaint
ance thiow the wlmlu Into somo sort of
a receptacle and theu draw them out like
a lottery each ot courso gettlug ono of
tho opposite sex Tho poison thus drawn
became tho drawers valentine A neces
sary result was that for a whole year a
Ivolielur remained bound to thu service
ot his fair Valentino aud thus thu Imag
inary or plaj tn engagement ofteu brought
about a pertnan ut union
HOW 1H11Y 1 > 0 NOW
A Gazktiii man who poured ovor somo
fortynlno panes of antique history to col
late thu facts synopslzed above couldnt
help but remark to himself that there
was n terrible degeneracy In thla valen
tluo business So much so that ho wn
ready to exclaim with tho lament d
Olcoro O temporal O mores I or words
to that effect Ilia Mews on tho subject
ot tho vicious modern methods that
marred tho beautiful day destroying all
symbolic nicinluir woro Intensified by
thrwa Graceful and tender llttlo missives
that bo theu carried In his inner pocket
waiting tor a good chanco to cremate
They severally represented him as a bum
ot tho most villainous tjp a wile
beater and a horuethlef the
choice poctlo siHillmtnts con
vey lug thoso endearing epithets Do
ing appropriately Illustrated by
somo artistic outs that oxen his bitterest
enemy It truthful wouldnt agree was
Hut thats only ono side tho comic
Whllo all tho quaint ceremonials aud by
gone antics of out good anctstors havo
utterly vanished there Isnt a doubt that
to tho young It Is yet a sweet anil senti
mental day a day bringing to many shy
whisperings of au epoch tho most Impor
tant In tho lives ot all good men aud
womon the llrst unfolding of loves
young dream
Now KmurnUttrlra
Wc are just In receipt ot tho largest
nnd most complete lino of Hamburg
Nainsook and Swiss tmbrolderles over
brought to this city Our prices will bo
found wonderfully low
Dr J McTMati Confident of Hcmoilng Jt
AGazettk leporter accompaulcd Dr
Mclelsh en a professional visit to a pa
tlent ot tho doctors now under treatment
by him at tho Ingld house this city
Miss S E Jones of Wcathorford Tex
who camo here one week ago to bo treated
for a most remarkable fungus growth
upon tho left breast or moro correctly
spMklng from the aide tho entire breast
having been removed within tho past year
and tho present growth being anoffihoot
as it wore of tho old cicatrice and hav
ing within the short space of thrco months
attained an almost Incredible size Its
actual measurement sixteen inches in cir
cumference at tho base gradually enlarg
ing to twenty Inches at tho largest point
and measuring lu a direct lino from Its at
tachment at tho body to the cxtrcmo apex
ton Inches For about four Inches from
tho bsse the color was white from j
that point it roado a com
plcto elbow turn pointing to
wards tho shoulder having tho
smooth shiny appearance of a bladder
distended almost to bursting with a
seemingly dark red blood substance
After examination tho doctor diagnosed
tho case aa ono of that species of cancer
so rarely mot with thu funges brums
tode and having obtained the consent of
the patient had photographs ot It taken
by tho artist Mr Itlilnc tho peculiar
features of tho case being such as to ren
der It Interesting to the medical profes
sion several of whom havo visited tin
patient Tho doctor has only mot with
two similar cases during his extendve
practice of many years Ho madu bis
llrat application for tho removal of the
diseased mass on Sunday last and re
markable though It may seem tho ladi
thus far has suffered no pain or lucon
venlcnce and in the course of a few dajs
tho unsightly growth will havo been en
tirely removed
B i
Ladles misses and childrens IioIcit
of all kinds just received by llandall
Chambers Co
Icecold soda and mineral water at E
M Wellsdrug store COO Houston street
White and fancy shirts made to order
nt Thomas Fourth and Houston
i Mil
Notice to tlio Fiiullc
This Is to certify that 1 havo this day
sold all my claims Intelests and good
will In thu Texas Commercial Heporter
and Commercial Publishing company to
Oranvllle H Martin
Fort Worth Tex Fob 12188C
K M Hum
Iteferrlng to the abovo I deslic first of
all to return my sincere thanks to the
business men of this city for their kind
and highly appreciated favors of tho past
oUd will endeavor by furnishing a llrst
clasa commercial paper to push and In
ctcaso tlio building up of Fort Worth un
til It becomes oven larger thau tho city
from which It derives Its title tho Chica
go of the Southwest I have no apolo
gies or excuses to oiler or any great vari
ety of promises to make but cxteud to
all whether it bo enemy or friend my
best wishes for their future happiness 1
tun hero to stay nnd aa said beforo can
bo counted lu tho rlug for tho senson on
tho basis everything strictly business
Gentlemen desiring perfectflttlug
shirts made to order go and see Thomas
Icecold soda and mineral water at K
M Wells drug store 600 Houston street
For tho latest novelties lu fancy goods
ot all kinds go to llandall Chambers
Co s
Dahlman llros are ready for spring
Spnclnl lllcid
The popular huidwaro llrm of Johnson
Tally aro literally packing their ca
pacious salesrooiy with saleable goods
that wcro bought at astonishingly low
prices Among tho ai tides singled out
that Indicate how low they are prepared
to go wo mention plowsteels that aro
just now In creat demand and lion and
wood wagon wotk which Hilda ready salo
at aity aud all seasons An nc
qualntancowith regular rates on these
goods enables tho writer to state posi
tively that they havo made prices whloh
placo them beyond tho point of legitimate
On stepladders thoy go their compet
itors ono better to uso a Texas phrase
and ivo tho buyer a clearcut advantage
of 20 per cent as ugalnst regular rates
To euumernto the special bargains that
await tho puichaser at this house would re
quire a moro extended notice and the
pin pose ot this Is merely to direct tho
attention ot thoso Interested to tho fact
that they aro preparlug for an Immense
aprlug trade aud uro offering induce
ments that aro well worth consideration
Icecold soda and mineral water at K
M Wells drug btore BOO Houston Nlreot
Onslno Itcstnurniit
Board only 160 per week Itesular
meals 26 cents Fatasjoupleaso tickets
aa usual SI discount No better meal
to ou had any where at double the price
This Is also a firstclass orderhouse and
nil orders will hereafter bo under Mr
Danlas personal Inspection before being
served Opposite tho postolllcc
New turnlttiro la being received every
day by llranch tho furniture dealer at
SOS Houbtou struct
Ice cold sodaindmineral water ut U
M Wells drug store 600 Houston street
For he latest novelties In fancy goods
of all kinds go to llandall Chambers
Co s
Mr Frank Kelly Is no lcigor lu our
employ Wo will not no responsible tor
any contract ho may mnke and will not
honor any onifts made by him on us
HiNHMtorF Stfux Lavkk Co
Cincinnati U
Jones patent ventilated truss Kaslly
adjusted K M Wells drug storo
Flegant bodroom suits cheaper thau
ever before nt tho furniture house of
llranch 803 Houston street
Ico cold soda and mineral water tit K
M Wells drug store 609 Houston street
Itliltioa Kllle Stuilla
Formerly Mlgnons Art Gallery ever
ready for the reception of customers
Wo roako nono but strictly llretclaa
work from llfeslzu to smallest locket
picture of the latest stylo and finish
Would respectfully solicit > our patron
Dout Forc t
The Fort Worth Grocer Co aro still
selling moro goods better goods and
chenper goods than ever Wo solclt
your trade and offer yon tho best stock
ot groceries In North Texas to select
Tho tHorctord s the best 6ccnt cigar
made Sold by 3 II lloulbac
Gentlemen dcslrlug perlectattlng
shirts wado to order go ami see Thomas
i i >
Absolutely Pure
This powder notcr vanes A marvel ot
parity stronBth and wlioleeomoness Moro
economical than tho ordinary kind and cannnt
boaoldln Uimiiolitlon wllh tho multltudo of
low test short weight alnm orpho i > hato pow
ders SoM oify in c j HOVAl I1 MM
IOWDKIt CO left Wall Street liow York
Mrs Drown assures her
frioiulo and patrons that
her stock of goods i or In
dies wear for tho coming
spring shall not ho in
ferior to Unit of any
otliov house in Tixns
Mrs Brown returns her
sincere tunnies for the lib
eral patronage heretofore
extended toliorand prom
ises to do her host to de
serve a continuance of the
same in the future
Her new goods are ar
riving dally
Ono Piano for rent
Saleof HolsteinCattle
IX obcdlonco to an order ot tho chancery
court ot Shelby county Tonn In tho cause
of J T Fargason et in a W L Archibald et
at I will on
Wednesday February 171886
In Memphis Tonn olfer for salo at pnbllc auc
tion without ro cno 10 hoad of Imp rtcd
llolstoln cattle consisting of ihlrtylhrcahcad
of twocarold heifer all crud and will
drop calves this spring thrco twoyear old
bulls ten hull calves j cartings tho balance
yearling holfcrs
Thoso cattle wero selected from tho best
herds In HoPand by W L Archlbald Son
and nro reulstcrcd In tliiiJfonh American
llolstclu Ileglstryand Uattla breeders associa
l will sell at prUato fiio until tlio 17th of
Februarynnd will then sell balance on hand
at publlo auction without rcsa vo
Dc crlitlvo cataloguoswlll bo furnished on
PSAll salon for cash
K 11 Mcllnfiiivltccelvcr
292 Second mrcot Memphis Tcuu
First appcaranco Iioro of tho distinguished
Annie Pixley
Assisted by n Oraraatl company of unnsual
cxo llonce now making her oat success
fu tour or tho U It d talcspresenting
tho grentostot American buccciscs
Child of ilio SWms
Miss llxley will tntroduco tho nawost songs
and lnudleyssurccsicsof iho I ondonand lMrla
stages arranged oxprossly for her
The Texas Tarantula
Tho Only 111stratefl Paper in Texas
sunscitirnoN J200 pfh axmjji
Tho Toxas Tarantula Is an eightpage six
column paper containing moro original humor
and a greater xarlcty of choice literary pro
ductions than any pnbltcutlo In tho South
Liberal terms lo ngonls Address all cmnmn
locations to MIKV LIN ItYltJxE
Publishers Texas Tarantula Dallas Tc
Dlililmmi llros llindy Tor the Spring
Messrs Dahlman Bros the most
tenslvo clothiers aud merchant tailors In
tho state mo now receiving an immense
stock of spring sultluts Their sell ctlou
for this season surpasses anything of the
kind yet shown In tho city ami when
they had finished draping thu rack that
displays thel piece goods nt a lato hour
last evening It picsented a picture that
was well worth elite Moro than a
htiudml autt eighty different styles and
shades of color wero in
represented tho
collection and tho arrangement of iho
goods showed tho handiwork of au artist
Haying past tho point ot
competition In
their tallorlus department thoy aro
making aults to order
that aro absolutely
faultless In style Ut and finish and havo
put prices for tho prosent season partic
ularly low Their cutter la beyond ques
tiononeof tho tlncst In tho South aud
tho most fastidious may placo their order
with this popular house and then rest
easy whllo tho square cloth la assuming
the hapo of a suit
All lor Until
Old Norr
Uoncyoftla V 1 1
PreservesInIsrjimported < > fullJu xr isortcd Joo lo
Jlnckln soups assorted 40
Ollvo nil pints JS
Maple syrup I gallon cans 1 s i m
March lump pound j5 2
ltlce chol u 5 2
litre prime J I
ioticdhaiist tin r
salmonbest ouMUt
OftCrROF Cfttotom l JX ix
l 1pju > > tubs S Ah
lleefdrlfd hy i0
rtinulatedsuitar 13 b 1 cT
Asujar 11X r 4 Joo
Corner Fourth and Houston
11W ElfII
Even now wo nro preparing for thy coming inasmuch
godds to be worn in your Boason that will far u
J 111 I boon tix li < V here t 11
goods that has ever brought for publio consnam 8
perfcot aB shall also tho fit and workmanship whilst tho nrnw t 1
with tho real qualities of tho goods and aa low as tho nnW i
sinco thonsweet spring might porchance dolay thy Mmin 1 <
allow us to forsake theo for a moment and sayto the1 Rood S1
we still havo a few winter goods left whioii wo aro ott daSf
oloso them out Bargains m Gonta nnd Boys OlothineiJ MESNil
easily found on our countors Wo aro as of yore iiZI
Corner Houston and Fourth Streets
3LiX SAl > Xa tS OF XOW Wr
WJhjIcsiiIo nml Itolnil Denier in
Pocket and Table Cutlery
Offers as Bargains in His China Departm f >
A Combination Dinner Breakfast and Tea Set English Chirsy
body decorated in Brown or Blue containing 142 pieckJiX
An English China Ivory body Chamber Sot decorated in Brwu
Blue 10 pieces
A Coin Gold Band China Tea Sot 44 pieces
Kos 2102122M Honston cor Seii
70S ZVEctiia Stroot
Embracing the Latest and Most Elegant Designs In J
BedBoom nJ Parlor i
And will moot the wants of those desirinn less coilly ow
Tlio public arc resppcifully requested lo call and ijispwit
whether you desiro to purchase or not
Carries a largo and complete stocK of
Drugs Patent medicines Toilet Articles
Books Stationery Etc
GOODS < > <
Kvery person purchasing 200 worth of goodB will ho entitled to a H 1 m
for tho which tnles pi coat the
10255075c and 100 NOVELTY
On tlio 1st I > of Jmiei J880 >
E GEO BETZ Proprietor
Member Aot
Ticket WJjSJlfl
S3 3 3Ft
QQ8 TMCgvlxi St
315 Houston gtpeot
kEWs °
H ud g port w ytfe
< > W if

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