ungbession dorm his Mo on AIi xroasetl on tho Subject of yrsnls to tho Itnllroml Coiapantcs HnncockHeMo of fl n if U ltnrkr < < VIAV ConRreM T E Tho following hAViio by tlto sp fii i tiaxo tho ho ilcsldcul pcfotary STi n P oI th0 uate directed to comnuul rloe P of nU papSr ilc In tho interior a of all pa > ° wnIctt havc dlltoanyollWrof that de t Sloe tlfo olllolal and per iSfoPlItniy Ward contluutuco Indian I transmit in tho depart 2 nSewund to bo embraced Tho KpirtmcntbyllehryWard llJindw tho clerical forco ol and otherwise Irtoeatf limited K Ihavodteraed t est to f to artJlnal report As thoy at o liwainlt d In tiansactlous of ILfottbe department I hau I tawaocst that they Do returned rlM < oun i they aro no lougur I directed Vbjthe senate am sdMent to Say that Ictto tho resolution Is to lu Tube reasons tor the suspension hri these pipers nio not to bo < iu constituting nil tho cvl IgbmltUd to him in relation I I in a directed by tho pres liir that h does not consider it It with tho public Interest to copies ot unolllelal papers from Ituensheldln my custody for llrelite exclusively to tho sua If the Incumbent fare 291 lnclosurcs The letter lsptoTln papers weio referred InniHtwum Indian affairs lulr laid befoio tho smato a la tbe secretary of the Ulterior lite Secretary Lamars letter kiiDTlug pipo s wore referred lamlUgeon Indian nffilrs Lie presented a bill which was W tho committee on pnbllc Irrhtlai to the taxation lid lands and for other pur < it Itiwley said tho bill 1 a wry serious subject An LlyHrRO quantity of land per MO square miles hud been otho Northern Pacific railroad bat It was pro Ided by nn try act ot congress that no jihonld issue for tho land EM the payment by tho of all lees relating to Ijf ttc Tho fee was only about jinn acre The rallioad com Ipild the fees upon only about Erea of its Immciisu crauts but It rthdfM proceeded to give to f irauiy deeds tor many millions itUad The company had In gat property enough to try and Millies mid cities upon Its own Actions Tnese lauds that tho comeyed by warran 19 had been s ttlcd upon lioved ami In many caes plpowa upon them It turns twiliy a recent decision Ol the court ol tho United States ihtse millions of ncies woro tax Is ttioasglv en by that couit ItrtMble but congress should IJt provide by law a remedy for ltj involved Tho railroad reused to pay the three icroatititbo comnmulties iutcr Morecounted themselves with i Power ol tautlon Some IPWplc howoter hart paid lupeoplo wero without remedy iMira corpuritlotis being luigo Si paid taxes uhder protentnnd ItbU thus been protected the i f bcl tv d by mauy to have f thesuucstIon of the rati M Counties and coinmunt ptore were now liable to j cltlm for taes that had M besides which about Imt their tav list had been wd they woro nlmost bank P people luturestfd had ex MMernatlon with tho lallroad w the general laud otllco ot pwnt One declined to take PttlODfor one reason tho other 11 J0 nnrt o oaly help for Iietlbns matter lay with con iWitk added that but dnehalf ctbo liadbcon iii oarage Ir 11 mll oal ly the West lir Flm o enso Ho wn IWIJwIevH bill Introduced i rj ld tho fault lay with cou T ecuttvo departments of wathad for years boon report s > the full measure ol the w and requested legislation wcn1 > 0 t0 Protect the 1w uerePorls > ntt1c to con gl ecretary of tho In Wecthad been plainly set ofylig ovll and L remedied by congress tho floor and re LT tnsatnst thoconstitH i ailI5 tducatlonal bill IthQha1 oItun beard it p C01 ° ° tuo South U ot > l imU 08lavcs wh0 bad lithMr ho ruollon and WtLi21 ted that on too i pe and tha Ftte i t ° alIctl aua fttlnt J Uat these leaders Kutt Iwd < thii pics Ml and Jtbit 1 cbaractorlzed the eitL1S lototho oath t l NinthIlhcr 8rtW ol ° r Ki 6110 nty u o wAUlflcm thc ° would anQ woul lcai1 ntainn to WiSXTS IyheontenneU OfganUed hell between wo ceneral government P SortthB Peoploof tho K otih SMn frenzied with tor iODtal ° oil tho floor AewYort from the com mltteo on foreign affairs retorted roM lutlon calling on the otcretary otataf for of itlj copiip correspondence between lift department and representatives of the governrncnts of IJciglum Denmark Per mauy rortucal 8cdcn ahd Nonrt r relating to c alms of ad governmento fn be accorded J eduction of tonoogo dne < < ff0 United i ° vwl cntcrlug ports ot Vri B rrSfi < < V < r M C AdoC tidafiCCn01 ° Ppinsact Under tho call ot states the following bills were Introduced and referredi By Mr Morrison of llllnolst To re duce the tariff Ily Mr 1uHtziT ot Now York tho fol lowing reflations Kesoh d that tho resolution for tho oreatlon of a select committee submitted by Mr Ilanback of Kansas be so amended as to authorize said committee to Inquire whether any of tbo telephone companies have In any way influenced or attempted to Influence ofllcinls or olllolal action through newspaper tr tides from Interested or Im proper motives nl o whether any ot these corporations or their reprceututhos hau contributed money for political campaign purposes upon an agr < ement that a certain person acceptable to thuinnhould bo up pointed Judge of one ot the courts of the United States which may have to dtclde tho litigation concerning telephone pat entsAlso n bill gmmlilg a pension of 5000 a jcar to the widow of tho lato Gen Itan COCK Mr Miller ot Tcxis f6r tho Issue of sm ill bills for circulation Tho house Uien went Into a commlttco of the wholo on tho KUjs John Iortor bill and Mr Wllford of Kuitucby rcsumtd his speech In favor of the bill Mr Negley ot lcnu ylvunla spoke ngaliust tho bill as did Mr Fuller of Iowa The committee then roso nndtho house adjourned ADDITIONAIj state news IniKUllomlll Spcclnl to tho Unzclte 1nNDKiTovvitXK Tkx lcb 15 Tho wheat crop In this vicinity was badly damaged by the recent cold weather somo killed entirely the fall crop of oats was all killed and Is bilng plowed up Tho Farmers alliance hero Is rapidly increasing In numbers WllllllK to SKTMS tll J IMj Special to tho Jaiotto San Axiovit Tiv Feb 1C nidg ing fiom tho numerous caucusses now being hoid qulto nn Interest Is being manifested In our approaching municipal lection when a mayor and tlvo alder men are to bo elected Tnero aro about half a doen prospective candidates for mayor tfif Itngcert Knbblo Couldnt Kntor Special to tho GiuoUo Saltiixo Mkx Feb 16 Tho newly elected or appointed governor of this state Clarsca Galan was Inaugurated to day with all tho nolso glitter ami gkiro of tbo Mato A grand bull nud reception is taking placo tonight at tbo palatial mansion of Scnor Santos with ull tho elite Inside the ragged halfstarving multitude on tho outside Ounil lo rolsiiiiliic lllm Spoclnl to tho Gnzctto S v Antonio Tisx Feb 15 Sarah Johnson tho negress a regulav rucretla Borgia before sho left for the peniten tiary coiifisscd tho crime of polsonluc her Htcpfatlier Alfred OwenS and told the details of tho crime which do not differ from tho facts elicited ut tbo In quest Sho nai rated them without a trace of emotion or regret The aliened motive for tho murder was that her step father was unkind to her mother TholiRlittn lla llrowmwl Ilorurir San Antonio Tiv Feb 15 Mary Ir in a servant girl at tho residence ol Muj Gordon has been mysteriously miss ing since last Saturday morning and her friends aro greatly alatmed Ills known thatherlifo bas been mado very unhapp by family affairs and sho more than onco threatened to end her life by suicide When last seen sho said sho was going home but did not do so and it Is feared that she has drowned herself In the river 3Iexttiiu luttlmca Special to tbo Uazctto Lakkdo Tkx Feb 15 Tato last night a courier arrived from the larsea lanch with the Information that Domingo Klores had shut and killed Desldcrlo Monclavls After committing the deed the murderer left for Mexico Thero wero threo women at tho ranch lsltqrs of Florcs who swore before tho coroners juiy that he shot Monclavls for making Indecent propotaM to tho youngest ol tho threo Hnrrl On the Olllrer Special to tho Gnzctto ltto GitANDis City Tkx Fob 15 A most daring burglaiy was committed hen early this morning under tho very noso of a watchman Thieves entered Iverts jbotel and despoiled several rooms ot val uables without disturbing the guests Tho robbers ttolo two trunks and took them Into thc middle of ho street and ri fled them of wearing apparel and jewelry They escaped undetected with their booty Deep Wnlcr tor Aranmi Special to tho Gazotto Cowus Cimubti Tkx Feb 15 Mr V II Carutlicrs editor of the Caller left this morning ot tho fcollcltatlon of citUens for Washington to represent and advocate tho Interest of deep water at Arausas Fass lie went fully prepated with all tho necessary data and frtatistics regarding It Ho Is particularly lilted for the mission from thc fact that ho was on tho government survey when Aransas Pass and Corpus Christ bays wore sur veyed Ho will work to securq a largor appropriation than was had the last time and ptovo the efllcacy of government work at Aransas Fuss It Win ColilIIIooilcil Murder bpcclnltotho Gazette Faivstim Tkx Feb in So far all seatch for Sam Garrett who murdered Newberry In Beaver valley on Saturday last has been without results Facts show that tbo murder was deliberately planned tho night before The murderer packed his satchel the night previous nud went o his victims house fur the pur pose ol doing tho deed men but ho tailed to cntlCH Nowbcrryoutol bis house Gar rett concealed his gun In a wagon and next morning when Newberry started for tho btablo tho murderer preceded Mm and when ho appeared presented tho aun and at the victim throw up his bands emptied tho contents Into his throat sev ering the neck almost from the shoulders Tho victim stooddbout two minutes and dropped down dead Tho murderer then went to his brothers house told what ho had done and wilked off Irt Uifi wood No effort w milie to arrest hiMby the people of the neighborhood TMken lp lliiuurlllv Special 10 th Uazette San AwtomoT x Feb 15 The fol owing prisoners conilned rjem C0W ty were jesterday conveyed by lMpt MeOmionch the penitentiary contractor tolluntMlllc Wm Martin theft two years If A Child burglary two jenrs Valentine lleummlc horsetheft fix Alport Sofotnoii yearst bnrglutv Ave yearsi Alfred Cox theft two years i John Qulnii burglary two ycanti Money Uiaham theft two year I eandro Garcia assault with Intent to illl two yearsi J Maximo horsethleft two yoirjs Bony Martin trwft two year i htruh Johnson runnier tor life Louts Lelchugo theft ot horse dve year Jm jlvrne embexztement two yert In > > Klizpatrlck forgery two yean J C Shaffer theft two ytnrs i > i < i Old rtan High Price departed this life February 1 18SC and was aucceedett bv Mr Low lrlco at tho Fort Worth Gro cer Co a PAULS llttiK from IVnuliliiRlonOnt n Jtew nnl of 300tcniioriiuid pccialtothoiJazctte 1Aiiis Tkx Feb 16Capt H W ilghttoot returned from Washington I t yesterday moiutng but ho hasnt very much to repott Ho says tho federal couttbuslnessla pending aud that Paris stands a very good show to get it The oxtensloti bill of tho Frisco road hat been reported to a subcommittee of the houie which will report vety favorably on tho extension of the loud Tho four men chnrgod with tho killing ot old man Crow dor lost December who wero arrested near Cooper late Saturdav evening by Sheriff Acker ot Delta count and brought heto last night and Jailed lo tccuro n reward of 800 ueres ol land given by tho Crow dor tatullv for their capture wero taken back to Cooper this mornlpg ami will have their examination in court which convenes two weeks from todiy The sheriff ol Delta county gt the reward for theli capture Ho says It cost him a great deal of time money nud sleep but that he considers that ho is well paid In appre hending them Yesterday Sunday being a springlike day tho churches weio all largely attend ed but last night It blew up cold and to day tho iquttro Is full of woodhaulers Frand Hill of tho Texas ipress hero returned from Bonham yesterday evening A J Bradley of tint Fort Woiih Jlnbber Sitinp works Is stopping nt tho Lamar house ItcV Charles Man ton secures a good crowd evuiy Sunday night to bear him preach on t iu laud and labor question which la a very intresting subject to the people Hopes aro about all blasted that thc Sauta Fo will overcome to Paris ItAIItl A huecemitiil lliitntiilnniont Tlio llullronil llo > H VVIu tlin f me Special to tho Gnzctto Biiti > Tkx Feb 15 The entertain ment given at tho operahouso by the vmini people for tho purpose of raising funds to buy an org in for tbq now Kpls copal church whs a decided success both lluunclilly and soclilly Tho net pro ceeds of tho affair aro between 15 aud 50 berildei all in attendauco htd u very pleasant time there being a large assort ment of valcntlues In the ball forsalo quite a number of which weie wiilteu Iliey weio all readily redeemed by own crH piylm tho price set on them by Jli > A II Bui rill who bad charge of that dcpatlmcnt Scvcinl vciy iutcrchtlng tableaux were urnllicd by tho compupv mid a beautiful frolo Twinkle Twinkle Little Star sung by MUs Fannie Joy Last but by no means least Of tho phi canio tho farco Poor Pllllcoddy which was rendctiil by Mr F II Carllle Prof C i Smith Miss Lanra Foy Miss Bottle lllchurdson and Miss Sue Foy All tbo young peoplo acting In the play did great credit to themselves by uctlng parts so well owing to their having so bhort a time for preparation Tho baseball game played here last evening between the Bulrd nine and tho Texas S Pacific boys for the champion ship resulted In favor ot the Texas K Pacific boys tho fccorc being 5S to Lti by the Haird boys withdrawing before the game was ended Mr It C Hays acted as umpire to the Hatlsfautlon of all The Texas S laclllo nluo say they havo the game to play anything west of tho Fort M Harris chief Hiirvejor of tho Texas S Paclllc railroad returned hero last night with his party from a tilp on the Pecos river Fresh vaccine virus received dally at Fred L Kings drug store THE STATE UAP1TAL Ihllllpi IIkiiipiI llnll nnllrnnd Cliurtered Old Spnulilt Iami urniito Spoclnl to tho lizette Austin Tkx Feb 15 Justlco Von llo eubirg rendered bis decision In the case of James Phillips Jr charged with nltemurder It was jail without bail It Is understood that habeas corpus pro ceedings will bo had to morrow AdjutautGcnoral King is still abicnt and AttorneyGeneral Templcton re turned from Dallas today Gov Ireland appointed A V Mills aud Marccllui Kleburg of Galveston tpe clal judges to try tho caso of M Leo and H W Millers vs tho Gulf Colorado Santa Fo ltallwav Company In tho supreme court Judges Kobcrtson and Wllllo be ing disqualified A charter was filed today of tbo Dallas andGreeuvllle Hallway company capital stock 800000 It runs through tin counties ot Dallas Bockvvnll and Hunt Incorporators II M Hoxle D S II Smith L Smith William Keirlgan end P G Merlam ot St Louis M A Baker and F A HIco of Houston G J Gooch aud N W Hunterof Palestine Oommlsslmiur of general land olllce today addressed an Important letter to Gov Ireland calling attention to tho con dition ot some old Spanish land grants tho titles ot which are not on tile In the land olilce The commissioner recom mends that where there Is a controversy tho state bo made a party to tbe suits to determine tho proper ownership wltli a vlewto having tbe grants revert to tb state or nt least a portion of them Tho cheapest tinware Bptzs 400 Houston > prnmotlonwAf In thc city at Mackerel lit kits 75 55 and US cents + AV JiAtV 5 j > gi JUl1 < U li vast teritory ithjn 20 ° Kind reader glance at AT yon k of ihe of welltodo tnuk ftOWUnds people mile radius of Fort Worth and tnu ffclng along these lines it railway past u doors mail express and 200 worth 500 500 worth 1000 Fl t oantorClilptreoa Knto l nt inlft Not one In tho lot worth lefti jrenr tbiu 300 4 to It 6aeond counter < tohool Snlli lops or Unio pnnt vtlth t wltiiout ve l < Make no mistake You will certainly jet left if you pass this snlo 750 worth 1500 1000 1250 worth 1500 to Third eountcr tlAyn ami oiiih S ntn ami Mtjns Hnltai Jiorn IS to ID wir Youth 17 lo 31 car Jk n 81 lo li liroi t Fourth o ontit Moi > Sack and Crook hulla Nliy notsnvo JW to iM on n Bult ut clotho 20 00 Ullli counter tfrcrconta all told In cIiuIIhk rtillitrvn1 boj joutht 1 una 5tci 1 wm it 111 bo told ill jour price JU 7o havo many timos dnring this stilo been oompclled to put in much finer goods than those advertised linos whon out of sizos but wo are determined to carry out onr pnrposo that of raakinr the groatcst clearing salo ever inaugurated on Texas noil tho federnl court nnd will probably not be given to tho jury before Thursday Tho case of the city agalust Kingdou H Uohny proprietor olthc Apollo Hall for keeping open doois on Sunday Is being tried bcloro Judge Iowcll this afternoon and Is not as ct completed U T Bledsoe of Cleburnu was ad mitted to practice In tho district court today J M ODoll major of Cleburne Is In tho city attending federal court Jndgu lardeo Is working on thc chance ry docket In tho circuit court Charles II Pcarro United States dis trict attormyls again In attendance ntthu federal court ItKAl KSTVTJ TJIAKHIKltS II C Tennlman to A O lleevos 15010 squaro feet In John Grlsbys league Kitst DallSB foreiSOO V V Icarand wlfo to Ooorgla Meredith lots No 10 20 21 22 21 i5 2fi 27 and 28 Iears city of Dallas for loto lion Oliver Thomas Kster Oheiitnut lot ulnck C Thomas addition 6JOOj Andrew Towers to C addition to and nnYc to Mrs No C to city for II FUltner near Cedar hill 1 acre more or less for 8226j JT Mowshaw and wife to Will iams Bros lot In tho village of buck Creek for3B0 JT Mewshaw and wlfo to M 0 Williams 2 acres of land In Duck Cr tk for 8100 Mrs 8 J Hawkins to John M Stcramons sixtytwo acres of tbe lctor Haught sur vey for 2000 K Saunders to Frank lainm eavt half of lot No 2 In block No 17 for6000 Transfers eight cou dderatlnn 1013 Thu Kreetblnkers weekly mietlng was well attended at Secular ball corner Elm and Austin streets Sunday after noon Tbe theuio discussed was Im mortality of tho Doctrine of Vicarious Atonement Sin Is Disease Health Is Holiness which was participated in with interest by several loMinitalorf In Courtullun Cwptqo Feb 1C Tho third and At J Mrl Wat Wortlf 100 100 worth 2 25 130 worth 250 225 worth 350 100 worth 150 150 worth JI00 50c worth Toe freigiu trains hourly dasl aod ask yourself if there tot lrMMrcna lint Rlioen t ci > t to 4 actual vauio il oo U > T SrM Itntlon Shoct lna lo plcndld bargain lot IOT atjin KW Uulton Shot eltcs 1 U l IX > T < Ij iri > Kid Ituttan fliooi at Jjja TV < > will rer tnlnljcun ou 3Jnr cr pair after Siann l Laco Giutains Mli r iiaccl to sir utatk of Iat PitrtitliH inrlni tltf jat nrcktno nmttlabljr chuji lot J5c Worth Wl1 Notllnjtham tjiculJnilBliis > unii nt Coo pnlri wottlntOO Sit lot Nottingham litco Curtatnu both whlto Mini rem nt mij a tliniUlrt la Mtrttil Uco Cnitntim nt 31 Ml aoldnUltia cainnnt 13CO Jill Trlmraol rolo Cornice nt ftOc wuuld bo ebcap at Tic 30c WnHh l > lcl l lot ot Ufcct nlmlnw J li do tii h rt bsrn unrluc ilx yg tori w Joe 100 worth 150 cly orimmuniFd ulnilotr liiidca villi ptliiKiUluroa ntjlto 200 worth 300 300 worth 450 350 worth 500 550 worth 750 By our constant bold advertising and oxtonbivu quotations oC endeavored to place bet oro parties living at a distance figuivH i nuke ehtiinatcH whether or not wo aro eoirect in advert king that is llEL 5r w doubt about nn Having the oitlet for an enormous quantity of goods Then ask yourself another question Am I paying tribute to thedry rotcredit system when for the difference iNtween credit and cash prices 1 can order or go to ma r Net and select in person from an immense stock of fresh seasonable am fashionable hanaV goods ft only to meet the wants of soot cash trade Wo Iiad a rattling good bnsinoss In Olothbrupto the 1st of January nndtvo arotlottrminetltt > cloftront thobalnnco nt whatever we can get Itence these prioes plntn oi cap tor ltto pair < LOT 0 < li > nti Cl Vr ch LOT 7 U nt Jjifo nn Coogreaa hoM u lib n n t P 1 00 iJ9T tB > it oiT d ll iAN lJcwt < lum tot ji Wwortiiyjio CAIRPETS In Addition to othor Atiraotlon ln our Carpet Doparimont wo liavo plflccil on aolo 17 io worth 75 c S5c worth 50c 30c worth 50c II in f llrnneU CAni t nt a pcrjard lri rnttorn Insralu Oarpolt t aJojicr jnrdi 15 plicca miibla oil inattliiK al Boo in > r > ntil In nil wldilm 1 jutit Ut j in tin is jnrtln 8 yard nnd lit jiltd Thoro novcr was such a bargain offurod in Oil Mattlug ns this in Toxai boforo CASH FHli Est wo have that would enahlu thunv to money can bo saved by coining in person to market or winding their order Thousands havo mado tho experi ment and daily we meet them before our countcm that live hundreds of miles away who testily to lar e saving AVo would havo those who havo never dealt villi as to ltEMEMUEll that wl till all orders O O D allowing tho privilege of examination all uncut goods not pat wfaetory to bo returned at our expeiibe leohpoetfully DALLAS X Company Organized to llrlnt Conl from Aliiliiimn nud Stll It Clienpiv Than Nnlho Conl Tlilr < < t1iliil < rraUrenl l Sin U I > l i > n llcitlth l llilliif Court DiiIiikh Trnlikr ir SpcrliU lotbeUatottc DaiU8Tk K b 15 It Is under titood tliuru Is u company hulnu ornmilzud in tliu city to bring coal from Atubunu to DalluR which will he nblo to soil coal In tint city cheaper tluiii it has hitherto uecu Slould tliu company be succohhiuI lu tlulr fcchumo they will 111 a longlcit want to thucltyol Dallas and North Texas as wall Cheap coal Is ono ol tho lndlttpcu nablo lactors of inunutiicliirlng and man uluctiirliig mciins moru labor tor thn la boring man and cheaper commodities for ull It is hoped this comiuuy will real 1a their highest expectations Hon Tomplo Houston Is In tho city 1hocasual W M Withal et al vs 1 O Halsell lor 81CSO0O Is still on trial In aoa 3MC dUei J3t JTovt X7r < D > i la OOX53F XJC3ia 37TE3X3 > X3R03NT BtandliiKtrnm Plat Iron Hooting lntoTiiahoct Irou WnatlurbonrdlnK Iron Dulling Metallls ihliiftloi UnlvBuUcd Iron < ornlca work In all IU branohoi mannfiiotiued In Port Worth front tho list abcet at It comon from tlin mill by H W HARRY BRO 707 Main Stroot Wo nbo carry In tool 27 II Iron Tin Date holder and lalvanliad Iron which wuotfdr to tilt trado at lowcil inurkct prlcoa W holnaalo nnunU for tlio atato of Toltaa for Kirniitr HAsninnNs niiPiinATPn traiirw rtovfr WM O kBTDESTJOIV Jc CO For All Kinds of Hard Wood Poplar nnd Cypres Xji XT 3MC 3E5 OES JEL 9 Alto House Paints Roof Urlck and Barn Pnlnla by tho Barrol FlrcBrlcka and Cloy All Lumbsr nnd Bulldlnp Material llnoVr Rhnds States met this morning to consider various nialttrs to bo brought to tho at tention ol congress for tho betterment of thulrcondition About 400 delegates In all responded Thlitythreo status and threo territories wero represented Among tho delegates wero twentytwo postmistresses 8 Socrlto of Illinois was named as temporary chairman and after thu appointment of it commlttco on permanent oruanistlou tho convention adjourned until 2 oclock this attornoon TKItltHLL Working for HiUjIiih Iiim Ituu fur Blicrlrt Uotnii in htny Mpoclal to the Outolto Tkihikix Trx Ieb 1C II W Williams sheriff of Kockwall county slopped over jesterday on his return from Shackelford county whero bo ar rested Tom Harrington charged with disposing of mortgaged property W M C McClitnuhan editor of tho Sablno lass Tltnes was in tbo city today working fur deep water at tho lass Whllo Terrell neoplo aro not disposed to disparate tho interests of OuhCBton thoy nro In hearty accord with the Kablnu lass mote Andy Abies a prominent cltUcn of Ablos Springs was in tbo city yesterday and Announced as a candidate for sheriff Tho south wind has been blowing a perfect whirl of wind all day Many farmers aro In tho city today Preparation Is being rapidly made dur ing this fair weather for tho spring crop Tho family of Iiev J II Warlord ar rived on thu 4sS0 train this ovonlng from Dallas and will make Terrell their future home AIIILKNK Mad DoKVrupoafid llulldlaffKinlgrmit A tnll MnuAfl Wltiintti Cctrc i > on < cuco of tlio Uatcttc AnitrNK Tkx Feb 14 Ialo lost Ratnrday nl bt olllcors Burch nnd Halltiy killed a mad dog which attempted r to bite nerWiS the Kott Worth Grocer Co a < fourtaclase pojtmastvrs of the United several persons but fortunately tho dog was shot before It had Unto to do any further diuiiago than to bite a few docs It was reported this miirulng that Iorter nnd Beeves of tho Kanor Cattln company contemplate build ing a Unco story btick house opposite Cameron A Ilillllps hard wnro establishment on tlto comer of North Brcond uml Ilno streets It thoy do build tho brick building will tako tlio placo of it boxhouso formerly occupied iy lagu tilmpson as a urtrkut who Imvo recently moved to Notth First street Lute Saturday night ono Itoburts a painter was badly bruised up by two United States soldiers while intoxicated and ho Boberts suys tho soldiers went through his pockets This morning Hob erls met tho soldiers and Immediately began to pound tlio smallest boy In blue and Kucccedvd lu giving him two black eyes aud other brulsea too numer ous to mention They will now settle with tho City for their fun Heverul fimtllcs from McKlnnoy Ky arrived hero this morning and expect to mako Abilene their fututo homo They etpect to buy property In or near this place Among he number nro Mrs J P Daniel and three sons 1 W Klmtoy and wlfo aud J A Trial nud wlfo havo apartments at thu Islaco hotel CaldriVondiedyfsterday Ha was tnncH UhMffcrof SIP Id4neiy iWU chyb Jst Alt Thoro Is a young gentleman the Joru man on Bwlnsous ranch it low tulles from Abllcno who Is six feet > oven laches In bclghth aud only twenty years Of ago Mr W II Vanrlpcr deputy United States marshal paused through Abllcno this morning on bis way to Trent a small town west of Abilene niter wttursse wanted In tt trial anulnst two tagorob bcrs arrested hero so mo time ago for rob bing tho Abllcno and Ansuu etage also wanted In Sau Antonio lor 6 agcrobbory near that placo Tho trial Is sot for the 20th In Nan Antonio Mr John Afrlugton formerly a mer chant of this place has jUH retiirntd alter spending several weeks n Kaaleru Texas i in ircsli racclnc virus received dally at Prod L Kings drug store h nd of tflioi m MlSr mu t felthu Ion hfcr njrhea in < mtJ antlniO arch oi jtvmn tl Jiohcj lornu > t tOinei fdrct 1UMI Hvtlic > i gl frd nud r if Jhlnt tit Onar lon farl l In