only TOnfifl
< IlUCti J6rrit 7 ttuo t 0 again
< t
The Sinriff of UmStntc IviCorwnllon
AfMHmlileil Hani nt Work on
A Oo i H > rfelt r In OulmlrTlm Kpticopal
Hlnttoii Tim Nrir ln tlii t < ir
s WitttTWnrka Tnlk
tipeolal to tho laietto
Waco nx K tj 15 A t > odv of men
All o whom Iciru tlio looka of rrtolni
mon In ihclr facta wit In ihu parqnrttc of
tlio 0rl iuiI oHfliouu thin tnornlnu
Tlioy vero IVxiii BinrHN with biru and
Uicre a dpuiy npreeciiiliiK hi principal
a dcpiifv mtrihit or a U < ilteil Suhs inar
nlml Tim itth riMij wn thu mviMlli mi
ntnlicsaion ol tin NhcrJnV assudatlon of
Tcxa Tim flhcnffi oointneiiwri nrrivlrip
ycturday evcutim and othera anno ttil
inoniliin Tnoiiiijiot of tho nicotinic U
simply iiihI aotoly Wfietijotnsr acquainted
Willi ouch other nml talK over
mcllfaroH nlciilitdl to kchn 11
better ciiforcvincnt of tho crtriilnnl
low uh el a Ut improvo tlio faolli
tltM lor uniHrtbliiK rrliuu ami cnptutiiijf
Criintuuh Tl > ty worn a mild inuuiii rini
body of iikii ihiW nherjff mi ftwufjaer
lug or ll Hvln t 11I Misnhoottrs n too
many uitlc rn ate iiun loilmni Mr II
li IMrlirr hirlff of il > yi county nmJ
pruflHIoiit of Hid n oclrttlori cilluil tin
body tn order The otflf r iIIIcom prep
ent wero Mr II If Ilaynu ulierifi of
Ioitlton vutiity virijprinldiiit nntl lr
John 1 Klikul rravig county Hwwwry
Tim piofilltiit J11 not deliver miy mimiiil
addriKH nml tin chief ouMmsit truiia
aotwl iluriiitf tho tiiimliij o Hi
nwutlon if oiw membera mid payment
of iltitM r m following answered jirn
entntrollcaU f
Jubn II Kiiby < 1 puty IVUt W T
Mndd x Tarrant U II V Smith Dal
Jasj J V OiimiiiiKhiiiii Tntlvn I I
MuOhili Miiiuhkiiii W 1 Jackson
JJIaiiuoi r D Stafford Omnpj It W
Clioilo Oat II W Morris II001I1
Guorse A rjoarhormiuh Iuiiih C I
MoDoiitM limmmi W U U11
city tnarnliiil Inrt Worth T r
rmitj W T llurrli Meconium
C 0 Dnfli Krankllu 0 T Diinjih
WltHnriieij WuiM Tuylnr Marlon s J II
WDIIitnm Itookiviilli o l Ugiwby
deputy Mduiiiimit Will A Ah dcptiiy
UnltlHlHiitiM iTiirhil Muliiinmi 1 W
MuaiH Miurdi W I Adilr W lkfri
I D Diwhon llrniiiMt T KptHirtnii
IOlk A V IlLdd CuldWHlli M M
HoriiKxIiy InvlM W K Jonen Gon
rjituMj u t II1VI liiiiHtono V IJ Ale
Murray Cuikf It S It > deputy Mc
Ieuiiaui J ImiuDitid Cuiomdui
Van llull oxitliitlff Moltmimn J
li WhiUs deputy UulUil States mirihal
It btdgii niitrlv iihoii thu ubmocIhIIoii
took it rix K until 1 80 p 111
At liiio tin ntxocliitloii mot B iiln
Willi tlio fnlliiivliij nddltlounl iiiciuiiDi
priUHiiti f A Siutlit dcpiliy llnroii
KM DivIh ulchltiM i 0 DoiiKla
flun U R Hoii us Inlioducoil and
mndu a vuiy luat wuloomui iidtlrcHH In
IiIh own huppy ntylu thai was gruutud
With lippllllHi
Tim oiootloit of olllccrb fur thu onmilim
year w tlimiKomi Into Mr U I Urn
Lurof llawi comity was ruuleutcd pienl
dent by iiuulaiuiiliii Mr II A Ilnyno
vlcoprusldiiitj DiiinlH Curwlu of TravU
trunaurnr and Mr Kitk notrulary All
lliomi olllium wito rocliotod
Nuorutaiy Klik read hli amitiil riport
It hIiowi ttvcntyNlv now iiiuuiiur io
eolvud eliicn thu luit inititlii > Itceclpt
from liiltlutliniri duiR uto 81C8 7fi iIIh
burniiiiiiiiiti 10 loavlim aliahiuoo ol
OB i5 In tho lioalurr On motion tho re
port wan loouWud am adopted
A onininlttejLitii nppolntud to memo
rlallru thu lenlHliituro tn amend tho lawn
rcKiilatuiK tiu tompeniitloii of uliorlff
It la contend d that olIlourH havo to do h
great dml of wuik oipoclally In criminal
caNiiri where no coinpeiiuatlon Ih secured
Thin Is ahoiil tho il t of thu work douu
thta ovuilln allh iiijjlt neverul Mllijoctn ol
IntuioHt to thu ollluum noru dlteu hed In
an I11I0111111I ininuer HovuraloouinititcuH
aro to rep irt tomorrow morning and
then thubodv will et down to lmnliiebH
Huvural nIi rlfTt arrived today
Tho Ntmilon will not lidt Ionizer than
tomoriow iik nearly all thu cherirfs havi
courtH and other buslnosH itwaltlug thvli
Mr Kirk the HocreUry has filled that
poHltlou nIiiuu 1871 ami thotiKh not nil
oltUur now thu Nherltls will notillHpunyt
with lilsNorvlciH
A ilrlvo uroiimj tho city a vUlt to tin
theater toululit mid a bampiut tomorniw
aro down i liMturui ol uuturtaliiinent
Tho ollloora dont talk polltloa much
but iinniioM of them ay thoy aro foi
Hois fur Kovernnr ilun It imud to bo u
Bhuiltt liliiixolf and a cood one
HJiuilff lloniihy of Austin caya It la nil
II ip dooillo to talk about tho nerles of
murders In lilt olty belim committed b
hoiiio bio idtldrnty maniac IIo thlnU
oury inurdor had a nioilvo itiul o diffoi
uut author
IM fiiaph to thu Kort Worh Oa
7ltnh mild Cnit Jack lllulu that tile
liorlftt who aro tax 0 ilhctors mo In
Waco to Hen nbout wlthdrawliin Comp
trollor Swain fiom tho Riibornaioilal
raco Thla by way of rejulndor to the
rumor tolonraphud from Austin la t
lrfinldtiitJ W larrainorc Urcclvor
S W Ifinlyco and Hucolvira Ajjent I
11 KIhIi all of tin IVxat St Louts rail
road paused ttiniuiih hoio to Haiosvlllu
last nljilit mid rrturmul lit 11 am to
day rem ilnlnc until this afternoon on a
tour of Inspection Thuy Mato that the
MlHsourl S ArkaimaH division of thu roud
will be sold on thuiiM Inst ufter which
thu llnal rooritanlzitlon will tako placr
It Is on tho ctrds that Mr Konlro will
bu tmmidetit of the road
Tin religions iiiuuHiik noliifrnnbi St
Pauls IvpUoopal church Is attraotlou
larso uouKiCKatlinm Tho chief attrac
tlon has heim Hlshop Unrolis Ioquciti
sermons IIo preaohcil aualii at II oclock
this niornlnir mid delivered n blblo Itc
turn at 3 p in today returnltiK to Ij
lat this ovuuliiK Tho tuuetlDi lasts until
Tlio proposed now contract with tho
Waterworka company Is not goliu to uet
through without a il bt A meeting of
cltltmis who opooso tho meaurn was
held this cvenlmr and It Is hlnhlv prnbn
bio fiat strong Infliionco will bo brouuht
to bear on tho oty council not to oiivt
Into tho cniitraot Quito as many lmw
eer fuor as oppose It
II 0 Clark Indlutud by tlio United
States grand Jury for passing counterfeit
money 810 cold pieces and arrested In
Jlrowuwood lait Saturday was brou ht from
t0 A I1 1 IaiRh Hh I brought to Ihlacliv
ttlE QAAVm tfORT WOtrrti i XA8 rUE 3AYPKBliUAKY I6
here tonlaht and will be held until he
can mako bond
Mr Onle by of llsno Collin county Is
maklnu a quiet visit to Waco and will re
main until tomorrow When the stsU
conTiiiiIon meets his frlcuds will put him
forward for c nnptroller He seems to bo
on very good terms with tlio vl ltiuu
sheriffs ami has several warm friends
tirrrN rlya panic was can Mil In hoOn
trnl puhlla school Kounh ward m u > iti
today by a burning floo Ord r was
soon rrstond though and tho fire put
out Tho teachers were cool and kept
their seizes
IWina ter Gerald took charge of his
union to day and everytlilnn sum to bo
working smoothly untlur the new regime
An in rprl liiir lullnbli ll ii >
II W Wllllans Oo cau always be
rvlUd upon not only to carry In slock
the be tof eventhlug but to court tin
suuncy for such ullcles as havo well
known merit ami re popular wlih th
pioplo thereby sustaining the reiniiatlon
of Melius always cnterprlslmr and ver r
Habio llavlim reined tho aueiioy for
Hie celebrated Dr Klnas N w D civert
lor Coiniiiiiptlon will Mllitonn piwltlv
uliarautii It will surely cute miy aiiii
iviry nIdIon of Throat IunyH ami
Chest and to bow our conildtniu w
invito jou to oill and get 11 Trial llottb
i i
Kresh tleclti virus recoitod dilly n
Kred U Kings rlrui store
Tlix On n tViltliiiii Tik1 < ii Vlr il In <
Ne > Axpicl
IlKKRlirrrA Umi toONTr rsx
Kl Hl6l i
Tn til lMltor in tbu nitte
I u colli In s our psper of I ho lSih from
IfaliruUa IiimiIikI II IPs Sot lint Kii u > i
rho imelal It In lefirenoo to thu c a 01 iliu
State of r XMsv WllllmTuj or wlienln In
rt i ehurnod ultH oiUh o upon hl own iIahkIi
lir I II I mis die ui Jnni ut > our TOirrc
iun Imit liitundl k umi n > i > iclal unluwi It On
u > ho > i lihiitu 1 iiuii let eo > lu know he 11
eiiij iiioiHiey efl la Ieuiijor 11 tn ioi
Juro oiif I 11 e ly nn < i c uul > Uy sriiilfii ou <
siiili li mill eur intruilea trliue ilivru nro no
fn ta 10 ul allium li m U III am Tvlor
naa iod r tHul Ixitore II n I 1 SiIiib
iiunly Jiiilxe nliiliiK an eximluliis ioun
ami n Ut li nrniK Hid vl m nee Hi eourt tils
iliursDiiii il lull iiiUlilo < l tlieuu eiiii nlsnd
In la n u free man au far io Miy niiartio in
lUira e la ion erncd Tim ko tu lllleil
iolllvly Una tho ucfuii nnt Imil
1 evvrlMil Intunsiua with li r nun that liu
linil nuver iiihUii mi nt < em > t to Ho m > llioie
w 11 lone Air < l o vvlnencv ngnliit iliu <
I nilaiit 10 klifm ihul lie ever Umnglit uf trying
inlUln lila tUulitur oxrUt una Iliu wmiii
ilunolhi ilefiimini bv your loreaio ilent
immheii tliewiurll loruieoliliii Unit hu iv
ill 1 Iiiuk I the InUiiiouacliioKiiil U ri > u >
lie lit oncn niAJu nr y iir rintoiiiii le I who
Wiunlili tlui In tin unlit rimiii ami IimjI II
nutli en fur Ilia uitiror h 111 o y i lil uould
Invi lireil t u reaell Noa Mr lill or It I
liiitjuat 10 Iliu iltfimmiii nml ei elully ilie
puup 0 Ody r tinti tlmi Urn liu in t of
110 flme M1011I1I lit 111 klniHti liimiiKli Hi
o uinnaof y mrpipor In 1 tun nP I guilty
wailu 1 ut iluiiy eiit Hint Tnylur l kuU > tlm
111 ilirUy ui our io d e < lU > iiH no nut utlluic
mid v tilnl 10 proof n liimn Iir unlit 10
hour low 11 i u t u h iloiv of Kiilli upun ulnl
ilnr p oplenrv u < it rule a ki iiIiuhi eiiiur
prt InKilaaoi cllloiin wo inn irvliiK > o ulld
iipuiirlun mid mint a d to luivc nurli mi
tul td for lur Binl elm g boin u on u Mlili
oit til pr ol Is it liixni on our oiiiiiiunlly
Uiowllnea 1 lieIav or liu 111 llr t roliireil
tot Irt an u tliit mi did ao Tor tl o ria nil
t at scurmln iiura n co n ciftd wlm thu iroa
outl 11 toll hur Unit If elm old not Uatli
agnluai lier father III u lie Would huvo n i < pu
tint iiroiinil hi neiik nml 1 thrown uut 111 Ihu
ouio liaiioo window anil imiiKril W liotlier
Iliu U iril or 11 it I oilinit ajtt hut tlir girl la
ruintt lo tenilly to am li Inn a uh nvvtr rnlled
upun to do ao One thing I corinln our iouplu
me tired of InivoiB Mich tp tlnli puli I eil lot
tnu 0111 heroin ro errtnl to Wnuu Oiero hua
lm < n no evldmieo wliatttte In ea nlil ah c
chnrKM It I KlliOum
Woiiilerlol I una
W I lloyt Co wholesale and retail
dnmgMs of Itniiii fa suyi Wo have
been sulllim lr Kings New Discovery
ICIeoirlc Kilters mid Iluukluns Arnlun
tlui for two years Ilnvo never Immllul
n iiieilliis thttsell as well or elu Mieli
universal sattsfitctlnu Thoio havo been
tiiimi womlurfnl cures fficted by tlieco
niedlcliies In this city Several cases of
lirouounci dConsiimptloii have bum en
tirely cured bv uso of a fow bottles of Dr
Kluus New Discovery taken lu coiincc
ilon with Illectrlo nitters Wo utiHrmi
leu them nlwuys Sold by II W Wil
liams Co
Uiifiperleil Niiptlnla t lontoMlce Mlillib
t > raoitla
orroapondence of thu Ontoltu
IJONIIAM Tkx Feb H Olio of thu
inoxt uiiuxptcted weddings that has ever
iccurreil iiiunt Ilonham society took
pluco today Thu gioom was Mr Law
rence German nml thu brldo Miss Nan
nie ionium both of this city At 11 in
1 hey took cariliges mid left for Savoy
ivhero thu ceremony was perfoimed
Iliey wuro iiccoiiipuuUd by Mr and Mrs
W A Holt Mr and Mrs Sum Allen
Miss Hiidlo llalscll Kraiik 0 Oorniiu
lluull Ilalsell mid MUsJonhIo Hhortrlilge
All lettiiued to lloiilmm In tho nfttrnoon
Iliu brldo Is of onu of our most respected
families mid Is a fuvirltunmnnu nil The
urooin Is a very sober ludiitrloiisyount
man and cletk nt tho round hottso lie
has limmlit his fatherinlaws homo mid
will shortly occupy It
pome niiMiudurdniidlng Ins arisen be
tween dipt llelslon evdeputy postinus
ter and Capt 1 W Duncan postm tstor
Wlih b Is to bo luvestUated by tlio United
States posul authorities Capt Ilelalon
was discharged the llrst of this week and
claims that ho Is still deputy postmaster
y mxrcdinout
Mrs Marv Ooodalo of roiiMnna leo
Hired nt KussollV opcrahousu this after
noon nt 2 oclock In tlu > Interest of tin
Womans Christian Tempernneo union
Shu Is n iino talker and Is to lecture again
Miss Ien H ng ol Iatls Is visiting
Mrs Hubert Alexander In our city
Miss Donnhuo of Sherman and Ml s
tislul of larls aro lu tho city vlsltlnu
Tim now rUy charter wis llled and
Went luto effect jestenlay ut a p in
i 1
Ailvlen It Moltioia
Mrs Wluslows Soothing Syrup should
always be used for children teothliiu It
sonthos thu child softens thu gums al
ays nilpain cutos wind colic and Is tin
lest remedy for diarrhea 23 cents a
TryIttat > n
Huy a psckago of Silver Loaf and glvi
Itn lair trial If you do this yon will
never regrot It How many dlsastrouf
failures In making bread cause troublotu
vexation iu thu household This can nl
> u obviated by ft trial of Silver Loaf T
I Hrown auaranteo Its purity strength
and elUclnncv
Dont lore t
Tho Fort Worth Urover Co aro still
selling more goods better itood and
cheaper goods than ever We solcli
your trade and offer you tho beat stock
of groceries In North Texas to select
Tlio Dnnghlirn of HI Slfpliens Eh >
gnged In Ihe Work of Knlslng
Funds for lh Church
Hulne n Knllronil Cmnpanjr A Gentrou <
Jloimtltll to Irnjnon Couutj
Caao HlnmUocd
AiiKituAN Ikx Keb 15 Tho cwunty
court waoeugaged loilay lu the trtil of a
cane ol ilsmagfs lu thu suit of Charli s It
I luiishaw agalu > t thu Texas A Pacini
railway llaiutlH purchased audnhippeti
Mteral carloads of cattle from Dtkal
to Sheruian hud lie claims that the stock
was eo abuid that several died and
libera were greatly impaired In value by
luuaeu of the treatment they received
I bu > iiium lady im tubers ol St Steph
ens Lpiscopalcbureb who are Known as
tlio UdUulilrtH of St btephens will gltc
an oysttr supper ut ttteeduuns oy ter
pirloron Weiiinsday evtulug Febmury
t7 beglunliig at fi90 oilock ami enillug
wiien all the liungiy aio fed Thu sum of
fil ouit will comiuuiid tbu entire bill of
fare and when It Is coualderid Ihatsoino
of the sweetest girls In town are to attend
Upon the taiilea tbu sum lot ks small
< 11011I1 The objeol Is to rnlsu funds or
iliu ijnii lit of thu cnuich and they will
110 doubt be geiitrouly patronized
Col Vooglu who lites on a Hue farm
011 Itaiigu oretk homo Illteon miles south
not from hheimari has biought In
twontyfuui nice ltu > slmi mulherry nee
nod 1ms delitered tho samu to lud e
Grtgu as a piestpt to Grnyaon county to
ikcoruto the courth tto yard This sjc
elus of tree was broiltjlit to Minnesota
many years ago by too Mennonltes and
iiiopHuitcd In that statu from which
Col vuegol obtained the sted ami raUed
the trees Thi y ure nice ones and no
dutibt the judge will have them well set
out nud propoi ly carnl for Too much
prulse cauiioi bu ivun to the gi nerous
uolom I lor bis noble enterprise Would
hat other good citizens would emulate
bis uxumplu mid try to mtk our court
hoii v1 t < i somotuliig wo can polit to
W tb pride
Osiuer hlrpless ono of tho young men
who circulates Tun Gaitib In this city
wus taken suddi uly sick lunt night and
could not Hall Ibtite liter bis route today
No 0110 familiar with bis work could be
MihstKuttd and several patrons wure
inlssul by the new man Thu desire lo
lead Mr Tiilinages sermon will make
iiiiuy leuret the Incident but we have
resi tved thul copies ut the Ilinkly hoiiso
news stund where lliey can all be sup
piled who will call
Deputy United States Marshal Lum
rohiiKil of Gainesville came over thN
morning In eh irgo of Geoige Tneki r and
ChHilen Cook charged bifore United
Slue Conimlsslouer KlekettH with theit
ol cons Tmy weto dismissed by bis
honor and went home on the I oclock
train with Ulte ti number of witnesses
w ho came over to testify at thu examining
M 11 Curtis Sunil of 1osen
troupe came lu I at evi nltig and occupied
the opera hoiiso totitgbt Several mem
bers of the tiotipovvi nt out with gun mid
dog today lo tiy quullshuutliig mid had
very lair success
Youruprutcntatlvo iiero was today
uimuoucd to appear at Dallas 111
10 oclock on Kuoruiiiy 10 to glvu evi
dence In the case of Seallug Tnmblyn
of St Louis in ui action for damiigus
iigninst IM Kinbuison of Grayson county
iovv penillm In the United States distilct
court for North Texas Jot Gunter vvns
also summoned In tho sumu case and
went south ou tho UfiO train
Somu burglur alti mptert to rob tho
Kentucky store on Notth Travis street
this morning at 4 oclock by raising the
back window and drawing goods from
within by means of u longbaudled raku
Julius limiiMc who slept there heaid
< he noise itHsalUd the thief with 1111 old
pistol wbiuh hu snapped In thu robbcis
faceseviral times but It failed to lire
The thief returned twice between that
hour and daylightbut as ho was observed
ho failed to get any booty Mr Krnnklc
says tho wouldbe robber was white but
hu does not say who ho was
Fort Worth itnil Tnrrmit County Abatrnct
ut LiiiiiI Tlllra
Comprising tho Ilanna Uogsett and
Gniiso Phillips abstracts compiled
orlor to date f tiro destroying county
records nnd thu J Cooper abstract of
thu piuscnt iicoids Titles to county
and city re nl estate promptly abstracted
Chaiges leasounblu Loans on teal es
tate negotiated Olllce In Loyd block
southwest corner Main and Second
likltcatoii Dlkliiea Win oitut tlirtlrliintn
in Hot ltetlinl
Special to the Unioliu
GMVhtrox Tkx 1ob 15 Tho com
milieu of ministers mid laymen which has
bien laboring for tho past ten duya
making nil iiiccsiiry arrangements for
thu reception of tho celebrated Dvungc
lists Moody nud Snukoy havo nearly
concluded their tat < k ami admission to
the Moody meetings will bo by ticket
only Nearly all the churches In the city
distributed tickets nmoug theircougre n
tlons nt yesterdays services Indica
tions point to an overwhelming attend
ance nt the meetluus which begin next
Sunday evening It would stem how
ever that oveu Galveston ministers cau
not transact a little charitable business
together In perfect harmony Tho fol
lowing card which unmistakably refers
to the Moody ami Sankoy meetings ap
peared under thu oaptlou of A Piotest
lu this Iveulnss Tribune t
i HAIKU on Tkx K b 15 To the
eltlncns of Gulveston Interested lu the
Kvauuollstto met ling to bo held shortly
Greetltius We tho undersigned
ministers of Galveston while
sympathising with the efforts
made by our ft lends to elevate the moral
mil religious sentiments of our com
munity cannot give our countenance to
the discrimination made by the commit
tee of nrranuementa unless that commit
tee can show us that tbcro aio two
heavens 0110 for black souls and ono for
white souls llenco wo respectfully nsk
o bu excused from thu present nicotines
111l any future such In vvhlch tho dis
crimination will ho as clearly made
Wit i mm V Viovo M D
1 lAKKMt
l VllltUAN
It J II Ml
Whllo out shoppltiit today dout fall to
sou tho new goods at llandalli Chambers
Cos They aro offering special Induce
ments In whlto goods and embroideries
PncM 80Cr Solo o Oruiiuint
No Cure l No Pay
Tho Merchant tcnllng In Oulnne Ploncoi
Ulood Kenotrcr Is hereby authorized to rcfnnd
tho money If It docs not cure tho dlaoascs foi
which It la recommended and when taken ic
cording to directions
Cures Rheumatism Mercurial Poison
Sorofulus Affections Glandular Swell
Ings Skin Dlaoascs Sores of all Kindt
Blood Poison Female Complaints Eto
It Oulnn first manufactured and sold hli
Mcdlclno from 1crry Ga In nn humblo way
using nn ordlnnry Iron pot for boiling Tht
business was run under tho name of Swift A
dulnn Perry fin with thocaotlon printed 01
each label NonoBonuIno vplthout tho writ
ten signature of It Oulnn i and the modlclm
was sold lit S 00 por bottle
This co partnership was dissolved by Mi
0 T Swift retiring and Mr It Onlnn contln
olnp tho manufacture of this Celebrated Vcgo
tablo lllood Itenowcr from Southern forests uj
10 tho present time IIo hns now sold his rlehl
therein to tho Macon Medicine Company
Macon Ga
Ksasy 011 lllood and 8kln Diseases malic
Mlieon in
Price Per botllo fimnll sire IldO largo size
I17D I or Mile ni nil druirirl t8wholCMilohj
II W w 111 ums 1 co Kort Worth
Jirctrlo bu > n ory AMillnnrcs for tint prly
lltnlttv and Mnnhiml nntl nil kindred trouble
JS iWI a Vr l cr rtl 11 Cornplrto rraiorv
v1iJC fa Vigor outl Mnnhood oioraincod
fnocfcijia rnnlliHl ftpp livmldriSKlnit
t f JS5L Ir 10 Li w Coniplniuti and Hli canm
tfPf CtiiiHtpMlon IhliotineM JiunJlM HeijiJ
rh 0 SMRd 8 W W ovW fc
Al Txtujl rJn rjr
Jtcpcatcd chemic
al tests hao placod
Urst ono brand ol
baking powders then
another at tho head
of tho list but the
most satlsfatlory test
of nil Is thai of the
practical hoaactrlto
who uses Silver Loal
a d never falls to
uinko light anil
wholcsnmo bread
blio cannot bo Im
posed upon and the
powder puliller who
allomnts to pain oil
sonifthliifc also on
herns it belter grndi
of goods will hnvi
jt ho has mltsod hit
3T DE3T 3S3F3L01L 73Nr
Fort Wortb
For fifteen years thoy haTo
steadily gained In
h l ° rl nrt connantly IncreaslnS
SSrtho 0XV 0 ° M0Ul ° ° 01 ° h
8 a e
lo siS o aTo
troducciUhq O and It II
grades with Extra
rdYHt MUl W ° CA furh he hen Jro
lllghc Uw rdifrom all tho Worldt
K lr Tho lait raedal rocolvcd la for FlisfliJ
SK o dVaSlV ram ll ° Ua k p ou aold Si
J1JL r8 patenta have been fonnd
0t e n C C th G1
f 0v >
v o o edn aBb 0C
repreaented For a l ryVh P
A > 0ime Ue on application
S c Hu6icgWnC fx
pen THE
TOXOA Is a prodntt tf the Tonga or Krliuuy Am J W1
Islands where It has long been usoj m iwSril
Is taken Internally and pn >
duces 110 nplcoAant cn
It contains no Osum or IVJorphlno n tT wKj1
rortBArr ny am droooIsts
A A lYlEUUIER Sole rroiirlrtor lOli id
uablercm < ly by tho natives a > ai g uiS2 J jH Jj
of M >
ACOJvVVi taaoonjpouijtl Tonga with
jywvjwvvxw other Ingreilleriui vthoM cur
allvo properties hovo bctn thomiighly tested
o n o
TSo 2I
pmoEovnncti S
mN 0
400 ond 402 Hountoti Cor Third St Fort Worth
ason Hamlin
and Shoninger
r Artists Viati
311 and 313 H mtpn Street Fort Worth
OlxsivS Sclieutaer fei
Wholcsalo Dealers In all Klcts of
Solo agents In North Toias for tho Oclcbnuil
i0l TXoiiMfoti < t
Whisky IVlercli
And Dealers in All Kinds ol
r iitTO
Commercial Prinitj
Stationers lllitnlv IJookatxJf
312 Houston StreetFort
Ammimitlon and Sportins Goods
Send or Trices w
DPjaris Texas
Headquarters for Commercial Men
It Oncfc and be Com
C W McKINNEY Proprietor
Corner Fourth Pnd Main Streets
Rates 250 Per Day
WoiLiit ToxaB
On Fourth betwoon Main and Rusk Street
Wholesale Dealer Cor Sooond and Houston Fori
Wholosalo Dealer In
OroelateiTraiid < GJla4ss
rAeisr Mr iTrif5 <
1 1