tHM OtrtflflK IMMKt > IATK
for Moor
illMfUtHTKfliisiUli iinrtH nnnoiifirtfllhn
nsrmiod AJ tmitinlirrj mi n r niM < ii io lortjm
oMMofiitHrorof ihiidityut Iwl Worth tin
TUB fllrtsrrn M iiiiiioiircii to wninnm th
Monnnt Dr II r ii
thiftfttonotinn > 4rf >
tliocn uInKolnvioii
Irolldn n l MHiJIiUtfl tor
oil th city ot rurt Worth nt
Wlty NiilM < rlt i
8ribwrJI w who now liolil ticket In
Hut < 1nwliK for tho Hold watch which In
to www MRHio Jlllli of March will forfeit
their ohttiioqa If til Kiibnerlptloiw nro not
mid before Hint ilAto Thin aJm refer
id old bill Hint iA it boon ktnmllnu for
norno Hum Ilio tOlloctnrA will ninko an
effort lo two ovory Huhncrlber Imfora tho
ilrawliift Jhworwho mh not do noun
ntflnt null n olllco uinl nettle
The ninny frlelidn of MHi Cillv Jmk
Will bojrliid In Icitril Hint alio In fnnl ro
vovetlnir trout n wimkn liullnponltlou
caiimM dy mi ovcjiloHu of wioliintlou
Tim frlondn of Mr Olnrviico Mnrr tin
popular Minimum of llio Hlitnnwitro do
fiarfuioiit of Lukuw Imrdivnro xtuic itrr
lilttit In nro Jilni out nuatn nfiorniori
nl litA Ionllumiiiiiil In hi room whom
rtiniiinnllKii linn kopt film n prlnonur
Mr I DnliluiMi loll on tho northbound
Mlnsonrl Jnoltlo hint ovenlnit fur London
KiittVln New York HiflinbinloiiiiMnlatiid
HI yvHtgiilnyn Oahiii1i Ik to done tlm
tfwtt rulrljternlor loiiirnnt nnd lui will
iirohnhly I mi iihncnt nhutit it nioiitli Him
oi to film
IomIimk llliifi
Tho oiiinlioii o will no itoulil hold it
mrito ntidlunci nl It oclock thin iiIIhiiiooii
when Air It I Went will dullvur n Ico
turo with Jncobn I > r ntn an it toxl
Mr WllBt Clll rilplAllH WO lllltlOIAlAIld
it tlofonno ot Cliilntliinlly wllli onllruly
now VrrtpoiiH nml from now iircimt
workd TIiOhii who hiitr him thin niter
noon will no iloulil enjoy n treat No
idnilUanou fun will bocliiiiited
Hop > Ill Honk
nwiluar fJuott Ooknr nml Jinhy nmilu
o mill on ah opium ilvn Init niiilit whluh
limy found on llmixtou uliort litiwvim
Hnvontli nml TMnlilli Hop I tlm
nlcrtUiil pnipilclor wnw plavuil In ilm
mii0 vllo Irom which Im CBimpuil by
ijtvliiK Imiiit In tho fliini ol it Hop
in will ho mIvdii a rlniiiLu lo nlr IiIh
uUiitliinnu on thoioilijtictot opIiiiiiMiKik
Ui licforu IiIm honor Hituonlci IidIIiI on
MomlAy mornlnt
IIHit 0 > r
Tho utnmlnliii tilitt ol J K nnih > ii
nrruAlud n nil nncoiiipllc In llui
rtWliulllliU of Alt old uunlliiimii unniml Al
M IIOiiihIh wrin luilil linfoiu limtlun
Nnnci yviildidiiy at to noon Innilini won
hnld titerondir u homl of M0 whluh
wnn lcudlly hen Iloiuiiln i will hu
rcniiiinlwriil whlln n pHNfionitci on lliu
IVxnn A Inolllo wodllioiiml tniln loitticd
2ft on what lio Aiipponvd to ho check
fm fovenil hiiiidriul ilollnm hut wliloh
piotol to ho Aoheuk or only 91IN
Mullen lliiinnr
This Luunn ciiIn iumiihiI Una tlm
htdlinot our illy will hi < intil with tlnlluht
llui iinlithlloliuniii In thin mi of n liinnr
wliiuu tlioy nut ilml Hie liiiuiiiHiitiilo
nrllclt iictiiAhAry In funny work an wull
ah tlm roiilplitlrii woik 1orl Worth lon
hIiicUwciI In ho a fmullet lown mill
IJiu tithto ot our pimpln tlm ilnllciln io
IliHmnniiiil n lilKhlynvlltuid imhiiiuuiiII
Ia tOilny on in MnfMliMiHly hnnullful In
nmcli ot tho ilociirnllvii i rt iiuontlj
linniahl to a libjli hlulo nf porftdloii bj
Urn hrtttlit minim And tkll llnuoitt ol tlm
liiiltONol Ihoooillilry And thcipforo II In
Hint Iorl Worth Irtdicn will wcliimm Minn
Ii Ai lcllook who Iuih fNtnhliMhid At
K0 Hoimton Mi cot a pmfactbljoiiof n
dims wliuro ran bo found ouQtMiu
nuuiliid tot1 ivnrvllilujt In dm fancy KomU
lluu Loudy lllllKiot ilowum liuiutllul
iuibroldiiiloni 1iihIic ikiubcii niikn ry
Dim cloth itondA I lily llmui nli vie
Mlnl lollouk ImvliiK uiiiHtmml tlm nrt
of lUKtm piilnUnu uud Imliroiditliiiti
ortifn Imr m tv1 v to oirlmlli iiMiu
MiuclrtAi In llmui nuni nml mrtAiuiy
tlmy mo AoeoiiipllriummtH well wottfi
ItlliOr ApPllOittloiuiud uiongy Tun a
riirti4 will itolprotuml to ovun minima
rUattliiittnu Im omul at tlm Htmn mn
JMlAMlNiltock Will liHiiorrow Mmnhiy
open Imr OiiufM to Umpuiilln mill tun
dlilllv IllVliOfl tlm ludlvH o call nml mm
fnF UniuwilliiM U llniiol ln IouIiiimI
tliftliliDinliUliiiiH wliUh will noon oxliit
IioHmIiii Mini full < ck nml tlm pnopln will
tm inimt ijordiiit nml inuftinlly pruiltiiiln
IholliuiMr lotion lliiunion Htrrvt In
AiuHliiir coliiinn will bit fiuml tho liolyn
fi fci i > i w w 3Hi A ww v WWM
A tliirmiulily tlmti lliinnviil Hoy N r
Mlttintit loiiil Mini
DMInvuilnnoiu Whnt did jomniiumi
tino it nlnul Im I Wot li turf llmro wnro
only o tow tiioiiH o mttllpo there
Jliut Hoy Imlhoii tkuowid It
Dr HwKtuliiumti Whnt did you qnmuii
Aitllno for It you kimw llmro wnro only u
few ritHOM IlieroJ
Ilml liny Dnllimi I duiil like Foil
tr Hwenrliiiteiii Why dont jnu like
fort WotlUr
Ilml Hoy Dnlln i Hihiiiuhc
Mv Hwinr iitttUM Hmhuiui whutf
4bul Hoy Dnllimi HCiMUte hein liiiely
wlietl I wniil iinytliliii Kurt Woiilinf
lr MOArlilu < ni Will dont you Know
Unit iimirnotliui s n Horlmio iiiMlrr nml
nut to bo wmd by foollxb boyn Viieolnn
Hon nml not iiuiiiiiiiitmb Hio teuiod
loexmftlMiox IIiIh iiluiioiitim Inw Invii
t ICKrnpled ouir Hmwhuln couidry nml
dluiiAUell the btiHlimioi tit Hie eullre Mute
Of JOX A i
Jlml Hoy Dnlliui Did it imn Ion
l r HwoiilltKom Vim
lliiil Hoy DallitH J dont euro
Tiiumah rtiniA
tli wmiii W > W nn
A J > rt > krl ll t Ilntntt
UlltCMio Jil Feb ar Tlio lil
Iriiomd liit > lilivirn lodoy tent u
foiiiml proieAt to Joint AHvnt Moom
reiinii > ntAllve of the trunl llimi nitnlum
tho new probOAod tlMUHediumf intitf of
OotiuilNloMftr1 Kluk Tlm uotleu In
ilitimd by Aiutobr Ui mnl llnimnnmic
l o Tiiu proiiOKiil tariff will < tnio
ft ct Monday itVii on tint n y noiioi h
Will oiimDod oil tun ill if limit tondn by
wfilctJ JnliljiioentH Kfe umd >
ii lliyiidxjijwujtJWJllliil i < tfwr
njjAl NovviJrluAiHftuhittu liulletn
from ilmlMimllKMOiJ UHrfiUinuw
fsuvi Uett jW1NP tl J liV CrltfbMf
ft ft
HiilnllH IrftAilnr on IrUt
U > HI > oh ch a7 ll > iilmmi Wllllftnt
llnrn AiidClutinphiiii llm Honlallnl fend
tm wciii bioii lil Iwitoro Kir Jiimon
liiunun At Um flow tHrfiU court lodny
for further ImnrliiK of tlm iluirum I1
firrcd K lu t lluun on acconnt ot tlmlr
iltlnrnneoM mi lite occitilrtii ot tho rornut
HucIMIHt Amountralloux In London
lyiimaiiWlin coiulucln IiIn own d ivnixt
ioinil lnil of tlm rourno of ha iriilx
trAtn And Mr CilliUt homo if roiory
Icelnrliitt Ilml limy worn iirnjudlcril
iiKnlnii llio ilitfnmliiiilH nml Illiiuilid Ilml
prnlmllc In dm toiirxo ol bin tmiuirkn
lii iluhbi d Mr Clilhlorfi ah Comclon
cjlillilrrn col Ilctiilawiii who won nf
tho litttd ot Urn London pullin ul Urn Hum
of Urn riot liul who lm ilnco rcKluniMi
ittnl who whh Atihpiiiiiimd an a wlfnimN fm
llio ib fmirm lAAllilNl Hint Im haw no aIkii
nt Hio iiuunlntf nf n iriiim iitAi < i uttAi k
A Imfiitu tloVfiroml
rOXVtOV Kill 1ST A MtlMlllOII IliM
boon urimbtil by tlm lontlinouy ot n
Hfirvmit In tho imrn nl Itcv Dynon tlm
Weiloytiu olnruyiiiAti on trlnl with Mm
Adi ldii IlAitluttfor tho nllcuvd murder
on Noh Ycaih un by chloroform of Imr
Imnlmiiil KdonrdT Jltrtliilt ot Iluillco
Tho prmmcullon routuud Hint xcwrni
yiorAiiuo llarlltltfullliiK In huAlth mir
riiiiibivil IiIh wife lo Dynon who win
fAinlly imlor Jlmt Dvaoii uln < eiimiilly
uinliilAliiiil it liiiHbAiiaA rotation with
Kir iiinrrjn8ii to
known lit ollmr people I lint lit tlm
AUluiiiii llurtlott tmniiiii iIchIioiih
lo rtKiln tlm ioiton he Iml mir
rendnicil nlilion li tho Inily limlnied on
kijiilluir fulth with her jnntori Hint
llnrtlbltA otiirtiiiiiH lieenum no peinlHlmit
Hint Mrn Hiirlbitl renoleil to tiv tin
eipidldiit ot ok n otnlim hlin i v Aiunlfj
Intf lilui wltliihliirofiiroi mid Hint New
ViiiiH evo when he npproni lied Im l > ul
wllh piitlcuhirh loleiitdiuiiotiHtiiitliiiiH
Mr Ilmilclt Hirliikluil mull liirMniimutl
lie of hloroforui which hud been pre
ciikh liy Dynon In htrliuiliiiiiilwfai Im
full hiielt niicoimeliiun mid iliud fiuiii the
Ilfeot Tlm defenmi N Hint ilimlll wuh
nceldonUI nml tlm I lliu uhliirnforiii wnh
UMil with mi Innocent purpnHn hut tlm
priKOfliitJoii muiteuduit Hint Dyi011 nml
Mm lliirllnlt killed llnrllotl In order In
remove hint iih iiii omdnclo lo tlutlr eon
tlniiud union
llio iiiiinleiinl miilMirlitcn ul Purls limi
untiiri it Ilml llio minimi tlm iltillv l > uOAiilnitil
from illilrnn4 ImiikH tmuinil ly llio innfriiimll
IiiiihiiImiiiI iHiiniilllO o
miniJlljeloiv nt Niii > mk lmiit > rfiiiiiioiliiil
M On liMiim nml llio IlimmiA nimiiliinny
Imlliivcil in Imvn liirmml n OiViiriililH iniliilin
i em uriiliiK tlm itiiiiDilii nf llio oiimil
Ill lire llloniiiiik 4 ijiilfrrliiK frmn ii iillncl
nf iliitlrut Hitit U linnlibi to leeotiii Ilillert
UHiihli iiom MiitlllliiTK iiNnlviitir ilinini
jrr of llm iirnliiliikil of jiimiijiIo will luifme
ArrlMliiko Ihurleii niiiiiim
IjMllllCf nl dill 1111 iih fiisinii
ii Hinlh Inkii im
nil rlKlilH 11 Imrmilf unit l
110II1 i imiiiiiniliiK
llio iiiiirriimn to tin Amtrii 11 tttiKt rimt
liiirnltiiotiiilliiii llui report Unit imtnill
cnIii nt IIiiIkIiiii IIiiioiiIiiih Idye 1 nlrniil I11U1
wiurnilnfiir llm iimmriifllon 111 rnlliihiiln in
Alli iiMililliitf Ihiihoh nro tn lie iiIommI In Mum
fiiiii lint KninliTi m threwu Into iIiiiiiiimimii
ll miim 101
Anornumwlll Im tnlil dy Cm
limy nro Hum of imr io iiliu > ti
lliniiietlirlllliiiil poepln or rrnime dhkiii
lil m l iilJIiirilielUer TfilmiiU I I lii
Melnr lluun
Wnriili < 4iiiit
it lilt
1I11 Imiitir lo
White nitd fancy nlilrln uimlo lo order
nt Thiiiiinn KniiiUiunil Itoimloii
what mrjxrf roiiMi nrit
Miiny Am OUni lo iliiiii liim ii
llll lllllllllllyNiMITllHlll lllioli
unit lli > tlnelliiii
Thti wtller ot thiHiirtlchi 1mA Imcit ilm
bntlntt In bin mind for noum tlum om
whulher II would notbo n HcdKe well
ilrljeiyloluiblliihii fw welbKroitudeil
fnuU for tlm MerliitiH ilelllmmtlon of the
initio pnpnlntliin of thin couuliy Iel it
Im iinilniNtood llmu h on Urn onnot hitt
iinthlutiillclnloihil or otliorwlno H In
tended oiiInIiIo of nclenr pienentAtlou of
fiiclflniulfnctmilono To iiinko nioney
In within tlm power of evoiy
one mid tottuiien itttor otttiiien
nin ninilii not only by a few
bill by nil of tin Then you link why nro
tliiiro not more mllllonnlroH Hlinply ho
CAiino It In not no much In innkliiK moil
oy but to iionncnt tlm kunok of whIiili it
lllln U tho key mid tho only one lo Urn
IiIhIi rood lo proiporlly nml wonlth How
nutneioiiM n 1 ii thuyoiitiK mon who uoto a
iiimchnnt mllor lor A null of clothnn nml
pny fiiMii e 0 lo 4io fiirlt beoiUHo they
entettnlii nil eiioiieiiliH lilon that they oittt
iiotlm lltttil perfectly nii nn linv do
Whnt n Kinml mUlnke Mnlone Wdllor
A0 hnvo In fitol Junl oiiuted 11 nupetl
nhlpuieiit of tullormndu KlovelltHiiu
Mtookcif npiliiL nml miiuinur niiitiuun
Htinlnntedil to fm nipmlly ah well tiimle
nml tlm imiturlnl iioilutiiu lomt lufmlor
10 wlmt jmi tot nt tlm mmeliHtii
ullurn nml a unit will ponlHtctvuonl you
Iron 910 lo Mtt lenn imuioy How In the
itAine ot nil Hint In kooiI mid renl 0111
1011 pny thin illiteieimo In mitt when
thtroiU 110 illifiuenco in tho ipinlliy of
itootW And the lit It nliuiily fniiltlenn do
nudiuotiiiclotliliiKfuryoiiriiiit nml tiy
It on 1 he iseutleinon Iiiimi no objcdlltiii
to tliln nud your even will uoitnlnly con
vlncnyou tlio dlfforeiico In ptlcewlll
tiny your fnriilnhliiK kooiIa bill nml put a
ilrnt clnns ptlr of nlioun on your cut
llm HllltiK Hmnl u piil
Imt AmiinDrtii Mninr
Spi > cUIPitlioUmiiui
ISMiinv Tiix ni jltTho Uniory
ntHiiK bond nud drniimtle club timdu lln
Bpimiinttico on tlm I10U1H nunlu htm
uluhi with Ten Nluhli In a Hnrltnoiii
which witn pienentml In it nmmmr wotlhy
H older Aitdinoti nxpetliiticcil pullonu
Mi rt Hdliini John llnllmv
niidJlt Henry 1hllllpnnuiiultted tlietn
tmlven iiiluilrnlily Tho piifornimicca
w rocloned with niliinireln nldfupllttliiu
jukoA Ami elwtut immlo tur ontvimiod
IriemUl Tllrnck lKred am lloum In
thniiiilHiel lintl of the potlDrumitcen
aiiiI troth tin wnj hu illii lilKpnit we
weropetniimiiHl Hint ld imum otmhl n
ho Hhiek
Mr J IPiiiiynnold uud lihjlib ro
npcoted cltiren ot ilinoiinty wnnhurteil
At tbU pluce ln i otenliiit Ue IcAven a
ywt lAiut y ot oriihun oiilldttm to mourn
their I01H li wife IiaUhk died two yenr
n OJ liny have tlm nynipmhy f nU
whokmiw them In tlmlr bercMinent
our peoplo m prepnnim lopimn nn
otl r 01 op 801110 hnv pliiiitoil eoni ai d
ninny oontemplttiJ iil nttuit on MwuUy
NotwIUintaudlint the uxtieim tictreUy
JViioiieyonrfarinernAiu tookhiK hc cr
rui WiVImwiAii Abiimlniici of corn nt
Ufiy centH per liunlieli o tn l ititirie
ceiitm potk coriifilttied ul U0 CHiitu
pur potiim nml th u why no ro happy
IUlutiuitnly U reculvid oulto tin io
reunion In tiiu wnv ef viiilarAiitH thU
W MnnyKOod Milittiimlnl ftiuietn
fminthe Kintotntttui Weutmn ktutvnhnvo
noimlit nml ibtnlned Iioiiiua nmuim m
To nil nueli tti oxwiul a eordfitl iveiwiiit
ml mf iHiuio mi All yothnt nto w ry
uud tiiHvylndeu nml hoiiioltxij Wi Art
a Jnntf wny futi Iho Hon v t
Wti Wnbt all the iottil of TiXmi to
IWtrmffii WAtei
GcoJaiuiloti and Kalian Hale
A Talc of tho Revolution
Ill 1 IKWI i MetltlMI
WAMilimtonM blrthilAy I How tunny
nml vnrlod urn thOMiCollnDlloiiAConncctcil
with thAturvnt iiAtnut luorotbnti r cim
turyliAA clnp d rIiiuh tint ocmirrcnco ot
Ihmj cvdiilx which brought icoruo
WAtliliiRton no promlnontly biforo tlm
Ainotlmn icoplo mid mndo him oim of
tliontont DowilnclmiAutoni ot lilxtory
nnd yut HOtwItliMtAndlnu All Unit Inw
liten written ot hint And tlm pnrlod In
which ho fornmd Mi crntrAl a fluurn tlm
oibjeot In ntlll nil limxliniiiitlblu one nml
nlwnyM trnunht with now Inton At
I tury ouulNfnliilllnr with Urn life ol
Wn llnntoii from thomi bo > IioihI ilnyn
wlnuiho WAHCoiuiptouniiitninoiw IiIh im
coolnUin In IiIh fnmlneM for nil boylili
AiiortA mid ntlilnllr oxuruMon kxiMiIIIiik nil
IiIh plnyuiAliiH III IiIh ftiAU ot fiorHiuiuin
ylilp iind pliydlcrl iicliloioimMito iivldenc
ln nvim tllitn whim ho oixmilnd hln
OinpitiiloiiH Into JiiviuiIIii ImtiilM ot xol
dltim ho uiiriit of tliom inllltnry liultn
which In IiIh imiluiiii > oitr imtilu hlin ho
KueeoHiful n toldler nml uuuOuil lln
uim but twoiityono yearn of nun
when Jm wah illiipatohiil on nn Impoamit
nlbndoil to ViinniiKO mid xiinli wnn bin
mlllljiry foriinlKht nt that tlmv tlml bud
Mr Ilmtliitt In her homo with Ilnrllotl hU mlvlco boon lidraUut llrnddockM iluimt
ipprovAl aiiiI oiicoiiriiKiuncnt hut int would timer hnvo boon lucouled iiiuiii
1 1 1
ho piiKen of lilnlory ilAtln on vArlinm
tlmen uud ihuhIoiim oxhlbltml bin mil
dimly iiiullllcn nml iinuniiiil iiiilllly iih it
lender nml coiiiiiinmlor nl the jcicnt
erbiln of our nntlonnl hlntory In 177ft Im
wnn iiiinnlinoiiHly iihontui nml iippiilutml
on the d of July of that yenr to tlm on
iiroiin nml urnml ponllloii of coinnmmlei
luchlef of the Anieilenii nrmy Durlnu
llm Ioiik > enm ot ntruaKln Hint follotveil
under uiont illnlienrtiiiluu din
eoiirnKciiiehlnnud deptlviitlonn with tin
tmtnlleled uiuiiiKouud pnllenen ho nlend
fiintly puiniiid IiIh eoitrne Miiuioiintlim
nil oUtnclun until Im hud noldeviiil tlm
Kieiit did nud oliliml notitthl tlm Imln
pnmlune11 ot the Atmiilcnn coloulnn mid
Urn nun of lib military Kloiy rono uuvei
10 nut or he overnlutdowed by tlm clouiln
or iiiMm of llnio It In not my Intention
In writing thin llttlu nkutch to premium
to mid my humble laurellout to
tlm I11111101 lul nhitplet lotnt nlneu woven
by IovIiik nml nklllful limiihi nml lulil
1111011 tlm cnikiit of imunoiy which nhiiueH
nil Hull wiiMiiolilentnudbentof our lined
Wiinliliitlou bill In lomllnu lilntoileNof
tho tlnltml HtAten I biivo noiimtlmuN
tliniluht thete were inniiy uiiililiiiitn of the
levoliitloiinud unlit few iuIoih therein
Wliodenened more tluiii the nmie pnnn
lu mention miulo of them by Urn bin
torlmin mid chroitlulein ot lliotm dny nud
nn I lend liiiiently 11 brief nenlenco lefu
rlni to Nitluin llnle who unit hm futo im
UiellmlHpy ot the Amoimmi iitniy tlm
tlioiiuhl miuunnted Itmdt to mo Hint while
I iiilKht not ndil even tlm Hluijilent hjuIk
of inerKieen lo tlm memory of out peei
Iomh WiiDhliiutoii I mlfthl dHciiy n mmplo
oifeiln lo Hint nf NaIIiiiii llnloln writ
n Hie toiichliiKMloiy ot IiIh denlh nud
Mime IncldiiilH conniutml thuiewllh
In tho Hilly Hiiniiuuf ot tlm your 1770
Nullum Hide 11 Miiduul of Vuln
college uienled Ktenl excltemunl nml
feeling itmoim liln uhinnimitmi y
miitoiiuolUK to tlmiii bin Intention nl Join
liiK the Aineilcmi nrmy Oim lowily ilny
In Juim the colc piiiH wem Kuihereil on
the colleuo KronmlN dlmiUBhln wlmt
neeined to llm imijorlty of Ilium tlm
nlinnuo lufiitiiutlou which Iind liikeit pim
biiihIoii ot Nnlhnii lluln Home mild
llnloiuiiHtbonrny olhcin termed 11
mom blunter IIIh coiihIii MntUiuw
Unionn youn imin of ttwintvitildrenncd
htm nn followNi Vitthnn llnle If you
nernlni In iln inclnu yournett nud fiitnllv
byjolnluit Hint lohellloun ntliblo I will
liAto you dlninlmrlted llnlu pnbl no
iilloutlou to Hkino ieiiiitilH but pioccud
cil to Mr llorkley ptofoNsor of ilm col
le e wio Wnn nentoil In Iih nttidy The
old Kentliininu looked up from over IiIh
ttlnnnuH nud mild In tho ntutii Voice which
hud no ollen burnt llm tenor ot the col
leulniini Well nlri wlmt do you wlnhr
Nitlhnii rniillud In it ioHmutful but lltiu
lotto ol vulco 1 Ilofommr It In my In
tenllon to lento tho colle o nml lulu the
Auietlcnuniiny mid I hne uoinu to bid
you ndleii If n tliuiidnibnlt hud
tullen upon him tlm old iteiitlunmn
would mil lmo been moie niUinlnliiid
lie w h vciy liidlmiaut nud beynii 11 Ioiik
hnrmiiim to whluh Nntlmu llntotiud pn >
lletilly Alter hu Iind eoneludeil Nulhnti
llitoimeil hint Unit bin iDtpontiiliitloun
were In uln m It wni bin linn Intuuilou
tiibumumiinoldtiil The piofunxir be
euliio niiuty mid beumi nltoUiur lininuttuu
Nitthnn bowed impei tlully uud Immull
ntely lett the collemt Hu pmoeulud to
Dimtoii nud noon nftur Joined ilm Autei I
can mmy under imi Wiinlduutoii He
dlsllnKul lHid liliiinelf nl the buttle of
Don heninr llol liln cmouiiIii two of the
enemyM lllltn Witnlilnittoii wliu bud
heiiufot tltujomtg imuio briueiy yive
lilutit corpotnlV itipolitmeni fie wnn
noon utter fur bin eouiu c uppolntmi
citptnlii ol n oominny Meiiuwhlle Mnt >
ilieiv Clinton hml iilno lull lliu colluiiii mid
joined tlm lliltlnli loiiim nmlof duo
llowo On tlm sinttt ot AiiKiint 1711 thu
bitttlu ot Jmtitt Inlniul wnn fon il Tivn
ilnyn utter Wnnhliitoniiiiler cmer of
n heny Ion drow off hi totcen
uud nllei oionnhttt Hm Hunt
river cntieiiolttd Idinnelt on llmleui
HelHliln An ho denlied nuwn of the
uuaniyrt iiiovenienti he nunt tor IJnpt
Nullum llnle who vnturctl Imineillitcly
11 wnn ttmUt of Heiiteinber 177 nud a
luiivy milt full upon the Aiuetleun on
cutiipineiit nl llm loin lluluhtti an ho
entered tho cnptnln Milnted nml then to
innlned hiniuliiiK In tine nillltnry fnnhlon
At llm entinnco ot tlm tout until the mm
oml nhotild Addtoun hlin WitMhlnuton
wnn looklDK ovot hoiuo papern bill luv
niedlntely mono nml iiiinnrked 1
Cnptnln I lmo been uaIUiik or yon
nml wlnh to imourtflln If you 1110 wlllliiH
loiindeitnko it dniiKetOUH inlnnion In tlm
KNlue of yonrooiintry An Wnnliliiu
loll nddtonned hlin ho looked truly ttmtiili
ot iionmmuilliiK ptenenoe klx feel luo
Inchon lit ImlKjit bin fnce culm iHuulllint
jot tlrtti llm iimnner nlthuuuU foriunl
Iind noinethltiK In U Hint went to Nutlmtin
hvAil mid he lull tluvt tie could mi Any
where 10 netvo thU iioblohenrled man
Alter n inoinuiitN thonttht hu replied 1
UviierAl t will ko WAnhliimon re
plh 1I1
Vouuit limn licforu I nooept your uijii
erotu offurl with to liitoitn yon Hint voiu
llhurty oven your life m In ilmnier If J on
uoill uoveiudiind if you fml oy honl
mncy In eniorlnu upon thU dungHioiu
AihiuitiiM you nro ul liberty 10 with
tlritw llnle IniinmlUtuly Mtnivoreil thin
he would Atmept ntnt niter reuelvliin In
KiruoHuiii Iront WhrIiIiikiuii he dcpArtnd
niKiii bin tlAuttorouH inlnMou
On Hm Mhdsy ol Heplembcr I7ra n
jotiii tntui r vtiterod tho llrllUh llmm
ot Look Inliutd bunrluii provUloun for
the nrmy nml An tifi tit wnn drawtnk neat
liorcqiicMCdtiiltoiillowed to lomuln lui
tho cnmii nittll the lollowli > day Tho
joitntt Ul titer who wam no other tJUntt
I know you And uiilwu you
Join tho IirltUh nrmy f
n a py NAthnit ropl 1
trnltor to your country j
n bV oKAlnt Air lt
Iwunty men Kowim unit il
jiromlHo to
Vou nro a
will never
roitU mo
ilonounco 1110
nnrtniiytp yfytffoiiiirinlor Mid let mo
m < 4 rnjf hU tor I wilt Accept none of
yobr tproponionn nml defy you Tho
colonel now crledi Corporal of the
uunrdAtrenfthln tniin nml conduct him to
iltiii llown lieAdimrtorn Mnttheiv
entered H > Kcnornln tent nitn After con
irkln rvltb Jfowo for noinolline ordcrml
Urn ftuurdn to hrliift Nntliun In Oil tlm
prisoner nppentniKo llowo nnVod bin
imim to whluh the py replied NBthnn
HaIu Howe contlnmd If you aii
Hwet cornctly tlmiiiotlonH put to you
your life will be npared II you nfune
yon wlllbehuiiK
NAthnit llnle lepllwli Inn Howe I
retime to niuwcr nny ittcntlonn tvhnt
uor Without nny nioro aiIo toid
llowo wined liln hiind nml the corporal
neled Vnthnii runt couduotcil Mm to it
lent where ho wnn ntrlctly uiirdil until
llio next dny On the 7lb of Heptemiier
tlm ItrlllNh nrmy wnn KiUlmrcd on Hu
plnln Al it oclock tlm nound ot n mill
ilml drum wnn lienrd nud noon nfler Nn
tlmn llnle nppenrcil In u enrt MmuIIiik
oiiot with nrniH fobh d mid Kulntf on the
crowd cnlmly On ench nlda ol the cutl
rnnrched tmj men tilth kiiiih ruteincd
Tnkuu In nU lie pruuniiloti wnn n mourn
fill one Without uuy tnnl Nnlhnii llnle
wnn liuim by IIowiim onlor Iventlie
mnimon olllcen of icllitloii were denied
hlin uud bin Pint wordn were I die
wllllnulv nml only regret that I hnve hui
oim life to tlve for my comitiy
Multlmw Clinton runniliicd In the llrll
lull nrmy until llm clone of the wur nml
then letiirimd to London After npenillntf
A tew iluyx In the Llciil metfopolln of Hn
ulunil lie went lo Clinton itnuKiyi nutlior
fienutllully hllmtliitoii the bnulin of tlm
Thnmen Ilin 0 iiiIIhh from London Thin
nnlittu yan oivnud by bin uncle Hlr Henry
Clinton n ictlrid bnroiiet who Iind In
herited un liuimnnu foituim iiiuoiinlliift to
overnl liuiiilrid llioiiwind poumlH He
nodded with the old tteiilliiimiii tor ten
yearn uud 011 bin iiiicIoh denlh wnn iiutde
lielr to the Cllnloii CHtiilin The yenr
rolled on lllled with oiitwuid prontiurlty
nml woildly uood until Alnlthew Cllntou
Iind mucin d llm Appointed lioumbiiy of
inuiin life three ncoie nml ten Aflei
the leudneot bin iincln hocoiilluuid to
renldu nl Clinton Uinuuit lending n life of
illnnlputlouneehluu to diowu tlm NeuieiilH
ol rcmoiHii wlilcli hnd follouud him
from youth Ihriumh iulddlentii until
now wllh bin biinl oim mid
heiiil whltcneil with tlm fronln
of Ihiiiiv wlntein Tinue wnn no timo
loll of tlm youiiK nml nut ho Ilrltlnh
colonel of In en Iv who hud denounced IiIh
coiinln un 11 niy On u cold DiLemher
evening on he mil itloue In bin ntudy
blooding over llm piinl by llm old lo
lire ho fell nnlum nun In jiln dienmn
llmre ApjieiiKil lieioio film llm nhntle of
IiIh coiihIii Nnlliliii lluln whom Im had no
UeiielmroiiHly bntruyml mid whore un
timely tale Iind been biouthl uijoiil by
IiIh hcArtleiiHiienH Tlm lluuin uiolloniil
0 hlin nml nienied to nnyi
Mntilmw Clinton thlim liom him
comet repent mid die Tlm niipoiniit
unit IlKht Which eiivelopeil the npecter
Krew brlKhter nml brlithteriiH tlmttlmntly
f01 in vmilnhul Willi 11 tetilble nhilek
he unuUiniil nml bin wife mid ncrvnnt
ninhcil Into 1 fto ntudy only to Ibid hlin
moniiliiit mid mtrlnu ul tlm npol where
the pluiuloiii iind nppeuted lie wu
Citiutiilly leinovcd lo bin cluiiiibur
nml for iluyn Im loinud In n delirium
monnlim uintlnuully Nnllmn my
coiihIii Iiiimi metoy At IoiikIIi the do
llrliim punned nwny uud he nvwikmicd to
COiinuloiinimHH once inoin He culled IiIh
tvlto In bin heilnlde nml inliUid to her tho
ntoiy nt Ids yoiiiiKcr ilnyni how thioimh
bnteund fulni pittilolintu be hml hcn
ot or bin noblo yoiiuit ooiihiii to dculh nml
how on Hint dnmdful muht when hml
he nut p bin ntudy IiIh imirdoted iounlu
ippcniiiil In Mm u IiIh dreiuii tonnmiuiico
IiIh coiiiIiik ilcnth JI In wife nut wocplmt
by bin nble wllh howed heed IIhIciiIiik lo
IiIh lulu Hut the old mnn hml cciihciI to
titlki niu loolmd up mid found hlin ilcnd
bin ulunny eyen IlXi d upon tho mill lhrce
InyHitfimwmd Im wnn Interred with nil
honor In ohllU lntilNceiimleiy In Lon
Wlmt lie Iliinil Oily IVnptn InliiUol llm
Anlliiii of Dnlliin
HK > miil to llm liuntle
Uivnmiiv Tn Tob lf7TIo nr
rival ol Ninth Tuxun nml ollim ntute
inipern with lull pit 1 tloulan ot Ktitto
llmiltli Ollluet HttonrliiKuun vlnlu to lmt
Woith nud Dalhic nerved lo tnhe In
tereMt n thit ipiitiiiiillihembiirio iKclnrcd
by the innyor of DiUInt nKiilnnt tho eltl
nun ot Kurt Worth IJMcpt iuiioiik pro
lennlnitnl nud troveiliijr men the Hiibjnut
nuetiit to luive ittttiiuteii Imt little
nttenllon Mire Your eoitiipondeut In
coiivernnitoti with u mmd many tniudinu
men bnmtieHn men mid phyniulnnn upon
tlto Mlbjeiit dhcovcfcd Hint the ijuiuntl
opliiloti ot nittvoktonliiiii toitchliiit tho
piouhiinntlon Issued by Hon Muj loiiu
llonry Urowit nny bo btleily expiewiod
In Urn word nllly Not n nlnula mnn
At nil convclwiiit with the nltimtlun could
be found who Juillflod llui iiellott ot Dill
Iih Tlm ceiinim ot opinion In Hint the
Ditllnn pupplo luuo itllouul lllollMOllHh
fuirn ot 11 fortublublii itvnl to oiitivnlnh
their Judgment mid honuniy of imiponulii
tho iirenilnen dhoiiniliiit the utiody
nullon o Dnlliin lirouuhl to the
Kcolketlon of nnvernl nentleimm
the itllempleil iUnntiitlne ugiilnii
litlwHion by llounlon tieveiitl ycurn m < i
tiiott Hie 11 nival nt it ve neloft Hm Imr
Willi it tuiliplo of Oiikun o yellow feei
Alltioiuib tliiuu lliui ot Hoimton plined n
lend fnllilinnnd linn nlnnii In en leKiutted
mid ibmoiincdl by ninny cltleun of
Hoimton yet n compnrlnon of tho two
< iutrmitlne oiiielmiuiilonn nhottn intlnvor
Ably for Dftllnn In tlmcniuot llouton
the nennon nml tlm ilUennu wem bulb
rnlciilMod to en mi 11 nlntm aeo U101114I1
tho uintH weie 011 nldplmiud In the
Drillim en no neither thu nnunon nor tlm
ilUoano In nonipnrublu with AiiKimt nnd
yellow lover It the diluintoiiluni
could not Junllfy llotintou In
tho hitter mh tho people ot Port
Worth inijrwwlly Imnitliiu how iibntird
the plenum itcHou nt llnllnn neeiiiD from
tbl illntnnif Kivernl prominent pliy
vIiiiih nud mlltixtd men ntrouitly de
jiioiiiiind Urn ciiitiuiM A tmwntmilled
I Ami iliimulixl the bleu of iiumunllnu
iiltRlimin HiionjU no loniiuou uuwttilnyn nn
inallpo Hitliilly when tho whole 111 1
IriiuiM bottler m iiioro oi k > m Infiited
with It Tlitwit tuniltmon all thought
Hint DAllim Would nomc day pny 7or
thin dirty work ai ruie or Hium ex
premml It When jolir correspondent
iKkedfiirpMiiilnntou to puljllnh iiuinen
mid Imltvldnnl nplnlauA they beatreil off
onHiourouitdtliittmiyilbl not tlko to
Amienr in A nuitiur In which ihey wero tmt
illrnotly uoiirafneit while nnvercMnml
noun intin toniomliflriJd Hint a liuuui ow
Miier wan tuiluintf a bntieh tiouwe tn
< wM
A poilluu ot a n kelotou wnn iiuenrthml
Nann ll lo fc dAdomed Ylili T nin NMWrtgtiii l l w k nnuu
In ttrstor 14 mln MtlmlMlan into itol lit Ywl rtr l JH lmA < Udof <
l t 01niii 10 tl Ot 1 Henumlmr it I i WHM < ovldemly ort6 ol
flitfinn X frSritmto tim cut colnnl PiJlWwuwii by tho fVdc4ti
trt lib AUttbiyw dr t cd
ilw tmlform ol iirltlnt colttne
njiirowliKtlidiu tm Mid AUjRn Jtnh >
Absolutely Pure
ptmilrr uetrr xuirn a nnmel ef
tlriimstli nml irli < ionu iu n Mure
iiciiiiinili Al II11111 llm oriliniirj kliel unit noiiml
liimldln i > iiiiiilllluii Willi tlm iiiiilllltiile ot
linv tnal Imrl wnlxlil nlioii or plMinplnttii pew
tern ma nn Ol min llllVAl IIAlllNO
llWlltlttllniWnlMtnil Vmv V > rk
Now Embroideries
Now Embroideries
Now Embroideries
New Embroideries
New Embroideries
and New Dress Goods
and Now Dress Goods
and Now Dress Goods
and Now Dress Goods
and Now Dress Goods
Also now TrliiiiiiliiK Iiiuth Mil
lions JIimpn UoHlcry lliillons
mill otorylliln pcrlnhifn lo In
iIIchulllpc jnsl inrhcil til 111
Houston Hticcl l v
Mm I A Iolliiek himjiiDl
nieuei 11 IiiiiiiImuho utook
or IlutliiM PuiiK i llk
Hmiirulilrrm hiiuiipiilut
ml Kef IllllKiit Ilnwin
uio lit hK lliniMiin ttreet
I lie nnilre nlm k In In nli
nut nii iiihI niilirneen
iiuin Verf lltmirooiln
fllnii M < ln > March I
llm lieul Irnlil iiineitlnu
lliuli r the iiiiiniiKiiiiinil or
11 l ll Pill
Vltt > < >
Iltnn In 11 hen
tty Jan llnieh innl 1 Vrmiirv Kihk Tmi
An Ii < IhIi Lovo iStory
Ilillef liUliwIiniiilnonibiKiut A line tln
tutu ul IrltH Lite wlilmut Iclcnt Ililillcn
lleilUontui PincoiinNlnur
Notion to Conlrnolors
HenlpiMil mil bo rmmlvdl nl tlm imnitj
ilvikaoliliiiimiio lioiiiiiik in Apitt A iwjiT
lor tlm linllthiiK of It oouiily emirl lioiiao nf
Ifiilervlllu Uiniioiinty texniiiirioiiiiiiir In
i Aim nml miuriniiillom nnu on llio lu llm
oli rnn mil e of > nlil loioily I lio i oiiouimIum
er miiitttinirvi < ii > iirlKlitt TJ l nny ion
nil Wil i A IIIIOWN
tioinityliiljio l ni nonniy
Yin IlinUiiiiil Illiioil lliiiiniliif IIidVuIIhii
Ulliriirnllillii MUlni
Ifoiti HMiin Ann Kob i7 ltihli oii
Kutoi wnn Heiitenceilln the Unltul Stnteij
onurt todny for the murder of Unity
IIIch iiwir rorl Wnnhltn IndmuTerrltoiy
MnylHth IIIch wnn posiniiinlci Nt i > r
Wnnhltn nnd while he wnn drlvliiu n
buck cnriyliiK nmll ubotti niiudowu he
wnn Ibid upon nud niorlnlly
woiiiidud by nonie pernon In nm
linnii l Idenco imnltml Korop wnn purely
idtcinnHtiiniitii mid Ids Intvymn Iuim
neiiiclied tlm whoio countty for Hiiilleinti
tentlmouy to wAtrmil it now trial Ieml
luit thin nonieh neniencu wnn nunpnidnd
but todnymine lnrdeo oveniiled it mo
tion font now trlnl mid neniunccil Kemp
to bo hntitfud Ii nlny Api It a Tho K nn
tiny noveti other eoniUiiuied Ittdinn Turtl
lory iiitirdererd nre to bo ImiiKcd
White nml fftticvnhlilA mndo lo order
nl lliiiiiiN I Ifmirtlt mid Hountnu
Sou Diihlmnii llron when you wnnt to
Xlinliiii tlto Intent tioveltlim In nllk nnd
wilt liuU limy loud the fnnhlonn
tli Trf iiiry lt < i liiil 1 iiim Hi iiiii
ot > liriini
llMlftl to tint UmiHo
AvhiinThv Iob tr uiv imimut
liAMnti nt the tlirto ol Jon llniuockn
dettlb telinrAphod toiuloliiiicrt to Hi
wldotv tojiny rn eived it note front Mm
llttnomsl tlistikliiK hint fur bin kind ox
pronnlnmi ot n > mpathy
Todny CoinptrollerHivnlupnld Into tho
trAury 67K00O of which WTfliiww
U > tho pcrniinonl ohool tuml nnd tho
bobiuei to the AvnllAblo nobonl fund
llmtotnliecelpUMttlioiitntu treBnury
for the iiioiiiii t iviitii ry wuro < fSIB B
ot which thonclmol fuiufn wuro nn nhou
nbiied the blind nnyiuin liiml nlen ts
den Mid iltniii im luimtlA iiiyluui
iniwimiitiit iiiitvonniivlmnlaiJiijii
avmublB nobool unit ectu
i i
UiLeftT rb instlo to ordor
HvTllrmlAi JVdurtU nnd llotuton
i Thorny WOii Attd Jlguuon I t i tn Tlr5ylJnJTiJSfilttJitJ
stiff ami
Oornor Hoiitton and Tourlh 8lrney U
m II linkferoiimmv litii mmtilDortotiio k oiSp Itt
Wo a
> I on
T 1 > HMrriT VvAHUUmu
Fort Worth Gaslight c
OHIco Qll Houston 81nol Fort Worth Tex
ear f
Gas Fixtures Pipe Fittings Etc P
Iclo AkoiiU for tho Oclchrntoil
McAllister nation ooalthei
Wliolemlo nml llotnll iionlm ln belt brsuili
In nml
ckk tint iltoii Man < laul hranilt pf
At fnvornblo prloci wMeli will Im nlilt pen to nny point In North Tom n <
niliiiMiiiim Kimrnnliioil a KltAltt jash 0tllfbuJ
owilii into on llio liiktiillmtiiitrl
u m noift
n iiaiiinil
Fort Worth Green Hou
Oonoral Agont I
Knabe Ivors Pond
Vose and Halo Pai
Mason Hamlin CI
and ShoningorOipiltEi
Books Wall PanerArtists Material
811 nnd 31 Honuton Street Kort Worth
I tm iui nnpiuilot tii IMMittorllutf Bomlnwlll beoiitltlei tontlclot ln th fWilta
fur llio OrKin Hilob InKin plro nt llio
510255075c and 100 NOVELTY STB
On tlm tt liny oi inn WHI
E GEO BETZ Propiietor
t arrlon u hirto nml i mnpJiifr ktmR el
Drugs Patent Pflodicinos foiiot Articles Set
Books Stationery Etc
1B8T goods o hom n
JrjiJltooxxtla cvtx < a JMCexix jStx ooW <
VMmletnu AiiillloUlllf t l
AAdViV l u UmM l0a 1M M BSg
M rf tt VXrt T X r
n3 BiflC
KWieS Qrotijers Qr rr
fi tf ADi gf ooj popt y > f H2