OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, March 01, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-03-01/ed-1/seq-1/

What is OCR?

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os Set
r la
ntltw 14
t uif oK
rtl rlMlhomorCli
300 cti trat
Ziii vnii will Unit nil over Dm row
BSSSm uirc
4 To
< b
ijs in the front ranks with low prices
igd for this week will be far ahead of all
petition with the following unap
proachable bargains in Boys Youths
and Gents Clothing
it a fow Hlnplw 1Iiior iuinpiiiMmclini 1n In Hlytc iiinlUy and
low iirlccil for your coiisltlrnilloii
i iittut and Youth null Tler nro neat anil ntylluli period In
Si viitnly III lihitoV ml t bettt nuy1I0W ull In Die woMil Dont
country on clolllnf counter uiorkad nil tho
to nt clon flj uro Wo lm r
dm ilenlcr liny <
TliO labile I trlclly flril Eirnao wool llm
tiiin il iiii i niil varlort MMirlinenl csf extra tiunllty all W <
Invito h s
unit Drill itrrnlo biialnea and promenade nnIL wn
iat M ki l l l > i lIIS nnril work lurnriil out by ruUin lopn wloro 110 S
6atwj l W7oo lmmtlitt variety of iMiilori
i oh > t ni < H l l rliiK
iih ol cat riwho Hi nnd
trimming oiiliir Willi
If worth china co
We are receiving v r 4jmfntn ef
Alt Kinds of Hard Wood Poplar
M Pilnti Hoof Urlok > nd W ffA
> hriftiu All lumher a ii i
rffi irkutWii fnl > rl ttiliiK CJnimlmercii Oorkcrow and Worlc
S ilVii TnoViirockpirwftii Velotee ol Iwtnty Hnor nl imti hnu nilx
the ban In
Wo pe trimmed equal l
ra X All UoMjIJUf
Bontloiuim llo
WW lis Heaflqs tor Clothing ai Gents FnvnisMnE Goods
113 115 Houston 112 114 Main Strcots
03II3CZ l
Until Unpltiil nmlHnrplua MAOOiKI
TU09 A TinilAMi
Bbmmmm loWbull VnnKMdt Allorort WorthT0
lUUTlHlIC 1AIU lit
ii ru i >
Collccttont m ilo anil > roiiiUly lemttloJ
IVorli fur tl 1V V
Wadiiikoioni Ioli a Honntor IurIi
will irfnMit to Iho MtiMe tomorrow ft
mlnotlly roporl Irom thu luillcttiry com
mltliiii on tlio iiunUona htulnit torn llm
rwlutnl of Hit nllotnoyROnorftl to iirulnh
ifiicM In llo iJuntUi cnio mill Nrnainr
HdiiltiiitlN Will oiMin Hit ilolato upon thU
atilijurt an noon Itnroiiltcr ns pomilblo
lull llo ciliiCAllmml 1111 MttiiilH on tlm
rnltmtlnr hh tmiliilnliuil liunluciia tho posi
tion It linn occupied nIiico tlio lllli ln
nnd KdiriiiniN Iiiin not liitlmnliit
IiIm purioHO to linvi It Htit UNlde KrtotiilH
of tlio wlucatloiml 1111 hope H mny ho die
iinatitl o wltlilti two or Hugo dnrn auit
lllalr will tCHlut nil iittiinpt to Imto
It litll nnitlo Iit fttiy p r
po o Tlio debnto on tho NanuM
between tlm nmjorlty Hi the Hcniit nnd
tliaoxucutlvolii wldoli tlio minority w
porlRlvo rlM < In oxpecttd to lust ov
oral lay ami ni y coier two or tbroo
Mr Itnlo will probnbly mow lor nn
ixioutlvo BCHidon tomorrow t dispose
ot the IllllftUnry unit CIiano nuo lint II n
motion In made iih In ounootod early In
the day It will ho ruHlstcd by Mr Jltitlr
HcimtorH having elarno ol the hank
ruptoy bill thu hill lor tlio ttilmlnHlnu ol
Wnaliiimton Torrltoty tlio Intoratnto
common Mil and tho ulioloral ennut
bill am iinxloiiHly wiitoliltiK for on op
portunity to Kut llictio moaHirea luloro
the eunato but tlitro Ih little proipocw of
HiieccHd until tho DitKtln matter In din
poMd of Meanwhile however much
leuUlallvo uiiHlnw of a charm tor nt
tiKiVocllvo of debate will i o trannai ted
iih heielofmo durlnir tho hourH of each
dai devoted to the calendar
Tho pronent week promlnoa to he n
biiMv line In tint hotixo Of rciirflnoiitatlvt
After the cull of the Mitten on Monday It
SSffiBKN JiMdinn jrB uhjJ Jnu k a
01 Houiton Btfflnl Ono Door Southeat of Sooond 8lroo
Sold on tho Installment Plan
SS 9iSi
OrKiraoit Clh depot 1W Mai
and Cypresi
ar flheiln
St Worth Green House
ml > l
J hilt 7y i ipttulty
invited to ci nml
Kk iiiroe H our
U uViJrV
iBoots and Sftoc
ros v p
rjtit isai awa cr = r wi a rrsraent
doss Pugh the Stalwart Democrat
Marshal the Senators Un
Clevelands Banner
No McaljiMontlicd Mormon MrnMirr
Now mt Ilnnl Common Sense
the Unto
ItultitM of llo I llMti n Hint Max
UiiiikI Up lilt Werk fur Attlnii
Iltirww llcporti
will ho In order for the npeaker to tccoK
ulro memboiH for thu purpoao of inoiliiK
to put tiny meniuro mi ll pan 0 nndur
u MiPpoiiKlnn of tho rule It I it uiulair
mood Unit Mr lamcM of Now ork will
be recounted for the pnrpoiut ot tifKlnu
the adoption ol a resolution flxtiiR Icrtain
diiVH for tho coiiHldetntloii of tho aiUerne
icporton tho bill for the free coliiaiflt of
Under the rules the half hour
teinlniiten the debate on every motion to
tmnpend the mien itinl thoifl 1 a m
ernl Mentlmeiil of the houae that the vexed
mlver iiiieutlon nhonld ho Hpeedily settled
there will probably he opl > o ltion to the
reHolntlon In the coll of tommltteo tlil
week diirltiK tho inornlnjf hour prlvl
lem now renin with the omtnlUec on
mlntM and niliilnts which lina lint one
mennnro for the eppolntment of a com
mlnnlon of oxiertntp exerule llo test of
Iron nml lUci H lliln lie calhd u U
eoiiHlderiitlon will eonnnmo but lltlle
time Tho eall iMIl then reft villi
committee on public btilldlnff nnil
isronmln nnd It In tho Intention of tint
committee lo call up In the order In
which they ntnnd on tho calendar the mi
rliiiH lubllo hiilldliiRn lneiinuren
There mo Hovcntcon nuch hllln to
bu dlnponcd of nml It l < t
I likely that the two lionrn allowed to thin
comuilttco will he nufllcleitt to pecmlt of
action on nil of them
Mr Crlnp
ntruuted by the committee on Ivtcllc
lallroadn which nUntU next on the IIhI
tho Iac no
lo coll up lh Id requlrlnK
coot of nurveylnK
ralloulntoimy the
Sid to laL out intent am Irceoino
It U doubtlul
luxation but
u bjcot to
whether thin inciuuio will receive Ileal
notion durlnu the week
bunlnenn coinlnit over
the prevloun inornltiK Mourn ton
nnlno net off claim bill and llwinoj
t ml
pi canal bill but Indication are
receive futtliercoil
neither of them will
nlderatlon thin week
There ero now live Rcnerul
appropriation bllln In cotiiinHlco of the
wllolo which will occupy tho alienUon o
the houno after ihe morn nn hourn on
WednenIuy mid Thitrmlay nu I
Ttientlar I nay bo allowed to dlnpluce tlio prl
calendar on 1rldny Tho ponnlon
ordur will bo devoted to Kc r >
on Ihe dtiito ot tho
InllliiK Hi d ii Hpiile
Wakiunoion 1cb as Iteprenenlntlvo
WtHtli urn of Nevada will tomorrow In
ir daro in tlm bonne un nnilpoiyKBuiy
ill which ha receive the approval ol
lnet uentlemeu In Utah
iiiiiinllloa to > M ° i1 JulclVi
Of both houmw of roneirenn
v i inlltvu
u plomnWo U veelten that the
rrivMntuUa prohlilt ami provide for
W lniiuatint tt l In tho lenltory
and ilinquaiiri flpwoi Bny t nuc
oftennen to vote
of KlvlOK l = fW
vice oran
coiiriKemct1 ilimeby I SocoVn
iiilnnUm of nuih oftennen nhof f ° r
rime and ptnlMalde with
veiltv That there exHtn lu Utofl
leit whlrU lit lln creed holdn an one of Ifr
tundameiltnl prluclplen and
and of It itieui
mVnta rile rlaht duty
wn to practice unlawful cohabitation
endthat hlrh prietU leader and men
hern thereof claiming to he Innplred on
MactliiK inodlenco to an nuthorliy
laln T to bo nuperlor to he Uilteo
HUtw ilo JP y ami publicly counncl
Sdviw and command the member oi
to < owmU nA oB nw lu oxei
old wei
deflniico and coniomptoi
iho own d the United 8lt s and by
rlifoii W coumbI advice and con
maid ntonjtliouiomla ot member
51m litt hcon Induced to comint
JJ d offin nd ore now llvluu and a
hVlitlloB w Plurality ol aoco leo
KWeublueii lutc < ape punlah
ment for aWt oUfcnneA by < rtl tntrlaue
ami nrlimn rorrupt luiUitniiMt which
K > e nlon of a political majority eii
nblcs the leaders of nld ect In cxercleei
all of which brliu < 4th lawnaud authority
ol the United Platen mtu dlnurare and
lOntempt and icndcrn tlio rnino of no
effect Tho bill fallows
dec Hon l Tim mi perMin who h ll
hereafter illruolly or Indlrettly coinnel
ciirouraiie oradif other to luniri h o
connort or cohabit with any pemoti oilier
thaiihUor her lawful wife or liu b iid
Who In ttincmbcr ornhall contribute in
the niipport of nn > oruanlntlon or on o
ilatloiiof anyileKrlitlon wlnitevorwhlch
authorlcn Mdiuiuln ciicimnw or
tiormlt an > of lt member lo nmrrj
naie counort or cohabit with more
limit ono Woman at nnhl time
nhall vote at any election held In any ter
ritory of the United Uinten or bo eligible
for clutloii or opimlntuicnt or be mil
tied to hold any oihYe plnco ol public I
truil honor or emolument In under or
lor any territory of tho United Huitcn of
Ainurlen or uudcir the United Hinteflu
either of wild territories Nor nhnll any
one tiiftuch io Ulon bo entitled to Wale
make nettlumgnl upon or noiulro title
to any ot tho laudn of the public donmln
otthe Unltett tttaten of America or hi
elUtible ii Mt > rfe nn a Juror in or fornuy
court lu either of n ld terrltorlc
Kec a TUat no pornon In either ter
ritory ol tho United Htaten mll bo
ruKlntercil fln it voter or vote at any
election who upon being eh lleiied
upon either of jtho KitHindn not forth In
neettou I of tlWiiU nhnll reftixe to tnkn
nml nulincilho to the iolloWlUK oithi 1
do Kileimih Mtenr that I It umii do nut
cohabit w Hit more than ono woman < > r
If woman that I do not cohallt with n
man tinvlntr ioro than ono lhluit nnd
undlvotcid wfife and that I do iiui dl
reeih or Indirectly conned iiltl encour
ue oi advlnflrothern tnmtrry have con
nori or cohiudt with moiu than ono
uonmii ritoiKnonl thu name ttnie nml
that 1 am nol o member and do not con
tribute to UiV ntipiioit of any oruan
Unttdit or aHtnclatloh which nutlior
Ien counnMn cncoutnBcn or Per
Inttn mo of lln uieiuhern
lo marry hnVooounoit or cohabit with
more Until one woman nt one and the
name time under any form inline or pro
leiino whntnodver no help mo Unit
Bee n That If any pernun who nhall
take the oath net forth In nccthm a of
thin net either to qualify a1 n voter
Juror ur to hold oillre or locale upon
Urn public InmU nhnll wear fnlnely muti
pernon Hlinlt bo Kullly ol
lerlury and on
conviction thdreof nhnll bo puulnhed
by a Una not exceeding 91000 ami ho lm
prlnonod Ar n term not cxceedlnn
fourteen jcar uorlenn than alx monlhn
Hoc I Thai everv purnon eltolod or
appointed to any olllee or plnce of publlo
trunt honor or emolument In under oi
toi any territory ot the United Htalen or
underthe United Hlatea tor either of nnid
terrltorlen Khali before uiiturlim upon the
dutlen of huUI olllee In addition lo IIn
unnnl ontnn of olllee take nml nubncrlbo
to Iho onihcit forth In noetlou Jot thin
fiw 6 ThWoveiy peinon ivho nhnll
Iteienltet locate or mnka nettleuiciit upon
niiy inudn of the lubllo iloinuln or neck
to nciiilru title thereto nlmll tnki nnd
niibHcrlbo to the onth net forth In nection
U ot thin net before tlm proer olllcor ot
the Kcneritl hind ilcpnrlmont lu tho dis
trict lu which tho liiudn are nltunleil
Heo Thut all poll or rcitlntry lint
exInthK or kept under tho lnwn of any of
the tenltoilen of the United HtalOH iirlor
hurelo me hereby declnied void and thu
pioper and regulation boardn of coiumln
nlonern nupervlnornor olllcornof election
In tluinevcral terrltorlen nro heieby em
powered and directed before a xeiioral
election nhnll be held lu their lenpectlvu
terrltorleNoreleothn dlnlrlcUi to prepare
new Untn containing tho tinmen only of
percoun elidible to vote or hold olllee
under the provlnlonn ol thin net
Ilutriivr nf mIcIiIriiii
WahiiinutoH lfel asMr Jlurrown
of Michigan on behalf of tho minority ot
the houno committee on pontollken nnd
po troadn will tomorrow niibmll mo
port dlnnenllntt Irom the vlewu of thu
nmjorlty In reporting favorably the bill
to compel American Moamnhlpi to carry
United Hlaten innll
rvtentrHiUBii riioriiliubliril r Wilt
Olulhn ItvtiiltoltlinNnle
MotSTllOMA N T l eh 28 The eit
UrunUiilu ot lauu hornen heloiiKlnu lu
lleiro Lorlllard wan nohl nt Itancoeoan
ntock larm Johnntown toilay lu tho
pienenceola la run crowd ot liorneineii
who canto Irom all partn of tho country
lUddl wan lively throuuhont tho h av
lent ptmhanern finltiK Dwier Uron of
HrooUyu nml Charlen lleed of Oal
and Indian approprlatlou W SJIilli iiVlTiV tin Tho lar e t price
up Wediiondny Haturdiiy
recohed won eao000 paid b
Ink brcaune
Hron forttthreojoarohlbay filly Dow
drop 1iio ftvnyifirold bay homo Ion
lino wnn knocked down to the Dwyern
lor 17500 nnd the iamo purchaocin
liiuchnied the Ihreeyeitrold chontntit
colt Wlnneld for WW Tlie three
v arold cltPhtuut colt fyelopM wo
bouuht by Chun Itecd for 810600
Twentyioveii thorouuhbred were uold
tho piocecdn nuitre aili 6140060 Tlio
ule wan coimldored kj all pronetit an the
moBt auccvnnful ono of ihoroujibbrodn
held In thin country for yearn
It Will lif Ioullinnly
IkwioN MAnn lob aalred
rinlnted tho oiirnmau nayn that tno
propoMtlon of hluuclf ami lloiw to low
ihroiiith the NUKara rapldn the eomlua
uuiinor in not a Iiuko Joke an many
aeoiiicd to think but nu en
rprlno that will nurely bo at
ili 1 < lo not tltlnk It
V tll > ti > boat will have
i i
0 run with o uratlnB for o lloor
1111 with water we cant
ttirtiKM com
portnicu n rouniWQ8 tWwolar
ai > lake III will rihrotittli
both umC
o are ijood i w m w Ud
mako grand lruyKlobiJf aujr un
WAnmxoto March
Weil lull Matei lolr weather Mllubtly
colder In U > southern portion tUauou
iry toinperaturu In Iho northern portion
1 Vorlablc wludi
rtut imi < i w > < H wi
SMlo ttetie
Tho Polos Must Go or Has Nat the
IronWilled Bismarck Said So
or tho Kalscr
Hrrtlu Will Not Uffpt Hit Tcrmn of
1ente OlYrreil nml Mny Unto In
he Whipped A ln
hnllliiifr MmiIah trum ftt < ilnnl < l < Man
if Dm lliMt Uhlrti llniKUnx llrl
Inloli Iulllll
llt > rmn X a
Hums Cob 28 The committee np
polrteil by tho upper nml lower hounon of
the Intullng on tho Ultte or OcriltniiUtujt
tho VolIMtpriivlucen will report In favor
ot the RiivernmcntniropojnUwUli Hll ht
amoiidutailti ll rr Vlnhaw ttunuuuceii
hlmnelf u iartlau lu tho matter Qor
nuiilfliiK the lollnh piHivlnccn upon thin
condition That It develop letman clill
Million He Vlrohnw however wnn
opponed tollie adi > ilMi of niii violent
mwiiK ur tixeeptlointl Iiiwm In mxler to
etlcet even that lenuli Ono iiiiiendmeut
made by tho < ommllteo It In evpeolid
will timluiAin ho rlnhl of nuooiviniMn by
the rouimunnliiuthntlth ot lam owuern
and nchooln Tho llnAl adoption ol Hie
bill In cerluln althouuh Ciitholtc opimnl
Hon lmllthleun tinder Die belief that the
mriinuio will pave the way ornlmllnr
nupervltdou ihtouKhnut Irtmila
Tho rtloii Hi m ot the brandy monopoly
bill will be lu In Iho r leliKtfli Tuendny
Irlnee lIHmuicK who In uioviiHux
rapidly from hi nttuck of nclntlen c
peotn to lake pari In tho debate
Jllnmarok leeelvid nil iiddrenD from the
woikliiunun ot Thome ot Went IriiiMu
deinniuiitiK tho expulnlon I the 1olUh
timber brokorn beentine nn In nlleited
Ihey emjloy lollnh labor
At n icuuloii ot 100 iemiann chtetly
Hoolnllntn lu Zurich ronolullotin weie
iidoptnd piotenltim nuuhmt Iho brutiil
and nlmmefiil pollev of epolllnn the
Iole ThetlerniHii eoloiilen nlOonevft
nml Lnunaline Adopted nlinlhu nnolit
The Itnmbutimr WachtUtun a > four
Soclnllntn of Atlooiin huvebeeii nenUmced
to four yeitrn Iniprlnonnient tor liavlux
dlnlilbiiled Jouriudn prohibited fromolr
Mndaiiio llroeekel the wile of Ulreotor
Kiel tf tho Tnaebliitt linn been nrrented
on the chnrKO ot linvInK henn nn atcom
plfce ot Cupl Haurattow reeeiilly eon
vleteil ol hnvliiK furnlnlicd the
military atilhurltleM Information concern
Inn lornmii loitliUiiiilH nml iirmuuieiitn
fntlnn lllxt
lluiiUN leb a8 Tho Upper tiouoo ot
the IitiMlan diet by n vote of 108 lo 111
todoy adopted a motion lu favor of U
luu permanent amvnimoul nupport
lowardn neeuiliiK tliu ixlntenionnd de
velopment of leimiin InturentM In Uanlern
Tliu blnhop ot lfulda inndo hln
inaldoii npeech In Ihe houno Ho declared
that to Hiicure tho natety of Iho fatherland
wan the duty ot ovety nubjectiiud en
peclnllv of churchmen Ho ehorlnheil tho
hope that thu novernnienl would bo nble
to unite lor Urn piolecllonof the father
land men of nil rollKloiH creedn Illnco
lllnmarck wan not ptenent uwlnur to IH
A llitjrll VVwilillliB
ViitNNA Keh as Tho innriluKo < if the
Archduchenn Mnrln ot Tiincnny lo the
Archduke Carl Hteiihen tho brother of
the queen rnKent of Hualn wan nolemuued
todny by tho aiohhlnhop of Vienna The
ceremony wan very linponlnt nml wan
Wltnonied by Hie Kmperor lriuicln
Joneph a hont of meiubiin of the royal
family prlncen and other dlntlimulnhed
lx llnl i til Oilllllli
TAiiin lfel H Tlie lournal dtn
DobotcH n M Lord Hullnbury drew Up a
convention with Iho poiteceiHuKpnlo
loKtittlaud on tho payinonl of 611000000
under a uunralitoo that Orecco would ho
provonled lioin tnkln njJKieHnlvo ineutt
urea aitalnnt Turkey llndnione he
Journal oddn lienliaten to tonllrm tho
AppmU i Hr < nnilryi
Iomon Keh anTi wife of Kir
lloraco llinnbold tho Jlrltlnh niliilnter at
Ath n nppenln to KiiKland In be hull of
the people of Greece who nro In dlntiinn
inconneqiioiino of tho moblllutloti of tliu
troop and the enrollment ot Ihe laborer
for military ntrvloe
Wnn I IUliifiirc tn4 > nln
AivXiiONl IltANCi Keb 28 All tho
inlncrn In the A vtir uo dlntrlei lumber
liiiS260O threaten to Join tm ntilkool
workinni hero Tlio neoretary ol tho do
imrtuieiit tole rnphcd M Hnrrlen irtlnli
terot tho interior for leliilorcoinMiU
u nt t T ber ii
lviNTANriNoifttflob 8HMr Wlii
ton tho new Un Ud BloUM inliiUterto
en 11 witl Mr qidrhand of the NOW
VoikTIuienhavoarrived linden
to Tohtirrt
MnTrn H lVH init
lAiitM leb J8TI10 coininltleo of Ihe
chamber ot llepiilles haji approved M
lllveln proposal to Icavo tho Kovorument
VAVih Inlllntlvu in tho expulnlon of
tho irtiich prlucon
orfoldlarVil nOr
htA ni
I hoZA rin they 1 w be
Min PvI uJ wftUi M d ta >
Hr ln llli
rnbi as BomIi retime to
jl u lpuHan rtlio treaty ilicretore
cejit treaty of peace dratted by tho
ban uot
yet been nlKncd ijiii
An Anirlcnn DrnV
Feb a8rllenry BlovfUK thO
American blblloKraidor dfel here today
alter i lonjl l painful HlnoM
AUJiM 4h I
i ItoMit leb 2 Tho donate by a vote
ol l to Vcd th bill 10 tqtuUrt
i i V
VJ the land lox
Mot WiiceiiiiiioH III Amnrlaij
of tha Inland
NlcnllvVud Wtraruch
aw of iwiiifiiNMytntBiwa
VOL Xh No7 Hr
1 r t i o 4MM nMr nr iai >
Jemey dlrectorn ot Iho to c liklntf
toropany hnvi been arreMed Wr Jthvlnu
fraudulently recohed ilcpoMW knuwlnc
tho hirl < Ut he Iniolvenl They were
balled In IOOO tueli They Will lose llmlr
luduvOiliin At nn ItivcntlKattoii if he
biinkn nrfAlrn an oillolal aocouutaut UitU
nenthal tho bank had been limohen nlnvu
Mmmn mml
Hnynuri MrttkrU
lIiviN Vtk z Oithijr to the cott
lluuod iinfavuraUlo miwn from abroad
holder rrfnneil to arccpt tho low prtccn
olfeted and little bunlne waN done dnr >
lim the week IVIcen radu lly iH
cllned The market cloned very quiet
At import holderawete too hlRti for
linyer Tho weather U hot and dry
MnlnMen u Ar rciiuhtr to Rood polarlta
Holt JC < > to aitlj uultl per quintal
miincovnd < fair lo ttooifrvlliilnit 9jOOtt
eaniJ Ceutrltimai mi lo tfai iitRrcs
polntKntlun In liluU Imun mid hoxen
9J At to li ytookn a wnrehouno at
Havana ami M tnn hn topoo hoxdn
STloOii htiri until 8010 hhdn 1or the
week 1000 boe < P OOo Nm mid UW
hhdn Htpottn lor tlio week ia hjixoa
80000 Ijdk ami ftlOO IIhIh oi
wldoh 8t00 t K nml l 10 hhdn to tho
United Htnten <
llactui 911 TKoId per owl
Jlulter nnperlor American oUl ftdlt
per quintal
riiini 91SfOhlpet bmiej lor Ameri
M 4lrt
Uam Amertcnn Miuiirt iitil 911 80
uold per quintal for Noitlidfif alul a O CO
tor Honlhern
l rd In keu 011 50 Hold w quintal
lu llun U ih
Iotntoen rsi 10 uold per hnrre
lmiity liOK hoadn 91 0 okl
Whllu navy hcniin H TS ijold > r quid
Cluiwliitt lolnieeo eao 90 gdld per
Hoopn dull tomi ftlitu < d 940 oil per
Irelghln quiet for IiImI of Ulnar load
Inu nt Havana or United fjtnten M co to
8 60
ivrhhdot oiiuoc ftoin noitit on north
co nt outnldo porw for thb UliHed
Hlnlen 62 SO lo ttl 00
HpniilHli uold SJ to
KxohniiKu linn
TO Allllli HltllHliY
TlitiNtmlMinrilTruiiH llnn Ai hI Inleb ip
i Tmlt
Nkw Youk Jeb a8 A new powenutir
iiitenheeVot thu Hcahonrd Trunk linen
onfarWinteiii bunlnenn nccennltnted by
thu dlnnolutlou of tho Tranicontlneutul
nnnoelatlnn nnd the war ot rnten reniilt
Iiik thoivfrom wan oumpleteil tonlgia
and will Mo Into effect March I It lit
nluned by the ucnornl pannenuer umintM
otthe New Vork Central Went Hhoie
Kile limknwanna and 1eniinylvauliirnll
roadn Tho tiiiimi ot tho Ilidtlmoio
Ohio nucnl In not ntlaehed The iioyy
nheel Kiven moioly tho new ratet to
Wcnlcru poluU from N W York and
polntH In New Ku hiiid Thu ratea from
the Attnntin nenhonrd to poluw cant of
tho Mlnnotirl river am not thaiiKid Tho
following nro nonio ot tho now raten lo
leodliiK far Wenteinpolntni
vointn riiinrminn Hkionn
imlmo cini
Allumiioniiie N M
Alorlnlirenui JJ JJ
liiiUiillyMniil HI 74
ciniyeniio vlnounla
liinyvnaii via KiinuM illy
KllWT k f
l aAiiKelenal WM
Mo leoiityMux III W
Oxilaii Ulnti
ii W
Itnnn Nov W JIJ
Mali Lake < lly WJ
Hnu KrancLw Did M
HonitleWT HHO
HlocktoiiCnl 5
Vloleiliiil t I W
41 10
II w
41 W
44 W
A Huliliiit UIIU III VVirrnwt llimarir
l < rniin Hlnllltl Inllxn
HiIadi Minn Jeh JBTheo II
Illch of New Vork naleiarilved In l
Paul jenliirday and learned that hln wlfo
wnn Ihliuc with ouoA H Oale Itlch
miuulilnu Interview with her lu aliawdy
houn The mietln renulled In Itlch
nhoolluKhln wlfo dead nnd then kllllUK
hluinelt with tlio nnuiu icvolver
Hniii linica In OMimK
CniCAOO Iiio Vob aa Hani lonen
lour wctdtd revival nennoit opcuud hero
today nt tlio nhoiiaclo ercclcil lor
Moodyrt mo NotwIlhnUmlluK the In
element wdatlior tho churolt w h lllled
before Iho ttmo for tho nenlcon Kii y
11000 pernon tture prenml X he
revlvallntn npncornncu nml manner
wero nilih nn to put lilm on a Rood
foottiiK Willi tho coii HKllon at onfc
He prefaced the eermoii by a plea for free
niideanv itood fellownhlp nml hln own
attitude wun Unit of a man In hi own
homo talkln lo frlcniln The neimot
enrnent one Hi preached from
wan nu
thu text Let yotfrllaht no nhlne ito
ami appeared to Interont thu nudlcriro
IKililtilllon nml UlllliiK
JfAdow 1A Veh a8Th iiiohlblUhn
election In lluldwln county occntn
March IB and tho oarripul n
In hccomlnu hunted Ilooentiy
8am Jonen the revlvn In nmdp
o prohibition upeccH In MllktlfteTlllo
which liitonnHliMl Iho feellnu between the
niipportoni of Ui Iwo tlckeri Von
tenny B m Knnln antl rohlbltlor
nt and n brother of tho ahcrlff
nhot and killed Deputy MarnhaHK N
Iliygood a Jrohlbltlonlnt Tho dllllctilly
nut of HoBootl a crliluln rqf air
nilHproldbltloir npeech inmlo by Im
entertain d
broil or ol Knnln lfear are
that UiinU will bo micunil loil ht by hln
r Win Iointil l nil
CLKVKrAKH Ohiot K b 8 k
llitocl thu man who nhot hn wits pyri
tb lit iwl at MoMllun Ohio l tirl i t
aouimlttcd uleldo after lo ln home
Tho police nconrtd tho town l nvarch
ot Burn I mid unicrourt <
to other oltlenkIvIuk a ilofcrlptlon ol the
ouppoavd UKlilvu About 1 oclock tWj
inorulmt hln lendbody varifound Ivlnjrlri
tho road within forty rod of lib own
JiouMi bin thto cut fint r to f
by hln nltl lay the knife With which te
deed w commuted
I 1 l
Vni liittln www
Mn o tkiM
10H9 Un Un
i 7 oM
mVo K Ti
< mkc eofetrel
What coilld
HiVH > in
t v0rwe
jd fOf
rcH W
t ortn
dRhlrTof I
UT ot Jib
fclllo roii
hll Of Hu
b UVInWl
ien cil ar
ived no
jw nolhjr
lion nj
t A
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Ion m
0 ot T
i flvaai
3 tjnt 1
houe ile I
ivvmt i
if MO
ajfwha P
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l tfti

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