In the
HlentJf Int rlme t IwiMlgrflnlsTlio
KftHk la < ooil Condition for
Where tli Minimis tat lit lnnif of Jn
iliirnnr IlitllrtliiR H Inl Ilfllsttntm
mul Iernmml Note
1 San Anokw Tbx Fob SM Tlicre
aro no mny tiventn of general Interest
tran plrliK In Sun Annelo tliat to chroni
cle thorn all would rtxjulra riweoklletter
mid more npaco In youfcolmiinH for pub
lication than ronlil bo Impartially tlovo
ted to Any One of tlio many Texas town
that ooc to This OAHftm to note their
proKrOHK no from Uut well fllliJd note
wink only auoli Itemn liave bet n aolecteil
8 It In hoped will fco of Intercut to Hip
Henoral reader
Attorn piotracVtl drouirlil that made
upland arinero nppreliiiiM0 that need
tlnio liad been Indellnatcly poilponed
and Ravn tint hloekrrten vUlmm of hard
tlmcM Nature lit lonfth relented end
sent a warm uiln tbnl nioUteneil tlio
Jitrlli and earned the dry Rra to nprlnK
lntonejv life buoying tlio people with
renewed liopo of continued nroKperlty
an tlio cloud Hire promise ot nbiimlnnt
rain The winter lint been oneof warmth
and mimihrnu In Hie Ootielio country mid
I ho toNH at attlc Iiuh been > o Ilt < lit as to
occaHlon no nnxloly to stockmen while
tile wooU rortors have bi en equally fortu
uate nnd no Herloim Iomnbm havo been re
polled by any of the larfio flocktnHlelie
There In n steady and InereaKlni Itiilux
of nKiloulluratlinmlnrnnU Into tin Con
chd vnllleN and no rapid ban been the oet
tlementH near tho head of North Concho
that art effort In IndiiK made to nee ur < the
oriiiinlsitlon of a now county fioni the
territory of Torn Urceti directly t Mt of
and udjolnluK the land of MldlamllteM A
ureal denl of onl and feud wheat have
ocen until anil the ntiteinent contained
Hi I hi HUmliml that one linn Iiiih nold
lfcOO lnihlielM of alfalfa meed Indleatedthal
tint olotkmen icKiml nirrlcullnre iih n
valuable auxiliary to uriulnif An nbuu
ilanco of fyniKd for winter cannot fall to
enable the ttockinen to maintain runny
more cattle In better condition Unlit the
natural piiHttiiiiie mil upport
Tho Arab liuuo mentioned In your
Atlanta special as having been billed for
Han Angelo by Wood Iemco on tho day
Jut wan klllid wan Olpxy a tomw
White Arnb mare nenry nlxteen bands
high eleultiKlloonowiilM and valicd
at gtlOOO Olpiy wan lirouubt ftotu
Ainbiu to nnitlanu tit twoemh old ami
put Hi it triilnini hcIiuoI In the latter
country from vliloh Mm wuk brou ht to
the United Htate liynllieiitrlciilcoiiipiitiy
to iippour on the Uiuo In the piny of
Maeppa lltecompany w t to pleeiH
In Atlanta and tlipMiy wah aold ulili Hh
otb r offeeln mid fcuunvniieully pilrdmMiil
by John NitHHorthy of IIiIh piaco The
Innu In powerfully built and In ucnertilly
ucknonledfted to be the llmml iinliiiiil ever
inoualitlo WostjVxnM
Jrurlnu the war the endurance of Texan
uivalry huriCH we a mutter of Hurpilae
to peteoni tmarrpiidnted with tho tlutim
lor of tins niUHtniiKi May It not bo that
llielr activity jiiiiI endurance tire nttrlbn
tnlilo to their Arab orlttln It Ik mated
that hoiMa were Ural Intiodueed Into
America by Cortey at the tluio ofhlHuon
ipicAt of Mexico and from thenn boiana
dexcended tho liiiiKtiniKH imwiepriHi nted
by tho Texas ponlei TlieMooiK bavltiK
occiiiiled Himln for several eenturloH
before thud ncoery of America It doee
not hueni InipvolmUlii that tho horitea of
tho Hpaulah tOno iiororH were from the
Arab stock Introduced Into Hpiln and
that In tho TexaH iniinliiii wn havoa purv
barbor Amb liroid that haa not lo t tho
exctllencles of the original ntoek
llulldlnu ol a Mlhri nntlnl rliaricter la
In pio resHlu Han Abxelo and vicinity
the principal buwillnu under coiitiriiittnn
own Is tho ctrtNlomt Xroul
luiHlnesa house of Messis Nchwartr
llaaa Nub lnlllum has under centrum 11
limgnlllcont Htonu reshlencu Just beyond
thu suburbs of thu town and It Is stated
that 11 If Sanderson will soon begin the
erection of n similar dwelling In snme
neighborhood Jonathan Miles has core
Mooted for a largu livery stable In the
North part of the town Other buildings
of Importance are In contemplation and
slneo It la deiluttely understood that tho
main lineof tho Gulf Colorado Hauln
loj railroad la coming to Ban Augelo It Is
expicted theio will b no ciiNsaUon of the
building boom
Tho towd keeps up Us round of soiial
ontertulnmontu widen me alwajsattended
wlthciowdiMl houses The Dramatic ur
fpelatlon prouiUes to bo n permanent In
stitution of tho plWMH nml as tho mem
born become aooiixtomud to tho stage
tjwro la uoted a marked Improvement In
their nctliiii Where all am excellentoom
MtlKons uro e Rolilly odious but it
detracts nolhliig Horn mo merit of those
who wero iiiejlgnod iniiior pnrts to sny
that MlHSltav In lloiiKh Diiiniund ai
lmply mipurb and Joe inimitable
1V < iusleiil entertainment given by Mm
IIIUk implis vviiNiui iigncable surprise lo
tluwuveri whoViuroawatoof their pro
llclenoy mid was a mu leal trent llmt
VII not soon be forgotten by cur lultslc
pvlngclllenn Ban Augelo has souie
Urn ruom luuhly oultlvateit musical lai m
11 thu state and In Jho pernou of Mr M
ojnolds frtinlllnrly known as Jllriio
lliu Ilimr has the heist Uutlst
Tho Nlinroils if the Kirr under cotu
juaihI of that veteran hnninr Uupt Hiimu
Wcehtly lelurncd froiun htrrf in vvhlrih
in two iMy they killed thlrlynlne deer
Tho lmrly uonsl te < l t about three bun
s tor with tho usual nlf emlaui Tho cap
lain la Mhl to bo tho champion shot nml
to think milling of lirlnvliig Ihwii it doer
it u thau < iiud yards with KpiltiKBeld
arny lie Tlio imrty npnrf Pialrlo
CjifekeiiH tn grout abundance but eonsld
orvrtelyhlihern forUiu nlwlgnti bilgadc
IhirohaMiceontlybwir a gre t num
er of lellglous meetlnga tint irxulted In
Uargo wcesatiiirt to tho different lellglous
rtHmonilnotluiw mpieiented InKanAiigelo
ttu Index to In giuwlng rellgtoUK 11011
tJjrient the repot tread nt the first annl
Ywsarj of hi Houthorit Irenbytuiniti
oliiirohnt Oan Augelo showwl llmt an
orsutilirert Hu > inl rslili of seven members
ImuJitcrva td limhu past year to thirty
mx Huoh iiBiilt Mro inobibly uttrlbuia
ble u > tho fact that In tills town sck tarlati
Iniii l RHbseivk l to Jhrlstlan unity
nniU milted offott for the ace mi pi In li
mentof n ileflulto purpoio Ktlll In Han
Augelo n In nthor now towns compara
tively a Mmll portion of the onllre
nation attend prvachlng and though tburo
i ro two Kunilayiiehools vvith a largo at
tendance IheHuire rittCiably mora Will
fluliotiUt lie HmiayMhooU thnu aro
fUtolled is pupils
ltvrr leuipliU < it
Ycm jnti rimy well say complaint
Jtittt fhero Is anything makco a poormoh
tut cotvidaln ft Ik IoIkvuJiU liver out of
order ThuJherlo th nat icnvcngor
mihibo4f ltgitliewop wfume works
itlutobll and then vtnrliii tho bile off
Ului ili my couimcii iud nometlmcs
Jftiw Then iherojs n gonciM disturb
Kiuictf That Jlbtiirhncq oulotud by
J W flroivn Twit JJIttflr Mrr a
Jfmnvi if ftrrnbiMlowi Iowa s y i
j >
An OI4 Cllncii Hv U
Mf J M Nbrrls nil old resident of
Homo Oa sayw that ht > had boon badly
troubled with feldnoy complaint for a
rcnt rnany years and with ccrenia for
thrco ycarst nt times could scarcely walk
mid bad tried many rom dloi ivlthout
tieneflt until ho trenail takn Klcctrlo
UltterH and anointing bis banda and foot
with IJucklcns Anrlca Balvo Thin treat
ment afforded hi m r < at relief and ho
alron ly rccommonds Klcctrlo lllttora to
all who riitffar with kldnoy complaints or
nood a bipod purifier
Hold by if V Wllllanm Co
Inrn lowder
Iuro baking powdors are ono of tho
chief olds to tho cook In preparing per
fect and wholosomo food and tho houso
wlfo will do well to bo on bor EuarO
against baking powdor tramps Hllvcr
1oat flaking lowder I never pcddM
from honso to houiie as tho mnmlnetur
Ing flstabllshmcnt of J If Drown is
taxed to Ha uttermost to mrply Urb lie
rnands thatcorno through lcgUlmatOchau
i i
All of tlio leading and rtnndard maker
of eorsets are on alu nt Che II Kvnrs
Co s ThtlrpriccM never have been to
low on thIt line of gooilH as at prcsont
JflvuhuiiuXl ompty botis forMiSeby
thu Tort Woitli Orocer ompnny
flic IcdlcH of tho Old 0011101017881101
Hon will meet today nt UHIO oclock til
tho icsldenco of Mr 8 W fomax
tonf08slori of an Iiicoinlliiry NhUJy
CniiHCd IIIsTroubkfl A llllud
Tlgor In tho Cast
UrcnlHK KrsUtnr Hetlvril Willi i > iTIiiiiii
< lnl llitrltliiKTIint l nir iHtei
VWi at UMIowtlfcM
ftpeclal U lliiiiiirctto
HiliuiMAN Tr x Km oh 1 T II ild
tod wioIh known about Mm Knglo mills
an Iaytou and who stnutbt nceused of
setting lire to the building Hunday tiluht
rn vrralgncd before lustlco lllnkle tbla
evening for exaiiilnlng trial unit on being
Informed that the laws of Tevaa piovhkd
for Ida making a voluntary ntatetneut In
oriaunllou of ilio clrcuuiNianueH that led
to Ida arrest pioceeded to give a de
tailed account of liM coniicUInu
vlth the rnlllH and thu causis
Unit led to IiIh ipHMIng tho job
Tlio imrden of IiIh story wa that he nail
euguged to work time on the promise of
better wages when IjuhIiicns would Jiim
illy It and when ho deiuauiled the In
ciease lliollrm Informed htm that they
rould nolataiid 11 raise at the piexenl
time IIei > ald hu was in customed to
taking aprcoH and this habit which was
well known to his umplojos operated
against I1I111 whon tho Niibjcet of better
wage wns considered lie detailed IiIh
advoututON ln t Huiidny and gave great
promliicnco to I lie number of drlukx
taken by hlniHilf and thoio In his compa
ny In tho coiiino t whit h
hu told of a blind llgei 1
where hu diantc In lolatlon of the
Sunday laws and slated the fact that he
was pretty drunk during thu latter part of
the day previous to tho nltumpt nt burn
ing the mills
Hev J M Illnkloy tctiuned last uven
lug from Nsslilllo with his twojdatmh
turn Misses Halllo and jfay whom he
brought homo to be near their uncle
Judgu 00 Jllnkley In hit Mlekness The
presence of little fay who Is thu
louis aw among thovlsltow to our cltv
Ju Nowcomli < > Koutual y tow ti 1 nine
10 Wierman this evening by way of
htfjvvrlght and brought Infounntlon
thatlni slHtsell silod at fc 10 oclock
this morning All tier houses of While
tyrlgld woro Uowd out of respect to the
ilecen if
IWkloi Arnlciv 8nn
Tho bell naive in tho vvorliUof cuts
Urulseo NOr is nicera 4ltrheum fever
sorus totter ohapped hands chilblains
corns mul all Mi eruptions and posi
tively onion piles or 110 pay required n
is jjvurantccd to alvo perfect nutlsfuctum
or money refunded Irlo So per box
Kor lo Trv II W AYilllam acJ
GeriUffurnlsliIna goods marked down
very low at tho UV Kvarwcouipiriy
Ihey h Vfc received tt epleudld spriuz
DtocK Hw them before you juifcrraJo
Cio to Tho W A Huftnun fmplernent
compniiy mid Ulty your 4If if WC ffVHi
from California
Mnlwi nj l llnrt
Iltchfill Bros1 at Ibtslr old ntaml vv nt
cuilr fot th ro
Tho lntioNt Otcr cfio Hcdy of tlio
llcnd Conductor nml tho Vcr
did ltctnr il
Irnnil llnll 0 H CMnl r
Mjn tnlAirye Hirnklmd
KntC iicirflntf
mVieoN Tjeti March aTiia 0 C
8 0 gave a private hop tonight at their
lull whoro most enjoyablo evening was
ipoiit Quito a largo crowd wn In nt
leinlanio but tlio wctthor was never
rnoro unfovjrnblu but tho clubnovurdoos
iinyllilng by halves o ordered carriages
for tho logics utnl a gnod time generally
rasspoDt This popular dub 111 give
upubllu ball on Kt Im ricks Dey the
117th of March whon ivorybody Is In
f Moneley will In all probability
lose tho sight of ono of hlsccs Ilo waa
walking along a sidewalk whenhe ntlppcd
ondrfell oil n barbwire fence scratching
outonoof his eje He held it In tho
KOd iot and hastened to thu residence of
lr Cook who replaied U It Is very
painful anil serloux but It Is hopi d hu
will not lose I ho use of It
Thejlniuest held over tho dead body of
> 0M KlirirnlH who died Tuordiy morn
lug Is iih follows
Doctors Harry Achlson and W M
Nngle stated We under lustruutlons
from the coronera Jury held 1111 autopsy
on tho body of 0 M KJmrils fourteen
and onohnlf bourn alter his death On
opening lliu abdomlnul cavity we found a
considerable amount of clotted blood
An examination of tho liver revealed it
bulletwound oegliitilrii on the upper
nutoilor edguamf extending downwaul
biinkward and to the right piiNsIng oul
of the under s 111 face about four IncheA
from the oilier oreulnu The right kid
ney was perforated under the upper pore
terluu edge Tlie ball rnado Its exit be
tween the eleventh and twelfth ribs
about live Inched from tho spinal column
We consider this wound necessarily fatal
and think It was thecaiiHo of his death
IUuhv Aciiisiim
W M Naoiis
After healing the evidence mul the n >
pott of tho phjslolnni tho Jury rendered
the following verdict 1
We the Jury liiiu rieed and mwoiu to
lniiilio Into tho tune place cause and
circumstances ol the denth of O M Kim
mis having viewed the body and con
sidered the testimony Unit thai deceased
died In Denlson Tex March 2 18 l
from Hid offer is of a gunshot wound In
dicted by some poison to the jury un
known Hlgtiod US laidner W N
adopted daughter of thu Judge and a ginto look ilko busl nosV
great pet with trim had the
happy The opera Mikado which was lo coiuo
once to revive and animate I1I111
very olT Thnisdav nluhl la mistii mel
much and ho la bettor today Tho whole niter l nl postponed 111111
community lospect mul honor Judge >
Ms V <
Mltchel I A Irlrnrd 1 It Irulu K
0 Unison U I Olor 4 V M Adnrus
The remains of ihu nntoitiiiinti man
were Hhlppod lo Iawpaw Mlth today
Let tlio city council order the Denlson
late now at New Orleans returned to
this ulty as II Is a beautiful piece of
Tho city council meets on Thursday
night In regular session and there will
bo some disposition of AHSsessqrnird Col
lector Ihll Kmltli He will either be re
moved or exonorati d from all bhinio or
suspicion At present the Intestimation
eominltteo lluds n Miortngo of over 8B00O
The candidal for thu dirfeient city
olllces are keeping themselves very pilot
as only two have niinotinced thenisehes
for aldermen Gentlemen It Is only a
few dajBi let yourself bo known so
jourrecoid caiibo learned and hao It
proiedoii yon that you steal pigs arid
chickens for that Wall right In an elec
tion you know
The mains for Ihu water works aie being
laid on W < st Main street nml things be
Tin iiioiinu coduts
DpiIvIiiim Itoililmiil nt II111 llllvmlioi Mil
llliK n Hie limit of Aliprnln
Hnrrlll lloud vs tho Hlale apieal from
Grayson The effeot of the net ol Apill la
I881I gen laws ji HI amending nrtlclo
Vji l > C was to change tho duilnltlon
ot tho offense of robbeiy In ono linpor
taut particular the change being caused
by tbeuso of lho vvoul or where the
wont mid bad occurred 111 the former
and after the word violence and befoio
the winds by putting In fmri of llfu or
bodily mjurj As the law uovv In thoru
ate thno modes by whleh the offense
inaybecommltudi 1 lly iiittraiilt 2 liy
vloeiieeti lly putting In fear of life or
bodily liijurj cueh lining a separate mid
distinct mode within Itself whether com
millednndnocompaniuil ornot bv oltherof
tho otheiH Ihls rtiungo In tlio lavv wits
overlooked In tho opinion In this case nt
n former day
Where the second Hiihpoena for a wit
noss was returned not found on lho Dili
nndthotilal was on the ailh without
nnv process turning between the two
dates no diligence la shown In suppoit
of a requested continuance for tho ab
soucoof the Witness
In asking fora bill ot exceptions coun
sel for defendant renmtked to lho court
all the defendant wants Is Hint the
u cord upcnk tho truth as to vvhni has
iriinsplrodtttiit hat defendant havo his
rights and beawatdedn fair bill when
the omt rejoined it does uotscomthat
way to mo or thoru would not he nil this
wrangling Hits was all In hearing
ot thu Jury mid lho court explained to
iheni that ho Intended to utrry tho
Idea hat ho thought tho nltorneys
wero Irving to get somo technical ml
vantage In the c ku Held that the re
marks wero highly objeotlonablo mid Im
proper but In and of themselves do not
afford suilleleiit grounds for a rovorwvl ol
the judriniont fllrmwl Opinion by
White 1 J
lm Leonnnlvs tho fltareappealrnun
flruyson This In a companion ouso to
that ot llond vs Slate supra and tho
ruling rnudo In that caw In regard to it
eiMillnunuco npplliw in ihla case
Appolbut claims that In his closing ar
guiuenl to thojno tho county uttotnov
slated that this defi ndaut stood niiilu
mid said nothing when accused of tho
robbery by tho prosecuting wltneM in tho
prcsmco of the oiltcers of tho law Jfeld
that art 1 hu was a fact In evidence It was
a legitimate subject fordlwisMou A
proHciitlng jillcer cortalnlv has tho
right to disauriH u o and eomment upon
every fact In evidence and his luty r
jiulivs hlui to < a so Aillrmed Oiilnlon
by White 1 1
JT Fields v rtroseont News Coiu
pany appeal from fort fiend A p ny
Is not entitled to a Ulal by Jury unless ho
compiles with tho requirement of tbo
statute which make
are u > nppllcatlou
depositing ths jury fee at the
amo tlmo on tho iirst Jiy of tho term of
tho court or on tho appeavanco tiny rf tho
case Is arr nppearanco nan In tills in
aa tho demand was riot madovrntll tho
uaso was called fortrM the rovrrt did rrot
err In refuting to islve a juiy 1 00 Tex
IM Aillrniod Opinion liyAV llon J
U Collins vk ilo fltate appeal from
rr ut Althonah tho dofenfliant In
making da oonfesnlon may havo Uvn and
doubtless vyua iniiuvnccd hy porstnslon
ami promUes still in contiect n wtli Jds
confession h mndo n atatoment pt
IHRB MIiimAAMbtapAYBuiu Bu
Illnkloy and watch his condition with
eager anxiety unit naimstnrit hope thatho
may soon recover to take his accustomed
place In soeletynud In the luiportantbusl
ness affairs of our city
0 W llatHoll who was culled last
week to tho bedsldo of Ids sick brother
James llatHoll ot Whltovvtlirht was taken
slok at that place and Is still eonllnud to
his bed Mr James Ilatsoll who was re
ported dead Monday uvenlmr Is still nllvo
and a slight hope remains that ho may re
cover Dr HUoverot Sherman who 10
inalned hero time days as oonsulllnit
physician says ho has hopi s ol maturing
him tohealtr nml imefuluixs again
Mr IoulHlrifoosiecelvid a tolegrain
this morning fiom llotHpilngs annouuo
lugthat Mrs livfoos who bus been
under treatment of the physicians there
forsoveiai mouths was noi Improving
and advised that ho take her to New
lho Hlieiinan rveiilug lleglstor that
HiKpeudod a few weeks ago has been ie
vrvnl tumor tho same nmingoinent unii
issued Its Initial number last evening
Wearo Informed that advertising patron
ago enough to tiihuio Its success has been
mcured In advance ami that tho paper
lun 11 solid foundation on which to ndv
lor tho next twelvo months Mr Cash
Hlvpless tho old circulator of tho
GVXK1TB has the business management
and Ifiauk Howies who wields a ready
pen mul has n happy faculty ot getting all
tin now has charge of tmi editorial do
puiloioiit Tliodo young men niu full of
ambition and haul vvoik which they prof
ior to tho pooplo of Hhuiuau In their
ventme and wctiust they limy meet with
tho onconriiKomout they deserve The
tlrat number was like the air ot Hharmun
tttll ol railroad rumort and tho Iteglster
proposes to keep tho mbjectallvo until
ottuir llnesare built to our stieets
Morris Levy Kn returned last night
a trip iu Hast Texan
A Jt Collliiaof Denlson M Hey
jold 1 of Dallas II IlSwonborn of U0116
t 4i G 1 Lain of Nt Unis J N Iee
juv A II Dickinson of New York 1 n
T llnll ot Dallas Ihll I J nbs of Clncln
tiaU C X rvoNriiind JetrHurns of Ht
facta and clrcumsfancoa whlcn woro
proved to bo Into and which conduced to
establlflh his guilt Tlio bludgeon with
which tho horulcldo w committed was
discovered ntono through tho Information
glvon by defendant that is ho described
It told whero It was and went to tho
placo whero ho said It was found and
produced It ThU of Itself alono waa
suillclcnt corroboration to render his con
fcsslon admissible VOv 780 Tho
court correctly refused to charge that tho
defendants confession Is to bo received
with cxiutton such a charge would bo
upon tho weight of evidence and there
foro erroneous
Tho reading of books to tho Jury Is a
matter within the discretion ot tho trial
court and thin discretion will not bo re
vised 011 appeal except In u clear ouso of
rrbiise Aillrmed Opinion by Wlllson J
II 1 Woodworth vs tho Htnte appeal
fromnnrloson Tho defendant was In
dicted for conspiring with Hunt and
Withers to commit burglary It was c 011
cluvlvoly shown by tho evidence that
Withers did not entor Into tho conspiracy
Hunt testified that defendant ami himself
riiadua posltlvi agreomoiit to commit tho
crime That he Hunt had no Intention
of doing It mil tils oolc purposo was to
entrap the defendant tt Is contended
xhat its tho evidence did not show n
conipfraiy between defendant and both
WllheiN and Hunt that tho prosecution
must fall as there Is 11 material variance
In tho allegation and proof Hi Id that
tho point Is not well take proof of a
conspiracy between defendant nud one of
Ihu parties mimed In tho Indictment was
ltiitUioagieoment between Hunt and
defendant as shown bv tho uvldenco did
not constl uto such u union of their
minds fiich a com urreneo of pin poso In
tention mid determination qn tha law con
templates In dellulrig a conspiracy
Hunt assault was feigned not real and
defendant ulone bad tbo intention to
commit the offense a filsh Cr Low
1 187110 Itever cd mid lemanded
Opinion by Wlllson J
Hani Watson vs lho State appeal from
ftrnorut Defendant was com leied In
justices ourt of n misdemeanor and ap
pealed to tho county court Tiro county
court on motion dismissed hi appeal
from life ctlvo bond Held that the con
dition of tho bond being for lho pciHonal
appearance of the defuiulant before the
coiiutv court tho bond was more onerous
than lequlrod by law and the omt did
not 1 rr In so holding mid dlsuilfslug the
appeal AlllriiKdIOplnlon by Wlllson J
T W Wnllaeu vs the State appeal
from Cherokee Defendant nml his co
elefuiidmits wet escaped convicts and
deceased wap a guarduiud was killed tn
trying to effect fheli capture tljioit the
qupstloii an helfdefcnso tho court say
Deceased In pursuing and attempting to
taptuio Hu convictsvvuslnthcillsohargu
of his duty as nil olllcer The law and
Ills oath requited of him a proinpl
compliance with this duty Ills pursuit
and allemnt to capture them was there
foie lawful It wan In no neuso an un
lawful mul violent attack upon the eon
vktir If the guard had killed one or
inoie of them he would not have com
mitted murder Ho was making lite ot
no more fence than was necessary to nf
fcotnhelr capture and tho trailing them
with dogs was not unlawful or Improper
and was tho usual means resorted lo In
such cases The fuel that the slajers
weio convicts mid killed tho guard in mi
attempt to secure their llbmty In no do
gieo excuse sJuslllles or eMeuuates the
urlmu Alllimod Opinion by Wlllsnii J
T 8 MoDodo vs WnllcrVounty ap
peal from Waller
Hull by McDodo against he county for
biro of guaicls for the county jull Hold
that the sheriff only can employ gulirds
with lho approval of the commissioners
court or In ensoof emergency with the
approval of tho county Judge llejond
this qualified power ho can create 110 lia
bility against the county occpt In case
there Is no jail In tho county Tho uvl
denco showing that tho hiring was vlth
out the approval of either the commis
sioners court oreouutv judge tho plain
tiff showed no cause of action Another
defect in the plaintiffs case was Hint tho
claim had never been presented to and
rejctcd by tho eoninilsslonora court
Alllrmcil Opinion by Wlllson
NnlrrriliM Hon
CouiiMol for tho defense You way
that joti are only sevi nteen years old1
llalntllf Vch sir
Counsel And that my clem a strong
man assaulted you vvllb intent to kill for
singing nt nlulitr
llalntllfYes sli
Counsel What vvtie jou sliming
Counsel for tliopioHcciitlou object
Magistrate The objection not sua
tallied Tbo witness will answer tho
lialntlffHliiglng Hocked In lho Cm
die of the Deop
Counsel fortletoiiio Yum honor tho
dcfliisu leats
Maislstiuta Thoprlsonerlsdtsehnrgod
Ionr WomiiTnx lob311m
Having sold my business in this city
this day I have appointed D Schwann
my agent to eolkot ami settle nil ac
counts duo mo Iartles owing mo nro
hereby requested to settle sumo prompt
ly a othet wluo ruy ngaiit Is Instiuotud to
place samo in my attorneys hands for
collection 1 Mourns
leirl Win III mul Tnrrnul Coimly Alxltml
u I11111I THU
Comprising tho Hanua Ilogsett and
Gauso Ilillitps attracts compiled
prior to date of Uro dostrojlng county
records and lho J F Coopor abstract of
tho prusont records Titles to county
and city real estate piomptly abstracted
Charges roshonablu Loans on real es
tate iiegotlated Olllcii In loyd blook
southwest eorner Main and Second
riyln ono
Uiiy a package of Silver Joat and give
It a fair trial If vou do this yon will
iiovor logret It How many disastrous
failures In making bread canso troublous
vexation In tbo household This can all
bo obviated by a trial of Silver ooal J
II Ilrovvil guarantees Its purity strength
and nnicfanay
ItealUIng that many po ph are de
ceived by highsounding iitleorttsoinoiitx
wo caution our readeru to know tho
ilonlilr before
bujlnii JI Wells one
cjt ope mriM iellal > l < drug l r has and
lews sell Ackers HnuiUh Itomcly from
London Ituglaiid It la gunrantued to
cure all pUhlsleal tnmbles IncliidlriK
annum cniup vvhoojtlng enu h and nil
eomwon cough or couis
Onaccount ol tho existing isliixisd
4ilk < wo will not buy any rnoroeggn until
further notice is glvon
SvimUi Thompson luunrcK Co
Ieiiili r Kroiirilou
tleiton MlagoHilcllpnolumberyard
for bargains hats tlio Urst to offer tho
people iHinlror aa h doors Bhlpglos
etc etc at roluced pike Ho hao an
Immcnso ativckJ
Tito corset detriment of tho fl C
Lvans Co ijovortvas rnoro ejoimiloto with
nil the loadlrigminufacturiia of thU Jlne
goods than at theproBent ifmc Bneclal
attention of tbo uVi I UiXulVtf ttc
rguccd ittlccrvTlicli thoy ro notv offer
on >
Oo lonlh faCfB
JwoAiojiLi noon
TlltMMcmmi itxif
Prion 00a Sold by DrtiRglstn
Kor Itteen ycari they have steadily ilno < 1 In
favur ami Willi mileii ceiittantly IncreimliiK
linvo ficRnma tlm uioilpopulnr tortel throiixli
out thu Uiillml Hlatcn
Tho O quality Is warranloit to wenr twice an
IniiKsnorillnnryCorfits Wo havo Intnly In
tniiluiuil the < l ami It II Krniles with Kxtra
lingwalst mul wucanfurnUlitliomwIicnpre
IllKlKut award frntn all tlm Worlds Krrit
Fiitm I lie lasl incilnl receiveil In fur Hr t Do
km 0 of Merit from the Into lxporttlau hold lit
> nw Orlonim
Wlillu score of pntont have been found
wnrtliluiallinprliiclnlo nt lho fllovo llttliiK
linvo proved Iniulunfiln
Itctuller nro aulherlzcd to refund money If
on examination tlio Uomcts do nut provune
rcpreented lor miln v rivb re
tlntnliitiiii fnii on iiiiillimtliiii
i > cuim
MlMlnir Inu iittnimril
li > ludlilnl nA
ifaKSiiiiiU mmiuiwiPrP
= WilM Ijjt dlntiiniiluiiji
Uidlsputed In the BROAD CLAIM of belisiTe
eon mul n
WF Lake Afit fort Woitli ftx
l ifCim lliu n iimry At f Ioikch fur On i kVly
All i lLlI i xV m a tilnorwl treilil leS
Jf til ilffr1 vMr JIonliorl Himniiilwl
No rink In Iin1irr IUiuiriiinuiiiiiil tnrolni
inwluiw m lli ljTri
m mimm
Organic Weakness
AjietlMnn i
I HounNoOAua
HUX10V Ailll
llnii iiraill > M I
< r ictlnv l > m
Joutlifv fmllMtMli
otiiflirofnjtorV Aimll
HIH liDwlil < m M prntn
HUiiut imwiiH llr thm
i mi Win liiroHin
BtMlj Uftin ukliMtlltt
BKiniRntiirinihii i
lluiuHniU don
11 jniiiftr is 411
llwli 4 ptulnrw r
wn unc u ri
lt t
Uf llVi rt HDrtit rm
ma orrmUtn It rritund
ofllfr fcUV
> l
f i Vt rMireir ii
MA5SL8 lYooMraoKrrme
7S Trum
Did you Sup
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses it 9 for jnflamma
tlon of al flesh
Ofun uVhI tnt pMotA ann > nil ntl f ilf Uf i U lh r mj t
UI 1U lh ajr rlA r p oll i lo wom n who u ntijnft to Otm lJ h
VW8 y ° It ha been foU Sfn l
Jteatl temf an fmlntnl i Vldun ln
I h T drltwl pvtleulittr TiUfln nm lt from Uitmi t V
U million
lb cam ol Ud um tnil throulo nllrrr t S l itkL
irf l U lh
hw > muiiOuii
lijl rmonlU uaMnrilXn i <
b > now wm lliu imto < lr dM tmrUti u tiuX w
othtr iMluiru nt ImlUr tbviwUr but llU la rfmtrttbla mm H5T
K a uV A A MELLIER Solo Propyoo g
Ammnnttion and Sporlfns Goods
aSend for 1rlce
I I A t e J
Ho 121416 in 18 west seccna si corner HrMnri
SlnlionorH Uliuik Jlookanrt h
jia iit a At MANhH iinniKi is tmW
312 Houston Street Fort VTortl
Wholesale Doalor In
Wlioloaalo Doalor Oor Socoml and Houston Fort Worth jJliS
JVorr V
Oioclforysuid 41ziNS4v arn fej
Commercial Printers
Heatlquartors for Commorclal Mon
Try It Once and be Conviiic
C VV MoKINNEY Proprlotor
Corner Fourth and Main Streets
jrort VVortJi Toxiin
Rates 250 Per Day VV E KENNEDY Manui
ansion JBCote
On Fourth bolwoon Rusk Streets
Wholesale Whisky Merchan
Ai > 1 DMlcrnln
All Hlmtinf ft
j lX nUulf 7 vt vi mim nmm
400nntl402 Hou ton Cor Tllrrf St Fori Worth Tr
f < l lllliirii
1 JlsJIu blood I iUk
1w ffS2rs
i i
1 < > s
it I
t >
Main nml
0 XiE3 3 SSSaOO 3iPE33F5L 2DA
W V J > rjNlV Proprlcto
wKI7 14
Wholc lo ircnlcn in all JilrtU et
oioaKCiiUln North Tcjm forthoiJeltdrated