OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, March 13, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-03-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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> lrTf
id s
lj < lt dl
mii II lityiJohi
fMorrni a > Vm1 x
pviiufmun EvmirvAY
0 TORM W A IlllfflJ
Sierittrr Tmww
K M Vanandt W 0 Turner
Joi It Ilrown W A Huffman
n II Kaddoclf Cbas Kcheubor
Jaa W Hwnynn
rxxooTivte committrr
W A Htinman W 0 Tumor J W
rt ihhKHwortAn KsUrfcUt lb Korl Wort
IoOofllf M K > fllll < > ClM Hull f tf r
ro MAit HuiiaoninHiiHi
inline PitpaUl ly l W
On 001 OneVciir
I M SixMorilhii
aanqfr Oaxottk t > cr annum io t pntd
fit Wt k Meontt
Itnlrl n A < 1 irtl loK IliruMhoil uri Appll
ttmUlenitt 6y itnitriottaffltt notify oritr or
nH0lilnttlinferat rMootitt
6t M VMl tMltUtit upon nU neiel n
finpt InAnWOni of r f I rtnl nwi An > in
l w fffMTnl Mtrul tollrittil unit icill tt
pfnutrll totiirtiwttttt
l e > mfiiMnfn < lof > lifmJM er piMleutlon
iwl U umnMMtit lu thturilrri < o <
fr l < Mf firinibUtndw lit in nn ertiltnet of
r rtlM Mriffiip M Tun tURHrtu on tiMfui
j > ri < i < if < W l fr l wilt pllnit tielon > tttmp fur
tolttu rtlallni to ImImh nfnny UmlnhmU
hi wMNMrlftlUKMlXliriK Jor Hwlft 7fx
iMIUi TO MeliOB rnalKiK
imMhO lil < lt OtiKinlmrlntn imtnngor
WAOOA 8ONeill msniifer
sumiWAWJ Jl IMlI rnanaKfir
iVDAHMiirnjiiHll II Iiornoy Mid L 8 Nor
mil TflnrtBKura
JKIKKHMiN II KUtlmna manisor
MAWiimbIUilit Kenneily mniiBKor
AUITMNK W K ItmelbinansRsri
CiI1iuiimivW II Ilynl nmiUKor
Stiiso It lon inanmtcr
1 IN iviiimIC I If 111 ana J b lllekaon
l nai iri
IIONMAMO K Jolinmiii innnnsor
1I0HKV riHOVKl 11 Hill MiurmKOf
lUliiDKldnk llornuy innunKor
JitKBlviLUJ W H wlionlnr inananei
< 0M1llAll0 Y II Nrwkliknniiniir
MINKOI V Ilulliiialir iimiliiKOr
Oisoo W r Iulloy nisiiAKar
villiriiii J llonn iiiiina er
Inn IMrhttr will lui founil for nln at tho
ltiaeiS nnmoil In llm followIiik onion
UlllUAOO UIW II Hltnr IfiJ llonrbotii
Uo t anil l Hnhnllnnr Ornml InrlUn ImUil
Ar Louis Mnllilllli itomtor m Dlivo
lllHt Still ln OVOfKin Hriiltliflril liolel
llor HlMtlNOH AUK J II Ilnvln A Jo
llomtT I Mull II lllrnlillclil niiil 1 K Irumm
THE GAZETTE Imu tho Inrfjos
bonaflilo circulation of any dally
newspaper published in Toxai
THE OAZGTTi l > the only paper In
North Texas that now publishes the Ann
otated Proas teleurama
Nvrtmi > A Moummi maiioh hi
Tim lAHme lm no connection with
or luteieitlli any Job olllce and cannot
oXAeuto ontum for Job work ot any kind
Tit at quarantine
homo to ioost
< lilekeii lias untie
Vlio wns that state oillolal that rodo
wlUtMr Phillips on tho night she was
i ii i 1 in
J h few weeks Kort Worth will have
another rallrond monopoly to Mid
lothian On with tlio bust
Whin the statu executive met ut Waco
In tfUt did iiny good Iilemt of lov Ire
laud nmko any promises direct or Indi
rect to any ono
Iatiih slilku question to become lu
Amorloa what the Irish imestloti Is lu
Ungland forever disastrous to every
body fotoxlr unsoivabloV
Mkiih curiosity prompts Tint 0 uin ns
tunsV If Oov Itoland favors leu ltoss
for governor and It leu Unas favors
Uo Ireland for the senator
Phiiaonh willing to Tin ClAicnw on
iimtlerji of business wilt please address
the Democrat Publishing company and
not Individuals connected with thu olllce
Wiiii tha Wneo Kxauilner favor Tim
IHjitik with Its denunciation of the
Phillips slander In connection with the
name of n prominent candidate for gov
i in i i ii
To Jin V1 Aumouii Chicago The
Ktockialsers of Tuxas are on to jour
game nnd are too sharp to he gulled by
that plAluthu pamphlet about the deslruc
Hon of tho drevshoof Intelests
I i i lii
A ItiNTUhnot tho magnitude of the
cnltlij business In Texas may be had
wiicu It h understood that the Into con
ontlon at Woathcrford Is only one of
tlihtoen other similar organUatloiis lu
tho statu
i i m
Tiik Northwest Texas Cattlemens m
sootUlon dUplayod good tastu In their
selection of Kort Wotth as tliuuevt place
Pi meeting and when the barons come
hur nxt Mnreh the lort will trent them
i V i
ISutjtauiH savu Immensely by doing
away with ornamented locomotive Thu
cunt of the brass ornaments and the labor
t ot keeplug thQiit In proper coiulltlon
ampnuled In ono your on the Philadel
phia ft landing road to ftnnoco
i i i
Atl North Texas Is In a furore ot cx
elteiuvnt over railroad monopolies
Tho anxiety ot each town lu this section
to seeiiro some more monopoly U tu
strange contrast with the denunciation
of tho rallroall m6nopollcn already se
Tub tlirco gentlemen composing Uio
Jioaril of pardons In tho cute of Loulal
ana through whow Immutable firmness
Ford nnd Murphy mot tliolr doom In New
Orleans ycatcrdaj must have hern Inking
lesson from President Cleveland Their
backbone under tlio olrcumnUiiiWA wan
itmply niarvolonw
i mm in
WiiKNincn grow Impatient with per
pctnal struggle there Is heard the cry
The cmpln Is pcact 8o With tho con
AUnt < lirnngemenloJIiisIne H and soda
rolallonH Tuo people want n settlement
ol such trouhliM 1roho to tho truth to
the bottom of the illlllowlty nnd let us
havo ttio remedy and peace
Til house committee on public
building lias rcport d favorably a bill to
erect n government building at Kl Into
Nothing but Kort Worths modesty has
presented It from having ashed 1nclo
Ham long ago to erect fcomo structures
hero comnicniiifnln with tho nccossltlos
and Importnuco of tho metropolis
Tins Now York aldermen would give
away tho city It thoy oould gatgalii by It
Tho Ilroadvvny rallrond grab elnkn Into
Inslgiilllcniice when oomjwrod with the
moro ieocnt gift of inluublo frnuohlses to
the new cable company The city has
been cheated out of millions through the
irenclmrv nnd venality of Its olllclals Vel
so long as municipal government Is In tho
hands of tho people every city gels about
the administration It deserves 11 Is not
worth while to withte iniich sympathy
upon Now York city
No ono Is authorised to charge more
than 6 cents for Tiik Oaktth People
who are asktd to pay moio will plon o
luporl the fact to thin olllce
nanoNAi vnontnMH
Next Monday Tiik GAZKiri will print
an nrtlclu from Congressman McConinw
of Mar > land dlsousMngIds bill for u na
tional system ot postal savings banks
These uiticles are well worthy thuconsld
oration ot llilnkors nnd they cmihtl iitu
a vnluablu feature of Tim QAiniii
Aftiir lieRKliiRTiiiKHKTinlertHovr llirou
incnitliulo niiiport llo for Kovntnor lliu x
niiilntr iiov iiy U llinnkn lu < l lint nil tlio
iliilllon nro niiiiorlliK Hvviilti llicno nrn tlio
sourest gn pes lint wo Imi over isccn lions
ion font
Not n Mt of It Yon mo wo have always llkol
Tun Uktik niiil were wIIIIhk in tilmre wltli
Iti ioelnlly tlmtwn linuw tlifitlUranlliiKCoii
stltiteiinywnnmlthna hnntt nnd soul Tint
Unnt woiililnl luuo It Unit itny nnil tlRht
Klml Imleml Mo wo liennnm mo will win tlio
nliui niiyliownml lintiiiierwlll iioIooiikiIuoii
thoilltlili wliim lliolionoraiirolioliiK illlrllni
tnilliy tlinpuoplw This In one of tlio HkIiU
wlmru tlin Krent ilnllns n auckoil up on u muru
niiiHiT ot oilitlon early In tlio iicllon TIimiU
llitiKfioil lonl ftVaco Jatniner
The ICMiinlnur mistakes the purpose
for which Tint Oaiiiih Is piloted this
Is not n political Wurwick and does not
aspire to miikii governors and seimloiH
nnd hare In the divide that Is ex
pected to follow success As a piihllo
Journal nnd with no Interest or expeeta
tlon of houots or other reward Tun
lAKiin noted tho popular deslie for
practical statesmanship mid tho prefer
ence of the people for Mr Hwnlii und
gave lis sympathy to the evident wish of
the publlo Mr Hwnlii Is a man who has
demonstrated his lltncBs for public boiv
Ice mid Ids thoiotigh practical acqualnt
ituee with state nffiilis He Is honest
ho Is competent mid those who pilfer
him for governor do so because of bis
demonstrated quallllcatlons Tim Ia
ni 11 asks no share In any honors
It believes Mr Kwuln to be bettur iltted
tliini leti Itoss to be governnr of Texas
nnd hiiH reason to know that It lutteets
the prufeiences of Its constituents Tho
liainlnermay work for u shaio of the
honorsi Tint Gaisiih Is working for tlio
Oov Ilrowns icply to Mr lowdorly
concludes with this suggestioni The
Culled Slates circuit court for tho Hast
em dlsttlctof Louisiana iimlm tho order
of which wo hold our appointment as re
culvers Is open mid entliely ucccsslblu
any day to any complaint of tho employes
ot thoToxasS Paclile lallway who have
any real or Imaginary grievance since tho
rcceheis were appointed unit thu court
Will hear ami entertain with impartiality
any oppllenvlou made by parties prefer
ting their grievances Oov Ilrown Is a
mere creatine of tho law repiesented lu
thu person of Judge Pardee Oov Ilrown
wlMily refers the question to tho souico
of his powers und however much ho
may bo criticised ho could not net other
wise than ho has done lie refers Mr
Powderly to thelaw whoso creature and
ngenthuls and with the assurance of
respectful hearing Those who criticise
lov llronnR course would deal with as
sumptions and not with facts it Is to Im
hoped Mr Vowderly will prefer his In
quiry to Judge Pardee Let Mr Vow
del ly as the representative of organized
labor accept tho suggestion and transfer
hUlnipiliyto the leprokcntatlve of the
law which oieated the receivership hold
by Oov Ilrown
Tho people demand n rottlc mcnt of thu
quostlou forthovonillct Is beglnhlng to
appeal to every household nnd unless
settled must some day make that appeal
when reason has been dethroned nnd pas
sion has usurped control lty all menus
lot Mr iowdorly who Is known and ro
hpeeted as a conservative man of Inrgo
ability accept the suggestion In tho in
terest of patriotism nnd ot Justice
Public Interests and public rights dc
tusml a speedy settlement of thu cohlllct
Inl Lf nP c y ir Furmn It to in t yourtelf > Kei Z l tim
d Il Jncteaslng pri ure of this
suspension nnd business paralysis
away and not ill tho places of those hold
ing out compulsion as between the
strikers tlinnisulvosi to compel tho wnvur
Ing to hold out aud it has reached tho
point where compulsion Is used to pre
vent butchers and bakors from selling to
workmen who nro not In the strike and
nil this with tho ultimate purpose of
compulsion of tho employer to concede
their dumands Take away this eloment
ot tho strike and ou entirely einaoulato
It Tho rejection of tlio proposition of
tho strlkors by tlio employer ends It at
onco Indeed It cannot amount to a
strike without this tdcnioot of compulsion
enduring In the prune and under the land there would ho no holding out wS
m anq Don i ns < r
< Tho
roads comprising the lould Aystcm are
tho arteries of the business nnd social
system of the peojnY of four stales and
yet those people Were told that tho strlko
on that system was merely retaliatory for
offenses committed bv a road outside of
that system Lot tho matter bo adjudi
cated with the Toxa lAClMc Oov
Ilrowns suggestion Is most wise nnd
timely Lot Mr Jowdorly acton It
llestoro to the public Its business rights
fet tho Issue be settled und In that sot
tlement n pn cedent established that shall
become custom and thus tho people be
spared these oftrecurring derangements
of trado and tiavel nnd threats to public
peace nnd welfare
Tho public would welcome settlement
of tho matter Lot there bo conference
uud decision Let the public know It
them bo supremacy In one authority or
the other or merely concurrent powers
Lot the publlo learn once for nil upon
whit nnd upon whoso deoroe depend the
conditions and status ot bunlnoss and
social Interest
Hliigo tho strike on tho railroads tins
got Jo tho point whore the strikers have
luUrferud with tho ptoperty of the rail
way eompantos nud ns some of th strik
ers have on that account been urrested by
federal marslmlsfor damaging rallrond
piopeilv a brief statement ot what n
striker may legitimately do and what ho
may not do without exposing himself to
thu pcnaltlcN of thu law Is timely and
should be Instructive Of course it Is un
necosHiry to say that the Missouri Puclllc
and other roads havu tho samo claim to
protection against strikers or unvbody
oUo that the Texas Paelllo has The
samo rules of law apply to both The
Texas Puclllc being In thu hands of ro
eelveis Is Immediately under the protec
tion of the United Mates authorities
Hut tho laws by virtue of which a federal
inartlml iguy arrest an offender against
the property of that road give to sheriffs
nn equul power to arrest like offenders
against the piopctly of tho Missouri Pa
clllo or tho Kaiitn Io Tho statu Is as
much obliged to protect the one as the
fuloral government Is to prole the oth
er The reason why men who Mil en
glnos und obstruct the work of the Mis
souil Puclllc niu notiirrcslid while tliosu
who do the sumo thing to the Teas
Puclllc mo ariusted may bo sought for In
iho fact that the county authorities
whose duty It Is to protect property from
spoliation ovvo their election to the votes
ot men who would tcsent thu at rest
while the United Stales marshals uie not
dependent upon popular nppioiul for
their positions
Worklngmen like nil others have the
right of meeting together at nil limes to
discuss nnd consider whatever they may
regard as material to theli Interests
Thuylmvo ulso tho light to argue ami
dliiiiiss and to try to persuade each olh
or to any particular view or tho adoption
orrejictlon of any particular measure
Just as nil men havo They have also the
light to advocate nny measuie they please
to tlnoiigh the medium of tho piess ns
all others have They hnvo equal lights
with till other classes and thu majority
of them uro Intelligent enough to know
this Thu only dllllciilty arises from tho
demagogues among them wanting mote
rights limn belong to oilier classes
They have of course tho rluht to de
mand hlglior wages or butter te rms of
their employers nud tho right to quit
work all at once or ns many as see lit to
do so If thu employer refuses to comply
and thoy can lofusU to ictiiin to their em
ployment If he persists lu rejecting tlmlr
demands They cun do all this and not
bu lliblo to thu law for conspiracy or
damages Hut If their omplojer dullnllu
ly refuses their demands their lights as
against him end there They cannot
coeico or compel him and ho cannot
coeico or compel them nnd all nets and
measures taken lu that direction render
them or hlinlawbienkorH as the case may
bu If thutr donmnds mo refused Ihey
can do no moro than depart In peuco
Tho employer has thu choice of granting
their demands or losing thuir seivices
That Is a fair matter ot business They
tmvu the choice of leaving htm If his offers
do not suit them rvery Intelligent
worklngmati will admit thlsj and this be
lug so If the omplojer elects to dispense
with the services of tho men Instead of
granting thuir demands It Is Ills ilghtto
doso and In that case common sense
and conimuu honesty require that tho
matter should end theiu Uvery fair
minded man will nilmlt that an nltvnipt to
force the employer to take back tho men
on their own tonus by direct or indirect
means Is an outrage on law nun social
order mid nil correct business principles
Aud Just hem Is where tho pinch comes
In the strikers case ns tho very essence
ot n strlko N compulsion
out ad object which can only bo to com
pal tho employer to give In and grant
their terms
Now It Is this clement of compulsion
and tlio means resorted to to enforce It
Mint renders strikes unlawful It Is not
tlio mero quitting of work That Is n
right which every free man has Jlut It
Is tho compelling of others to quit work
and the forcible measures adopted to pre
cnt the carrying on of business by em
ployers without tho consent of tho strlk
crs which thoy will not grant except
upon compliance with their own condi
tion that Is In violation of Jaw It is
this against which men protest
ft compulsion of otliorn is u right which
worklngmen nro entitled to ha enforced
through tho moans of a strike then of
course the law ought to glvo It to them
and glvo It In clear unambiguous Ian
guagoj butsuchlsnotthoeliaracteroflcg
Islallon so far obtained upon the subject
A little Consideration howoer will
show that to enact such a law In plain
terms would expose Its absurdity no that
oven tlin stupidest legislator would bo
shocked Lot mi not bo framed declaring
Unit when tho majority engaged Inuny
partloular work declare n strike It shall bo
unlawful for tho minority to work on or
for others to tofcu iho place of the
strikers nnd Hint nil violations of this
law shall bo punished with fine nnd Im
prlsoiimonti or that the strikers may use
the necossrry force to prevent tho work
from going on without their convent or
their demands being granted It is plain
that this takes the control of his proporty
from tho employer and depi Ives working
men outsldo tho Htriko of their fumla The lrmed n
mental rights If strikes were legalised
to the extent demanded the next slop
would bo nn act requiring tho employer
to operate his works or allow tho strikers
to take possession and operate them on
their own term at his oxpensu This Is
the logic of tho piesent situation
Aitnr Aivliltii
lahostnii Tribune
Kott Worth will not build nu elevated
street railway Just yet They only cost
9600000 per inllu but Kort Worth citi
zens can become Biiillclently elevated at
far less cost at tho nearesi euloon
111 HMt lllTdXIIM
The Koit Wotth Oaktik dooa not
claim to havo a circulation equal to that
of nil tho dally piuss of tho statu com
bined but It claims to have iho largest
circulation of any dully > In tho statu It
should have as it Is tho bcatnud novvslosl
published In Texas
Without i Itlviil
Oimcnm Dumiirrat
Tho Kort Worth Oaki lie of last Bun
day was it inngnlllcentslxcoluinntwenty
page publication Tiik Oaxkiik Is dally
growlngJn favor with the people of this
section Tind where Its muiits uro fully
known It stands without n rival lu Its
claims for the puttunage of tho public
Tlio Irlilo or T xi
Jiillcrmin lliiiilccu o
Itali for thu Kort Vorth Dmiy avrriu
the pildo of Texas Last Kundayu Issue
contained twenty pages and Is as com
plete a newspaper as wo over saw
Tho demand for Sundays Jvziru was
Immense Train boys left Kott Worth
with COO copUswhlch were all exhausted
before loachlng Klldate
Illlnrly Itntiiiri
Iloubton Hvrabl
In this mornings Post Is nn evtiuct
from the Kort Worth OAinni stating
that I 0 Smith had beou nominated by
Uepubllcan voles and that tho Democrats
In consequence thereof had called upon
Mr Halter to run as an Independent
Iiik OvzitiTr obtained Its Information
fiom the Iost which Is virtually owned
by HiiKer and run In his lutuiests Its
statements nro untriiu Mr linker tm
Holy announced lit a cud even betoro
the wuid primaries met that ho would
ln J1 Pendent Lot tho Kort
orth GA7icni conuct Its mistake
Oltlmiiniir IIIK Mprliitri lniteol AbiiIukI tlio
llnmiotiMitiy DUplny or Arllllury
Uio hriiiMis Ti March 11
To Hid Killtor of tho tliuctlu
The cltkens of Howard county under
stand that a report has gained elicula
Hon that tho Knights of Labor at this
place lu thu piesent strike have bull
diued and Intimidated thu good cltlcns
of Howaid county and have destroved
property and committed depiedntlotis
upon thu property ot thu Texas Pacific
Hallway compauy at this place Krom
this report or perhaps some other
JJnHod States marMiuls and deputy
l nlted States
marshals and lungerc nud
wo know not but perhaps depniy rn
gcrs have lor the past tu o or three days
blockaded and Invaded unr town until
our public streets resemble a walk
Ing arsenal and jet with all thin
and ii ploy of nrtll
lery our fhurlff butter than
whom nuvor existed is never horn
called noon to preserve > hu peace ond
the good cltlrens of this ounty who havo
not failed to respond to the call of It W
Morrovy our sheilft when In truth nmi
in fact times were rather turbulent
lays gone by nro somen tint surprised at
what wo term tho
unuiccssary nut He
n i °
display of artillery on UU im > U 111
the minority to quit work and Join the sluu
strike compulsion of outsiders to stay I Sieve to think that ti tey muTlr peaco
olllcors Imo been
cnllul upon Nut or
have they heard of any violence and vet
some ono seems to thluk they need nro
cctmn Why we need protection and
what from wo wish
to learn Wo art
notHirikerM nor Knights of Labor but
cUImiis and
would beg to bo told v hy so
many aimed men nro sent hero to pro
tect in when wo otuselves know of no
lVJ M V ° lKttri1 ° 10 < > er and
are blts y Ignorant ot what somo ono
seems to think our Impending doom
Nii Ttn
V ar ie 8 08Hwl 0 ftm Rive
It a fair trial
If you do this you will
never regret It How many dlsVtroi
allures In making bread cause troubuw
vexation In tho housoholdT ThU can all
boobvlaUlbyatrlal ot bllverLoaf
Mjtt 4 Ltnartr Npj neamiri 12
Itidi Tor tlin Nmr CJnurlIIciiieo still M mtri
Uorroinondanco of tho Ofuottn
Hamilton Tjsx March 10 Today
tho commissioners court mot to oiion
the bids for u new courthouso but thu
city of Hlco lu ono corner of this
county sued out ti writ of Injunction to
Stop the commissioners from letting tho
contract until an election can bo had to
remove tho county seat eight miles south
west from here which election is ordered
for the si Hi of April The object of
Hlco Is to move tho prevent county town
n suillclent distance from Hlco In order
that in the course of human events they
may perchance get n crop from this
county nlso uu oturblt from Jlovquo and
a swallowfork from Coinnnchoand an un
derhalf crcp from Lrathcouiitlesnnd form
a pew county This town has a popula
tion of about one thousand The pro
posed now town has nary n one but a
good location for a railroad or n mill an
lliuro Is n IidIo of Water near Thu re are
ten or twolvo contractors hero The
bids on tho courthouse will lcmaln
sealed until ntlertho election At least
ono half thowheiithnBgonogllinmerlngon
account principally of tho drouth Corn
planting will bo over lna few days lb t
few cattle havo died this winter We
have had plenty of rain There was a
sllgitt freeze last
night Yeaillngs arc
selling at 7 on Farmers nro hopolul
All have plenty to cat There is no de
mand for corn
tiii suiitiin court
lleulmoiis KniiiWnl ut tWnnlii
vrntoii ttlllliiK
npwiallo tlioUnotta
Galvksi ox Tux March It Tho nil
pioino court today rondored declslous In
tho following coses i Craig Ogden vs
Marx Kumpner fiom Oalvestoii comity
Gulf Colorado Snntn Ko Hallway
Company vsJohn McOownii fiom iai
veston county tilllnncd
1 J Willis liro vs J A Laird ut u
from Oopzaes county revorsed uud ie
C MNaplevH tho County of Ornngo
from Orange county motion ot thu npiicl
luutfor lehearlng ovouuled
M A It Allen vs J L McKleraln
from Houston county motion of tho up
pelleo for rehearing oven tiled
K II Johnson otul vs Isaac llerdeln
helmerctiil ftoni Wiishlngton county
motion by defendants In error for rehear
lng oven tiled
J T Sweatings et ul vs M J Hassett
ot al from Washington county motion
of appellant for labouring oveiruled
ANIekerson et al vs Amanda Nickel
son fiom Washington county motion by
plaintiffs In error for rehearing over
John T Stark et al vs J H Stubble
field et al from Newton county motion
for rehearing submitted by plaintiffs In
ci ror
Heatimout lasturu Company vs Pros
ton Smith from Jefferson county mo
tion for rehearing submitted by uppul
A ItiiimuiiyainiK IndH Aliout lliu Hull
nmil Liilnly Ohiirttiriil
Oorroopondcncoof thoGazotto
11101 1OINT Tkx Mincli 11 A llv
ery teum belonging tt shottildgo
Pierce ut Into hour last night broke Iooho
Iiotn their fustenlng in fiont of Mrs
LalrdH lusldenco on Oiovu street and
took it fieo and tinlnUirrupted run about
the city Thoy ilmilly brought up In ibu
lenr of Harrison Ilenlys mills against
a high embankment A crippled horse thu
loss of u good whip was the damage sits
Three weeks ago Hon W A Kendall
suggested to some of thu business men
heiu thu propriety ot trying for u rallioad
from McKlnuey to Gainesville through
t ds city A meeting was called mid
Cant Kendall sunt to Houston to consult
With railroad men theie Ills ropoit was
so favorable that a committee Aassent to
confer with McKlnuey Ithens Mill
Sal na nnd Gnliiesvl lu thu lesnlt of
which Is auiiuunucd totlay inthegranl
ng of a charter to the Pilot PoliU Oalues
vlllu S usteru It illrosd company with u
capital stock of SfiOOOOO to bulll a rail
road and telegraph from or near Me
Kinney foilln county through Pilot
lolnt Denton county to Gainesville
Cooke county Thu directors arc J 0
Hu cblson A ruulkner Dan Itlpley J
laM JcCe n of Houston w
Ithea of McKlnuey J M Lindsay of
Gainesville and W A Kendall Jim C
Newbury of lltot lolnt It Is thought
pushiil lapldly to completion as the
WiThi ry wJf wcl > to bullrt It
v > itli tho Atchison i Topeka Saula Ke nt
one end and the Tomis fential at the
Ji w u Mu tno Poitanco
of tlui link On with tho road
in hii lvor 1lu 0 L l i who Is
n rljru nrrlveil with his
fan llv this morning nud will
occupy tho
resldencuot Mr J TJones on Urovu
to lTinton mlly rooved > tcnliiy
1olt A > cur Dramatic
will play tomorrow ulghi nt Harrisons
Ial nv urces A Little Mote Cider
i l Were All Teetotalers 1
3icrtrv f Il t
Sedtwffihi c Ub1 ° 801t
Hotly CoHeifi lrfK0 iCKt
NrwYoiiK March ia Tho Mull and
Lxpress this
says Jack
Dcmpsy ehamplon middle weight of
krw U u ° 1 liorP i lancc better
IZ led noston
igiiist who i has
vautpi shed every man
ono since
except ho entered thu ri
So w lork New Haven rallroni
> wiiuiiK lining
for lempsj I The lattle
oclock nnd Instct nearly i
men vvoru badly punished
early this uhnlw Jln TvlcS
1 Bin at
ja ais iifia5a
v f
Miet Ht 8rfflIlnli C iiPflpr UJH tlu mo
every function uctln
healthy statu Willi
properly and Is tho
AW fiJ73J At ns X
Any druggist
Lumber KiMtiutlon
hi ini vio
limefe V
rollnhle help Kit Ijf14 i 2
lu Innil nnil Ioiiiinorclal llltpatlon
IJ iiKont
fonl street gtllllJi
bt liut Mo litid oiV Sto
bo services ubove Veci iM
to their putt or rJinf Ih
pany or iliolr conJccilon prciont Jtt
erKunlmion open mcVl V P
wf e Such n iri iJji HljVw
pnmmlS fniv
rillof wnirni r i
nn1 other MZTcZt ukl
sn when ihoishor troubhin JSJI
IJtiKtuii the loimo r hMott
nnpniiy Unco that aW
yJnV M
se rnM S
WiauM hmvM
Ocncrai Su tijvi
work No Hmhnr A rtoaTi
J tio um010 0 rl t i n
7oit uivrono brink MturTiiaS
i r rt l i c0ftro f UM AalffwK
iJui 1V c nlrotraMll t
slrcel lo Mrs lt llotloM lmimJ
uirnor 1ourlli and IIuuiiaii
UIt lllSTtr l
J s l
r lent roonit soexAa feoliM W M1
lor it biinrilbiK tionw tr t tin m2 i l
lliilliiin a llaiilcli n < sft2
AkoiiIb 407 Mnlu street fort UttlliTlt
IfUU HAIIIMllland olmlor hiir
1 Novelty Holler Klourlfcn Mill M l
vvltboluvatur Capnoltyof mllHr bVj3
diiy lapsclly of ilaratnrtt Hilnuu f
I c icnnleiupltttlnKliulldlnc mlllivUililii
lliolrndvnntiiKDtowlUna ion thli jmoij1
Tlio mariiii cry U new nnd Im ell mv
liniruveinnil Korprion nml t iliiw
Novelty ItnllcrMllliitori WttUiTM
nimjKMiAMKUlgl 271
water elKhly gulloni per alt in
rnlnwnter white iilplinr i pciliillV
tha hvM htihluir wAtvr hi the ttlU lluj
used ns nt Hot spring drunk tot trU
lng Hlngla ticket ii CenUt trtiit
Htunloy A Mnrliloiuoprloliric nhirta i <
ptilillc nipinro
IviMfa KVIAW gtnefsiUii wis
V loollon ngonti for tbo fitiulK
Tuxns Tii ro n Tox
lt < lIWS10NAUM
> Mi
Dlt KMOKY I NINOV hn7mc patkUJ
H l
stoliiu olllcu 101 Knit TMtl
uliilrn oppotlto opera houW 0Bi tatit
n in lo f p in Ilcildcncii ailBrwIitf
norm IoulinvcniirMoiitliSIJ
ViRlM AtttToeyi It j
HoiiUHS Toxai hiMl lilM lM
7i II MHNDV attorney nt UjmJW
Vj spoilt Jlny county llctrltiu
Olllro In court liou c
TUKNIll A C0ri ryMl Mjjf
Vernon WIU r Mjg
render nmln nnd pny tax fowU JJ
of nnd perfect Ullc liByMll J ail
rcsont owner or real oit te4u TOZ
nlKtrnetii to WIIU rK r ll M Mfff
Knox llaylor nnd ArcherconollM W
Kutlon n ipeelajty
InwHRti Msrco J i
DAVIH OrcrFortflw
tlonal hunk Jlnln trcotlortW nM u1
and rceldonco Third UMleMMW
oppoalto thoopora hoaie jKsVii
nm aS to n mi 8Badji <
ilophonoNotM <
Aiir iw IJi
mm sod KiiMr Jii rtl JSUMS
Dr WARO CO wro
The Texas Tarantu J
The Duly illnstratea Paper is ftf
KUiisniirriiSI i BiiSrt
The Texas Taran
column paper oontslnln
tela U m WSSIbI
ty P J < v ri M Wf
andri Krunior variety
diictloni nmn any puMle l JVi
IKV ffi
Tawniui > JS >
lorat terms to ont
ntlon to
IubllhoM Tots
NoUrotoOonirsrl ji
The Albany Mllllu eorajf Kft
proposals for the tff 0 ii mN fi
frnmo llnnrlnif tull nuXJ80l
ho HinofUoBof the wJJJfenfe
teen t
Tx Tho rbfhl wrtSSfis IftS
bull and Mt gj
It icucrvcd
talncil union secomr n w StoV0
Riurantflo at to iowbiIoI iM
Jiy order of tho Uo d y s w
li hjm lLWBS Lism

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