OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, March 14, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-03-14/ed-1/seq-5/

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jSairs OF state
Sajcrs of Texas to Ncrr
j e
llUnctian J uMmia
rlnyI m Hard
ftc or Vonnr Aisriuble Hi
I 8em
< e or
tll lllllKH
March It v very
nt o < Tiirr0 l ye + tcrdiy
1 Mr Ilia ihnrd o
i Nrv Otleune claim
cud itcordlng to IiIh
h U l > tuiie liUir
ning forth the i my
c > ii hi ion When In
nli rH and two i
t 1 h oppOUitlt < t
> l > Kijith of TiXSSI
nrd ttiil MUttMtMl III n voice
vor tle
c U
ft the
j ul <
nun o fullhand Kcenou
ou woith Hut olmlr
i i > ni to cnLne oritur
xjollt lf0 01
i Vilc of Texas was
im SlWOto 81000 lii
i tbauditorof tnotrcas
in iM points new iiostmn > rsi
jf tn 111 > ni s M Collins J Clint
wcjiuvv 1 nolo A Holt Praxjer
i coa tyt Joh Kougir Hall
William T
LiMCiLOimyi Biioh
llwrick Tom G recti comity
t Maiu II < reford Calhoun
I iimcs A Wood M C Halt
miouii tVcnptphni M llrowu
jiiorJ WMH u county
jrsenlco chingest Han Antonio to
siWc from M ircri 1C ombiaaa sup
Itioollli iof buyers between San
na andfe ILdwIg lucrettslm tho
jtf there tulles Comanche to Flem
Irom April 1 lucrcnso service to
jUidc ft week
Iwy postolllco service changed
jjcacs ond Jlouston railway postal
icitcnil rim to begin ut Slumport
lacrtaiu I distance ninetyfour
mtkliifi whohi dlntaiico 231 miles
so civet March IS ttio Una to be
tho Stirovoport Houston rail
Wool Hen Clomn n IttnrlnR
jnixorox March 13 Thu ways
ami committee this morning give
ifing lo goutlcmen Interested in tho
lndtMry Tiihn L Clark wool
ti trnl flockmuster ol luunsylvanla
be Orettptakur Alt r giving a his
olhe growth ol thu wool Indiistiy
section of c mntry ho reviewed thu
toa of that Industry under tho vu
UrIS acM Unilor tho act of 1807
tower had fair llvlug prollts Thu
IISC3 lia < l Injured tho Industry and
and 1S85 chcup worth 2 or 63
tctc tnlil at any prlco and mam
its bad abandoned wool growluu
tefstis grower could not grow
hi cunipttltlon Willi tho Knsli h
ctonAuitMlian landn II thu In
jiTftc broken down at homo xpeeu
i < roatJ contiol tbu market und cou
nwou d have to pay more for their
a Tbo grovtera did not ask lor a
Utnry tariff but lecogulzlng that
l U8S3 o step backwartli they
Jltcstoifttluii ol tho rates ol 1807
in KDti llvo 0 L TiickBiin of Venn
sUcxpfUCd tho belU 1 thit a largo
itrol tlio wool grower wetu in
cf a iiroticivo tunff Unlets tho
tlltonererestoted tho Industry
61r wlux would practlca ly ceato
irl < om Whit you want la duly
icffhy ptotictlon
kiOD > Yo wu want a restoration
itirlH of 1657
nlioBexiiiifOl tho opinion that
the protcc lonlsta went around
ijimUaSliig ttmt they Intended to
tailuty on wool tliey were docelv
i wool growers
rlwBi You would luako yourself
iiwltlin million wool growers If
wld help to raise It
trhou lilnnt itileiid to help and I
think Others do I think they be
lli duty on wool Is as high us It
3ti II you glvo us Inertaged duly
ooienaml worstod wo will uladly
hgher duty than that of 1807 on
Jtrfsia Wo did not put cither ol
idowni you did
ttyi You didnt
wwni No dr
JtJtTheio was uotn Democrat In
tboujowho voted to fitiitaln Hie old
uL Ilayis Hecrctary nt thoN tlon
siocutlon I Wool maiulactnrtrK
Mint a against tho charges In tho
lutlff proposed by thu Morrison
II protested ogalnst tariff gUa
tyarcvlMonul thu tariff as a ills
wee of biiMniM and poftioiieinent
titprim nierted lor recovery frmn
f Industrial diprifslon The
Woltheblllwotildhu said Inflict
fUjKTO the iiianiiNcturorB
loornlOlnnnili of n Seniilor
ivotom March 13 The remains
Wor Miller will b escorted from tbo
jreiUttncu to tho capltol by n tynod
fitolpollco nndttcoinmltuo ol tbo
Legion They will bo met at th
tol by the tenatori nnd ruproientn
> lnted to act as pallbearers who
cort tiient to tho sinato cbambtr
w will meet nt noon anil proceed
< Njnato rlunibir Thu Bupruno
Ihndiploma lecoips thn president
eihiuitfttid thu lunillyol th tlo
< i lllhavi si ut < In tho ecnaio chain
jwtoj i w ccn monies which will bo
ittd iiy nv ir uonard ol St
jfmenis lor tho accommodation
noMnhhiong upon tho floor of
w6 t < iiiuie w < m complotol oarlV
wini ut > sid fromthU lir ind
tlnui r of chairs woro brought In
i tidixcpt for ih > eom
ir > < f tin chair of tbo deceaBod
uii Tor it uc iturned oppearanue
tail oclock g t crowds had giilh
lont all tin gallery doofs ami
w II 1 their uliig hall nn
> w ikvery seat was taken
< s ii ihiiir the prinldnt pro torn
Jdtu pUiqih soirtiinleil by tho
r ac <
7 l > r lluiilv and eacettded to tbo
At trio tan nf ttie guvol tint sotialors
Uii la tbo cloakroom
< 10 conducted to seats
jfWKiiut tic cialr All ivitnuiucd
l ry in ad iui bowed during
jMjtr ItiB ctinlr uunouncod the
Sw the day to be the furnml core
S tb Hon JoMi MUlrr
I uoors wire now oi n dby tbo
und Ue enerablo iloorkieeHT
weiring ovor his
4 While sash walktd tbo cen
t ni s ilomily unnounctdi Tbo
lli pre cnuttvvt Tbo senMors
I < tc Up of the BavelJ wJ
w auitoi until the members of
ma iud ue4 Henttd A ln
swung open nod ttjensMmbligo
r lrouo Mipreino wurt of tho
eliY wh0 eim6 C l lo ln rI
K W tk llk Tbey were guided
JiMttVtu for them ot the flr t
tho riaht o thb chair Wfib
1 M rvasol waiting Uio dlplumatlc
If the prosident of the United
States and his cabinet In turn word n
nonnccd and conduced to the place re
served lor them The luncml cortcco
camo unannounced nod upon Its np
pcarancc all upon tho iloor nod In tlio
galleries utow and stood in reverent
fllinccaj tho monrnlnl protesslon made
It way slowly down the nUle
Tho coitege consisted ol tho crg nut
alarms tho committee or thu
two houses who aro to accompany the
romilns to tbo plaeo ol LuiUi the Immir
ary ialltjoarers mid a committco of tho
ioya Legion Thocatkot wos amo t
conocnlwl by fldfal ileslanii boroe liy
eight oipltol iHillccmni mid was placed
upon thn forms prepared to r e lrelt la
the center of t o lumber Tho widow
diwjhtw and mnr ln hdi ol tho do
WMcd wpro e eortcd to pUcts Hi front
t il to ttiM right i the chair On cmt
rlanlon ottcitglous wrvlooi ih pre > ldert
protein of tbo icrtiftia gild Tneaoiiate
hi ciB igid tb tho olllir < f
tfils bony and n coinmliUo ol
Iti moinbtr the cu UHly ol th
mortal lomalns ol our honored Irltud
ami brothtr to conduct Ibini to his west
ern homo ami 1 < ave Uum whh tha lilouds
who luva lovwl and honord him to pay
their ln t tilMito of repict to his mem
ory The senate at a body mIU also at
tend tho remain to ih stitlun
Tlio sitiati then fidjoiirnud und tho pro
cession having been forniMl us pre
armnged moved to tbo Mruus ployml by
thu Matloo band through the rotunda to
ilia depot
Tho procession was n large one It
was comiMHd ol netiators Vipresenta
lives and ctlzenfi all on foot At tbe
depot tho remain wuro itncid In the pa
clal car snt npirt to bo r Ihcin to Calitor
i l > t and left lit charge ol a guard ol the
loyal Legion At 7 oclock tbo guard
was withdrawn and ten minutes law thu
train containing tho remain thu fnmUy
of tho dtsciajed and tho congnfudimil
committee started on
to tho Tactile coist
Its long journey
trill MntlrMi
WAStitNOTOv March 18 MajOen
Iope will be placed on tho atlred list
next Tuciday
It Is said that Oett Terry who was con
Untied as u nujnrgcncral last Thursday
will bo iis ilgneit to tho commauil of thu
dlvlfilou of tho Atlantic with hradquur
tors at Governor I laiid N Y and that
tbo next miijorgmieral will be given c un
mandof thu Inolllc division wllh head
iiurtors at Kan Francisco
ItVlSKl >
Wlnttlw unirlnt Onlrr of the frnll >
CuiilriiUteo Strnua
Sjicdnl lo tlio Uarittf
CalvkstoS Tix March 13 At their
meeting tlilj uvenlilg tho district execu
tive board Knights ol Labor adopted the
Hufolvcd by tbu executive board of
District nisi niily 7ft that that portion of
thu boycott amilustthu itallory fctteamtdilp
conipniiy ordering raemberii of locil
Rssumbllci atlnchtd to Dlitrlut ansoiubly
X 78 to not hmullu freight going lo or
coiiiIiik from thu Mullory Huiiuiflilp com
piny Is heahy ruvoked Signed W K
liarmer chairman Nl Toiixteuroluiyj
I II IlUck O W Hmlth Tins order
has been sent to tho variolic JoenI
asuunblltsof tho district It does not
imho tho original buioott agilnst thu
Mslloiy Hue and inetnbdri Bay thero is
no Intention ol revoking too bocott
proper or receding Irom their ponltiou us
regards tho Mallory Hue Tlio uuovo
resolution Is vxi1aincd by them to feliu
lily apply to lioigat In transit to or from
tint Mallory coinptny being curried by
corporations who cannot legnlly reliisu to
reemvo the enino ns coininou canluro
and with corporations that em
ploy u largo niiniher ol
Knights toward whom It would
be tiujiwt to re < iilro them to ctaso work
or loto pus lions under circumstances
which thu railroads tuenischci could not
rem dy without violating tin Ir ch inns
The Knights say thuy will coiitluuo to
dlvtrt us much t ml lie us pos
sible Irom tbo Mallory linu by n
rigorous enforcement of tho bojcotl
all cvor the Binto against stockers who
receive or rhlp via that lino Uy this
means they nun to achieve their end with
out throwing a slnglu Knight out ol
employment Thu lour members of thu
rxocutlto boaid who promulgated
thu above order explicitly icijuuslod thu
Associated lKss nporter not to convey
tlio ini ressloii that tho boycott agali st
thu Mallory company has buen raised ns
they feared erronoous reports to that
effect were being tent out
rlio Mnltory C niiany Ol In imil Hi
llojeiiit HnlMd
ipeclul lo Iho Oiuette
DamasTkx March 13 Judgoficbohl
advocate ol the KnighH of Labor of this
district has just received a telegram an
nouncing lIlatthuboycotiagalHHt tlallory
Sleanibhlp llnu had licou raleidi that thu
company bad uccuniued to tho doiilauds
of thu Knkhts of Labor and ru < Ucsllug
thattliu patronage o tho llnu bu restored
L U Curtis n prominent JuweUr here
was arretted tonight tor assault upon
l iul l rb u book and ntntlouer dealer
Tho causo Is not known
Tim flimsl lti ori In lh World
At Audorsono uuu store
Knil f Hi Wnr Kriir
Nbw YoitK March 111 Tlio tranuscon
It la
tlncnUl rato war continues but
tnought thu end is pear Tho rates for
bob passcngiraud freight nro ilowm
that nret
Uwaa rumored
dit tickets irom New Yok to San Frail
good for ninety
clsco und lomrn
h at
ty d ns were biing
SO nnd U was uttted Ilut he C PP
Mil which had b en iarty >
unloaded ol what 1 f g it
Si Frand o
h bo ii pUcod noord and lb freight
ivaVsentUi tho Sunset Fcllt rates
iXggt aranteed luUl next Saturday
nlKhtr paid varying according
u Btho nVroidmesB ot the shipper
lt that o coiileienco lieUtou
H Is bou
iritSnS a gflodilardaud J
win tako nlaco on Monday or iiiesiwy
mLt TfioJo gentlemen are aetlPS
miloilv no one deeming to know J rt
what they nre doing
I f
Cholera Cure
Itv using 1IM3
KneealobT nltdruitelst
mo7 MNnmnaMl
unltorlli noi ttli
ipeclallo Jl5 Kb 3 Tlior nnln Coua
0 fee W r aer ea lor Ui
rur na e 4 eea r
H7SSfe dr
ftSgSffl la
bieu te4clilnfcf
Urazllian globules
The Clirlat or Lhrlitntidom or the Christ
of Xnxnrrtli Wlilcht llioTlicmo
far n Strmon
A b ijr ISuroMl tjr on OilOft It it
rHllMlnnTU i Mtf M Oftlitlr
IHi > ll JtrttllC
Spenuil to th UmcIU
Daims IVx March 18 Mrs lUth
bone H ldlnR tU Mam Mri < et in
badly liurn t I t t tilgtkt b th rcptoston
of a kirvfcoii lamp Iter Imnbamt uc
ee dd In vvinxuUiulirir the horrible
dime but tiountil It n > Hurlously burued
Mrs ltathlimo nboiit tho arms and lower
estremltUa The phjalelanji ur hopitul
that Kbe wl 1 rocover
Hon Warren 8mhn ol Tenu mo will
leciuro at to nporahoiiMi tomortow
alorti on ootUCnir t ol ChrUurtdom
or Ut Ctortftt of Ka ieUi Whloh It
Mill ho Kiiierub rtd tttst Mr HmIUk fiavo
rtn lot ru Unff leoiun kotuu lime jltiee at
tbo ouerahoune ou Bin Us Ouwi and
Mr C V Ctewi a promlnmit lltts
burg oapttallst tothr pirrebniud of Mr
Now ton 1ioy hi bilck stores juatenit ol
tho po tof1lco for SP400
Mowrs J 11 llrowii und W 0 5Io
KarJand ot Cioiumo nru In the city to
A olslx from
party pcntloiren lluntlnp
lou lud who hive been pro > i atmg in
thu city for it lowJaj s wont West ovor
the noon train to d y They Mill go to
Tom Oreon cquniy pro iirctliig They
oxpriss thiinstlvis as hlithly pleased
with Dallas ami surroundings
ThuT x s i l clllo eattbotind train
waj over four hour lata this motnlng
John Shannon a sectionhand who
wus run ovor near tho Y a low nights
since by lliu eastbouuil MSsourl Ja
clllo Isluaciitlcaloondltlon at the hoa
Arthur Wlntson priiltentlary tfansler
guiril arrived lit tho city odnyen ronto
to liuvk wllh thu following convictsi Jim
Kdwurds colored ol Colorado City lor
theft of wnteh eentonred two years t
Willie Sptlu Iarkcr county lor bnrularr
ftctttenrvd twojoarai JC 1axton larkur
county lor lucest sentenced two years
Kleldor ol larkur county for theft of
horses prntenccd llvo joars
Thu Dallas county committee ol tho
medlcil RSfoctatlon bavo prepared thu
following programme for tbe State Medi
cal association which meets hero tlio
27th 1 list i
nhsit hat
AdilffHotwrlcumelir Major Hrown at 10
Ad ilre liv Or S II Thurttoiior liclmK o
tli DMin tlouniy Meilienl n nelullon
AdUrenitiyrolW IUianforU iiiniicntlDK
tho cllUcnn nt larRC
AilutcB l > y tlio iirotHoiilot the Hlnlc Mortlcnt
n oeliitlon Dr K t Itcciou ul Mil > lmr
iJajfcr by tlio ttlfiht Mr Itlihop A C < Ur
Tfio sMOClallon will attonrt tbooicrahtSliu
miiuMi iia
AIiUcim Ijj tho prctlitunts > rn
llanuuct IU > in
intiiiiio mv
Addreiislij or K J Iloimui ol l nl onca
ntihoMcrpiiaiit oxchainc
a > imtt > in
A bull nt tlio operalii Urns HI p in
April SO the huiiinof tin ronldcnt wliyelclane
will ljoiitm to too xlililui j > h > Ul ii lroru8
i > in to V ii m
As wo pained Iho eaddlory and liirncss
Bioru of Hilli Kelluer yeHirdny our at
tention was drawn to n haniNomo ieiol
harness which wni being lilted to Cupt
Kblney Martins blooded span of horses
Thli Is no doubt thu hnuiboinest und
most durable eel ot harness that has ever
been turned on > In this city Tho entire
time of ono workman has been consumed
on this harness lor th past thirteen
days and they ate all Hint good slock
competent and skilled workmanship can
u jb Tackuberyfor spring laprobes
now Myles just 111
Our worthy sheriff is n flritrato col
lector but wo s d ho only secures 11 fly
cenlf on tho dollar sometimes 1 he
other fifty cent however will never bo
lost Theso Clever fellows who pay their
cash out at credit houses and piompt
pay thirtyday mm shoulder Iho bslanco
Moni10mk v A Co
Cash Irocurs comer Fourth and Hous
Vllls KllUrnru mannlicturlng noth
lim but tho very bet Qiialliy ol Harness
Ilciiutlful spring luckwear In nil tho
very latest novilHos utDahlinau llros
Tlie AlrliUon Oonuuiiiyln IT iiirmB for Hie
liirrliiix llinil O 4c
ItireUI uilho Uiello
new Yoiu Mured VJTho war on rale lo
tireen Die Alclilwin Topeka A Mantn Ko end
lloIIuiiliiRtonlinos lll ncceeiaflir rotoelo
iclo liolor nrfa U ilh have urge financial
DtKotlatlont to eoinpUte winch III hoi e
ojliiern rauiii oi
Id aro broucli
n ilut HiottXuKO e
fLaKS viM vVriteasi
opfctto So ll iue Iho Ilicht
p peace may be tonlorcd wllhlo
a wY
stiff and oft haw the picture of olo
canie and leiluod tato Kxaiiune them
at Dahlinan llros
It F Tack ibery for spring laprobes
new htvles lust In
Kill Kullncrero iiunufactiirlDgnoth
b t fliwlliy o haruue
ing but tue very
and unddliry
Good cashdown men good prompt
ftlrSfUv men slow men excuillng y
bToiv tnnn aHl deadueate all buy at tho
eniue prices at cioillt bousoe
MlO < TUll > llllVCo
Comer Wuittt and llousioa
I ai i i
vUterwilHe Co u
Karlr J I B >
ii 11Littl ox
i uf Nuur
ulll II at af ataa V <
T iSS s
may uV will leacli to
tVfcat 0 d I iW to e baOd
< lr ml 8 li ie nBdrrne l aa6f raion for Hin
removal ot 4tir ti n loincr here jMUrOnr
Ootiorif r MctAity i > trntiinai t WV
ttw olllil lly dtt l r J T Irlco at
FoilWorili natl Dr nuy u Ihli city The
ilikodtiU neTera operilon ws lulrly mu
laltuid lo the iinfotluom Uaj anil hu nltrr
nMltnif ob r uwiiclioleo Owlnir lo the
eomnlKatol nnture or the iWc tso i niinl Oleit
hi e ihtt iiiornlnK Mm liml however the t > r t
laMKnl fitiiniloi pivnr bm
tV II H yniK1 h o ha rclutn il Jiom a
fljlnjc ttlp lo M i li ll Ho Uroniftit Willi him
Mine iwiifoteti btcoiln or tmlilo tfeluli
Mlwljlln Montort one nt KenMwkj l lr
rt iU Rl > ur will m H > laimvrtvlllo qtxl
fertral of vnot eerreepihttenVi ItUli frtetul
whe bete ot lele he ume ml J t l In 4 ntel
hUiory rePeU npon hlmio Oev itwete ph
Inttrvntml la rie4miinl ol hi il end Mlinele
ct i B
awMre ina dVihelr aPpaaiaii j Hereand
So o tiroguotleatiut aueany
jre tho
be enllwpaie
worfow oa
Hear ye
m If Maudes of theM R
vi r W
WfflK ier anil hoidoX auarlery
IVhtr wlaelly alio lea o on lfo way
I Vi foi i lareily to de ii pviKeraed
thf 7PpuVlor lbepreie4 e
tasMI l ll0b
Dont Utl t > call and t ttw revulnUnn
In tbe pro < ul houwholl whIk nt MbK
nrd Joyre Weekly or monthly iwy
tin ins wldehuvtr pleas aointomOM Inst
a in i
It K Taokaotiy lor pr n < laprolwr
now tyU < jn t in
Try Walls choeoUw ami tteim hjiU
Tflter Ice coid
OotoK Ofnrne lletas lOvent etoro
109 llottHoo for camp stools
Pl > t ll I w
Hie IntmMi AlltftttCf Will Him n folliih
ClKliUKS T Vh awJi I The Tanner
Miutio IhID n uiietioic Into tuday hut iw nrie
imtitdeliie oroftBtaatlen wai Atfoifed to he
nretani oanieqaeiulr Itwir > tooo illnt > tire
notknonn l l mUl lnorottr Ui l Irum
hliitt diorped hi nme or the nwttihere e rut
Kin 5111M will he run nexi mhi under the
iiiniiHKvniuiiLOf thu nlllMiu
Amr limit olhoMw i iwilvod here loittiy
ftorn at luiiln vti Xcir Oilnniu
hats the picture ot ele
gance and mtlued taste Hxatnlno them
at Dahlmnn limn
It 1 Taekabery lor Dprlbg luprobos
new styles jntl In
Kills Kelluer nro Mill selling harness
nnd saddlery goods nt bottomnotch
When you become weary ol paying for
your euppllos from 10 to 16 per cent
more than they nro worth call on us
MovnioMKiiVil Co
Cush Grocers cormr Fourth and Hous
Sunnint Court DeniilPA Amiln t tlm Hnntn
ln In lllslilolWnr Coutrnt
Special in tlio inictlr
Oalvkston Ti x March 13 The hu
prcino court tonlny decided a very Impor
tant rlghtofwiiy subsorlptlon suit
brought by tho Gulf Colorado Santa
Fo against Miller ltros of Helton Tho
court reiidirud judgment ngalusttho load
This decision releases Ininus silhscrlp
th us to thu amount of 876000 In Ueli
county nnd will lnvu uii Imporlaiit hear
ing i u thu stibucrlpiloiis duo lit Tarrant
comity nun all along thu lino ol tho road
Stiff and soft bits tlio picture of ele
gance and rulbiud taste Kvunluu them
at Dililnirtii llros
Kills Kellner uro still selling harness
and saddlery goods at bottomnotch
i i
Tho prices advancing we will bo forced
to ulvo only deveit pou ds Arbucklus
coffeafordl Ilowuter wo uro vury
stubborii on an advance
Cash rocersCoinorliurtti and Houston
A largo stock ot Shoo nnd other brushes
will bo sold at ureatly reduced prices at
Wolls druii ctorcH
Inlvoluii It Hupliy nnd llnlmre l iirn nml
OiUil Oomliift
i A ii rosTux March MU Is rcrortod
tonlKht thai ntlliolr meellinr thli nwrnlim tho
district executive board hul < t rf iJibor
uonrliidcd not to inoktt tho Mhor lu liu < ollon
prciies or on Ida Unlf Uolorado
nlita o tallio 4 litoatliii of
tlm liojmtt nKBllml Iho Mallory
company No fnniibl onler to lhl elleel loin
lnvii liruid and Ii In probable lorinal ironiiil
I lit
KBllon will nit bo Ihoiidht ii c ry
on lueliinwtileit lw n vllunl abandonment of
tlm boycott no fur an It afleiU ilalveilon rail
ruadaandeotloiitrafllii l hlnhly eMljiiclnry
ID the hiiMncnii intn and give lilite for nu
enrly Ml Icinent of the boyott Itlolf Tho old
lrli 1 bond will reinulii hero orveral Ja
Wll le to d y Mtloii Uic noi norotjutllv
KunrantoacB allnii of Hie Jaiwr ttoubln
III in point 11 la eecilitcd a furernniicr to
lifaci and unlet
Stiff and soft hits the plcturo ol ele
gance nnd rcllued tasto ICxumlno tbuin
at Dahluian llros
Kills A Kelluer aro still wlUns harness
and saddlery goods at bottpinnoich
A wholesale Dallas ilrmnjinudollvoull
by tbo oasu at 687d per dooti You can
cut tlio Identical brand from Usui 30 cents
a bottle MosiooMKitv Co
Cash tlrocjrs
ff i n
A hires stock of shoe and other brushes
will bo sold at gjeatly reduced prices at
Wells drug stores
Flv Illmiioie llniii Tlirr MliirtyIVr
K inl NoIm
Uorre i < inde eo of the Oarotio
OAiuiiA0 m Union I0lrof tviirurne
who list been tcachliis a danrlngjcliool at
lldeldace fur Ida l > a t three neele floeio lrt
ihe link
iililimlili a Kminl ball nt mllrnr
wbloli ooesilon tiruojiht oat the beamy und
oidvalry of our little mwn
The prl on i ronlliied In our UII m de
anoiluir bre n fur reeuom enrly lau nlKlii
while ihoi ller and lamliy r el eupiier
rliMIn Wm refued W all liTintelf < < a
ferine oV rluntly nil who Ii l M
ai iilii lail ii fm of our cun Mr life tetm
fn pilwu wa ewalllo new
iifrJM Itwwn eonlreelor Mid bulldor of
eoarihoiio Iiaereiurnjyl wlatlliMe
II wt
afitir ii b r e of cer eliiiowlhail
lui 1 weklng lo off i another eoMlraei
1or the > i l tee mall nave iiwm
few aud far between on aeeoani of the
flSo on h yet been pUnlwl In Kill e t iu
andth f ie are UvKlanln w Me r lee
llestttltul spring ueek war J M tbo
very tateat mmIUiis at Dablmau llros
i i < i
Vnre rlbbon < ann inol awi at Turner t
McCliiroe Call ami uxainluo It
py Wells chocolate and creum nwU
water lco cold
We tiro being boitotttd by boe
dealers They nay their Willi mum
revenue Ss from collector for thirty
ilay hoil MOXTOtlMUnV CO
Cash Oroccw corner Foufth aruiJIous
Ornnlrl Ail nae 4
Civrwsi Ohio Mtfctt lRTwo
hundred lahor r at tbo Mlant Iron
work at Sharon Phavc beengwnUd
an odvauco cl 10 pur conU
Onrilili ed <
Freilicrop lK5 rdeU Med In pack
at Rd bulk nl both f l afe a4Tt
Tho flMBd rinnlo of His ttti
CocltngMnln Tonrnnmcnl llr
Mctoy Vindicated
itiiittmtnt In r of th Htntr tlTlrlcl
fcoiift AiU l for Hie T lintr
SreJiAllolhelU tle
AYtttTiiKiiroBfcTlftfi Marth Tbr
raod oocWogniflln wu Autalieil Jiero
ilK eulnirbotxtiOfi H 8t Statlllfhl of
Ikndimoalft and 8a tty Ittn of this
ptow Mstnmi battle Iwd ben loujKit
oo U malu during thu Tv k up Jo Ual
ulttit n iultliiie In tt tie o < olgbt iTet
and thin moruluir at 10 oeCnJ thuy
SUrte t to tight the beet I out of Pro
bntMtiUelil mm tlmti Mitj ht fljithU
and wou tbe HHW This wa t u great
SorpilMjUi Woatherfoid peoil a well
ns to vlsliots as Mr King
< noted lor bis eocews In rjliiokfcitfbrtt
In throughout tbe mv AUtrtlt 0100
uiMognl IihihIm on the uookllghilng hero
Uirln the ie k
Jurte A T W tt of Milally anditosl
oihco Inspector Ttniina with headrinHr
tars at Doweou camo In on tho etago
Irom Omham thli ovuilng wlierothvy
lnvu buoM nttundlhg federal oouit
llr 1 3 McCoy was called to AblMno
by telegram this evening on protuAidtwnl
lit the dUtrlotcouil today llnnt jitd
ment was ghcnlu favor of Ihtt buu
against lud OatrHflp n > ptlufilpal Mr
1 rtettnre ot bond In tbo Mini of 00i
Sum and John Shadli aro Iho iiSHilnillBS
Tho court ha been busily etigigml In
looking over tho minutes of tho tcrniii
pMCoeillncH At 0 oclock IikIro IleCk
ti a id udjourned fortliU term aud took thu
evening tiuin loibls homont the Fori
Thu Jinliw st mils very high wllh our poo
pin oillolally us well ns socially Tun
nrMrns reporter In tint a prominent at
torney say this evening that tbero bad
been morn I uscs disposed of during this
leitn of the court than OTer before nt ono
lei in In this county Tbo judge Is an Im
partial oillqer and illxpntches busltioes In
a very pleasant Inntinur lto Is Uio poo
pills jlllKO
Mr WC Ileekham a banker Of flra
limit who hat been spending thu winter
In Florida returned to lhW city last night
and will Icno fur Ills homo In thu morn
Jntnes It Itoss of this city took the
cn > lbouiid train this oieiinig lor thu Pan
handle where bo will engage In ranch
In todays lAZnn appears an nrtlclo
from this plsee rcpoited by TiiM Ia
ynTTBB regular oorro < potuUiil concern
lug n tnlntako Hindu In Idling i prescrip
tion written by Dr J C Muljy and filled
by 1 LNIcbolnon Tho aitlclo was cor
rect lu all exeunt thu statennut tmidu the
correspondent by Mr Nicholson that bu
liiiulo tlio mlstakv on uccouiit ot the Illeg
ibility ol the luttlnsr which Is Incoireot
ni a card Irom Dr Mcfoy ntid thu cortlll
untuol thu following pbyslclinn nnd drug
gists herein attached will show This
ooirictlon Is mado In JiihIIco to Dr
Me Coy ns from tho rondlngof Oioafnri
said article thu inliids of the public
might possibly bo misled and mailu to ho
lluto that tbo doutor wtlton nn llhgllito
WtUTlliiiiiOUti flit Mured JS 18M
TntdolMltorof tho iniolu
I fculn lo dnr > lA > Kiiit n oninmiinleatlnii
from y mr ri > rropoit < 1 iit a HiIa ilane lu r unnl
io n picietliiloii I wrolefuMr W A Lewi
noil wh > llllvd by Mi I I Nllml on n ilriii
sl inf iIlls pirnx Mr Nlilinl ii mattnir Imt
tbo lioliOnmin iline wu iuhihI by lllUin
liiiiiilwrlilnitof liillii but I ny WA ranrOil by
nro lKtioranrn nt Iho ilrnit ihiHiikj I ohil
you lliu rorillbali loin lnn ii lilini nnd
ilniROU t Oil ilm who n It ti pinln
Tluoo l nouvenwfur bid iirrio Hoi o muili
tor our iilmiiiue iiiluil lw Voun Iriily
Vi lliop1iy lclttn aiildriKal i ol Wiath
rrfiinl Iinv < < nxsinlnril Ibn pruoilnlloit willtim
by Or ll mii fur Jlr tV A Uiwl ami
Unit II tu lnl > ivilltcn W I HluimoiK M Ol
11 W Now INM 0 Min > keiill A Mnnlpnili
11 ilaritlnerM < W II Mill rIniRKll
I N Oinrgo lir > irlilbilti 1 M Oihii
ItiiRKlut 1 > Kunil M 0 lev Itlmlil
HnKnl i II illiriiirn pililton ilrtiKKlut >
I Siiv ilriiKilii M T hmaiiinil iiImIcUu
W I Meroiieyalil
Itiroltli Your lliiinrn
Tlm InstillmJiit plan by which so many
hiuublo lioinus have bmn comloit
ably furnisbud bin nttrnuted tho nt
tunIon niiioug a ulasi of puoplo to whom
It was thought Its buiielliH would novel
apply Many whoso taxalilo wealth
rem lu u away up Into thn llioiisaiids have
found ttioiiiiiiloul toavill Ihemselvesof
t v advantages tbu plan offered 111 fur
nlsbliig a buiidioiuu Istubludiiiivnt Thu
pliiu lias wiirkud wonders iilmost In tho
euloof fiiiuttiiiuand now IfukiS hi
advertise to sill go s mid tro selling
them with thu pu > inunla inedo to cuter n
period ol lioni onu lo twero mouths
Their stock Is a mammoth vuo aud em
bmcesiviiryihliislu iludr lino irom a
paper Mo to ti 9fdi iilt
l F TVikftbeiy for spring laproben
now stjieH ju t In
Fill Kulluernruniiiiiiilactiirliig noth
ing but thu very bent iptulliy of harness
und saddlery
Slid hats al t Hiylus nt Dablnmu
I1Lh < l
iiiLism > ai >
Tlm Koblo VoilMtf lmlliMi VfotkltiK fur lliu
Conf il irMti llotiii
rcclnl HI itin IIHIMIH
Ilill ooiiiiTDn Maroh Ii I t night lh
y uiik iiullo of illlltooro uavo up enleftnlu
incnl IImiIforuo < > Whltli wro doimled t
lliu Jooi iiimn Homo lu Auili jfniwithi
miinilliiK tlio n cent mine Hie lrit wire 1
crotty uiiihl OMVlltlon ai lUy the lime for iho
ooiertifliiiHoni In beglMiiel isi i e tiil niw
line a < mblwl at llo > rwtioiiM I no pro
tiiiiiiiiec miifl dtt il ol iiell iliiiisw
Ouuliableaiuellol Wlttliv in libtlily no
iiriKlaisd and pp nu l < i by Hi utiluta e
Alier ilien lillimoo r K abuilnlii which eon
eielrtti at ease and m IV i oriea Alinr l > lnr
i ti n lio mum imnn In iiiuuDlittU le
Mr It l Morrell u primilnoet iner liaut of
ito m mini i bl Inner in
Mllferil llx hsil beon l k tut ipllie V lo
711 ti rer 1 f ully hn thn Iik < is 7iBp < Mhf
ot ibUwMire toMiiiwuH
i i
LaiA oiultl la fans and pariiols will
bo fbttwii till week by llai lutliOhaui
we i iin > iii eein
llemtlfal sp lng nookwuir lu H luo
vry Utoit iiwuliles ut UnhltCMi Urfti
Try Wills chocoUto otnLotmnModii
wnte Icuottld
Novtltloa worlds wlitioutaiul > ando
chulp at lMts 100 llouatoo
i mi i mi
llolnse t tlm IMstlr ifourl
rouilil by 111 raiil Jiifj
Corruepindence of theoatelte
l i MuWKiiiiMMiMSZ3
A special lot ot IB to L5 pie
HK H IJIIT X la l UlUUtel iM tle
Mill In senllon Ko twiwlant hateyej
bera finally 41 oil 0 owlax to laulrUl If
Ida JuiIr weio wuopuied Hi not more than can
UiMinoer In Milcountyvcrdiu nlehtUiert
be itndcrod bn wild a plorllly dlisKKeweiit
a laeipaulo the yrpii lor Merer
wlintiaadlne Hik lorty eo inuietineuu thlitr
rtwleloHyii d lisle inudauwanor M r ab
ofteir labor litfilla > 1 P W
iruf eeoeral Ineltiietlju to obedfeuee u Ue
uT nmuXi toportit < the mm
30 plcoos 55o per ynrrfi
w laoh Summer Sim In entile vatleiiosaviil colors
3Q 7tlo
HOT 111001
IluiiKloiiH lnlllknl nmupnlRii IIm hi
Y ry llllartintlliK
Hpeetal to the IM > ett
IIoubtow Tex March 13A moot
ing was lndd tonUhl In thu market
Iioiibo hall by tho Demooriitii who cspousu
Ibficauseiil D 0 Smith lor mayor
About twelve hundred people were pres
ent The Hireling was addressed by a
number o prominent local politicians
Dining tho prouiess of thu m illiig
Capt J C llutchisoii one of tlm p > ah
urs took l > o > uo wllh Ihe rail ol the moot
ing by the Smith faction who diBlred to
Hko a look at the books
which Is now the Blogau of
tlio i rly and white making
a statement Capt A A Asbo county col
lector aroo and Inierruplnd blui by say
ing that bis stuteinonU worn lalso Title
brought forth a lively war ot words und a
scene quite edifying lo tlm vast aiidlunro
fiwrloni trouble wis antlclpaUd ae boili
sund high In this community and have
many filends Wl u couusol prevailed
and prevented trouble Tbo nmttoi has
not been adjusted but It I expeuPidi that
It will be ncililod tomorrow
Uy Turner A MtCluro lrlco a Hty
i lliill vielght gniraiitcuil lloowmbor
C 1 > 1 > llonil Ilaul iifrBO0flei7unc irt
Will JloriUil 11a
ireilAl tu the jUietln
Oaimhsviuji T x March ID The
preliminary uvarltig of tbo ease of J W
Ciibb for tbe killing of Win Sharp In tha
tar woguoyard In this city February id
wui had boloro riipdro llolmati loda
A niiuiber ol wlln s o wtit examlucd
end Cob > wan held over lu a bond pi
80 lu delault ol Whlcbbe wai Bunt ti
isllTbo wincrrt t tile opvr hou o tat
night under the illrciMloii if Mr < 0 It
Itollln was a ino t tfrailljlng enc s
Tbe aeveral cmigs wid yelctloiw were
well rendered and the slnglug ol the
Wirjrd Oil combination Was lmmcnso
Ily tviiue t thp contort was rrpeiUul to
ulcht before another large nudVince
Card ar out for tbo nupihM of Mr
Juke Schwar it proinlutiit Brotrerymaii
of this city und Ml HjphU ltoihoni Of
Bhroveport L
OaliieBVllle Is begliinltig M feel the
efftctai lilioatrlku MetrJwnt a < yltljt
duil tietauso thoy can nol got tbelr goods
Vy f AMStarks ot Arlington 1 lit
ihe riity Visiting nilatlr
mm rluilay baa returned from the
cattlumuia conywutlou at Wcatbeilord
< i
Frlniolllamarck eplrttwopflwOlyWll
was Friday reloeM by the ownfidltitfol
tie rBkliBlag to Whom It was rtfemd
for cdrtsfcliifatlon The v Ho sfiinst tbo
addpWoa at VUO m aeurti ifrm SO yo i
l >
willpiaiably niAko
For th luit sixty d y our bwyort Itavo been in the New Yorfcmarkel on llio loekeiet
for choice Silks dUrotOoode and to iny that tfioy Imve bren riooen rul Ve
feebly exprcMeaIt aiiwopripoiatoglvo to otrr uuilomflrt < onoof tlio bonerit si
rtielrjudarfleiif Th prloetnro omuolt lowerihon eyentlioss of tie on Hi t
you will bo einmed when you eo tltngoorls and prion iliem
40 ploo8 ft5o por ynfit
li Inch Summer 811k In hair llnu pin tripes nnd cliflck
35 pieces SOo pop yaftl
18 Inch S mni r Mlk In check stilwi nnd varlignMHt etrlpea swj ohwJra
ts liictf SinnmurHlltf In nil mv ntudei and colors 10 Irwlt dottblo titllltil Kouls
lontKreliCks In Vsrloariteit colors in melt Ciicno tllato In liUcJlRiitlajarnat
aioisu blue twuTitnl wuod Mick mid griiy f
15 pieces 8Do pep yord
18 Inch timnor SU all slades and Colors 18 belt hair Mfllio flurfthri ll colbrs
uO liioh olld colors Surahs nil now colors nnd nhatlcB
< S piece solid colors Stirnh Sillks fa lluht and mctllutn welgliltociods in all tbe now
and siylfeh Spring blade in pieces ul so inobextrii henvy Ufo tlntliialidb
and colorn U > Inch Armure hllks wlthciuingeaDlii eitecio In uuvv shsdeflouirOna
blue garnet tarts and groens ifl M Inch piihglec Chili Silks andimpi
Silks Inewill and meilltmi flmiruilu black navy blue frera Mlitw ond tilnk
Tbrsc nro bvailtlltil goods nmt ulegtnt lor wear
10pUcco colored Domar > TtissAli > ll yt at km It colbro run lu uw ebadcubf tan
torn wood hflse cm n ohauioN koIiI bionre moite mnstlq and ohiaiplgnon
with raited brocaded ngures and ilowero
Ul Inch colored Tttusah ltayo ailks Hi glo etieola with Anlsctl colored 8 Un
stripes only 7ft per yard
eceshluckfliiwWrnlu Kllks fur threo dayo only at fol
lowing prloioi Lut 1 Wfleo TttAc real valnu 8Sc poryardi Ltit 2 Price 00c uaf
valtiu 81 10 perantt Lota Price 1 80 real nluo jr OOnml e 35 pujrd
BtsJ Bilks will bo worn tilts tmon moro titan nti nny ilut o for Utroa vatrs
punt autl now 18 your joiloa opportunity to buy
Just received 30 ctiolco ltoba pttturus no two nllku ranging In price Irom
8IU CO to 035 00 These goods are jiiatout and are the pnltltsi uvurotihlblted ii
thu clly
A lino of Canvas ltobcn lu nil colors trimmed wllh Applbpiu embroidery on the
satno In various patterns and colors embracing nil thu now hhadii 1
A line of Alhatrois Itobun tilinmed with Applbpio eiilbroHury on tine In beautiful
deslgnn In nil iho latest Springshailod ami colors
Spring Itobcs In Ktmnliiu Cloth Spring llobus lit Canvnsi Spring lto ber In CauicSA
llnlr braided and beaded with Itosary binds In all tbo nuW amnios nlid colors
Camulutlns with Hondo side pntleruci brucvlvd and sttlpvd KUtulnu llohes In
leading shndisol umy mid browm striped and plain Allmlrosi Clothi Onmclottei
Sbooibihs Nuns Vtlilng and Flalils In endless varlutleii all thn jiewtst Sprlua
stylos and shades
100 pieces nt Sateens In very clmlie colorings and patterns CO piece aollif rOlored
Siteuns In eveiy ctiolco and Irtshlonablu color
CiiT A special lot ot CashmureB ato ufferud lor this week only i
i0 pieces good quality Casluoem staplo shndes at r > 0c pur yard real value f Jo yard j
iS pieces colored Ciisbmcre tu hading slutde nt 153 yard runl value n Aa yard
IS pieces ilgnied Cnshiiieiiw ID Inches wldo nt 5c real vnino TOO yard
In nddltlon to the goods tinniad wu nro opuntng novoltlos In LACKS Trlgimlngn
Uuttons Fringes Headed Tilmmliigs Millinery loods In end I est vuioly Kveiy
tiling that Is new tiud deslrablu Is being bought us fast tu can bo nnd kilugoncncil
Again wo call attention lo our Htilt department Now KulUi Now Wraps New
JnrsojM lu largo fplnntltles have bieu opened thu past week and now will bo
opened Irom tuuo to time
Our Divssiunklng ilepaitmunt In In be lu oomitloto running order within a fnw
days Wo cliall emleuvor to do a largo order builiiusB and todo this wo Mull offut
ixtriiiirdfiiitry ItidueeiiiuntH and its wo uio lining up roomi for cmiveuleuco of our
outoftown ciistomus wulmpu to gain a largo share of patronngo from sutruund
I UK towns as well an from nil over the statu
menu prcnuuleil lire Henry langley nnd
Imniii Hutu an lliot of rnlllu William
llioukl k and John Nortuihlro tbotl ot
lionimi nml Jim Hob kiiil lliu Otchijin for
Ihniniirdernfllol Wiblu ft Oeoeniberau so
rounlot bleli i > e wl In Tiiu mvtiu a
birj of kooiI nifiinnil iriioliavelii triiiiereit
verdict ot Kiilfty In tlm e e of the Hlatoie
J Ornw enareea wlib theft nt cattle anil
n t iioil bU piiiilnbiniiit Mt two ynarn ennnno
iiiiiullii iho henllonllary Mr Hr w 14 nn old
ill relief lh > toiiiity It tbo heol nl n la o
fmnliy anil liaa hiriiiofum t0 i well He wa
forninrly a member of tbu hoard ol eniiunU
litncr nml hi tniniu srnr In iiromlniuit
letlois iiiioa a loiin In our m w eoilrl hiiuio a
one ot tlio board who let Iho eonUset ad lut
Vury 1Iioh v ry Vlirnp
Kggsiitly Turner A McOlhre
TJ ltllKLIi
A tlroill AlllnncellnlBlilt ot lnbor Oot
ton Sllll In ho lliilltalruntoit lorii
Sp ei l to thtf laieiuj fT
ViuMiiltTix March IS Oommltleoii nt
ioiiteiliylhur ile iiitntlveiOf all the rtlll
iitiooe KraoKOM tinil Kriliffila or Inbor to cou
tblur llunnlijeijt ol ImlUUntC A euopcratim
emtwin aed ootlon mill rott tdiliiy end ki >
ported In romiillanenwltli order inkda nt InH
imKllnjf HiiMiris wire nil nccriiu ntidthe
eonimltt o on tliiek na > iiiiirmUd to cpoif
lioeUfurnubeeillHlanla ll ck and uport on
Puilli natunlny In Audi aim i Ilirmut T r
n > lllmvn propumtil to doasle the around c
whbli to iilai e Hi mill A d io lire uoni nf
nil iotpomlloii tnxe Ilio prupwlllon wilt oo
iwOpleil The ineinuera are enlhuilallle la
Hie nreo of thBenteriH enud there U hut
mile ilinibt hut Hi t Ii will no prime t to a oa
ohatiii terinliiAlton Thn white linljill in
IHlmr lii other placet nre UxliK Ihrlr brains
wlHi Iho prob emu iirveeiitud r > w c
ruialiintrniiltal bote ul KaiirmnU oouiity ro
lakliiK UiitoInvclllielr iinite C4ih In
liiiimr iMilenlcrprliii wnhli uiutt honifJtlheio
and ilia enilro eoniity tit wiilcli iiieyllveby
fuiiil iiinir o market of their oif phulldin iiliu
ibrlrmiri lu > iilulnilal
L V Bhorwond a pwmllnciil toeiolAntand
i < o iRinlcr nt Hoilllipiirl Conn aud W B
Wheelnr a Kiocery ami coal jnsrciiaatruu >
Shuiloii Oiin nio nulling H I Wlieuhr
brollor liiUw to tbo lornlor and brtiUiiret
ilia latter Thcuo nru jid nmnit mfll lutein
Bent anil aflable eentieiiieii Tlief iniiei
itionitu u a pUol Willi ToKfauil
Terr II tin iriullirn home
Ihoynioliiiiklniroiil for A ifisnl bit lne IOia
lion lu ihe flly Our peoileulll o l dto
thein n iordlll web oiao
litt Worth Unit rr Co
still abend Head the follohlng find wake
jour orders wherovou can get Iresh nod
ilrsiclttungoods ntlvntoin pileesi
11 iHjumh aUnilanl raniilateil MgarfoMjiM
IIS iiouinleetantlatil A miunr lor
II oiinrtitiinitnriiOMiiiiiiliii flriir
II iioiioitu ulaii nl etltloaf ugr tor
UH tmuini VOsunar fur
II iiuuiidn brown niaar lor
Hi poiuisllerpe iMilmr
10 iuiiihI huckei lard for
A tHiiAjiileliuehutlanl for
II pnui lit bucket lanl fur
natmoAl tor
ftiiAii Handy t th hr ifori
JlMikcrel rhor umit per kit
Sjlinkerci No Mt f
slnckerei No J > It
lianif tier imniiil
JiriaWatt dawn prr pound
oUnilarcia lb toinuM 10C
lealie per u
lerit p1 e
illackcherrlc nr tan
KKKiilnina lorenn
UreMisatf > l M pereaii
oldiroii plum pen an <
Jliackbeirlut per rail
Hinpe utirran
A oitoiii pur ilowa
I ul
i in
7 jiwadiAriioc liVe ciiifeiiferi JS
lit iMimilariMiKrlPfllt eilniifciur > > >
lo pAnndthoHouiocurioo tor
iiolilim tyup iiimHHibm
PiulilArciiper turn nil
3 KioadMWkBltobiickwjKUlfor Jj
heu dpaoi iebunkwlieJtur
H II Molsstee li ney per gallon >
ltyjillaiiii t V reipet pound
oiidimly K ini I < ar6tnr
toC o
nun TKA i
4 fjL
Tea r > fltnl eiporpoo > Z
Teaflnctlt IIpet tivtuuj X
TeatBnnpoi il rpfrp < sid > r4
TeaInuirrlal iter iwaftd i4
T lebtiedi Wo iieriaatii 1
Four wJnrii KQd K L < >
ThiK tight Hmwfj y l 9t
Ucl7 where a 1I U go Jong wsya
11KIU4M Mattli l m cbwinltttC cl
ttul rol hstag to which wfjj5
spirit monopoly tdU WW jj
d rst and aeC dad
elder yWiliri V
I Zs i13
i i
> J
i m

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