I iii i i
r t
lit liOlll
WON l t
rant Ml
I tfou io not uicr thk iaxkttk
JTor Mny r
MKRazbttb U anthorlied lo Brt ane the
asmof A J Ohhtni > or aa a ntii < iaia for He
oifi > otm fWibo < iityof Jon worth at the
Tun uixntTR It aalhorlMd lo announce tho
namoVfWr It H Ilrollo m a wiiicllInto lot
AiI OfflW 01 WM 9 mo y f < > Wo l
itl eainlagoU4tlon
Alil rm Ui
Sfflot < flvmStTothurViU1 r lof Ma
etty Of ror t Woitli t tno eniuiwt oioetion
Tillsturvrrnlauitiwlwhl in M0M vJ
of aWernmii of We 06 wl wn < l ol itiocllyof
yorl Worlr
Tim fUZOTTK has iii connection wllh
or Interest In any Job ofllce mill oanrint
execute oldors for J b work of noy kind
l iHIali llnnoln
tails Mo i 1 Wntiior Nsw
Cor rrl trfi II Leonard T xajAi
t II
IJ jUm loniloy J inei U rlnKiiiii
H oiino I IaKii Wilier lil lf ft
am Whllf KHi K lliv nna
It HlnrJatr Mn v > J oiSuw
j John llononaii Jf8lJo Jf jt
llitim nnil t Menro In u l n
n i i II llla ilfiT Mj Jola T Warrrn
It Taylor r t n iiuanl
lumolii Uliatl < M rnlllo im <
< 1 V KroiiK UtM J Ullraor
Uallnji W II MeOuritjr htej l uU Till
tioiiMtiPonils < IN Uo hrry nnd ivtfo llnl
Inai KU Ilauun Hap Anlonlu T Ilitrhot
Ilitfailuliililni IC 11 mivliorntt lynclilnitR
A Illo IVMI1Mlii < jll t M ttt IMi
Uvlllt liy M rvh iliiK Kor Votkj Wltilain V
lluck KiimUiiI
At tlm Mtioitmi Wtlllftni it Iloutton Ht
tjlntti 1 A Mtirunn llcnrlrttai W U flow
Dnllnni IC II IIInir nNmv Voikl 1 I1 1irn
U < l > i flotiilrnt i W V Wllliprniioiin nlnrailot
T K Iliuult licr nri tV U KorU llonvtir
Oolo J I oimlnniti A Knrloy llnnniw nil
John II Miorc HmiiliiTiiinii lonliu Itnn
ilall IlillmUliiliM r lloniitiinTitr r Q It
Darnell HmmiHiri U lunnainnn Dili
vcMnill Nlik ilruuho Ht lmit > K >
llnvlllni IKtenlnri W K Itayncr
KlilK IliunlJ John Difiilnr 81 Ijiiih
Kriink IMlnnir lulcaeoj Andy Viiiinir Uolu
iimii T I AnilnunNosr ork J O ilurion
AuatlnH W I iUoii DrrHttiri N IVrry loit
vimlnii II II Wlilic Mulillmij 1 0 Inltor
donMiftOiJ M llnnliiKlnn Uminlntmi It
trnvutliNltlniuriM iNIigitri > oilllliitliilnti
W II nlii vol llniiHinii W II Ullilmua
OAinn > vllluiTiiiklrccr Ioiinty 1 M
Iinn ifuiiMoni H 1 Mnt Mnrxaiii T II
Iniiiyi nml wKh Wlohlm Kuluj 1 8
Iotyiilf Now Momnij II V Htow
nrt IlinjHintn 1 a Hunt llnnniri
It II lllimmDnnmrj ICH Turk N v iirk
Inmiiii Iaw nulilimtun I 0 It II IlkInn n
Sew Vorkilhliii 1 MiiKoniililHt lml jtl I
IlllVlK HlK Hirlli < iit I1 Oilllimil NullMoxl
In II A Jlluiliiulinin Mill Miinif V I
Illiyor hi Uiiiln Mnjl J Ncoil Knvvlln
IiiiiiiI I lillilninr lirllil iumiii liui n
b ronKuDhviiiOiTinn l A if Hill Nutr inki
I I Iloiilimii UmIIi J U liiHlliiKlimii
Tyntt > mtpr Jnino liicharilHouMt luul ill
yiloliiuiii linliw V a liuwiiinu HiiiId
John lliokuiit Vlormii ii hull Ht I miId
AvU Ilrinllily SiW > urki W II Hm tit iln
innhOIIyi h A lluitur Hell Ihtlni II It tihh
Ililitlillii It I rmiiiiUnHi b il M Out
t 11 W v I s H tr Irtlliia lir I
1 Uiiiillcll Aiiniiii II lli > iinr ami wlliuai
0Miini A W lllllunt liioii tlivt 1 II Kill
t ° lAl r i > w Wiiiiai i < Tnniiilo
A t tyiililmir II J ri > rin > oii imniniii II W
WkW III Now okj W It Irye I ISmii J
t I oiioni HtrtMll I r It ii iiHHlmir
IHOkVUMWIIIlIyi T H HiiiUh IIIIU llnokj w
J nWifl lml > i lally tlalVMlon
Oouii MIIIiiimi iitti llolii WllllnniN it i
MnKjlnli MIh Nulllo OutlineOluhurnoi Wit
At llin lliunatvlrki Tlioa Jlnll Dnnlmur
Jltnrr I tii liit IAxlnjtti11 Moj Wult r
MawuiiWoNtiivrionli A AitlmiPt II 1 I iIit
iainrnviliiij Miimy linjn imilitM p M
liniillyj WiilUr 1loHiriHinll t 11 n J u
llastJ XviMHinioKy j J Jl luwln Alftlmnmi
illl l rritiiniiiiiiiiiig Tonn
0 Hnttoii iilondliiH oltktm ol Han
Antonio U liuro
Mr WHoy lllalr with los H llrown
arrived jenlovilny
Col It 1 Wfllhom a lawyer of lieu
tlctta nnd vylfo tiro In tho city
Cnpt John Hlnlpson a lnr o dealer in
cattle wan In tho ully yenlerday
Wi Hitnlor of Ht loula n ilcalor In
blooded hornou nrrlvnd yeatordny
J W Mai tin of Ihino Tex In In tho
ollr to attend tho 1 Ii1 ThoniitH trial
f 0 Tea a wealthy stoolimiui from
Now Mexico Ik ii inijoiiruer In tho city
MoBwrfl I Koarni and H Iuartlcnttlu
men from Colorado City uiro on our
NtreotN yeNtunlay
Mr I T Bwan iipioaonHiiR a cluiir
tnanatacturor of ColumbiiH Ohio wan In
tho city yuHturdav
1 Waalior of WaNlior U Uht la bick
from mi H intern trip whoro hu haa buun
purchanlnn Koods
Mrs Ramiiul tnvln nnd Mm Ida Hmlth
of htiiaiU Mo nro In tho olty lor a f v
tlaya vMt to frlendu
Mr l li Gardner of tho Childress
Land nml Cattlo uompimj of Diokenn
uounty Ih aiiionu tho atockmi > u In tho city
Mr l < l < DameIt ouimty juttuuul II iy
lor noimty mul Runeiiil mipi
ol tho Kit Carter Cattlo com
tho oily
company Ih Hi
Mr II y Klowarl of llenlamln ton
iifotod ivlth the linn of lledlord llltitou
Htowurt tiho own a blu niiioii lu Knox
county In hwu
Tlmo tlolt formerlycnuneoteU with tho
prcnH of Uila olty but lati Iy at Duiilton
hat vuluriiod to Tort Worth h > w a
wulcoumd by itmuy friend
Ayraitd White uncut of Clara lonl o
Kolfqug mi lit tho oltj veHterilny and
eoutn t tl with MmuiT lleutou for tho
ftppearMiico huio next week of that
tolobrutul prima doima
lr Nowmtni of a wan lu tho city
yeateirny < lr Nuwuom In the ucnih
man who la nl ao pr molu jy
tttHtojtioveulihu luiiHiriatloii of small
pox from 8tJmo Mexico
Mr Chiw I Maraulllea editor of tho
nurant Jilnwa one of tho Jmiini
lit MlaaMppI In Kori Worth proMient
Iiik llmla lUlluhted Mih Toxhh wUmh
ho thlnkaaiii pen or toiiguo h s over ilono
Mr KaUterlno TayUir mother of j
Tayloruf Km rort Worth Omcer
pany ban b an very III for tho
WIUuiHuvoro nttaek of slok huailaoljis
howuvcr wo ro giait lo Mate her condi
tion j t atui day wan much Improved
Mr John Hood mid Mr iav of cam
erfliiTox pawcd IbrouKh tho vliy
ftcnlay tut their lutiiruhomoImm Abibne
Ihiy have unrn Intoitilonn ol tnoilm
ffo Ahlloiw In Ihi near lutuio Tiusy uhb
g iowliiK tk > uliilkMiw of this Wvttetti city
Hx Clia va 1 uom Into proprietor
t tliq WattfHwn lnjtel t for Tayetto
vlile Ark im iwook Jlefoto takiiitf his
departuru ho nilo arraimvmenU for Iho
f umlHy ammx retoarklnp ili Khottlil
hofnlltrticeelWlt nil islMoncciNoold
ho blank and vilil nd life not worth Hv
l for if
Mr K J f ide sueut of tho Jennie
mIbiiwmm Contlkt cuuin4uy Ii in the city
te jrii iuMi < Mli Atw place Tho
KowHurln am v M Wi known Am
M V e li WWjio htyto WM ihU mothiHt
n Mf Mwfc to Hm cJ wei iheCo
tHuWiH mt STmio SSL Tilo
rto Art IHiplnjr
Mix Kiscrn music utoro In Just now
tho center of attraction find yesterday a
perfect throng of Indie wore panning In
and out during tbc entire afternoon Mr
Klsor In taking orders for art studios
steel engravings oleographs etc and
ha several hundred samplcabcet elec
tions Tho olographic representation of
tho lait meeting botwerm Mary Queen
of Hcotit and Queen Klf brlh la a
jnnflrplpco of nrt work and
attracted moro attention than any single
picture In tho collection The haughty
gMiiduir of Kllrahcih tho proud calm
resignation of Alary ntid tho suppressed
emotion of bur attendant shows that the
llmslfi tho original wrro drawn by a
horn nrtlst Ttio battle of Waterloo tho
death of Cleopatra tho Impoachmint of
Warren Hustings tho execution of
Charles I nnd nt > < cr blstorlo plettir
senium ioen except In the llnest fibre iZZ
ol KunUrn cities are Incimlod In U A
This howevr form o part
fn Htnicro hnlu
bohlmau Ilrog
flliw OtiUnx
JS l c a Cffp the market has
atoh a rich didtcalo fUvor as Uwt of Cuaso
bauVorn Tiy a tmund of tliatr GoWcn
ltlo Voiit Wuhtii Qiiiuivn Co
80I0 Agents
IlKbbliln lSir
Vegetable oil soap at Tutoer i WcCluros
Tho best lu thu world
HruHlIm bIViuIia or torpid liver at
UidlMrt WottiTharmaey
mSSS ailm A i W i c1f oiAhoe andotber bruslion
< f
the collodion EwntWujr p
Jiinntnmu Is rcpmonlpd II J r
Uda nnd la l N jnckiftih V i
Dtifffllo mania on llrn J
IW UTWr lu
Jarlon Wall
tluT ofr in0 ZW WwMM on Mh
I and thow who
lmvo tio n
lftliey io l0
iHillVA ll l I > done Tl
mi vwildtlimi that lakoa tho prnml
V yl Ipf full particulars seo rjnkurd
Intiiit uovcttloN nt
Try WuIIk chocolato and cream aoda
water Icocold
Tovcly now fdlka nnd Ballon will be
shown thin week by llaudall Clmni
Dolnits ninl HnpiirnliiKH of tho lny
Ofciirrcnce for Wen
or Woo
Untlinrlnga from Over llio Hints Ile < ortPil
Hpaclnlly for His lmnttn hjr lu
Own Uurrniiumiitiiiitit
Tlm Tiller lincnpcil
HliecUl lo hu tlmolin
Wichita IalwTkx March lU Cald
well recovered hN hor o but tho thief es
caped Into tho Nation
ninrlnn Iiit llliiiii
UpocUl toihulM nlto
Jaiviwov Tix March 8 Arrlvod i
StcauiHhlp llailau Vera Crtit nchoonur
foHuph M Ill pitrlck IViiHucola
Clmroili Hiean hlp Iono Star Now
Vnrkt bark Itorgo W tjneonoy iada
delphlu HalluUt Hluiiiiiutilp llarlmi
Mprclul to tho Innillo
lluoiVNHVttxK Tvx March 13 At a
lulu hour lust nl lit ImruJiivi oneutvd mi
entrnncu Into the houau ol AmiNtuclo Cor
ley mid inkliiu 300 from a trunk skipped
out iimhttccted leaving no cloivttnto
thitr liieniliy
Illdn nro nil In and tho contract will bo
let toiniiuow for ii 8JiO0O cotuthouio
and Jnll lu llto Oinmlu City
Sicclnl to llio Uatcttu
Maiihiui Tkx March Jil M
William Iludcay committed culoldo last
nluht by tuklnir morphine 8ho 1b the
wile ol our popular 4iiu inUli
CiifdHiiiooutfor tho mirrliiKu of MIhs
Snruh Solinan and Mr Iluu Collins tliu
popular Toxiih luotllc comluolor Tho
coiiinoiiy H to bo performed next
4iccIh1 in tho latnun
ViOTtiniA Tisx March la A 0
Iliilchliidon J KrutUthnltt C V
Crocker and Tlm Ilopklm mid Indlca
paaMcil thrnunh horo today about i
oclock p in eil routo for liulanola
Thoy will leturn tonluht and leave heto
for tho Kast oary lomorrovv iiiornlni
riie object ol thla vlhlt from thoao litKh
olllobilH I not known
It Iiiih ralneil hunvlly for tho pn t two
wiokw but thu weather Ih clear and
pleamiut now
llolil fur llnmn rinri
3iiiolal to Iho Uiuoiio
l KKNKV Vkk Mv i H A
MoWlmrtur wan today nireatod by
Mlierltt Heck
JtoWhartcr U wnnled Iii
Navarro counlv to aiiHwor tho oharaoof
horno tin ft lu throe ckoh which In miII
to liuo been committed In 1876 Ho has
bcenoiicuconvicted th6 > ordlct belnir
HiiiHldu by tho mipromo court Mo
Whartor wai broimht up In this enmity
nnd wu airtHtud near hli homo Mo will
nuw itlvo bond ami auuid IiIh trial
Inloreit Womnn A iiiitl il
Amiflwt Tkxi March 13ra t ulsht
itbout I oclock four mskitl white men
broke Into Iou MoWlllliiiiu hon o and
bciriii whipptiiK hur lu a most un
tiurolful manner Unr renim wore
hiiinl tliroiiKHnut tho nouMiorn portion of
the iUy luu no oho 011110 tn hur ns lst
aueo nml ahu with hur children wont o
tho plicrWa roildenco to i l hor wotimla
tlri8 < i ii ml remain until moraine Kho
I ii colonfl woman but the eaimu of tho
awauli ka not known
< llm ilimuic U >
Special lo the Uaicll
San Antonio Tkx March 18 W 0
Jenner tho tirntr clerk who la clmmd
with uenllcoiiuo and homicuiu lu teo death
ol tho boy who died from morphlnu puis
oittiijr and who bus bo u evading the
uillcerH for Ui paH twoutylonr lumi
came in ihU nioriiln and snrmiidireil to
tho ahertfr mul waa liuorated
on a 6MO
The dead child was oxhumod Hilt
moroliur iho aionuoh taken utt and do
iiiaUN 10 r U U > WaUS ° r < lumu
Mtlilen iiniI riitnx
A conntry inurclmnt watered a fumrr
of oil for 1in lloimd the cash and
llkon wle inau bumihtfit Montuomery
Jo h e t i torv ami thertby maJo th
llrn lllan jlobttle
Master Workman Lot In Explains hy
l OOO Men Arc Ont
n Strike
Tim MUfonrl Inrino K
Iteturnlcp WntkOi
rt > re Wilt Mat
tltttis ItvrotrrM
8ut iinl f
Mr N y Trxjvlfttif this city U the farad
of the D Vrlot Atdembly No 101 Knlshl
of Lab > lls NJ > 101 u tllI kj l0 tll0 ot < kr
to tyrannlMd over n
longer Wo are willing to meet tbo o in
patty and arintnue these matters and liv
In harmony with till clashes of men Hut
tlu days of sUvery have lUssed Tlm
oniisiltutlen ulwis to ivorv piron the
Ritnrstiheof llf liberty nnd thu
of hnpplues Thurvfoiettlve n llbeitr
or ulvo lisdntli N nk Iovin
DMW MA 101 Knights of Labor
Iivjiii lli Ult4ii > t > ruit IViirtl Trxiu
f Wn > 0 h > Umtier
of IU
Texas IUtiviiun lnCoi rt
Wotho undundgueit cltlMm of Fort
Worth Tex rvspoctfully subml that our
prouresuve populous clly Is enllHed to a
public federal bulbilog to bo used as a
postonlco for luternal roentm mrposes
Mid such other
nutters of national or
iim aamfl Wm tlmo to
time arlio
In our clly
l11 i0 ttora nt prepared by
Iho osieers
or tho postal department m
Wasblimton I c Fort Worth UtErl
hlnl city In tho auto of To In w m
yleMltHf HetruTeniwof J15S8J38 jg Q
m > Sortthweat cotritln whatls known
ilw OonUl nyatetn of railroads The
entire aaaembly and It alone U Involved
In Hie proHut trlke A iarttb r
portorluiw Mr fovln ywatorday afur
noon and asked him how 1oi k rto thought
tho trlkn would a t
I think It will oo over wltbm fosr or
flvn ihun ho replied Tho rsllrwtil
official know vory well that tbevtmuot
o > rto tnotr r mis wtbotit tho Rnl hti
and It in simply a matter ol e verjr Mhort
tlmn lHfor tlwiy give In
Will one of tbo condition f n Kettle
imint wllh t so MNnoun IMcWIo ho h has
biftti InilitMtfod Hint tht ncolvers of the
Texas Vaclflc shall recede from tho
pimltlon Uy hive tnk n
When our mtn iniin u > work on one
road H py will tviurn to work on all
lint Miip o the MlawnrI l iclllo pco
pIODhouhl Pipreii willingness u > nc
cetlo 1o ymir iloinandi and tliclnrn their
IilNNlllty to control tho Texas Pacific
what wlllyoii then do about It
When you unwrap tho United States
Hap horn nrotind Gov Tlrownyou nil flint
Jay Oould That receivership bit Incsi
In nil a trick Wo have been fxpooiliig
It for a limit time only wo didnt know
which road It would ho Jay Oould was
dotcrmliieil to break the power of tho
Ktiluhta of Labor and falling In every
other way Hiiiftht tho assistance of tho
It li Htntvd by iho rccelverw and tho
MlHiourl iaclllo olllclals that tho ntrlko
wan Inaugurated without any attempt lo
rcdrcKs tho grievances which you allege
Whit hnvo you to Boy to tliatr
That tronblo has been browing slnco
last Noviiniber I havo been trav
eling uiid writing constantly slnco
then seeking Jo havo violations of tho
Match agreement redressed but tho
olllclals havo always evaded thu Issue
and refiiTd lo grant us our lights under
that Agreement
Does your order recognize Iho ills
pluv of fotco as tbo legitimate agency of a
Wo limply use all tbo means
within our power to prevent thu
moving of freights tho mil
toads mo foreo against us calling don
nty United States marshals and others to
their aid
Mr Iovm was asked his opinion of
Gov Ilrowns lolegramto Mr Viwdeily
declining to arbitrate wllh tho Knights
and denounced It In tcnriH which might
possibly bo cousldurod too strong for
Sunday rending
IIKlIVINrt TO Mil 110X11
Tlm following Ih a statumn it furnished
by Mr Loviii In rtplv to ihu rucout mibll
oniioii til ViciIiesldeiit lloxlei
lour Woniii Tux Mai oh IB
Having lKitteed an address of II M
Uoxlo In tlm Kort Worth Oa dtti In
Which ho Kitj forth thai his company had
rellgiondy oiiHirved tho comriut ol
Match Ifi 18 5 I now wish to 6t to that
I was eningot In tho stflko of 1885 and
havo been t oimecltd wllh tho order of IC
of I ivor since 1 have hi un on tho ox
cotitlvo conimliteo until January 188C I
un now and hnvo been dlstilct inustor
worktiiin of Dhirlot assembly 101 cluco
Hoptomlnr37 lB88j th > rehire I nek per
mlBlon to ittiiko this statement to Its
correctness to which 1 am now willing to
qualify i
Tho contract states that no mans
wages should bo reduced without giving
thirty days notlco I now state that tho
section foremen on tho Texas Laolflu
luimonlatcly nftor tho strlltu wcro io
duoed fiom Itflyfour to lllty tlolbirs per
mouth without nny notice whatever Tho
exectitlvo board called upon W Cum
tilings superintendent of tho Teas
laclilc nnd usked that theso men bo re
litsuited to their former wugos Mr
Ciimiiilngs stated that ho hud not thu
power to restore mid wages ami tho
committee then went to St rotns mul
waited on Mr lloxlo Ho claimed that
ho had lelt tho matter entirely with
Mr Cummltigs Ho you sou how
olllclals dodged lit thU case
Ktiulnewlpuis lu roundhouses havo been
leducod from 61 JO to 9110 pur day Wo
havo tried uvuiy poslblo means to havo
theso men restored to their former wages
They woro leducod without any notlco
wlmtevi r
In uvery place whorun man has been
discharged or quit wnik in lining his
placo tin company hivo hired inun nt ro
iluced wages This wo have objucted to
and In tunny Instance havo succeeded lu
preventing It Is evident that tho com
pany lmo usual uiory possible means to
work tho old men out and replace them
with new men at reduced num
Korunuii in car departments at differ
ent points have been rootled from 8100
to 00 ner month a reduction of S10
wilhoiit any notice At other places
similar icduoibms have been made with
out any notlco whatever
Now l would nk U tho niiito of
heaven how Mr lloxlo oau stuto that
iheyhiolyil up to tho contract All
attempts with tho mniiaging oillouils of
the sjstini to seitlo ginvauees ha vo
Hlled I uppualed lo Mr Kerrigan niter
t > o was imulu general superluiondent and
tilled to got a meeting with him and thu
executlvo board Ho stited that
they norn woikiag ondr a cou
raol of Msrch 1J5 1885 They
have hilled mid nftiscd to adjust
our Rtlevanccs havo trmhttl tw with c n
ttiupt lmo scorned our petitions have
tratnplulour prayers under their iiiibnl
lowedfeot and wuiild then hldo them
Milvta hehlml tho UulU d Slates court and
hid us detlmice An Injury to one Is the
iMuwrn of all a id live or die sink or
swim survive or perish we a no rder
biitihil tog titer fir multial nslstauce
havo detoi mined
Whit Dryilen
Antonio yielding a net revenuo of 816
ItO JS havo public federal buildings that
have been erected tinny years and as a
matter of equity wo think our demand Is
entitled to recognition at tbo hands ol
our senators nnd congressional repre
It Is needless to point out the commer
cial Importance of Kort Worth It la
known by eaca of you
Our proacntpoiial accommodations nro
Ituidvquato to tho demand of a rapidly
IirtnmMng population of 23000 people
cud this could be remrrilcd by tho erec
tion of a commodious federal Oulldlng to
which wo believe wo are cutltlod to cost
not loan than 8123000
Trusting Wut jolt jilvo this petition
your f jivrahto ftnd immediate oonsldera
tlou ww Attj very truly joura
JullKtt Pitdd postinaitur
WA Huffman
Tho ManlnUrouti Co importer and
Whnloaalo iiry goods by Sidney Martin
vlo > pr sldcpi
M II loyo president JJrat Natlorml
W M Harrison president Htato Na
tloual bank
A M tlritton president City National
11 C IWrlngton cAShter Traders Na
tional Imik
It U liarrold cishior llrst National
lH Godwin
N Harding oashior Fort AVorthNation
al IrinK
II 0 ljvan Co Importers and whole
sale dry goods
Jlalemnui llro wholosnlo grocers
Tlios A Tiduall vicepresident 1ort
Worth National bank
Kills tc Kcllncr wholesale saddlery
and huruiss
James Ilrincli Co Hankers
Jos It Jirjwti Importer nnd whoIcMle
I 0 Dennett
A J Anderson wholesale arms and
1 > 8 Uosi
W O Nowby
G W Gillespie
W T Alurptiy
8 1 Tucker manager Kort Worth
Grocer Co
J W Spencer prosidcul Kort Worth
Grocui Co
Dr Lortwood
Huffman Daniels
J H Ilttlejohn insutauce and land
G W Holllngsworth assistant cashier
Traders National bank
r M Willing treasurer 11 C Evans
secretary II C Kiuus
15 O Illdon
W J Jordan
11 N Hatcher
Malone Waller Co wbolesalo and
retail merchants
luiiptoii llros wholesale and retail
Chili II Iry jewelur
1 It Jones Juneler
Daliliuau llros importers nml job
bers In elohlng
r II Mitch II Co wholesale agrl
cuitutat implements
Itaiidnll nml Chumhets Co drygoods
A J Chimbars
W I Inuuu
T W lowill druggist
loliiisou lally Imidwaru
It V Tuekabery wholoeale and lotall
Mix Klsor wholusalu booksellarantl
Mtatlouiir >
Gen Mulkoy
1 Ii Kurrls
It II Walker
Knkes Co wholesale furnlturo
W T Vukus
11 1 Kikes
W G Turner
A Cs Womack
1 M Moure
Charles Wnlden
Casey A Swasoy wholcsalu liquor
Jurre Iliniie
1 < 1 Millet
Chas Soliuubcr wholesale liquors and
I C Torry
K Gcorgn HotV liovoltlos
John Hoffman
Capura S llrowliolcsalo confectioners
T K Iergiiion
Wnshur August wholesale and retail
0 C Htowart
WJ Lewis S llro stoics anilhouso
IiirnUlilnu goods
O M Kakle
1oit Worth Gas Ilght company per
J Mashle city assessor and collector
W 7 Lastluberry
J W Zoofe
Smith X Hull publishers Mirror
C MCarl
Kort Worth Printing Housu
Guiendler IHos dry goods and no
13 II Smith
8 C JaCkson
T W Chick
A H Jones
L C Iltt stationer
G W Wliduruun collateral broker
Ii A lUnkliw
William II Tuttlo
A 8 Nicholson real estato and cattle
W A Garner nianager Texas Live
Stock Jnuiiitil
lloht McGart
W 8 IVmliutiin
1IUZ HUcher real ostate and land
W II Wells S Co
lamps II Maitludato merchant tailor
1 N Itiiwt re
John MoCahoti
J A Thomas hatter ami gouts fur
W s Ikavd Iwiiker Henrltta
V A Ito Hvottitiiry Kort Woith
Deinoi Olvv mil way
H W Williams A Co wholesale drug
11 Alorrls
A Dunlop
It N MoKulght
U llaiutiur
J l NleJts
li K II miett
J It llnrrisnn
AC Shugart
Ki > iU lvnMlruggt
W 11 Mnrdock
John 8 Andrewi A Co laud and Uvo
ttuck brokers
Audtvws llros St Co stookyanU and
houo denier
V II Sawyer
V K G wnn
W A AiUtii M D
Craven Little
8 it Cantor
J I Sunileld
G T GNnn
J Munell
M I Mtirrcll
Joe It Keiw
Kort Worth OUKUI
K Vlw1ls011 mir gr
lenver Telegraph oillco
1 v an Gcliou cashier li
Fart Worth
achlc Ktpross
G o L HMIcy
Sydney II llrand
U Ilrouson
JT Colli
V MThompjoa
has McGregor
ia Bro r wWlesalo ami rcttll
Absouty Pusro
Thli powder never vnrtti A marvel of
portly suonKh nml wliouniminiwj More
econoniloal than the oMInnry klml nnd oannot
ho 80M to < Hinicltllon wllh the iniiHUliilo uf
low te i lliorl nright nluin erjihoflihalo now
iters Solil onlH In cunt ItOVAI 1IAK1VO
IOWtlHIlfil bis Wall street Nrw York
From New YorL
From New York
From New York
From New York
From Chicago and St Louis
From Chicago and St Louis
From Chicago and St Louis
From Chicago and St Louis
From London and Paris
From London and Paris
From London and Paris
From London and Paris
And from nil tlto licsl iiismufui
liners of lino fnlirics in nil conn
dies Jlw J 1 1II10WN selects
lier Dress Jootls Trimmings
Millinery nnd Furnishing Goods
for indieswear Her stock for
U10 ensuing Spring Irsino will ho
much liirger than herelofore nnd
equal in tjuiility nnd siylo to any
house In Texas All ladies of
North Tosas and all Texas are
cordially invited to come and ox
timiitu my goods
MUs K Arollook t
onoiicil 11 liiniilomo mock
ni IlnnliiiH lsiig 0 llin
JCmhrotilerli 4 hniiilinlnl
tsj k oiI > Klllljrrct tinners
etc nl afi llouiloti utreet
Tho cnilro nloeU Ib reh
anil now anil cnthracei
somCMry ItnoKOOils
811 Getts agent Texas Kxprcss com
K A Tnton
J II Whltetleld cashier Texas Kxprcss
S Kalin grocery merchiiit
J II lliblusou
1 II lllnyon
N II Iloytl Cashier Texas Inclllc
Joseph II lloulhac grocer
Dashwond S Oesch wholcsalu mid re
tail linguists
J 1 Alexander
Fred S Iloulware
Coleman Co
J C Cella
John 1 Shechan liquor dealer
C A Shorb
Titos Wltteit
llStolnfoldt ntanigor of Auhensor
llusch llrewlng association
Cha Stelnfeldt
K ° 0 WUh KlkU fi UO01mlur
ilcalo s
JnoAT Ilians
Kort Worth Carriage
K 0 liryant with it M
works by A
1age lumber
V 8 Wilson with Cameron i Co
Cruco s Ilrowulng druggists
Kort Worth Machine and llollor works
Iron and steel manufacturers
Sprinkle i
Keunon grain tlualcrt
J II UntiliIjo
TI Garur
John d La Mott
0 II llndsey
Talnott Want K To
W A Diirlngor M 1
J II Maniile
Thoutai lliitlor
I 1 Ilonts
Levey Hios grocers
K L Carr
K It Coppage
Labor SHilngs Iubllshlng company
jlirriLntio grooors
J 13 Martin
Dlak Miithiws
0 M Watoihouse ilnigglst
It II Karnes gnuer
A W coble leal tstate owner
jQpu ASons grocus
1 11 Karnswortli with Harry
hard ro
want deateis
K W Hiadley Co furniture
J no A Uiuaii
L Dqiinuer
8 A Abj
JT Otuhard
Vi IlonientCo
Geo llHetidilek
George W liurmughs
rtrauvlllo II Martin A Co
Thu foregoing Is a petition Atenarml
and tmi to y nt wAltimon By ho
IVxaHComtnerolal Heporttr t aa i
as It can bo > om a BU nurJ
most piamiiirut Iiwss n i of v t
Worth hi lime th he clain J
oltnh city being M U is one of tho
most Importnt commercial a id mam
ficiuHiumaikets m tie state ffi
rtcilv > a iho hands of lu
In congr sssome ivcoulu01 reprwntai V
of a niaoa ilB appropriation Z
erection of i Miltablo building for
proper accommodation of tho United
81 ttoi mall at Dili
point as wull
as i
other such Mini bVlne ss as Is Sen
on In cities of such Inlior
unce It f 1 0r
not the purple tQ figh 0n
IntortiM n Q
of oiher
place In this sfatT
Mimonl which havoa
ready rweivultholr
nnirifA oft Kupportln anbrouunT
thHConshemtlouof our bono bbfeon
WXW fn thw this peUttoS
All that l ke
a < ami Uemauilod1 l
there be no partiality hown Jatcd tt s t
Fort Worth Gasliglrt
Olllco 511 Houston Street WorfoL
Fort 1
Gas Fixtures Pipe Fittings a J
Solo AKont for tile Celt lf1
McAllister nation coal Ttei
WtoloMtoandHetMl Ooalcrm Btinta
in tn nat Mrc 0 mMuihmJ > <
At favornhle ptlcei which wilt h <
IPlI l I O
Havo Juit rcoclwilan IMMEH3E SrocKt >
Kvcrything in Uie Piirnltnro Line can ho foiiml n
prices guarantcetl as low as Iioii
See our stock nnd
Tho minttictua l
bc a la
neu store n trial aalolllfcjdiiii
sd oJtoyci
Wlioloiialo anil liciill pulenlt
Good Sohl on tho luiUUaenirUH
Oornor TMIsxl xi
aTa L
7iitn in
DrPlxat t
Shelf Hardware Cut
o r Lj
our jrlccs
Ha rcmovcit hi ntoro to IIS Mas t ivtM
< rnorof ttrt mmo wtBBS
amiaelecuiockof I d
Roofing Materials and U
for unto nt hottnhj rtjiire loruu5ria
Butldors Hardwaro a Specialty JWUil Ordors will ReceiveF H
x > xtr r WORTH TEXAS
Kvcry verumpnrrbmOiiK jjuo worth ol pooil will Lc cStliled tos llclct li tkl
for tho Organ which takcar costti >
k ot 1
win iSto l001 oHierbrnsbcs
thov K I tJiieM torpid liver at
mo Ko ii orth Ihnmaey companys
Chfiaimcri haw
Dtthltnan Urps
latest iiovcltlei at
On tho lnt Dny ol IimoJSlKMO
303 I3COXJ B243 > TXr T3
E GEO BETZ Proprietor
3K ey toti tl
amrilLU n f PPropilalloit8 for Txas
Steh UCUV ° U rrH
Cassimcro hats
Dahlmaii Uros
latest navollles at
< r
ttie Klf
Bale of