OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, March 15, 1886, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-03-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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Campbel And His Fivo Convict
M gressional Gossip
< r
ntidllls Work m Clinlr
Iff flln Foicltfit Affairs Coin
BKfB1hw Si linllrtinKTUuiniiti ot
cerk a Ikel AM > en for
hlinrtiir limit
frco reiit ii < Wnti
ni < Mtro h 9 The fluanciat
t tS Ualtlnw ra 6uu Is WVll ovl
y thi Paanlllceut building which
Ujupji In now eteotltig In Wash
Llt will he bv far tho most ornate
stnic are In tho olty nnd por
flactt t > t > linen of Iron work In
batis Tho Instilling when
will tonun eighty rooms all
have bni nirvaoy engaged
iirtldf v stmcruio will In 115
> f U feel 4efront
tulldin i < lonsttucUd ot Haiti
wl u 1 the probiblc cost Is 01
jt 0150 oun Xh nrchltecthow
iunot liBitctl m any way and ho
Klrnciloi to niiiko It tho best and
rfaoriuhl > appointed bonding in
XUedb l It will be completed
l the f ii T ofllois the Bnlil
Sirt will flY tho western pot
afta i I0 It it decidedly tlio
ttftoi > < t I88 wor been
ffa Vtiuin ton and la evluclng e
o trynpid growth of tho city
Spo < l iT r bus assumed in tho
H world
Stlfrtiiii huslncN iou iJslero lttve
hVitli > lUjinvdi of tlio oltywith
and luve defaced tho bid ualUt >
frtulk wdh Hi following plea
Ilfhop after C oclock It Is no
on < h ir part to drlvo tho proprie
tbu intFs Vnscs to shorter hoars
Jiffur the r employes
jtjFciicc of Senutr Jones ot Flor
UoAas not been In his scat this seg
rit SC usidaable alarm to his cdn
linlcanstltiuiitN Tho festive
jo DctMt Mich and 1b pressing
llllorihi hand of a lady he bus only
jrjee citually This latest escapade
itslinllar occtmeuce about three
1gowh n the persistent Jonoa way
oq c ol a ludy acquaintance Ju
Lryjort Mnm who did not smile
Ii nop and w ho to father was com
t > Interfere
IStstj Helen nt tin chairman of
Irtlpi affairs committee Is much
tit m iiu ho is generally given
Ifor He is only thlrtyflvo years
Hi Mho youiest man who lias
ni a eliiilrinanhlp of a com
llr iiilutontH natural rcsorvo
ttct manner oiteu convey tho or
htaprifdonthat hols an arlsto
Sivir was thero a tnoro popular
lie Is a hard student and denies
every social enjoyment Ir is
bstbjt Lccan kcip apvltli the
cl bis position I was talking
hcntlcnau the other day who was
lliave at lhmard colleso with
It Ha told mo that Lerry had two
ItoJOwbcnat collect onowasto
Vt oDowance of 8ooo a year and
Irttomjlotalu a Rood standing In
Is Hu did both and jsradijated
Iwdpart of his princely allow
jiind at commonrcment day as
4 itUluIn a ll h rank In
IttJ Tlitte taudtoiis habits
lit c illc o havo clunj to hlin
l > Asohalrman of tho foreign
IpmmitUc he Is clnclnjr a jrroat
Ptetflc woit of ruorEanlliifjr tlio
Itm < 1 llplomatlo service and to
jlhs Introduced many important
tjnblctt If passed will greatly
lit hraqqh of tlio ijovcrnincn
M > j prompt nt oe iy meotii
teiito by the rest of tho commit
grcit latereat and attention He
Sstbo respect of his associates
tin minds hts own business nud
I Hj a man of uCalrs
> i
h cr left the United States
fli5lisa0eenmlsbcd no much as
Wimau and it Is really Grange
paraiau has been glvou no con
IHilt tho allotment of oilfooa to
IHMfty leaders fiir Thurman
IJVlntbo bcnato and was ol
aeXla at rntlciy Hohid a
rtftna about 1dm which oppo
pijiiearcd One blast of Thur
itvoitld bo llko tho trompet of
slMtChurrcctlon to thu ueua o
at time
MiclofVew York and tho
jNdidtlm > irlaids It is o
Iifcatnst ovcral jears ogo no
twMr Cleveland then governor
t to obium tlio liardpn of
who had been Kotlteuced to
r ltnpnsonmetit In tho state
T 0j > Cleveland wasiulto
iao pardoulng of tliv meil
Km that they were all fodd
M tnat a little ihlu like knock
onn and robbing Iilm or
U Jewelry sUno otlulit not to
la the gnat principle of for
WM Is innate human
in tho
IWMiew of tho matter was so
ivV hs ntl mItl d oxplanatlou
latietchcd that tho governor
waonea lour of tho meni and
iti ol her < tay that thrco of
iJSf dhJr and
iogti bits in his district
rfUfceiotMi he would cor
k Piiort of throe
n wnowm iniiu
latinvHrof voters
iiT ° XA1NI > Tnisrs
SlX l lu8 and la D0 w
ffl v k cf tcorcanllng tho
ffiSBttiorl1 Western railroad ou
Keweuo of tnlrty millions
of stock
ini ttm anjpnnt
lftSlrlwrp an wopped luto tho
sv alr ttu ausunce of
m i Mencry tiely and he
i Is fns the ffimto I once
t Wrt
fcj lanna and gave an
ttf bvb Mt no doubt In
ft ou la tbe R yi
La d tho clumber
wuti and Yimt mm tea
i trie new Homeopathic
B tst m uud tluauclal
T ° iag naiued ttertfrora
Telinda lnuvhcon on FrI
re haped in miniature
n iS umbrellas
Hooded the Junchwn spcafe
oier given in Wn dng
wllttu aweddluglntbc
autumn rosea lade and
feworwf political iiroTal
a young has
vuhothtrsenators family
greatly admired here
l Jf ald of Senator
I ualversalTcrdlct that
kvi tW til
Mrs Lojnn woold make
the most Monu
tat proifieat ihe country hu wutimm
Cong rofattitb Cobb ttf Indlaba h a wholb
Senator Stan ford lit tBe w llblisfman
ftl o iWteH
eighty millions Noman
in public llic l
iK8 euch d nand on his ul
Sene witv uu
chanactn where they arc descrviou The
Qoujrrewu V iett 0 0nl0 Jg
SX Lne ibr h0 wcars Hui hair pcuna
He u aUo tiie younR member
besouiuiiy lew a bin jears lijcreaoe
ii ° se w < neo famoim stack
tffAttr nnd thc toBt
S oornewof
gram thf world eiorSnenvlsdiftfl broke
lberecklesafpeudthrllt 4iai h daha i
Wmo lu cr pln8 ttnoueb money uegether
to l > ny l caviar sndwlca
A larR to k ot ho and otbtrbmihes
w wHdat groaUj ledncert iri < c at
ell drag tore
urn i
ItmldliiR A iueJulloiiltiB I iwtmpu
rt tit Tr nii t Ohtiminnn
Ooftcmondotitoot tho QftMtto
Honfv Ounvr Tkx Jtatth 13 Th
fctocUndders of Urn Ilouoy Orov llulld
lnj and Loan asoclatlon met laat ttlght
ntthe Dramatic hall and elected tho
following directors for comlnfi ytar
JoaepB Meyer XT I Wlkins T N Colo
ioh h J 1 < rcc p ° Cox > HMIlurRher
A Pulley 1
J I iial
KM are slower Mile here thnnfot kmh
past being slow sale at Bcents
Howsy irove cm boastot baIng a teal I
Iie oblnaman Ho cuieo this wiel and
Buys he is going to Hay
The trumps are getting numerous fdnct
their tallied facilities has been taken
from them and somu are quite tony One
called at a houpo in this placo and wonld
not accept a lunch without hot coffee As
the lady of tho house was alone he got
coffee Ho deserved a whipping mote
than cofioe
Thero wire representatives hero Thnrs
Farmers allUnce lu this section getting
prices and tr > l K to select a house to
trade with They ixact In caso of a
house bidding In their trade nt a certain
per cent ou gooda cost price a bond of
10000 against bogus invoices and failure
to supply such artlulos
turn IouiUr
Pure baking powdets are one of tho
chief aids to tho rook In preparing per
feet and wholesome food and tho house
Wife will do well to bo on her guatd
against baking powder tramp Silver
Loaf Baking lowder la never peddled
front house to home as the manufactur
ing Stttbllnliment of J II Ill own Is
taxed to It uttermost to supply tlio de
mauds that como through legitimate chan
llLOT rum
SluvvtuuntK lit Cltlion unit Jlcinljnrii
lL rion ndfd as to make failure
hocloty lilt laist Week
Spualal W the UiucttC
1iIjOT IOLvr Tjsx Jlatcli 11 Dr
Nichols of Tioga was taking lu the sights
of tho city todny
Mrs Nalllo Kogcr Mrs T II McCul
lough T Nunn ami wile wont to Denton
last everilug to attend the lollglott serv
ices of tho Hoy Ptcachor
Mr Geo Cluulevllle a prominent nltl
zen and u justice of tho peace of Hull it
stojijted oa today tu jputo homo from
Orconvllle to visit his btolber hero Mr
S C Cliarlevlllo
The Ladles Cemetery society will give
on ojster supper at Odd Fellows hall
nest Tuesday evening at 9 oclock
HdHmllhs residence on Main street
Was the scetio Of A very social gathering
last Wednesday evening the festive occa
sion being in honor of Miss Nelllo Brad
ley a socloty young lady of Tioga who Is
visiting In tho city About twenty cou
ples ot the best society In tho city tttid
two couples from Tioga Misses Mattlo
11 wing and HaUlo Hradcy and Matthew
Hradley and Kliriei Kwlugj wciopresent
It was among the weo sma hours etc
the happy company departed for their
Tho beautiful homo of Dr T N Wyltc
on White street was tho tcone of a pleas
ant social hop Tuesday livening In com
pliment to MLsm Dixie Jordan sister of
Mrs Wyllo Thurman Hios string band
furnished tmtalc for the happy occasion
MUs FollCla Miller tho musicteacher
ut the < ehtltiuryf left Wednesday cvuninu
for Abilene summoned by telegram to ut
tcud tins bodsldo of a muchlltved dying
Mrs W Tj Sherrill of Kou nokii spiiqt
soverftl days In the city this week the
guest of Mrs Tiblondtora Site returned
to her homo Friday evening
ilHs Mavett Kuiberson ictanud Filday
ocuIng from Van Alstyue where 8ho has
been slnca Monday vlrftlnLxud attend
lng the wedding ol Miss Hattlo Dumas
Mr W F Colquitt late a GA < mrrM cor
respondent of IltUburg Tex has ar
rived hero to make this his tuturo homo
He wllltaku a bandiu tile wW paper toon
to be established
Mrs Maty Fletcher of laris Who has
been some tlmo hero with her sister Mrs
Laird who has been sufferlug with a can
cer tottirncd to her home this morning
very hopeful other relatives ultimate re
cot cry
Mlsios Fatiulo Ilerllu nud llfllo llo
matf society youttg ladles lu Denton are
tu the city the guests of MUs Grade
Morrlt on Kast Liberty stroet at tbo1
residonco ot Mr G Fliko
Mlssts Molllo and Jennie Halt prom
inent youug ladb s of Aubrey aro In
totva and aro visiting Miss SaMo Hoaty
on Grovo street
Mr J K Hoggsof Morgaucoudty Ly
a school teacher by profession arrived In
the city this morning He Is prospecting
with tho view of removing hero
The Amateur Dtnmatlo club made their
llrat nppoanince lit front of the footHnhm
lo Harroushall last evening before a
largo audience ot tho best socloty In the
city Their entertainment was very
creditable to tho yonng I idles and tfentlo
mcu and was boarUIy apprec ated The
names ot tho members are Mlfes Fanny
and Holla Held Grade Mcrrltt Hal Ire
Florenco Noble Mc r FraUK
Cov rt Chatlev EllU Dick Dartvlu WtH
M wtgomory WInisted Appleby an AHe
Noble Thiy havu nttothor drama lu pre
DrW 8 Noble whoso
from tho VnndcrbUt was
last ovciilng for Jack county to practice
bis profestlon
8llf T I it JintiiuS Iowflfr
Kercr falls when the directions are
lowed hence thero is never a word
complaint heard against it Tho inexpe
rienced cook Is ablo to make u baker good
bread With it as tho professional
slmrdy because Its Ingredients are so com
Rdirections arc followertt sj tn
lsallthatUnecciM0 to mako ltlnd s
S to au iwilTBirotetod household
hotel GatWlHo Tex
accommodate the
Is now prepared
wellng public Evdry attention
to incuts
j <
W Livr > c
r ui j
run iAjwii iv Pout woiinr
Uoittgo anJ lL > tppcnIiiSR of the liny
OccmTrttJW totoWeah <
Ontli rli > 3 Imm < r vli Jttnl JWiutnO
l JtUy ftt tliD KitttiiUt by lit
Owu Rvrti i 5ilBittM
Wiu Njt
Oorrftt > 9Di > iic of tho Un nio
Hi m TkS MattV IB Dr
J Xf Cook ne of our m < wt prwmtt tit
cItlK ns who ba btxat ptatjHclng pro
fti9 l u at ltanoko rttnruwl tomo yoj
terday to reffahj but A tt day
Ata pt UjirtUddiueHlaitui the tAih
r m > l st aifitit to tain mine t ps townhi
ereetltiK aiobottt bulldliMtr tofeplaw ta
low ofrfha otttt b tMil a tm wo k ago
thero wiw only U ta adnu u vrtdtoni
maklnR any deflntte detoraiioaijyn m to
tht boat nknnor ol going to wotk A
JOQ btiliutag Is eontenialntvd
Unn Itn tinel KtflW
BjvkJhI tOlhoUSMtte
Uu SritiNw Tr Sffircb IThe
wcatbound Tesas lcin paarangcr
train ran over ami instantly ftllwl a inJtt
this aftenuion anont tweflty mtteaoait of
hei9 Tbo renwias w ro bronght In nod
Identified as one George S < Abmat
lately of Swtwtwatcr and Colorado CUVi
home lettafii Jound in his pooket wefe
mallfd at l > ltr B Nb Owingto XM
accldut bavlu r occarrnl In Mltohcll
oaatity the remalntt were t nit to Colftrad
Cltji where an Inquest will probably he
Unn Murco
Cnrm poiarno ol the HuwMo
Ks Mabcos Tbx1 Matoh 18Il9trtet
coutt ii slHl grlndluc but ory plowly
The grand Jutv bare just completed their
abor and have been discharged Twenty
odd bills were found
Itoln and mud have boea abundant but
old Sol has again made hla appaarailfce
Everything b ltokcu lino wcatltpr
County Atiortiev Ford roIgaeil his
Hi 4V f I
mar the ptcesat pro P f
day from tho ot the leading lodges of tho position totl i > Up to this iuuefuro his
siiecofsor has not been appointed
Quite a number ol reslduncos aro in
ntucussot eioellon and uvwyouo looks
for a healthy and spirited growth of our
little city during Uie yoar
A Ilciicvolvtit liitly ill ml
ap ctal to tlio Onietw
HitNtunTTA Tex March II Mrs
LHlloGrlbblo wife of Henry A Grlbblo
who hiys resldeel In our city for some four
or five years died at her family resldencst
today tit 8 oclock p m leaving a hua
liand and three little children to mourn
her loss Shu will bo burled at this place
ou Tuesday the lGtlt lust at which
time her falter is expected to arrive finm
Jetlorsonj yas to attend her funeral
Sho was tivvtyyoarsoldandwasslekbnta
very fow eltys t stau liar death Sho was
highly icgurded by all who knew her nml
had acquired gteai esteem lor being sym
pathetic and betAivedetit aud her many
irletida Join her family In mourning over
her death
Corroipondoitce of thn Uazetto
ShYUKH Tnx Muroli 1 Tho com
missioners com I let the contract for a
10600 courthouse It was greatly op
posed by a majority of tho taxpajois
but tho court had a lietid of Its own and
voted It through
A young man yesterday evening on the
stage about thirty miles ubovo hero acci
dentally shot hlmsclt Tho shot however
Is not dangerous as It Only truck hla
It V Uwlng who was tho oldost busi
ness man lit our town oJosadOiit hero
last Saturday and motod his stock of
goods to Marlenfeld whbro ho will here
altur hold forth
MrDodson of Sherman is hero pros
pecting with a view ol opening a hoiuu
of general merchandise
1 Itiiiulu tu UI cn
Special to the Uiueito
Cisco Tnx March H A rousing
meeting ot tho citlzctiB ot Cisco and
vicinity was held at tho towu hall to
night Tor tho purpose of devising moans
for advancing tho construction of tlio Ht
Joe Oklahoma Cisco Ban Autmila
Aransas lass railroad MaJ Hlako whs
called to tho chair and L M Hraunln
was appointed secretary Speeches were
made byu number of citizens AH were
critlmslastioand excited over tho future
outlook of the enterprise One hundred
thousand dollars wit pioputod to bo
raised for the purpose of asMstlnj In the
construction of tho toid This will make
tho third railroad to tho olty of Cisco A
comtnltteo of seven wore appointed to
conferAvltb lite various committees Of
tho different towns along tho proponed
j fdUMlt I
JorrcijiooeKinw of tlieOncU < i i
SuNMvr Tbx March 13 The 8un et
Dramatic club gave an enjoyable enter
tainment last night nt tho Methodlat
church tb a very appruchtlvn audlotico
fioino of tho plays wore uulqite but all
wore decidedly Interesting and each prr
former oarrlet out Ida role most adfulM
bly The perlorraance lasted otertwo
hours during which timenot a idugle
discordant Jtr occurred to tnAr tho pleaY
tiii of the evenings entertainment
This Was tlio first Of ascrlc Of concert
to be given by tho elnb and It has dam
onstratod tlittt tho performers pdaBet
talent which would bo rfccoguled aud ap
preuIaUd atiywhere and would bo Tory
creditable to a much more pretentious
Mha Llwle Cdlvlllo n jlopular young
ladv ol Aurora is spelidlng a few days
bene the gueit Ot Mr3 Hmiad
JleOr B r
O rrt > 0ud t > cool tho U l tto
Me l K < toit Titx March 18 Otitr cltl
cns rtukedtbe Intelllgfiuco of tlie pry
posed route from MaOftgorlo LaGRRnge
via Helton and Goontetown with great
cotbtwlasm and wlllot tho proper tlmo
take such measures as aro neceetary to
secure tho road Tho ° Ps toub
hontes and other appurtenance apropos
will necessarily bo located at McGregor
and with this brilliant project in view
McGregor can ably afford to ra to a wb
Wy that will vie with aflyof bor slater
towns < dramatic company compowi of
ttx return > j 0 BMldnoii ly pro
t f I W tint noted > y ril ThrouKh Vbortij ow H
hln77and put
tore tboTmbiht The object oj tbo p ay
l to rat o funds to buy a bell for tha new
Jlapiut chnrch Tho cause is laudable
TlmlUtlrnt > In I enlon
Omw f xf March U T wgood
ncppleot Denton havu teen hiving one
of the most gtmlons rcvKal incctlngt
since last Monday that prtliapit was Y r
fftM W ir
plVarejxornmenrcdtt revival wcrtios
i tiaioonpoSjaUst Mi niay arwtnjr
i fl fj ttd i it ntlook i < m
SV XWIMt nljjhti lh n Iujf
0 < dwtledfJoagw nv > usanil abviti nloety
meivdnirrolona sldtw Ut veitha on
of mini luVorm qlinroii mymb r
The ran M mij vrwihiw In Jib clear
pointed andn Uuo tnaanc VJ b tU
vr < v < l hell WiiUJtfAflttie httto he do J cll
ltsbeol bat h J atit he l fionriMAax
tftany df UjiMr ie Union aerxltK w Ml
m femtlftud at ib < onrWiQtws nomti
ilL1 > 1MWlu ° W U t t hs
lblt iIpac to nortgw tb < U it J
ha aoptivi H the wll uJy laellB tlia
ovrbolu towuibitj Wiey iaaf be con
tlotted i i vtv t wcvtlMttrill toner
bo wtnomtv r < jd i tb > < ima oJlleatob
ami RraBgUt l ar wt wUl tw
tnumbrnd with Matltude
CbrlsiUuM ii s vicinitv
trbe its
H > a trB f
V hlD i i U 1U0 et i
This wins a jrtVttt mtnyi hat w ratost
r in uborf t il cSekroacl rM A Ut e
of everytning Wb jtkk and has heod of
a tremaiHtottt dtg tt p appata n Osr
dIg sUveapt watn < i a1to < ieUi < f differ
ent First wi > cl > 0if iQurf0OetwSW ttt >
bbath Uien ncdij h ta the atouweh to b
disposed of j thf utotnafh btuotln
twrfoct workitig ohler takt Hrowns Iron
dyapoptd Hgwatly Improved iaydi Wf
uiit iH m >
mm T > Hct i a oraBtM ittw m ut
UntM to AUMIn
S > e nii tp th a nito
WRWMnoaoi Vsx MAreh n lr f Jamea
M Omhiile chHirua of ihu eewinlttev or
lr n port Mon r Die Mthj iweheW alaoola
tton tiiowcui jour ixrrftipbnWJfct lrttw frou
llW MattalloailK na iltK eBJt anitlobt
Beat for tUeiMtawutt Iaatfte TlirWiftti
Mraarllaissoaiiru the elehutjuiNewtll WHlte
aooiRttott miuti tuiMttinjt U it Wotaii
l ttT
JrtatW M < TartM Ks KfliU o y0 T x
Iinh iatt iilfii o Vo itr taforoi fSbm
ary itwillug tnatlinri le Tpna t mate
lueurwkm tty ta
HliUll meeUln Jnim
wliioh Lb
lime I
r > t alMtn tor tt
tire HiiU iWhett VtUtla
tttmie mivlM
elMn Uimii
I and au Ui ot
Moitstlos III < m ti
It will rtuiala In k > lonani
ntillftfi Vimw
n iirtxiauwii
IIUtpbe l n U till will 1 > the m on tft
if iiroSantmB tint won atranjri nv >
Secret involuntary drains upon tbo
system promptly cured ltge book giv r
leg partloulini 10 twin In htam Ad
dieH Woilds Dispensary ilodlool A sui
datlou MIn Htroat Huffalo N Y
Moitiy fnnma Willi Tiixti jfriSliiwililif
null Ilnntliii itrnmi VnliiMila tdlii
SriceiMOwirottwiutaBoebt the tiaiotte
Lmko Tttx March 13Oor UM
collector Intoraiml tis > tn hty that tax
payers wotu considerably bobitid on their
taxes this yeui owing to tho BOftrtslly of
niouov Wo also learn that it will be lift
possible to j y tatkowiUi a great many
ot our dtliourf until cattle buying com
Wonro ntnitned that over 80000 litUtt
ot cattlo will bo bought and driven out ot
Llano county tu the prtng wltlch wtU
start a grtat deal of money lit circulation
Tho woathor being olaar and warm our
farmers aro doing a great dual of plowing
mid also planting now Amuch larger
acreage of cotton will be planted this
yearluthlx oouutyHmu has for Wevural
We are glad to not lltat r Willie
llreaaealo one of Iiliiniifl most popular
youug meu Isnldelu bo on the stteotc
ngnln after a weute slsltne6ifc
Mr William Sfaf n rottituntl with his
bride last Tuesday evening
A specimen ot oru was sent lb Deiivet
Col oittot tlio lntton niliioanda ajod
J gohl and 82 70 ullveV Ui tbe toil This
was n top rook Work In tlio mink will1
commence In earnett as sooirji tlio re
porta fr m Mil tbn nMSaVs uut lb Whem
this mine brglns to turu oifl gold and sil
ver by the bushel all tho railroads In
Texas will hoad for Llano
Trot Ilargon on last Friday evolilhg
paired off his scholar and In u kind of
circus procession parrldetl Ihem
through town to the artists gallory where
ho had all their pictures taken In a group
To Tnxns Ituulier Utnlit Avaoelntlun
Hoiwrojt T x Mitrchl llio flJtirtll
annual nmotltig of the liumfcerDealer
Association of Texas will convene In Fo t
Worth on tho trcdm Tiledtiy InAprji
uoxt belnutbaltlth dayot srtlil tliputb
it is desirable that every dealer tdiouTfl
bo prudent us ifnttura of more tfian ordi
nary tmpottnuuV will eorrio b fnro Urn
The matteV of mdloal Insurauee has
been lully Invcflsalod by tho cnmniUtev
apnoluteilut our last tnectllig with will
report favorably to tho fcehome and irteasi
uros no doubt will bn t ken to organize at
tonco a wyMom ol Insuninco that will cotii
mend Itself to 1 lubibeilncn ot Texaif
Other matters will come up for your
nctlnn suali cm the clasxiUcatloit of lum
heir and the adoption ot more effectual
measuron for suppnsslug th Irregular
tralllo In lumber1 curried bn by some m n
ulactnrers and wholesale denier with
partlim not dealers to tlji gr it Injury Of
the retail trade t
Ileaso Inlorm me as soou as po wblo
WliHtbwornot yonwlllbo presidtt Hy
ordor Of President Hans L Degeiier
JWTitJt V Beortst y
Tnr t > ly Oiillarit Itmiinl
Lost last night on arrival Oi MIHsoitrf
Jao ac at Union depotOne dark lcstfier
poolwtbooU contalnlpg gltlTdncy its three
fifty and one twimty dollar bills Will
pay tlwabovs reytnrd o the flnderv re
torn to Tin GuKT oftleucsre o 18
8irnrtir tlia Lnullne lhuto nitifir
Makes lha flneat photos day or ulgbt lu
ihe South Call at the OotUfjt cbtnar
Ieftli and llauj
Luuit r lttiii > aluii
Goto It M Isfws ncllpsolutfiberyajil
forbarttttlpsj bow the Awl to ollzJ pt
people Iitsiber w hj doom blngl i
etc etc atiwttwed iitlces He has an
I tu menMf tod
Jtor fenl
The f > ci ut roatatnalvt with ten fnr
nlshcd rooms attached will bo sold on
suab twins that ouyonc dtwinns to go
luto tie business will securo u b rgln
lnquVw atotnpeot kCx tu
HcctU to Bhl
Vclwlws shipment ot Johusoa gros
sewlt millet swil and Amber cone fc d
Vkaso do not purchase until yo call on
ra and get prices XV V 1ATrsuswf
andordersforflc a
Leave your mcasiurca
shlru t TboBM Fourth end lloaatoji
Tt Ilnii tIt > l ntIi WwrM
At Artilcwonigttuatore
On and atttr Monday March 10 trains
80S and 500 will bo dlfcontlnacd between
Marshall and Nc Ortw i <
< swfr
ji i
1 11
Ooivft rJuilrn M >
fW u IUy of
NotUiU lf > AttlilVrl
The rimmttshmtTs < wm
KHtBtr T X will n Jie Mt i l SlntUJ 1
3uitftiA l > l fcni ve v x < and tixaWn
llun Mfu019 tt bnlji IB 0 Wi < rf V WI
the counir > > Mot WtllMtgcr ranntsi TeXi fts
MfitT titvrnt tlio irbrbt to r J ii tr wftUi
plans Mpil tjai lb < M stbmtlted Vy tWJf
rna tyJu4 < N Wltt rir C > un ih
AiLOrnoyfo t t Iiavv
0UoT rM t iwtf it ytWortb T
0 euovofytr tv a H nit r Won U
Att6trnoy utt T aw
oatn cv r ty Ku id B as 3fi yrotiiK
r wi
f Si
i M
lr l l
iimm liw ii > wiiiiinil
U liX
I tll t ILliiH MlUJ t I
I I til > 1 Tl i
Keeping VitheTimesi
py ii > iiiB p > > tyyiO > uiyfm ii < iinijjyy yp iMCTJ jUI
llhl will lm ntelved iv iti oinjnlMtonrj
Vwit of Sta orl U i ii yCoxt r bt to itr <
ntluateul linen imd ootrtiaif Iwkoi
hwim v Wiinw wm r >
of Mavffltk WlM VX ljln4 ij
Mrfcdtii IIMUlor MiiltiD t anbaiSrtl tTii
oainx ur y Nt nt < o A < i liaxt a
ojW i
p r cout t uiiOqrn
W < l n t t i
i > y tite la
BiMtlj > amwai
m bu fortniiiif Iwwo or p JJ fn M u
tele nuilrfro > i n w4 tor Wle to < to
o horoi ttift not ewodlftir JfrnnSy fiara
twin U par Mid tt
iwlrnn t
M Willi1 feforfclUl
IttMrtl Ih bWi welitM w
l Willi tSo tiiytuwaKruHi Jik r tnio i i
itoU niut m ow1 HpqtUy e ilyieii
wU < > nwl < IVIdtwin txorm VM tire
u < i ti8 ilKl i tu i Jw > iony nn1 all Mas
i vve rt4t tM
> v aiswwaBRute
ftf M >
V <
Gi < uj iiw > tw < oi <
tiivr Pinwrnrf
F > rtdjrA Wa Alnwlaum TJaU a ip
TMWhtlUiSNU wnpia > r P tV
AHtreti9fptlie njttiir
> w
Itock Uokor
Miaiiijfw im ea u
J000 iitvmi J > quJ1o Sk > v > o1s
2000 fernBoamJIonWo Sltovols
2000 Cfoorgitt Slocks
v 30 > 000 Pounds Steel Sham
lions You will find it to yourtutorart to ot myirtji H ything ym oontomplatcmiroWni
m tlio grooory lmo lt < itw
f lt i > rfMt t i
My1 Stock was NeWr mow fofiip8 itA in
> > r i > 3 < i niftkf
1 > A f
waac03t > afijsiiSLXiaas 03rooeie
iv bi
imBM 3tlK
3000 Double Sho vol Blades aMt ofc 7
1 Our facilities fot tlohi buftiiiCH oiiultb us to conipcto with any marjeut
tn aaTO ogcti t uAtiBai awjJtagg
For Ciito tir > t 1
i iufUtfiUirol
rl 11AllirflUlA
l7irt tlmxlft hlrevtSt mW if
irl 0v u <
Biiihlll itaMHlia o t trlt e i OnJiltto
t il tr torUrr Ctlmtr t fJiffA
rjWIIllo Itb uni tf ii and JlfftnrrilhWirM
afiaibro lsU orBMMww iA tt
wtiiMMvmuiit tijamHti + frt r tijjArfii i t
JljunTi ti > rfiii KiimI MWrtl WWl
kiMMtini i J < iii tm l i yfXS
t rffyf SS3 L
siHM > rui
win >
liil U fU I
1199 0 1UIIQI
A it Pitii rr kM j a td nid3tr w l W I
< t H raridtsr lira > f1Mrf mc
itrt tV thfl W pj 61
H lp r
lnc < il < ui laj j vJo l PW
it i v tk u w n fc ij 5St Vi
VilKruuu 111 ftl t M W tI
Plows mi Ca ady SulkiSV
Norwejtimi nml Thus ilolUlo WMWnc VlftwA f
TI19 JLato lininrorcil Ujci Cotlrtit Vlant or <
llt 7 mm Uoimlito Jlrowi Nywtoj hiUtaor With tlio
W e Vo also < o ui > nil uV ont h ftv
The Light Running M0LINE Wagon
iVonrduow tofryingtholiaiBCrtsft of wriNCr VaU0N9
JIUU UAm1 UltlUAOES fv r
liroijglil Inlu T vns ivml r lifqHirod 4o l n V V
mi i > 1 1 >
TUo only iSxclusivoly Wliolosalo Dry Woods VLwivae In JPorlr Worth
Ave how hilly oduliiltHl fbrthd t <
1 Jpl
> if

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