OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, March 23, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-03-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Ifayptr King
Cbwlnnktl 1ur >
3i t t r
< t
K M VanZandt W < 3 Tarncr
J09 U Brown W A HtnnSD
B B Paddock Chas Scbcubcr
Sit W Swayne
W A nnffman W G Tumor J W
ThrMkmnrtOn < h ort wortB
HATia ov HU 6orirT ow
to mail sviiHcniDitns
Kriuoit repaid bV m
One V tVl 10O0OnaYcar
BUMMthJ 5 BO SIMonth
TF MonlI MIThreeMonths
B nifiy UZBrru JJ per annum post paid
peurxnev jit caiuuxbbi
nt j
Bates of A4 rtbiliiK rarnlihed on Appli
1 00
onltr or
Xi U ntu iwdrflTpMtoitcj tnonry
cKrapotvrfnice 0 wlfcilf rf tip on all wci ruo
> Wormttlon o ntnUim nan 1 W
< nfliV SOKfrflJ fufcrrif loHdttrf < t < <
XS i MMH or jmMl tt
Mii M fl X > rvAr > iMP Me urtfer Miime fn <
rfirfiuiVfflM < o Tiin OAzrrrrM on otiilneM
ptri tonmulrt Ml pttate Uxlou tKmpor
r2fttt rs relating to lurfnwi onnv HnJ cnovM
SlciMrMKdioTllKOAiSTnii Votl Worth It
axvavtv iikanuii mticiw
IUrfcAS T 0 McKoo manager
ISMM > MIlckOhsmGorinlnmnnnger
wicoA 8 ONeill manager
SUKiiMAHJ tr Hills manager
WBAitisnroni H H Horsey and h SNor
Ml managers
Pams 0 H Maxoymanagor
tut riiKBOK J t Kitchens manager
MAniiilAlr llout Knnncrty manager
Ahlknb W K Powell manager
OwitmNfi Vf II Ityril manager
rV Piso S It Iyoni manager
CUiNE vitMcK Hill and J L Hlckaon
HosiiamO KJohnson manager
Honkv IhovkL 011111 managor
lUmnFrank Domcy manager
UURKHVirxti Vi H Whcolcr mnnager
OOLOitAtio V H Nowklrk manager
Mimcow V Htilfmator managor
ouco V V 1ulloy managor
> yuiTK BOH J 0 llonn manager
THU 0A71TTB will bo found for alo at tho
plaooa nameJ In tho following Clljosi
UitOAoo IrtW II m ir 15J Doarbora
troct and I HchaHnur Irnnd Ineino hotol
8T Louis Mollillllp Hocdor DM Ollvo
trcot and Ja Ovorton Southern hotol
Hot bntNos AmcJ II pavl A Oo
Homer I Hull ll lllrahfleld and P K Oroono
THE GAZETTE lias tho largest
bonafldo oiroulation of any doily
nowspopor published in Toxas
THC GAZETTE U thn only papor In
Nortl Toxa9 that now puhllahoa tho Aaao
olatnd Pras lalogruma
All tolejjrnph corrcHpoiiticnts imiflt at
tach thulr nnniOM to all liiattor Scut Tine
Gaibttk Curds ol i1arU c3 lianilod to
correspomlynta for publication uliould bo
aont In but only t A n accompaniul by
nanus of aunli jwtka
Corroflpomluuts nro Instructod not to
Indulge nplutuntf In tholr iiowh roports
If they ilQ6lru to cnpiosb opinions tloy
can do ao In separate letter
itH tho
columns of tuo paper will hereattor bo
needed of alt such expressions Corre
spondents aro requested nnd ospectcd to
Send facts and novs only and they can
report what public opinion Is but not
their own In the regular news columns of
tho papor If they doslio expression of
tholr feeling ° r opinions thoy roust do
So In scparato nrtlclo addressed to Tin
tiAiinK Coriospondants aro not asked
to udlt this pa pur but to furnish It with
facts Tho oplnlou of tho public la always
desirable but uot that ot tho correspond
ents except In communication separate
aud apait from their nows sorrlcA
That Deulson affair Is not calculated
to altiact public sympathy to tho Knights
of Labor
Gaivksion asiiH for only 87500000
That sum would pay a great many pen
sioners Shall tbo patriotic bouutyjnmv
urn and claluiiigentH suitor to enable a
Texts town to got a shipping harbor
at I
CosnnifssMAN Mills our owt ltogcr
Q ls said to bu tho fastest talker In con
gross Ills average rate Is two hundred
and illteen words to tho minute Is It
any wondot that tho prollbltlonlbts lied
Irqm beforo hip V
Tins Ga7uit la In receipt of qutto a
number of communications too personal
for print Denunciations of scabs so
called should bo sent to oiguns that hne
but one oplnlou about publlo matters ami
sec no good In anything but tholr own
Cincinnati Is calling Chicago a
modern Sodom When tho lending
politicians ot Ctuulunntl got out of tho
penitentiary wo may listen for Chicagos
rejoinder Shu wont answer back as
lougns thoros nobody In Cincinnati to
properly represent her morals
UnwAttn Kvmiktt Haik has written
an account ot tho lioston Vacation In
dustrial Schools In which hundreds of
girls aro each summer trained In cook
ing UouHkcoplug embroidery drawing
carpentry etc It w III appear in tho nest
St Nicholas In connection with a Btory
by Charles Barnard illustrating one girls
oporlcuco la tho schools
tromcly amusing sltnatlons aro bcattcred
through tho piece which has acarcoly tho
thiviul of ii nlot Tho homrs were cleverlv
V J li ONAiiu 1 tho Subject ot on In
dictment paper In one of tho Indiana
counties lie otolo 200 That la noth
ing In Itself for many men Meal moro
than that and aro Indicted Sir Leon
ardacaso lias unusual Interest from tho
fact that he wag the Greenback candidate
for llculcnanUgovornor of Indiana In 1884
nnd wenturouud over tho state denounc
Idk tho two old partloi and everybody
that belonged to them for corruption
Two BURRestlvo articles to appear In
tho April Century aro Strikes Lockout
nnd Arbitrations by George May low
oil and an editorial ou Tho Grant Memo
rial Who Shall Make tho Slontraont
What jvlud of a Structuro Tho
Question of Stylo < jtc The Issue of tho
nuw Ufa of Longfellow adds timeliness to
n papor of Mrs JamoS T Fields on
Glimpsed of Longfellow In Social Lift
which la to nppear In tbo same numbert
accompanying n now portralj of tho poet
engraved from an nmbrotypo taken In
Gknuiiamv tho TositB newspapors
condemn tho lono of a fow of the per
eonal organs of tbo aspirants for odlce
and II is an evidence of their good tasto
Personal Insinuations arc out of place
They help no man to an office Whon n
newspaper or an Individual cannot oppose
acandldato for office without levlllng
him tho gonoral conclusion is that ho has
a personal grievance and I taking It out
that way Such warfare has no effect
upou tho voting public except perhaps
to excite suspicion toward the person
whom tho obstreperous journal or Indi
vidual supports
> A ckiitain labor organ snts Tim
Gazkttb sajs the boycott Is a farco Ioi
haps It Is but if that sheet ever gels a
tasto of ltit wont think it so funny Tho
llrstact of tyanny in every land Is sup
pression of free speech and had pisonal
spleen and vlndictiveneis contiolled the
Knights of Labor Tun Gazkitk would
have been boycotted long ago What
Tim Gakit does Is not hidden j each
day It Js placed on examining trial
nnd no ponerslon of Its purposo no as
ciiption of motive to Its iianagenont can
aall against the common sense of tbo
public whoso organ Tun Gakttk is
The Knights of Labor aro not stength
cned by theso thicats and bulldozing
method of their oigaus and the day
will never como lit this country when
free speech will yield to tho linuzlo H
may as well bo uudurstood now that Tin
Gakitk docs not yield to threats from
anyone It may bo puMiaded but not
driven uud as long as there isllbetty and
law In this laud Tun Gaiutuc will bo
their orgau
Tho striko may boor may not Ho sot
tied by tho time tills paper Is ptlntcd for
the responsibility ot its continuance nt
least on tho Missouri ru clllo rests now In
tho hands of the Knights of Labor Tho
goernors of two states consented to act
as envoys of arbitration and settlement
and they wont with a formulated basis of
sottlemcnt that had beun according to
Associated lrobs telegrams approved
by tho Knights ot Labor committee
In tholr conference with Mr Iloxle these
gubernatorial mediators felt Inipolled to
declare Hint
Altar ciucful liivellgaU < m wo wcrounalilo
to find therein tho Missouri Iaclllc llnlluuy
company had tainted ho term imtl renditions
of tho agreement mado on tho 15lli of March
ISM touching lUomployca In tholr rcnpectUo
titnlus Ko complaint lina ever boon made to
tho governor ot Missouri based on an alleged
WoUttoi ot nnld agreement ncd but ono lias
oor been mndo to thogo > ernorof Kansas and
Hint on luveatlgatlon provol to bu without
lonndatlon inul n wltluniun by thopnrty
ninklnjr It Wo am thereforo forced to tho con
clusion that tho etrlko ol Mnrch C IsiO could
not hnvo been and w an not based on nn > lola
Hon of tho terms ot tho agreement of March in
ISSBby tho management of tho Missouri Tactile
Hallway company nnil Its dcnllngs with Its urn
ployon In Missouri nud Kansas Wo recognlzu
the fact that tho Missouri Iaclllo Hallway com
pnny mnyputlj claim that tho btrlko ot March
U1SV rellows It of thuobllgutlonutt nstuiued
In tho circular nt Ma eh 13 IbNl
Tho uffect ot this declaration on the
public mind may bu easily Imagined re
duced to Its simplest form tho declara
tions of Governors Mirnaduko and Mur
tln Is that tho strike ou tho Missouri Ia
clllo was without cause and that all thu
ensuing loss to railroads railroad em
ployes nnd people Is attributable alouo to
a causeless action ot tho Knights of La
bor Tho public has naught to do will
tho jurisdiction of labor assemblies As
Tin Gazitti stated some days since all
that tho public knows Is that thu dis
charge ot ouo man nt Marshall provoked
a striko on tho Texas luclllc nud that the
men ou tho Missouri tuelllo struck be
caubo of that sttlko on tho Texas Vnclllo
aud this Is now omphasUed by tho nc
kuowledgmoit of tho guberuatotlal en
Tho reply of Mr IIovlo was given
lu full In yostordays Ga kttk In sub
stance It Is that thu Missouri 1aclllc has
not violated the agreement mado lu 18SI
uud will continue to Ilo up to It that
striking employes will be reemployed as
far as places can bu found tho preference
belug given to men of families and thoso
having homos along tho lino of tho road
thut no man will bo employed who has de
stroyed or advised tho destruction ot the
companys propcity that no man em
ployed slnco tho striko will be discharged
to make place for a striker and that the
striko has caused a loss of tralllo which
will mako It necessary to reduce tho num
ber ot men working In tho shops at tho
timo of tho strike
This roply was transmitted to tho
Knights of Labor by tho two governors
both making speeches lu tax or ot Its ac
ceptance Tbo exccutlvo committee ot
Assembly 101 then took tho matter under
Advisement and Upon their action at this
wilting doponds tho resumption of traffic
and normal commercial relations if not
pcaco and order In four states If
tho striko Is continued it will
bo at the expense ot the Knights
of Labor as an organisation Tho prop
osition submitted to the Knights by the
gubernatorial envoys will bo doomed
most fair by tho public indeed the pub
lic will decide that no other could bo pro
posed by tho Missouri Taclllc which so
far as public opinion goes stands In tho
nttltudoof a party assailed without cause
Looking to ultlmalo results therefore
tho committee of Assembly No 101 hold
In their hands not only tho question ot
tho prolongation ot this stikc but tho
Integrity ohd fate of tholr order Mis
guided zeal may plant tho seeds of dis
ruption wisdom may bo n more sub
stantial structure upon enduring foun
A very probable outgrowth of feeling
In relation to tho prolonged and disas
trous strikes now going on In various
parts ot tho country will bo an antagon
ism to trades unions Only by joining
together can workmen seenro snoa har
mony of action ns to lead to a gonoral
striko Therefore to aort strikes many
suppose It would only bo nccossary to do
nwny with trados unions
This Is but a onoslded viowof n groat
quofctlon It Is not strictly corlect In
statement or conclusion neither does it
allow tho othor side to bo hoard Lven
If tho proposition wore admitted to be
tine that tho oigaulzatlon ot workmen
In trades unions encourages strikes It
can bo shown that tho bcucnclal results
from such unions far moro than balance
tho evil results
Not least among tho benefits ot tiades
unlonism Is tho benevolent feature which
Imposes upon tho whole society tho du
tiful care ef disabled members In this
respect titulcs unions cany out tho hu
mane spirit of Cbilstlanlty nhlch is too
much neglected by tho chinches The
sick conn ado Is cared fo his family sus
tained If ho is taken away and charity Is
mado a living fact
Tho tono of a craft Is elevated by an
amicable association of Its members In
which each feels that In conlilbullng to
tho general good his act tellccts upon him
In turn and promotes his welfare for his
welfare Is bound up In tho condition of
tho tado Intel change of Ideas at tho
busiuoss meetings stimulates tho thinking
faculties of tho membes It would boa
dull man Indeed who would uot leain
something fom associating with his
fellowcraftsmen In tho stated meetings
ot the union Tho habits of discipline
enforced and learned thoro aro of ad
vantage to hliu in the practice of life
Tho condition of trade Is mado known by
the communication kept up between
uulous In different parts of tho country
and tho labor body Is not congested by
workmen Hocking to a plaeu whero thoy
aro not needed nor famished by lack of
thorn nt a place whero thoy could And
profitable employment
What may bo said in favor ot trades
unions as among members of Ono craft
loses its force when extended to universal
organisation thu combination of mom
bors of diverse avocations In ono central
body In many eases what would pro
moto tho welfuro of ono branch of such
a combination would bo opposed to
tho Interests of nnothor A enso ot
tills kind may bo suggested by nn
ntteinpt to harmonUo tho farmers and thu
railroad laboers In pursuit of a common
end Tho railroaders want their wages
raised Tho extra pay adds to tho cost
ot operating railroads That extra ox
ponso must bo provided for by Increasing
thu earnings ot tho roads and this can bo
dono only by increasing tho charges of
Mr Hodgo kuew full thu danger
awaltliiR the next train tbo passongor
which reached there about T a m and
carrying freight Tho farmer who has
cotton or corn or wheat to send to market
pays tho addltlonl charge Ills goods
that ho buys from the village merchant
are higher because thoy have paid moro
freight llalnly tho farmer cannot sup
port tho proposition to aid tho railroader
In getting an advauco of wages without
saciKlcliig his own welfare Thoro is no
compatibility In thu union It Is right
enough for tho railroaders to ty to ob
tain bottor wages and It Is right enough
for the fanners to ask for lower
freights but theso efforts for advanclug
tho Interests of thu two classes each
must carry out themselves There Is
nothing In common among them Onu
can gain an advnutnguoulynl tho expense
of tho other It Is very evident then
that no lasting nlllauco can bomado be
tween tho farmers and tho Knights ot
I vory calling profession or Industry
has a community of Interest among Its
members that domauds a closo associa
tion for mutual advancement but when
two or more of theso Industries try to
unite there Is not tho common welfare
that existed In tho bnndlug together of
Individual members of tho sumo occupa
tion ruch In Its spin ro la capable of
good but outside of that Bploru they
clash nnd produce confusion Thu Fann
ers alliance will prosper us loug as It
confines Its work to Improving tho con
dition of tho tinners tho clgarmakora
union tho printers union tho brakemcus
union tho amalgamated Ironworkers nil
theso can do a world ot good If they will
limit tholr efforts to their Owu world
but when thoy como together and try to
make a grand union of tho vholo whero
them is no real union of Interest the
good that results Is uot purceptlblc and
such n combination cannot be lasting tor
It lacks tho element ot durability which
is a common Interest
r i
A flnort from Uie Wild West
IU Vegas N MOpte
Fort Worth Tex a pretentious rail
road vatcr that claims more snap
courage prfigrcsslvcncss and Indepeud
enco than any other town In the South
west Is now groveling abjiotly lu the
du t at tho loot of the boycotters Tho
town Is absolutely terrorized nud
tho least Intimation of their lordly wlshus
from tho boy Cotters Is Obeyed with
servile eagerness by tho spineless
whiiollvcrcd dcnlsons of tie mis
erable burg Tho proprlttor of a board
inghouso there was guilty of tho atro
cious crlmo of furnishing board at
tho usual rates to FoVeral men who had
fallen under tho dlsplensuro of tho boy
Cotters and the screws were put to 11m
so tcxcrcly that tho poor devil had to
move out ot town to get water as tho
waterhaulois scared out of their wits by
tho throats of tho boj cotters refused to
furnish water oven for drinking purposes
It looks as though thu words liberty and
lndopondoiee in tho American vocabu
lary will soon bo useful merely as re
proachtul reminders of tho past
Stock Doing tVollCniiiHdntcs tor Ulllco
Irficnl Notes
Correspondence ot tho nuctte
DnuchKNiiiDGK Tix March 20
Slock of all kinds have done remarkably
well In this county during tho wlntorand
so far very fow head havo died
Improvements in and around town con
tinue Garnor Uros have just com
pleted and moved into tholr new book
store on south sldo of Main street
Candidates for office aro numerous
There aro tlvo out for comity clerk with
as good prospect for as many more and
three for sheriff It has also developed
that U W Davenpott Js squarely In tho
raco for representative Thoro Is no man
in the district more competent to Oil the
place than Mr Davenport besides ho has
gone to record on many Important meas
ures that arc likely to come beforo tho
next legislature There is no doubt but
what he Is capable of winning thu light
beforo the Democratic parly of this dis
Tho Lveulng Star Is tho name of a
now publication just stai ted lu our town
It Is tho only newspaper we know of that
Is entered at tho postolllco as thhdclass
mall matter
This county votes on tho hog law to
day It Is thought that tho law will bo
Miss Belle Thompson of Meridian who
has been attending school here returned
home Saturday leaving many sad hearts
behind To tho young man wo would
say console yourself with tho thought
that whero she has gone you can go also
Mr D W Jloyett proprietor of tho
City lestaurant tho only llrstclass Insti
tution of the kind In tho plnce says that
calls by tho drummers for Tiot Gazutti
bccuno so frequent that he was com
peled to subscribe and now wonders
how he has managed to get along nil this
time without tho best newspaper In tho
Iron Itrlilgo AcroM lie Cnnndlnu Irnlrlo
Jlrea btuik Doing Well
Correspondence ot tho lazollt
Tascosa Tix March 18 Onjester
tcrday tho commissioners court of Old
ham couuty let to the Kansas City llrldgo
and Iron company the contrai t to erect a
wrourhtlron bridge over tlu > Canadian
river at this point Tho brldr will be a
very line ono
Important us tho Canadian s novviuro
bridged In tho lanhundlo nud is often
during the year Impastnblo for wucksto
either stock or man Tascosn with her
Iron bridge will certainly be the coining
town of tho lanhaudle
Kxtenslvo pralrlo lles have boon raging
west and north of hero nud nmch damage
is lepoited to tho ranges of the lieynolds
Land and Cattle company aud Capitol
Stock along the Canadian river has
wintered better than In any othtr locality
in thu Panhandle nnd local cattlemen aro
in good spirits
Mr Todd gcnernl manager of tho
lralrlo Cattle company Is down looking
after tho luteicsts of tho L I T division
of that company Ho ropots his com
pauy well satisfied with the way their
cattlo havo wintered
Thk Gazctti is rapidly gaining favor
In this country us tho true expouent of
tho peoples thought and defeuder of their
interests and we all say on with the
A True 1IIU Tor atunlerWork ot Grand
itiry mid District Court
Special to tho Gazette
Waxaiiaciihs Trx Mnrch 22 It will
bu rcinenibercd by tho reiders of Tins
Uazutik that on Jlday noining Octo
ber SO hst Mr John C Spradllu of
Avulou this Kills couuty was fouud
dead In his wagon on tjio premises ol
Mr W A MuFarlands one or two miles
from Avnlon Tho testimony elicited
at the time of tho Inquest falod to give any
clow to tbo perpetrators or thu motives
which actuated tho same some believed
tho motive robbery others levenge Sus
picion rested only oj mu a man who
left the community about the time though
Iho general oplulon was that tho name of
tho usfassln would never be kuunn T o
grand jury while m sessl u last week by
somu means got wind hat one Joe
Walker who was lu cu ody at Waco
could throw tome light i n the subject
Sheriff W Dltyburn brought Walker to
Waxahachle and tho graud jury inter
viewed hlu with a truebill lor murder
against Henry Tickle of Navarro county
As tho result Tickle was brought to
Waxahachle today uud will bo tried at
the present term ol thu court for tho
murder of Mr Spiadlln
The grand jury fouud S t Indictments as
followsi lor murder 1 theft of horse
5t theft ot ovor twenty dollars 2 embez
zlement theft 1 fraudulently ilispos
ing ot mortgaged property l carrying
pistol 10 aggravated assault and battery
IasMiult nud battery 2 disturbing tho
peaco 0 disturbing Sundayschool 1
violating local option 1 falling to nay
occupatiou tax l
In the district court last week several
importaut cases wcro disposed of among
thoni W HGeUeudancr s S II Farrar
debt and foreclosure judgment for
plaintiff for 8101752 and 19443 attor
neys fees
Tlo case of J y Chapman etal vs
John and J It Farrar to set aside deeds
oto to over two thousand aeresof laud
In this county and a block ot business
houses In tho town ot Lnuls judgment
lu favor ot defendants
or plaintiff for etloBff ufld vendors lien
foreclosed on land
Tho right ofway committee for thcJbort
Worth < Now Orleans railroad has so
cored tho Tight of Horn
way tho
county line to tbo city limits with tho
ficcptlm of one oi two deeds which aro
to bo made thin week The wholo cost to
ho corporation limits will amount to
88J0O Mr Turney has the contract for
grading tho first thrco miles from Wnxa
hnchlc and now has a large torcu en
camped on tho lino Tho tight of way
from Midlothian to WnxnhuclIo has all
bocu cleared ot timber and grading Is be
ing dono on tlvo miles of tho distance
Waxahachle doos not feel tho effects of
tho striko being shunted on tho Houston
Texas Central tap though machlno mon
hnvo consldorablo machinery tied up ou
tho M 0 V iu Kansas
The llrtmch Ilrtwicn Uniplojer ami IUu
jpIojci InrrimsliiR
Jikmion Tr Mnrch IP Ho
To tho Kdltor of tho Unrottc
Tbo breach between labor and capital
is apparently growing wider Arbitration
on dlffictlll questions so far has only
effected temporary settlements Now Is
sues aro constautly arising fiom uufor
secn causes nud tho results aro strikes
boycotts and suffering for tho wage
worker losses rolruielimcntaiid hoard
ing of money by tho capitalist who will
not promoto new enterprises while re
turns aro so uncertain from present In
vestments Legislation cnuuut euro thu
disease as nny attempt to regulate tho
relations between cupitsi and labor by
new laws would only till tho Held with
avowed partjsans of both parties and
Oohfiuion worso confounded
Our great troubles In thispuit of tho
country arc tho disagreements bctweon
railroad companies and their employes
The Knights of Labor fcol their power and
aro disposed to exercise It Officials of
tho company object to dictation in tho
management of their business hence
trouble ensues Karncst workers on
both sides aro anxiously looking for eomo
middle ground ou which they can meet
and adjust tho vexed question by giving
equal lights to all This result might
be obtained by a cooperative system of
labor such as making contracts with tho
assemblies of Knights of Labor for the
performauco of work instead ot hiring
men Individually as Is done at tho pres
ent time Iiallruad companies havo ma
chine and repairshops roundhouses In
which cnglnos are stored carshops and
car repairshops lu which skilled me
chanics are employed They also havo
carrepairers carcleaners fi eighthand
lers switchmen and yardmen nid they
generally all work whero ouo or moio
divisions join or at tho termini of the
railroad fn addition to theso men
aro track gangs and section men
bridgegangs carpcntois painterswatch
men and waterservice men who aro
scattered from onu end of tho lino to tho
other are all Identified with tho Knights
of Labor aud aro members of assemblies
at cither tho division or tho terminal
towns Contracts for all work done by
tho aforenamed men could be made Tilth
tho assemblies of which they v re mem
bers on such basis of time antl pilco as
might bo dotcimlncd or agreed upon
Each class of labor would constltue a
sepaiate chapter lu the assembly and
each chapter looking after their own In
terests would detcrmino thoamount of
compeusatlon for performing tho rcqunc
ments of tho companies The llgures
would then be given to tho master work
man who would bo enabled
rt to an
o m
Si Intulllgont contract with tho railroad
ttumo length 1050 feet Jextiemeiy aunt TJl0
specify tho kind or style of workthoquau
tlty price tinil terms of payment
with uecossaUly a percentage retained
to compensate the company from any
possible loss from derilcct work Pay
ments would be made lu bulk to tho as
semblies by whom tho members would bo
paid In proportion to their Services Ono
groat advantage the companies would de
Uvo from this method of doing work is
that they would secure Iho best labor the
country uffords as judging tho future by
the past These assemblies of Knights of
Labor would make Industry honesty and
sobriety prime requisites for membership
in their order nnd a man whom tho com
panies did not waut from moral or in
dustrial reasons his brother laboreis
would have as little uso for Tho pros
pect of a sottlemont of tho present
troubles and securing of permanent em
ployment would Induco workmen to ac
quire Interests in tho towns in which they
reside thus making them more conserva
tive and less desirous of change and this
would bo moro especially the
case where tho rotentlon of a
mans situation depended cithcly on
himself uud not subject lo tho caprice of
an agent or foreman In a comparatively
short time tho railroad companies would
bo terved by a class of labor who had a
personal interest In tho prosperity and
well being of their road amlns citizens
In harmony with them would do much to
protect aud advance tho companys inter
est Tho advantages tho men would de
rive fom the contract system nio that
they would bo enabled to regulato the
number of hours of labor for a days
work rato of pay as they would bo paid
In proportion to work performed Dur
ing tho busy season In plnce of Increasing
4 T 14i J f
Stolnlta games ukcr shouldvislt the store of iiaudalli Cbanitl a
the forco they could work moro hours
and during the dull season Instead of in
ducing tho forco work less hours As
semblies could arrange to purchnto food
and clothing at a small advance on cost
as thoy could guarauteo all bills and com
pel their payment making a saving ol
15 to 20 per cent on the cost of living
Medical service could also be secured at
a low cost In tho same manner and a
small tax on each member would mako an
Insurance and benevolent inud to bo used
lu caso of accident or sickness Tho men
could bo put In charge of ono of their
own number and choosing a master
workman and the company cuuld ap
point supervisors to overseo tho work
mid havo It done acceptably and accord
lug to contract u a c
1100 Ilennrd
The former proprietor ot Dr Sagos
Catarrh Iteraedy for years made a stand
ing public offer In all American newspa
pers of 8300 reward for a ckfo of catarrh
that ho could not enro Tho present pro
prletors havo reneweo this offer All tho
druggists sell this itemedy together with
tho Douche and all other appliances
advised to bo used In connection with It
No catarrh putlont Is lougor able to say
I CAiinot bo cured You get 500 In
casotif failure
tJcrinun Wnr Fleet In the Caribbean
Nnw Oulkans La Match 22 A Ger
man war fleet has been for some montns
cruising in tho Caribbean sea Ou Janu
M M Tubbs et al vs W M Cook fifo lt tUL W V <
debt andtorcniosure judgment In favoLto stea er nX SF2
rrta from
SAFE iw fc Sr
25 y
tractors and
pip atnimMJ 0 5
help to h rowH rB 5aSL
Klghth and Ninth uKfi0 ltrA
leTephonoaiBaM lM 14 lS
jv tfi pS
< i rmAn preferred ApSlr
trcot Vnge Tls per month m h > oi
Pacific shop
W mpaVl s S
ment to a nmnber oi mW uffilalJ f
carrepnlrors carcleaner i fJP51
yardmen switchmen ifflK rtHri
St Louis > o nnWo uSaWS
Good and lw
competent men wiiii a
tho sen Ices abovo spcoincd ttihJ po4te
to tholr past or present reUlffiSV
pary orhelr connection nIth 2 J1
organlrntlon vvfso open iecret secaifr J
feuch nt are
accepted will
raw of wages recommended bv thJ t
and other stalo offlclalsof MlSoaJl
eas when tho labor troubleslnlffi
hednlluMoj H o Fleming smtrtiJSfe
St Lou Iron Mountain ft Sotttttn SSl
St Louis JIo VV lilcklngon fiSSSJV
out terminal facilities lSn
uuimii a u cwtPM
union ocnot e i OS
UodiroB master cu bulMcr to
V sA Loul I nMuWES
mechanic MlMonrl PaclWihopi t lSSl
uoncral Snpcrliikatol
TrANTiUblluatlon by a preSETtST
iV kVri 1y < n experience in attSt
lrlcft works of
the X n Ud Btatei nli S
Address Ujlckmakcr low VKt Tiw
ICt Kort orth To im
itrecW l a tntr J1 Uh wfrointcrettrSr
on Invcstoient rood iltuiln
Vnlo ho 100 Marshalllex
I7 lt HHNTAirclcCTntU rurnhKJIraoa
northwest corner llorence anlffeMld
ford streets
1 011 itKAT o e ortvro mfalifcuilimi
with board
can bo had br
itozcil northwest comer Uf
Inroekmonoa ul
17IOU HKST1nrnlshcd rooms u ft
Kiiet Wenthcrford street J M RoWti
> U HUNT Ono good tore room JtltiUi
r for storing goods wares cte SStf3 ft
1or further particulars apply to lildimonii
grocory between ourtectli nod FlfttcstMU
i OlTincKf TfiiBlncBS bouse ncif < axSoi
south sldo publlo square alio nice mm
over same suitable for office etc Apply fa J
Jfllnrtstleld court honee
Tl ONLV TO LOANOn unlnciiinbMci rtif
JJX eatato In city or country onlotsciBorl
time to suit iho convenlencoof l > orro cnu4
upon reasonable rates Vcndora Hen bom
negotiated Apply to K L OAIUjOCK Mm
noy nt law Fort Worth To > o 1 cores
Mam street and Inhllo Square
c6rvl8tiudt >
faALKA boot nnd newsetors IsitoI
17XJU n Bt on a big boom Jicar nJwu
coming nnd largo trade now Addrctt K T >
MAXfJt M llenrlottaTcx
IirAKfLli To trade a fine hsr ttillloittif
> > cattlo horses or laud VV ftnltftOj
hALU Call at Grand liolo
J to lo aT nV7 2 ao to Tand 7 to 81
r >
ttorti ukortort srvys Ws 40th moe bor Co aV their new place 110 and vT tjL i i i1ffu a ttar5 Wfll
Vhlck SSvholly unsound w M 2 lloutoii street > f JL < J MidlP0Si JS W1 1
> ld in
patent for snlo email capital itqoiw
Ulinnco to lunko big money
HALL Hotel and livery cubic JP
17IOU to Jamos Shaw Holland Tmm
OIt SALHMlli and elevator JKert Wortlr
I Novelty Holler Flouring Mills uH
with elovator Capacity of mllli S00 bilifM
day Capacity of elevator WW Vnhell
Ilea contemplating building alUswIUttJIlB
their ndvantago to call and see to < pramr
Tho machlrcry Is now and has all a < > J Z
Improvements Forprlco and tcrmi o
Novolty Holler Mills jort Worth Tec
l OTt > l LU At a sncitc a Xo vVOT
I1 good ns now Apply to W JJ u
bALTTAn Kstoy orran viryclMJjHr1
IiOU L Clarkson W nd 0iHojoj aji5
ii water eighty gallons per ml a l
rainwater whlto sulphur magneola wiwg
tho best bathing water In the state IW
UBOd ns at Hot Springs drunk hoi n
Ing Hlnglo tickets M oents < Wi
Stanley MarkloproprletoicnortWKio
public square j
aNHrgOaorailaol it
riVlAN ft HVf
V loction agonta for too rinlaaw
Texas Taseosa Tox
W HOlTH Jloineopcthttt O
608Mhlu streetoppojltoposwffl ffi
lltol ltcsldcnco Third street cernu
Telcphoiio connoollons
Dlt elclan ofllco KM East Third Jf
stairs opposlto operahouse SSKKie
nm to3pm Kesldenco SIS
nor St Louis avonne SouthSlde gr
oDfiEiT WK1LS Attorneyi S
H Jlontagno Teas WM wmP
to laud and commercial litigation rjr
MUNDV attornoy JJJJ L
EH agent Clay county UcarUt
einico In courthouse rfTSa
15 WWarger
agents Vornon cobJ
render lands and pay aSSmb
of nnd perfect titlesaj sell flf m
resent owners of real e < W V
abstracts to Wilbarger w e ° rV l
Knox Ilaylor and Archor counUcc
gallon a gpoclalty tzzZm
Law San Marcos TeM i ra
L ConnsolorsatUw OwJEVV
street Fort Woria
tlonal bank Main
m odoro SI cigdT Tho offleen
ot tho fleet number 1820 vflJ pi
Thomas about 1000 > ffl r LJS
landed and tho inhabitant WOT JJ
to a sh am light lWVS
late of Germanys desire toZT
slon of onu of tho Islands tho W
nival demonstration Is sorneww
pi u
Athletes everywhere use pill
It removes all s BM
l w
So J
< 01
Cole V

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